/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "primpl.h" #include <string.h> /* for memset() */ /************************************************************************/ PRLock *_pr_flock_lock; PRCondVar *_pr_flock_cv; #ifdef WINCE /* * There are no stdin, stdout, stderr in Windows CE. INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE * should cause all I/O functions on the handle to fail. */ #define STD_INPUT_HANDLE ((DWORD)-10) #define STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE ((DWORD)-11) #define STD_ERROR_HANDLE ((DWORD)-12) static HANDLE GetStdHandle(DWORD nStdHandle) { SetLastError(ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } #endif void _PR_InitIO(void) { const PRIOMethods *methods = PR_GetFileMethods(); _PR_InitFdCache(); _pr_flock_lock = PR_NewLock(); _pr_flock_cv = PR_NewCondVar(_pr_flock_lock); #ifdef WIN32 _pr_stdin = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE), methods); _pr_stdout = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), methods); _pr_stderr = PR_AllocFileDesc((PROsfd)GetStdHandle(STD_ERROR_HANDLE), methods); #ifdef WINNT _pr_stdin->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE; _pr_stdout->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE; _pr_stderr->secret->md.sync_file_io = PR_TRUE; #endif #else _pr_stdin = PR_AllocFileDesc(0, methods); _pr_stdout = PR_AllocFileDesc(1, methods); _pr_stderr = PR_AllocFileDesc(2, methods); #endif _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(_pr_stdin, PR_TRUE); _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(_pr_stdout, PR_TRUE); _PR_MD_INIT_FD_INHERITABLE(_pr_stderr, PR_TRUE); _PR_MD_INIT_IO(); } void _PR_CleanupIO(void) { PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdin); _pr_stdin = NULL; PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stdout); _pr_stdout = NULL; PR_FreeFileDesc(_pr_stderr); _pr_stderr = NULL; if (_pr_flock_cv) { PR_DestroyCondVar(_pr_flock_cv); _pr_flock_cv = NULL; } if (_pr_flock_lock) { PR_DestroyLock(_pr_flock_lock); _pr_flock_lock = NULL; } _PR_CleanupFdCache(); } PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_GetSpecialFD(PRSpecialFD osfd) { PRFileDesc *result = NULL; PR_ASSERT((int) osfd >= PR_StandardInput && osfd <= PR_StandardError); if (!_pr_initialized) _PR_ImplicitInitialization(); switch (osfd) { case PR_StandardInput: result = _pr_stdin; break; case PR_StandardOutput: result = _pr_stdout; break; case PR_StandardError: result = _pr_stderr; break; default: (void)PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0); } return result; } PR_IMPLEMENT(PRFileDesc*) PR_AllocFileDesc( PROsfd osfd, const PRIOMethods *methods) { PRFileDesc *fd; #ifdef XP_UNIX /* * Assert that the file descriptor is small enough to fit in the * fd_set passed to select */ PR_ASSERT(osfd < FD_SETSIZE); #endif fd = _PR_Getfd(); if (fd) { /* Initialize the members of PRFileDesc and PRFilePrivate */ fd->methods = methods; fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_OPEN; fd->secret->md.osfd = osfd; #if defined(_WIN64) fd->secret->alreadyConnected = PR_FALSE; fd->secret->overlappedActive = PR_FALSE; #endif _PR_MD_INIT_FILEDESC(fd); } else { PR_SetError(PR_OUT_OF_MEMORY_ERROR, 0); } return fd; } PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PR_FreeFileDesc(PRFileDesc *fd) { PR_ASSERT(fd); _PR_Putfd(fd); } #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(WIN95) PRFileDescList *_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done = NULL; PRLock *_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done_lock = NULL; void CheckOverlappedPendingSocketsAreDone() { if (!_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done_lock || !_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done) { return; } PR_Lock(_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done_lock); PRFileDescList *cur = _fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done; PRFileDescList *previous = NULL; while (cur) { PR_ASSERT(cur->fd->secret->overlappedActive); PRFileDesc *fd = cur->fd; DWORD rvSent; if (GetOverlappedResult((HANDLE)fd->secret->md.osfd, &fd->secret->ol, &rvSent, FALSE) == TRUE) { fd->secret->overlappedActive = PR_FALSE; PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("CheckOverlappedPendingSocketsAreDone GetOverlappedResult succeeded\n")); } else { DWORD err = WSAGetLastError(); PR_LOG(_pr_io_lm, PR_LOG_MIN, ("CheckOverlappedPendingSocketsAreDone GetOverlappedResult failed %d\n", err)); if (err != ERROR_IO_INCOMPLETE) { fd->secret->overlappedActive = PR_FALSE; } } if (!fd->secret->overlappedActive) { _PR_MD_CLOSE_SOCKET(fd->secret->md.osfd); fd->secret->state = _PR_FILEDESC_CLOSED; #ifdef _PR_HAVE_PEEK_BUFFER if (fd->secret->peekBuffer) { PR_ASSERT(fd->secret->peekBufSize > 0); PR_DELETE(fd->secret->peekBuffer); fd->secret->peekBufSize = 0; fd->secret->peekBytes = 0; } #endif PR_FreeFileDesc(fd); if (previous) { previous->next = cur->next; } else { _fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done = cur->next; } PRFileDescList *del = cur; cur = cur->next; PR_Free(del); } else { previous = cur; cur = cur->next; } } PR_Unlock(_fd_waiting_for_overlapped_done_lock); } #endif /* ** Wait for some i/o to finish on one or more more poll descriptors. */ PR_IMPLEMENT(PRInt32) PR_Poll(PRPollDesc *pds, PRIntn npds, PRIntervalTime timeout) { #if defined(_WIN64) && defined(WIN95) // For each iteration check if TFO overlapped IOs are down. CheckOverlappedPendingSocketsAreDone(); #endif return(_PR_MD_PR_POLL(pds, npds, timeout)); } /* ** Set the inheritance attribute of a file descriptor. */ PR_IMPLEMENT(PRStatus) PR_SetFDInheritable( PRFileDesc *fd, PRBool inheritable) { #if defined(XP_UNIX) || defined(WIN32) || defined(XP_OS2) || defined(XP_BEOS) /* * Only a non-layered, NSPR file descriptor can be inherited * by a child process. */ if (fd->identity != PR_NSPR_IO_LAYER) { PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_ARGUMENT_ERROR, 0); return PR_FAILURE; } if (fd->secret->inheritable != inheritable) { if (_PR_MD_SET_FD_INHERITABLE(fd, inheritable) == PR_FAILURE) { return PR_FAILURE; } fd->secret->inheritable = inheritable; } return PR_SUCCESS; #else PR_SetError(PR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ERROR, 0); return PR_FAILURE; #endif } /* ** This function only has a useful implementation in the debug build of ** the pthreads version. */ PR_IMPLEMENT(void) PT_FPrintStats(PRFileDesc *debug_out, const char *msg) { /* do nothing */ } /* PT_FPrintStats */