/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* ** File: arena.c ** Description: Testing arenas ** */ #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "nspr.h" #include "plarena.h" #include "plgetopt.h" PRLogModuleInfo *tLM; PRIntn threadCount = 0; PRMonitor *tMon; PRBool failed_already = PR_FALSE; /* Arguments from the command line with default values */ PRIntn debug_mode = 0; PRIntn poolMin = 4096; PRIntn poolMax = (100 * 4096); PRIntn arenaMin = 40; PRIntn arenaMax = (100 * 40); PRIntn stressIterations = 15; PRIntn maxAlloc = (1024 * 1024); PRIntn stressThreads = 4; void DumpAll( void ) { return; } /* ** Test Arena allocation. */ static void ArenaAllocate( void ) { PLArenaPool ap; void *ptr; PRInt32 i; PL_InitArenaPool( &ap, "AllocArena", 2048, sizeof(double)); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("AA, InitPool -- Pool: %p. first: %p, current: %p, size: %d", &ap, ap.first, ap.current, ap.arenasize )); for( i = 0; i < 150; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG,("AA, after alloc -- Pool: %p. first: %p, current: %p, size: %d", &ap, ap.first, ap.current, ap.arenasize )); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG,( "AA -- Pool: %p. alloc: %p ", &ap, ptr )); } PL_FreeArenaPool( &ap ); for( i = 0; i < 221; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG,("AA, after alloc -- Pool: %p. first: %p, current: %p, size: %d", &ap, ap.first, ap.current, ap.arenasize )); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG,( "AA -- Pool: %p. alloc: %p ", &ap, ptr )); } PL_FreeArenaPool( &ap ); return; } /* end ArenaGrow() */ /* ** Test Arena grow. */ static void ArenaGrow( void ) { PLArenaPool ap; void *ptr; PRInt32 i; PL_InitArenaPool( &ap, "TheArena", 4096, sizeof(double)); PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Before growth -- Pool: %p. alloc: %p ", &ap, ptr )); for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_GROW( ptr, &ap, 512, 7000 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("After growth -- Pool: %p. alloc: %p ", &ap, ptr )); } return; } /* end ArenaGrow() */ /* ** Test arena Mark and Release. */ static void MarkAndRelease( void ) { PLArenaPool ap; void *ptr = NULL; void *mark0, *mark1; PRIntn i; PL_InitArenaPool( &ap, "TheArena", 4096, sizeof(double)); mark0 = PL_ARENA_MARK( &ap ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("mark0. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p, m0: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr, mark0 )); for( i = 0; i < 201; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("mr. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); } mark1 = PL_ARENA_MARK( &ap ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("mark1. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p, m1: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr, mark1 )); for( i = 0; i < 225; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("mr. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); } PL_ARENA_RELEASE( &ap, mark1 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Release-1: %p -- Pool: %p. first: %p, current: %p, size: %d", mark1, &ap, ap.first, ap.current, ap.arenasize )); for( i = 0; i < 20; i++ ) { PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, 512 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("mr. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); } PL_ARENA_RELEASE( &ap, mark1 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Release-1. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); PL_ARENA_RELEASE( &ap, mark0 ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Release-0. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); PL_FreeArenaPool( &ap ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Free. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); PL_FinishArenaPool( &ap ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Finish. ap: %p, ap.f: %p, ap.c: %p, ap.siz: %d, alloc: %p", &ap, ap.first.next, ap.current, ap.arenasize, ptr )); return; } /* end MarkAndRelease() */ /* ** RandSize() returns a random number in the range ** min..max, rounded to the next doubleword ** */ static PRIntn RandSize( PRIntn min, PRIntn max ) { PRIntn sz = (rand() % (max -min)) + min + sizeof(double); sz &= ~sizeof(double)-1; return(sz); } /* ** StressThread() ** A bunch of these beat on individual arenas ** This tests the free_list protection. ** */ static void PR_CALLBACK StressThread( void *arg ) { PLArenaPool ap; PRIntn i; PRIntn sz; void *ptr; PRThread *tp = PR_GetCurrentThread(); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Stress Thread %p started\n", PR_GetCurrentThread())); PL_InitArenaPool( &ap, "TheArena", RandSize( poolMin, poolMax), sizeof(double)); for ( i = 0; i < stressIterations; i++ ) { PRIntn allocated = 0; while ( allocated < maxAlloc ) { sz = RandSize( arenaMin, arenaMax ); PL_ARENA_ALLOCATE( ptr, &ap, sz ); if ( ptr == NULL ) { PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_ERROR, ("ARENA_ALLOCATE() returned NULL\n\tAllocated: %d\n", allocated)); break; } allocated += sz; } PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Stress thread %p finished one iteration\n", tp)); PL_FreeArenaPool( &ap ); } PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Stress thread %p finished all iteration\n", tp)); PL_FinishArenaPool( &ap ); PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("Stress thread %p after FinishArenaPool()\n", tp)); /* That's all folks! let's quit */ PR_EnterMonitor(tMon); threadCount--; PR_Notify(tMon); PR_ExitMonitor(tMon); return; } /* ** Stress() ** Flog the hell out of arenas multi-threaded. ** Do NOT pass an individual arena to another thread. ** */ static void Stress( void ) { PRThread *tt; PRIntn i; tMon = PR_NewMonitor(); for ( i = 0 ; i < stressThreads ; i++ ) { PR_EnterMonitor(tMon); tt = PR_CreateThread(PR_USER_THREAD, StressThread, NULL, PR_PRIORITY_NORMAL, PR_GLOBAL_THREAD, PR_UNJOINABLE_THREAD, 0); threadCount++; PR_ExitMonitor(tMon); } /* Wait for all threads to exit */ PR_EnterMonitor(tMon); while ( threadCount != 0 ) { PR_Wait(tMon, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT); } PR_ExitMonitor(tMon); PR_DestroyMonitor(tMon); return; } /* end Stress() */ /* ** EvaluateResults() ** uses failed_already to display results and set program ** exit code. */ static PRIntn EvaluateResults(void) { PRIntn rc = 0; if ( failed_already == PR_TRUE ) { PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("FAIL\n")); rc =1; } else { PR_LOG( tLM, PR_LOG_DEBUG, ("PASS\n")); } return(rc); } /* EvaluateResults() */ void Help( void ) { printf("arena [options]\n"); printf("where options are:\n"); printf("-p <n> minimum size of an arena pool. Default(%d)\n", poolMin); printf("-P <n> maximum size of an arena pool. Default(%d)\n", poolMax); printf("-a <n> minimum size of an arena allocation. Default(%d)\n", arenaMin); printf("-A <n> maximum size of an arena allocation. Default(%d)\n", arenaMax); printf("-i <n> number of iterations in a stress thread. Default(%d)\n", stressIterations); printf("-s <n> maximum allocation for a single stress thread. Default(%d)\n", maxAlloc); printf("-t <n> number of stress threads. Default(%d)\n", stressThreads ); printf("-d enable debug mode\n"); printf("\n"); exit(1); } PRIntn main(PRIntn argc, char *argv[]) { PLOptStatus os; PLOptState *opt = PL_CreateOptState(argc, argv, "dhp:P:a:A:i:s:t:"); while (PL_OPT_EOL != (os = PL_GetNextOpt(opt))) { if (PL_OPT_BAD == os) { continue; } switch (opt->option) { case 'a': /* arena Min size */ arenaMin = atol( opt->value ); break; case 'A': /* arena Max size */ arenaMax = atol( opt->value ); break; case 'p': /* pool Min size */ poolMin = atol( opt->value ); break; case 'P': /* pool Max size */ poolMax = atol( opt->value ); break; case 'i': /* Iterations in stress tests */ stressIterations = atol( opt->value ); break; case 's': /* storage to get per iteration */ maxAlloc = atol( opt->value ); break; case 't': /* Number of stress threads to create */ stressThreads = atol( opt->value ); break; case 'd': /* debug mode */ debug_mode = 1; break; case 'h': /* help */ default: Help(); } /* end switch() */ } /* end while() */ PL_DestroyOptState(opt); srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); /* seed random number generator */ tLM = PR_NewLogModule("testcase"); #if 0 ArenaAllocate(); ArenaGrow(); #endif MarkAndRelease(); Stress(); return(EvaluateResults()); } /* end main() */ /* arena.c */