/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

#include "nsTArrayForwardDeclare.h"
template<class T> class nsCOMArray;
class nsCString;
namespace mozilla { namespace net { class nsHttpChannel; } }
[ptr] native StringArray(nsTArray<nsCString>);
[ref] native StringArrayRef(const nsTArray<nsCString>);
[ref] native securityMessagesArray(nsCOMArray<nsISecurityConsoleMessage>);
[ptr] native nsHttpChannelPtr(mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel);

interface nsIAsyncInputStream;
interface nsIAsyncOutputStream;
interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsIProxyInfo;
interface nsISecurityConsoleMessage;
interface nsISocketTransport;
interface nsIURI;

 * The callback interface for nsIHttpChannelInternal::HTTPUpgrade()

[scriptable, uuid(5b515449-ab64-4dba-b3cd-da8fc2f83064)]
interface nsIHttpUpgradeListener : nsISupports
    void onTransportAvailable(in nsISocketTransport   aTransport,
                              in nsIAsyncInputStream  aSocketIn,
                              in nsIAsyncOutputStream aSocketOut);

 * Dumping ground for http.  This interface will never be frozen.  If you are
 * using any feature exposed by this interface, be aware that this interface
 * will change and you will be broken.  You have been warned.
[builtinclass, scriptable, uuid(4e28263d-1e03-46f4-aa5c-9512f91957f9)]
interface nsIHttpChannelInternal : nsISupports
     * An http channel can own a reference to the document URI
    attribute nsIURI documentURI;

     * Get the major/minor version numbers for the request
    void getRequestVersion(out unsigned long major, out unsigned long minor);

     * Get the major/minor version numbers for the response
    void getResponseVersion(out unsigned long major, out unsigned long minor);

     * Retrieves all security messages from the security message queue
     * and empties the queue after retrieval
    [noscript] void takeAllSecurityMessages(in securityMessagesArray aMessages);

     * Helper method to set a cookie with a consumer-provided
     * cookie header, _but_ using the channel's other information
     * (URI's, prompters, date headers etc).
     * @param aCookieHeader
     *        The cookie header to be parsed.
    void setCookie(in string aCookieHeader);

     * Setup this channel as an application cache fallback channel.
    void setupFallbackChannel(in string aFallbackKey);

     * This flag is set to force relevant cookies to be sent with this load
     * even if normally they wouldn't be.
    const unsigned long THIRD_PARTY_FORCE_ALLOW = 1 << 0;

     * When set, these flags modify the algorithm used to decide whether to
     * send 3rd party cookies for a given channel.
    attribute unsigned long thirdPartyFlags;

     * This attribute was added before the "flags" above and is retained here
     * for compatibility. When set to true, has the same effect as
     * THIRD_PARTY_FORCE_ALLOW, described above.
    attribute boolean forceAllowThirdPartyCookie;

     * True iff the channel has been canceled.
    readonly attribute boolean canceled;

     * External handlers may set this to true to notify the channel
     * that it is open on behalf of a download.
    attribute boolean channelIsForDownload;

     * The local IP address to which this channel is bound, in the
     * format produced by PR_NetAddrToString. May be IPv4 or IPv6.
     * Note: in the presence of NAT, this may not be the same as the
     * address that the remote host thinks it's talking to.
     * May throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if accessed when the channel's
     * endpoints are not yet determined, or in any case when
     * nsIHttpActivityObserver.isActive is false. See bugs 534698 and 526207.
    readonly attribute AUTF8String localAddress;

     * The local port number to which this channel is bound.
     * May throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if accessed when the channel's
     * endpoints are not yet determined, or in any case when
     * nsIHttpActivityObserver.isActive is false. See bugs 534698 and 526207.
    readonly attribute int32_t localPort;

     * The IP address of the remote host that this channel is
     * connected to, in the format produced by PR_NetAddrToString.
     * May throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if accessed when the channel's
     * endpoints are not yet determined, or in any case when
     * nsIHttpActivityObserver.isActive is false. See bugs 534698 and 526207.
    readonly attribute AUTF8String remoteAddress;

     * The remote port number that this channel is connected to.
     * May throw NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if accessed when the channel's
     * endpoints are not yet determined, or in any case when
     * nsIHttpActivityObserver.isActive is false. See bugs 534698 and 526207.
    readonly attribute int32_t remotePort;

     * Transfer chain of redirected cache-keys.
    [noscript] void setCacheKeysRedirectChain(in StringArray cacheKeys);

     * HTTPUpgrade allows for the use of HTTP to bootstrap another protocol
     * via the RFC 2616 Upgrade request header in conjunction with a 101 level
     * response. The nsIHttpUpgradeListener will have its
     * onTransportAvailable() method invoked if a matching 101 is processed.
     * The arguments to onTransportAvailable provide the new protocol the low
     * level tranport streams that are no longer used by HTTP.
     * The onStartRequest and onStopRequest events are still delivered and the
     * listener gets full control over the socket if and when onTransportAvailable
     * is delievered.
     * @param aProtocolName
     *        The value of the HTTP Upgrade request header
     * @param aListener
     *        The callback object used to handle a successful upgrade
    void HTTPUpgrade(in ACString aProtocolName,
                     in nsIHttpUpgradeListener aListener);

     * Enable/Disable Spdy negotiation on per channel basis.
     * The network.http.spdy.enabled preference is still a pre-requisite
     * for starting spdy.
    attribute boolean allowSpdy;

     * This attribute en/disables the timeout for the first byte of an HTTP
     * response. Enabled by default.
    attribute boolean responseTimeoutEnabled;

     * If the underlying transport supports RWIN manipulation, this is the
     * intiial window value for the channel. HTTP/2 implements this.
     * 0 means no override from system default. Set before opening channel.
    attribute unsigned long initialRwin;

     * Get value of the URI passed to nsIHttpChannel.redirectTo() if any.
     * May return null when redirectTo() has not been called.
    readonly attribute nsIURI apiRedirectToURI;

     * Enable/Disable use of Alternate Services with this channel.
     * The network.http.altsvc.enabled preference is still a pre-requisite.
    attribute boolean allowAltSvc;

     * If true, do not use newer protocol features that might have interop problems
     * on the Internet. Intended only for use with critical infra like the updater.
     * default is false.
    attribute boolean beConservative;

    readonly attribute PRTime lastModifiedTime;

     * Force a channel that has not been AsyncOpen'ed to skip any check for possible
     * interception and proceed immediately to open a previously-synthesized cache
     * entry using the provided ID.
    void forceIntercepted(in uint64_t aInterceptionID);

    readonly attribute boolean responseSynthesized;

     * Set by nsCORSListenerProxy if credentials should be included in
     * cross-origin requests. false indicates "same-origin", users should still
     * check flag LOAD_ANONYMOUS!
    attribute boolean corsIncludeCredentials;

    const unsigned long CORS_MODE_SAME_ORIGIN = 0;
    const unsigned long CORS_MODE_NO_CORS = 1;
    const unsigned long CORS_MODE_CORS = 2;
    const unsigned long CORS_MODE_NAVIGATE = 3;
     * Set by nsCORSListenerProxy to indicate CORS load type. Defaults to CORS_MODE_NO_CORS.
    attribute unsigned long corsMode;

    const unsigned long REDIRECT_MODE_FOLLOW = 0;
    const unsigned long REDIRECT_MODE_ERROR = 1;
    const unsigned long REDIRECT_MODE_MANUAL = 2;
     * Set to indicate Request.redirect mode exposed during ServiceWorker
     * interception. No policy enforcement is performed by the channel for this
     * value.
    attribute unsigned long redirectMode;

    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_DEFAULT = 0;
    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_NO_STORE = 1;
    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_RELOAD = 2;
    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_NO_CACHE = 3;
    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_FORCE_CACHE = 4;
    const unsigned long FETCH_CACHE_MODE_ONLY_IF_CACHED = 5;
     * Set to indicate Request.cache mode, which simulates the fetch API
     * semantics, and is also used for exposing this value to the Web page
     * during service worker interception.
    attribute unsigned long fetchCacheMode;

     * The URI of the top-level window that's associated with this channel.
    readonly attribute nsIURI topWindowURI;

     * The network interface id that's associated with this channel.
    attribute ACString networkInterfaceId;

     * Read the proxy URI, which, if non-null, will be used to resolve
     * proxies for this channel.
    readonly attribute nsIURI proxyURI;

     * Make cross-origin CORS loads happen with a CORS preflight, and specify
     * the CORS preflight parameters.
    [noscript, notxpcom, nostdcall]
    void setCorsPreflightParameters(in StringArrayRef unsafeHeaders);

     * When set to true, the channel will not pop any authentication prompts up
     * to the user.  When provided or cached credentials lead to an
     * authentication failure, that failure will be propagated to the channel
     * listener.  Must be called before opening the channel, otherwise throws.
    attribute boolean blockAuthPrompt;

     * Set to indicate Request.integrity.
    attribute AString integrityMetadata;

     * The connection info's hash key. We use it to test connection separation.
    readonly attribute ACString connectionInfoHashKey;

     * Returns nsHttpChannel (self) when this actually is implementing nsHttpChannel.
    [noscript, notxpcom, nostdcall]
    nsHttpChannelPtr queryHttpChannelImpl();