/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* RCThread.cpp - C++ wrapper on NSPR */ #include "rcthread.h" #include "rcinrval.h" #include <prmem.h> #include <prlog.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <prinit.h> static RCPrimordialThread *primordial = NULL; void nas_Root(void *arg) { RCThread *him = (RCThread*)arg; while (RCThread::ex_unstarted == him->execution) { (void)PR_Sleep(PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); /* wait for Start() */ } him->RootFunction(); /* he gets a self reference */ if (PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD == PR_GetThreadState(him->identity)) { delete him; } } /* nas_Root */ RCThread::~RCThread() { } RCThread::RCThread(): RCBase() { } RCThread::RCThread(const RCThread&): RCBase() { PR_NOT_REACHED("Cannot call thread copy constructor"); } /* RCThread::RCThread */ RCThread::RCThread( RCThread::Scope scope, RCThread::State join, PRUint32 stackSize): RCBase() { execution = ex_unstarted; identity = PR_CreateThread( PR_USER_THREAD, nas_Root, this, PR_GetThreadPriority(PR_GetCurrentThread()), (PRThreadScope)scope, (PRThreadState)join, stackSize); } /* RCThread::RCThread */ void RCThread::operator=(const RCThread&) { PR_NOT_REACHED("Cannot call thread assignment operator"); } /* RCThread::operator= */ PRStatus RCThread::Start() { PRStatus rv; /* This is an unsafe check, but not too critical */ if (RCThread::ex_unstarted == execution) { execution = RCThread::ex_started; rv = PR_Interrupt(identity); PR_ASSERT(PR_SUCCESS == rv); } else { rv = PR_FAILURE; PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0); } return rv; } /* RCThread::Start */ PRStatus RCThread::Join() { PRStatus rv; if (RCThread::ex_unstarted == execution) { rv = PR_FAILURE; PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0); } else { rv = PR_JoinThread(identity); } if (PR_SUCCESS == rv) { delete this; } return rv; } /* RCThread::Join */ PRStatus RCThread::Interrupt() { PRStatus rv; if (RCThread::ex_unstarted == execution) { rv = PR_FAILURE; PR_SetError(PR_INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0); } else { rv = PR_Interrupt(identity); } return rv; } /* RCThread::Interrupt */ void RCThread::ClearInterrupt() { PR_ClearInterrupt(); } void RCThread::SetPriority(RCThread::Priority new_priority) { PR_SetThreadPriority(identity, (PRThreadPriority)new_priority); } PRThread *RCThread::Self() { return PR_GetCurrentThread(); } RCThread::Scope RCThread::GetScope() const { return (RCThread::Scope)PR_GetThreadScope(identity); } RCThread::State RCThread::GetState() const { return (RCThread::State)PR_GetThreadState(identity); } RCThread::Priority RCThread::GetPriority() const { return (RCThread::Priority)PR_GetThreadPriority(identity); } static void _rc_PDDestructor(RCThreadPrivateData* privateData) { PR_ASSERT(NULL != privateData); privateData->Release(); } static PRThreadPrivateDTOR _tpd_dtor = (PRThreadPrivateDTOR)_rc_PDDestructor; PRStatus RCThread::NewPrivateIndex(PRUintn* index) { return PR_NewThreadPrivateIndex(index, _tpd_dtor); } PRStatus RCThread::SetPrivateData(PRUintn index) { return PR_SetThreadPrivate(index, NULL); } PRStatus RCThread::SetPrivateData(PRUintn index, RCThreadPrivateData* data) { return PR_SetThreadPrivate(index, data); } RCThreadPrivateData* RCThread::GetPrivateData(PRUintn index) { return (RCThreadPrivateData*)PR_GetThreadPrivate(index); } PRStatus RCThread::Sleep(const RCInterval& ticks) { PRIntervalTime tmo = ticks; return PR_Sleep(tmo); } RCPrimordialThread *RCThread::WrapPrimordialThread() { /* ** This needs to take more care in insuring that the thread ** being wrapped is really the primordial thread. This code ** is assuming that the caller is the primordial thread, and ** there's nothing to insure that. */ if (NULL == primordial) { /* it doesn't have to be perfect */ RCPrimordialThread *me = new RCPrimordialThread(); PR_ASSERT(NULL != me); if (NULL == primordial) { primordial = me; me->execution = RCThread::ex_started; me->identity = PR_GetCurrentThread(); } else { delete me; /* somebody beat us to it */ } } return primordial; } /* RCThread::WrapPrimordialThread */ RCPrimordialThread::RCPrimordialThread(): RCThread() { } RCPrimordialThread::~RCPrimordialThread() { } void RCPrimordialThread::RootFunction() { PR_NOT_REACHED("Primordial thread calling root function"); } /* RCPrimordialThread::RootFunction */ PRStatus RCPrimordialThread::Cleanup() { return PR_Cleanup(); } PRStatus RCPrimordialThread::SetVirtualProcessors(PRIntn count) { PR_SetConcurrency(count); return PR_SUCCESS; } /* SetVirutalProcessors */ RCThreadPrivateData::RCThreadPrivateData() { } RCThreadPrivateData::RCThreadPrivateData( const RCThreadPrivateData& him) { } RCThreadPrivateData::~RCThreadPrivateData() { } /* RCThread.c */