/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsViewSourceHandler.h" #include "nsViewSourceChannel.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsSimpleNestedURI.h" #define VIEW_SOURCE "view-source" namespace mozilla { namespace net { //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsViewSourceHandler, nsIProtocolHandler) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // nsIProtocolHandler methods: NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::GetScheme(nsACString &result) { result.AssignLiteral(VIEW_SOURCE); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::GetDefaultPort(int32_t *result) { *result = -1; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::GetProtocolFlags(uint32_t *result) { *result = URI_NORELATIVE | URI_NOAUTH | URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD | URI_NON_PERSISTABLE; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::NewURI(const nsACString &aSpec, const char *aCharset, nsIURI *aBaseURI, nsIURI **aResult) { *aResult = nullptr; // Extract inner URL and normalize to ASCII. This is done to properly // support IDN in cases like "view-source:http://www.szalagavató.hu/" int32_t colon = aSpec.FindChar(':'); if (colon == kNotFound) return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> innerURI; nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(innerURI), Substring(aSpec, colon + 1), aCharset, aBaseURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsAutoCString asciiSpec; rv = innerURI->GetAsciiSpec(asciiSpec); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // put back our scheme and construct a simple-uri wrapper asciiSpec.Insert(VIEW_SOURCE ":", 0); // We can't swap() from an RefPtr<nsSimpleNestedURI> to an nsIURI**, // sadly. nsSimpleNestedURI* ourURI = new nsSimpleNestedURI(innerURI); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = ourURI; if (!uri) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; rv = ourURI->SetSpec(asciiSpec); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Make the URI immutable so it's impossible to get it out of sync // with its inner URI. ourURI->SetMutable(false); uri.swap(*aResult); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::NewChannel2(nsIURI* uri, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, nsIChannel** result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(uri); nsViewSourceChannel *channel = new nsViewSourceChannel(); if (!channel) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; NS_ADDREF(channel); nsresult rv = channel->Init(uri); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_RELEASE(channel); return rv; } // set the loadInfo on the new channel rv = channel->SetLoadInfo(aLoadInfo); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_RELEASE(channel); return rv; } *result = static_cast<nsIViewSourceChannel*>(channel); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::NewChannel(nsIURI* uri, nsIChannel* *result) { return NewChannel2(uri, nullptr, result); } nsresult nsViewSourceHandler::NewSrcdocChannel(nsIURI *aURI, nsIURI *aBaseURI, const nsAString &aSrcdoc, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, nsIChannel** outChannel) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aURI); RefPtr<nsViewSourceChannel> channel = new nsViewSourceChannel(); nsresult rv = channel->InitSrcdoc(aURI, aBaseURI, aSrcdoc, aLoadInfo); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } *outChannel = static_cast<nsIViewSourceChannel*>(channel.forget().take()); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsViewSourceHandler::AllowPort(int32_t port, const char *scheme, bool *_retval) { // don't override anything. *_retval = false; return NS_OK; } nsViewSourceHandler::nsViewSourceHandler() { gInstance = this; } nsViewSourceHandler::~nsViewSourceHandler() { gInstance = nullptr; } nsViewSourceHandler* nsViewSourceHandler::gInstance = nullptr; nsViewSourceHandler* nsViewSourceHandler::GetInstance() { return gInstance; } } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla