/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

// This test makes sure the HTTP authenticated sessions are correctly cleared
// when entering and leaving the private browsing mode.


function run_test() {
  var am = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/http-auth-manager;1"].

  const kHost1 = "pbtest3.example.com";
  const kHost2 = "pbtest4.example.com";
  const kPort = 80;
  const kHTTP = "http";
  const kBasic = "basic";
  const kRealm = "realm";
  const kDomain = "example.com";
  const kUser = "user";
  const kUser2 = "user2";
  const kPassword = "pass";
  const kPassword2 = "pass2";
  const kEmpty = "";
  const PRIVATE = true;
  const NOT_PRIVATE = false;
  try {
    var domain = {value: kEmpty}, user = {value: kEmpty}, pass = {value: kEmpty};
    // simulate a login via HTTP auth outside of the private mode
    am.setAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost1, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, kDomain, kUser, kPassword);
    // make sure the recently added auth entry is available outside the private browsing mode
    am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost1, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, NOT_PRIVATE);
    do_check_eq(domain.value, kDomain);
    do_check_eq(user.value, kUser);
    do_check_eq(pass.value, kPassword);

    // make sure the added auth entry is no longer accessible in private
    domain = {value: kEmpty}, user = {value: kEmpty}, pass = {value: kEmpty};
    try {
      // should throw
      am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost1, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, PRIVATE);
      do_throw("Auth entry should not be retrievable after entering the private browsing mode");
    } catch (e) {
      do_check_eq(domain.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(user.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(pass.value, kEmpty);

    // simulate a login via HTTP auth inside of the private mode
    am.setAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost2, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, kDomain, kUser2, kPassword2, PRIVATE);
    // make sure the recently added auth entry is available inside the private browsing mode
    domain = {value: kEmpty}, user = {value: kEmpty}, pass = {value: kEmpty};
    am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost2, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, PRIVATE);
    do_check_eq(domain.value, kDomain);
    do_check_eq(user.value, kUser2);
    do_check_eq(pass.value, kPassword2);

    try {
      // make sure the recently added auth entry is not available outside the private browsing mode
      domain = {value: kEmpty}, user = {value: kEmpty}, pass = {value: kEmpty};
      am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost2, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, NOT_PRIVATE);
      do_throw("Auth entry should not be retrievable outside of private browsing mode");
    } catch (x) {
      do_check_eq(domain.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(user.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(pass.value, kEmpty);

    // simulate leaving private browsing mode
    Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "last-pb-context-exited", null);

    // make sure the added auth entry is no longer accessible in any privacy state
    domain = {value: kEmpty}, user = {value: kEmpty}, pass = {value: kEmpty};
    try {
      // should throw (not available in public mode)
      am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost2, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, NOT_PRIVATE);
      do_throw("Auth entry should not be retrievable after exiting the private browsing mode");
    } catch (e) {
      do_check_eq(domain.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(user.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(pass.value, kEmpty);
    try {
      // should throw (no longer available in private mode)
      am.getAuthIdentity(kHTTP, kHost2, kPort, kBasic, kRealm, kEmpty, domain, user, pass, PRIVATE);
      do_throw("Auth entry should not be retrievable in private mode after exiting the private browsing mode");
    } catch (x) {
      do_check_eq(domain.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(user.value, kEmpty);
      do_check_eq(pass.value, kEmpty);
  } catch (e) {
    do_throw("Unexpected exception while testing HTTP auth manager: " + e);