/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */


var httpserver;

function inChildProcess() {
  return Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"]
           .processType != Ci.nsIXULRuntime.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT;  
function makeChan(path) {
  return NetUtil.newChannel({
    uri: "http://localhost:" + httpserver.identity.primaryPort + "/" + path,
    loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true

function setup_chan(path, isPrivate, callback) {
  var chan = makeChan(path);
  chan.asyncOpen2(new ChannelListener(callback));  

function set_cookie(value, callback) {
  return setup_chan('set?cookie=' + value, false, callback);

function set_private_cookie(value, callback) {
  return setup_chan('set?cookie=' + value, true, callback);

function check_cookie_presence(value, isPrivate, expected, callback) {
  var chan = setup_chan('present?cookie=' + value.replace('=','|'), isPrivate, function(req) {
    do_check_eq(req.responseStatus, expected ? 200 : 404);

function presentHandler(metadata, response) {
  var present = false;
  var match = /cookie=([^&]*)/.exec(metadata.queryString);
  if (match) {
    try {
      present = metadata.getHeader("Cookie").indexOf(match[1].replace("|","=")) != -1;
    } catch (x) {
  response.setStatusLine("1.0", present ? 200 : 404, "");

function setHandler(metadata, response) {
  response.setStatusLine("1.0", 200, "Cookie set");
  var match = /cookie=([^&]*)/.exec(metadata.queryString);
  if (match) {
    response.setHeader("Set-Cookie", match[1]);

function run_test() {
  // Allow all cookies if the pref service is available in this process.
  if (!inChildProcess())
    Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0);

  httpserver = new HttpServer();
  httpserver.registerPathHandler("/set", setHandler);
  httpserver.registerPathHandler("/present", presentHandler);
  function check_cookie(req) {
    do_check_eq(req.responseStatus, 200);
    try {
      do_check_true(req.getResponseHeader("Set-Cookie") != "", "expected a Set-Cookie header");
    } catch (x) {
      do_throw("missing Set-Cookie header");


  let tests = [];
  function runNextTest() {
  tests.push(function() {
    set_cookie("C1=V1", check_cookie);
  tests.push(function() {
    set_private_cookie("C2=V2", check_cookie);
  tests.push(function() {
    // Check that the first cookie is present in a non-private request
    check_cookie_presence("C1=V1", false, true, runNextTest);
  tests.push(function() {
    // Check that the second cookie is present in a private request
    check_cookie_presence("C2=V2", true, true, runNextTest);
  tests.push(function() {
    // Check that the first cookie is not present in a private request
    check_cookie_presence("C1=V1", true, false, runNextTest);
  tests.push(function() {
    // Check that the second cookie is not present in a non-private request
    check_cookie_presence("C2=V2", false, false, runNextTest);

  // The following test only works in a non-e10s situation at the moment,
  // since the notification needs to run in the parent process but there is
  // no existing mechanism to make that happen.  
  if (!inChildProcess()) {
    tests.push(function() {
      // Simulate all private browsing instances being closed
      var obsvc = Cc["@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"].
      obsvc.notifyObservers(null, "last-pb-context-exited", null);
      // Check that all private cookies are now unavailable in new private requests
      check_cookie_presence("C2=V2", true, false, runNextTest);
  tests.push(function() { httpserver.stop(do_test_finished); });