/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "domstubs.idl"
#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(6714a6be-2265-4f73-a988-d78a12416037)]
interface nsIWebSocketFrame : nsISupports
  readonly attribute DOMHighResTimeStamp timeStamp;

  readonly attribute boolean finBit;

  readonly attribute boolean rsvBit1;
  readonly attribute boolean rsvBit2;
  readonly attribute boolean rsvBit3;

  readonly attribute unsigned short opCode;

  readonly attribute boolean maskBit;

  readonly attribute unsigned long mask;

  readonly attribute ACString payload;

  // Non-Control opCode values:
  const unsigned short OPCODE_CONTINUATION = 0x0;
  const unsigned short OPCODE_TEXT         = 0x1;
  const unsigned short OPCODE_BINARY       = 0x2;

  // Control opCode values:
  const unsigned short OPCODE_CLOSE        = 0x8;
  const unsigned short OPCODE_PING         = 0x9;
  const unsigned short OPCODE_PONG         = 0xA;

[scriptable, uuid(e7c005ab-e694-489b-b741-96db43ffb16f)]
interface nsIWebSocketEventListener : nsISupports
  void webSocketCreated(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                        in AString aURI,
                        in ACString aProtocols);

  void webSocketOpened(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                       in AString aEffectiveURI,
                       in ACString aProtocols,
                       in ACString aExtensions);

  const unsigned short TYPE_STRING      = 0x0;
  const unsigned short TYPE_BLOB        = 0x1;
  const unsigned short TYPE_ARRAYBUFFER = 0x2;

  void webSocketMessageAvailable(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                                 in ACString aMessage,
                                 in unsigned short aType);

  void webSocketClosed(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                       in boolean aWasClean,
                       in unsigned short aCode,
                       in AString aReason);

  void frameReceived(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                     in nsIWebSocketFrame aFrame);

  void frameSent(in unsigned long aWebSocketSerialID,
                 in nsIWebSocketFrame aFrame);

[scriptable, builtinclass, uuid(b89d1b90-2cf3-4d8f-ac21-5aedfb25c760)]
interface nsIWebSocketEventService : nsISupports
  void addListener(in unsigned long long aInnerWindowID,
                   in nsIWebSocketEventListener aListener);

  void removeListener(in unsigned long long aInnerWindowID,
                      in nsIWebSocketEventListener aListener);