/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

interface nsIURI;
interface nsIInterfaceRequestor;
interface nsILoadGroup;
interface nsIWebSocketListener;
interface nsIInputStream;
interface nsILoadInfo;
interface nsIDOMNode;
interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsITransportProvider;

#include "nsISupports.idl"

 * Low-level websocket API: handles network protocol.  
 * This is primarly intended for use by the higher-level nsIWebSocket.idl.
 * We are also making it scriptable for now, but this may change once we have
 * WebSockets for Workers.
[scriptable, uuid(ce71d028-322a-4105-a947-a894689b52bf)]
interface nsIWebSocketChannel : nsISupports
     * The original URI used to construct the protocol connection. This is used
     * in the case of a redirect or URI "resolution" (e.g. resolving a
     * resource: URI to a file: URI) so that the original pre-redirect
     * URI can still be obtained.  This is never null.
    readonly attribute nsIURI originalURI;

     * The readonly URI corresponding to the protocol connection after any
     * redirections are completed.
    readonly attribute nsIURI URI;

     * The notification callbacks for authorization, etc..
    attribute nsIInterfaceRequestor notificationCallbacks;

     * Transport-level security information (if any)
    readonly attribute nsISupports securityInfo;

     * The load group of of the websocket
    attribute nsILoadGroup loadGroup;

     * The load info of the websocket
    attribute nsILoadInfo loadInfo;

     * Sec-Websocket-Protocol value
    attribute ACString protocol;

     * Sec-Websocket-Extensions response header value
    readonly attribute ACString extensions;

     * Init the WebSocketChannel with LoadInfo arguments.
     * @param aLoadingNode
     * @param aLoadingPrincipal
     * @param aTriggeringPrincipal
     * @param aSecurityFlags
     * @param aContentPolicyType
     *        These will be used as values for the nsILoadInfo object on the
     *        created channel. For details, see nsILoadInfo in nsILoadInfo.idl
     * @return reference to the new nsIChannel object
     * Keep in mind that URIs coming from a webpage should *never* use the
     * systemPrincipal as the loadingPrincipal.
     * Please note, if you provide both a loadingNode and a loadingPrincipal,
     * then loadingPrincipal must be equal to loadingNode->NodePrincipal().
     * But less error prone is to just supply a loadingNode.
     void initLoadInfo(in nsIDOMNode aLoadingNode,
                       in nsIPrincipal aLoadingPrincipal,
                       in nsIPrincipal aTriggeringPrincipal,
                       in unsigned long aSecurityFlags,
                       in unsigned long aContentPolicyType);

     * Asynchronously open the websocket connection.  Received messages are fed
     * to the socket listener as they arrive.  The socket listener's methods
     * are called on the thread that calls asyncOpen and are not called until
     * after asyncOpen returns.  If asyncOpen returns successfully, the
     * protocol implementation promises to call at least onStop on the listener.
     * NOTE: Implementations should throw NS_ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED if the
     * websocket connection is reopened.
     * @param aURI the uri of the websocket protocol - may be redirected
     * @param aOrigin the uri of the originating resource
     * @param aInnerWindowID the inner window ID
     * @param aListener the nsIWebSocketListener implementation
     * @param aContext an opaque parameter forwarded to aListener's methods
    void asyncOpen(in nsIURI aURI,
                   in ACString aOrigin,
                   in unsigned long long aInnerWindowID,
                   in nsIWebSocketListener aListener,
                   in nsISupports aContext);

     * Close the websocket connection for writing - no more calls to sendMsg
     * or sendBinaryMsg should be made after calling this. The listener object
     * may receive more messages if a server close has not yet been received.
     * @param aCode the websocket closing handshake close code. Set to 0 if
     *        you are not providing a code.
     * @param aReason the websocket closing handshake close reason
    void close(in unsigned short aCode, in AUTF8String aReason);
    // section 7.4.1 defines these close codes
    const unsigned short CLOSE_NORMAL               = 1000;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_GOING_AWAY           = 1001;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_PROTOCOL_ERROR       = 1002;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_UNSUPPORTED_DATATYPE = 1003;
    //  code 1004 is reserved
    const unsigned short CLOSE_NO_STATUS            = 1005;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_ABNORMAL             = 1006;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_INVALID_PAYLOAD      = 1007;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_POLICY_VIOLATION     = 1008;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_TOO_LARGE            = 1009;
    const unsigned short CLOSE_EXTENSION_MISSING    = 1010;
    // Initially used just for server-side internal errors: adopted later for
    // client-side errors too (not clear if will make into spec: see 
    // http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/hybi/current/msg09372.html
    const unsigned short CLOSE_INTERNAL_ERROR       = 1011;
    // MUST NOT be set as a status code in Close control frame by an endpoint:
    // To be used if TLS handshake failed (ex: server certificate unverifiable)
    const unsigned short CLOSE_TLS_FAILED           = 1015;

     * Use to send text message down the connection to WebSocket peer.
     * @param aMsg the utf8 string to send
    void sendMsg(in AUTF8String aMsg);

     * Use to send binary message down the connection to WebSocket peer.
     * @param aMsg the data to send
    void sendBinaryMsg(in ACString aMsg);

     * Use to send a binary stream (Blob) to Websocket peer.
     * @param aStream The input stream to be sent.  
    void sendBinaryStream(in nsIInputStream aStream, 
                          in unsigned long length);

     * This value determines how often (in seconds) websocket keepalive
     * pings are sent.  If set to 0 (the default), no pings are ever sent.
     * This value can currently only be set before asyncOpen is called, else 
     * NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS is thrown.
     * Be careful using this setting: ping traffic can consume lots of power and
     * bandwidth over time.
    attribute unsigned long pingInterval;

     * This value determines how long (in seconds) the websocket waits for
     * the server to reply to a ping that has been sent before considering the
     * connection broken.
     * This value can currently only be set before asyncOpen is called, else 
     * NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS is thrown.
    attribute unsigned long pingTimeout;

     * Unique ID for this channel. It's not readonly because when the channel is
     * created via IPC, the serial number is received from the child process.
    attribute unsigned long serial;

     * Set a nsITransportProvider and negotated extensions to be used by this
     * channel. Calling this function also means that this channel will
     * implement the server-side part of a websocket connection rather than the
     * client-side part.
    void setServerParameters(in nsITransportProvider aProvider,
                             in ACString aNegotiatedExtensions);

    inline uint32_t Serial()
      uint32_t serial;
      nsresult rv = GetSerial(&serial);
      if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
        return 0;
      return serial;