Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.

// This must be loaded in the remote process for this test to be useful
const TEST_URL = "http://example.com/browser/netwerk/test/browser/dummy.html";

const expectedRemote = gMultiProcessBrowser ? "true" : "";

const resProtocol = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=resource"]

function getMinidumpDirectory() {
  var dir = Services.dirsvc.get('ProfD', Ci.nsIFile);
  return dir;

// This observer is needed so we can clean up all evidence of the crash so
// the testrunner thinks things are peachy.
var CrashObserver = {
  observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
    is(topic, 'ipc:content-shutdown', 'Received correct observer topic.');
    ok(subject instanceof Ci.nsIPropertyBag2,
       'Subject implements nsIPropertyBag2.');
    // we might see this called as the process terminates due to previous tests.
    // We are only looking for "abnormal" exits...
    if (!subject.hasKey("abnormal")) {
      info("This is a normal termination and isn't the one we are looking for...");

    var dumpID;
    if ('nsICrashReporter' in Ci) {
      dumpID = subject.getPropertyAsAString('dumpID');
      ok(dumpID, "dumpID is present and not an empty string");

    if (dumpID) {
      var minidumpDirectory = getMinidumpDirectory();
      let file = minidumpDirectory.clone();
      file.append(dumpID + '.dmp');
      file = minidumpDirectory.clone();
      file.append(dumpID + '.extra');
Services.obs.addObserver(CrashObserver, 'ipc:content-shutdown', false);

registerCleanupFunction(() => {
  Services.obs.removeObserver(CrashObserver, 'ipc:content-shutdown');

function frameScript() {
  let resProtocol = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name=resource"]

  addMessageListener("Test:ResolveURI", function({ data: uri }) {
    uri = Services.io.newURI(uri, null, null);
    try {
      let resolved = resProtocol.resolveURI(uri);
      sendAsyncMessage("Test:ResolvedURI", resolved);
    catch (e) {
      sendAsyncMessage("Test:ResolvedURI", null);

  addMessageListener("Test:Crash", function() {
    let zero = new ctypes.intptr_t(8);
    let badptr = ctypes.cast(zero, ctypes.PointerType(ctypes.int32_t));

function waitForEvent(obj, name, capturing, chromeEvent) {
  info("Waiting for " + name);
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    function listener(event) {
      info("Saw " + name);
      obj.removeEventListener(name, listener, capturing, chromeEvent);

    obj.addEventListener(name, listener, capturing, chromeEvent);

function resolveURI(uri) {
  uri = Services.io.newURI(uri, null, null);
  try {
    return resProtocol.resolveURI(uri);
  catch (e) {
    return null;

function remoteResolveURI(uri) {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    let manager = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.messageManager;

    function listener({ data: resolved }) {
      manager.removeMessageListener("Test:ResolvedURI", listener);

    manager.addMessageListener("Test:ResolvedURI", listener);
    manager.sendAsyncMessage("Test:ResolveURI", uri);

var loadTestTab = Task.async(function*() {
  gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(TEST_URL);
  let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
  yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
  browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frameScript.toString() + ")();", true);
  return browser;

// Restarts the child process by crashing it then reloading the tab
var restart = Task.async(function*() {
  let browser = gBrowser.selectedBrowser;
  // If the tab isn't remote this would crash the main process so skip it
  if (browser.getAttribute("remote") != "true")
    return browser;

  yield waitForEvent(browser, "AboutTabCrashedLoad", false, true);


  yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser);
  is(browser.getAttribute("remote"), expectedRemote, "Browser should be in the right process");
  browser.messageManager.loadFrameScript("data:,(" + frameScript.toString() + ")();", true);
  return browser;

// Sanity check that this test is going to be useful
add_task(function*() {
  let browser = yield loadTestTab();

  // This must be loaded in the remote process for this test to be useful
  is(browser.getAttribute("remote"), expectedRemote, "Browser should be in the right process");

  let local = resolveURI("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
  let remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm");
  is(local, remote, "Services.jsm should resolve in both processes");


// Add a mapping, update it then remove it
add_task(function*() {
  let browser = yield loadTestTab();

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", Services.io.newURI("chrome://global/content", null, null));
  let local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  let remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", Services.io.newURI("chrome://global/skin", null, null));
  local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/skin/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/skin/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", null);
  local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, null, "Shouldn't resolve in main process");
  is(remote, null, "Shouldn't resolve in child process");


// Add a mapping, restart the child process then check it is still there
add_task(function*() {
  let browser = yield loadTestTab();

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", Services.io.newURI("chrome://global/content", null, null));
  let local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  let remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  yield restart();

  local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", Services.io.newURI("chrome://global/skin", null, null));

  yield restart();

  local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/skin/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/skin/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", null);

  yield restart();

  local = resolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing/test.js");
  is(local, null, "Shouldn't resolve in main process");
  is(remote, null, "Shouldn't resolve in child process");


// Adding a mapping to a resource URI should work
add_task(function*() {
  let browser = yield loadTestTab();

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", Services.io.newURI("chrome://global/content", null, null));
  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing2", Services.io.newURI("resource://testing", null, null));
  let local = resolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  let remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing", null);
  local = resolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  is(local, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in main process");
  is(remote, "chrome://global/content/test.js", "Should resolve in child process");

  resProtocol.setSubstitution("testing2", null);
  local = resolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  remote = yield remoteResolveURI("resource://testing2/test.js");
  is(local, null, "Shouldn't resolve in main process");
  is(remote, null, "Shouldn't resolve in child process");
