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** File: nameshm1.c -- Test Named Shared Memory
** Description: 
** nameshm1 tests Named Shared Memory. nameshm1 performs two tests of
** named shared memory. 
** The first test is a basic test. The basic test operates as a single
** process. The process exercises all the API elements of the facility.
** This test also attempts to write to all locations in the shared
** memory.
** The second test is a client-server test. The client-server test
** creates a new instance of nameshm1, passing the -C argument to the
** new process; this creates the client-side process. The server-side
** (the instance of nameshm1 created from the command line) and the
** client-side interact via inter-process semaphores to verify that the
** shared memory segment can be read and written by both sides in a
** synchronized maner.
** Note: Because this test runs in two processes, the log files created
** by the test are not in chronological sequence; makes it hard to read.
** As a temporary circumvention, I changed the definition(s) of the
** _PUT_LOG() macro in prlog.c to force a flushall(), or equivalent.
** This causes the log entries to be emitted in true chronological
** order.
** Synopsis: nameshm1 [options] [name]
** Options:
** -d       Enables debug trace via PR_LOG()
** -v       Enables verbose mode debug trace via PR_LOG()
** -w       Causes the basic test to attempt to write to the segment
**          mapped as read-only. When this option is specified, the
**          test should crash with a seg-fault; this is a destructive
**          test and is considered successful when it seg-faults.
** -C       Causes nameshm1 to start as the client-side of a
**          client-server pair of processes. Only the instance
**          of nameshm1 operating as the server-side process should
**          specify the -C option when creating the client-side process;
**          the -C option should not be specified at the command line.
**          The client-side uses the shared memory segment created by
**          the server-side to communicate with the server-side
**          process.
** -p <n>   Specify the number of iterations the client-server tests
**          should perform. Default: 1000.
** -s <n>   Size, in KBytes (1024), of the shared memory segment.
**          Default: (10 * 1024)
** -i <n>   Number of client-side iterations. Default: 3
** name     specifies the name of the shared memory segment to be used.
**          Default: /tmp/xxxNSPRshm
** See also: prshm.h
** /lth. Aug-1999.

#include <plgetopt.h> 
#include <nspr.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <private/primpl.h>

#ifdef SYMBIAN
#define SEM_NAME1 "c:\\data\\nameshmSEM1"
#define SEM_NAME2 "c:\\data\\nameshmSEM2"
#define OPT_NAME "c:\\data\\xxxNSPRshm"
#define EXE_NAME "nspr_tests_nameshm1.exe"
#define SEM_NAME1 "/tmp/nameshmSEM1"
#define SEM_NAME2 "/tmp/nameshmSEM2"
#define OPT_NAME "/tmp/xxxNSPRshm"
#define EXE_NAME "nameshm1"
#define SEM_MODE  0666
#define SHM_MODE  0666

#define NameSize (1024)

PRIntn  debug = 0;
PRIntn  failed_already = 0;
PRLogModuleLevel msgLevel = PR_LOG_NONE;
PRLogModuleInfo *lm;

/* command line options */
PRIntn      optDebug = 0;
PRIntn      optVerbose = 0;
PRUint32    optWriteRO = 0;     /* test write to read-only memory. should crash  */
PRUint32    optClient = 0;
PRUint32    optCreate = 1;
PRUint32    optAttachRW = 1;
PRUint32    optAttachRO = 1;
PRUint32    optClose = 1;
PRUint32    optDelete = 1;
PRInt32     optPing = 1000;
PRUint32    optSize = (10 * 1024 );
PRInt32     optClientIterations = 3;
char        optName[NameSize] = OPT_NAME;

char buf[1024] = "";

static void BasicTest( void ) 
    PRSharedMemory  *shm;
    char *addr; /* address of shared memory segment */
    PRUint32  i;
    PRInt32 rc;

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Begin BasicTest" ));

    if ( PR_FAILURE == PR_DeleteSharedMemory( optName )) {
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ("nameshm1: Initial PR_DeleteSharedMemory() failed. No problem"));
    } else
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ("nameshm1: Initial PR_DeleteSharedMemory() success"));

    shm = PR_OpenSharedMemory( optName, optSize, (PR_SHM_CREATE | PR_SHM_EXCL), SHM_MODE );
    if ( NULL == shm )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RW Create: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RW Create: success: %p", shm ));

    addr = PR_AttachSharedMemory( shm , 0 );
    if ( NULL == addr ) 
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RW Attach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RW Attach: success: %p", addr ));

    /* fill memory with i */
    for ( i = 0; i < optSize ;  i++ )
         *(addr + i) = i;

    rc = PR_DetachSharedMemory( shm, addr );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RW Detach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RW Detach: success: " ));

    rc = PR_CloseSharedMemory( shm );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RW Close: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RW Close: success: " ));

    rc = PR_DeleteSharedMemory( optName );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RW Delete: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RW Delete: success: " ));

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ("nameshm1: BasicTest(): Passed"));

} /* end BasicTest() */

static void ReadOnlyTest( void )
    PRSharedMemory  *shm;
    char *roAddr; /* read-only address of shared memory segment */
    PRInt32 rc;

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Begin ReadOnlyTest" ));

    shm = PR_OpenSharedMemory( optName, optSize, (PR_SHM_CREATE | PR_SHM_EXCL), SHM_MODE);
    if ( NULL == shm )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RO Create: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RO Create: success: %p", shm ));

    roAddr = PR_AttachSharedMemory( shm , PR_SHM_READONLY );
    if ( NULL == roAddr ) 
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RO Attach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RO Attach: success: %p", roAddr ));

    if ( optWriteRO )
        *roAddr = 0x00; /* write to read-only memory */
        failed_already = 1;
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel, ("nameshm1: Wrote to read-only memory segment!"));

    rc = PR_DetachSharedMemory( shm, roAddr );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RO Detach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RO Detach: success: " ));

    rc = PR_CloseSharedMemory( shm );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RO Close: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RO Close: success: " ));

    rc = PR_DeleteSharedMemory( optName );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: RO Destroy: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: RO Destroy: success: " ));

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
        ("nameshm1: ReadOnlyTest(): Passed"));

} /* end ReadOnlyTest() */

static void DoClient( void )
    PRStatus rc;
    PRSem *sem1, *sem2;
    PRSharedMemory  *shm;
    PRUint32 *addr; 
    PRInt32 i;

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ("nameshm1: DoClient(): Starting"));

    sem1 = PR_OpenSemaphore( SEM_NAME1, 0, 0, 0 );
    PR_ASSERT( sem1 );

    sem2 = PR_OpenSemaphore( SEM_NAME2, 0, 0, 0 );
    PR_ASSERT( sem1 );

    shm = PR_OpenSharedMemory( optName, optSize, 0, SHM_MODE );
    if ( NULL == shm )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Create: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Create: success: %p", shm ));

    addr = PR_AttachSharedMemory( shm , 0 );
    if ( NULL == addr ) 
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Attach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Attach: success: %p", addr ));

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
        ( "Client found: %s", addr));

    for ( i = 0 ; i < optPing ; i++ )
        rc = PR_WaitSemaphore( sem2 );
        PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );
        PR_ASSERT( (*addr % 2) == 0 );        
        if ( optVerbose )
            PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: Client ping: %d, i: %d", *addr, i));

        rc = PR_PostSemaphore( sem1 );
        PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_CloseSemaphore( sem1 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_CloseSemaphore( sem2 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_DetachSharedMemory( shm, addr );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Detach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Detach: success: " ));

    rc = PR_CloseSharedMemory( shm );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Close: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: DoClient(): Close: success: " ));

}    /* end DoClient() */

static void ClientServerTest( void )
    PRStatus rc;
    PRSem *sem1, *sem2;
    PRProcess *proc;
    PRInt32 exit_status;
    PRSharedMemory  *shm;
    PRUint32 *addr; 
    PRInt32 i;
    char *child_argv[8];
    char buf[24];

    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Begin ClientServerTest" ));

    rc = PR_DeleteSharedMemory( optName );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: Server: Destroy: failed. No problem"));
    } else
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: Server: Destroy: success" ));

    shm = PR_OpenSharedMemory( optName, optSize, (PR_SHM_CREATE | PR_SHM_EXCL), SHM_MODE);
    if ( NULL == shm )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: Server: Create: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Server: Create: success: %p", shm ));

    addr = PR_AttachSharedMemory( shm , 0 );
    if ( NULL == addr ) 
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: Server: Attach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Server: Attach: success: %p", addr ));

    sem1 = PR_OpenSemaphore( SEM_NAME1, PR_SEM_CREATE, SEM_MODE, 0 );
    PR_ASSERT( sem1 );

    sem2 = PR_OpenSemaphore( SEM_NAME2, PR_SEM_CREATE, SEM_MODE, 1 );
    PR_ASSERT( sem1 );

    strcpy( (char*)addr, "FooBar" );

    child_argv[0] = EXE_NAME;
    child_argv[1] = "-C";
    child_argv[2] = "-p";
    sprintf( buf, "%d", optPing );
    child_argv[3] = buf;
    child_argv[4] = optName;
    child_argv[5] = NULL;

    proc = PR_CreateProcess(child_argv[0], child_argv, NULL, NULL);
    PR_ASSERT( proc );

    PR_Sleep( PR_SecondsToInterval(4));

    *addr = 1;
    for ( i = 0 ; i < optPing ; i++ )
        rc = PR_WaitSemaphore( sem1 );
        PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

        PR_ASSERT( (*addr % 2) == 1 );
        if ( optVerbose )
            PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
                 ( "nameshm1: Server pong: %d, i: %d", *addr, i));

        rc = PR_PostSemaphore( sem2 );
        PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_WaitProcess( proc, &exit_status );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_CloseSemaphore( sem1 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_CloseSemaphore( sem2 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_DeleteSemaphore( SEM_NAME1 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_DeleteSemaphore( SEM_NAME2 );
    PR_ASSERT( PR_FAILURE != rc );

    rc = PR_DetachSharedMemory( shm, addr );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: Server: Detach: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Server: Detach: success: " ));

    rc = PR_CloseSharedMemory( shm );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: Server: Close: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
        ( "nameshm1: Server: Close: success: " ));

    rc = PR_DeleteSharedMemory( optName );
    if ( PR_FAILURE == rc )
        PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
            ( "nameshm1: Server: Destroy: Error: %ld. OSError: %ld", 
                PR_GetError(), PR_GetOSError()));
        failed_already = 1;
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
        ( "nameshm1: Server: Destroy: success" ));

} /* end ClientServerTest() */

int main(int argc, char **argv)
        ** Get command line options
        PLOptStatus os;
        PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "Cdvw:s:p:i:");

	    while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt)))
		    if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) continue;
            switch (opt->option)
            case 'v':  /* debug mode */
                optVerbose = 1;
                /* no break! fall into debug option */
            case 'd':  /* debug mode */
                debug = 1;
			    msgLevel = PR_LOG_DEBUG;
            case 'w':  /* try writing to memory mapped read-only */
                optWriteRO = 1;
            case 'C':
                optClient = 1;
            case 's':
                optSize = atol(opt->value) * 1024;
            case 'p':
                optPing = atol(opt->value);
            case 'i':
                optClientIterations = atol(opt->value);
                strcpy( optName, opt->value );

    lm = PR_NewLogModule("Test");       /* Initialize logging */
    PR_LOG( lm, msgLevel,
             ( "nameshm1: Starting" ));

    if ( optClient )
    } else {
        if ( failed_already != 0 )
            goto Finished;
        if ( failed_already != 0 )
            goto Finished;

    if ( debug ) printf("%s\n", (failed_already)? "FAIL" : "PASS" );
    return( (failed_already)? 1 : 0 );
}  /* main() */
/* end instrumt.c */