This is a synthetic LISTing based on comments in and a screenshot I saw somewhere. Either way, its 'synthetic' because I couldn't find an FTP server that LISTed like this. Note that (as with other VM/CMS LISTings) filesize cannot be determined from the listing and (AFAIK) files/dirs not on the 'A' minidisk (see 'Fm' field) are not RETRievable/CHDIR'able without magic. Filename FileType Fm Format Lrecl Records Blocks Date Time LASTING GLOBALV A1 V 41 21 1 9/16/91 15:10:32 J43401 NETLOG A0 V 77 1 1 9/12/91 12:36:04 PROFILE EXEC A1 V 17 3 1 9/12/91 12:39:07 DIRUNIX SCRIPT A1 V 77 1216 17 1/04/93 20:30:47 MAIL PROFILE A2 F 80 1 1 10/14/92 16:12:27 ABADY2K DATE A0 V 1 1 1 1/03/100 10:11:12 BBADY2K DATE A0 V 1 1 1 11/03/100 10:11:12 AUTHORS A1 DIR - - - 9/20/99 10:31:11