/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIInputStream;
interface nsIFile;
interface nsIOutputStream;
interface nsISimpleEnumerator;

interface nsIHttpServer;
interface nsIHttpServerStoppedCallback;
interface nsIHttpRequestHandler;
interface nsIHttpRequest;
interface nsIHttpResponse;
interface nsIHttpServerIdentity;

 * An interface which represents an HTTP server.
[scriptable, uuid(cea8812e-faa6-4013-9396-f9936cbb74ec)]
interface nsIHttpServer : nsISupports
   * Starts up this server, listening upon the given port.
   * @param port
   *   the port upon which listening should happen, or -1 if no specific port is
   *   desired
   *   if this server is already started
   *   if the server is not started and cannot be started on the desired port
   *   (perhaps because the port is already in use or because the process does
   *   not have privileges to do so)
   * @note
   *   Behavior is undefined if this method is called after stop() has been
   *   called on this but before the provided callback function has been
   *   called.
  void start(in long port);

   * Shuts down this server if it is running (including the period of time after
   * stop() has been called but before the provided callback has been called).
   * @param callback
   *   an asynchronous callback used to notify the user when this server is
   *   stopped and all pending requests have been fully served
   *   if callback is null
   *   if this server is not running
  void stop(in nsIHttpServerStoppedCallback callback);

   * Associates the local file represented by the string file with all requests
   * which match request.
   * @param path
   *   the path which is to be mapped to the given file; must begin with "/" and
   *   be a valid URI path (i.e., no query string, hash reference, etc.)
   * @param file
   *   the file to serve for the given path, or null to remove any mapping that
   *   might exist; this file must exist for the lifetime of the server
  void registerFile(in string path, in nsIFile file);

   * Registers a custom path handler.
   * @param path
   *   the path on the server (beginning with a "/") which is to be handled by
   *   handler; this path must not include a query string or hash component; it
   *   also should usually be canonicalized, since most browsers will do so
   *   before sending otherwise-matching requests
   * @param handler
   *   an object which will handle any requests for the given path, or null to
   *   remove any existing handler; if while the server is running the handler
   *   throws an exception while responding to a request, an HTTP 500 response
   *   will be returned
   *   if path does not begin with a "/"
  void registerPathHandler(in string path, in nsIHttpRequestHandler handler);

   * Registers a custom prefix handler.
   * @param prefix
   *   the path on the server (beginning and ending with "/") which is to be
   *   handled by handler; this path must not include a query string or hash
   *   component. All requests that start with this prefix will be directed to
   *   the given handler.
   * @param handler
   *   an object which will handle any requests for the given path, or null to
   *   remove any existing handler; if while the server is running the handler
   *   throws an exception while responding to a request, an HTTP 500 response
   *   will be returned
   *   if path does not begin with a "/" or does not end with a "/"
  void registerPrefixHandler(in string prefix, in nsIHttpRequestHandler handler);

   * Registers a custom error page handler.
   * @param code
   *   the error code which is to be handled by handler
   * @param handler
   *   an object which will handle any requests which generate the given status
   *   code, or null to remove any existing handler.  If the handler throws an
   *   exception during server operation, fallback is to the genericized error
   *   handler (the x00 version), then to 500, using a user-defined error
   *   handler if one exists or the server default handler otherwise.  Fallback
   *   will never occur from a user-provided handler that throws to the same
   *   handler as provided by the server, e.g. a throwing user 404 falls back to
   *   400, not a server-provided 404 that might not throw.
   * @note
   *   If the error handler handles HTTP 500 and throws, behavior is undefined.
  void registerErrorHandler(in unsigned long code, in nsIHttpRequestHandler handler);

   * Maps all requests to paths beneath path to the corresponding file beneath
   * dir.
   * @param path
   *   the absolute path on the server against which requests will be served
   *   from dir (e.g., "/", "/foo/", etc.); must begin and end with a forward
   *   slash
   * @param dir
   *   the directory to be used to serve all requests for paths underneath path
   *   (except those further overridden by another, deeper path registered with
   *   another directory); if null, any current mapping for the given path is
   *   removed
   *   if dir is non-null and does not exist or is not a directory, or if path
   *   does not begin with and end with a forward slash
  void registerDirectory(in string path, in nsIFile dir);

   * Associates files with the given extension with the given Content-Type when
   * served by this server, in the absence of any file-specific information
   * about the desired Content-Type.  If type is empty, removes any extant
   * mapping, if one is present.
   *   if the given type is not a valid header field value, i.e. if it doesn't
   *   match the field-value production in RFC 2616
   * @note
   *   No syntax checking is done of the given type, beyond ensuring that it is
   *   a valid header field value.  Behavior when not given a string matching
   *   the media-type production in RFC 2616 section 3.7 is undefined.
   *   Implementations may choose to define specific behavior for types which do
   *   not match the production, such as for CGI functionality.
   * @note
   *   Implementations MAY treat type as a trusted argument; users who fail to
   *   generate this string from trusted data risk security vulnerabilities.
  void registerContentType(in string extension, in string type);

   * Sets the handler used to display the contents of a directory if
   * the directory contains no index page.
   * @param handler
   *   an object which will handle any requests for directories which
   *   do not contain index pages, or null to reset to the default
   *   index handler; if while the server is running the handler
   *   throws an exception while responding to a request, an HTTP 500
   *   response will be returned.  An nsIFile corresponding to the
   *   directory is available from the metadata object passed to the
   *   handler, under the key "directory".
  void setIndexHandler(in nsIHttpRequestHandler handler);

  /** Represents the locations at which this server is reachable. */
  readonly attribute nsIHttpServerIdentity identity;

   * Retrieves the string associated with the given key in this, for the given
   * path's saved state.  All keys are initially associated with the empty
   * string.
  AString getState(in AString path, in AString key);

   * Sets the string associated with the given key in this, for the given path's
   * saved state.
  void setState(in AString path, in AString key, in AString value);

   * Retrieves the string associated with the given key in this, in
   * entire-server saved state.  All keys are initially associated with the
   * empty string.
  AString getSharedState(in AString key);

   * Sets the string associated with the given key in this, in entire-server
   * saved state.
  void setSharedState(in AString key, in AString value);

   * Retrieves the object associated with the given key in this in
   * object-valued saved state.  All keys are initially associated with null.
  nsISupports getObjectState(in AString key);

   * Sets the object associated with the given key in this in object-valued
   * saved state.  The value may be null.
  void setObjectState(in AString key, in nsISupports value);

 * An interface through which a notification of the complete stopping (socket
 * closure, in-flight requests all fully served and responded to) of an HTTP
 * server may be received.
[scriptable, function, uuid(925a6d33-9937-4c63-abe1-a1c56a986455)]
interface nsIHttpServerStoppedCallback : nsISupports
  /** Called when the corresponding server has been fully stopped. */
  void onStopped();

 * Represents a set of names for a server, one of which is the primary name for
 * the server and the rest of which are secondary.  By default every server will
 * contain ("http", "localhost", port) and ("http", "", port) as names,
 * where port is what was provided to the corresponding server when started;
 * however, except for their being removed when the corresponding server stops
 * they have no special importance.
[scriptable, uuid(a89de175-ae8e-4c46-91a5-0dba99bbd284)]
interface nsIHttpServerIdentity : nsISupports
   * The primary scheme at which the corresponding server is located, defaulting
   * to 'http'.  This name will be the value of nsIHttpRequest.scheme for
   * HTTP/1.0 requests.
   * This value is always set when the corresponding server is running.  If the
   * server is not running, this value is set only if it has been set to a
   * non-default name using setPrimary.  In this case reading this value will
  readonly attribute string primaryScheme;

   * The primary name by which the corresponding server is known, defaulting to
   * 'localhost'.  This name will be the value of nsIHttpRequest.host for
   * HTTP/1.0 requests.
   * This value is always set when the corresponding server is running.  If the
   * server is not running, this value is set only if it has been set to a
   * non-default name using setPrimary.  In this case reading this value will
  readonly attribute string primaryHost;

   * The primary port on which the corresponding server runs, defaulting to the
   * associated server's port.  This name will be the value of
   * nsIHttpRequest.port for HTTP/1.0 requests.
   * This value is always set when the corresponding server is running.  If the
   * server is not running, this value is set only if it has been set to a
   * non-default name using setPrimary.  In this case reading this value will
  readonly attribute long primaryPort;

   * Adds a location at which this server may be accessed.
   *   if scheme or host do not match the scheme or host productions imported
   *   into RFC 2616 from RFC 2396, or if port is not a valid port number
  void add(in string scheme, in string host, in long port);

   * Removes this name from the list of names by which the corresponding server
   * is known.  If name is also the primary name for the server, the primary
   * name reverts to '' with the associated server's port.
   *   if scheme or host do not match the scheme or host productions imported
   *   into RFC 2616 from RFC 2396, or if port is not a valid port number
   * @returns
   *   true if the given name was a name for this server, false otherwise
  boolean remove(in string scheme, in string host, in long port);

   * Returns true if the given name is in this, false otherwise.
   *   if scheme or host do not match the scheme or host productions imported
   *   into RFC 2616 from RFC 2396, or if port is not a valid port number
  boolean has(in string scheme, in string host, in long port);

   * Returns the scheme for the name with the given host and port, if one is
   * present; otherwise returns the empty string.
   *   if host does not match the host production imported into RFC 2616 from
   *   RFC 2396, or if port is not a valid port number
  string getScheme(in string host, in long port);
   * Designates the given name as the primary name in this and adds it to this
   * if it is not already present.
   *   if scheme or host do not match the scheme or host productions imported
   *   into RFC 2616 from RFC 2396, or if port is not a valid port number
  void setPrimary(in string scheme, in string host, in long port);

 * A representation of a handler for HTTP requests.  The handler is used by
 * calling its .handle method with data for an incoming request; it is the
 * handler's job to use that data as it sees fit to make the desired response.
 * @note
 *   This interface uses the [function] attribute, so you can pass a
 *   script-defined function with the functionality of handle() to any
 *   method which has a nsIHttpRequestHandler parameter, instead of wrapping
 *   it in an otherwise empty object.
[scriptable, function, uuid(2bbb4db7-d285-42b3-a3ce-142b8cc7e139)]
interface nsIHttpRequestHandler : nsISupports
   * Processes an HTTP request and initializes the passed-in response to reflect
   * the correct HTTP response.
   * If this method throws an exception, externally observable behavior depends
   * upon whether is being processed asynchronously.  If such is the case, the
   * output is some prefix (perhaps all, perhaps none, perhaps only some) of the
   * data which would have been sent if, instead, the response had been finished
   * at that point.  If no data has been written, the response has not had
   * seizePower() called on it, and it is not being asynchronously created, an
   * error handler will be invoked (usually 500 unless otherwise specified).
   * Some uses of nsIHttpRequestHandler may require this method to never throw
   * an exception; in the general case, however, this method may throw an
   * exception (causing an HTTP 500 response to occur, if the above conditions
   * are met).
   * @param request
   *   data representing an HTTP request
   * @param response
   *   an initially-empty response which must be modified to reflect the data
   *   which should be sent as the response to the request described by metadata
  void handle(in nsIHttpRequest request, in nsIHttpResponse response);

 * A representation of the data included in an HTTP request.
[scriptable, uuid(978cf30e-ad73-42ee-8f22-fe0aaf1bf5d2)]
interface nsIHttpRequest : nsISupports
   * The request type for this request (see RFC 2616, section 5.1.1).
  readonly attribute string method;

   * The scheme of the requested path, usually 'http' but might possibly be
   * 'https' if some form of SSL tunneling is in use.  Note that this value
   * cannot be accurately determined unless the incoming request used the
   * absolute-path form of the request line; it defaults to 'http', so only
   * if it is something else can you be entirely certain it's correct.
  readonly attribute string scheme;

   * The host of the data being requested (e.g. "localhost" for the
   * http://localhost:8080/file resource).  Note that the relevant port on the
   * host is specified in this.port.  This value is in the ASCII character
   * encoding.
  readonly attribute string host;

   * The port on the server on which the request was received.
  readonly attribute unsigned long port;

   * The requested path, without any query string (e.g. "/dir/file.txt").  It is
   * guaranteed to begin with a "/".  The individual components in this string
   * are URL-encoded.
  readonly attribute string path;

   * The URL-encoded query string associated with this request, not including
   * the initial "?", or "" if no query string was present.
  readonly attribute string queryString;

   * A string containing the HTTP version of the request (i.e., "1.1").  Leading
   * zeros for either component of the version will be omitted.  (In other
   * words, if the request contains the version "1.01", this attribute will be
   * "1.1"; see RFC 2616, section 3.1.)
  readonly attribute string httpVersion;

   * Returns the value for the header in this request specified by fieldName.
   * @param fieldName
   *   the name of the field whose value is to be gotten; note that since HTTP
   *   header field names are case-insensitive, this method produces equivalent
   *   results for "HeAdER" and "hEADer" as fieldName
   * @returns
   *   The result is a string containing the individual values of the header,
   *   usually separated with a comma.  The headers WWW-Authenticate,
   *   Proxy-Authenticate, and Set-Cookie violate the HTTP specification,
   *   however, and for these headers only the separator string is '\n'.
   *   if fieldName does not constitute a valid header field name
   *   if the given header does not exist in this
  string getHeader(in string fieldName);

   * Returns true if a header with the given field name exists in this, false
   * otherwise.
   * @param fieldName
   *   the field name whose existence is to be determined in this; note that
   *   since HTTP header field names are case-insensitive, this method produces
   *   equivalent results for "HeAdER" and "hEADer" as fieldName
   *   if fieldName does not constitute a valid header field name
  boolean hasHeader(in string fieldName);

   * An nsISimpleEnumerator of nsISupportsStrings over the names of the headers
   * in this request.  The header field names in the enumerator may not
   * necessarily have the same case as they do in the request itself.
  readonly attribute nsISimpleEnumerator headers;

   * A stream from which data appearing in the body of this request can be read.
  readonly attribute nsIInputStream bodyInputStream;

 * Represents an HTTP response, as described in RFC 2616, section 6.
[scriptable, uuid(1acd16c2-dc59-42fa-9160-4f26c43c1c21)]
interface nsIHttpResponse : nsISupports
   * Sets the status line for this.  If this method is never called on this, the
   * status line defaults to "HTTP/", followed by the server's default HTTP
   * version (e.g. "1.1"), followed by " 200 OK".
   * @param httpVersion
   *   the HTTP version of this, as a string (e.g. "1.1"); if null, the server
   *   default is used
   * @param code
   *   the numeric HTTP status code for this
   * @param description
   *   a human-readable description of code; may be null if no description is
   *   desired
   *   if httpVersion is not a valid HTTP version string, statusCode is greater
   *   than 999, or description contains invalid characters
   *   if this response is being processed asynchronously and data has been
   *   written to this response's body, or if seizePower() has been called on
   *   this
  void setStatusLine(in string httpVersion,
                     in unsigned short statusCode,
                     in string description);

   * Sets the specified header in this.
   * @param name
   *   the name of the header; must match the field-name production per RFC 2616
   * @param value
   *   the value of the header; must match the field-value production per RFC
   *   2616
   * @param merge
   *   when true, if the given header already exists in this, the values passed
   *   to this function will be merged into the existing header, per RFC 2616
   *   header semantics (except for the Set-Cookie, WWW-Authenticate, and
   *   Proxy-Authenticate headers, which will treat each such merged header as
   *   an additional instance of the header, for real-world compatibility
   *   reasons); when false, replaces any existing header of the given name (if
   *   any exists) with a new header with the specified value
   *   if name or value is not a valid header component
   *   if this response is being processed asynchronously and data has been
   *   written to this response's body, or if seizePower() has been called on
   *   this
  void setHeader(in string name, in string value, in boolean merge);

   * This is used for testing our header handling, so header will be sent out
   * without transformation. There can be multiple headers.
  void setHeaderNoCheck(in string name, in string value);

   * A stream to which data appearing in the body of this response (or in the
   * totality of the response if seizePower() is called) should be written.
   * After this response has been designated as being processed asynchronously,
   * or after seizePower() has been called on this, subsequent writes will no
   * longer be buffered and will be written to the underlying transport without
   * delaying until the entire response is constructed.  Write-through may or
   * may not be synchronous in the implementation, and in any case particular
   * behavior may not be observable to the HTTP client as intermediate buffers
   * both in the server socket and in the client may delay written data; be
   * prepared for delays at any time.
   *   if accessed after this response is fully constructed
  readonly attribute nsIOutputStream bodyOutputStream;

   * Writes a string to the response's output stream.  This method is merely a
   * convenient shorthand for writing the same data to bodyOutputStream
   * directly.
   * @note
   *   This method is only guaranteed to work with ASCII data.
   *   if called after this response has been fully constructed
  void write(in string data);

   * Signals that this response is being constructed asynchronously.  Requests
   * are typically completely constructed during nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle;
   * however, responses which require significant resources (time, memory,
   * processing) to construct can be created and sent incrementally by calling
   * this method during the call to nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle.  This method
   * only has this effect when called during nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle;
   * behavior is undefined if it is called at a later time.  It may be called
   * multiple times with no ill effect, so long as each call occurs before
   * finish() is called.
   *   if not initially called within a nsIHttpRequestHandler.handle call or if
   *   called after this response has been finished
   *   if seizePower() has been called on this
  void processAsync();

   * Seizes complete control of this response (and its connection) from the
   * server, allowing raw and unfettered access to data being sent in the HTTP
   * response.  Once this method has been called the only property which may be
   * accessed without an exception being thrown is bodyOutputStream, and the
   * only methods which may be accessed without an exception being thrown are
   * write(), finish(), and seizePower() (which may be called multiple times
   * without ill effect so long as all calls are otherwise allowed).
   * After a successful call, all data subsequently written to the body of this
   * response is written directly to the corresponding connection.  (Previously-
   * written data is silently discarded.)  No status line or headers are sent
   * before doing so; if the response handler wishes to write such data, it must
   * do so manually.  Data generation completes only when finish() is called; it
   * is not enough to simply call close() on bodyOutputStream.
   *   if processAsync() has been called on this
   *   if finish() has been called on this
  void seizePower();

   * Signals that construction of this response is complete and that it may be
   * sent over the network to the client, or if seizePower() has been called
   * signals that all data has been written and that the underlying connection
   * may be closed.  This method may only be called after processAsync() or
   * seizePower() has been called.  This method is idempotent.
   *   if processAsync() or seizePower() has not already been properly called
  void finish();