/* vim:set ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 et cin: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // HttpLog.h should generally be included first #include "HttpLog.h" // Log on level :5, instead of default :4. #undef LOG #define LOG(args) LOG5(args) #undef LOG_ENABLED #define LOG_ENABLED() LOG5_ENABLED() #include "nsHttpConnectionMgr.h" #include "nsHttpConnection.h" #include "nsHttpPipeline.h" #include "nsHttpHandler.h" #include "nsIHttpChannelInternal.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "mozilla/net/DNS.h" #include "nsISocketTransport.h" #include "nsISSLSocketControl.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "mozilla/net/DashboardTypes.h" #include "NullHttpTransaction.h" #include "nsIDNSRecord.h" #include "nsITransport.h" #include "nsInterfaceRequestorAgg.h" #include "nsIRequestContext.h" #include "nsISocketTransportService.h" #include <algorithm> #include "mozilla/ChaosMode.h" #include "mozilla/Unused.h" #include "nsIURI.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" namespace mozilla { namespace net { //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsHttpConnectionMgr, nsIObserver) static void InsertTransactionSorted(nsTArray<RefPtr<nsHttpTransaction> > &pendingQ, nsHttpTransaction *trans) { // insert into queue with smallest valued number first. search in reverse // order under the assumption that many of the existing transactions will // have the same priority (usually 0). for (int32_t i = pendingQ.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { nsHttpTransaction *t = pendingQ[i]; if (trans->Priority() >= t->Priority()) { if (ChaosMode::isActive(ChaosFeature::NetworkScheduling)) { int32_t samePriorityCount; for (samePriorityCount = 0; i - samePriorityCount >= 0; ++samePriorityCount) { if (pendingQ[i - samePriorityCount]->Priority() != trans->Priority()) { break; } } // skip over 0...all of the elements with the same priority. i -= ChaosMode::randomUint32LessThan(samePriorityCount + 1); } pendingQ.InsertElementAt(i+1, trans); return; } } pendingQ.InsertElementAt(0, trans); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHttpConnectionMgr() : mReentrantMonitor("nsHttpConnectionMgr.mReentrantMonitor") , mMaxConns(0) , mMaxPersistConnsPerHost(0) , mMaxPersistConnsPerProxy(0) , mIsShuttingDown(false) , mNumActiveConns(0) , mNumIdleConns(0) , mNumSpdyActiveConns(0) , mNumHalfOpenConns(0) , mTimeOfNextWakeUp(UINT64_MAX) , mPruningNoTraffic(false) , mTimeoutTickArmed(false) , mTimeoutTickNext(1) { LOG(("Creating nsHttpConnectionMgr @%p\n", this)); } nsHttpConnectionMgr::~nsHttpConnectionMgr() { LOG(("Destroying nsHttpConnectionMgr @%p\n", this)); if (mTimeoutTick) mTimeoutTick->Cancel(); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::EnsureSocketThreadTarget() { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> sts; nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService = do_GetIOService(&rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) sts = do_GetService(NS_SOCKETTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor); // do nothing if already initialized or if we've shut down if (mSocketThreadTarget || mIsShuttingDown) return NS_OK; mSocketThreadTarget = sts; return rv; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::Init(uint16_t maxConns, uint16_t maxPersistConnsPerHost, uint16_t maxPersistConnsPerProxy, uint16_t maxRequestDelay, uint16_t maxPipelinedRequests, uint16_t maxOptimisticPipelinedRequests) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::Init\n")); { ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor); mMaxConns = maxConns; mMaxPersistConnsPerHost = maxPersistConnsPerHost; mMaxPersistConnsPerProxy = maxPersistConnsPerProxy; mMaxRequestDelay = maxRequestDelay; mMaxPipelinedRequests = maxPipelinedRequests; mMaxOptimisticPipelinedRequests = maxOptimisticPipelinedRequests; mIsShuttingDown = false; } return EnsureSocketThreadTarget(); } class BoolWrapper : public ARefBase { public: BoolWrapper() : mBool(false) {} NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(BoolWrapper) public: // intentional! bool mBool; private: virtual ~BoolWrapper() {} }; nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::Shutdown() { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::Shutdown\n")); RefPtr<BoolWrapper> shutdownWrapper = new BoolWrapper(); { ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor); // do nothing if already shutdown if (!mSocketThreadTarget) return NS_OK; nsresult rv = PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdown, 0, shutdownWrapper); // release our reference to the STS to prevent further events // from being posted. this is how we indicate that we are // shutting down. mIsShuttingDown = true; mSocketThreadTarget = nullptr; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("unable to post SHUTDOWN message"); return rv; } } // wait for shutdown event to complete while (!shutdownWrapper->mBool) { NS_ProcessNextEvent(NS_GetCurrentThread()); } return NS_OK; } class ConnEvent : public Runnable { public: ConnEvent(nsHttpConnectionMgr *mgr, nsConnEventHandler handler, int32_t iparam, ARefBase *vparam) : mMgr(mgr) , mHandler(handler) , mIParam(iparam) , mVParam(vparam) {} NS_IMETHOD Run() override { (mMgr->*mHandler)(mIParam, mVParam); return NS_OK; } private: virtual ~ConnEvent() {} RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionMgr> mMgr; nsConnEventHandler mHandler; int32_t mIParam; RefPtr<ARefBase> mVParam; }; nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::PostEvent(nsConnEventHandler handler, int32_t iparam, ARefBase *vparam) { EnsureSocketThreadTarget(); ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor); nsresult rv; if (!mSocketThreadTarget) { NS_WARNING("cannot post event if not initialized"); rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; } else { nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> event = new ConnEvent(this, handler, iparam, vparam); rv = mSocketThreadTarget->Dispatch(event, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } return rv; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::PruneDeadConnectionsAfter(uint32_t timeInSeconds) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::PruneDeadConnectionsAfter\n")); if(!mTimer) mTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); // failure to create a timer is not a fatal error, but idle connections // will not be cleaned up until we try to use them. if (mTimer) { mTimeOfNextWakeUp = timeInSeconds + NowInSeconds(); mTimer->Init(this, timeInSeconds*1000, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } else { NS_WARNING("failed to create: timer for pruning the dead connections!"); } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer() { // Leave the timer in place if there are connections that potentially // need management if (mNumIdleConns || (mNumActiveConns && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled())) return; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::StopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer\n")); // Reset mTimeOfNextWakeUp so that we can find a new shortest value. mTimeOfNextWakeUp = UINT64_MAX; if (mTimer) { mTimer->Cancel(); mTimer = nullptr; } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick() { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick " "armed=%d active=%d\n", mTimeoutTickArmed, mNumActiveConns)); if (!mTimeoutTickArmed) return; if (mNumActiveConns) return; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick stop==true\n")); mTimeoutTick->Cancel(); mTimeoutTickArmed = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsIObserver //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpConnectionMgr::Observe(nsISupports *subject, const char *topic, const char16_t *data) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::Observe [topic=\"%s\"]\n", topic)); if (0 == strcmp(topic, NS_TIMER_CALLBACK_TOPIC)) { nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> timer = do_QueryInterface(subject); if (timer == mTimer) { PruneDeadConnections(); } else if (timer == mTimeoutTick) { TimeoutTick(); } else if (timer == mTrafficTimer) { PruneNoTraffic(); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unexpected timer-callback"); LOG(("Unexpected timer object\n")); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::AddTransaction(nsHttpTransaction *trans, int32_t priority) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::AddTransaction [trans=%p %d]\n", trans, priority)); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgNewTransaction, priority, trans); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::RescheduleTransaction(nsHttpTransaction *trans, int32_t priority) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::RescheduleTransaction [trans=%p %d]\n", trans, priority)); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReschedTransaction, priority, trans); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::CancelTransaction(nsHttpTransaction *trans, nsresult reason) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::CancelTransaction [trans=%p reason=%x]\n", trans, reason)); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransaction, static_cast<int32_t>(reason), trans); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::PruneDeadConnections() { return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneDeadConnections); } // // Called after a timeout. Check for active connections that have had no // traffic since they were "marked" and nuke them. nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::PruneNoTraffic() { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::PruneNoTraffic\n")); mPruningNoTraffic = true; return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneNoTraffic); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::VerifyTraffic() { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::VerifyTraffic\n")); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgVerifyTraffic); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::DoShiftReloadConnectionCleanup(nsHttpConnectionInfo *aCI) { return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgDoShiftReloadConnectionCleanup, 0, aCI); } class SpeculativeConnectArgs : public ARefBase { public: SpeculativeConnectArgs() { mOverridesOK = false; } NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(SpeculativeConnectArgs) public: // intentional! RefPtr<NullHttpTransaction> mTrans; bool mOverridesOK; uint32_t mParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit; bool mIgnoreIdle; bool mIsFromPredictor; bool mAllow1918; private: virtual ~SpeculativeConnectArgs() {} NS_DECL_OWNINGTHREAD }; nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::SpeculativeConnect(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsIInterfaceRequestor *callbacks, uint32_t caps, NullHttpTransaction *nullTransaction) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "nsHttpConnectionMgr::SpeculativeConnect called off main thread!"); if (!IsNeckoChild()) { // HACK: make sure PSM gets initialized on the main thread. net_EnsurePSMInit(); } LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::SpeculativeConnect [ci=%s]\n", ci->HashKey().get())); nsCOMPtr<nsISpeculativeConnectionOverrider> overrider = do_GetInterface(callbacks); bool allow1918 = overrider ? overrider->GetAllow1918() : false; // Hosts that are Local IP Literals should not be speculatively // connected - Bug 853423. if ((!allow1918) && ci && ci->HostIsLocalIPLiteral()) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::SpeculativeConnect skipping RFC1918 " "address [%s]", ci->Origin())); return NS_OK; } RefPtr<SpeculativeConnectArgs> args = new SpeculativeConnectArgs(); // Wrap up the callbacks and the target to ensure they're released on the target // thread properly. nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> wrappedCallbacks; NS_NewInterfaceRequestorAggregation(callbacks, nullptr, getter_AddRefs(wrappedCallbacks)); caps |= ci->GetAnonymous() ? NS_HTTP_LOAD_ANONYMOUS : 0; caps |= NS_HTTP_ERROR_SOFTLY; args->mTrans = nullTransaction ? nullTransaction : new NullHttpTransaction(ci, wrappedCallbacks, caps); if (overrider) { args->mOverridesOK = true; args->mParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit = overrider->GetParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit(); args->mIgnoreIdle = overrider->GetIgnoreIdle(); args->mIsFromPredictor = overrider->GetIsFromPredictor(); args->mAllow1918 = overrider->GetAllow1918(); } return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgSpeculativeConnect, 0, args); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSocketThreadTarget(nsIEventTarget **target) { EnsureSocketThreadTarget(); ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mReentrantMonitor); nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> temp(mSocketThreadTarget); temp.forget(target); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::ReclaimConnection(nsHttpConnection *conn) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ReclaimConnection [conn=%p]\n", conn)); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReclaimConnection, 0, conn); } // A structure used to marshall 2 pointers across the various necessary // threads to complete an HTTP upgrade. class nsCompleteUpgradeData : public ARefBase { public: nsCompleteUpgradeData(nsAHttpConnection *aConn, nsIHttpUpgradeListener *aListener) : mConn(aConn) , mUpgradeListener(aListener) { } NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(nsCompleteUpgradeData) RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> mConn; nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpUpgradeListener> mUpgradeListener; private: virtual ~nsCompleteUpgradeData() { } }; nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::CompleteUpgrade(nsAHttpConnection *aConn, nsIHttpUpgradeListener *aUpgradeListener) { RefPtr<nsCompleteUpgradeData> data = new nsCompleteUpgradeData(aConn, aUpgradeListener); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCompleteUpgrade, 0, data); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::UpdateParam(nsParamName name, uint16_t value) { uint32_t param = (uint32_t(name) << 16) | uint32_t(value); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgUpdateParam, static_cast<int32_t>(param), nullptr); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQ(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQ [ci=%s]\n", ci->HashKey().get())); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessPendingQ, 0, ci); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQ() { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQ [All CI]\n")); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessPendingQ, 0, nullptr); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgUpdateRequestTokenBucket(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { EventTokenBucket *tokenBucket = static_cast<EventTokenBucket *>(param); gHttpHandler->SetRequestTokenBucket(tokenBucket); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::UpdateRequestTokenBucket(EventTokenBucket *aBucket) { // Call From main thread when a new EventTokenBucket has been made in order // to post the new value to the socket thread. return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgUpdateRequestTokenBucket, 0, aBucket); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::ClearConnectionHistory() { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); if (ent->mIdleConns.Length() == 0 && ent->mActiveConns.Length() == 0 && ent->mHalfOpens.Length() == 0 && ent->mPendingQ.Length() == 0) { iter.Remove(); } } return NS_OK; } nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry * nsHttpConnectionMgr::LookupPreferredHash(nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry *ent) { nsConnectionEntry *preferred = nullptr; uint32_t len = ent->mCoalescingKeys.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; !preferred && (i < len); ++i) { preferred = mSpdyPreferredHash.Get(ent->mCoalescingKeys[i]); } return preferred; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::StorePreferredHash(nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry *ent) { if (ent->mCoalescingKeys.IsEmpty()) { return; } ent->mInPreferredHash = true; uint32_t len = ent->mCoalescingKeys.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { mSpdyPreferredHash.Put(ent->mCoalescingKeys[i], ent); } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::RemovePreferredHash(nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry *ent) { if (!ent->mInPreferredHash || ent->mCoalescingKeys.IsEmpty()) { return; } ent->mInPreferredHash = false; uint32_t len = ent->mCoalescingKeys.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { mSpdyPreferredHash.Remove(ent->mCoalescingKeys[i]); } } // Given a nsHttpConnectionInfo find the connection entry object that // contains either the nshttpconnection or nshttptransaction parameter. // Normally this is done by the hashkey lookup of connectioninfo, // but if spdy coalescing is in play it might be found in a redirected // entry nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry * nsHttpConnectionMgr::LookupConnectionEntry(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsHttpConnection *conn, nsHttpTransaction *trans) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); if (!ci) return nullptr; nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); // If there is no sign of coalescing (or it is disabled) then just // return the primary hash lookup if (!ent || !ent->mUsingSpdy || ent->mCoalescingKeys.IsEmpty()) return ent; // If there is no preferred coalescing entry for this host (or the // preferred entry is the one that matched the mCT hash lookup) then // there is only option nsConnectionEntry *preferred = LookupPreferredHash(ent); if (!preferred || (preferred == ent)) return ent; if (conn) { // The connection could be either in preferred or ent. It is most // likely the only active connection in preferred - so start with that. if (preferred->mActiveConns.Contains(conn)) return preferred; if (preferred->mIdleConns.Contains(conn)) return preferred; } if (trans && preferred->mPendingQ.Contains(trans)) return preferred; // Neither conn nor trans found in preferred, use the default entry return ent; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::CloseIdleConnection(nsHttpConnection *conn) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::CloseIdleConnection %p conn=%p", this, conn)); if (!conn->ConnectionInfo()) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(conn->ConnectionInfo(), conn, nullptr); RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> deleteProtector(conn); if (!ent || !ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElement(conn)) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); mNumIdleConns--; ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer(); return NS_OK; } // This function lets a connection, after completing the NPN phase, // report whether or not it is using spdy through the usingSpdy // argument. It would not be necessary if NPN were driven out of // the connection manager. The connection entry associated with the // connection is then updated to indicate whether or not we want to use // spdy with that host and update the preliminary preferred host // entries used for de-sharding hostsnames. void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ReportSpdyConnection(nsHttpConnection *conn, bool usingSpdy) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(conn->ConnectionInfo(), conn, nullptr); if (!ent) return; if (!usingSpdy) return; ent->mUsingSpdy = true; mNumSpdyActiveConns++; uint32_t ttl = conn->TimeToLive(); uint64_t timeOfExpire = NowInSeconds() + ttl; if (!mTimer || timeOfExpire < mTimeOfNextWakeUp) PruneDeadConnectionsAfter(ttl); // Lookup preferred directly from the hash instead of using // GetSpdyPreferredEnt() because we want to avoid the cert compatibility // check at this point because the cert is never part of the hash // lookup. Filtering on that has to be done at the time of use // rather than the time of registration (i.e. now). nsConnectionEntry *joinedConnection; nsConnectionEntry *preferred = LookupPreferredHash(ent); LOG(("ReportSpdyConnection %p,%s conn %p prefers %p,%s\n", ent, ent->mConnInfo->Origin(), conn, preferred, preferred ? preferred->mConnInfo->Origin() : "")); if (!preferred) { // this becomes the preferred entry StorePreferredHash(ent); preferred = ent; } else if ((preferred != ent) && (joinedConnection = GetSpdyPreferredEnt(ent)) && (joinedConnection != ent)) { // // A connection entry (e.g. made with a different hostname) with // the same IP address is preferred for future transactions over this // connection entry. Gracefully close down the connection to help // new transactions migrate over. LOG(("ReportSpdyConnection graceful close of conn=%p ent=%p to " "migrate to preferred (desharding)\n", conn, ent)); conn->DontReuse(); } else if (preferred != ent) { LOG (("ReportSpdyConnection preferred host may be in false start or " "may have insufficient cert. Leave mapping in place but do not " "abandon this connection yet.")); } if ((preferred == ent) && conn->CanDirectlyActivate()) { // this is a new spdy connection to the preferred entry // Cancel any other pending connections - their associated transactions // are in the pending queue and will be dispatched onto this connection for (int32_t index = ent->mHalfOpens.Length() - 1; index >= 0; --index) { LOG(("ReportSpdyConnection forcing halfopen abandon %p\n", ent->mHalfOpens[index])); ent->mHalfOpens[index]->Abandon(); } if (ent->mActiveConns.Length() > 1) { // this is a new connection to an established preferred spdy host. // if there is more than 1 live and established spdy connection (e.g. // some could still be handshaking, shutting down, etc..) then close // this one down after any transactions that are on it are complete. // This probably happened due to the parallel connection algorithm // that is used only before the host is known to speak spdy. for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { nsHttpConnection *otherConn = ent->mActiveConns[index]; if (otherConn != conn) { LOG(("ReportSpdyConnection shutting down connection (%p) because new " "spdy connection (%p) takes precedence\n", otherConn, conn)); otherConn->DontReuse(); } } } } ProcessPendingQ(ent->mConnInfo); PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessAllSpdyPendingQ); } nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry * nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSpdyPreferredEnt(nsConnectionEntry *aOriginalEntry) { if (!gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled() || !gHttpHandler->CoalesceSpdy() || aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->GetNoSpdy() || aOriginalEntry->mCoalescingKeys.IsEmpty()) { return nullptr; } nsConnectionEntry *preferred = LookupPreferredHash(aOriginalEntry); // if there is no redirection no cert validation is required if (preferred == aOriginalEntry) return aOriginalEntry; // if there is no preferred host or it is no longer using spdy // then skip pooling if (!preferred || !preferred->mUsingSpdy) return nullptr; // if there is not an active spdy session in this entry then // we cannot pool because the cert upon activation may not // be the same as the old one. Active sessions are prohibited // from changing certs. nsHttpConnection *activeSpdy = nullptr; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < preferred->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { if (preferred->mActiveConns[index]->CanDirectlyActivate()) { activeSpdy = preferred->mActiveConns[index]; break; } } if (!activeSpdy) { // remove the preferred status of this entry if it cannot be // used for pooling. RemovePreferredHash(preferred); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSpdyPreferredEnt " "preferred host mapping %s to %s removed due to inactivity.\n", aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->Origin(), preferred->mConnInfo->Origin())); return nullptr; } // Check that the server cert supports redirection nsresult rv; bool isJoined = false; nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> securityInfo; nsCOMPtr<nsISSLSocketControl> sslSocketControl; nsAutoCString negotiatedNPN; activeSpdy->GetSecurityInfo(getter_AddRefs(securityInfo)); if (!securityInfo) { NS_WARNING("cannot obtain spdy security info"); return nullptr; } sslSocketControl = do_QueryInterface(securityInfo, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_WARNING("sslSocketControl QI Failed"); return nullptr; } // try all the spdy versions we support. const SpdyInformation *info = gHttpHandler->SpdyInfo(); for (uint32_t index = SpdyInformation::kCount; NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && index > 0; --index) { if (info->ProtocolEnabled(index - 1)) { rv = sslSocketControl->JoinConnection(info->VersionString[index - 1], aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->GetOrigin(), aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->OriginPort(), &isJoined); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && isJoined) { break; } } } if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !isJoined) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSpdyPreferredEnt " "Host %s cannot be confirmed to be joined " "with %s connections. rv=%x isJoined=%d", preferred->mConnInfo->Origin(), aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->Origin(), rv, isJoined)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SPDY_NPN_JOIN, false); return nullptr; } // IP pooling confirmed LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSpdyPreferredEnt " "Host %s has cert valid for %s connections, " "so %s will be coalesced with %s", preferred->mConnInfo->Origin(), aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->Origin(), aOriginalEntry->mConnInfo->Origin(), preferred->mConnInfo->Origin())); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SPDY_NPN_JOIN, true); return preferred; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQForEntry(nsConnectionEntry *ent, bool considerAll) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQForEntry " "[ci=%s ent=%p active=%d idle=%d queued=%d]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), ent, ent->mActiveConns.Length(), ent->mIdleConns.Length(), ent->mPendingQ.Length())); ProcessSpdyPendingQ(ent); nsHttpTransaction *trans; nsresult rv; bool dispatchedSuccessfully = false; // if !considerAll iterate the pending list until one is dispatched successfully. // Keep iterating afterwards only until a transaction fails to dispatch. // if considerAll == true then try and dispatch all items. for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ent->mPendingQ.Length(); ) { trans = ent->mPendingQ[i]; // When this transaction has already established a half-open // connection, we want to prevent any duplicate half-open // connections from being established and bound to this // transaction. Allow only use of an idle persistent connection // (if found) for transactions referred by a half-open connection. bool alreadyHalfOpen = false; for (int32_t j = 0; j < ((int32_t) ent->mHalfOpens.Length()); ++j) { if (ent->mHalfOpens[j]->Transaction() == trans) { alreadyHalfOpen = true; break; } } rv = TryDispatchTransaction(ent, alreadyHalfOpen || !!trans->TunnelProvider(), trans); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) || (rv != NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE)) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) LOG((" dispatching pending transaction...\n")); else LOG((" removing pending transaction based on " "TryDispatchTransaction returning hard error %x\n", rv)); if (ent->mPendingQ.RemoveElement(trans)) { // trans is now potentially destroyed dispatchedSuccessfully = true; continue; // dont ++i as we just made the array shorter } LOG((" transaction not found in pending queue\n")); } if (dispatchedSuccessfully && !considerAll) break; ++i; } return dispatchedSuccessfully; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessPendingQForEntry(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); if (ent) return ProcessPendingQForEntry(ent, false); return false; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::SupportsPipelining(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); if (ent) return ent->SupportsPipelining(); return false; } // nsHttpPipelineFeedback used to hold references across events class nsHttpPipelineFeedback : public ARefBase { public: nsHttpPipelineFeedback(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsHttpConnectionMgr::PipelineFeedbackInfoType info, nsHttpConnection *conn, uint32_t data) : mConnInfo(ci) , mConn(conn) , mInfo(info) , mData(data) { } RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> mConnInfo; RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> mConn; nsHttpConnectionMgr::PipelineFeedbackInfoType mInfo; uint32_t mData; private: ~nsHttpPipelineFeedback() {} NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(nsHttpPipelineFeedback) }; void nsHttpConnectionMgr::PipelineFeedbackInfo(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, PipelineFeedbackInfoType info, nsHttpConnection *conn, uint32_t data) { if (!ci) return; // Post this to the socket thread if we are not running there already if (PR_GetCurrentThread() != gSocketThread) { RefPtr<nsHttpPipelineFeedback> fb = new nsHttpPipelineFeedback(ci, info, conn, data); PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessFeedback, 0, fb); return; } nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); if (ent) ent->OnPipelineFeedbackInfo(info, conn, data); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ReportFailedToProcess(nsIURI *uri) { MOZ_ASSERT(uri); nsAutoCString host; int32_t port = -1; nsAutoCString username; bool usingSSL = false; bool isHttp = false; nsresult rv = uri->SchemeIs("https", &usingSSL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && usingSSL) isHttp = true; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !isHttp) rv = uri->SchemeIs("http", &isHttp); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = uri->GetAsciiHost(host); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = uri->GetPort(&port); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) uri->GetUsername(username); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !isHttp || host.IsEmpty()) return; // report the event for all the permutations of anonymous and // private versions of this host RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> ci = new nsHttpConnectionInfo(host, port, EmptyCString(), username, nullptr, NeckoOriginAttributes(), usingSSL); ci->SetAnonymous(false); ci->SetPrivate(false); PipelineFeedbackInfo(ci, RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); ci = ci->Clone(); ci->SetAnonymous(false); ci->SetPrivate(true); PipelineFeedbackInfo(ci, RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); ci = ci->Clone(); ci->SetAnonymous(true); ci->SetPrivate(false); PipelineFeedbackInfo(ci, RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); ci = ci->Clone(); ci->SetAnonymous(true); ci->SetPrivate(true); PipelineFeedbackInfo(ci, RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); } // we're at the active connection limit if any one of the following conditions is true: // (1) at max-connections // (2) keep-alive enabled and at max-persistent-connections-per-server/proxy // (3) keep-alive disabled and at max-connections-per-server bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::AtActiveConnectionLimit(nsConnectionEntry *ent, uint32_t caps) { nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = ent->mConnInfo; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::AtActiveConnectionLimit [ci=%s caps=%x]\n", ci->HashKey().get(), caps)); // update maxconns if potentially limited by the max socket count // this requires a dynamic reduction in the max socket count to a point // lower than the max-connections pref. uint32_t maxSocketCount = gHttpHandler->MaxSocketCount(); if (mMaxConns > maxSocketCount) { mMaxConns = maxSocketCount; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr %p mMaxConns dynamically reduced to %u", this, mMaxConns)); } // If there are more active connections than the global limit, then we're // done. Purging idle connections won't get us below it. if (mNumActiveConns >= mMaxConns) { LOG((" num active conns == max conns\n")); return true; } // Add in the in-progress tcp connections, we will assume they are // keepalive enabled. // Exclude half-open's that has already created a usable connection. // This prevents the limit being stuck on ipv6 connections that // eventually time out after typical 21 seconds of no ACK+SYN reply. uint32_t totalCount = ent->mActiveConns.Length() + ent->UnconnectedHalfOpens(); uint16_t maxPersistConns; if (ci->UsingHttpProxy() && !ci->UsingConnect()) maxPersistConns = mMaxPersistConnsPerProxy; else maxPersistConns = mMaxPersistConnsPerHost; LOG((" connection count = %d, limit %d\n", totalCount, maxPersistConns)); // use >= just to be safe bool result = (totalCount >= maxPersistConns); LOG((" result: %s", result ? "true" : "false")); return result; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ClosePersistentConnections(nsConnectionEntry *ent) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ClosePersistentConnections [ci=%s]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); while (ent->mIdleConns.Length()) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn(ent->mIdleConns[0]); ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(0); mNumIdleConns--; conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } int32_t activeCount = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); for (int32_t i=0; i < activeCount; i++) ent->mActiveConns[i]->DontReuse(); } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::RestrictConnections(nsConnectionEntry *ent) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); // If this host is trying to negotiate a SPDY session right now, // don't create any new ssl connections until the result of the // negotiation is known. bool doRestrict = ent->mConnInfo->FirstHopSSL() && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled() && ent->mUsingSpdy && (ent->mHalfOpens.Length() || ent->mActiveConns.Length()); // If there are no restrictions, we are done if (!doRestrict) return false; // If the restriction is based on a tcp handshake in progress // let that connect and then see if it was SPDY or not if (ent->UnconnectedHalfOpens()) { return true; } // There is a concern that a host is using a mix of HTTP/1 and SPDY. // In that case we don't want to restrict connections just because // there is a single active HTTP/1 session in use. if (ent->mUsingSpdy && ent->mActiveConns.Length()) { bool confirmedRestrict = false; for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { nsHttpConnection *conn = ent->mActiveConns[index]; if (!conn->ReportedNPN() || conn->CanDirectlyActivate()) { confirmedRestrict = true; break; } } doRestrict = confirmedRestrict; if (!confirmedRestrict) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr spdy connection restriction to " "%s bypassed.\n", ent->mConnInfo->Origin())); } } return doRestrict; } // returns NS_OK if a connection was started // return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if a new connection cannot be made due to // ephemeral limits // returns other NS_ERROR on hard failure conditions nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsHttpTransaction *trans) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection %p ent=%p trans=%p", this, ent, trans)); MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); uint32_t halfOpenLength = ent->mHalfOpens.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < halfOpenLength; i++) { if (ent->mHalfOpens[i]->IsSpeculative()) { // We've found a speculative connection in the half // open list. Remove the speculative bit from it and that // connection can later be used for this transaction // (or another one in the pending queue) - we don't // need to open a new connection here. LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection [ci = %s]\n" "Found a speculative half open connection\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); uint32_t flags; ent->mHalfOpens[i]->SetSpeculative(false); nsISocketTransport *transport = ent->mHalfOpens[i]->SocketTransport(); if (transport && NS_SUCCEEDED(transport->GetConnectionFlags(&flags))) { flags &= ~nsISocketTransport::DISABLE_RFC1918; transport->SetConnectionFlags(flags); } Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::HTTPCONNMGR_USED_SPECULATIVE_CONN> usedSpeculativeConn; ++usedSpeculativeConn; if (ent->mHalfOpens[i]->IsFromPredictor()) { Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::PREDICTOR_TOTAL_PRECONNECTS_USED> totalPreconnectsUsed; ++totalPreconnectsUsed; } // return OK because we have essentially opened a new connection // by converting a speculative half-open to general use return NS_OK; } } // consider null transactions that are being used to drive the ssl handshake if // the transaction creating this connection can re-use persistent connections if (trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) { uint32_t activeLength = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeLength; i++) { nsAHttpTransaction *activeTrans = ent->mActiveConns[i]->Transaction(); NullHttpTransaction *nullTrans = activeTrans ? activeTrans->QueryNullTransaction() : nullptr; if (nullTrans && nullTrans->Claim()) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection [ci = %s] " "Claiming a null transaction for later use\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); return NS_OK; } } } // If this host is trying to negotiate a SPDY session right now, // don't create any new connections until the result of the // negotiation is known. if (!(trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY) && (trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) && RestrictConnections(ent)) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection [ci = %s] " "Not Available Due to RestrictConnections()\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } // We need to make a new connection. If that is going to exceed the // global connection limit then try and free up some room by closing // an idle connection to another host. We know it won't select "ent" // because we have already determined there are no idle connections // to our destination if ((mNumIdleConns + mNumActiveConns + 1 >= mMaxConns) && mNumIdleConns) { // If the global number of connections is preventing the opening of new // connections to a host without idle connections, then close them // regardless of their TTL. auto iter = mCT.Iter(); while (mNumIdleConns + mNumActiveConns + 1 >= mMaxConns && !iter.Done()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry> &entry = iter.Data(); if (!entry->mIdleConns.Length()) { iter.Next(); continue; } RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn(entry->mIdleConns[0]); entry->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(0); conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); mNumIdleConns--; ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer(); } } if ((mNumIdleConns + mNumActiveConns + 1 >= mMaxConns) && mNumActiveConns && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled()) { // If the global number of connections is preventing the opening of new // connections to a host without idle connections, then close any spdy // ASAP. for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry> &entry = iter.Data(); if (!entry->mUsingSpdy) { continue; } for (uint32_t index = 0; index < entry->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { nsHttpConnection *conn = entry->mActiveConns[index]; if (conn->UsingSpdy() && conn->CanReuse()) { conn->DontReuse(); // Stop on <= (particularly =) because this dontreuse // causes async close. if (mNumIdleConns + mNumActiveConns + 1 <= mMaxConns) { goto outerLoopEnd; } } } } outerLoopEnd: ; } if (AtActiveConnectionLimit(ent, trans->Caps())) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsresult rv = CreateTransport(ent, trans, trans->Caps(), false, false, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { /* hard failure */ LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeNewConnection [ci = %s trans = %p] " "CreateTransport() hard failure.\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), trans)); trans->Close(rv); if (rv == NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; return rv; } return NS_OK; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::AddToShortestPipeline(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsHttpTransaction *trans, nsHttpTransaction::Classifier classification, uint16_t depthLimit) { if (classification == nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO) return false; uint32_t maxdepth = ent->MaxPipelineDepth(classification); if (maxdepth == 0) { ent->CreditPenalty(); maxdepth = ent->MaxPipelineDepth(classification); } if (ent->PipelineState() == PS_RED) return false; if (ent->PipelineState() == PS_YELLOW && ent->mYellowConnection) return false; // The maximum depth of a pipeline in yellow is 1 pipeline of // depth 2 for entire CI. When that transaction completes successfully // we transition to green and that expands the allowed depth // to any number of pipelines of up to depth 4. When a transaction // queued at position 3 or deeper succeeds we open it all the way // up to depths limited only by configuration. The staggered start // in green is simply because a successful yellow test of depth=2 // might really just be a race condition (i.e. depth=1 from the // server's point of view), while depth=3 is a stronger indicator - // keeping the pipelines to a modest depth during that period limits // the damage if something is going to go wrong. maxdepth = std::min<uint32_t>(maxdepth, depthLimit); if (maxdepth < 2) return false; nsAHttpTransaction *activeTrans; nsHttpConnection *bestConn = nullptr; uint32_t activeCount = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); uint32_t bestConnLength = 0; uint32_t connLength; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < activeCount; ++i) { nsHttpConnection *conn = ent->mActiveConns[i]; if (!conn->SupportsPipelining()) continue; if (conn->Classification() != classification) continue; activeTrans = conn->Transaction(); if (!activeTrans || activeTrans->IsDone() || NS_FAILED(activeTrans->Status())) continue; connLength = activeTrans->PipelineDepth(); if (maxdepth <= connLength) continue; if (!bestConn || (connLength < bestConnLength)) { bestConn = conn; bestConnLength = connLength; } } if (!bestConn) return false; activeTrans = bestConn->Transaction(); nsresult rv = activeTrans->AddTransaction(trans); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return false; LOG((" scheduling trans %p on pipeline at position %d\n", trans, trans->PipelinePosition())); if ((ent->PipelineState() == PS_YELLOW) && (trans->PipelinePosition() > 1)) ent->SetYellowConnection(bestConn); if (!trans->GetPendingTime().IsNull()) { if (trans->UsesPipelining()) AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP_PIPELINES, trans->GetPendingTime(), TimeStamp::Now()); else AccumulateTimeDelta( Telemetry::TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP, trans->GetPendingTime(), TimeStamp::Now()); trans->SetPendingTime(false); } return true; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::IsUnderPressure(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsHttpTransaction::Classifier classification) { // A connection entry is declared to be "under pressure" if most of the // allowed parallel connections are already used up. In that case we want to // favor existing pipelines over more parallelism so as to reserve any // unused parallel connections for types that don't have existing pipelines. // // The definition of connection pressure is a pretty liberal one here - that // is why we are using the more restrictive maxPersist* counters. // // Pipelines are also favored when the requested classification is already // using 3 or more of the connections. Failure to do this could result in // one class (e.g. images) establishing self replenishing queues on all the // connections that would starve the other transaction types. int32_t currentConns = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); int32_t maxConns = (ent->mConnInfo->UsingHttpProxy() && !ent->mConnInfo->UsingConnect()) ? mMaxPersistConnsPerProxy : mMaxPersistConnsPerHost; // Leave room for at least 3 distinct types to operate concurrently, // this satisfies the typical {html, js/css, img} page. if (currentConns >= (maxConns - 2)) return true; /* prefer pipeline */ int32_t sameClass = 0; for (int32_t i = 0; i < currentConns; ++i) if (classification == ent->mActiveConns[i]->Classification()) if (++sameClass == 3) return true; /* prefer pipeline */ return false; /* normal behavior */ } // returns OK if a connection is found for the transaction // and the transaction is started. // returns ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if no connection can be found and it // should be queued until circumstances change // returns other ERROR when transaction has a hard failure and should // not remain in the pending queue nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::TryDispatchTransaction(nsConnectionEntry *ent, bool onlyReusedConnection, nsHttpTransaction *trans) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::TryDispatchTransaction without conn " "[trans=%p ci=%p ci=%s caps=%x tunnelprovider=%p onlyreused=%d " "active=%d idle=%d]\n", trans, ent->mConnInfo.get(), ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), uint32_t(trans->Caps()), trans->TunnelProvider(), onlyReusedConnection, ent->mActiveConns.Length(), ent->mIdleConns.Length())); nsHttpTransaction::Classifier classification = trans->Classification(); uint32_t caps = trans->Caps(); // no keep-alive means no pipelines either if (!(caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE)) caps = caps & ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; // 0 - If this should use spdy then dispatch it post haste. // 1 - If there is connection pressure then see if we can pipeline this on // a connection of a matching type instead of using a new conn // 2 - If there is an idle connection, use it! // 3 - if class == reval or script and there is an open conn of that type // then pipeline onto shortest pipeline of that class if limits allow // 4 - If we aren't up against our connection limit, // then open a new one // 5 - Try a pipeline if we haven't already - this will be unusual because // it implies a low connection pressure situation where // MakeNewConnection() failed.. that is possible, but unlikely, due to // global limits // 6 - no connection is available - queue it bool attemptedOptimisticPipeline = !(caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING); RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> unusedSpdyPersistentConnection; // step 0 // look for existing spdy connection - that's always best because it is // essentially pipelining without head of line blocking if (!(caps & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY) && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled()) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn = GetSpdyPreferredConn(ent); if (conn) { if ((caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) || !conn->IsExperienced()) { LOG((" dispatch to spdy: [conn=%p]\n", conn.get())); trans->RemoveDispatchedAsBlocking(); /* just in case */ DispatchTransaction(ent, trans, conn); return NS_OK; } unusedSpdyPersistentConnection = conn; } } // If this is not a blocking transaction and the request context for it is // currently processing one or more blocking transactions then we // need to just leave it in the queue until those are complete unless it is // explicitly marked as unblocked. if (!(caps & NS_HTTP_LOAD_AS_BLOCKING)) { if (!(caps & NS_HTTP_LOAD_UNBLOCKED)) { nsIRequestContext *requestContext = trans->RequestContext(); if (requestContext) { uint32_t blockers = 0; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(requestContext->GetBlockingTransactionCount(&blockers)) && blockers) { // need to wait for blockers to clear LOG((" blocked by request context: [rc=%p trans=%p blockers=%d]\n", requestContext, trans, blockers)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } } } else { // Mark the transaction and its load group as blocking right now to prevent // other transactions from being reordered in the queue due to slow syns. trans->DispatchedAsBlocking(); } // step 1 // If connection pressure, then we want to favor pipelining of any kind if (IsUnderPressure(ent, classification) && !attemptedOptimisticPipeline) { attemptedOptimisticPipeline = true; if (AddToShortestPipeline(ent, trans, classification, mMaxOptimisticPipelinedRequests)) { LOG((" dispatched step 1 trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_OK; } } // Subject most transactions at high parallelism to rate pacing. // It will only be actually submitted to the // token bucket once, and if possible it is granted admission synchronously. // It is important to leave a transaction in the pending queue when blocked by // pacing so it can be found on cancel if necessary. // Transactions that cause blocking or bypass it (e.g. js/css) are not rate // limited. if (gHttpHandler->UseRequestTokenBucket()) { // submit even whitelisted transactions to the token bucket though they will // not be slowed by it bool runNow = trans->TryToRunPacedRequest(); if (!runNow) { if ((mNumActiveConns - mNumSpdyActiveConns) <= gHttpHandler->RequestTokenBucketMinParallelism()) { runNow = true; // white list it } else if (caps & (NS_HTTP_LOAD_AS_BLOCKING | NS_HTTP_LOAD_UNBLOCKED)) { runNow = true; // white list it } } if (!runNow) { LOG((" blocked due to rate pacing trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } } // step 2 // consider an idle persistent connection if (caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn; while (!conn && (ent->mIdleConns.Length() > 0)) { conn = ent->mIdleConns[0]; ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(0); mNumIdleConns--; // we check if the connection can be reused before even checking if // it is a "matching" connection. if (!conn->CanReuse()) { LOG((" dropping stale connection: [conn=%p]\n", conn.get())); conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); conn = nullptr; } else { LOG((" reusing connection [conn=%p]\n", conn.get())); conn->EndIdleMonitoring(); } // If there are no idle connections left at all, we need to make // sure that we are not pruning dead connections anymore. ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer(); } if (conn) { // This will update the class of the connection to be the class of // the transaction dispatched on it. AddActiveConn(conn, ent); DispatchTransaction(ent, trans, conn); LOG((" dispatched step 2 (idle) trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_OK; } } // step 3 // consider pipelining scripts and revalidations if (!attemptedOptimisticPipeline && (classification == nsHttpTransaction::CLASS_REVALIDATION || classification == nsHttpTransaction::CLASS_SCRIPT)) { // Assignation kept here for documentation purpose; Never read after attemptedOptimisticPipeline = true; if (AddToShortestPipeline(ent, trans, classification, mMaxOptimisticPipelinedRequests)) { LOG((" dispatched step 3 (pipeline) trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_OK; } } // step 4 if (!onlyReusedConnection) { nsresult rv = MakeNewConnection(ent, trans); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // this function returns NOT_AVAILABLE for asynchronous connects LOG((" dispatched step 4 (async new conn) trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } if (rv != NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) { // not available return codes should try next step as they are // not hard errors. Other codes should stop now LOG((" failed step 4 (%x) trans=%p\n", rv, trans)); return rv; } } else if (trans->TunnelProvider() && trans->TunnelProvider()->MaybeReTunnel(trans)) { LOG((" sort of dispatched step 4a tunnel requeue trans=%p\n", trans)); // the tunnel provider took responsibility for making a new tunnel return NS_OK; } // step 5 if (caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING) { if (AddToShortestPipeline(ent, trans, classification, mMaxPipelinedRequests)) { LOG((" dispatched step 5 trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_OK; } } // step 6 if (unusedSpdyPersistentConnection) { // to avoid deadlocks, we need to throw away this perfectly valid SPDY // connection to make room for a new one that can service a no KEEPALIVE // request unusedSpdyPersistentConnection->DontReuse(); } LOG((" not dispatched (queued) trans=%p\n", trans)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; /* queue it */ } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::DispatchTransaction(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsHttpTransaction *trans, nsHttpConnection *conn) { uint32_t caps = trans->Caps(); int32_t priority = trans->Priority(); nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::DispatchTransaction " "[ent-ci=%s %p trans=%p caps=%x conn=%p priority=%d]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), ent, trans, caps, conn, priority)); // It is possible for a rate-paced transaction to be dispatched independent // of the token bucket when the amount of parallelization has changed or // when a muxed connection (e.g. spdy or pipelines) becomes available. trans->CancelPacing(NS_OK); if (conn->UsingSpdy()) { LOG(("Spdy Dispatch Transaction via Activate(). Transaction host = %s, " "Connection host = %s\n", trans->ConnectionInfo()->Origin(), conn->ConnectionInfo()->Origin())); rv = conn->Activate(trans, caps, priority); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "SPDY Cannot Fail Dispatch"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !trans->GetPendingTime().IsNull()) { AccumulateTimeDelta(Telemetry::TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_SPDY, trans->GetPendingTime(), TimeStamp::Now()); trans->SetPendingTime(false); } return rv; } MOZ_ASSERT(conn && !conn->Transaction(), "DispatchTranaction() on non spdy active connection"); if (!(caps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING)) conn->Classify(nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO); else conn->Classify(trans->Classification()); rv = DispatchAbstractTransaction(ent, trans, caps, conn, priority); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !trans->GetPendingTime().IsNull()) { if (trans->UsesPipelining()) AccumulateTimeDelta(Telemetry::TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP_PIPELINES, trans->GetPendingTime(), TimeStamp::Now()); else AccumulateTimeDelta(Telemetry::TRANSACTION_WAIT_TIME_HTTP, trans->GetPendingTime(), TimeStamp::Now()); trans->SetPendingTime(false); } return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConnectionHandle // // thin wrapper around a real connection, used to keep track of references // to the connection to determine when the connection may be reused. the // transaction (or pipeline) owns a reference to this handle. this extra // layer of indirection greatly simplifies consumer code, avoiding the // need for consumer code to know when to give the connection back to the // connection manager. // class ConnectionHandle : public nsAHttpConnection { public: NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSAHTTPCONNECTION(mConn) explicit ConnectionHandle(nsHttpConnection *conn) : mConn(conn) { } void Reset() { mConn = nullptr; } private: virtual ~ConnectionHandle(); RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> mConn; }; nsAHttpConnection * nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeConnectionHandle(nsHttpConnection *aWrapped) { return new ConnectionHandle(aWrapped); } ConnectionHandle::~ConnectionHandle() { if (mConn) { gHttpHandler->ReclaimConnection(mConn); } } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS0(ConnectionHandle) // Use this method for dispatching nsAHttpTransction's. It can only safely be // used upon first use of a connection when NPN has not negotiated SPDY vs // HTTP/1 yet as multiplexing onto an existing SPDY session requires a // concrete nsHttpTransaction nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::DispatchAbstractTransaction(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsAHttpTransaction *aTrans, uint32_t caps, nsHttpConnection *conn, int32_t priority) { MOZ_ASSERT(!conn->UsingSpdy(), "Spdy Must Not Use DispatchAbstractTransaction"); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::DispatchAbstractTransaction " "[ci=%s trans=%p caps=%x conn=%p]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), aTrans, caps, conn)); /* Use pipeline datastructure even if connection does not currently qualify to pipeline this transaction because a different pipeline-eligible transaction might be placed on the active connection. Make an exception for CLASS_SOLO as that connection will never pipeline until it goes quiescent */ RefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> transaction; nsresult rv; if (conn->Classification() != nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO) { LOG((" using pipeline datastructure.\n")); RefPtr<nsHttpPipeline> pipeline; rv = BuildPipeline(ent, aTrans, getter_AddRefs(pipeline)); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return rv; transaction = pipeline; } else { LOG((" not using pipeline datastructure due to class solo.\n")); transaction = aTrans; } RefPtr<ConnectionHandle> handle = new ConnectionHandle(conn); // give the transaction the indirect reference to the connection. transaction->SetConnection(handle); rv = conn->Activate(transaction, caps, priority); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG((" conn->Activate failed [rv=%x]\n", rv)); ent->mActiveConns.RemoveElement(conn); if (conn == ent->mYellowConnection) ent->OnYellowComplete(); DecrementActiveConnCount(conn); ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick(); // sever back references to connection, and do so without triggering // a call to ReclaimConnection ;-) transaction->SetConnection(nullptr); handle->Reset(); // destroy the connection } // As transaction goes out of scope it will drop the last refernece to the // pipeline if activation failed, in which case this will destroy // the pipeline, which will cause each the transactions owned by the // pipeline to be restarted. return rv; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::BuildPipeline(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsAHttpTransaction *firstTrans, nsHttpPipeline **result) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); /* form a pipeline here even if nothing is pending so that we can stream-feed it as new transactions arrive */ /* the first transaction can go in unconditionally - 1 transaction on a nsHttpPipeline object is not a real HTTP pipeline */ RefPtr<nsHttpPipeline> pipeline = new nsHttpPipeline(); pipeline->AddTransaction(firstTrans); pipeline.forget(result); return NS_OK; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ReportProxyTelemetry(nsConnectionEntry *ent) { enum { PROXY_NONE = 1, PROXY_HTTP = 2, PROXY_SOCKS = 3, PROXY_HTTPS = 4 }; if (!ent->mConnInfo->UsingProxy()) Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_PROXY_TYPE, PROXY_NONE); else if (ent->mConnInfo->UsingHttpsProxy()) Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_PROXY_TYPE, PROXY_HTTPS); else if (ent->mConnInfo->UsingHttpProxy()) Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_PROXY_TYPE, PROXY_HTTP); else Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_PROXY_TYPE, PROXY_SOCKS); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessNewTransaction(nsHttpTransaction *trans) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); // since "adds" and "cancels" are processed asynchronously and because // various events might trigger an "add" directly on the socket thread, // we must take care to avoid dispatching a transaction that has already // been canceled (see bug 190001). if (NS_FAILED(trans->Status())) { LOG((" transaction was canceled... dropping event!\n")); return NS_OK; } trans->SetPendingTime(); Http2PushedStream *pushedStream = trans->GetPushedStream(); if (pushedStream) { LOG((" ProcessNewTransaction %p tied to h2 session push %p\n", trans, pushedStream->Session())); return pushedStream->Session()-> AddStream(trans, trans->Priority(), false, nullptr) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = trans->ConnectionInfo(); MOZ_ASSERT(ci); nsConnectionEntry *ent = GetOrCreateConnectionEntry(ci, !!trans->TunnelProvider()); // SPDY coalescing of hostnames means we might redirect from this // connection entry onto the preferred one. nsConnectionEntry *preferredEntry = GetSpdyPreferredEnt(ent); if (preferredEntry && (preferredEntry != ent)) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessNewTransaction trans=%p " "redirected via coalescing from %s to %s\n", trans, ent->mConnInfo->Origin(), preferredEntry->mConnInfo->Origin())); ent = preferredEntry; } ReportProxyTelemetry(ent); // Check if the transaction already has a sticky reference to a connection. // If so, then we can just use it directly by transferring its reference // to the new connection variable instead of searching for a new one nsAHttpConnection *wrappedConnection = trans->Connection(); RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn; if (wrappedConnection) conn = wrappedConnection->TakeHttpConnection(); if (conn) { MOZ_ASSERT(trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessNewTransaction trans=%p " "sticky connection=%p\n", trans, conn.get())); if (static_cast<int32_t>(ent->mActiveConns.IndexOf(conn)) == -1) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessNewTransaction trans=%p " "sticky connection=%p needs to go on the active list\n", trans, conn.get())); // make sure it isn't on the idle list - we expect this to be an // unknown fresh connection MOZ_ASSERT(static_cast<int32_t>(ent->mIdleConns.IndexOf(conn)) == -1); MOZ_ASSERT(!conn->IsExperienced()); AddActiveConn(conn, ent); // make it active } trans->SetConnection(nullptr); rv = DispatchTransaction(ent, trans, conn); } else { rv = TryDispatchTransaction(ent, !!trans->TunnelProvider(), trans); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { LOG((" ProcessNewTransaction Dispatch Immediately trans=%p\n", trans)); return rv; } if (rv == NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) { LOG((" adding transaction to pending queue " "[trans=%p pending-count=%u]\n", trans, ent->mPendingQ.Length()+1)); // put this transaction on the pending queue... InsertTransactionSorted(ent->mPendingQ, trans); return NS_OK; } LOG((" ProcessNewTransaction Hard Error trans=%p rv=%x\n", trans, rv)); return rv; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::AddActiveConn(nsHttpConnection *conn, nsConnectionEntry *ent) { ent->mActiveConns.AppendElement(conn); mNumActiveConns++; ActivateTimeoutTick(); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::DecrementActiveConnCount(nsHttpConnection *conn) { mNumActiveConns--; if (conn->EverUsedSpdy()) mNumSpdyActiveConns--; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::StartedConnect() { mNumActiveConns++; ActivateTimeoutTick(); // likely disabled by RecvdConnect() } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::RecvdConnect() { mNumActiveConns--; ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick(); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::CreateTransport(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsAHttpTransaction *trans, uint32_t caps, bool speculative, bool isFromPredictor, bool allow1918) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); RefPtr<nsHalfOpenSocket> sock = new nsHalfOpenSocket(ent, trans, caps); if (speculative) { sock->SetSpeculative(true); sock->SetAllow1918(allow1918); Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::HTTPCONNMGR_TOTAL_SPECULATIVE_CONN> totalSpeculativeConn; ++totalSpeculativeConn; if (isFromPredictor) { sock->SetIsFromPredictor(true); Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::PREDICTOR_TOTAL_PRECONNECTS_CREATED> totalPreconnectsCreated; ++totalPreconnectsCreated; } } // The socket stream holds the reference to the half open // socket - so if the stream fails to init the half open // will go away. nsresult rv = sock->SetupPrimaryStreams(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); ent->mHalfOpens.AppendElement(sock); mNumHalfOpenConns++; return NS_OK; } // This function tries to dispatch the pending spdy transactions on // the connection entry sent in as an argument. It will do so on the // active spdy connection either in that same entry or in the // redirected 'preferred' entry for the same coalescing hash key if // coalescing is enabled. void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ProcessSpdyPendingQ(nsConnectionEntry *ent) { nsHttpConnection *conn = GetSpdyPreferredConn(ent); if (!conn || !conn->CanDirectlyActivate()) return; nsTArray<RefPtr<nsHttpTransaction> > leftovers; uint32_t index; // Dispatch all the transactions we can for (index = 0; index < ent->mPendingQ.Length() && conn->CanDirectlyActivate(); ++index) { nsHttpTransaction *trans = ent->mPendingQ[index]; if (!(trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE) || trans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY) { leftovers.AppendElement(trans); continue; } nsresult rv = DispatchTransaction(ent, trans, conn); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // this cannot happen, but if due to some bug it does then // close the transaction MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Dispatch SPDY Transaction"); LOG(("ProcessSpdyPendingQ Dispatch Transaction failed trans=%p\n", trans)); trans->Close(rv); } } // Slurp up the rest of the pending queue into our leftovers bucket (we // might have some left if conn->CanDirectlyActivate returned false) for (; index < ent->mPendingQ.Length(); ++index) { nsHttpTransaction *trans = ent->mPendingQ[index]; leftovers.AppendElement(trans); } // Put the leftovers back in the pending queue and get rid of the // transactions we dispatched leftovers.SwapElements(ent->mPendingQ); leftovers.Clear(); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessAllSpdyPendingQ(int32_t, ARefBase *) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessAllSpdyPendingQ\n")); for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { ProcessSpdyPendingQ(iter.Data()); } } nsHttpConnection * nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetSpdyPreferredConn(nsConnectionEntry *ent) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); MOZ_ASSERT(ent); nsConnectionEntry *preferred = GetSpdyPreferredEnt(ent); // this entry is spdy-enabled if it is involved in a redirect if (preferred) { // all new connections for this entry will use spdy too ent->mUsingSpdy = true; } else { preferred = ent; } if (!preferred->mUsingSpdy) { return nullptr; } nsHttpConnection *rv = nullptr; uint32_t activeLen = preferred->mActiveConns.Length(); uint32_t index; // activeLen should generally be 1.. this is a setup race being resolved // take a conn who can activate and is experienced for (index = 0; index < activeLen; ++index) { nsHttpConnection *tmp = preferred->mActiveConns[index]; if (tmp->CanDirectlyActivate() && tmp->IsExperienced()) { rv = tmp; break; } } // if that worked, cleanup anything else if (rv) { for (index = 0; index < activeLen; ++index) { nsHttpConnection *tmp = preferred->mActiveConns[index]; // in the case where there is a functional h2 session, drop the others if (tmp != rv) { tmp->DontReuse(); } } return rv; } // take a conn who can activate and leave the rest alone for (index = 0; index < activeLen; ++index) { nsHttpConnection *tmp = preferred->mActiveConns[index]; if (tmp->CanDirectlyActivate()) { rv = tmp; break; } } return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdown(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdown\n")); gHttpHandler->StopRequestTokenBucket(); for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); // Close all active connections. while (ent->mActiveConns.Length()) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn(ent->mActiveConns[0]); ent->mActiveConns.RemoveElementAt(0); DecrementActiveConnCount(conn); // Since nsHttpConnection::Close doesn't break the bond with // the connection's transaction, we must explicitely tell it // to close its transaction and not just self. conn->CloseTransaction(conn->Transaction(), NS_ERROR_ABORT, true); } // Close all idle connections. while (ent->mIdleConns.Length()) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn(ent->mIdleConns[0]); ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(0); mNumIdleConns--; conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } // If all idle connections are removed we can stop pruning dead // connections. ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer(); // Close all pending transactions. while (ent->mPendingQ.Length()) { nsHttpTransaction *trans = ent->mPendingQ[0]; trans->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); ent->mPendingQ.RemoveElementAt(0); } // Close all half open tcp connections. for (int32_t i = int32_t(ent->mHalfOpens.Length()) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ent->mHalfOpens[i]->Abandon(); } iter.Remove(); } if (mTimeoutTick) { mTimeoutTick->Cancel(); mTimeoutTick = nullptr; mTimeoutTickArmed = false; } if (mTimer) { mTimer->Cancel(); mTimer = nullptr; } if (mTrafficTimer) { mTrafficTimer->Cancel(); mTrafficTimer = nullptr; } // signal shutdown complete nsCOMPtr<nsIRunnable> runnable = new ConnEvent(this, &nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdownConfirm, 0, param); NS_DispatchToMainThread(runnable); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdownConfirm(int32_t priority, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgShutdownConfirm\n")); BoolWrapper *shutdown = static_cast<BoolWrapper *>(param); shutdown->mBool = true; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgNewTransaction(int32_t priority, ARefBase *param) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgNewTransaction [trans=%p]\n", param)); nsHttpTransaction *trans = static_cast<nsHttpTransaction *>(param); trans->SetPriority(priority); nsresult rv = ProcessNewTransaction(trans); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) trans->Close(rv); // for whatever its worth } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReschedTransaction(int32_t priority, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReschedTransaction [trans=%p]\n", param)); RefPtr<nsHttpTransaction> trans = static_cast<nsHttpTransaction *>(param); trans->SetPriority(priority); nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(trans->ConnectionInfo(), nullptr, trans); if (ent) { int32_t index = ent->mPendingQ.IndexOf(trans); if (index >= 0) { ent->mPendingQ.RemoveElementAt(index); InsertTransactionSorted(ent->mPendingQ, trans); } } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransaction(int32_t reason, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransaction [trans=%p]\n", param)); nsresult closeCode = static_cast<nsresult>(reason); // caller holds a ref to param/trans on stack nsHttpTransaction *trans = static_cast<nsHttpTransaction *>(param); // // if the transaction owns a connection and the transaction is not done, // then ask the connection to close the transaction. otherwise, close the // transaction directly (removing it from the pending queue first). // RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> conn(trans->Connection()); if (conn && !trans->IsDone()) { conn->CloseTransaction(trans, closeCode); } else { nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(trans->ConnectionInfo(), nullptr, trans); if (ent) { int32_t transIndex = ent->mPendingQ.IndexOf(trans); if (transIndex >= 0) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransaction [trans=%p]" " found in pending queue\n", trans)); ent->mPendingQ.RemoveElementAt(transIndex); } // Abandon all half-open sockets belonging to the given transaction. for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mHalfOpens.Length(); ++index) { nsHalfOpenSocket *half = ent->mHalfOpens[index]; if (trans == half->Transaction()) { half->Abandon(); // there is only one, and now mHalfOpens[] has been changed. break; } } } trans->Close(closeCode); // Cancel is a pretty strong signal that things might be hanging // so we want to cancel any null transactions related to this connection // entry. They are just optimizations, but they aren't hooked up to // anything that might get canceled from the rest of gecko, so best // to assume that's what was meant by the cancel we did receive if // it only applied to something in the queue. for (uint32_t index = 0; ent && (index < ent->mActiveConns.Length()); ++index) { nsHttpConnection *activeConn = ent->mActiveConns[index]; nsAHttpTransaction *liveTransaction = activeConn->Transaction(); if (liveTransaction && liveTransaction->IsNullTransaction()) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransaction [trans=%p] " "also canceling Null Transaction %p on conn %p\n", trans, liveTransaction, activeConn)); activeConn->CloseTransaction(liveTransaction, closeCode); } } } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessPendingQ(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = static_cast<nsHttpConnectionInfo *>(param); if (!ci) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessPendingQ [ci=nullptr]\n")); // Try and dispatch everything for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { ProcessPendingQForEntry(iter.Data(), true); } return; } LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessPendingQ [ci=%s]\n", ci->HashKey().get())); // start by processing the queue identified by the given connection info. nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); if (!(ent && ProcessPendingQForEntry(ent, false))) { // if we reach here, it means that we couldn't dispatch a transaction // for the specified connection info. walk the connection table... for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { if (ProcessPendingQForEntry(iter.Data(), false)) { break; } } } } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::CancelTransactions(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci, nsresult code) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::CancelTransactions %s\n",ci->HashKey().get())); int32_t intReason = static_cast<int32_t>(code); return PostEvent(&nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransactions, intReason, ci); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransactions(int32_t code, ARefBase *param) { nsresult reason = static_cast<nsresult>(code); nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = static_cast<nsHttpConnectionInfo *>(param); nsConnectionEntry *ent = mCT.Get(ci->HashKey()); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransactions %s %p\n", ci->HashKey().get(), ent)); if (!ent) { return; } for (int32_t i = ent->mPendingQ.Length() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { nsHttpTransaction *trans = ent->mPendingQ[i]; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCancelTransactions %s %p %p\n", ci->HashKey().get(), ent, trans)); trans->Close(reason); ent->mPendingQ.RemoveElementAt(i); } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneDeadConnections(int32_t, ARefBase *) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneDeadConnections\n")); // Reset mTimeOfNextWakeUp so that we can find a new shortest value. mTimeOfNextWakeUp = UINT64_MAX; // check canreuse() for all idle connections plus any active connections on // connection entries that are using spdy. if (mNumIdleConns || (mNumActiveConns && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled())) { for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); LOG((" pruning [ci=%s]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); // Find out how long it will take for next idle connection to not // be reusable anymore. uint32_t timeToNextExpire = UINT32_MAX; int32_t count = ent->mIdleConns.Length(); if (count > 0) { for (int32_t i = count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn(ent->mIdleConns[i]); if (!conn->CanReuse()) { ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(i); conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); mNumIdleConns--; } else { timeToNextExpire = std::min(timeToNextExpire, conn->TimeToLive()); } } } if (ent->mUsingSpdy) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); ++i) { nsHttpConnection* conn = ent->mActiveConns[i]; if (conn->UsingSpdy()) { if (!conn->CanReuse()) { // Marking it don't-reuse will create an active // tear down if the spdy session is idle. conn->DontReuse(); } else { timeToNextExpire = std::min(timeToNextExpire, conn->TimeToLive()); } } } } // If time to next expire found is shorter than time to next // wake-up, we need to change the time for next wake-up. if (timeToNextExpire != UINT32_MAX) { uint32_t now = NowInSeconds(); uint64_t timeOfNextExpire = now + timeToNextExpire; // If pruning of dead connections is not already scheduled to // happen or time found for next connection to expire is is // before mTimeOfNextWakeUp, we need to schedule the pruning to // happen after timeToNextExpire. if (!mTimer || timeOfNextExpire < mTimeOfNextWakeUp) { PruneDeadConnectionsAfter(timeToNextExpire); } } else { ConditionallyStopPruneDeadConnectionsTimer(); } // If this entry is empty, we have too many entries, and this // doesn't represent some painfully determined red condition, then // we can clean it up and restart from yellow. if (ent->PipelineState() != PS_RED && mCT.Count() > 125 && ent->mIdleConns.Length() == 0 && ent->mActiveConns.Length() == 0 && ent->mHalfOpens.Length() == 0 && ent->mPendingQ.Length() == 0 && (!ent->mUsingSpdy || mCT.Count() > 300)) { LOG((" removing empty connection entry\n")); iter.Remove(); continue; } // Otherwise use this opportunity to compact our arrays... ent->mIdleConns.Compact(); ent->mActiveConns.Compact(); ent->mPendingQ.Compact(); } } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneNoTraffic(int32_t, ARefBase *) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgPruneNoTraffic\n")); // Prune connections without traffic for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { // Close the connections with no registered traffic. nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); LOG((" pruning no traffic [ci=%s]\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); uint32_t numConns = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); if (numConns) { // Walk the list backwards to allow us to remove entries easily. for (int index = numConns - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if (ent->mActiveConns[index]->NoTraffic()) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn = ent->mActiveConns[index]; ent->mActiveConns.RemoveElementAt(index); DecrementActiveConnCount(conn); conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); LOG((" closed active connection due to no traffic " "[conn=%p]\n", conn.get())); } } } } mPruningNoTraffic = false; // not pruning anymore } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgVerifyTraffic(int32_t, ARefBase *) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgVerifyTraffic\n")); if (mPruningNoTraffic) { // Called in the time gap when the timeout to prune notraffic // connections has triggered but the pruning hasn't happened yet. return; } // Mark connections for traffic verification for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); // Iterate over all active connections and check them. for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { ent->mActiveConns[index]->CheckForTraffic(true); } // Iterate the idle connections and unmark them for traffic checks. for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mIdleConns.Length(); ++index) { ent->mIdleConns[index]->CheckForTraffic(false); } } // If the timer is already there. we just re-init it if(!mTrafficTimer) { mTrafficTimer = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/timer;1"); } // failure to create a timer is not a fatal error, but dead // connections will not be cleaned up as nicely if (mTrafficTimer) { // Give active connections time to get more traffic before killing // them off. Default: 5000 milliseconds mTrafficTimer->Init(this, gHttpHandler->NetworkChangedTimeout(), nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); } else { NS_WARNING("failed to create timer for VerifyTraffic!"); } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgDoShiftReloadConnectionCleanup(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgDoShiftReloadConnectionCleanup\n")); MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = static_cast<nsHttpConnectionInfo *>(param); for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { ClosePersistentConnections(iter.Data()); } if (ci) ResetIPFamilyPreference(ci); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReclaimConnection(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReclaimConnection [conn=%p]\n", param)); nsHttpConnection *conn = static_cast<nsHttpConnection *>(param); // // 1) remove the connection from the active list // 2) if keep-alive, add connection to idle list // 3) post event to process the pending transaction queue // nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(conn->ConnectionInfo(), conn, nullptr); if (!ent) { // this can happen if the connection is made outside of the // connection manager and is being "reclaimed" for use with // future transactions. HTTP/2 tunnels work like this. ent = GetOrCreateConnectionEntry(conn->ConnectionInfo(), true); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgReclaimConnection conn %p " "forced new hash entry %s\n", conn, conn->ConnectionInfo()->HashKey().get())); } MOZ_ASSERT(ent); RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> ci(ent->mConnInfo); // If the connection is in the active list, remove that entry // and the reference held by the mActiveConns list. // This is never the final reference on conn as the event context // is also holding one that is released at the end of this function. if (conn->EverUsedSpdy()) { // Spdy connections aren't reused in the traditional HTTP way in // the idleconns list, they are actively multplexed as active // conns. Even when they have 0 transactions on them they are // considered active connections. So when one is reclaimed it // is really complete and is meant to be shut down and not // reused. conn->DontReuse(); } // a connection that still holds a reference to a transaction was // not closed naturally (i.e. it was reset or aborted) and is // therefore not something that should be reused. if (conn->Transaction()) { conn->DontReuse(); } if (ent->mActiveConns.RemoveElement(conn)) { if (conn == ent->mYellowConnection) { ent->OnYellowComplete(); } DecrementActiveConnCount(conn); ConditionallyStopTimeoutTick(); } if (conn->CanReuse()) { LOG((" adding connection to idle list\n")); // Keep The idle connection list sorted with the connections that // have moved the largest data pipelines at the front because these // connections have the largest cwnds on the server. // The linear search is ok here because the number of idleconns // in a single entry is generally limited to a small number (i.e. 6) uint32_t idx; for (idx = 0; idx < ent->mIdleConns.Length(); idx++) { nsHttpConnection *idleConn = ent->mIdleConns[idx]; if (idleConn->MaxBytesRead() < conn->MaxBytesRead()) break; } ent->mIdleConns.InsertElementAt(idx, conn); mNumIdleConns++; conn->BeginIdleMonitoring(); // If the added connection was first idle connection or has shortest // time to live among the watched connections, pruning dead // connections needs to be done when it can't be reused anymore. uint32_t timeToLive = conn->TimeToLive(); if(!mTimer || NowInSeconds() + timeToLive < mTimeOfNextWakeUp) PruneDeadConnectionsAfter(timeToLive); } else { LOG((" connection cannot be reused; closing connection\n")); conn->Close(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } OnMsgProcessPendingQ(0, ci); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCompleteUpgrade(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsCompleteUpgradeData *data = static_cast<nsCompleteUpgradeData *>(param); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgCompleteUpgrade " "this=%p conn=%p listener=%p\n", this, data->mConn.get(), data->mUpgradeListener.get())); nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransport> socketTransport; nsCOMPtr<nsIAsyncInputStream> socketIn; nsCOMPtr<nsIAsyncOutputStream> socketOut; nsresult rv; rv = data->mConn->TakeTransport(getter_AddRefs(socketTransport), getter_AddRefs(socketIn), getter_AddRefs(socketOut)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) data->mUpgradeListener->OnTransportAvailable(socketTransport, socketIn, socketOut); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgUpdateParam(int32_t inParam, ARefBase *) { uint32_t param = static_cast<uint32_t>(inParam); uint16_t name = ((param) & 0xFFFF0000) >> 16; uint16_t value = param & 0x0000FFFF; switch (name) { case MAX_CONNECTIONS: mMaxConns = value; break; case MAX_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS_PER_HOST: mMaxPersistConnsPerHost = value; break; case MAX_PERSISTENT_CONNECTIONS_PER_PROXY: mMaxPersistConnsPerProxy = value; break; case MAX_REQUEST_DELAY: mMaxRequestDelay = value; break; case MAX_PIPELINED_REQUESTS: mMaxPipelinedRequests = value; break; case MAX_OPTIMISTIC_PIPELINED_REQUESTS: mMaxOptimisticPipelinedRequests = value; break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("unexpected parameter name"); } } // nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry::~nsConnectionEntry() { MOZ_COUNT_DTOR(nsConnectionEntry); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->RemovePreferredHash(this); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgProcessFeedback(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsHttpPipelineFeedback *fb = static_cast<nsHttpPipelineFeedback *>(param); PipelineFeedbackInfo(fb->mConnInfo, fb->mInfo, fb->mConn, fb->mData); } // Read Timeout Tick handlers void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ActivateTimeoutTick() { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::ActivateTimeoutTick() " "this=%p mTimeoutTick=%p\n", this, mTimeoutTick.get())); // The timer tick should be enabled if it is not already pending. // Upon running the tick will rearm itself if there are active // connections available. if (mTimeoutTick && mTimeoutTickArmed) { // make sure we get one iteration on a quick tick if (mTimeoutTickNext > 1) { mTimeoutTickNext = 1; mTimeoutTick->SetDelay(1000); } return; } if (!mTimeoutTick) { mTimeoutTick = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID); if (!mTimeoutTick) { NS_WARNING("failed to create timer for http timeout management"); return; } mTimeoutTick->SetTarget(mSocketThreadTarget); } MOZ_ASSERT(!mTimeoutTickArmed, "timer tick armed"); mTimeoutTickArmed = true; mTimeoutTick->Init(this, 1000, nsITimer::TYPE_REPEATING_SLACK); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::TimeoutTick() { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); MOZ_ASSERT(mTimeoutTick, "no readtimeout tick"); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::TimeoutTick active=%d\n", mNumActiveConns)); // The next tick will be between 1 second and 1 hr // Set it to the max value here, and the TimeoutTick()s can // reduce it to their local needs. mTimeoutTickNext = 3600; // 1hr for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::TimeoutTick() this=%p host=%s " "idle=%d active=%d half-len=%d pending=%d\n", this, ent->mConnInfo->Origin(), ent->mIdleConns.Length(), ent->mActiveConns.Length(), ent->mHalfOpens.Length(), ent->mPendingQ.Length())); // First call the tick handler for each active connection. PRIntervalTime tickTime = PR_IntervalNow(); for (uint32_t index = 0; index < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); ++index) { uint32_t connNextTimeout = ent->mActiveConns[index]->ReadTimeoutTick(tickTime); mTimeoutTickNext = std::min(mTimeoutTickNext, connNextTimeout); } // Now check for any stalled half open sockets. if (ent->mHalfOpens.Length()) { TimeStamp currentTime = TimeStamp::Now(); double maxConnectTime_ms = gHttpHandler->ConnectTimeout(); for (uint32_t index = ent->mHalfOpens.Length(); index > 0; ) { index--; nsHalfOpenSocket *half = ent->mHalfOpens[index]; double delta = half->Duration(currentTime); // If the socket has timed out, close it so the waiting // transaction will get the proper signal. if (delta > maxConnectTime_ms) { LOG(("Force timeout of half open to %s after %.2fms.\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), delta)); if (half->SocketTransport()) { half->SocketTransport()->Close(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT); } if (half->BackupTransport()) { half->BackupTransport()->Close(NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT); } } // If this half open hangs around for 5 seconds after we've // closed() it then just abandon the socket. if (delta > maxConnectTime_ms + 5000) { LOG(("Abandon half open to %s after %.2fms.\n", ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get(), delta)); half->Abandon(); } } } if (ent->mHalfOpens.Length()) { mTimeoutTickNext = 1; } } if (mTimeoutTick) { mTimeoutTickNext = std::max(mTimeoutTickNext, 1U); mTimeoutTick->SetDelay(mTimeoutTickNext * 1000); } } // GetOrCreateConnectionEntry finds a ent for a particular CI for use in // dispatching a transaction according to these rules // 1] use an ent that matches the ci that can be dispatched immediately // 2] otherwise use an ent of wildcard(ci) than can be dispatched immediately // 3] otherwise create an ent that matches ci and make new conn on it nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry * nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetOrCreateConnectionEntry(nsHttpConnectionInfo *specificCI, bool prohibitWildCard) { // step 1 nsConnectionEntry *specificEnt = mCT.Get(specificCI->HashKey()); if (specificEnt && specificEnt->AvailableForDispatchNow()) { return specificEnt; } if (!specificCI->UsingHttpsProxy()) { prohibitWildCard = true; } // step 2 if (!prohibitWildCard) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> wildCardProxyCI; specificCI->CreateWildCard(getter_AddRefs(wildCardProxyCI)); nsConnectionEntry *wildCardEnt = mCT.Get(wildCardProxyCI->HashKey()); if (wildCardEnt && wildCardEnt->AvailableForDispatchNow()) { return wildCardEnt; } } // step 3 if (!specificEnt) { RefPtr<nsHttpConnectionInfo> clone(specificCI->Clone()); specificEnt = new nsConnectionEntry(clone); mCT.Put(clone->HashKey(), specificEnt); } return specificEnt; } nsresult ConnectionHandle::OnHeadersAvailable(nsAHttpTransaction *trans, nsHttpRequestHead *req, nsHttpResponseHead *resp, bool *reset) { return mConn->OnHeadersAvailable(trans, req, resp, reset); } void ConnectionHandle::CloseTransaction(nsAHttpTransaction *trans, nsresult reason) { mConn->CloseTransaction(trans, reason); } nsresult ConnectionHandle::TakeTransport(nsISocketTransport **aTransport, nsIAsyncInputStream **aInputStream, nsIAsyncOutputStream **aOutputStream) { return mConn->TakeTransport(aTransport, aInputStream, aOutputStream); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgSpeculativeConnect(int32_t, ARefBase *param) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); SpeculativeConnectArgs *args = static_cast<SpeculativeConnectArgs *>(param); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::OnMsgSpeculativeConnect [ci=%s]\n", args->mTrans->ConnectionInfo()->HashKey().get())); nsConnectionEntry *ent = GetOrCreateConnectionEntry(args->mTrans->ConnectionInfo(), false); // If spdy has previously made a preferred entry for this host via // the ip pooling rules. If so, connect to the preferred host instead of // the one directly passed in here. nsConnectionEntry *preferredEntry = GetSpdyPreferredEnt(ent); if (preferredEntry) ent = preferredEntry; uint32_t parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit = gHttpHandler->ParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit(); bool ignoreIdle = false; bool isFromPredictor = false; bool allow1918 = false; if (args->mOverridesOK) { parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit = args->mParallelSpeculativeConnectLimit; ignoreIdle = args->mIgnoreIdle; isFromPredictor = args->mIsFromPredictor; allow1918 = args->mAllow1918; } bool keepAlive = args->mTrans->Caps() & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE; if (mNumHalfOpenConns < parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit && ((ignoreIdle && (ent->mIdleConns.Length() < parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit)) || !ent->mIdleConns.Length()) && !(keepAlive && RestrictConnections(ent)) && !AtActiveConnectionLimit(ent, args->mTrans->Caps())) { CreateTransport(ent, args->mTrans, args->mTrans->Caps(), true, isFromPredictor, allow1918); } else { LOG(("OnMsgSpeculativeConnect Transport " "not created due to existing connection count\n")); } } bool ConnectionHandle::IsPersistent() { return mConn->IsPersistent(); } bool ConnectionHandle::IsReused() { return mConn->IsReused(); } void ConnectionHandle::DontReuse() { mConn->DontReuse(); } nsresult ConnectionHandle::PushBack(const char *buf, uint32_t bufLen) { return mConn->PushBack(buf, bufLen); } //////////////////////// nsHalfOpenSocket NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket, nsIOutputStreamCallback, nsITransportEventSink, nsIInterfaceRequestor, nsITimerCallback) nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsHalfOpenSocket::nsHalfOpenSocket(nsConnectionEntry *ent, nsAHttpTransaction *trans, uint32_t caps) : mEnt(ent) , mTransaction(trans) , mDispatchedMTransaction(false) , mCaps(caps) , mSpeculative(false) , mIsFromPredictor(false) , mAllow1918(true) , mHasConnected(false) , mPrimaryConnectedOK(false) , mBackupConnectedOK(false) { MOZ_ASSERT(ent && trans, "constructor with null arguments"); LOG(("Creating nsHalfOpenSocket [this=%p trans=%p ent=%s key=%s]\n", this, trans, ent->mConnInfo->Origin(), ent->mConnInfo->HashKey().get())); } nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::~nsHalfOpenSocket() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mStreamOut); MOZ_ASSERT(!mBackupStreamOut); MOZ_ASSERT(!mSynTimer); LOG(("Destroying nsHalfOpenSocket [this=%p]\n", this)); if (mEnt) mEnt->RemoveHalfOpen(this); } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupStreams(nsISocketTransport **transport, nsIAsyncInputStream **instream, nsIAsyncOutputStream **outstream, bool isBackup) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsresult rv; const char *socketTypes[1]; uint32_t typeCount = 0; const nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci = mEnt->mConnInfo; if (ci->FirstHopSSL()) { socketTypes[typeCount++] = "ssl"; } else { socketTypes[typeCount] = gHttpHandler->DefaultSocketType(); if (socketTypes[typeCount]) { typeCount++; } } nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransport> socketTransport; nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransportService> sts; sts = do_GetService(NS_SOCKETTRANSPORTSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupStreams [this=%p ent=%s] " "setup routed transport to origin %s:%d via %s:%d\n", this, ci->HashKey().get(), ci->Origin(), ci->OriginPort(), ci->RoutedHost(), ci->RoutedPort())); nsCOMPtr<nsIRoutedSocketTransportService> routedSTS(do_QueryInterface(sts)); if (routedSTS) { rv = routedSTS->CreateRoutedTransport( socketTypes, typeCount, ci->GetOrigin(), ci->OriginPort(), ci->GetRoutedHost(), ci->RoutedPort(), ci->ProxyInfo(), getter_AddRefs(socketTransport)); } else { if (!ci->GetRoutedHost().IsEmpty()) { // There is a route requested, but the legacy nsISocketTransportService // can't handle it. // Origin should be reachable on origin host name, so this should // not be a problem - but log it. LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket this=%p using legacy nsISocketTransportService " "means explicit route %s:%d will be ignored.\n", this, ci->RoutedHost(), ci->RoutedPort())); } rv = sts->CreateTransport(socketTypes, typeCount, ci->GetOrigin(), ci->OriginPort(), ci->ProxyInfo(), getter_AddRefs(socketTransport)); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t tmpFlags = 0; if (mCaps & NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS) tmpFlags = nsISocketTransport::BYPASS_CACHE; if (mCaps & NS_HTTP_LOAD_ANONYMOUS) tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::ANONYMOUS_CONNECT; if (ci->GetPrivate()) tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::NO_PERMANENT_STORAGE; if ((mCaps & NS_HTTP_BE_CONSERVATIVE) || ci->GetBeConservative()) { LOG(("Setting Socket to BE_CONSERVATIVE")); tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::BE_CONSERVATIVE; } // For backup connections, we disable IPv6. That's because some users have // broken IPv6 connectivity (leading to very long timeouts), and disabling // IPv6 on the backup connection gives them a much better user experience // with dual-stack hosts, though they still pay the 250ms delay for each new // connection. This strategy is also known as "happy eyeballs". if (mEnt->mPreferIPv6) { tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::DISABLE_IPV4; } else if (mEnt->mPreferIPv4 || (isBackup && gHttpHandler->FastFallbackToIPv4())) { tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::DISABLE_IPV6; } if (!Allow1918()) { tmpFlags |= nsISocketTransport::DISABLE_RFC1918; } socketTransport->SetConnectionFlags(tmpFlags); NeckoOriginAttributes originAttributes = mEnt->mConnInfo->GetOriginAttributes(); if (originAttributes != NeckoOriginAttributes()) { socketTransport->SetOriginAttributes(originAttributes); } socketTransport->SetQoSBits(gHttpHandler->GetQoSBits()); if (!ci->GetNetworkInterfaceId().IsEmpty()) { socketTransport->SetNetworkInterfaceId(ci->GetNetworkInterfaceId()); } rv = socketTransport->SetEventSink(this, nullptr); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = socketTransport->SetSecurityCallbacks(this); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_CONNECTION_ENTRY_CACHE_HIT_1, mEnt->mUsedForConnection); mEnt->mUsedForConnection = true; nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> sout; rv = socketTransport->OpenOutputStream(nsITransport::OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 0, 0, getter_AddRefs(sout)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> sin; rv = socketTransport->OpenInputStream(nsITransport::OPEN_UNBUFFERED, 0, 0, getter_AddRefs(sin)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); socketTransport.forget(transport); CallQueryInterface(sin, instream); CallQueryInterface(sout, outstream); rv = (*outstream)->AsyncWait(this, 0, 0, nullptr); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->StartedConnect(); return rv; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupPrimaryStreams() { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsresult rv; mPrimarySynStarted = TimeStamp::Now(); rv = SetupStreams(getter_AddRefs(mSocketTransport), getter_AddRefs(mStreamIn), getter_AddRefs(mStreamOut), false); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupPrimaryStream [this=%p ent=%s rv=%x]", this, mEnt->mConnInfo->Origin(), rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { if (mStreamOut) mStreamOut->AsyncWait(nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr); mStreamOut = nullptr; mStreamIn = nullptr; mSocketTransport = nullptr; } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupBackupStreams() { MOZ_ASSERT(mTransaction); MOZ_ASSERT(!mTransaction->IsNullTransaction(), "null transactions dont have backup streams"); mBackupSynStarted = TimeStamp::Now(); nsresult rv = SetupStreams(getter_AddRefs(mBackupTransport), getter_AddRefs(mBackupStreamIn), getter_AddRefs(mBackupStreamOut), true); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupBackupStream [this=%p ent=%s rv=%x]", this, mEnt->mConnInfo->Origin(), rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { if (mBackupStreamOut) mBackupStreamOut->AsyncWait(nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr); mBackupStreamOut = nullptr; mBackupStreamIn = nullptr; mBackupTransport = nullptr; } return rv; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupBackupTimer() { uint16_t timeout = gHttpHandler->GetIdleSynTimeout(); MOZ_ASSERT(!mSynTimer, "timer already initd"); if (timeout && !mTransaction->IsDone() && !mTransaction->IsNullTransaction()) { // Setup the timer that will establish a backup socket // if we do not get a writable event on the main one. // We do this because a lost SYN takes a very long time // to repair at the TCP level. // // Failure to setup the timer is something we can live with, // so don't return an error in that case. nsresult rv; mSynTimer = do_CreateInstance(NS_TIMER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mSynTimer->InitWithCallback(this, timeout, nsITimer::TYPE_ONE_SHOT); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupBackupTimer() [this=%p]", this)); } } else if (timeout) { LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::SetupBackupTimer() [this=%p], did not arm\n", this)); } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::CancelBackupTimer() { // If the syntimer is still armed, we can cancel it because no backup // socket should be formed at this point if (!mSynTimer) return; LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::CancelBackupTimer()")); mSynTimer->Cancel(); mSynTimer = nullptr; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::Abandon() { LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::Abandon [this=%p ent=%s] %p %p %p %p", this, mEnt->mConnInfo->Origin(), mSocketTransport.get(), mBackupTransport.get(), mStreamOut.get(), mBackupStreamOut.get())); MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); RefPtr<nsHalfOpenSocket> deleteProtector(this); // Tell socket (and backup socket) to forget the half open socket. if (mSocketTransport) { mSocketTransport->SetEventSink(nullptr, nullptr); mSocketTransport->SetSecurityCallbacks(nullptr); mSocketTransport = nullptr; } if (mBackupTransport) { mBackupTransport->SetEventSink(nullptr, nullptr); mBackupTransport->SetSecurityCallbacks(nullptr); mBackupTransport = nullptr; } // Tell output stream (and backup) to forget the half open socket. if (mStreamOut) { gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->RecvdConnect(); mStreamOut->AsyncWait(nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr); mStreamOut = nullptr; } if (mBackupStreamOut) { gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->RecvdConnect(); mBackupStreamOut->AsyncWait(nullptr, 0, 0, nullptr); mBackupStreamOut = nullptr; } // Lose references to input stream (and backup). mStreamIn = mBackupStreamIn = nullptr; // Stop the timer - we don't want any new backups. CancelBackupTimer(); // Remove the half open from the connection entry. if (mEnt) mEnt->RemoveHalfOpen(this); mEnt = nullptr; } double nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::Duration(TimeStamp epoch) { if (mPrimarySynStarted.IsNull()) return 0; return (epoch - mPrimarySynStarted).ToMilliseconds(); } NS_IMETHODIMP // method for nsITimerCallback nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::Notify(nsITimer *timer) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); MOZ_ASSERT(timer == mSynTimer, "wrong timer"); MOZ_ASSERT(mTransaction && !mTransaction->IsNullTransaction(), "null transactions dont have backup streams"); SetupBackupStreams(); mSynTimer = nullptr; return NS_OK; } // method for nsIAsyncOutputStreamCallback NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady(nsIAsyncOutputStream *out) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); MOZ_ASSERT(out == mStreamOut || out == mBackupStreamOut, "stream mismatch"); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady [this=%p ent=%s %s]\n", this, mEnt->mConnInfo->Origin(), out == mStreamOut ? "primary" : "backup")); int32_t index; nsresult rv; gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->RecvdConnect(); CancelBackupTimer(); // assign the new socket to the http connection RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> conn = new nsHttpConnection(); LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady " "Created new nshttpconnection %p\n", conn.get())); // Some capabilities are needed before a transaciton actually gets // scheduled (e.g. how to negotiate false start) conn->SetTransactionCaps(mTransaction->Caps()); NetAddr peeraddr; nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; mTransaction->GetSecurityCallbacks(getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); if (out == mStreamOut) { TimeDuration rtt = TimeStamp::Now() - mPrimarySynStarted; rv = conn->Init(mEnt->mConnInfo, gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->mMaxRequestDelay, mSocketTransport, mStreamIn, mStreamOut, mPrimaryConnectedOK, callbacks, PR_MillisecondsToInterval( static_cast<uint32_t>(rtt.ToMilliseconds()))); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mSocketTransport->GetPeerAddr(&peeraddr))) mEnt->RecordIPFamilyPreference(peeraddr.raw.family); // The nsHttpConnection object now owns these streams and sockets mStreamOut = nullptr; mStreamIn = nullptr; mSocketTransport = nullptr; } else if (out == mBackupStreamOut) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mTransaction->IsNullTransaction(), "null transactions dont have backup streams"); TimeDuration rtt = TimeStamp::Now() - mBackupSynStarted; rv = conn->Init(mEnt->mConnInfo, gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->mMaxRequestDelay, mBackupTransport, mBackupStreamIn, mBackupStreamOut, mBackupConnectedOK, callbacks, PR_MillisecondsToInterval( static_cast<uint32_t>(rtt.ToMilliseconds()))); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mBackupTransport->GetPeerAddr(&peeraddr))) mEnt->RecordIPFamilyPreference(peeraddr.raw.family); // The nsHttpConnection object now owns these streams and sockets mBackupStreamOut = nullptr; mBackupStreamIn = nullptr; mBackupTransport = nullptr; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false, "unexpected stream"); rv = NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady " "conn->init (%p) failed %x\n", conn.get(), rv)); return rv; } // This half-open socket has created a connection. This flag excludes it // from counter of actual connections used for checking limits. mHasConnected = true; // if this is still in the pending list, remove it and dispatch it index = mEnt->mPendingQ.IndexOf(mTransaction); if (index != -1) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mSpeculative, "Speculative Half Open found mTransaction"); RefPtr<nsHttpTransaction> temp = mEnt->mPendingQ[index]; mEnt->mPendingQ.RemoveElementAt(index); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->AddActiveConn(conn, mEnt); rv = gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->DispatchTransaction(mEnt, temp, conn); } else { // this transaction was dispatched off the pending q before all the // sockets established themselves. // After about 1 second allow for the possibility of restarting a // transaction due to server close. Keep at sub 1 second as that is the // minimum granularity we can expect a server to be timing out with. conn->SetIsReusedAfter(950); // if we are using ssl and no other transactions are waiting right now, // then form a null transaction to drive the SSL handshake to // completion. Afterwards the connection will be 100% ready for the next // transaction to use it. Make an exception for SSL tunneled HTTP proxy as the // NullHttpTransaction does not know how to drive Connect if (mEnt->mConnInfo->FirstHopSSL() && !mEnt->mPendingQ.Length() && !mEnt->mConnInfo->UsingConnect()) { LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady null transaction will " "be used to finish SSL handshake on conn %p\n", conn.get())); RefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> trans; if (mTransaction->IsNullTransaction() && !mDispatchedMTransaction) { // null transactions cannot be put in the entry queue, so that // explains why it is not present. mDispatchedMTransaction = true; trans = mTransaction; } else { trans = new NullHttpTransaction(mEnt->mConnInfo, callbacks, mCaps & ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING); } gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->AddActiveConn(conn, mEnt); conn->Classify(nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO); rv = gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()-> DispatchAbstractTransaction(mEnt, trans, mCaps, conn, 0); } else { // otherwise just put this in the persistent connection pool LOG(("nsHalfOpenSocket::OnOutputStreamReady no transaction match " "returning conn %p to pool\n", conn.get())); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->OnMsgReclaimConnection(0, conn); } } return rv; } // method for nsITransportEventSink NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::OnTransportStatus(nsITransport *trans, nsresult status, int64_t progress, int64_t progressMax) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); if (mTransaction) mTransaction->OnTransportStatus(trans, status, progress); MOZ_ASSERT(trans == mSocketTransport || trans == mBackupTransport); if (status == NS_NET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO) { if (trans == mSocketTransport) { mPrimaryConnectedOK = true; } else { mBackupConnectedOK = true; } } // The rest of this method only applies to the primary transport if (trans != mSocketTransport) { return NS_OK; } // if we are doing spdy coalescing and haven't recorded the ip address // for this entry before then make the hash key if our dns lookup // just completed. We can't do coalescing if using a proxy because the // ip addresses are not available to the client. if (status == NS_NET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO && gHttpHandler->IsSpdyEnabled() && gHttpHandler->CoalesceSpdy() && mEnt && mEnt->mConnInfo && mEnt->mConnInfo->EndToEndSSL() && !mEnt->mConnInfo->UsingProxy() && mEnt->mCoalescingKeys.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDNSRecord> dnsRecord(do_GetInterface(mSocketTransport)); nsTArray<NetAddr> addressSet; nsresult rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; if (dnsRecord) { rv = dnsRecord->GetAddresses(addressSet); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !addressSet.IsEmpty()) { for (uint32_t i = 0; i < addressSet.Length(); ++i) { nsCString *newKey = mEnt->mCoalescingKeys.AppendElement(nsCString()); newKey->SetCapacity(kIPv6CStrBufSize + 26); NetAddrToString(&addressSet[i], newKey->BeginWriting(), kIPv6CStrBufSize); newKey->SetLength(strlen(newKey->BeginReading())); if (mEnt->mConnInfo->GetAnonymous()) { newKey->AppendLiteral("~A:"); } else { newKey->AppendLiteral("~.:"); } newKey->AppendInt(mEnt->mConnInfo->OriginPort()); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::OnTransportStatus " "STATUS_CONNECTING_TO Established New Coalescing Key # %d for host " "%s [%s]", i, mEnt->mConnInfo->Origin(), newKey->get())); } gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ProcessSpdyPendingQ(mEnt); } } switch (status) { case NS_NET_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO: // Passed DNS resolution, now trying to connect, start the backup timer // only prevent creating another backup transport. // We also check for mEnt presence to not instantiate the timer after // this half open socket has already been abandoned. It may happen // when we get this notification right between main-thread calls to // nsHttpConnectionMgr::Shutdown and nsSocketTransportService::Shutdown // where the first abandons all half open socket instances and only // after that the second stops the socket thread. if (mEnt && !mBackupTransport && !mSynTimer) SetupBackupTimer(); break; case NS_NET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO: // TCP connection's up, now transfer or SSL negotiantion starts, // no need for backup socket CancelBackupTimer(); break; default: break; } return NS_OK; } // method for nsIInterfaceRequestor NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsHalfOpenSocket::GetInterface(const nsIID &iid, void **result) { if (mTransaction) { nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; mTransaction->GetSecurityCallbacks(getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); if (callbacks) return callbacks->GetInterface(iid, result); } return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } already_AddRefed<nsHttpConnection> ConnectionHandle::TakeHttpConnection() { // return our connection object to the caller and clear it internally // do not drop our reference - the caller now owns it. MOZ_ASSERT(mConn); return mConn.forget(); } uint32_t ConnectionHandle::CancelPipeline(nsresult reason) { // no pipeline to cancel return 0; } nsAHttpTransaction::Classifier ConnectionHandle::Classification() { if (mConn) return mConn->Classification(); LOG(("ConnectionHandle::Classification this=%p " "has null mConn using CLASS_SOLO default", this)); return nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO; } // nsConnectionEntry nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::nsConnectionEntry(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) : mConnInfo(ci) , mPipelineState(PS_YELLOW) , mYellowGoodEvents(0) , mYellowBadEvents(0) , mYellowConnection(nullptr) , mGreenDepth(kPipelineOpen) , mPipeliningPenalty(0) , mUsingSpdy(false) , mInPreferredHash(false) , mPreferIPv4(false) , mPreferIPv6(false) , mUsedForConnection(false) { MOZ_COUNT_CTOR(nsConnectionEntry); if (gHttpHandler->GetPipelineAggressive()) { mGreenDepth = kPipelineUnlimited; mPipelineState = PS_GREEN; } mInitialGreenDepth = mGreenDepth; memset(mPipeliningClassPenalty, 0, sizeof(int16_t) * nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_MAX); } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry::AvailableForDispatchNow() { if (mIdleConns.Length() && mIdleConns[0]->CanReuse()) { return true; } return gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()-> GetSpdyPreferredConn(this) ? true : false; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry::SupportsPipelining() { return mPipelineState != nsHttpConnectionMgr::PS_RED; } nsHttpConnectionMgr::PipeliningState nsHttpConnectionMgr::nsConnectionEntry::PipelineState() { return mPipelineState; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::OnPipelineFeedbackInfo( nsHttpConnectionMgr::PipelineFeedbackInfoType info, nsHttpConnection *conn, uint32_t data) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); if (mPipelineState == PS_YELLOW) { if (info & kPipelineInfoTypeBad) mYellowBadEvents++; else if (info & (kPipelineInfoTypeNeutral | kPipelineInfoTypeGood)) mYellowGoodEvents++; } if (mPipelineState == PS_GREEN && info == GoodCompletedOK) { int32_t depth = data; LOG(("Transaction completed at pipeline depth of %d. Host = %s\n", depth, mConnInfo->Origin())); if (depth >= 3) mGreenDepth = kPipelineUnlimited; } nsAHttpTransaction::Classifier classification; if (conn) classification = conn->Classification(); else if (info == BadInsufficientFraming || info == BadUnexpectedLarge) classification = (nsAHttpTransaction::Classifier) data; else classification = nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_SOLO; if (gHttpHandler->GetPipelineAggressive() && info & kPipelineInfoTypeBad && info != BadExplicitClose && info != RedVersionTooLow && info != RedBannedServer && info != RedCorruptedContent && info != BadInsufficientFraming) { LOG(("minor negative feedback ignored " "because of pipeline aggressive mode")); } else if (info & kPipelineInfoTypeBad) { if ((info & kPipelineInfoTypeRed) && (mPipelineState != PS_RED)) { LOG(("transition to red from %d. Host = %s.\n", mPipelineState, mConnInfo->Origin())); mPipelineState = PS_RED; mPipeliningPenalty = 0; } if (mLastCreditTime.IsNull()) mLastCreditTime = TimeStamp::Now(); // Red* events impact the host globally via mPipeliningPenalty, while // Bad* events impact the per class penalty. // The individual penalties should be < 16bit-signed-maxint - 25000 // (approx 7500). Penalties are paid-off either when something promising // happens (a successful transaction, or promising headers) or when // time goes by at a rate of 1 penalty point every 16 seconds. switch (info) { case RedVersionTooLow: mPipeliningPenalty += 1000; break; case RedBannedServer: mPipeliningPenalty += 7000; break; case RedCorruptedContent: mPipeliningPenalty += 7000; break; case RedCanceledPipeline: mPipeliningPenalty += 60; break; case BadExplicitClose: mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] += 250; break; case BadSlowReadMinor: mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] += 5; break; case BadSlowReadMajor: mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] += 25; break; case BadInsufficientFraming: mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] += 7000; break; case BadUnexpectedLarge: mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] += 120; break; default: MOZ_ASSERT(false, "Unknown Bad/Red Pipeline Feedback Event"); } const int16_t kPenalty = 25000; mPipeliningPenalty = std::min(mPipeliningPenalty, kPenalty); mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] = std::min(mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification], kPenalty); LOG(("Assessing red penalty to %s class %d for event %d. " "Penalty now %d, throttle[%d] = %d\n", mConnInfo->Origin(), classification, info, mPipeliningPenalty, classification, mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification])); } else { // hand out credits for neutral and good events such as // "headers look ok" events mPipeliningPenalty = std::max(mPipeliningPenalty - 1, 0); mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] = std::max(mPipeliningClassPenalty[classification] - 1, 0); } if (mPipelineState == PS_RED && !mPipeliningPenalty) { LOG(("transition %s to yellow\n", mConnInfo->Origin())); mPipelineState = PS_YELLOW; mYellowConnection = nullptr; } } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::SetYellowConnection(nsHttpConnection *conn) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mYellowConnection && mPipelineState == PS_YELLOW, "yellow connection already set or state is not yellow"); mYellowConnection = conn; mYellowGoodEvents = mYellowBadEvents = 0; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::OnYellowComplete() { if (mPipelineState == PS_YELLOW) { if (mYellowGoodEvents && !mYellowBadEvents) { LOG(("transition %s to green\n", mConnInfo->Origin())); mPipelineState = PS_GREEN; mGreenDepth = mInitialGreenDepth; } else { // The purpose of the yellow state is to witness at least // one successful pipelined transaction without seeing any // kind of negative feedback before opening the flood gates. // If we haven't confirmed that, then transfer back to red. LOG(("transition %s to red from yellow return\n", mConnInfo->Origin())); mPipelineState = PS_RED; } } mYellowConnection = nullptr; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::CreditPenalty() { if (mLastCreditTime.IsNull()) return; // Decrease penalty values by 1 for every 16 seconds // (i.e 3.7 per minute, or 1000 every 4h20m) TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now(); TimeDuration elapsedTime = now - mLastCreditTime; uint32_t creditsEarned = static_cast<uint32_t>(elapsedTime.ToSeconds()) >> 4; bool failed = false; if (creditsEarned > 0) { mPipeliningPenalty = std::max(int32_t(mPipeliningPenalty - creditsEarned), 0); if (mPipeliningPenalty > 0) failed = true; for (int32_t i = 0; i < nsAHttpTransaction::CLASS_MAX; ++i) { mPipeliningClassPenalty[i] = std::max(int32_t(mPipeliningClassPenalty[i] - creditsEarned), 0); failed = failed || (mPipeliningClassPenalty[i] > 0); } // update last credit mark to reflect elapsed time mLastCreditTime += TimeDuration::FromSeconds(creditsEarned << 4); } else { failed = true; /* just assume this */ } // If we are no longer red then clear the credit counter - you only // get credits for time spent in the red state if (!failed) mLastCreditTime = TimeStamp(); /* reset to null timestamp */ if (mPipelineState == PS_RED && !mPipeliningPenalty) { LOG(("transition %s to yellow based on time credit\n", mConnInfo->Origin())); mPipelineState = PS_YELLOW; mYellowConnection = nullptr; } } uint32_t nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::MaxPipelineDepth(nsAHttpTransaction::Classifier aClass) { // Still subject to configuration limit no matter return value if ((mPipelineState == PS_RED) || (mPipeliningClassPenalty[aClass] > 0)) return 0; if (mPipelineState == PS_YELLOW) return kPipelineRestricted; return mGreenDepth; } bool nsHttpConnectionMgr::GetConnectionData(nsTArray<HttpRetParams> *aArg) { for (auto iter = mCT.Iter(); !iter.Done(); iter.Next()) { nsAutoPtr<nsConnectionEntry>& ent = iter.Data(); if (ent->mConnInfo->GetPrivate()) { continue; } HttpRetParams data; data.host = ent->mConnInfo->Origin(); data.port = ent->mConnInfo->OriginPort(); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ent->mActiveConns.Length(); i++) { HttpConnInfo info; info.ttl = ent->mActiveConns[i]->TimeToLive(); info.rtt = ent->mActiveConns[i]->Rtt(); if (ent->mActiveConns[i]->UsingSpdy()) { info.SetHTTP2ProtocolVersion( ent->mActiveConns[i]->GetSpdyVersion()); } else { info.SetHTTP1ProtocolVersion( ent->mActiveConns[i]->GetLastHttpResponseVersion()); } data.active.AppendElement(info); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ent->mIdleConns.Length(); i++) { HttpConnInfo info; info.ttl = ent->mIdleConns[i]->TimeToLive(); info.rtt = ent->mIdleConns[i]->Rtt(); info.SetHTTP1ProtocolVersion( ent->mIdleConns[i]->GetLastHttpResponseVersion()); data.idle.AppendElement(info); } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < ent->mHalfOpens.Length(); i++) { HalfOpenSockets hSocket; hSocket.speculative = ent->mHalfOpens[i]->IsSpeculative(); data.halfOpens.AppendElement(hSocket); } data.spdy = ent->mUsingSpdy; data.ssl = ent->mConnInfo->EndToEndSSL(); aArg->AppendElement(data); } return true; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::ResetIPFamilyPreference(nsHttpConnectionInfo *ci) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(ci, nullptr, nullptr); if (ent) ent->ResetIPFamilyPreference(); } uint32_t nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::UnconnectedHalfOpens() { uint32_t unconnectedHalfOpens = 0; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mHalfOpens.Length(); ++i) { if (!mHalfOpens[i]->HasConnected()) ++unconnectedHalfOpens; } return unconnectedHalfOpens; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::RemoveHalfOpen(nsHalfOpenSocket *halfOpen) { // A failure to create the transport object at all // will result in it not being present in the halfopen table. That's expected. if (mHalfOpens.RemoveElement(halfOpen)) { if (halfOpen->IsSpeculative()) { Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::HTTPCONNMGR_UNUSED_SPECULATIVE_CONN> unusedSpeculativeConn; ++unusedSpeculativeConn; if (halfOpen->IsFromPredictor()) { Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::PREDICTOR_TOTAL_PRECONNECTS_UNUSED> totalPreconnectsUnused; ++totalPreconnectsUnused; } } MOZ_ASSERT(gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->mNumHalfOpenConns); if (gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->mNumHalfOpenConns) { // just in case gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->mNumHalfOpenConns--; } } if (!UnconnectedHalfOpens()) // perhaps this reverted RestrictConnections() // use the PostEvent version of processpendingq to avoid // altering the pending q vector from an arbitrary stack gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ProcessPendingQ(mConnInfo); } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::RecordIPFamilyPreference(uint16_t family) { if (family == PR_AF_INET && !mPreferIPv6) mPreferIPv4 = true; if (family == PR_AF_INET6 && !mPreferIPv4) mPreferIPv6 = true; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr:: nsConnectionEntry::ResetIPFamilyPreference() { mPreferIPv4 = false; mPreferIPv6 = false; } void nsHttpConnectionMgr::MoveToWildCardConnEntry(nsHttpConnectionInfo *specificCI, nsHttpConnectionInfo *wildCardCI, nsHttpConnection *proxyConn) { MOZ_ASSERT(PR_GetCurrentThread() == gSocketThread); MOZ_ASSERT(specificCI->UsingHttpsProxy()); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeConnEntryWildCard conn %p has requested to " "change CI from %s to %s\n", proxyConn, specificCI->HashKey().get(), wildCardCI->HashKey().get())); nsConnectionEntry *ent = LookupConnectionEntry(specificCI, proxyConn, nullptr); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeConnEntryWildCard conn %p using ent %p (spdy %d)\n", proxyConn, ent, ent ? ent->mUsingSpdy : 0)); if (!ent || !ent->mUsingSpdy) { return; } nsConnectionEntry *wcEnt = GetOrCreateConnectionEntry(wildCardCI, true); if (wcEnt == ent) { // nothing to do! return; } wcEnt->mUsingSpdy = true; LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeConnEntryWildCard ent %p " "idle=%d active=%d half=%d pending=%d\n", ent, ent->mIdleConns.Length(), ent->mActiveConns.Length(), ent->mHalfOpens.Length(), ent->mPendingQ.Length())); LOG(("nsHttpConnectionMgr::MakeConnEntryWildCard wc-ent %p " "idle=%d active=%d half=%d pending=%d\n", wcEnt, wcEnt->mIdleConns.Length(), wcEnt->mActiveConns.Length(), wcEnt->mHalfOpens.Length(), wcEnt->mPendingQ.Length())); int32_t count = ent->mActiveConns.Length(); RefPtr<nsHttpConnection> deleteProtector(proxyConn); for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (ent->mActiveConns[i] == proxyConn) { ent->mActiveConns.RemoveElementAt(i); wcEnt->mActiveConns.InsertElementAt(0, proxyConn); return; } } count = ent->mIdleConns.Length(); for (int32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { if (ent->mIdleConns[i] == proxyConn) { ent->mIdleConns.RemoveElementAt(i); wcEnt->mIdleConns.InsertElementAt(0, proxyConn); return; } } } } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla