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** Base class definitions for network access functions (ref: prnetdb.h)

#if defined(_RCNETDB_H)
#define _RCNETDB_H

#include "rclock.h"
#include "rcbase.h"

#include <prnetdb.h>

class PR_IMPLEMENT(RCNetAddr): public RCBase
    typedef enum {
        any = PR_IpAddrAny,             /* assign logical INADDR_ANY */
        loopback = PR_IpAddrLoopback    /* assign logical INADDR_LOOPBACK */
    } HostValue;

    RCNetAddr();                        /* default constructor is unit'd object */
    RCNetAddr(const RCNetAddr&);        /* copy constructor */
    RCNetAddr(HostValue, PRUint16 port);/* init'd w/ 'special' assignments */
    RCNetAddr(const RCNetAddr&, PRUint16 port);
                                        /* copy w/ port reassigment */

    virtual ~RCNetAddr();

    void operator=(const RCNetAddr&);

    virtual PRBool operator==(const RCNetAddr&) const;
                                        /* compare of all relavent fields */
    virtual PRBool EqualHost(const RCNetAddr&) const;
                                        /* compare of just host field */


    void operator=(const PRNetAddr*);   /* construction from more primitive data */
    operator const PRNetAddr*() const;  /* extraction of underlying representation */
    virtual PRStatus FromString(const char* string);
                                        /* initialization from an ASCII string */
    virtual PRStatus ToString(char *string, PRSize size) const;
                                        /* convert internal fromat to a string */


    PRNetAddr address;

};  /* RCNetAddr */

** Class: RCHostLookup
** Abstractions to look up host names and addresses.
** This is a stateful class. One looks up the host by name or by
** address, then enumerates over a possibly empty array of network
** addresses. The storage for the addresses is owned by the class.

class RCHostLookup: public RCBase
    virtual ~RCHostLookup();


    virtual PRStatus ByName(const char* name);
    virtual PRStatus ByAddress(const RCNetAddr&);

    virtual const RCNetAddr* operator[](PRUintn);

    RCLock ml;
    PRIntn max_index;
    RCNetAddr* address;

    RCHostLookup(const RCHostLookup&);
    RCHostLookup& operator=(const RCHostLookup&);

inline RCNetAddr::RCNetAddr(): RCBase() { }
inline RCNetAddr::operator const PRNetAddr*() const { return &address; }

#endif /* defined(_RCNETDB_H) */

/* RCNetdb.h */