/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsHTMLTags.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "nsReadableUtils.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsStaticAtom.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "mozilla/HashFunctions.h" #include using namespace mozilla; // static array of unicode tag names #define HTML_TAG(_tag, _classname) (u"" #_tag), #define HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(_tag) (u"" #_tag), #define HTML_OTHER(_tag) const char16_t* const nsHTMLTags::sTagUnicodeTable[] = { #include "nsHTMLTagList.h" }; #undef HTML_TAG #undef HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG #undef HTML_OTHER // static array of tag atoms nsIAtom* nsHTMLTags::sTagAtomTable[eHTMLTag_userdefined - 1]; int32_t nsHTMLTags::gTableRefCount; PLHashTable* nsHTMLTags::gTagTable; PLHashTable* nsHTMLTags::gTagAtomTable; // char16_t* -> id hash static PLHashNumber HTMLTagsHashCodeUCPtr(const void *key) { return HashString(static_cast(key)); } static int HTMLTagsKeyCompareUCPtr(const void *key1, const void *key2) { const char16_t *str1 = (const char16_t *)key1; const char16_t *str2 = (const char16_t *)key2; return nsCRT::strcmp(str1, str2) == 0; } // nsIAtom* -> id hash static PLHashNumber HTMLTagsHashCodeAtom(const void *key) { return NS_PTR_TO_INT32(key) >> 2; } #define NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH 10 // static void nsHTMLTags::RegisterAtoms(void) { #define HTML_TAG(_tag, _classname) NS_STATIC_ATOM_BUFFER(Atombuffer_##_tag, #_tag) #define HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(_tag) NS_STATIC_ATOM_BUFFER(Atombuffer_##_tag, #_tag) #define HTML_OTHER(_tag) #include "nsHTMLTagList.h" #undef HTML_TAG #undef HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG #undef HTML_OTHER // static array of tag StaticAtom structs #define HTML_TAG(_tag, _classname) NS_STATIC_ATOM(Atombuffer_##_tag, &nsHTMLTags::sTagAtomTable[eHTMLTag_##_tag - 1]), #define HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG(_tag) NS_STATIC_ATOM(Atombuffer_##_tag, &nsHTMLTags::sTagAtomTable[eHTMLTag_##_tag - 1]), #define HTML_OTHER(_tag) static const nsStaticAtom sTagAtoms_info[] = { #include "nsHTMLTagList.h" }; #undef HTML_TAG #undef HTML_HTMLELEMENT_TAG #undef HTML_OTHER // Fill in our static atom pointers NS_RegisterStaticAtoms(sTagAtoms_info); #if defined(DEBUG) { // let's verify that all names in the the table are lowercase... for (int32_t i = 0; i < NS_HTML_TAG_MAX; ++i) { nsAutoString temp1((char16_t*)sTagAtoms_info[i].mStringBuffer->Data()); nsAutoString temp2((char16_t*)sTagAtoms_info[i].mStringBuffer->Data()); ToLowerCase(temp1); NS_ASSERTION(temp1.Equals(temp2), "upper case char in table"); } // let's verify that all names in the unicode strings above are // correct. for (int32_t i = 0; i < NS_HTML_TAG_MAX; ++i) { nsAutoString temp1(sTagUnicodeTable[i]); nsAutoString temp2((char16_t*)sTagAtoms_info[i].mStringBuffer->Data()); NS_ASSERTION(temp1.Equals(temp2), "Bad unicode tag name!"); } // let's verify that NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH is correct uint32_t maxTagNameLength = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < NS_HTML_TAG_MAX; ++i) { uint32_t len = NS_strlen(sTagUnicodeTable[i]); maxTagNameLength = std::max(len, maxTagNameLength); } NS_ASSERTION(maxTagNameLength == NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, "NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH not set correctly!"); } #endif } // static nsresult nsHTMLTags::AddRefTable(void) { if (gTableRefCount++ == 0) { NS_ASSERTION(!gTagTable && !gTagAtomTable, "pre existing hash!"); gTagTable = PL_NewHashTable(64, HTMLTagsHashCodeUCPtr, HTMLTagsKeyCompareUCPtr, PL_CompareValues, nullptr, nullptr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(gTagTable, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); gTagAtomTable = PL_NewHashTable(64, HTMLTagsHashCodeAtom, PL_CompareValues, PL_CompareValues, nullptr, nullptr); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(gTagAtomTable, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); // Fill in gTagTable with the above static char16_t strings as // keys and the value of the corresponding enum as the value in // the table. int32_t i; for (i = 0; i < NS_HTML_TAG_MAX; ++i) { PL_HashTableAdd(gTagTable, sTagUnicodeTable[i], NS_INT32_TO_PTR(i + 1)); PL_HashTableAdd(gTagAtomTable, sTagAtomTable[i], NS_INT32_TO_PTR(i + 1)); } } return NS_OK; } // static void nsHTMLTags::ReleaseTable(void) { if (0 == --gTableRefCount) { if (gTagTable) { // Nothing to delete/free in this table, just destroy the table. PL_HashTableDestroy(gTagTable); PL_HashTableDestroy(gTagAtomTable); gTagTable = nullptr; gTagAtomTable = nullptr; } } } // static nsHTMLTag nsHTMLTags::LookupTag(const nsAString& aTagName) { uint32_t length = aTagName.Length(); if (length > NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH) { return eHTMLTag_userdefined; } char16_t buf[NS_HTMLTAG_NAME_MAX_LENGTH + 1]; nsAString::const_iterator iter; uint32_t i = 0; char16_t c; aTagName.BeginReading(iter); // Fast lowercasing-while-copying of ASCII characters into a // char16_t buffer while (i < length) { c = *iter; if (c <= 'Z' && c >= 'A') { c |= 0x20; // Lowercase the ASCII character. } buf[i] = c; // Copy ASCII character. ++i; ++iter; } buf[i] = 0; return CaseSensitiveLookupTag(buf); } #ifdef DEBUG void nsHTMLTags::TestTagTable() { const char16_t *tag; nsHTMLTag id; nsCOMPtr atom; nsHTMLTags::AddRefTable(); // Make sure we can find everything we are supposed to for (int i = 0; i < NS_HTML_TAG_MAX; ++i) { tag = sTagUnicodeTable[i]; id = LookupTag(nsDependentString(tag)); NS_ASSERTION(id != eHTMLTag_userdefined, "can't find tag id"); const char16_t* check = GetStringValue(id); NS_ASSERTION(0 == nsCRT::strcmp(check, tag), "can't map id back to tag"); nsAutoString uname(tag); ToUpperCase(uname); NS_ASSERTION(id == LookupTag(uname), "wrong id"); NS_ASSERTION(id == CaseSensitiveLookupTag(tag), "wrong id"); atom = NS_Atomize(tag); NS_ASSERTION(id == CaseSensitiveLookupTag(atom), "wrong id"); NS_ASSERTION(atom == GetAtom(id), "can't map id back to atom"); } // Make sure we don't find things that aren't there id = LookupTag(NS_LITERAL_STRING("@")); NS_ASSERTION(id == eHTMLTag_userdefined, "found @"); id = LookupTag(NS_LITERAL_STRING("zzzzz")); NS_ASSERTION(id == eHTMLTag_userdefined, "found zzzzz"); atom = NS_Atomize("@"); id = CaseSensitiveLookupTag(atom); NS_ASSERTION(id == eHTMLTag_userdefined, "found @"); atom = NS_Atomize("zzzzz"); id = CaseSensitiveLookupTag(atom); NS_ASSERTION(id == eHTMLTag_userdefined, "found zzzzz"); tag = GetStringValue((nsHTMLTag) 0); NS_ASSERTION(!tag, "found enum 0"); tag = GetStringValue((nsHTMLTag) -1); NS_ASSERTION(!tag, "found enum -1"); tag = GetStringValue((nsHTMLTag) (NS_HTML_TAG_MAX + 1)); NS_ASSERTION(!tag, "found past max enum"); atom = GetAtom((nsHTMLTag) 0); NS_ASSERTION(!atom, "found enum 0"); atom = GetAtom((nsHTMLTag) -1); NS_ASSERTION(!atom, "found enum -1"); atom = GetAtom((nsHTMLTag) (NS_HTML_TAG_MAX + 1)); NS_ASSERTION(!atom, "found past max enum"); ReleaseTable(); } #endif // DEBUG