/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* vim:set expandtab ts=4 sw=4 sts=4 cin: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // HttpLog.h should generally be included first #include "HttpLog.h" #include <inttypes.h> #include "mozilla/dom/nsCSPContext.h" #include "mozilla/Sprintf.h" #include "nsHttp.h" #include "nsHttpChannel.h" #include "nsHttpHandler.h" #include "nsIApplicationCacheService.h" #include "nsIApplicationCacheContainer.h" #include "nsICacheStorageService.h" #include "nsICacheStorage.h" #include "nsICacheEntry.h" #include "nsICaptivePortalService.h" #include "nsICryptoHash.h" #include "nsINetworkInterceptController.h" #include "nsINSSErrorsService.h" #include "nsISecurityReporter.h" #include "nsIStringBundle.h" #include "nsIStreamListenerTee.h" #include "nsISeekableStream.h" #include "nsILoadGroupChild.h" #include "nsIProtocolProxyService2.h" #include "nsIURIClassifier.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "nsNetCID.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIStreamTransportService.h" #include "prnetdb.h" #include "nsEscape.h" #include "nsStreamUtils.h" #include "nsIOService.h" #include "nsDNSPrefetch.h" #include "nsChannelClassifier.h" #include "nsIRedirectResultListener.h" #include "mozilla/dom/ContentVerifier.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "nsError.h" #include "nsPrintfCString.h" #include "nsAlgorithm.h" #include "nsQueryObject.h" #include "GeckoProfiler.h" #include "nsIConsoleService.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsISSLSocketControl.h" #include "sslt.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsContentSecurityManager.h" #include "nsIClassOfService.h" #include "nsIPermissionManager.h" #include "nsIPrincipal.h" #include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h" #include "nsISSLStatus.h" #include "nsISSLStatusProvider.h" #include "nsITransportSecurityInfo.h" #include "nsIWebProgressListener.h" #include "LoadContextInfo.h" #include "netCore.h" #include "nsHttpTransaction.h" #include "nsICacheEntryDescriptor.h" #include "nsICancelable.h" #include "nsIHttpChannelAuthProvider.h" #include "nsIHttpChannelInternal.h" #include "nsIHttpEventSink.h" #include "nsIPrompt.h" #include "nsInputStreamPump.h" #include "nsURLHelper.h" #include "nsISocketTransport.h" #include "nsIStreamConverterService.h" #include "nsISiteSecurityService.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "CacheObserver.h" #include "mozilla/dom/Performance.h" #include "mozilla/Telemetry.h" #include "AlternateServices.h" #include "InterceptedChannel.h" #include "nsIHttpPushListener.h" #include "nsIX509Cert.h" #include "ScopedNSSTypes.h" #include "nsNullPrincipal.h" #include "nsIDeprecationWarner.h" #include "nsIDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsICompressConvStats.h" #include "nsCORSListenerProxy.h" #include "nsISocketProvider.h" #include "mozilla/net/Predictor.h" #include "CacheControlParser.h" #include "nsMixedContentBlocker.h" #include "HSTSPrimerListener.h" #include "CacheStorageService.h" namespace mozilla { namespace net { namespace { // Monotonically increasing ID for generating unique cache entries per // intercepted channel. static uint64_t gNumIntercepted = 0; // True if the local cache should be bypassed when processing a request. #define BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE(loadFlags) \ (loadFlags & (nsIRequest::LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE | \ nsICachingChannel::LOAD_BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE)) #define RECOVER_FROM_CACHE_FILE_ERROR(result) \ ((result) == NS_ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND || \ (result) == NS_ERROR_FILE_CORRUPTED || \ (result) == NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) static NS_DEFINE_CID(kStreamListenerTeeCID, NS_STREAMLISTENERTEE_CID); static NS_DEFINE_CID(kStreamTransportServiceCID, NS_STREAMTRANSPORTSERVICE_CID); enum CacheDisposition { kCacheHit = 1, kCacheHitViaReval = 2, kCacheMissedViaReval = 3, kCacheMissed = 4 }; void AccumulateCacheHitTelemetry(CacheDisposition hitOrMiss) { if (!CacheObserver::UseNewCache()) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2, hitOrMiss); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_CACHE_DISPOSITION_2_V2, hitOrMiss); int32_t experiment = CacheObserver::HalfLifeExperiment(); if (experiment > 0 && hitOrMiss == kCacheMissed) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_CACHE_MISS_HALFLIFE_EXPERIMENT_2, experiment - 1); } } } // Computes and returns a SHA1 hash of the input buffer. The input buffer // must be a null-terminated string. nsresult Hash(const char *buf, nsACString &hash) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsICryptoHash> hasher = do_CreateInstance(NS_CRYPTO_HASH_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = hasher->Init(nsICryptoHash::SHA1); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = hasher->Update(reinterpret_cast<unsigned const char*>(buf), strlen(buf)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = hasher->Finish(true, hash); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } bool IsInSubpathOfAppCacheManifest(nsIApplicationCache *cache, nsACString const& uriSpec) { MOZ_ASSERT(cache); static bool sForbid = true; static nsresult once = Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sForbid, "network.appcache.forbid-fallback-outside-manifest-path", true); Unused << once; if (!sForbid) { return true; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), uriSpec); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url(do_QueryInterface(uri, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoCString directory; rv = url->GetDirectory(directory); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> manifestURI; rv = cache->GetManifestURI(getter_AddRefs(manifestURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> manifestURL(do_QueryInterface(manifestURI, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } nsAutoCString manifestDirectory; rv = manifestURL->GetDirectory(manifestDirectory); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return false; } return StringBeginsWith(directory, manifestDirectory); } } // unnamed namespace // We only treat 3xx responses as redirects if they have a Location header and // the status code is in a whitelist. bool WillRedirect(nsHttpResponseHead * response) { return nsHttpChannel::IsRedirectStatus(response->Status()) && response->HasHeader(nsHttp::Location); } nsresult StoreAuthorizationMetaData(nsICacheEntry *entry, nsHttpRequestHead *requestHead); class AutoRedirectVetoNotifier { public: explicit AutoRedirectVetoNotifier(nsHttpChannel* channel) : mChannel(channel) { if (mChannel->mHasAutoRedirectVetoNotifier) { MOZ_CRASH("Nested AutoRedirectVetoNotifier on the stack"); mChannel = nullptr; return; } mChannel->mHasAutoRedirectVetoNotifier = true; } ~AutoRedirectVetoNotifier() {ReportRedirectResult(false);} void RedirectSucceeded() {ReportRedirectResult(true);} private: nsHttpChannel* mChannel; void ReportRedirectResult(bool succeeded); }; void AutoRedirectVetoNotifier::ReportRedirectResult(bool succeeded) { if (!mChannel) return; mChannel->mRedirectChannel = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIRedirectResultListener> vetoHook; NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(mChannel, NS_GET_IID(nsIRedirectResultListener), getter_AddRefs(vetoHook)); nsHttpChannel* channel = mChannel; mChannel = nullptr; if (vetoHook) vetoHook->OnRedirectResult(succeeded); // Drop after the notification channel->mHasAutoRedirectVetoNotifier = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <public> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpChannel::nsHttpChannel() : HttpAsyncAborter<nsHttpChannel>(this) , mLogicalOffset(0) , mPostID(0) , mRequestTime(0) , mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime(0) , mInterceptCache(DO_NOT_INTERCEPT) , mInterceptionID(gNumIntercepted++) , mCacheOpenWithPriority(false) , mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen(0) , mCachedContentIsValid(false) , mCachedContentIsPartial(false) , mCacheOnlyMetadata(false) , mTransactionReplaced(false) , mAuthRetryPending(false) , mProxyAuthPending(false) , mCustomAuthHeader(false) , mResuming(false) , mInitedCacheEntry(false) , mFallbackChannel(false) , mCustomConditionalRequest(false) , mFallingBack(false) , mWaitingForRedirectCallback(false) , mRequestTimeInitialized(false) , mCacheEntryIsReadOnly(false) , mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly(false) , mCacheEntriesToWaitFor(0) , mHasQueryString(0) , mConcurrentCacheAccess(0) , mIsPartialRequest(0) , mHasAutoRedirectVetoNotifier(0) , mPinCacheContent(0) , mIsCorsPreflightDone(0) , mStronglyFramed(false) , mUsedNetwork(0) , mAuthConnectionRestartable(0) , mPushedStream(nullptr) , mLocalBlocklist(false) , mWarningReporter(nullptr) , mDidReval(false) { LOG(("Creating nsHttpChannel [this=%p]\n", this)); mChannelCreationTime = PR_Now(); mChannelCreationTimestamp = TimeStamp::Now(); } nsHttpChannel::~nsHttpChannel() { LOG(("Destroying nsHttpChannel [this=%p]\n", this)); if (mAuthProvider) mAuthProvider->Disconnect(NS_ERROR_ABORT); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::Init(nsIURI *uri, uint32_t caps, nsProxyInfo *proxyInfo, uint32_t proxyResolveFlags, nsIURI *proxyURI, const nsID& channelId) { nsresult rv = HttpBaseChannel::Init(uri, caps, proxyInfo, proxyResolveFlags, proxyURI, channelId); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::Init [this=%p]\n", this)); return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::AddSecurityMessage(const nsAString& aMessageTag, const nsAString& aMessageCategory) { if (mWarningReporter) { return mWarningReporter->ReportSecurityMessage(aMessageTag, aMessageCategory); } return HttpBaseChannel::AddSecurityMessage(aMessageTag, aMessageCategory); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <private> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsHttpChannel::Connect() { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::Connect [this=%p]\n", this)); // Note that we are only setting the "Upgrade-Insecure-Requests" request // header for *all* navigational requests instead of all requests as // defined in the spec, see: // https://www.w3.org/TR/upgrade-insecure-requests/#preference nsContentPolicyType type = mLoadInfo ? mLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() : nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_OTHER; if (type == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_DOCUMENT || type == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SUBDOCUMENT) { rv = SetRequestHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Upgrade-Insecure-Requests"), NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("1"), false); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } bool isHttps = false; rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> resultPrincipal; if (!isHttps && mLoadInfo) { nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager()-> GetChannelResultPrincipal(this, getter_AddRefs(resultPrincipal)); } bool shouldUpgrade = false; rv = NS_ShouldSecureUpgrade(mURI, mLoadInfo, resultPrincipal, mPrivateBrowsing, mAllowSTS, shouldUpgrade); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (shouldUpgrade) { return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps); } // ensure that we are using a valid hostname if (!net_IsValidHostName(nsDependentCString(mConnectionInfo->Origin()))) return NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST; if (mUpgradeProtocolCallback) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY; } // Finalize ConnectionInfo flags before SpeculativeConnect mConnectionInfo->SetAnonymous((mLoadFlags & LOAD_ANONYMOUS) != 0); mConnectionInfo->SetPrivate(mPrivateBrowsing); mConnectionInfo->SetNoSpdy(mCaps & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY); mConnectionInfo->SetBeConservative((mCaps & NS_HTTP_BE_CONSERVATIVE) || mBeConservative); // Consider opening a TCP connection right away. SpeculativeConnect(); // Don't allow resuming when cache must be used if (mResuming && (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE)) { LOG(("Resuming from cache is not supported yet")); return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } // open a cache entry for this channel... rv = OpenCacheEntry(isHttps); // do not continue if asyncOpenCacheEntry is in progress if (AwaitingCacheCallbacks()) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::Connect %p AwaitingCacheCallbacks forces async\n", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "Unexpected state"); return NS_OK; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("OpenCacheEntry failed [rv=%x]\n", rv)); // if this channel is only allowed to pull from the cache, then // we must fail if we were unable to open a cache entry. if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE) { // If we have a fallback URI (and we're not already // falling back), process the fallback asynchronously. if (!mFallbackChannel && !mFallbackKey.IsEmpty()) { return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback); } return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } // otherwise, let's just proceed without using the cache. } return TryHSTSPriming(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::TryHSTSPriming() { if (mLoadInfo) { // HSTS priming requires the LoadInfo provided with AsyncOpen2 bool requireHSTSPriming = mLoadInfo->GetForceHSTSPriming(); if (requireHSTSPriming && nsMixedContentBlocker::sSendHSTSPriming && mInterceptCache == DO_NOT_INTERCEPT) { bool isHttpsScheme; nsresult rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttpsScheme); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!isHttpsScheme) { rv = HSTSPrimingListener::StartHSTSPriming(this, this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); return rv; } return NS_OK; } // The request was already upgraded, for example by // upgrade-insecure-requests or a prior successful priming request Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_ALREADY_UPGRADED); mLoadInfo->ClearHSTSPriming(); } } return ContinueConnect(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueConnect() { // If we have had HSTS priming, we need to reevaluate whether we need // a CORS preflight. Bug: 1272440 // If we need to start a CORS preflight, do it now! // Note that it is important to do this before the early returns below. if (!mIsCorsPreflightDone && mRequireCORSPreflight && mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mPreflightChannel); nsresult rv = nsCORSListenerProxy::StartCORSPreflight(this, this, mUnsafeHeaders, getter_AddRefs(mPreflightChannel)); return rv; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(mRequireCORSPreflight && mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) || mIsCorsPreflightDone, "CORS preflight must have been finished by the time we " "do the rest of ContinueConnect"); // we may or may not have a cache entry at this point if (mCacheEntry) { // read straight from the cache if possible... if (mCachedContentIsValid) { nsRunnableMethod<nsHttpChannel> *event = nullptr; if (!mCachedContentIsPartial) { AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::AsyncOnExamineCachedResponse, &event); } nsresult rv = ReadFromCache(true); if (NS_FAILED(rv) && event) { event->Revoke(); } // Don't accumulate the cache hit telemetry for intercepted channels. if (mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) { AccumulateCacheHitTelemetry(kCacheHit); } return rv; } else if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE) { // the cache contains the requested resource, but it must be // validated before we can reuse it. since we are not allowed // to hit the net, there's nothing more to do. the document // is effectively not in the cache. LOG((" !mCachedContentIsValid && mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE")); return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } } else if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE) { // If we have a fallback URI (and we're not already // falling back), process the fallback asynchronously. if (!mFallbackChannel && !mFallbackKey.IsEmpty()) { return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback); } LOG((" !mCacheEntry && mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE")); return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO) { LOG((" mLoadFlags & LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO")); return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } // hit the net... nsresult rv = SetupTransaction(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = gHttpHandler->InitiateTransaction(mTransaction, mPriority); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = mTransactionPump->AsyncRead(this, nullptr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t suspendCount = mSuspendCount; while (suspendCount--) mTransactionPump->Suspend(); return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::SpeculativeConnect() { // Before we take the latency hit of dealing with the cache, try and // get the TCP (and SSL) handshakes going so they can overlap. // don't speculate if we are on a local blocklist, on uses of the offline // application cache, if we are offline, when doing http upgrade (i.e. // websockets bootstrap), or if we can't do keep-alive (because then we // couldn't reuse the speculative connection anyhow). if (mLocalBlocklist || mApplicationCache || gIOService->IsOffline() || mUpgradeProtocolCallback || !(mCaps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE)) return; // LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE and LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO must not hit network. // LOAD_FROM_CACHE and LOAD_CHECK_OFFLINE_CACHE are unlikely to hit network, // so skip preconnects for them. if (mLoadFlags & (LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE | LOAD_FROM_CACHE | LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO | LOAD_CHECK_OFFLINE_CACHE)) return; if (mAllowStaleCacheContent) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; NS_NewNotificationCallbacksAggregation(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); if (!callbacks) return; gHttpHandler->SpeculativeConnect( mConnectionInfo, callbacks, mCaps & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY); } void nsHttpChannel::DoNotifyListenerCleanup() { // We don't need this info anymore CleanRedirectCacheChainIfNecessary(); } void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirect() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async redirect [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirect; return; } nsresult rv = NS_OK; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirect [this=%p]\n", this)); // since this event is handled asynchronously, it is possible that this // channel could have been canceled, in which case there would be no point // in processing the redirect. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mStatus)) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect); rv = AsyncProcessRedirection(mResponseHead->Status()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect); // TODO: if !DoNotRender3xxBody(), render redirect body instead. // But first we need to cache 3xx bodies (bug 748510) ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect(rv); } } else { ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect(mStatus); } } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect(nsresult rv) { if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // If AsyncProcessRedirection fails, then we have to send out the // OnStart/OnStop notifications. LOG(("ContinueHandleAsyncRedirect got failure result [rv=%x]\n", rv)); bool redirectsEnabled = !mLoadInfo || !mLoadInfo->GetDontFollowRedirects(); if (redirectsEnabled) { // TODO: stop failing original channel if redirect vetoed? mStatus = rv; DoNotifyListener(); // Blow away cache entry if we couldn't process the redirect // for some reason (the cache entry might be corrupt). if (mCacheEntry) { mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); } } else { DoNotifyListener(); } } CloseCacheEntry(true); mIsPending = false; if (mLoadGroup) mLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(this, nullptr, mStatus); return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncNotModified() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async not-modified [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncNotModified; return; } LOG(("nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncNotModified [this=%p]\n", this)); DoNotifyListener(); CloseCacheEntry(false); mIsPending = false; if (mLoadGroup) mLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(this, nullptr, mStatus); } void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async fallback [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback; return; } nsresult rv = NS_OK; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback [this=%p]\n", this)); // since this event is handled asynchronously, it is possible that this // channel could have been canceled, in which case there would be no point // in processing the fallback. if (!mCanceled) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncFallback); bool waitingForRedirectCallback; rv = ProcessFallback(&waitingForRedirectCallback); if (waitingForRedirectCallback) return; PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncFallback); } ContinueHandleAsyncFallback(rv); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueHandleAsyncFallback(nsresult rv) { if (!mCanceled && (NS_FAILED(rv) || !mFallingBack)) { // If ProcessFallback fails, then we have to send out the // OnStart/OnStop notifications. LOG(("ProcessFallback failed [rv=%x, %d]\n", rv, mFallingBack)); mStatus = NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; DoNotifyListener(); } mIsPending = false; if (mLoadGroup) mLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(this, nullptr, mStatus); return rv; } void nsHttpChannel::SetupTransactionRequestContext() { if (!EnsureRequestContextID()) { return; } nsIRequestContextService *rcsvc = gHttpHandler->GetRequestContextService(); if (!rcsvc) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIRequestContext> rc; nsresult rv = rcsvc->GetRequestContext(mRequestContextID, getter_AddRefs(rc)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } mTransaction->SetRequestContext(rc); } static bool SafeForPipelining(nsHttpRequestHead::ParsedMethodType method, const nsCString &methodString) { if (method == nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Get || method == nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Head || method == nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Options) { return true; } if (method != nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Custom) { return false; } return (!strcmp(methodString.get(), "PROPFIND") || !strcmp(methodString.get(), "PROPPATCH")); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::SetupTransaction() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetupTransaction [this=%p]\n", this)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mTransaction, NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); nsresult rv; mUsedNetwork = 1; if (mCaps & NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING) { // // disable pipelining if: // (1) pipelining has been disabled by config // (2) pipelining has been disabled by connection mgr info // (3) request corresponds to a top-level document load (link click) // (4) request method is non-idempotent // (5) request is marked slow (e.g XHR) // nsAutoCString method; mRequestHead.Method(method); if (!mAllowPipelining || (mLoadFlags & (LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI | INHIBIT_PIPELINE)) || !SafeForPipelining(mRequestHead.ParsedMethod(), method)) { LOG((" pipelining disallowed\n")); mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; } } if (!mAllowSpdy) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY; } if (mBeConservative) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_BE_CONSERVATIVE; } // Use the URI path if not proxying (transparent proxying such as proxy // CONNECT does not count here). Also figure out what HTTP version to use. nsAutoCString buf, path; nsCString* requestURI; // This is the normal e2e H1 path syntax "/index.html" rv = mURI->GetPath(path); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // path may contain UTF-8 characters, so ensure that they're escaped. if (NS_EscapeURL(path.get(), path.Length(), esc_OnlyNonASCII, buf)) { requestURI = &buf; } else { requestURI = &path; } // trim off the #ref portion if any... int32_t ref1 = requestURI->FindChar('#'); if (ref1 != kNotFound) { requestURI->SetLength(ref1); } if (mConnectionInfo->UsingConnect() || !mConnectionInfo->UsingHttpProxy()) { mRequestHead.SetVersion(gHttpHandler->HttpVersion()); } else { mRequestHead.SetPath(*requestURI); // RequestURI should be the absolute uri H1 proxy syntax "http://foo/index.html" // so we will overwrite the relative version in requestURI rv = mURI->GetUserPass(buf); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (!buf.IsEmpty() && ((strncmp(mSpec.get(), "http:", 5) == 0) || strncmp(mSpec.get(), "https:", 6) == 0)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> tempURI; rv = mURI->Clone(getter_AddRefs(tempURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = tempURI->SetUserPass(EmptyCString()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = tempURI->GetAsciiSpec(path); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; requestURI = &path; } else { requestURI = &mSpec; } // trim off the #ref portion if any... int32_t ref2 = requestURI->FindChar('#'); if (ref2 != kNotFound) { requestURI->SetLength(ref2); } mRequestHead.SetVersion(gHttpHandler->ProxyHttpVersion()); } mRequestHead.SetRequestURI(*requestURI); // set the request time for cache expiration calculations mRequestTime = NowInSeconds(); mRequestTimeInitialized = true; // if doing a reload, force end-to-end if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_BYPASS_CACHE) { // We need to send 'Pragma:no-cache' to inhibit proxy caching even if // no proxy is configured since we might be talking with a transparent // proxy, i.e. one that operates at the network level. See bug #14772. mRequestHead.SetHeaderOnce(nsHttp::Pragma, "no-cache", true); // If we're configured to speak HTTP/1.1 then also send 'Cache-control: // no-cache' if (mRequestHead.Version() >= NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1) mRequestHead.SetHeaderOnce(nsHttp::Cache_Control, "no-cache", true); } else if ((mLoadFlags & VALIDATE_ALWAYS) && !mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly) { // We need to send 'Cache-Control: max-age=0' to force each cache along // the path to the origin server to revalidate its own entry, if any, // with the next cache or server. See bug #84847. // // If we're configured to speak HTTP/1.0 then just send 'Pragma: no-cache' if (mRequestHead.Version() >= NS_HTTP_VERSION_1_1) mRequestHead.SetHeaderOnce(nsHttp::Cache_Control, "max-age=0", true); else mRequestHead.SetHeaderOnce(nsHttp::Pragma, "no-cache", true); } if (mResuming) { char byteRange[32]; SprintfLiteral(byteRange, "bytes=%" PRIu64 "-", mStartPos); mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Range, nsDependentCString(byteRange)); if (!mEntityID.IsEmpty()) { // Also, we want an error if this resource changed in the meantime // Format of the entity id is: escaped_etag/size/lastmod nsCString::const_iterator start, end, slash; mEntityID.BeginReading(start); mEntityID.EndReading(end); mEntityID.BeginReading(slash); if (FindCharInReadable('/', slash, end)) { nsAutoCString ifMatch; mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::If_Match, NS_UnescapeURL(Substring(start, slash), 0, ifMatch)); ++slash; // Incrementing, so that searching for '/' won't find // the same slash again } if (FindCharInReadable('/', slash, end)) { mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::If_Unmodified_Since, Substring(++slash, end)); } } } // create wrapper for this channel's notification callbacks nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; NS_NewNotificationCallbacksAggregation(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); // create the transaction object mTransaction = new nsHttpTransaction(); LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p created nsHttpTransaction %p\n", this, mTransaction.get())); mTransaction->SetTransactionObserver(mTransactionObserver); mTransactionObserver = nullptr; // See bug #466080. Transfer LOAD_ANONYMOUS flag to socket-layer. if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ANONYMOUS) mCaps |= NS_HTTP_LOAD_ANONYMOUS; if (mTimingEnabled) mCaps |= NS_HTTP_TIMING_ENABLED; if (mUpgradeProtocolCallback) { mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Upgrade, mUpgradeProtocol, false); mRequestHead.SetHeaderOnce(nsHttp::Connection, nsHttp::Upgrade.get(), true); mCaps |= NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION; mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE; } if (mPushedStream) { mTransaction->SetPushedStream(mPushedStream); mPushedStream = nullptr; } nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpPushListener> pushListener; NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, NS_GET_IID(nsIHttpPushListener), getter_AddRefs(pushListener)); if (pushListener) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_ONPUSH_LISTENER; } nsCOMPtr<nsIAsyncInputStream> responseStream; rv = mTransaction->Init(mCaps, mConnectionInfo, &mRequestHead, mUploadStream, mUploadStreamHasHeaders, NS_GetCurrentThread(), callbacks, this, getter_AddRefs(responseStream)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { mTransaction = nullptr; return rv; } mTransaction->SetClassOfService(mClassOfService); SetupTransactionRequestContext(); rv = nsInputStreamPump::Create(getter_AddRefs(mTransactionPump), responseStream); return rv; } // NOTE: This function duplicates code from nsBaseChannel. This will go away // once HTTP uses nsBaseChannel (part of bug 312760) static void CallTypeSniffers(void *aClosure, const uint8_t *aData, uint32_t aCount) { nsIChannel *chan = static_cast<nsIChannel*>(aClosure); nsAutoCString newType; NS_SniffContent(NS_CONTENT_SNIFFER_CATEGORY, chan, aData, aCount, newType); if (!newType.IsEmpty()) { chan->SetContentType(newType); } } // Helper Function to report messages to the console when loading // a resource was blocked due to a MIME type mismatch. void ReportTypeBlocking(nsIURI* aURI, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo, const char* aMessageName) { NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 specUTF16(aURI->GetSpecOrDefault()); const char16_t* params[] = { specUTF16.get() }; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; if (aLoadInfo) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc; aLoadInfo->GetLoadingDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc)); if (domDoc) { doc = do_QueryInterface(domDoc); } } nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(nsIScriptError::errorFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("MIMEMISMATCH"), doc, nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, aMessageName, params, ArrayLength(params)); } // Check and potentially enforce X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff nsresult ProcessXCTO(nsIURI* aURI, nsHttpResponseHead* aResponseHead, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo) { if (!aURI || !aResponseHead || !aLoadInfo) { // if there is no uri, no response head or no loadInfo, then there is nothing to do return NS_OK; } // 1) Query the XCTO header and check if 'nosniff' is the first value. nsAutoCString contentTypeOptionsHeader; aResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::X_Content_Type_Options, contentTypeOptionsHeader); if (contentTypeOptionsHeader.IsEmpty()) { // if there is no XCTO header, then there is nothing to do. return NS_OK; } // XCTO header might contain multiple values which are comma separated, so: // a) let's skip all subsequent values // e.g. " NoSniFF , foo " will be " NoSniFF " int32_t idx = contentTypeOptionsHeader.Find(","); if (idx > 0) { contentTypeOptionsHeader = Substring(contentTypeOptionsHeader, 0, idx); } // b) let's trim all surrounding whitespace // e.g. " NoSniFF " -> "NoSniFF" contentTypeOptionsHeader.StripWhitespace(); // c) let's compare the header (ignoring case) // e.g. "NoSniFF" -> "nosniff" // if it's not 'nosniff' then there is nothing to do here if (!contentTypeOptionsHeader.EqualsIgnoreCase("nosniff")) { // since we are getting here, the XCTO header was sent; // a non matching value most likely means a mistake happenend; // e.g. sending 'nosnif' instead of 'nosniff', let's log a warning. NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 char16_header(contentTypeOptionsHeader); const char16_t* params[] = { char16_header.get() }; nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> domDoc; aLoadInfo->GetLoadingDocument(getter_AddRefs(domDoc)); if (domDoc) { doc = do_QueryInterface(domDoc); } nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(nsIScriptError::warningFlag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("XCTO"), doc, nsContentUtils::eSECURITY_PROPERTIES, "XCTOHeaderValueMissing", params, ArrayLength(params)); return NS_OK; } // 2) Query the content type from the channel nsAutoCString contentType; aResponseHead->ContentType(contentType); // 3) Compare the expected MIME type with the actual type if (aLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_STYLESHEET) { if (contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_CSS)) { return NS_OK; } ReportTypeBlocking(aURI, aLoadInfo, "MimeTypeMismatch"); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } if (aLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_IMAGE) { if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/"))) { Accumulate(Telemetry::XCTO_NOSNIFF_BLOCK_IMAGE, 0); return NS_OK; } Accumulate(Telemetry::XCTO_NOSNIFF_BLOCK_IMAGE, 1); // Instead of consulting Preferences::GetBool() all the time we // can cache the result to speed things up. static bool sXCTONosniffBlockImages = false; static bool sIsInited = false; if (!sIsInited) { sIsInited = true; Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sXCTONosniffBlockImages, "security.xcto_nosniff_block_images"); } if (!sXCTONosniffBlockImages) { return NS_OK; } ReportTypeBlocking(aURI, aLoadInfo, "MimeTypeMismatch"); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } if (aLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() == nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SCRIPT) { if (nsContentUtils::IsJavascriptMIMEType(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(contentType))) { return NS_OK; } ReportTypeBlocking(aURI, aLoadInfo, "MimeTypeMismatch"); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } return NS_OK; } // Ensure that a load of type script has correct MIME type nsresult EnsureMIMEOfScript(nsIURI* aURI, nsHttpResponseHead* aResponseHead, nsILoadInfo* aLoadInfo) { if (!aURI || !aResponseHead || !aLoadInfo) { // if there is no uri, no response head or no loadInfo, then there is nothing to do return NS_OK; } if (aLoadInfo->GetExternalContentPolicyType() != nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SCRIPT) { // if this is not a script load, then there is nothing to do return NS_OK; } nsAutoCString contentType; aResponseHead->ContentType(contentType); NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 typeString(contentType); if (nsContentUtils::IsJavascriptMIMEType(typeString)) { // script load has type script Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 1); return NS_OK; } bool block = false; if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/"))) { // script load has type image Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 2); block = true; } else if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("audio/"))) { // script load has type audio Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 3); block = true; } else if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("video/"))) { // script load has type video Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 4); block = true; } else if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("text/csv"))) { // script load has type text/csv Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 6); block = true; } if (block) { // Instead of consulting Preferences::GetBool() all the time we // can cache the result to speed things up. static bool sCachedBlockScriptWithWrongMime = false; static bool sIsInited = false; if (!sIsInited) { sIsInited = true; Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sCachedBlockScriptWithWrongMime, "security.block_script_with_wrong_mime"); } // Do not block the load if the feature is not enabled. if (!sCachedBlockScriptWithWrongMime) { return NS_OK; } ReportTypeBlocking(aURI, aLoadInfo, "BlockScriptWithWrongMimeType"); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("text/plain"))) { // script load has type text/plain Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 5); return NS_OK; } if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("text/xml"))) { // script load has type text/xml Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 7); return NS_OK; } if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("application/octet-stream"))) { // script load has type application/octet-stream Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 8); return NS_OK; } if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("application/xml"))) { // script load has type application/xml Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 9); return NS_OK; } if (StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("text/html"))) { // script load has type text/html Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 10); return NS_OK; } if (contentType.IsEmpty()) { // script load has no type Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 11); return NS_OK; } // script load has unknown type Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::SCRIPT_BLOCK_INCORRECT_MIME, 0); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::CallOnStartRequest() { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!(mRequireCORSPreflight && mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) || mIsCorsPreflightDone, "CORS preflight must have been finished by the time we " "call OnStartRequest"); nsresult rv = EnsureMIMEOfScript(mURI, mResponseHead, mLoadInfo); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = ProcessXCTO(mURI, mResponseHead, mLoadInfo); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mOnStartRequestCalled) { // This can only happen when a range request loading rest of the data // after interrupted concurrent cache read asynchronously failed, e.g. // the response range bytes are not as expected or this channel has // been externally canceled. // // It's legal to bypass CallOnStartRequest for that case since we've // already called OnStartRequest on our listener and also added all // content converters before. MOZ_ASSERT(mConcurrentCacheAccess); LOG(("CallOnStartRequest already invoked before")); return mStatus; } mTracingEnabled = false; // Allow consumers to override our content type if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_CALL_CONTENT_SNIFFERS) { // NOTE: We can have both a txn pump and a cache pump when the cache // content is partial. In that case, we need to read from the cache, // because that's the one that has the initial contents. If that fails // then give the transaction pump a shot. nsIChannel* thisChannel = static_cast<nsIChannel*>(this); bool typeSniffersCalled = false; if (mCachePump) { typeSniffersCalled = NS_SUCCEEDED(mCachePump->PeekStream(CallTypeSniffers, thisChannel)); } if (!typeSniffersCalled && mTransactionPump) { mTransactionPump->PeekStream(CallTypeSniffers, thisChannel); } } bool unknownDecoderStarted = false; if (mResponseHead && !mResponseHead->HasContentType()) { MOZ_ASSERT(mConnectionInfo, "Should have connection info here"); if (!mContentTypeHint.IsEmpty()) mResponseHead->SetContentType(mContentTypeHint); else if (mResponseHead->Version() == NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9 && mConnectionInfo->OriginPort() != mConnectionInfo->DefaultPort()) mResponseHead->SetContentType(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(TEXT_PLAIN)); else { // Uh-oh. We had better find out what type we are! nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamConverterService> serv; rv = gHttpHandler-> GetStreamConverterService(getter_AddRefs(serv)); // If we failed, we just fall through to the "normal" case if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> converter; rv = serv->AsyncConvertData(UNKNOWN_CONTENT_TYPE, "*/*", mListener, mListenerContext, getter_AddRefs(converter)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mListener = converter; unknownDecoderStarted = true; } } } } if (mResponseHead && !mResponseHead->HasContentCharset()) mResponseHead->SetContentCharset(mContentCharsetHint); if (mResponseHead && mCacheEntry) { // If we have a cache entry, set its predicted size to TotalEntitySize to // avoid caching an entry that will exceed the max size limit. rv = mCacheEntry->SetPredictedDataSize( mResponseHead->TotalEntitySize()); if (NS_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG == rv) { // Don't throw the entry away, we will need it later. LOG((" entry too big")); } else { NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } LOG((" calling mListener->OnStartRequest\n")); if (mListener) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mOnStartRequestCalled, "We should not call OsStartRequest twice"); nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> deleteProtector(mListener); rv = deleteProtector->OnStartRequest(this, mListenerContext); mOnStartRequestCalled = true; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } else { NS_WARNING("OnStartRequest skipped because of null listener"); mOnStartRequestCalled = true; } // Install stream converter if required. // If we use unknownDecoder, stream converters will be installed later (in // nsUnknownDecoder) after OnStartRequest is called for the real listener. if (!unknownDecoderStarted) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> listener; nsISupports *ctxt = mListenerContext; rv = DoApplyContentConversions(mListener, getter_AddRefs(listener), ctxt); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } if (listener) { mListener = listener; mCompressListener = listener; } } rv = EnsureAssocReq(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // if this channel is for a download, close off access to the cache. if (mCacheEntry && mChannelIsForDownload) { mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); // We must keep the cache entry in case of partial request. // Concurrent access is the same, we need the entry in // OnStopRequest. if (!mCachedContentIsPartial && !mConcurrentCacheAccess) CloseCacheEntry(false); } if (!mCanceled) { // create offline cache entry if offline caching was requested if (ShouldUpdateOfflineCacheEntry()) { LOG(("writing to the offline cache")); rv = InitOfflineCacheEntry(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // InitOfflineCacheEntry may have closed mOfflineCacheEntry if (mOfflineCacheEntry) { rv = InstallOfflineCacheListener(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } } else if (mApplicationCacheForWrite) { LOG(("offline cache is up to date, not updating")); CloseOfflineCacheEntry(); } } // Check for a Content-Signature header and inject mediator if the header is // requested and available. // If requested (mLoadInfo->GetVerifySignedContent), but not present, or // present but not valid, fail this channel and return // NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE to indicate a signature error and trigger a // fallback load in nsDocShell. // Note that OnStartRequest has already been called on the target stream // listener at this point. We have to add the listener here that late to // ensure that it's the last listener and can thus block the load in // OnStopRequest. if (!mCanceled) { rv = ProcessContentSignatureHeader(mResponseHead); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("Content-signature verification failed.\n")); return rv; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessFailedProxyConnect(uint32_t httpStatus) { // Failure to set up a proxy tunnel via CONNECT means one of the following: // 1) Proxy wants authorization, or forbids. // 2) DNS at proxy couldn't resolve target URL. // 3) Proxy connection to target failed or timed out. // 4) Eve intercepted our CONNECT, and is replying with malicious HTML. // // Our current architecture would parse the proxy's response content with // the permission of the target URL. Given #4, we must avoid rendering the // body of the reply, and instead give the user a (hopefully helpful) // boilerplate error page, based on just the HTTP status of the reply. MOZ_ASSERT(mConnectionInfo->UsingConnect(), "proxy connect failed but not using CONNECT?"); nsresult rv; switch (httpStatus) { case 300: case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: case 308: // Bad redirect: not top-level, or it's a POST, bad/missing Location, // or ProcessRedirect() failed for some other reason. Legal // redirects that fail because site not available, etc., are handled // elsewhere, in the regular codepath. rv = NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; case 403: // HTTP/1.1: "Forbidden" case 407: // ProcessAuthentication() failed case 501: // HTTP/1.1: "Not Implemented" // user sees boilerplate Mozilla "Proxy Refused Connection" page. rv = NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; // Squid sends 404 if DNS fails (regular 404 from target is tunneled) case 404: // HTTP/1.1: "Not Found" // RFC 2616: "some deployed proxies are known to return 400 or 500 when // DNS lookups time out." (Squid uses 500 if it runs out of sockets: so // we have a conflict here). case 400: // HTTP/1.1 "Bad Request" case 500: // HTTP/1.1: "Internal Server Error" /* User sees: "Address Not Found: Firefox can't find the server at * www.foo.com." */ rv = NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST; break; case 502: // HTTP/1.1: "Bad Gateway" (invalid resp from target server) // Squid returns 503 if target request fails for anything but DNS. case 503: // HTTP/1.1: "Service Unavailable" /* User sees: "Failed to Connect: * Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at * www.foo.com. Though the site seems valid, the browser * was unable to establish a connection." */ rv = NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; // RFC 2616 uses 504 for both DNS and target timeout, so not clear what to // do here: picking target timeout, as DNS covered by 400/404/500 case 504: // HTTP/1.1: "Gateway Timeout" // user sees: "Network Timeout: The server at www.foo.com // is taking too long to respond." rv = NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT; break; // Confused proxy server or malicious response default: rv = NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; } LOG(("Cancelling failed proxy CONNECT [this=%p httpStatus=%u]\n", this, httpStatus)); Cancel(rv); CallOnStartRequest(); return rv; } static void GetSTSConsoleErrorTag(uint32_t failureResult, nsAString& consoleErrorTag) { switch (failureResult) { case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNTRUSTWORTHY_CONNECTION: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSUntrustworthyConnection"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_HEADER: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSCouldNotParseHeader"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_NO_MAX_AGE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSNoMaxAge"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_MAX_AGES: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSMultipleMaxAges"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_MAX_AGE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSInvalidMaxAge"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSMultipleIncludeSubdomains"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSInvalidIncludeSubdomains"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_STATE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSCouldNotSaveState"); break; default: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("STSUnknownError"); break; } } static void GetPKPConsoleErrorTag(uint32_t failureResult, nsAString& consoleErrorTag) { switch (failureResult) { case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_UNTRUSTWORTHY_CONNECTION: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPUntrustworthyConnection"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_PARSE_HEADER: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPCouldNotParseHeader"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_NO_MAX_AGE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPNoMaxAge"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_MAX_AGES: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPMultipleMaxAges"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_MAX_AGE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPInvalidMaxAge"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPMultipleIncludeSubdomains"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPInvalidIncludeSubdomains"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_INVALID_PIN: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPInvalidPin"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_MULTIPLE_REPORT_URIS: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPMultipleReportURIs"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_PINSET_DOES_NOT_MATCH_CHAIN: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPPinsetDoesNotMatch"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_NO_BACKUP_PIN: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPNoBackupPin"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_COULD_NOT_SAVE_STATE: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPCouldNotSaveState"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::ERROR_ROOT_NOT_BUILT_IN: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPRootNotBuiltIn"); break; default: consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("PKPUnknownError"); break; } } /** * Process a single security header. Only two types are supported: HSTS and HPKP. */ nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessSingleSecurityHeader(uint32_t aType, nsISSLStatus *aSSLStatus, uint32_t aFlags) { nsHttpAtom atom; switch (aType) { case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS: atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom("Strict-Transport-Security"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HPKP: atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom("Public-Key-Pins"); break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("Invalid security header type"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsAutoCString securityHeader; nsresult rv = mResponseHead->GetHeader(atom, securityHeader); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsISiteSecurityService* sss = gHttpHandler->GetSSService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sss, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); // Process header will now discard the headers itself if the channel // wasn't secure (whereas before it had to be checked manually) uint32_t failureResult; rv = sss->ProcessHeader(aType, mURI, securityHeader.get(), aSSLStatus, aFlags, nullptr, nullptr, &failureResult); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { nsAutoString consoleErrorCategory; nsAutoString consoleErrorTag; switch (aType) { case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS: GetSTSConsoleErrorTag(failureResult, consoleErrorTag); consoleErrorCategory = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Invalid HSTS Headers"); break; case nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HPKP: GetPKPConsoleErrorTag(failureResult, consoleErrorTag); consoleErrorCategory = NS_LITERAL_STRING("Invalid HPKP Headers"); break; default: return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } AddSecurityMessage(consoleErrorTag, consoleErrorCategory); LOG(("nsHttpChannel: Failed to parse %s header, continuing load.\n", atom.get())); } } else { if (rv != NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) { // All other errors are fatal NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } LOG(("nsHttpChannel: No %s header, continuing load.\n", atom.get())); } return NS_OK; } /** * Decide whether or not to remember Strict-Transport-Security, and whether * or not to enforce channel integrity. * * @return NS_ERROR_FAILURE if there's security information missing even though * it's an HTTPS connection. */ nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessSecurityHeaders() { nsresult rv; bool isHttps = false; rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // If this channel is not loading securely, STS or PKP doesn't do anything. // In the case of HSTS, the upgrade to HTTPS takes place earlier in the // channel load process. if (!isHttps) return NS_OK; nsAutoCString asciiHost; rv = mURI->GetAsciiHost(asciiHost); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_OK); // If the channel is not a hostname, but rather an IP, do not process STS // or PKP headers PRNetAddr hostAddr; if (PR_SUCCESS == PR_StringToNetAddr(asciiHost.get(), &hostAddr)) return NS_OK; // mSecurityInfo may not always be present, and if it's not then it is okay // to just disregard any security headers since we know nothing about the // security of the connection. NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mSecurityInfo, NS_OK); uint32_t flags = NS_UsePrivateBrowsing(this) ? nsISocketProvider::NO_PERMANENT_STORAGE : 0; // Get the SSLStatus nsCOMPtr<nsISSLStatusProvider> sslprov = do_QueryInterface(mSecurityInfo); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sslprov, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr<nsISSLStatus> sslStatus; rv = sslprov->GetSSLStatus(getter_AddRefs(sslStatus)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sslStatus, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); rv = ProcessSingleSecurityHeader(nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HSTS, sslStatus, flags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = ProcessSingleSecurityHeader(nsISiteSecurityService::HEADER_HPKP, sslStatus, flags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessContentSignatureHeader(nsHttpResponseHead *aResponseHead) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // we only do this if we require it in loadInfo if (!mLoadInfo || !mLoadInfo->GetVerifySignedContent()) { return NS_OK; } // check if we verify content signatures on this newtab channel if (gHttpHandler->NewTabContentSignaturesDisabled()) { return NS_OK; } NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aResponseHead, NS_ERROR_ABORT); nsAutoCString contentSignatureHeader; nsHttpAtom atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom("Content-Signature"); rv = aResponseHead->GetHeader(atom, contentSignatureHeader); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("Content-Signature header is missing but expected.")); DoInvalidateCacheEntry(mURI); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } // if we require a signature but it is empty, fail if (contentSignatureHeader.IsEmpty()) { DoInvalidateCacheEntry(mURI); LOG(("An expected content-signature header is missing.\n")); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } // we ensure a content type here to avoid running into problems with // content sniffing, which might sniff parts of the content before we can // verify the signature if (!aResponseHead->HasContentType()) { NS_WARNING("Empty content type can get us in trouble when verifying " "content signatures"); return NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE; } // create a new listener that meadiates the content RefPtr<ContentVerifier> contentVerifyingMediator = new ContentVerifier(mListener, mListenerContext); rv = contentVerifyingMediator->Init(contentSignatureHeader, this, mListenerContext); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, NS_ERROR_INVALID_SIGNATURE); mListener = contentVerifyingMediator; return NS_OK; } /** * Decide whether or not to send a security report and, if so, give the * SecurityReporter the information required to send such a report. */ void nsHttpChannel::ProcessSecurityReport(nsresult status) { uint32_t errorClass; nsCOMPtr<nsINSSErrorsService> errSvc = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/nss_errors_service;1"); // getErrorClass will throw a generic NS_ERROR_FAILURE if the error code is // not in the set of errors covered by the NSS errors service. nsresult rv = errSvc->GetErrorClass(status, &errorClass); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return; } // if the content was not loaded succesfully and we have security info, // send a TLS error report - we must do this early as other parts of // OnStopRequest can return early bool reportingEnabled = Preferences::GetBool("security.ssl.errorReporting.enabled"); bool reportingAutomatic = Preferences::GetBool("security.ssl.errorReporting.automatic"); if (!mSecurityInfo || !reportingEnabled || !reportingAutomatic) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsITransportSecurityInfo> secInfo = do_QueryInterface(mSecurityInfo); nsCOMPtr<nsISecurityReporter> errorReporter = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/securityreporter;1"); if (!secInfo || !mURI) { return; } nsAutoCString hostStr; int32_t port; rv = mURI->GetHost(hostStr); if (!NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return; } rv = mURI->GetPort(&port); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { errorReporter->ReportTLSError(secInfo, hostStr, port); } } bool nsHttpChannel::IsHTTPS() { bool isHttps; if (NS_FAILED(mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps)) || !isHttps) return false; return true; } void nsHttpChannel::ProcessSSLInformation() { // If this is HTTPS, record any use of RSA so that Key Exchange Algorithm // can be whitelisted for TLS False Start in future sessions. We could // do the same for DH but its rarity doesn't justify the lookup. if (mCanceled || NS_FAILED(mStatus) || !mSecurityInfo || !IsHTTPS() || mPrivateBrowsing) return; nsCOMPtr<nsISSLStatusProvider> statusProvider = do_QueryInterface(mSecurityInfo); if (!statusProvider) return; nsCOMPtr<nsISSLStatus> sslstat; statusProvider->GetSSLStatus(getter_AddRefs(sslstat)); if (!sslstat) return; nsCOMPtr<nsITransportSecurityInfo> securityInfo = do_QueryInterface(mSecurityInfo); uint32_t state; if (securityInfo && NS_SUCCEEDED(securityInfo->GetSecurityState(&state)) && (state & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_IS_BROKEN)) { // Send weak crypto warnings to the web console if (state & nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_USES_WEAK_CRYPTO) { nsString consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("WeakCipherSuiteWarning"); nsString consoleErrorCategory = NS_LITERAL_STRING("SSL"); AddSecurityMessage(consoleErrorTag, consoleErrorCategory); } } // Send (SHA-1) signature algorithm errors to the web console nsCOMPtr<nsIX509Cert> cert; sslstat->GetServerCert(getter_AddRefs(cert)); if (cert) { UniqueCERTCertificate nssCert(cert->GetCert()); if (nssCert) { SECOidTag tag = SECOID_GetAlgorithmTag(&nssCert->signature); LOG(("Checking certificate signature: The OID tag is %i [this=%p]\n", tag, this)); // Check to see if the signature is sha-1 based. // Not including checks for SEC_OID_ISO_SHA1_WITH_RSA_SIGNATURE // from http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2437#section-8 since I // can't see reference to it outside this spec if (tag == SEC_OID_PKCS1_SHA1_WITH_RSA_ENCRYPTION || tag == SEC_OID_ANSIX9_DSA_SIGNATURE_WITH_SHA1_DIGEST || tag == SEC_OID_ANSIX962_ECDSA_SHA1_SIGNATURE) { nsString consoleErrorTag = NS_LITERAL_STRING("SHA1Sig"); nsString consoleErrorMessage = NS_LITERAL_STRING("SHA-1 Signature"); AddSecurityMessage(consoleErrorTag, consoleErrorMessage); } } } } void nsHttpChannel::ProcessAltService() { // e.g. Alt-Svc: h2=":443"; ma=60 // e.g. Alt-Svc: h2="otherhost:443" // Alt-Svc = 1#( alternative *( OWS ";" OWS parameter ) ) // alternative = protocol-id "=" alt-authority // protocol-id = token ; percent-encoded ALPN protocol identifier // alt-authority = quoted-string ; containing [ uri-host ] ":" port if (!mAllowAltSvc) { // per channel opt out return; } if (!gHttpHandler->AllowAltSvc() || (mCaps & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY)) { return; } nsAutoCString scheme; mURI->GetScheme(scheme); bool isHttp = scheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http")); if (!isHttp && !scheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https"))) { return; } nsAutoCString altSvc; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Alternate_Service, altSvc); if (altSvc.IsEmpty()) { return; } if (!nsHttp::IsReasonableHeaderValue(altSvc)) { LOG(("Alt-Svc Response Header seems unreasonable - skipping\n")); return; } nsAutoCString originHost; int32_t originPort = 80; mURI->GetPort(&originPort); if (NS_FAILED(mURI->GetHost(originHost))) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; nsCOMPtr<nsProxyInfo> proxyInfo; NS_NewNotificationCallbacksAggregation(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); if (mProxyInfo) { proxyInfo = do_QueryInterface(mProxyInfo); } NeckoOriginAttributes originAttributes; NS_GetOriginAttributes(this, originAttributes); AltSvcMapping::ProcessHeader(altSvc, scheme, originHost, originPort, mUsername, mPrivateBrowsing, callbacks, proxyInfo, mCaps & NS_HTTP_DISALLOW_SPDY, originAttributes); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse() { uint32_t httpStatus = mResponseHead->Status(); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessResponse [this=%p httpStatus=%u]\n", this, httpStatus)); // do some telemetry if (gHttpHandler->IsTelemetryEnabled()) { // Gather data on whether the transaction and page (if this is // the initial page load) is being loaded with SSL. Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_TRANSACTION_IS_SSL, mConnectionInfo->EndToEndSSL()); if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_PAGELOAD_IS_SSL, mConnectionInfo->EndToEndSSL()); } // how often do we see something like Alternate-Protocol: "443:quic,p=1" nsAutoCString alt_protocol; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Alternate_Protocol, alt_protocol); bool saw_quic = (!alt_protocol.IsEmpty() && PL_strstr(alt_protocol.get(), "quic")) ? 1 : 0; Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_SAW_QUIC_ALT_PROTOCOL, saw_quic); // Gather data on how many URLS get redirected switch (httpStatus) { case 200: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 0); break; case 301: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 1); break; case 302: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 2); break; case 304: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 3); break; case 307: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 4); break; case 308: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 5); break; case 400: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 6); break; case 401: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 7); break; case 403: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 8); break; case 404: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 9); break; case 500: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 10); break; default: Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_STATUS_CODE, 11); break; } } // Let the predictor know whether this was a cacheable response or not so // that it knows whether or not to possibly prefetch this resource in the // future. // We use GetReferringPage because mReferrer may not be set at all, or may // not be a full URI (HttpBaseChannel::SetReferrer has the gorey details). // If that's null, though, we'll fall back to mReferrer just in case (this // is especially useful in xpcshell tests, where we don't have an actual // pageload to get a referrer from). nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> referrer = GetReferringPage(); if (!referrer) { referrer = mReferrer; } if (referrer) { nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContextInfo> lci = GetLoadContextInfo(this); mozilla::net::Predictor::UpdateCacheability(referrer, mURI, httpStatus, mRequestHead, mResponseHead, lci); } if (mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed()) { // Only allow 407 (authentication required) to continue if (httpStatus != 407) return ProcessFailedProxyConnect(httpStatus); // If proxy CONNECT response needs to complete, wait to process connection // for Strict-Transport-Security. } else { // Given a successful connection, process any STS or PKP data that's // relevant. DebugOnly<nsresult> rv = ProcessSecurityHeaders(); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "ProcessSTSHeader failed, continuing load."); } MOZ_ASSERT(!mCachedContentIsValid); ProcessSSLInformation(); // notify "http-on-examine-response" observers gHttpHandler->OnExamineResponse(this); return ContinueProcessResponse1(); } void nsHttpChannel::AsyncContinueProcessResponse() { nsresult rv; rv = ContinueProcessResponse1(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // A synchronous failure here would normally be passed as the return // value from OnStartRequest, which would in turn cancel the request. // If we're continuing asynchronously, we need to cancel the request // ourselves. Unused << Cancel(rv); } } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse1() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); nsresult rv; if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to finish processing response [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::AsyncContinueProcessResponse; return NS_OK; } uint32_t httpStatus = mResponseHead->Status(); // Cookies and Alt-Service should not be handled on proxy failure either. // This would be consolidated with ProcessSecurityHeaders but it should // happen after OnExamineResponse. if (!mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed() && (httpStatus != 407)) { nsAutoCString cookie; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Set_Cookie, cookie))) { SetCookie(cookie.get()); } if ((httpStatus < 500) && (httpStatus != 421)) { ProcessAltService(); } } if (mConcurrentCacheAccess && mCachedContentIsPartial && httpStatus != 206) { LOG((" only expecting 206 when doing partial request during " "interrupted cache concurrent read")); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } // handle unused username and password in url (see bug 232567) if (httpStatus != 401 && httpStatus != 407) { if (!mAuthRetryPending) mAuthProvider->CheckForSuperfluousAuth(); if (mCanceled) return CallOnStartRequest(); // reset the authentication's current continuation state because our // last authentication attempt has been completed successfully mAuthProvider->Disconnect(NS_ERROR_ABORT); mAuthProvider = nullptr; LOG((" continuation state has been reset")); } if (mAPIRedirectToURI && !mCanceled) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mOnStartRequestCalled); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> redirectTo; mAPIRedirectToURI.swap(redirectTo); PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse2); rv = StartRedirectChannelToURI(redirectTo, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse2); } // Hack: ContinueProcessResponse2 uses NS_OK to detect successful // redirects, so we distinguish this codepath (a non-redirect that's // processing normally) by passing in a bogus error code. return ContinueProcessResponse2(NS_BINDING_FAILED); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse2(nsresult rv) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // redirectTo() has passed through, we don't want to go on with // this channel. It will now be canceled by the redirect handling // code that called this function. return NS_OK; } rv = NS_OK; uint32_t httpStatus = mResponseHead->Status(); bool successfulReval = false; // handle different server response categories. Note that we handle // caching or not caching of error pages in // nsHttpResponseHead::MustValidate; if you change this switch, update that // one switch (httpStatus) { case 200: case 203: // Per RFC 2616, 14.35.2, "A server MAY ignore the Range header". // So if a server does that and sends 200 instead of 206 that we // expect, notify our caller. // However, if we wanted to start from the beginning, let it go through if (mResuming && mStartPos != 0) { LOG(("Server ignored our Range header, cancelling [this=%p]\n", this)); Cancel(NS_ERROR_NOT_RESUMABLE); rv = CallOnStartRequest(); break; } // these can normally be cached rv = ProcessNormal(); MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet(); break; case 206: if (mCachedContentIsPartial) // an internal byte range request... rv = ProcessPartialContent(); else { mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); rv = ProcessNormal(); } break; case 300: case 301: case 302: case 307: case 308: case 303: #if 0 case 305: // disabled as a security measure (see bug 187996). #endif // don't store the response body for redirects MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet(); PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse3); rv = AsyncProcessRedirection(httpStatus); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse3); LOG(("AsyncProcessRedirection failed [rv=%x]\n", rv)); // don't cache failed redirect responses. if (mCacheEntry) mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); if (DoNotRender3xxBody(rv)) { mStatus = rv; DoNotifyListener(); } else { rv = ContinueProcessResponse3(rv); } } break; case 304: if (!ShouldBypassProcessNotModified()) { rv = ProcessNotModified(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { successfulReval = true; break; } LOG(("ProcessNotModified failed [rv=%x]\n", rv)); // We cannot read from the cache entry, it might be in an // incosistent state. Doom it and redirect the channel // to the same URI to reload from the network. mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); if (mCacheEntry) { mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); mCacheEntry = nullptr; } rv = StartRedirectChannelToURI(mURI, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_INTERNAL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } } if (ShouldBypassProcessNotModified() || NS_FAILED(rv)) { rv = ProcessNormal(); } break; case 401: case 407: if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(mCustomAuthHeader) && httpStatus == 401) { // When a custom auth header fails, we don't want to try // any cached credentials, nor we want to ask the user. // It's up to the consumer to re-try w/o setting a custom // auth header if cached credentials should be attempted. rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else { rv = mAuthProvider->ProcessAuthentication( httpStatus, mConnectionInfo->EndToEndSSL() && mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed()); } if (rv == NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS) { // authentication prompt has been invoked and result // is expected asynchronously mAuthRetryPending = true; if (httpStatus == 407 || mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed()) mProxyAuthPending = true; // suspend the transaction pump to stop receiving the // unauthenticated content data. We will throw that data // away when user provides credentials or resume the pump // when user refuses to authenticate. LOG(("Suspending the transaction, asynchronously prompting for credentials")); mTransactionPump->Suspend(); rv = NS_OK; } else if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("ProcessAuthentication failed [rv=%x]\n", rv)); if (mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed()) return ProcessFailedProxyConnect(httpStatus); if (!mAuthRetryPending) mAuthProvider->CheckForSuperfluousAuth(); rv = ProcessNormal(); } else { mAuthRetryPending = true; // see DoAuthRetry } break; default: rv = ProcessNormal(); MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet(); break; } if (gHttpHandler->IsTelemetryEnabled()) { CacheDisposition cacheDisposition; if (!mDidReval) { cacheDisposition = kCacheMissed; } else if (successfulReval) { cacheDisposition = kCacheHitViaReval; } else { cacheDisposition = kCacheMissedViaReval; } AccumulateCacheHitTelemetry(cacheDisposition); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_RESPONSE_VERSION, mResponseHead->Version()); if (mResponseHead->Version() == NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9) { // DefaultPortTopLevel = 0, DefaultPortSubResource = 1, // NonDefaultPortTopLevel = 2, NonDefaultPortSubResource = 3 uint32_t v09Info = 0; if (!(mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI)) { v09Info += 1; } if (mConnectionInfo->OriginPort() != mConnectionInfo->DefaultPort()) { v09Info += 2; } Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_09_INFO, v09Info); } } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessResponse3(nsresult rv) { bool doNotRender = DoNotRender3xxBody(rv); if (rv == NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI && mRedirectURI) { bool isHTTP = false; if (NS_FAILED(mRedirectURI->SchemeIs("http", &isHTTP))) isHTTP = false; if (!isHTTP && NS_FAILED(mRedirectURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHTTP))) isHTTP = false; if (!isHTTP) { // This was a blocked attempt to redirect and subvert the system by // redirecting to another protocol (perhaps javascript:) // In that case we want to throw an error instead of displaying the // non-redirected response body. LOG(("ContinueProcessResponse3 detected rejected Non-HTTP Redirection")); doNotRender = true; rv = NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } } if (doNotRender) { Cancel(rv); DoNotifyListener(); return rv; } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag(); InitCacheEntry(); CloseCacheEntry(false); if (mApplicationCacheForWrite) { // Store response in the offline cache InitOfflineCacheEntry(); CloseOfflineCacheEntry(); } return NS_OK; } LOG(("ContinueProcessResponse3 got failure result [rv=%x]\n", rv)); if (mTransaction && mTransaction->ProxyConnectFailed()) { return ProcessFailedProxyConnect(mRedirectType); } return ProcessNormal(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessNormal() { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessNormal [this=%p]\n", this)); bool succeeded; rv = GetRequestSucceeded(&succeeded); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !succeeded) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessNormal); bool waitingForRedirectCallback; (void)ProcessFallback(&waitingForRedirectCallback); if (waitingForRedirectCallback) { // The transaction has been suspended by ProcessFallback. return NS_OK; } PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessNormal); } return ContinueProcessNormal(NS_OK); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessNormal(nsresult rv) { if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Fill the failure status here, we have failed to fall back, thus we // have to report our status as failed. mStatus = rv; DoNotifyListener(); return rv; } if (mFallingBack) { // Do not continue with normal processing, fallback is in // progress now. return NS_OK; } // if we're here, then any byte-range requests failed to result in a partial // response. we must clear this flag to prevent BufferPartialContent from // being called inside our OnDataAvailable (see bug 136678). mCachedContentIsPartial = false; ClearBogusContentEncodingIfNeeded(); UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag(); // this must be called before firing OnStartRequest, since http clients, // such as imagelib, expect our cache entry to already have the correct // expiration time (bug 87710). if (mCacheEntry) { rv = InitCacheEntry(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) CloseCacheEntry(true); } // Check that the server sent us what we were asking for if (mResuming) { // Create an entity id from the response nsAutoCString id; rv = GetEntityID(id); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // If creating an entity id is not possible -> error Cancel(NS_ERROR_NOT_RESUMABLE); } else if (mResponseHead->Status() != 206 && mResponseHead->Status() != 200) { // Probably 404 Not Found, 412 Precondition Failed or // 416 Invalid Range -> error LOG(("Unexpected response status while resuming, aborting [this=%p]\n", this)); Cancel(NS_ERROR_ENTITY_CHANGED); } // If we were passed an entity id, verify it's equal to the server's else if (!mEntityID.IsEmpty()) { if (!mEntityID.Equals(id)) { LOG(("Entity mismatch, expected '%s', got '%s', aborting [this=%p]", mEntityID.get(), id.get(), this)); Cancel(NS_ERROR_ENTITY_CHANGED); } } } rv = CallOnStartRequest(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // install cache listener if we still have a cache entry open if (mCacheEntry && !mCacheEntryIsReadOnly) { rv = InstallCacheListener(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::PromptTempRedirect() { if (!gHttpHandler->PromptTempRedirect()) { return NS_OK; } nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService = do_GetService(NS_STRINGBUNDLE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> stringBundle; rv = bundleService->CreateBundle(NECKO_MSGS_URL, getter_AddRefs(stringBundle)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsXPIDLString messageString; rv = stringBundle->GetStringFromName(u"RepostFormData", getter_Copies(messageString)); // GetStringFromName can return NS_OK and nullptr messageString. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && messageString) { bool repost = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrompt> prompt; GetCallback(prompt); if (!prompt) return NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; prompt->Confirm(nullptr, messageString, &repost); if (!repost) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProxyFailover() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProxyFailover [this=%p]\n", this)); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIProtocolProxyService> pps = do_GetService(NS_PROTOCOLPROXYSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyInfo> pi; rv = pps->GetFailoverForProxy(mConnectionInfo->ProxyInfo(), mURI, mStatus, getter_AddRefs(pi)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // XXXbz so where does this codepath remove us from the loadgroup, // exactly? return AsyncDoReplaceWithProxy(pi); } void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async redirect to https [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps; return; } nsresult rv = StartRedirectChannelToHttps(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI(rv); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::StartRedirectChannelToHttps() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps() [STS]\n")); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> upgradedURI; nsresult rv = NS_GetSecureUpgradedURI(mURI, getter_AddRefs(upgradedURI)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); return StartRedirectChannelToURI(upgradedURI, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_PERMANENT | nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_STS_UPGRADE); } void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncAPIRedirect() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); NS_PRECONDITION(mAPIRedirectToURI, "How did that happen?"); if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async API redirect [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncAPIRedirect; return; } nsresult rv = StartRedirectChannelToURI(mAPIRedirectToURI, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_PERMANENT); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI(rv); return; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::StartRedirectChannelToURI(nsIURI *upgradedURI, uint32_t flags) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::StartRedirectChannelToURI()\n")); nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> newChannel; nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService; rv = gHttpHandler->GetIOService(getter_AddRefs(ioService)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_NewChannelInternal(getter_AddRefs(newChannel), upgradedURI, mLoadInfo, nullptr, // aLoadGroup nullptr, // aCallbacks nsIRequest::LOAD_NORMAL, ioService); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = SetupReplacementChannel(upgradedURI, newChannel, true, flags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Inform consumers about this fake redirect mRedirectChannel = newChannel; if (!(flags & nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_STS_UPGRADE) && mInterceptCache == INTERCEPTED) { // Mark the channel as intercepted in order to propagate the response URL. nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> httpRedirect = do_QueryInterface(mRedirectChannel); if (httpRedirect) { httpRedirect->ForceIntercepted(mInterceptionID); } } PushRedirectAsyncFunc( &nsHttpChannel::ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI); rv = gHttpHandler->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(this, newChannel, flags); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = WaitForRedirectCallback(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); /* Remove the async call to ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI(). * It is called directly by our callers upon return (to clean up * the failed redirect). */ PopRedirectAsyncFunc( &nsHttpChannel::ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueAsyncRedirectChannelToURI(nsresult rv) { // Since we handle mAPIRedirectToURI also after on-examine-response handler // rather drop it here to avoid any redirect loops, even just hypothetical. mAPIRedirectToURI = nullptr; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = OpenRedirectChannel(rv); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Fill the failure status here, the update to https had been vetoed // but from the security reasons we have to discard the whole channel // load. mStatus = rv; } if (mLoadGroup) { mLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(this, nullptr, mStatus); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // We have to manually notify the listener because there is not any pump // that would call our OnStart/StopRequest after resume from waiting for // the redirect callback. DoNotifyListener(); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OpenRedirectChannel(nsresult rv) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); // Make sure to do this after we received redirect veto answer, // i.e. after all sinks had been notified mRedirectChannel->SetOriginalURI(mOriginalURI); // And now, notify observers the deprecated way nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpEventSink> httpEventSink; GetCallback(httpEventSink); if (httpEventSink) { // NOTE: nsIHttpEventSink is only used for compatibility with pre-1.8 // versions. rv = httpEventSink->OnRedirect(this, mRedirectChannel); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } // open new channel if (mLoadInfo && mLoadInfo->GetEnforceSecurity()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mListenerContext, "mListenerContext should be null!"); rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen2(mListener); } else { rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen(mListener, mListenerContext); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mStatus = NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED; notifier.RedirectSucceeded(); ReleaseListeners(); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::AsyncDoReplaceWithProxy(nsIProxyInfo* pi) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AsyncDoReplaceWithProxy [this=%p pi=%p]", this, pi)); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> newChannel; rv = gHttpHandler->NewProxiedChannel2(mURI, pi, mProxyResolveFlags, mProxyURI, mLoadInfo, getter_AddRefs(newChannel)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t flags = nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_INTERNAL; rv = SetupReplacementChannel(mURI, newChannel, true, flags); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Inform consumers about this fake redirect mRedirectChannel = newChannel; PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueDoReplaceWithProxy); rv = gHttpHandler->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(this, newChannel, flags); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = WaitForRedirectCallback(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueDoReplaceWithProxy); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueDoReplaceWithProxy(nsresult rv) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; NS_PRECONDITION(mRedirectChannel, "No redirect channel?"); // Make sure to do this after we received redirect veto answer, // i.e. after all sinks had been notified mRedirectChannel->SetOriginalURI(mOriginalURI); // open new channel if (mLoadInfo && mLoadInfo->GetEnforceSecurity()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mListenerContext, "mListenerContext should be null!"); rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen2(mListener); } else { rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen(mListener, mListenerContext); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mStatus = NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED; notifier.RedirectSucceeded(); ReleaseListeners(); return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ResolveProxy() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResolveProxy [this=%p]\n", this)); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIProtocolProxyService> pps = do_GetService(NS_PROTOCOLPROXYSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // using the nsIProtocolProxyService2 allows a minor performance // optimization, but if an add-on has only provided the original interface // then it is ok to use that version. nsCOMPtr<nsIProtocolProxyService2> pps2 = do_QueryInterface(pps); if (pps2) { rv = pps2->AsyncResolve2(this, mProxyResolveFlags, this, getter_AddRefs(mProxyRequest)); } else { rv = pps->AsyncResolve(static_cast<nsIChannel*>(this), mProxyResolveFlags, this, getter_AddRefs(mProxyRequest)); } return rv; } bool nsHttpChannel::ResponseWouldVary(nsICacheEntry* entry) { nsresult rv; nsAutoCString buf, metaKey; mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Vary, buf); if (!buf.IsEmpty()) { NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(prefix, "request-"); // enumerate the elements of the Vary header... char *val = buf.BeginWriting(); // going to munge buf char *token = nsCRT::strtok(val, NS_HTTP_HEADER_SEPS, &val); while (token) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResponseWouldVary [channel=%p] " \ "processing %s\n", this, token)); // // if "*", then assume response would vary. technically speaking, // "Vary: header, *" is not permitted, but we allow it anyways. // // We hash values of cookie-headers for the following reasons: // // 1- cookies can be very large in size // // 2- cookies may contain sensitive information. (for parity with // out policy of not storing Set-cookie headers in the cache // meta data, we likewise do not want to store cookie headers // here.) // if (*token == '*') return true; // if we encounter this, just get out of here // build cache meta data key... metaKey = prefix + nsDependentCString(token); // check the last value of the given request header to see if it has // since changed. if so, then indeed the cached response is invalid. nsXPIDLCString lastVal; entry->GetMetaDataElement(metaKey.get(), getter_Copies(lastVal)); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResponseWouldVary [channel=%p] " "stored value = \"%s\"\n", this, lastVal.get())); // Look for value of "Cookie" in the request headers nsHttpAtom atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom(token); nsAutoCString newVal; bool hasHeader = NS_SUCCEEDED(mRequestHead.GetHeader(atom, newVal)); if (!lastVal.IsEmpty()) { // value for this header in cache, but no value in request if (!hasHeader) { return true; // yes - response would vary } // If this is a cookie-header, stored metadata is not // the value itself but the hash. So we also hash the // outgoing value here in order to compare the hashes nsAutoCString hash; if (atom == nsHttp::Cookie) { rv = Hash(newVal.get(), hash); // If hash failed, be conservative (the cached hash // exists at this point) and claim response would vary if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return true; newVal = hash; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResponseWouldVary [this=%p] " \ "set-cookie value hashed to %s\n", this, newVal.get())); } if (!newVal.Equals(lastVal)) { return true; // yes, response would vary } } else if (hasHeader) { // old value is empty, but newVal is set return true; } // next token... token = nsCRT::strtok(val, NS_HTTP_HEADER_SEPS, &val); } } return false; } // We need to have an implementation of this function just so that we can keep // all references to mCallOnResume of type nsHttpChannel: it's not OK in C++ // to set a member function ptr to a base class function. void nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncAbort() { HttpAsyncAborter<nsHttpChannel>::HandleAsyncAbort(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::EnsureAssocReq() { // Confirm Assoc-Req response header on pipelined transactions // per draft-nottingham-http-pipeline-01.txt // of the form: GET http://blah.com/foo/bar?qv // return NS_OK as long as we don't find a violation // (i.e. no header is ok, as are malformed headers, as are // transactions that have not been pipelined (unless those have been // opted in via pragma)) if (!mResponseHead) return NS_OK; nsAutoCString assoc_val; if (NS_FAILED(mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Assoc_Req, assoc_val))) { return NS_OK; } if (!mTransaction || !mURI) return NS_OK; if (!mTransaction->PipelinePosition()) { // "Pragma: X-Verify-Assoc-Req" can be used to verify even non pipelined // transactions. It is used by test harness. nsAutoCString pragma_val; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Pragma, pragma_val); if (pragma_val.IsEmpty() || !nsHttp::FindToken(pragma_val.get(), "X-Verify-Assoc-Req", HTTP_HEADER_VALUE_SEPS)) return NS_OK; } char *method = net_FindCharNotInSet(assoc_val.get(), HTTP_LWS); if (!method) return NS_OK; bool equals; char *endofmethod; char * assoc_valChar = nullptr; endofmethod = net_FindCharInSet(method, HTTP_LWS); if (endofmethod) assoc_valChar = net_FindCharNotInSet(endofmethod, HTTP_LWS); if (!assoc_valChar) return NS_OK; // check the method nsAutoCString methodHead; mRequestHead.Method(methodHead); if ((((int32_t)methodHead.Length()) != (endofmethod - method)) || PL_strncmp(method, methodHead.get(), endofmethod - method)) { LOG((" Assoc-Req failure Method %s", method)); if (mConnectionInfo) gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()-> PipelineFeedbackInfo(mConnectionInfo, nsHttpConnectionMgr::RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService = do_GetService(NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (consoleService) { nsAutoString message (NS_LITERAL_STRING("Failed Assoc-Req. Received ")); nsAutoCString assoc_req; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Assoc_Req, assoc_req); AppendASCIItoUTF16(assoc_req, message); message += NS_LITERAL_STRING(" expected method "); AppendASCIItoUTF16(methodHead, message); consoleService->LogStringMessage(message.get()); } if (gHttpHandler->EnforceAssocReq()) return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; return NS_OK; } // check the URL nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> assoc_url; if (NS_FAILED(NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(assoc_url), assoc_valChar)) || !assoc_url) return NS_OK; mURI->Equals(assoc_url, &equals); if (!equals) { LOG((" Assoc-Req failure URL %s", assoc_valChar)); if (mConnectionInfo) gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()-> PipelineFeedbackInfo(mConnectionInfo, nsHttpConnectionMgr::RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService = do_GetService(NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (consoleService) { nsAutoString message (NS_LITERAL_STRING("Failed Assoc-Req. Received ")); nsAutoCString assoc_req; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Assoc_Req, assoc_req); AppendASCIItoUTF16(assoc_req, message); message += NS_LITERAL_STRING(" expected URL "); AppendASCIItoUTF16(mSpec.get(), message); consoleService->LogStringMessage(message.get()); } if (gHttpHandler->EnforceAssocReq()) return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <byte-range> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool nsHttpChannel::IsResumable(int64_t partialLen, int64_t contentLength, bool ignoreMissingPartialLen) const { bool hasContentEncoding = mCachedResponseHead->HasHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding); nsAutoCString etag; mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::ETag, etag); bool hasWeakEtag = !etag.IsEmpty() && StringBeginsWith(etag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("W/")); return (partialLen < contentLength) && (partialLen > 0 || ignoreMissingPartialLen) && !hasContentEncoding && !hasWeakEtag && mCachedResponseHead->IsResumable() && !mCustomConditionalRequest && !mCachedResponseHead->NoStore(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::MaybeSetupByteRangeRequest(int64_t partialLen, int64_t contentLength, bool ignoreMissingPartialLen) { // Be pesimistic mIsPartialRequest = false; if (!IsResumable(partialLen, contentLength, ignoreMissingPartialLen)) return NS_ERROR_NOT_RESUMABLE; // looks like a partial entry we can reuse; add If-Range // and Range headers. nsresult rv = SetupByteRangeRequest(partialLen); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // Make the request unconditional again. UntieByteRangeRequest(); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::SetupByteRangeRequest(int64_t partialLen) { // cached content has been found to be partial, add necessary request // headers to complete cache entry. // use strongest validator available... nsAutoCString val; mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::ETag, val); if (val.IsEmpty()) mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified, val); if (val.IsEmpty()) { // if we hit this code it means mCachedResponseHead->IsResumable() is // either broken or not being called. NS_NOTREACHED("no cache validator"); mIsPartialRequest = false; return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } char buf[64]; SprintfLiteral(buf, "bytes=%" PRId64 "-", partialLen); mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Range, nsDependentCString(buf)); mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::If_Range, val); mIsPartialRequest = true; return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::UntieByteRangeRequest() { mRequestHead.ClearHeader(nsHttp::Range); mRequestHead.ClearHeader(nsHttp::If_Range); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessPartialContent() { // ok, we've just received a 206 // // we need to stream whatever data is in the cache out first, and then // pick up whatever data is on the wire, writing it into the cache. LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessPartialContent [this=%p]\n", this)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCachedResponseHead, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCacheEntry, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Make sure to clear bogus content-encodings before looking at the header ClearBogusContentEncodingIfNeeded(); // Check if the content-encoding we now got is different from the one we // got before nsAutoCString contentEncoding, cachedContentEncoding; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding, contentEncoding); mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding, cachedContentEncoding); if (PL_strcasecmp(contentEncoding.get(), cachedContentEncoding.get()) != 0) { Cancel(NS_ERROR_INVALID_CONTENT_ENCODING); return CallOnStartRequest(); } nsresult rv; int64_t cachedContentLength = mCachedResponseHead->ContentLength(); int64_t entitySize = mResponseHead->TotalEntitySize(); nsAutoCString contentRange; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Range, contentRange); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessPartialContent [this=%p trans=%p] " "original content-length %lld, entity-size %lld, content-range %s\n", this, mTransaction.get(), cachedContentLength, entitySize, contentRange.get())); if ((entitySize >= 0) && (cachedContentLength >= 0) && (entitySize != cachedContentLength)) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessPartialContent [this=%p] " "206 has different total entity size than the content length " "of the original partially cached entity.\n", this)); mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); Cancel(NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT); return CallOnStartRequest(); } if (mConcurrentCacheAccess) { // We started to read cached data sooner than its write has been done. // But the concurrent write has not finished completely, so we had to // do a range request. Now let the content coming from the network // be presented to consumers and also stored to the cache entry. rv = InstallCacheListener(mLogicalOffset); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (mOfflineCacheEntry) { rv = InstallOfflineCacheListener(mLogicalOffset); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } } else { // suspend the current transaction rv = mTransactionPump->Suspend(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // merge any new headers with the cached response headers rv = mCachedResponseHead->UpdateHeaders(mResponseHead); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // update the cached response head nsAutoCString head; mCachedResponseHead->Flatten(head, true); rv = mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("response-head", head.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // make the cached response be the current response mResponseHead = Move(mCachedResponseHead); UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag(); rv = UpdateExpirationTime(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // notify observers interested in looking at a response that has been // merged with any cached headers (http-on-examine-merged-response). gHttpHandler->OnExamineMergedResponse(this); if (mConcurrentCacheAccess) { mCachedContentIsPartial = false; // Leave the mConcurrentCacheAccess flag set, we want to use it // to prevent duplicate OnStartRequest call on the target listener // in case this channel is canceled before it gets its OnStartRequest // from the http transaction. // Now we continue reading the network response. } else { // the cached content is valid, although incomplete. mCachedContentIsValid = true; rv = ReadFromCache(false); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnDoneReadingPartialCacheEntry(bool *streamDone) { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnDoneReadingPartialCacheEntry [this=%p]", this)); // by default, assume we would have streamed all data or failed... *streamDone = true; // setup cache listener to append to cache entry int64_t size; rv = mCacheEntry->GetDataSize(&size); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = InstallCacheListener(size); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Entry is valid, do it now, after the output stream has been opened, // otherwise when done earlier, pending readers would consider the cache // entry still as partial (CacheEntry::GetDataSize would return the partial // data size) and consumers would do the conditional request again. rv = mCacheEntry->SetValid(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // need to track the logical offset of the data being sent to our listener mLogicalOffset = size; // we're now completing the cached content, so we can clear this flag. // this puts us in the state of a regular download. mCachedContentIsPartial = false; // The cache input stream pump is finished, we do not need it any more. // (see bug 1313923) mCachePump = nullptr; // resume the transaction if it exists, otherwise the pipe contained the // remaining part of the document and we've now streamed all of the data. if (mTransactionPump) { rv = mTransactionPump->Resume(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) *streamDone = false; } else NS_NOTREACHED("no transaction"); return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <cache> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool nsHttpChannel::ShouldBypassProcessNotModified() { if (mCustomConditionalRequest) { LOG(("Bypassing ProcessNotModified due to custom conditional headers")); return true; } if (!mDidReval) { LOG(("Server returned a 304 response even though we did not send a " "conditional request")); return true; } return false; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessNotModified() { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessNotModified [this=%p]\n", this)); // Assert ShouldBypassProcessNotModified() has been checked before call to // ProcessNotModified(). MOZ_ASSERT(!ShouldBypassProcessNotModified()); MOZ_ASSERT(mCachedResponseHead); MOZ_ASSERT(mCacheEntry); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCachedResponseHead && mCacheEntry, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // If the 304 response contains a Last-Modified different than the // one in our cache that is pretty suspicious and is, in at least the // case of bug 716840, a sign of the server having previously corrupted // our cache with a bad response. Take the minor step here of just dooming // that cache entry so there is a fighting chance of getting things on the // right track as well as disabling pipelining for that host. nsAutoCString lastModifiedCached; nsAutoCString lastModified304; rv = mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified, lastModifiedCached); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified, lastModified304); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !lastModified304.Equals(lastModifiedCached)) { LOG(("Cache Entry and 304 Last-Modified Headers Do Not Match " "[%s] and [%s]\n", lastModifiedCached.get(), lastModified304.get())); mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); if (mConnectionInfo) gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()-> PipelineFeedbackInfo(mConnectionInfo, nsHttpConnectionMgr::RedCorruptedContent, nullptr, 0); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::CACHE_LM_INCONSISTENT, true); } // merge any new headers with the cached response headers rv = mCachedResponseHead->UpdateHeaders(mResponseHead); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // update the cached response head nsAutoCString head; mCachedResponseHead->Flatten(head, true); rv = mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("response-head", head.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // make the cached response be the current response mResponseHead = Move(mCachedResponseHead); UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag(); rv = UpdateExpirationTime(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = AddCacheEntryHeaders(mCacheEntry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // notify observers interested in looking at a reponse that has been // merged with any cached headers gHttpHandler->OnExamineMergedResponse(this); mCachedContentIsValid = true; // Tell other consumers the entry is OK to use rv = mCacheEntry->SetValid(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = ReadFromCache(false); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; mTransactionReplaced = true; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ProcessFallback(bool *waitingForRedirectCallback) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ProcessFallback [this=%p]\n", this)); nsresult rv; *waitingForRedirectCallback = false; mFallingBack = false; // At this point a load has failed (either due to network problems // or an error returned on the server). Perform an application // cache fallback if we have a URI to fall back to. if (!mApplicationCache || mFallbackKey.IsEmpty() || mFallbackChannel) { LOG((" choosing not to fallback [%p,%s,%d]", mApplicationCache.get(), mFallbackKey.get(), mFallbackChannel)); return NS_OK; } // Make sure the fallback entry hasn't been marked as a foreign // entry. uint32_t fallbackEntryType; rv = mApplicationCache->GetTypes(mFallbackKey, &fallbackEntryType); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (fallbackEntryType & nsIApplicationCache::ITEM_FOREIGN) { // This cache points to a fallback that refers to a different // manifest. Refuse to fall back. return NS_OK; } if (!IsInSubpathOfAppCacheManifest(mApplicationCache, mFallbackKey)) { // Refuse to fallback if the fallback key is not contained in the same // path as the cache manifest. return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(fallbackEntryType & nsIApplicationCache::ITEM_FALLBACK, "Fallback entry not marked correctly!"); // Kill any offline cache entry, and disable offline caching for the // fallback. if (mOfflineCacheEntry) { mOfflineCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); mOfflineCacheEntry = nullptr; } mApplicationCacheForWrite = nullptr; mOfflineCacheEntry = nullptr; // Close the current cache entry. CloseCacheEntry(true); // Create a new channel to load the fallback entry. RefPtr<nsIChannel> newChannel; rv = gHttpHandler->NewChannel2(mURI, mLoadInfo, getter_AddRefs(newChannel)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t redirectFlags = nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_INTERNAL; rv = SetupReplacementChannel(mURI, newChannel, true, redirectFlags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Make sure the new channel loads from the fallback key. nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> httpInternal = do_QueryInterface(newChannel, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = httpInternal->SetupFallbackChannel(mFallbackKey.get()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // ... and fallbacks should only load from the cache. uint32_t newLoadFlags = mLoadFlags | LOAD_REPLACE | LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE; rv = newChannel->SetLoadFlags(newLoadFlags); // Inform consumers about this fake redirect mRedirectChannel = newChannel; PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessFallback); rv = gHttpHandler->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(this, newChannel, redirectFlags); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = WaitForRedirectCallback(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessFallback); return rv; } // Indicate we are now waiting for the asynchronous redirect callback // if all went OK. *waitingForRedirectCallback = true; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessFallback(nsresult rv) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; NS_PRECONDITION(mRedirectChannel, "No redirect channel?"); // Make sure to do this after we received redirect veto answer, // i.e. after all sinks had been notified mRedirectChannel->SetOriginalURI(mOriginalURI); if (mLoadInfo && mLoadInfo->GetEnforceSecurity()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mListenerContext, "mListenerContext should be null!"); rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen2(mListener); } else { rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen(mListener, mListenerContext); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI) { MaybeWarnAboutAppCache(); } // close down this channel Cancel(NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED); notifier.RedirectSucceeded(); ReleaseListeners(); mFallingBack = true; return NS_OK; } // Determines if a request is a byte range request for a subrange, // i.e. is a byte range request, but not a 0- byte range request. static bool IsSubRangeRequest(nsHttpRequestHead &aRequestHead) { nsAutoCString byteRange; if (NS_FAILED(aRequestHead.GetHeader(nsHttp::Range, byteRange))) { return false; } return !byteRange.EqualsLiteral("bytes=0-"); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OpenCacheEntry(bool isHttps) { // Handle correctly mCacheEntriesToWaitFor AutoCacheWaitFlags waitFlags(this); // Drop this flag here mConcurrentCacheAccess = 0; nsresult rv; mLoadedFromApplicationCache = false; mHasQueryString = HasQueryString(mRequestHead.ParsedMethod(), mURI); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OpenCacheEntry [this=%p]", this)); // make sure we're not abusing this function NS_PRECONDITION(!mCacheEntry, "cache entry already open"); nsAutoCString cacheKey; nsAutoCString extension; if (mRequestHead.IsPost()) { // If the post id is already set then this is an attempt to replay // a post transaction via the cache. Otherwise, we need a unique // post id for this transaction. if (mPostID == 0) mPostID = gHttpHandler->GenerateUniqueID(); } else if (!PossiblyIntercepted() && !mRequestHead.IsGet() && !mRequestHead.IsHead()) { // don't use the cache for other types of requests return NS_OK; } if (mResuming) { // We don't support caching for requests initiated // via nsIResumableChannel. return NS_OK; } // Don't cache byte range requests which are subranges, only cache 0- // byte range requests. if (IsSubRangeRequest(mRequestHead)) return NS_OK; // Pick up an application cache from the notification // callbacks if available and if we are not an intercepted channel. if (!PossiblyIntercepted() && !mApplicationCache && mInheritApplicationCache) { nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationCacheContainer> appCacheContainer; GetCallback(appCacheContainer); if (appCacheContainer) { appCacheContainer->GetApplicationCache(getter_AddRefs(mApplicationCache)); } } nsCOMPtr<nsICacheStorageService> cacheStorageService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/netwerk/cache-storage-service;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsICacheStorage> cacheStorage; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> openURI; if (!mFallbackKey.IsEmpty() && mFallbackChannel) { // This is a fallback channel, open fallback URI instead rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(openURI), mFallbackKey); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } else { // In the case of intercepted channels, we need to construct the cache // entry key based on the original URI, so that in case the intercepted // channel is redirected, the cache entry key before and after the // redirect is the same. if (PossiblyIntercepted()) { openURI = mOriginalURI; } else { openURI = mURI; } } RefPtr<LoadContextInfo> info = GetLoadContextInfo(this); if (!info) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } uint32_t cacheEntryOpenFlags; bool offline = gIOService->IsOffline(); nsAutoCString cacheControlRequestHeader; mRequestHead.GetHeader(nsHttp::Cache_Control, cacheControlRequestHeader); CacheControlParser cacheControlRequest(cacheControlRequestHeader); if (cacheControlRequest.NoStore() && !PossiblyIntercepted()) { goto bypassCacheEntryOpen; } if (offline || (mLoadFlags & INHIBIT_CACHING)) { if (BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE(mLoadFlags) && !offline && !PossiblyIntercepted()) { goto bypassCacheEntryOpen; } cacheEntryOpenFlags = nsICacheStorage::OPEN_READONLY; mCacheEntryIsReadOnly = true; } else if (BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE(mLoadFlags) && !mApplicationCache) { cacheEntryOpenFlags = nsICacheStorage::OPEN_TRUNCATE; } else { cacheEntryOpenFlags = nsICacheStorage::OPEN_NORMALLY | nsICacheStorage::CHECK_MULTITHREADED; } if (!mPostID && mApplicationCache) { rv = cacheStorageService->AppCacheStorage(info, mApplicationCache, getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } else if (PossiblyIntercepted()) { // The synthesized cache has less restrictions on file size and so on. rv = cacheStorageService->SynthesizedCacheStorage(info, getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } else if (mLoadFlags & INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING) { rv = cacheStorageService->MemoryCacheStorage(info, // ? choose app cache as well... getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } else if (mPinCacheContent) { rv = cacheStorageService->PinningCacheStorage(info, getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } else { rv = cacheStorageService->DiskCacheStorage(info, !mPostID && (mChooseApplicationCache || (mLoadFlags & LOAD_CHECK_OFFLINE_CACHE)), getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if ((mClassOfService & nsIClassOfService::Leader) || (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI)) cacheEntryOpenFlags |= nsICacheStorage::OPEN_PRIORITY; // Only for backward compatibility with the old cache back end. // When removed, remove the flags and related code snippets. if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE_IF_BUSY) cacheEntryOpenFlags |= nsICacheStorage::OPEN_BYPASS_IF_BUSY; if (PossiblyIntercepted()) { extension.Append(nsPrintfCString("u%lld", mInterceptionID)); } else if (mPostID) { extension.Append(nsPrintfCString("%d", mPostID)); } // If this channel should be intercepted, we do not open a cache entry for this channel // until the interception process is complete and the consumer decides what to do with it. if (mInterceptCache == MAYBE_INTERCEPT) { DebugOnly<bool> exists; MOZ_ASSERT(NS_FAILED(cacheStorage->Exists(openURI, extension, &exists)) || !exists, "The entry must not exist in the cache before we create it here"); nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> entry; rv = cacheStorage->OpenTruncate(openURI, extension, getter_AddRefs(entry)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsINetworkInterceptController> controller; GetCallback(controller); RefPtr<InterceptedChannelChrome> intercepted = new InterceptedChannelChrome(this, controller, entry); intercepted->NotifyController(); } else { if (mInterceptCache == INTERCEPTED) { cacheEntryOpenFlags |= nsICacheStorage::OPEN_INTERCEPTED; // Clear OPEN_TRUNCATE for the fake cache entry, since otherwise // cache storage will close the current entry which breaks the // response synthesis. cacheEntryOpenFlags &= ~nsICacheStorage::OPEN_TRUNCATE; DebugOnly<bool> exists; MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(cacheStorage->Exists(openURI, extension, &exists)) && exists, "The entry must exist in the cache after we create it here"); } mCacheOpenWithPriority = cacheEntryOpenFlags & nsICacheStorage::OPEN_PRIORITY; mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen = CacheStorageService::CacheQueueSize(mCacheOpenWithPriority); rv = cacheStorage->AsyncOpenURI(openURI, extension, cacheEntryOpenFlags, this); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } waitFlags.Keep(WAIT_FOR_CACHE_ENTRY); bypassCacheEntryOpen: if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite) return NS_OK; // If there is an app cache to write to, open the entry right now in parallel. // make sure we're not abusing this function NS_PRECONDITION(!mOfflineCacheEntry, "cache entry already open"); if (offline) { // only put things in the offline cache while online return NS_OK; } if (mLoadFlags & INHIBIT_CACHING) { // respect demand not to cache return NS_OK; } if (!mRequestHead.IsGet()) { // only cache complete documents offline return NS_OK; } rv = cacheStorageService->AppCacheStorage(info, mApplicationCacheForWrite, getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = cacheStorage->AsyncOpenURI( mURI, EmptyCString(), nsICacheStorage::OPEN_TRUNCATE, this); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); waitFlags.Keep(WAIT_FOR_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::CheckPartial(nsICacheEntry* aEntry, int64_t *aSize, int64_t *aContentLength) { nsresult rv; rv = aEntry->GetDataSize(aSize); if (NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS == rv) { *aSize = -1; rv = NS_OK; } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsHttpResponseHead* responseHead = mCachedResponseHead ? mCachedResponseHead : mResponseHead; if (!responseHead) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; *aContentLength = responseHead->ContentLength(); return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::UntieValidationRequest() { // Make the request unconditional again. mRequestHead.ClearHeader(nsHttp::If_Modified_Since); mRequestHead.ClearHeader(nsHttp::If_None_Match); mRequestHead.ClearHeader(nsHttp::ETag); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryCheck(nsICacheEntry* entry, nsIApplicationCache* appCache, uint32_t* aResult) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryCheck enter [channel=%p entry=%p]", this, entry)); nsAutoCString cacheControlRequestHeader; mRequestHead.GetHeader(nsHttp::Cache_Control, cacheControlRequestHeader); CacheControlParser cacheControlRequest(cacheControlRequestHeader); if (cacheControlRequest.NoStore()) { LOG(("Not using cached response based on no-store request cache directive\n")); *aResult = ENTRY_NOT_WANTED; return NS_OK; } // Remember the request is a custom conditional request so that we can // process any 304 response correctly. mCustomConditionalRequest = mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::If_Modified_Since) || mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::If_None_Match) || mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::If_Unmodified_Since) || mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::If_Match) || mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::If_Range); // Be pessimistic: assume the cache entry has no useful data. *aResult = ENTRY_WANTED; mCachedContentIsValid = false; nsXPIDLCString buf; // Get the method that was used to generate the cached response rv = entry->GetMetaDataElement("request-method", getter_Copies(buf)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool methodWasHead = buf.EqualsLiteral("HEAD"); bool methodWasGet = buf.EqualsLiteral("GET"); if (methodWasHead) { // The cached response does not contain an entity. We can only reuse // the response if the current request is also HEAD. if (!mRequestHead.IsHead()) { return NS_OK; } } buf.Adopt(0); // We'll need this value in later computations... uint32_t lastModifiedTime; rv = entry->GetLastModified(&lastModifiedTime); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Determine if this is the first time that this cache entry // has been accessed during this session. bool fromPreviousSession = (gHttpHandler->SessionStartTime() > lastModifiedTime); // Get the cached HTTP response headers mCachedResponseHead = new nsHttpResponseHead(); // A "original-response-headers" metadata element holds network original headers, // i.e. the headers in the form as they arrieved from the network. // We need to get the network original headers first, because we need to keep them // in order. rv = entry->GetMetaDataElement("original-response-headers", getter_Copies(buf)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mCachedResponseHead->ParseCachedOriginalHeaders((char *) buf.get()); } buf.Adopt(0); // A "response-head" metadata element holds response head, e.g. response status // line and headers in the form Firefox uses them internally (no dupicate // headers, etc.). rv = entry->GetMetaDataElement("response-head", getter_Copies(buf)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Parse string stored in a "response-head" metadata element. // These response headers will be merged with the orignal headers (i.e. the // headers stored in a "original-response-headers" metadata element). rv = mCachedResponseHead->ParseCachedHead(buf.get()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); buf.Adopt(0); bool isCachedRedirect = WillRedirect(mCachedResponseHead); // Do not return 304 responses from the cache, and also do not return // any other non-redirect 3xx responses from the cache (see bug 759043). NS_ENSURE_TRUE((mCachedResponseHead->Status() / 100 != 3) || isCachedRedirect, NS_ERROR_ABORT); if (mCachedResponseHead->NoStore() && mCacheEntryIsReadOnly) { // This prevents loading no-store responses when navigating back // while the browser is set to work offline. LOG((" entry loading as read-only but is no-store, set INHIBIT_CACHING")); mLoadFlags |= nsIRequest::INHIBIT_CACHING; } // Don't bother to validate items that are read-only, // unless they are read-only because of INHIBIT_CACHING or because // we're updating the offline cache. // Don't bother to validate if this is a fallback entry. if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite && (appCache || (mCacheEntryIsReadOnly && !(mLoadFlags & nsIRequest::INHIBIT_CACHING)) || mFallbackChannel)) { rv = OpenCacheInputStream(entry, true, !!appCache); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { mCachedContentIsValid = true; entry->MaybeMarkValid(); } return rv; } bool wantCompleteEntry = false; if (!methodWasHead && !isCachedRedirect) { // If the cached content-length is set and it does not match the data // size of the cached content, then the cached response is partial... // either we need to issue a byte range request or we need to refetch // the entire document. // // We exclude redirects from this check because we (usually) strip the // entity when we store the cache entry, and even if we didn't, we // always ignore a cached redirect's entity anyway. See bug 759043. int64_t size, contentLength; rv = CheckPartial(entry, &size, &contentLength); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); if (size == int64_t(-1)) { LOG((" write is in progress")); if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE_IF_BUSY) { LOG((" not interested in the entry, " "LOAD_BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE_IF_BUSY specified")); *aResult = ENTRY_NOT_WANTED; return NS_OK; } // Ignore !(size > 0) from the resumability condition if (!IsResumable(size, contentLength, true)) { LOG((" wait for entry completion, " "response is not resumable")); wantCompleteEntry = true; } else { mConcurrentCacheAccess = 1; } } else if (contentLength != int64_t(-1) && contentLength != size) { LOG(("Cached data size does not match the Content-Length header " "[content-length=%lld size=%lld]\n", contentLength, size)); rv = MaybeSetupByteRangeRequest(size, contentLength); mCachedContentIsPartial = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mIsPartialRequest; if (mCachedContentIsPartial) { rv = OpenCacheInputStream(entry, false, !!appCache); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { UntieByteRangeRequest(); return rv; } *aResult = ENTRY_NEEDS_REVALIDATION; return NS_OK; } if (size == 0 && mCacheOnlyMetadata) { // Don't break cache entry load when the entry's data size // is 0 and mCacheOnlyMetadata flag is set. In that case we // want to proceed since the LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED flag is // also set. MOZ_ASSERT(mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED); } else if (mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) { return rv; } } } bool isHttps = false; rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); bool doValidation = false; bool canAddImsHeader = true; bool isForcedValid = false; entry->GetIsForcedValid(&isForcedValid); nsXPIDLCString framedBuf; rv = entry->GetMetaDataElement("strongly-framed", getter_Copies(framedBuf)); // describe this in terms of explicitly weakly framed so as to be backwards // compatible with old cache contents which dont have strongly-framed makers bool weaklyFramed = NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && framedBuf.EqualsLiteral("0"); bool isImmutable = !weaklyFramed && isHttps && mCachedResponseHead->Immutable(); // Cached entry is not the entity we request (see bug #633743) if (ResponseWouldVary(entry)) { LOG(("Validating based on Vary headers returning TRUE\n")); canAddImsHeader = false; doValidation = true; } // Check isForcedValid to see if it is possible to skip validation. // Don't skip validation if we have serious reason to believe that this // content is invalid (it's expired). // See netwerk/cache2/nsICacheEntry.idl for details else if (isForcedValid && (!mCachedResponseHead->ExpiresInPast() || !mCachedResponseHead->MustValidateIfExpired())) { LOG(("NOT validating based on isForcedValid being true.\n")); Telemetry::AutoCounter<Telemetry::PREDICTOR_TOTAL_PREFETCHES_USED> used; ++used; doValidation = false; } // If the LOAD_FROM_CACHE flag is set, any cached data can simply be used else if (mLoadFlags & nsIRequest::LOAD_FROM_CACHE || mAllowStaleCacheContent) { LOG(("NOT validating based on LOAD_FROM_CACHE load flag\n")); doValidation = false; } // If the VALIDATE_ALWAYS flag is set, any cached data won't be used until // it's revalidated with the server. else if ((mLoadFlags & nsIRequest::VALIDATE_ALWAYS) && !isImmutable) { LOG(("Validating based on VALIDATE_ALWAYS load flag\n")); doValidation = true; } // Even if the VALIDATE_NEVER flag is set, there are still some cases in // which we must validate the cached response with the server. else if (mLoadFlags & nsIRequest::VALIDATE_NEVER) { LOG(("VALIDATE_NEVER set\n")); // if no-store validate cached response (see bug 112564) if (mCachedResponseHead->NoStore()) { LOG(("Validating based on no-store logic\n")); doValidation = true; } else { LOG(("NOT validating based on VALIDATE_NEVER load flag\n")); doValidation = false; } } // check if validation is strictly required... else if (mCachedResponseHead->MustValidate()) { LOG(("Validating based on MustValidate() returning TRUE\n")); doValidation = true; } else { // previously we also checked for a query-url w/out expiration // and didn't do heuristic on it. but defacto that is allowed now. // // Check if the cache entry has expired... uint32_t now = NowInSeconds(); uint32_t age = 0; rv = mCachedResponseHead->ComputeCurrentAge(now, now, &age); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t freshness = 0; rv = mCachedResponseHead->ComputeFreshnessLifetime(&freshness); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t expiration = 0; rv = entry->GetExpirationTime(&expiration); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t maxAgeRequest, maxStaleRequest, minFreshRequest; LOG((" NowInSeconds()=%u, expiration time=%u, freshness lifetime=%u, age=%u", now, expiration, freshness, age)); if (cacheControlRequest.NoCache()) { LOG((" validating, no-cache request")); doValidation = true; } else if (cacheControlRequest.MaxStale(&maxStaleRequest)) { uint32_t staleTime = age > freshness ? age - freshness : 0; doValidation = staleTime > maxStaleRequest; LOG((" validating=%d, max-stale=%u requested", doValidation, maxStaleRequest)); } else if (cacheControlRequest.MaxAge(&maxAgeRequest)) { doValidation = age > maxAgeRequest; LOG((" validating=%d, max-age=%u requested", doValidation, maxAgeRequest)); } else if (cacheControlRequest.MinFresh(&minFreshRequest)) { uint32_t freshTime = freshness > age ? freshness - age : 0; doValidation = freshTime < minFreshRequest; LOG((" validating=%d, min-fresh=%u requested", doValidation, minFreshRequest)); } else if (now <= expiration) { doValidation = false; LOG((" not validating, expire time not in the past")); } else if (mCachedResponseHead->MustValidateIfExpired()) { doValidation = true; } else if (mLoadFlags & nsIRequest::VALIDATE_ONCE_PER_SESSION) { // If the cached response does not include expiration infor- // mation, then we must validate the response, despite whether // or not this is the first access this session. This behavior // is consistent with existing browsers and is generally expected // by web authors. if (freshness == 0) doValidation = true; else doValidation = fromPreviousSession; } else doValidation = true; LOG(("%salidating based on expiration time\n", doValidation ? "V" : "Not v")); } // If a content signature is expected to be valid in this load, // set doValidation to force a signature check. if (!doValidation && mLoadInfo && mLoadInfo->GetVerifySignedContent()) { doValidation = true; } nsAutoCString requestedETag; if (!doValidation && NS_SUCCEEDED(mRequestHead.GetHeader(nsHttp::If_Match, requestedETag)) && (methodWasGet || methodWasHead)) { nsAutoCString cachedETag; mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::ETag, cachedETag); if (!cachedETag.IsEmpty() && (StringBeginsWith(cachedETag, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("W/")) || !requestedETag.Equals(cachedETag))) { // User has defined If-Match header, if the cached entry is not // matching the provided header value or the cached ETag is weak, // force validation. doValidation = true; } } if (!doValidation) { // // Check the authorization headers used to generate the cache entry. // We must validate the cache entry if: // // 1) the cache entry was generated prior to this session w/ // credentials (see bug 103402). // 2) the cache entry was generated w/o credentials, but would now // require credentials (see bug 96705). // // NOTE: this does not apply to proxy authentication. // entry->GetMetaDataElement("auth", getter_Copies(buf)); doValidation = (fromPreviousSession && !buf.IsEmpty()) || (buf.IsEmpty() && mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::Authorization)); } // Bug #561276: We maintain a chain of cache-keys which returns cached // 3xx-responses (redirects) in order to detect cycles. If a cycle is // found, ignore the cached response and hit the net. Otherwise, use // the cached response and add the cache-key to the chain. Note that // a limited number of redirects (cached or not) is allowed and is // enforced independently of this mechanism if (!doValidation && isCachedRedirect) { nsAutoCString cacheKey; GenerateCacheKey(mPostID, cacheKey); if (!mRedirectedCachekeys) mRedirectedCachekeys = new nsTArray<nsCString>(); else if (mRedirectedCachekeys->Contains(cacheKey)) doValidation = true; LOG(("Redirection-chain %s key %s\n", doValidation ? "contains" : "does not contain", cacheKey.get())); // Append cacheKey if not in the chain already if (!doValidation) mRedirectedCachekeys->AppendElement(cacheKey); } if (doValidation && mInterceptCache == INTERCEPTED) { doValidation = false; } mCachedContentIsValid = !doValidation; if (doValidation) { // // now, we are definitely going to issue a HTTP request to the server. // make it conditional if possible. // // do not attempt to validate no-store content, since servers will not // expect it to be cached. (we only keep it in our cache for the // purposes of back/forward, etc.) // // the request method MUST be either GET or HEAD (see bug 175641) and // the cached response code must be < 400 // // the cached content must not be weakly framed or marked immutable // // do not override conditional headers when consumer has defined its own if (!mCachedResponseHead->NoStore() && (mRequestHead.IsGet() || mRequestHead.IsHead()) && !mCustomConditionalRequest && !weaklyFramed && !isImmutable && (mCachedResponseHead->Status() < 400)) { if (mConcurrentCacheAccess) { // In case of concurrent read and also validation request we // must wait for the current writer to close the output stream // first. Otherwise, when the writer's job would have been interrupted // before all the data were downloaded, we'd have to do a range request // which would be a second request in line during this channel's // life-time. nsHttpChannel is not designed to do that, so rather // turn off concurrent read and wait for entry's completion. // Then only re-validation or range-re-validation request will go out. mConcurrentCacheAccess = 0; // This will cause that OnCacheEntryCheck is called again with the same // entry after the writer is done. wantCompleteEntry = true; } else { nsAutoCString val; // Add If-Modified-Since header if a Last-Modified was given // and we are allowed to do this (see bugs 510359 and 269303) if (canAddImsHeader) { mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Last_Modified, val); if (!val.IsEmpty()) mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::If_Modified_Since, val); } // Add If-None-Match header if an ETag was given in the response mCachedResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::ETag, val); if (!val.IsEmpty()) mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::If_None_Match, val); mDidReval = true; } } } if (mCachedContentIsValid || mDidReval) { rv = OpenCacheInputStream(entry, mCachedContentIsValid, !!appCache); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { // If we can't get the entity then we have to act as though we // don't have the cache entry. if (mDidReval) { UntieValidationRequest(); mDidReval = false; } mCachedContentIsValid = false; } } if (mDidReval) *aResult = ENTRY_NEEDS_REVALIDATION; else if (wantCompleteEntry) *aResult = RECHECK_AFTER_WRITE_FINISHED; else *aResult = ENTRY_WANTED; if (mCachedContentIsValid) { entry->MaybeMarkValid(); } LOG(("nsHTTPChannel::OnCacheEntryCheck exit [this=%p doValidation=%d result=%d]\n", this, doValidation, *aResult)); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryAvailable(nsICacheEntry *entry, bool aNew, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache, nsresult status) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryAvailable [this=%p entry=%p " "new=%d appcache=%p status=%x mAppCache=%p mAppCacheForWrite=%p]\n", this, entry, aNew, aAppCache, status, mApplicationCache.get(), mApplicationCacheForWrite.get())); // if the channel's already fired onStopRequest, then we should ignore // this event. if (!mIsPending) { mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); return NS_OK; } rv = OnCacheEntryAvailableInternal(entry, aNew, aAppCache, status); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); AsyncAbort(rv); } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnCacheEntryAvailableInternal(nsICacheEntry *entry, bool aNew, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache, nsresult status) { nsresult rv; if (mCanceled) { LOG(("channel was canceled [this=%p status=%x]\n", this, mStatus)); return mStatus; } if (aAppCache) { if (mApplicationCache == aAppCache && !mCacheEntry) { rv = OnOfflineCacheEntryAvailable(entry, aNew, aAppCache, status); } else if (mApplicationCacheForWrite == aAppCache && aNew && !mOfflineCacheEntry) { rv = OnOfflineCacheEntryForWritingAvailable(entry, aAppCache, status); } else { rv = OnOfflineCacheEntryAvailable(entry, aNew, aAppCache, status); } } else { rv = OnNormalCacheEntryAvailable(entry, aNew, status); } if (NS_FAILED(rv) && (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE)) { // If we have a fallback URI (and we're not already // falling back), process the fallback asynchronously. if (!mFallbackChannel && !mFallbackKey.IsEmpty()) { return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncFallback); } return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // We may be waiting for more callbacks... if (AwaitingCacheCallbacks()) { return NS_OK; } return TryHSTSPriming(); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnNormalCacheEntryAvailable(nsICacheEntry *aEntry, bool aNew, nsresult aEntryStatus) { mCacheEntriesToWaitFor &= ~WAIT_FOR_CACHE_ENTRY; if (NS_FAILED(aEntryStatus) || aNew) { // Make sure this flag is dropped. It may happen the entry is doomed // between OnCacheEntryCheck and OnCacheEntryAvailable. mCachedContentIsValid = false; // From the same reason remove any conditional headers added // in OnCacheEntryCheck. if (mDidReval) { LOG((" Removing conditional request headers")); UntieValidationRequest(); mDidReval = false; } if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE) { // if this channel is only allowed to pull from the cache, then // we must fail if we were unable to open a cache entry for read. return NS_ERROR_DOCUMENT_NOT_CACHED; } } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aEntryStatus)) { mCacheEntry = aEntry; mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly = aNew; if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_OFFLINE_CACHE_DOCUMENT_LOAD, false); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnOfflineCacheEntryAvailable(nsICacheEntry *aEntry, bool aNew, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache, nsresult aEntryStatus) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mApplicationCache || aAppCache == mApplicationCache); MOZ_ASSERT(!aNew || !aEntry || mApplicationCacheForWrite); mCacheEntriesToWaitFor &= ~WAIT_FOR_CACHE_ENTRY; nsresult rv; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aEntryStatus)) { if (!mApplicationCache) { mApplicationCache = aAppCache; } // We successfully opened an offline cache session and the entry, // so indicate we will load from the offline cache. mLoadedFromApplicationCache = true; mCacheEntryIsReadOnly = true; mCacheEntry = aEntry; mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly = false; if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI && !mApplicationCacheForWrite) { MaybeWarnAboutAppCache(); } return NS_OK; } if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite && !mFallbackChannel) { if (!mApplicationCache) { mApplicationCache = aAppCache; } // Check for namespace match. nsCOMPtr<nsIApplicationCacheNamespace> namespaceEntry; rv = mApplicationCache->GetMatchingNamespace(mSpec, getter_AddRefs(namespaceEntry)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t namespaceType = 0; if (!namespaceEntry || NS_FAILED(namespaceEntry->GetItemType(&namespaceType)) || (namespaceType & (nsIApplicationCacheNamespace::NAMESPACE_FALLBACK | nsIApplicationCacheNamespace::NAMESPACE_BYPASS)) == 0) { // When loading from an application cache, only items // on the whitelist or matching a // fallback namespace should hit the network... mLoadFlags |= LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE; // ... and if there were an application cache entry, // we would have found it earlier. return NS_ERROR_CACHE_KEY_NOT_FOUND; } if (namespaceType & nsIApplicationCacheNamespace::NAMESPACE_FALLBACK) { nsAutoCString namespaceSpec; rv = namespaceEntry->GetNamespaceSpec(namespaceSpec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // This prevents fallback attacks injected by an insecure subdirectory // for the whole origin (or a parent directory). if (!IsInSubpathOfAppCacheManifest(mApplicationCache, namespaceSpec)) { return NS_OK; } rv = namespaceEntry->GetData(mFallbackKey); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnOfflineCacheEntryForWritingAvailable(nsICacheEntry *aEntry, nsIApplicationCache* aAppCache, nsresult aEntryStatus) { MOZ_ASSERT(mApplicationCacheForWrite && aAppCache == mApplicationCacheForWrite); mCacheEntriesToWaitFor &= ~WAIT_FOR_OFFLINE_CACHE_ENTRY; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aEntryStatus)) { mOfflineCacheEntry = aEntry; if (NS_FAILED(aEntry->GetLastModified(&mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime))) { mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime = 0; } } return aEntryStatus; } // Generates the proper cache-key for this instance of nsHttpChannel nsresult nsHttpChannel::GenerateCacheKey(uint32_t postID, nsACString &cacheKey) { AssembleCacheKey(mFallbackChannel ? mFallbackKey.get() : mSpec.get(), postID, cacheKey); return NS_OK; } // Assembles a cache-key from the given pieces of information and |mLoadFlags| void nsHttpChannel::AssembleCacheKey(const char *spec, uint32_t postID, nsACString &cacheKey) { cacheKey.Truncate(); if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ANONYMOUS) { cacheKey.AssignLiteral("anon&"); } if (postID) { char buf[32]; SprintfLiteral(buf, "id=%x&", postID); cacheKey.Append(buf); } if (!cacheKey.IsEmpty()) { cacheKey.AppendLiteral("uri="); } // Strip any trailing #ref from the URL before using it as the key const char *p = strchr(spec, '#'); if (p) cacheKey.Append(spec, p - spec); else cacheKey.Append(spec); } nsresult DoUpdateExpirationTime(nsHttpChannel* aSelf, nsICacheEntry* aCacheEntry, nsHttpResponseHead* aResponseHead, uint32_t& aExpirationTime) { MOZ_ASSERT(aExpirationTime == 0); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(aResponseHead, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsresult rv; if (!aResponseHead->MustValidate()) { uint32_t freshnessLifetime = 0; rv = aResponseHead->ComputeFreshnessLifetime(&freshnessLifetime); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (freshnessLifetime > 0) { uint32_t now = NowInSeconds(), currentAge = 0; rv = aResponseHead->ComputeCurrentAge(now, aSelf->GetRequestTime(), ¤tAge); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; LOG(("freshnessLifetime = %u, currentAge = %u\n", freshnessLifetime, currentAge)); if (freshnessLifetime > currentAge) { uint32_t timeRemaining = freshnessLifetime - currentAge; // be careful... now + timeRemaining may overflow if (now + timeRemaining < now) aExpirationTime = uint32_t(-1); else aExpirationTime = now + timeRemaining; } else aExpirationTime = now; } } rv = aCacheEntry->SetExpirationTime(aExpirationTime); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return rv; } // UpdateExpirationTime is called when a new response comes in from the server. // It updates the stored response-time and sets the expiration time on the // cache entry. // // From section 13.2.4 of RFC2616, we compute expiration time as follows: // // timeRemaining = freshnessLifetime - currentAge // expirationTime = now + timeRemaining // nsresult nsHttpChannel::UpdateExpirationTime() { uint32_t expirationTime = 0; nsresult rv = DoUpdateExpirationTime(this, mCacheEntry, mResponseHead, expirationTime); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (mOfflineCacheEntry) { rv = mOfflineCacheEntry->SetExpirationTime(expirationTime); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return NS_OK; } /*static*/ inline bool nsHttpChannel::HasQueryString(nsHttpRequestHead::ParsedMethodType method, nsIURI * uri) { // Must be called on the main thread because nsIURI does not implement // thread-safe QueryInterface. MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (method != nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Get && method != nsHttpRequestHead::kMethod_Head) return false; nsAutoCString query; nsCOMPtr<nsIURL> url = do_QueryInterface(uri); nsresult rv = url->GetQuery(query); return NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !query.IsEmpty(); } bool nsHttpChannel::ShouldUpdateOfflineCacheEntry() { if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite || !mOfflineCacheEntry) { return false; } // if we're updating the cache entry, update the offline cache entry too if (mCacheEntry && mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly) { return true; } // if there's nothing in the offline cache, add it if (mOfflineCacheEntry) { return true; } // if the document is newer than the offline entry, update it uint32_t docLastModifiedTime; nsresult rv = mResponseHead->GetLastModifiedValue(&docLastModifiedTime); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return true; } if (mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime == 0) { return false; } if (docLastModifiedTime > mOfflineCacheLastModifiedTime) { return true; } return false; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OpenCacheInputStream(nsICacheEntry* cacheEntry, bool startBuffering, bool checkingAppCacheEntry) { nsresult rv; bool isHttps = false; rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); if (isHttps) { rv = cacheEntry->GetSecurityInfo( getter_AddRefs(mCachedSecurityInfo)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("failed to parse security-info [channel=%p, entry=%p]", this, cacheEntry)); NS_WARNING("failed to parse security-info"); cacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); return rv; } // XXX: We should not be skilling this check in the offline cache // case, but we have to do so now to work around bug 794507. bool mustHaveSecurityInfo = !mLoadedFromApplicationCache && !checkingAppCacheEntry; MOZ_ASSERT(mCachedSecurityInfo || !mustHaveSecurityInfo); if (!mCachedSecurityInfo && mustHaveSecurityInfo) { LOG(("mCacheEntry->GetSecurityInfo returned success but did not " "return the security info [channel=%p, entry=%p]", this, cacheEntry)); cacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; // XXX error code } } // Keep the conditions below in sync with the conditions in ReadFromCache. rv = NS_OK; if (WillRedirect(mCachedResponseHead)) { // Do not even try to read the entity for a redirect because we do not // return an entity to the application when we process redirects. LOG(("Will skip read of cached redirect entity\n")); return NS_OK; } if ((mLoadFlags & nsICachingChannel::LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED) && !mCachedContentIsPartial) { // For LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED, we usually don't have to deal with the // cached entity. if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite) { LOG(("Will skip read from cache based on LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED " "load flag\n")); return NS_OK; } // If offline caching has been requested and the offline cache needs // updating, we must complete the call even if the main cache entry // is up to date. We don't know yet for sure whether the offline // cache needs updating because at this point we haven't opened it // for writing yet, so we have to start reading the cached entity now // just in case. LOG(("May skip read from cache based on LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED " "load flag\n")); } // Open an input stream for the entity, so that the call to OpenInputStream // happens off the main thread. nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> stream; // If an alternate representation was requested, try to open the alt // input stream. if (!mPreferredCachedAltDataType.IsEmpty()) { rv = cacheEntry->OpenAlternativeInputStream(mPreferredCachedAltDataType, getter_AddRefs(stream)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // We have succeeded. mAvailableCachedAltDataType = mPreferredCachedAltDataType; // Clear the header. mCachedResponseHead->SetContentLength(-1); // Set the correct data size on the channel. int64_t altDataSize; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(cacheEntry->GetAltDataSize(&altDataSize))) { mCachedResponseHead->SetContentLength(altDataSize); } } } if (!stream) { rv = cacheEntry->OpenInputStream(0, getter_AddRefs(stream)); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("Failed to open cache input stream [channel=%p, " "mCacheEntry=%p]", this, cacheEntry)); return rv; } if (startBuffering) { bool nonBlocking; rv = stream->IsNonBlocking(&nonBlocking); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nonBlocking) startBuffering = false; } if (!startBuffering) { // Bypass wrapping the input stream for the new cache back-end since // nsIStreamTransportService expects a blocking stream. Preloading of // the data must be done on the level of the cache backend, internally. // // We do not connect the stream to the stream transport service if we // have to validate the entry with the server. If we did, we would get // into a race condition between the stream transport service reading // the existing contents and the opening of the cache entry's output // stream to write the new contents in the case where we get a non-304 // response. LOG(("Opened cache input stream without buffering [channel=%p, " "mCacheEntry=%p, stream=%p]", this, cacheEntry, stream.get())); mCacheInputStream.takeOver(stream); return rv; } // Have the stream transport service start reading the entity on one of its // background threads. nsCOMPtr<nsITransport> transport; nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> wrapper; nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamTransportService> sts = do_GetService(kStreamTransportServiceCID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = sts->CreateInputTransport(stream, int64_t(-1), int64_t(-1), true, getter_AddRefs(transport)); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = transport->OpenInputStream(0, 0, 0, getter_AddRefs(wrapper)); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { LOG(("Opened cache input stream [channel=%p, wrapper=%p, " "transport=%p, stream=%p]", this, wrapper.get(), transport.get(), stream.get())); } else { LOG(("Failed to open cache input stream [channel=%p, " "wrapper=%p, transport=%p, stream=%p]", this, wrapper.get(), transport.get(), stream.get())); stream->Close(); return rv; } mCacheInputStream.takeOver(wrapper); return NS_OK; } // Actually process the cached response that we started to handle in CheckCache // and/or StartBufferingCachedEntity. nsresult nsHttpChannel::ReadFromCache(bool alreadyMarkedValid) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCacheEntry, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCachedContentIsValid, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ReadFromCache [this=%p] " "Using cached copy of: %s\n", this, mSpec.get())); if (mCachedResponseHead) mResponseHead = Move(mCachedResponseHead); UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag(); // if we don't already have security info, try to get it from the cache // entry. there are two cases to consider here: 1) we are just reading // from the cache, or 2) this may be due to a 304 not modified response, // in which case we could have security info from a socket transport. if (!mSecurityInfo) mSecurityInfo = mCachedSecurityInfo; if (!alreadyMarkedValid && !mCachedContentIsPartial) { // We validated the entry, and we have write access to the cache, so // mark the cache entry as valid in order to allow others access to // this cache entry. // // TODO: This should be done asynchronously so we don't take the cache // service lock on the main thread. mCacheEntry->MaybeMarkValid(); } nsresult rv; // Keep the conditions below in sync with the conditions in // StartBufferingCachedEntity. if (WillRedirect(mResponseHead)) { // TODO: Bug 759040 - We should call HandleAsyncRedirect directly here, // to avoid event dispatching latency. MOZ_ASSERT(!mCacheInputStream); LOG(("Skipping skip read of cached redirect entity\n")); return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirect); } if ((mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED) && !mCachedContentIsPartial) { if (!mApplicationCacheForWrite) { LOG(("Skipping read from cache based on LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED " "load flag\n")); MOZ_ASSERT(!mCacheInputStream); // TODO: Bug 759040 - We should call HandleAsyncNotModified directly // here, to avoid event dispatching latency. return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncNotModified); } if (!ShouldUpdateOfflineCacheEntry()) { LOG(("Skipping read from cache based on LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED " "load flag (mApplicationCacheForWrite not null case)\n")); mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); // TODO: Bug 759040 - We should call HandleAsyncNotModified directly // here, to avoid event dispatching latency. return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncNotModified); } } MOZ_ASSERT(mCacheInputStream); if (!mCacheInputStream) { NS_ERROR("mCacheInputStream is null but we're expecting to " "be able to read from it."); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsCOMPtr<nsIInputStream> inputStream = mCacheInputStream.forget(); rv = nsInputStreamPump::Create(getter_AddRefs(mCachePump), inputStream, int64_t(-1), int64_t(-1), 0, 0, true); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { inputStream->Close(); return rv; } rv = mCachePump->AsyncRead(this, mListenerContext); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (mTimingEnabled) mCacheReadStart = TimeStamp::Now(); uint32_t suspendCount = mSuspendCount; while (suspendCount--) mCachePump->Suspend(); return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::CloseCacheEntry(bool doomOnFailure) { mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); if (!mCacheEntry) return; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::CloseCacheEntry [this=%p] mStatus=%x mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly=%x", this, mStatus, mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly)); // If we have begun to create or replace a cache entry, and that cache // entry is not complete and not resumable, then it needs to be doomed. // Otherwise, CheckCache will make the mistake of thinking that the // partial cache entry is complete. bool doom = false; if (mInitedCacheEntry) { MOZ_ASSERT(mResponseHead, "oops"); if (NS_FAILED(mStatus) && doomOnFailure && mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly && !mResponseHead->IsResumable()) doom = true; } else if (mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly) doom = true; if (doom) { LOG((" dooming cache entry!!")); mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); } else { // Store updated security info, makes cached EV status race less likely // (see bug 1040086) if (mSecurityInfo) mCacheEntry->SetSecurityInfo(mSecurityInfo); } mCachedResponseHead = nullptr; mCachePump = nullptr; mCacheEntry = nullptr; mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly = false; mInitedCacheEntry = false; } void nsHttpChannel::CloseOfflineCacheEntry() { if (!mOfflineCacheEntry) return; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::CloseOfflineCacheEntry [this=%p]", this)); if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) { mOfflineCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); } else { bool succeeded; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(GetRequestSucceeded(&succeeded)) && !succeeded) mOfflineCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); } mOfflineCacheEntry = nullptr; } // Initialize the cache entry for writing. // - finalize storage policy // - store security info // - update expiration time // - store headers and other meta data nsresult nsHttpChannel::InitCacheEntry() { nsresult rv; NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mCacheEntry, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); // if only reading, nothing to be done here. if (mCacheEntryIsReadOnly) return NS_OK; // Don't cache the response again if already cached... if (mCachedContentIsValid) return NS_OK; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::InitCacheEntry [this=%p entry=%p]\n", this, mCacheEntry.get())); bool recreate = !mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly; bool dontPersist = mLoadFlags & INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING; if (!recreate && dontPersist) { // If the current entry is persistent but we inhibit peristence // then force recreation of the entry as memory/only. rv = mCacheEntry->GetPersistent(&recreate); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } if (recreate) { LOG((" we have a ready entry, but reading it again from the server -> recreating cache entry\n")); nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> currentEntry; currentEntry.swap(mCacheEntry); rv = currentEntry->Recreate(dontPersist, getter_AddRefs(mCacheEntry)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG((" recreation failed, the response will not be cached")); return NS_OK; } mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly = true; } // Set the expiration time for this cache entry rv = UpdateExpirationTime(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // mark this weakly framed until a response body is seen mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("strongly-framed", "0"); rv = AddCacheEntryHeaders(mCacheEntry); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; mInitedCacheEntry = true; // Don't perform the check when writing (doesn't make sense) mConcurrentCacheAccess = 0; return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::UpdateInhibitPersistentCachingFlag() { // The no-store directive within the 'Cache-Control:' header indicates // that we must not store the response in a persistent cache. if (mResponseHead->NoStore()) mLoadFlags |= INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING; // Only cache SSL content on disk if the pref is set bool isHttps; if (!gHttpHandler->IsPersistentHttpsCachingEnabled() && NS_SUCCEEDED(mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps)) && isHttps) { mLoadFlags |= INHIBIT_PERSISTENT_CACHING; } } nsresult nsHttpChannel::InitOfflineCacheEntry() { // This function can be called even when we fail to connect (bug 551990) if (!mOfflineCacheEntry) { return NS_OK; } if (!mResponseHead || mResponseHead->NoStore()) { if (mResponseHead && mResponseHead->NoStore()) { mOfflineCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); } CloseOfflineCacheEntry(); if (mResponseHead && mResponseHead->NoStore()) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return NS_OK; } // This entry's expiration time should match the main entry's expiration // time. UpdateExpirationTime() will keep it in sync once the offline // cache entry has been created. if (mCacheEntry) { uint32_t expirationTime; nsresult rv = mCacheEntry->GetExpirationTime(&expirationTime); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mOfflineCacheEntry->SetExpirationTime(expirationTime); } return AddCacheEntryHeaders(mOfflineCacheEntry); } nsresult DoAddCacheEntryHeaders(nsHttpChannel *self, nsICacheEntry *entry, nsHttpRequestHead *requestHead, nsHttpResponseHead *responseHead, nsISupports *securityInfo) { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AddCacheEntryHeaders [this=%p] begin", self)); // Store secure data in memory only if (securityInfo) entry->SetSecurityInfo(securityInfo); // Store the HTTP request method with the cache entry so we can distinguish // for example GET and HEAD responses. nsAutoCString method; requestHead->Method(method); rv = entry->SetMetaDataElement("request-method", method.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Store the HTTP authorization scheme used if any... rv = StoreAuthorizationMetaData(entry, requestHead); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Iterate over the headers listed in the Vary response header, and // store the value of the corresponding request header so we can verify // that it has not varied when we try to re-use the cached response at // a later time. Take care to store "Cookie" headers only as hashes // due to security considerations and the fact that they can be pretty // large (bug 468426). We take care of "Vary: cookie" in ResponseWouldVary. // // NOTE: if "Vary: accept, cookie", then we will store the "accept" header // in the cache. we could try to avoid needlessly storing the "accept" // header in this case, but it doesn't seem worth the extra code to perform // the check. { nsAutoCString buf, metaKey; responseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Vary, buf); if (!buf.IsEmpty()) { NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(prefix, "request-"); char *bufData = buf.BeginWriting(); // going to munge buf char *token = nsCRT::strtok(bufData, NS_HTTP_HEADER_SEPS, &bufData); while (token) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AddCacheEntryHeaders [this=%p] " \ "processing %s", self, token)); if (*token != '*') { nsHttpAtom atom = nsHttp::ResolveAtom(token); nsAutoCString val; nsAutoCString hash; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(requestHead->GetHeader(atom, val))) { // If cookie-header, store a hash of the value if (atom == nsHttp::Cookie) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AddCacheEntryHeaders [this=%p] " \ "cookie-value %s", self, val.get())); rv = Hash(val.get(), hash); // If hash failed, store a string not very likely // to be the result of subsequent hashes if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { val = NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("<hash failed>"); } else { val = hash; } LOG((" hashed to %s\n", val.get())); } // build cache meta data key and set meta data element... metaKey = prefix + nsDependentCString(token); entry->SetMetaDataElement(metaKey.get(), val.get()); } else { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AddCacheEntryHeaders [this=%p] " \ "clearing metadata for %s", self, token)); metaKey = prefix + nsDependentCString(token); entry->SetMetaDataElement(metaKey.get(), nullptr); } } token = nsCRT::strtok(bufData, NS_HTTP_HEADER_SEPS, &bufData); } } } // Store the received HTTP head with the cache entry as an element of // the meta data. nsAutoCString head; responseHead->Flatten(head, true); rv = entry->SetMetaDataElement("response-head", head.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; head.Truncate(); responseHead->FlattenNetworkOriginalHeaders(head); rv = entry->SetMetaDataElement("original-response-headers", head.get()); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Indicate we have successfully finished setting metadata on the cache entry. rv = entry->MetaDataReady(); return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::AddCacheEntryHeaders(nsICacheEntry *entry) { return DoAddCacheEntryHeaders(this, entry, &mRequestHead, mResponseHead, mSecurityInfo); } inline void GetAuthType(const char *challenge, nsCString &authType) { const char *p; // get the challenge type if ((p = strchr(challenge, ' ')) != nullptr) authType.Assign(challenge, p - challenge); else authType.Assign(challenge); } nsresult StoreAuthorizationMetaData(nsICacheEntry *entry, nsHttpRequestHead *requestHead) { // Not applicable to proxy authorization... nsAutoCString val; if (NS_FAILED(requestHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Authorization, val))) { return NS_OK; } // eg. [Basic realm="wally world"] nsAutoCString buf; GetAuthType(val.get(), buf); return entry->SetMetaDataElement("auth", buf.get()); } // Finalize the cache entry // - may need to rewrite response headers if any headers changed // - may need to recalculate the expiration time if any headers changed // - called only for freshly written cache entries nsresult nsHttpChannel::FinalizeCacheEntry() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::FinalizeCacheEntry [this=%p]\n", this)); // Don't update this meta-data on 304 if (mStronglyFramed && !mCachedContentIsValid && mCacheEntry) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::FinalizeCacheEntry [this=%p] Is Strongly Framed\n", this)); mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("strongly-framed", "1"); } if (mResponseHead && mResponseHeadersModified) { // Set the expiration time for this cache entry nsresult rv = UpdateExpirationTime(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } return NS_OK; } // Open an output stream to the cache entry and insert a listener tee into // the chain of response listeners. nsresult nsHttpChannel::InstallCacheListener(int64_t offset) { nsresult rv; LOG(("Preparing to write data into the cache [uri=%s]\n", mSpec.get())); MOZ_ASSERT(mCacheEntry); MOZ_ASSERT(mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly || mCachedContentIsPartial); MOZ_ASSERT(mListener); nsAutoCString contentEncoding, contentType; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding, contentEncoding); mResponseHead->ContentType(contentType); // If the content is compressible and the server has not compressed it, // mark the cache entry for compression. if (contentEncoding.IsEmpty() && (contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_HTML) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_PLAIN) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_CSS) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_JAVASCRIPT) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_ECMASCRIPT) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(TEXT_XML) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_JAVASCRIPT) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_ECMASCRIPT) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_XJAVASCRIPT) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_XHTML_XML))) { rv = mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("uncompressed-len", "0"); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("unable to mark cache entry for compression")); } } LOG(("Trading cache input stream for output stream [channel=%p]", this)); // We must close the input stream first because cache entries do not // correctly handle having an output stream and input streams open at // the same time. mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> out; rv = mCacheEntry->OpenOutputStream(offset, getter_AddRefs(out)); if (rv == NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE) { LOG((" entry doomed, not writing it [channel=%p]", this)); // Entry is already doomed. // This may happen when expiration time is set to past and the entry // has been removed by the background eviction logic. return NS_OK; } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; if (mCacheOnlyMetadata) { LOG(("Not storing content, cacheOnlyMetadata set")); // We must open and then close the output stream of the cache entry. // This way we indicate the content has been written (despite with zero // length) and the entry is now in the ready state with "having data". out->Close(); return NS_OK; } // XXX disk cache does not support overlapped i/o yet #if 0 // Mark entry valid inorder to allow simultaneous reading... rv = mCacheEntry->MarkValid(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; #endif nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListenerTee> tee = do_CreateInstance(kStreamListenerTeeCID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIEventTarget> cacheIOTarget; if (!CacheObserver::UseNewCache()) { nsCOMPtr<nsICacheStorageService> serv = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/netwerk/cache-storage-service;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); serv->GetIoTarget(getter_AddRefs(cacheIOTarget)); } if (!cacheIOTarget) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::InstallCacheListener sync tee %p rv=%x " "cacheIOTarget=%p", tee.get(), rv, cacheIOTarget.get())); rv = tee->Init(mListener, out, nullptr); } else { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::InstallCacheListener async tee %p", tee.get())); rv = tee->InitAsync(mListener, cacheIOTarget, out, nullptr); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; mListener = tee; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::InstallOfflineCacheListener(int64_t offset) { nsresult rv; LOG(("Preparing to write data into the offline cache [uri=%s]\n", mSpec.get())); MOZ_ASSERT(mOfflineCacheEntry); MOZ_ASSERT(mListener); nsCOMPtr<nsIOutputStream> out; rv = mOfflineCacheEntry->OpenOutputStream(offset, getter_AddRefs(out)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListenerTee> tee = do_CreateInstance(kStreamListenerTeeCID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = tee->Init(mListener, out, nullptr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; mListener = tee; return NS_OK; } void nsHttpChannel::ClearBogusContentEncodingIfNeeded() { // For .gz files, apache sends both a Content-Type: application/x-gzip // as well as Content-Encoding: gzip, which is completely wrong. In // this case, we choose to ignore the rogue Content-Encoding header. We // must do this early on so as to prevent it from being seen up stream. // The same problem exists for Content-Encoding: compress in default // Apache installs. nsAutoCString contentType; mResponseHead->ContentType(contentType); if (mResponseHead->HasHeaderValue(nsHttp::Content_Encoding, "gzip") && ( contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_GZIP) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_GZIP2) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_GZIP3))) { // clear the Content-Encoding header mResponseHead->ClearHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding); } else if (mResponseHead->HasHeaderValue(nsHttp::Content_Encoding, "compress") && ( contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_COMPRESS) || contentType.EqualsLiteral(APPLICATION_COMPRESS2))) { // clear the Content-Encoding header mResponseHead->ClearHeader(nsHttp::Content_Encoding); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <redirect> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsHttpChannel::SetupReplacementChannel(nsIURI *newURI, nsIChannel *newChannel, bool preserveMethod, uint32_t redirectFlags) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetupReplacementChannel " "[this=%p newChannel=%p preserveMethod=%d]", this, newChannel, preserveMethod)); nsresult rv = HttpBaseChannel::SetupReplacementChannel(newURI, newChannel, preserveMethod, redirectFlags); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(newChannel); if (!httpChannel) return NS_OK; // no other options to set // convey the mApplyConversion flag (bug 91862) nsCOMPtr<nsIEncodedChannel> encodedChannel = do_QueryInterface(httpChannel); if (encodedChannel) encodedChannel->SetApplyConversion(mApplyConversion); // transfer the resume information if (mResuming) { nsCOMPtr<nsIResumableChannel> resumableChannel(do_QueryInterface(newChannel)); if (!resumableChannel) { NS_WARNING("Got asked to resume, but redirected to non-resumable channel!"); return NS_ERROR_NOT_RESUMABLE; } resumableChannel->ResumeAt(mStartPos, mEntityID); } if (!(redirectFlags & nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_STS_UPGRADE) && mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED) { // Ensure that internally-redirected channels, or loads with manual // redirect mode cannot be intercepted, which would look like two // separate requests to the nsINetworkInterceptController. if (mRedirectMode != nsIHttpChannelInternal::REDIRECT_MODE_MANUAL || (redirectFlags & (nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY | nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_PERMANENT)) == 0) { nsLoadFlags loadFlags = nsIRequest::LOAD_NORMAL; rv = newChannel->GetLoadFlags(&loadFlags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); loadFlags |= nsIChannel::LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER; rv = newChannel->SetLoadFlags(loadFlags); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::AsyncProcessRedirection(uint32_t redirectType) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AsyncProcessRedirection [this=%p type=%u]\n", this, redirectType)); nsAutoCString location; // if a location header was not given, then we can't perform the redirect, // so just carry on as though this were a normal response. if (NS_FAILED(mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Location, location))) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // make sure non-ASCII characters in the location header are escaped. nsAutoCString locationBuf; if (NS_EscapeURL(location.get(), -1, esc_OnlyNonASCII, locationBuf)) location = locationBuf; if (mRedirectCount >= mRedirectionLimit || mInternalRedirectCount >= mRedirectionLimit) { LOG(("redirection limit reached!\n")); return NS_ERROR_REDIRECT_LOOP; } mRedirectType = redirectType; LOG(("redirecting to: %s [redirection-limit=%u]\n", location.get(), uint32_t(mRedirectionLimit))); nsresult rv = CreateNewURI(location.get(), getter_AddRefs(mRedirectURI)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { LOG(("Invalid URI for redirect: Location: %s\n", location.get())); return NS_ERROR_CORRUPTED_CONTENT; } if (mApplicationCache) { // if we are redirected to a different origin check if there is a fallback // cache entry to fall back to. we don't care about file strict // checking, at least mURI is not a file URI. if (!NS_SecurityCompareURIs(mURI, mRedirectURI, false)) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirectionAfterFallback); bool waitingForRedirectCallback; (void)ProcessFallback(&waitingForRedirectCallback); if (waitingForRedirectCallback) return NS_OK; PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirectionAfterFallback); } } return ContinueProcessRedirectionAfterFallback(NS_OK); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirectionAfterFallback(nsresult rv) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mFallingBack) { // do not continue with redirect processing, fallback is in // progress now. return NS_OK; } // Kill the current cache entry if we are redirecting // back to ourself. bool redirectingBackToSameURI = false; if (mCacheEntry && mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly && NS_SUCCEEDED(mURI->Equals(mRedirectURI, &redirectingBackToSameURI)) && redirectingBackToSameURI) mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); bool hasRef = false; rv = mRedirectURI->GetHasRef(&hasRef); // move the reference of the old location to the new one if the new // one has none. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !hasRef) { nsAutoCString ref; mURI->GetRef(ref); if (!ref.IsEmpty()) { // NOTE: SetRef will fail if mRedirectURI is immutable // (e.g. an about: URI)... Oh well. mRedirectURI->SetRef(ref); } } bool rewriteToGET = ShouldRewriteRedirectToGET(mRedirectType, mRequestHead.ParsedMethod()); // prompt if the method is not safe (such as POST, PUT, DELETE, ...) if (!rewriteToGET && !mRequestHead.IsSafeMethod()) { rv = PromptTempRedirect(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService; rv = gHttpHandler->GetIOService(getter_AddRefs(ioService)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> newChannel; rv = NS_NewChannelInternal(getter_AddRefs(newChannel), mRedirectURI, mLoadInfo, nullptr, // aLoadGroup nullptr, // aCallbacks nsIRequest::LOAD_NORMAL, ioService); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t redirectFlags; if (nsHttp::IsPermanentRedirect(mRedirectType)) redirectFlags = nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_PERMANENT; else redirectFlags = nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY; rv = SetupReplacementChannel(mRedirectURI, newChannel, !rewriteToGET, redirectFlags); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // verify that this is a legal redirect mRedirectChannel = newChannel; PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirection); rv = gHttpHandler->AsyncOnChannelRedirect(this, newChannel, redirectFlags); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = WaitForRedirectCallback(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirection); } return rv; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirection(nsresult rv) { AutoRedirectVetoNotifier notifier(this); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ContinueProcessRedirection [rv=%x,this=%p]\n", rv, this)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; NS_PRECONDITION(mRedirectChannel, "No redirect channel?"); // Make sure to do this after we received redirect veto answer, // i.e. after all sinks had been notified mRedirectChannel->SetOriginalURI(mOriginalURI); // And now, the deprecated way nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpEventSink> httpEventSink; GetCallback(httpEventSink); if (httpEventSink) { // NOTE: nsIHttpEventSink is only used for compatibility with pre-1.8 // versions. rv = httpEventSink->OnRedirect(this, mRedirectChannel); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } // XXX we used to talk directly with the script security manager, but that // should really be handled by the event sink implementation. // begin loading the new channel if (mLoadInfo && mLoadInfo->GetEnforceSecurity()) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mListenerContext, "mListenerContext should be null!"); rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen2(mListener); } else { rv = mRedirectChannel->AsyncOpen(mListener, mListenerContext); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // close down this channel Cancel(NS_BINDING_REDIRECTED); notifier.RedirectSucceeded(); ReleaseListeners(); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel <auth> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnAuthAvailable() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnAuthAvailable [this=%p]", this)); // setting mAuthRetryPending flag and resuming the transaction // triggers process of throwing away the unauthenticated data already // coming from the network mAuthRetryPending = true; mProxyAuthPending = false; LOG(("Resuming the transaction, we got credentials from user")); mTransactionPump->Resume(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnAuthCancelled(bool userCancel) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnAuthCancelled [this=%p]", this)); if (mTransactionPump) { // If the channel is trying to authenticate to a proxy and // that was canceled we cannot show the http response body // from the 40x as that might mislead the user into thinking // it was a end host response instead of a proxy reponse. // This must check explicitly whether a proxy auth was being done // because we do want to show the content if this is an error from // the origin server. if (mProxyAuthPending) Cancel(NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED); // ensure call of OnStartRequest of the current listener here, // it would not be called otherwise at all nsresult rv = CallOnStartRequest(); // drop mAuthRetryPending flag and resume the transaction // this resumes load of the unauthenticated content data (which // may have been canceled if we don't want to show it) mAuthRetryPending = false; LOG(("Resuming the transaction, user cancelled the auth dialog")); mTransactionPump->Resume(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) mTransactionPump->Cancel(rv); } mProxyAuthPending = false; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::CloseStickyConnection() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::CloseStickyConnection this=%p", this)); // Require we are between OnStartRequest and OnStopRequest, because // what we do here takes effect in OnStopRequest (not reusing the // connection for next authentication round). if (!mIsPending) { LOG((" channel not pending")); NS_ERROR("CloseStickyConnection not called before OnStopRequest, won't have any effect"); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } MOZ_ASSERT(mTransaction); if (!mTransaction) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } if (!(mCaps & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION || mTransaction->Caps() & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION)) { LOG((" not sticky")); return NS_OK; } RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> conn = mTransaction->GetConnectionReference(); if (!conn) { LOG((" no connection")); return NS_OK; } // This turns the IsPersistent() indicator on the connection to false, // and makes us throw it away in OnStopRequest. conn->DontReuse(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ConnectionRestartable(bool aRestartable) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ConnectionRestartable this=%p, restartable=%d", this, aRestartable)); mAuthConnectionRestartable = aRestartable; return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsISupports //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMPL_ADDREF_INHERITED(nsHttpChannel, HttpBaseChannel) NS_IMPL_RELEASE_INHERITED(nsHttpChannel, HttpBaseChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsHttpChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIRequest) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIRequestObserver) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIStreamListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHttpChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICacheInfoChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICachingChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIClassOfService) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIUploadChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIFormPOSTActionChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIUploadChannel2) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICacheEntryOpenCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHttpChannelInternal) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIResumableChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsITransportEventSink) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsPriority) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIProtocolProxyCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIProxiedChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIApplicationCacheContainer) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIApplicationCacheChannel) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIThreadRetargetableRequest) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIThreadRetargetableStreamListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIDNSListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsISupportsWeakReference) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsICorsPreflightCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIHstsPrimingCallback) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIChannelWithDivertableParentListener) // we have no macro that covers this case. if (aIID.Equals(NS_GET_IID(nsHttpChannel)) ) { AddRef(); *aInstancePtr = this; return NS_OK; } else NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END_INHERITING(HttpBaseChannel) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIRequest //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::Cancel(nsresult status) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); // We should never have a pump open while a CORS preflight is in progress. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(mPreflightChannel, !mCachePump); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::Cancel [this=%p status=%x]\n", this, status)); if (mCanceled) { LOG((" ignoring; already canceled\n")); return NS_OK; } if (mWaitingForRedirectCallback) { LOG(("channel canceled during wait for redirect callback")); } mCanceled = true; mStatus = status; if (mProxyRequest) mProxyRequest->Cancel(status); if (mTransaction) gHttpHandler->CancelTransaction(mTransaction, status); if (mTransactionPump) mTransactionPump->Cancel(status); mCacheInputStream.CloseAndRelease(); if (mCachePump) mCachePump->Cancel(status); if (mAuthProvider) mAuthProvider->Cancel(status); if (mPreflightChannel) mPreflightChannel->Cancel(status); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::Suspend() { nsresult rv = SuspendInternal(); nsresult rvParentChannel = NS_OK; if (mParentChannel) { rvParentChannel = mParentChannel->SuspendMessageDiversion(); } return NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : rvParentChannel; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::Resume() { nsresult rv = ResumeInternal(); nsresult rvParentChannel = NS_OK; if (mParentChannel) { rvParentChannel = mParentChannel->ResumeMessageDiversion(); } return NS_FAILED(rv) ? rv : rvParentChannel; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetSecurityInfo(nsISupports **securityInfo) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(securityInfo); *securityInfo = mSecurityInfo; NS_IF_ADDREF(*securityInfo); return NS_OK; } // If any of the functions that AsyncOpen calls returns immediately an error // AsyncAbort(which calls onStart/onStopRequest) does not need to be call. // To be sure that they are not call ReleaseListeners() is called. // If AsyncOpen returns NS_OK, after that point AsyncAbort must be called on // any error. NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::AsyncOpen(nsIStreamListener *listener, nsISupports *context) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mLoadInfo || mLoadInfo->GetSecurityMode() == 0 || mLoadInfo->GetInitialSecurityCheckDone() || (mLoadInfo->GetSecurityMode() == nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CROSS_ORIGIN_DATA_IS_NULL && nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(mLoadInfo->LoadingPrincipal())), "security flags in loadInfo but asyncOpen2() not called"); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::AsyncOpen [this=%p]\n", this)); NS_CompareLoadInfoAndLoadContext(this); #ifdef DEBUG AssertPrivateBrowsingId(); #endif NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(listener); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mIsPending, NS_ERROR_IN_PROGRESS); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mWasOpened, NS_ERROR_ALREADY_OPENED); nsresult rv; MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); if (!gHttpHandler->Active()) { LOG((" after HTTP shutdown...")); ReleaseListeners(); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } rv = NS_CheckPortSafety(mURI); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { ReleaseListeners(); return rv; } if (mInterceptCache != INTERCEPTED && ShouldIntercept()) { mInterceptCache = MAYBE_INTERCEPT; SetCouldBeSynthesized(); } // Remember the cookie header that was set, if any nsAutoCString cookieHeader; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mRequestHead.GetHeader(nsHttp::Cookie, cookieHeader))) { mUserSetCookieHeader = cookieHeader; } AddCookiesToRequest(); // After we notify any observers (on-opening-request, loadGroup, etc) we // must return NS_OK and return any errors asynchronously via // OnStart/OnStopRequest. Observers may add a reference to the channel // and expect to get OnStopRequest so they know when to drop the reference, // etc. // notify "http-on-opening-request" observers, but not if this is a redirect if (!(mLoadFlags & LOAD_REPLACE)) { gHttpHandler->OnOpeningRequest(this); } // Set user agent override HttpBaseChannel::SetDocshellUserAgentOverride(); mIsPending = true; mWasOpened = true; mListener = listener; mListenerContext = context; if (mLoadGroup) mLoadGroup->AddRequest(this, nullptr); // record asyncopen time unconditionally and clear it if we // don't want it after OnModifyRequest() weighs in. But waiting for // that to complete would mean we don't include proxy resolution in the // timing. mAsyncOpenTime = TimeStamp::Now(); // Remember we have Authorization header set here. We need to check on it // just once and early, AsyncOpen is the best place. mCustomAuthHeader = mRequestHead.HasHeader(nsHttp::Authorization); // The common case for HTTP channels is to begin proxy resolution and return // at this point. The only time we know mProxyInfo already is if we're // proxying a non-http protocol like ftp. if (!mProxyInfo && NS_SUCCEEDED(ResolveProxy())) { return NS_OK; } rv = BeginConnect(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); AsyncAbort(rv); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::AsyncOpen2(nsIStreamListener *aListener) { nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> listener = aListener; nsresult rv = nsContentSecurityManager::doContentSecurityCheck(this, listener); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { ReleaseListeners(); return rv; } return AsyncOpen(listener, nullptr); } // BeginConnect() SHOULD NOT call AsyncAbort(). AsyncAbort will be called by // functions that called BeginConnect if needed. Only AsyncOpen and // OnProxyAvailable ever call BeginConnect. nsresult nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect [this=%p]\n", this)); nsresult rv; // Construct connection info object nsAutoCString host; nsAutoCString scheme; int32_t port = -1; bool isHttps = false; rv = mURI->GetScheme(scheme); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = mURI->SchemeIs("https", &isHttps); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = mURI->GetAsciiHost(host); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = mURI->GetPort(&port); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) mURI->GetUsername(mUsername); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = mURI->GetAsciiSpec(mSpec); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // Reject the URL if it doesn't specify a host if (host.IsEmpty()) { rv = NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI; return rv; } LOG(("host=%s port=%d\n", host.get(), port)); LOG(("uri=%s\n", mSpec.get())); nsCOMPtr<nsProxyInfo> proxyInfo; if (mProxyInfo) proxyInfo = do_QueryInterface(mProxyInfo); mRequestHead.SetHTTPS(isHttps); mRequestHead.SetOrigin(scheme, host, port); SetDoNotTrack(); NeckoOriginAttributes originAttributes; NS_GetOriginAttributes(this, originAttributes); RefPtr<AltSvcMapping> mapping; if (!mConnectionInfo && mAllowAltSvc && // per channel !(mLoadFlags & LOAD_FRESH_CONNECTION) && (scheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("http")) || scheme.Equals(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("https"))) && (!proxyInfo || proxyInfo->IsDirect()) && (mapping = gHttpHandler->GetAltServiceMapping(scheme, host, port, mPrivateBrowsing))) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p Alt Service Mapping Found %s://%s:%d [%s]\n", this, scheme.get(), mapping->AlternateHost().get(), mapping->AlternatePort(), mapping->HashKey().get())); if (!(mLoadFlags & LOAD_ANONYMOUS) && !mPrivateBrowsing) { nsAutoCString altUsedLine(mapping->AlternateHost()); bool defaultPort = mapping->AlternatePort() == (isHttps ? NS_HTTPS_DEFAULT_PORT : NS_HTTP_DEFAULT_PORT); if (!defaultPort) { altUsedLine.AppendLiteral(":"); altUsedLine.AppendInt(mapping->AlternatePort()); } mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Alternate_Service_Used, altUsedLine); } nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService = do_GetService(NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CONTRACTID); if (consoleService) { nsAutoString message(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Alternate Service Mapping found: ")); AppendASCIItoUTF16(scheme.get(), message); message.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("://")); AppendASCIItoUTF16(host.get(), message); message.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(":")); message.AppendInt(port); message.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(" to ")); AppendASCIItoUTF16(scheme.get(), message); message.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING("://")); AppendASCIItoUTF16(mapping->AlternateHost().get(), message); message.Append(NS_LITERAL_STRING(":")); message.AppendInt(mapping->AlternatePort()); consoleService->LogStringMessage(message.get()); } LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p Using connection info from altsvc mapping", this)); mapping->GetConnectionInfo(getter_AddRefs(mConnectionInfo), proxyInfo, originAttributes); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_TRANSACTION_USE_ALTSVC, true); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_TRANSACTION_USE_ALTSVC_OE, !isHttps); } else if (mConnectionInfo) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p Using channel supplied connection info", this)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_TRANSACTION_USE_ALTSVC, false); } else { LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p Using default connection info", this)); mConnectionInfo = new nsHttpConnectionInfo(host, port, EmptyCString(), mUsername, proxyInfo, originAttributes, isHttps); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_TRANSACTION_USE_ALTSVC, false); } // Set network interface id only when it's not empty to avoid // rebuilding hash key. if (!mNetworkInterfaceId.IsEmpty()) { mConnectionInfo->SetNetworkInterfaceId(mNetworkInterfaceId); } mAuthProvider = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/network/http-channel-auth-provider;1", &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) rv = mAuthProvider->Init(this); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } // check to see if authorization headers should be included // mCustomAuthHeader is set in AsyncOpen if we find Authorization header mAuthProvider->AddAuthorizationHeaders(mCustomAuthHeader); // notify "http-on-modify-request" observers CallOnModifyRequestObservers(); SetLoadGroupUserAgentOverride(); // Check if request was cancelled during on-modify-request or on-useragent. if (mCanceled) { return mStatus; } if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume BeginConnect [this=%p]\n", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mCallOnResume); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleBeginConnectContinue; return NS_OK; } return BeginConnectContinue(); } void nsHttpChannel::HandleBeginConnectContinue() { NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); nsresult rv; if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume BeginConnect [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::HandleBeginConnectContinue; return; } LOG(("nsHttpChannel::HandleBeginConnectContinue [this=%p]\n", this)); rv = BeginConnectContinue(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); Unused << AsyncAbort(rv); } } nsresult nsHttpChannel::BeginConnectContinue() { nsresult rv; // Check if request was cancelled during suspend AFTER on-modify-request or // on-useragent. if (mCanceled) { return mStatus; } // Check to see if we should redirect this channel elsewhere by // nsIHttpChannel.redirectTo API request if (mAPIRedirectToURI) { return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncAPIRedirect); } // Check to see if this principal exists on local blocklists. RefPtr<nsChannelClassifier> channelClassifier = new nsChannelClassifier(); if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_CLASSIFY_URI) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURIClassifier> classifier = do_GetService(NS_URICLASSIFIERSERVICE_CONTRACTID); bool tpEnabled = false; channelClassifier->ShouldEnableTrackingProtection(this, &tpEnabled); if (classifier && tpEnabled) { // We skip speculative connections by setting mLocalBlocklist only // when tracking protection is enabled. Though we could do this for // both phishing and malware, it is not necessary for correctness, // since no network events will be received while the // nsChannelClassifier is in progress. See bug 1122691. nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; rv = GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && uri) { nsAutoCString tables; Preferences::GetCString("urlclassifier.trackingTable", &tables); nsAutoCString results; rv = classifier->ClassifyLocalWithTables(uri, tables, results); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !results.IsEmpty()) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ClassifyLocalWithTables found " "uri on local tracking blocklist [this=%p]", this)); mLocalBlocklist = true; } else { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ClassifyLocalWithTables no result " "found [this=%p]", this)); } } } } // If mTimingEnabled flag is not set after OnModifyRequest() then // clear the already recorded AsyncOpen value for consistency. if (!mTimingEnabled) mAsyncOpenTime = TimeStamp(); // when proxying only use the pipeline bit if ProxyPipelining() allows it. if (!mConnectionInfo->UsingConnect() && mConnectionInfo->UsingHttpProxy()) { mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; if (gHttpHandler->ProxyPipelining()) mCaps |= NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; } // if this somehow fails we can go on without it gHttpHandler->AddConnectionHeader(&mRequestHead, mCaps); if (mLoadFlags & VALIDATE_ALWAYS || BYPASS_LOCAL_CACHE(mLoadFlags)) mCaps |= NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS; if (!mLocalBlocklist && !mConnectionInfo->UsingHttpProxy() && !(mLoadFlags & (LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO | LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE))) { // Start a DNS lookup very early in case the real open is queued the DNS can // happen in parallel. Do not do so in the presence of an HTTP proxy as // all lookups other than for the proxy itself are done by the proxy. // Also we don't do a lookup if the LOAD_NO_NETWORK_IO or // LOAD_ONLY_FROM_CACHE flags are set. // // We keep the DNS prefetch object around so that we can retrieve // timing information from it. There is no guarantee that we actually // use the DNS prefetch data for the real connection, but as we keep // this data around for 3 minutes by default, this should almost always // be correct, and even when it isn't, the timing still represents _a_ // valid DNS lookup timing for the site, even if it is not _the_ // timing we used. LOG(("nsHttpChannel::BeginConnect [this=%p] prefetching%s\n", this, mCaps & NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS ? ", refresh requested" : "")); mDNSPrefetch = new nsDNSPrefetch(mURI, this, mTimingEnabled); mDNSPrefetch->PrefetchHigh(mCaps & NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS); } // Adjust mCaps according to our request headers: // - If "Connection: close" is set as a request header, then do not bother // trying to establish a keep-alive connection. if (mRequestHead.HasHeaderValue(nsHttp::Connection, "close")) mCaps &= ~(NS_HTTP_ALLOW_KEEPALIVE | NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING); if (gHttpHandler->CriticalRequestPrioritization()) { if (mClassOfService & nsIClassOfService::Leader) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_LOAD_AS_BLOCKING; } if (mClassOfService & nsIClassOfService::Unblocked) { mCaps |= NS_HTTP_LOAD_UNBLOCKED; } } // Force-Reload should reset the persistent connection pool for this host if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_FRESH_CONNECTION) { // just the initial document resets the whole pool if (mLoadFlags & LOAD_INITIAL_DOCUMENT_URI) { gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->ClearAltServiceMappings(); gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->DoShiftReloadConnectionCleanup(mConnectionInfo); } mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_ALLOW_PIPELINING; } // We may have been cancelled already, either by on-modify-request // listeners or load group observers; in that case, we should not send the // request to the server if (mCanceled) { return mStatus; } if (!(mLoadFlags & LOAD_CLASSIFY_URI)) { return ContinueBeginConnectWithResult(); } // mLocalBlocklist is true only if tracking protection is enabled and the // URI is a tracking domain, it makes no guarantees about phishing or // malware, so if LOAD_CLASSIFY_URI is true we must call // nsChannelClassifier to catch phishing and malware URIs. bool callContinueBeginConnect = true; if (!mLocalBlocklist) { // Here we call ContinueBeginConnectWithResult and not // ContinueBeginConnect so that in the case of an error we do not start // channelClassifier. rv = ContinueBeginConnectWithResult(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } callContinueBeginConnect = false; } // nsChannelClassifier calls ContinueBeginConnect if it has not already // been called, after optionally cancelling the channel once we have a // remote verdict. We call a concrete class instead of an nsI* that might // be overridden. LOG(("nsHttpChannel::Starting nsChannelClassifier %p [this=%p]", channelClassifier.get(), this)); channelClassifier->Start(this); if (callContinueBeginConnect) { return ContinueBeginConnectWithResult(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetEncodedBodySize(uint64_t *aEncodedBodySize) { if (mCacheEntry && !mCacheEntryIsWriteOnly) { int64_t dataSize = 0; mCacheEntry->GetDataSize(&dataSize); *aEncodedBodySize = dataSize; } else { *aEncodedBodySize = mLogicalOffset; } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIHttpChannelInternal //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetupFallbackChannel(const char *aFallbackKey) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetupFallbackChannel [this=%p, key=%s]\n", this, aFallbackKey)); mFallbackChannel = true; mFallbackKey = aFallbackKey; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ForceIntercepted(uint64_t aInterceptionID) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_ASYNC_OPEN(); if (NS_WARN_IF(mLoadFlags & LOAD_BYPASS_SERVICE_WORKER)) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } MarkIntercepted(); mResponseCouldBeSynthesized = true; mInterceptionID = aInterceptionID; return NS_OK; } mozilla::net::nsHttpChannel* nsHttpChannel::QueryHttpChannelImpl(void) { return this; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsISupportsPriority //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetPriority(int32_t value) { int16_t newValue = clamped<int32_t>(value, INT16_MIN, INT16_MAX); if (mPriority == newValue) return NS_OK; mPriority = newValue; if (mTransaction) gHttpHandler->RescheduleTransaction(mTransaction, mPriority); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnectWithResult() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnectWithResult [this=%p]", this)); NS_PRECONDITION(!mCallOnResume, "How did that happen?"); nsresult rv; if (mSuspendCount) { LOG(("Waiting until resume to do async connect [this=%p]\n", this)); mCallOnResume = &nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnect; rv = NS_OK; } else if (mCanceled) { // We may have been cancelled already, by nsChannelClassifier in that // case, we should not send the request to the server rv = mStatus; } else { rv = Connect(); } LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnectWithResult result [this=%p rv=%x " "mCanceled=%i]\n", this, rv, mCanceled)); return rv; } void nsHttpChannel::ContinueBeginConnect() { nsresult rv = ContinueBeginConnectWithResult(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); AsyncAbort(rv); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // HttpChannel::nsIClassOfService //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) { mClassOfService = inFlags; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::AddClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) { mClassOfService |= inFlags; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ClearClassFlags(uint32_t inFlags) { mClassOfService &= ~inFlags; return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIProtocolProxyCallback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnProxyAvailable(nsICancelable *request, nsIChannel *channel, nsIProxyInfo *pi, nsresult status) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnProxyAvailable [this=%p pi=%p status=%x mStatus=%x]\n", this, pi, status, mStatus)); mProxyRequest = nullptr; nsresult rv; // If status is a failure code, then it means that we failed to resolve // proxy info. That is a non-fatal error assuming it wasn't because the // request was canceled. We just failover to DIRECT when proxy resolution // fails (failure can mean that the PAC URL could not be loaded). if (NS_SUCCEEDED(status)) mProxyInfo = pi; if (!gHttpHandler->Active()) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnProxyAvailable [this=%p] " "Handler no longer active.\n", this)); rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } else { rv = BeginConnect(); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); AsyncAbort(rv); } return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIProxiedChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetProxyInfo(nsIProxyInfo **result) { if (!mConnectionInfo) *result = mProxyInfo; else *result = mConnectionInfo->ProxyInfo(); NS_IF_ADDREF(*result); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsITimedChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetDomainLookupStart(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetDomainLookupStart(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.domainLookupStart; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetDomainLookupEnd(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetDomainLookupEnd(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.domainLookupEnd; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetConnectStart(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetConnectStart(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.connectStart; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetSecureConnectionStart(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetSecureConnectionStart(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.secureConnectionStart; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetConnectEnd(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetConnectEnd(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.connectEnd; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetRequestStart(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetRequestStart(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.requestStart; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetResponseStart(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetResponseStart(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.responseStart; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetResponseEnd(TimeStamp* _retval) { if (mTransaction) *_retval = mTransaction->GetResponseEnd(); else *_retval = mTransactionTimings.responseEnd; return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetIsSSL(bool *aIsSSL) { // this attribute is really misnamed - it wants to know if // https:// is being used. SSL might be used to cover http:// // in some circumstances (proxies, http/2, etc..) return mURI->SchemeIs("https", aIsSSL); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetProxyMethodIsConnect(bool *aProxyMethodIsConnect) { *aProxyMethodIsConnect = mConnectionInfo->UsingConnect(); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetServerResponseHeader(nsACString &value) { if (!mResponseHead) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Server, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetProxyChallenges(nsACString &value) { if (!mResponseHead) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Proxy_Authenticate, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetWWWChallenges(nsACString &value) { if (!mResponseHead) return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; return mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::WWW_Authenticate, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetProxyCredentials(const nsACString &value) { return mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Proxy_Authorization, value); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetWWWCredentials(const nsACString &value) { return mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::Authorization, value); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Methods that nsIHttpAuthenticableChannel dupes from other IDLs, which we // get from HttpBaseChannel, must be explicitly forwarded, because C++ sucks. // NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetLoadFlags(nsLoadFlags *aLoadFlags) { return HttpBaseChannel::GetLoadFlags(aLoadFlags); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetURI(nsIURI **aURI) { return HttpBaseChannel::GetURI(aURI); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetNotificationCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor **aCallbacks) { return HttpBaseChannel::GetNotificationCallbacks(aCallbacks); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup **aLoadGroup) { return HttpBaseChannel::GetLoadGroup(aLoadGroup); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetRequestMethod(nsACString& aMethod) { return HttpBaseChannel::GetRequestMethod(aMethod); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIRequestObserver //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt) { nsresult rv; PROFILER_LABEL("nsHttpChannel", "OnStartRequest", js::ProfileEntry::Category::NETWORK); if (!(mCanceled || NS_FAILED(mStatus))) { // capture the request's status, so our consumers will know ASAP of any // connection failures, etc - bug 93581 request->GetStatus(&mStatus); } LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnStartRequest [this=%p request=%p status=%x]\n", this, request, mStatus)); // Make sure things are what we expect them to be... MOZ_ASSERT(request == mCachePump || request == mTransactionPump, "Unexpected request"); MOZ_ASSERT(!(mTransactionPump && mCachePump) || mCachedContentIsPartial, "If we have both pumps, the cache content must be partial"); mAfterOnStartRequestBegun = true; mOnStartRequestTimestamp = TimeStamp::Now(); if (!mSecurityInfo && !mCachePump && mTransaction) { // grab the security info from the connection object; the transaction // is guaranteed to own a reference to the connection. mSecurityInfo = mTransaction->SecurityInfo(); } // don't enter this block if we're reading from the cache... if (NS_SUCCEEDED(mStatus) && !mCachePump && mTransaction) { // mTransactionPump doesn't hit OnInputStreamReady and call this until // all of the response headers have been acquired, so we can take ownership // of them from the transaction. mResponseHead = mTransaction->TakeResponseHead(); // the response head may be null if the transaction was cancelled. in // which case we just need to call OnStartRequest/OnStopRequest. if (mResponseHead) return ProcessResponse(); NS_WARNING("No response head in OnStartRequest"); } // cache file could be deleted on our behalf, it could contain errors or // it failed to allocate memory, reload from network here. if (mCacheEntry && mCachePump && RECOVER_FROM_CACHE_FILE_ERROR(mStatus)) { LOG((" cache file error, reloading from server")); mCacheEntry->AsyncDoom(nullptr); rv = StartRedirectChannelToURI(mURI, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_INTERNAL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) return NS_OK; } // avoid crashing if mListener happens to be null... if (!mListener) { NS_NOTREACHED("mListener is null"); return NS_OK; } // before we start any content load, check for redirectTo being called // this code is executed mainly before we start load from the cache if (mAPIRedirectToURI && !mCanceled) { nsAutoCString redirectToSpec; mAPIRedirectToURI->GetAsciiSpec(redirectToSpec); LOG((" redirectTo called with uri=%s", redirectToSpec.BeginReading())); MOZ_ASSERT(!mOnStartRequestCalled); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> redirectTo; mAPIRedirectToURI.swap(redirectTo); PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest1); rv = StartRedirectChannelToURI(redirectTo, nsIChannelEventSink::REDIRECT_TEMPORARY); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { return NS_OK; } PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest1); } // Hack: ContinueOnStartRequest1 uses NS_OK to detect successful redirects, // so we distinguish this codepath (a non-redirect that's processing // normally) by passing in a bogus error code. return ContinueOnStartRequest1(NS_BINDING_FAILED); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest1(nsresult result) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // Redirect has passed through, we don't want to go on with this // channel. It will now be canceled by the redirect handling code // that called this function. return NS_OK; } // on proxy errors, try to failover if (mConnectionInfo->ProxyInfo() && (mStatus == NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED || mStatus == NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROXY_HOST || mStatus == NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT)) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest2); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(ProxyFailover())) return NS_OK; PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest2); } // Hack: ContinueOnStartRequest2 uses NS_OK to detect successful redirects, // so we distinguish this codepath (a non-redirect that's processing // normally) by passing in a bogus error code. return ContinueOnStartRequest2(NS_BINDING_FAILED); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest2(nsresult result) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) { // Redirect has passed through, we don't want to go on with this // channel. It will now be canceled by the redirect handling code // that called this function. return NS_OK; } // on other request errors, try to fall back if (NS_FAILED(mStatus)) { PushRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest3); bool waitingForRedirectCallback; ProcessFallback(&waitingForRedirectCallback); if (waitingForRedirectCallback) return NS_OK; PopRedirectAsyncFunc(&nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest3); } return ContinueOnStartRequest3(NS_OK); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::ContinueOnStartRequest3(nsresult result) { if (mFallingBack) return NS_OK; return CallOnStartRequest(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt, nsresult status) { PROFILER_LABEL("nsHttpChannel", "OnStopRequest", js::ProfileEntry::Category::NETWORK); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnStopRequest [this=%p request=%p status=%x]\n", this, request, status)); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "OnStopRequest should only be called from the main thread"); if (NS_FAILED(status)) { ProcessSecurityReport(status); } // If this load failed because of a security error, it may be because we // are in a captive portal - trigger an async check to make sure. int32_t nsprError = -1 * NS_ERROR_GET_CODE(status); if (mozilla::psm::IsNSSErrorCode(nsprError)) { gIOService->RecheckCaptivePortal(); } if (mTimingEnabled && request == mCachePump) { mCacheReadEnd = TimeStamp::Now(); ReportNetVSCacheTelemetry(); } // allow content to be cached if it was loaded successfully (bug #482935) bool contentComplete = NS_SUCCEEDED(status); // honor the cancelation status even if the underlying transaction completed. if (mCanceled || NS_FAILED(mStatus)) status = mStatus; if (mCachedContentIsPartial) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(status)) { // mTransactionPump should be suspended MOZ_ASSERT(request != mTransactionPump, "byte-range transaction finished prematurely"); if (request == mCachePump) { bool streamDone; status = OnDoneReadingPartialCacheEntry(&streamDone); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(status) && !streamDone) return status; // otherwise, fall through and fire OnStopRequest... } else if (request == mTransactionPump) { MOZ_ASSERT(mConcurrentCacheAccess); } else NS_NOTREACHED("unexpected request"); } // Do not to leave the transaction in a suspended state in error cases. if (NS_FAILED(status) && mTransaction) gHttpHandler->CancelTransaction(mTransaction, status); } nsCOMPtr<nsICompressConvStats> conv = do_QueryInterface(mCompressListener); if (conv) { conv->GetDecodedDataLength(&mDecodedBodySize); } if (mTransaction) { // determine if we should call DoAuthRetry bool authRetry = mAuthRetryPending && NS_SUCCEEDED(status); mStronglyFramed = mTransaction->ResponseIsComplete(); LOG(("nsHttpChannel %p has a strongly framed transaction: %d", this, mStronglyFramed)); // // grab references to connection in case we need to retry an // authentication request over it or use it for an upgrade // to another protocol. // // this code relies on the code in nsHttpTransaction::Close, which // tests for NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION to determine whether or not to // keep the connection around after the transaction is finished. // RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> conn; LOG((" authRetry=%d, sticky conn cap=%d", authRetry, mCaps & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION)); // We must check caps for stickinness also on the transaction because it // might have been updated by the transaction itself during inspection of // the reposnse headers yet on the socket thread (found connection based // auth schema). if (authRetry && (mCaps & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION || mTransaction->Caps() & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION)) { conn = mTransaction->GetConnectionReference(); LOG((" transaction %p provides connection %p", mTransaction.get(), conn.get())); // This is so far a workaround to fix leak when reusing unpersistent // connection for authentication retry. See bug 459620 comment 4 // for details. if (conn && !conn->IsPersistent()) { LOG((" connection is not persistent, not reusing it")); conn = nullptr; } // We do not use a sticky connection in case of a nsHttpPipeline as // well (see bug 1337826). This is a quick fix, because // nsHttpPipeline is turned off by default. RefPtr<nsAHttpTransaction> tranConn = do_QueryObject(conn); if (tranConn && tranConn->QueryPipeline()) { LOG(("Do not use this connection, it is a nsHttpPipeline.")); conn = nullptr; } } RefPtr<nsAHttpConnection> stickyConn; if (mCaps & NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION) { stickyConn = mTransaction->GetConnectionReference(); } mTransferSize = mTransaction->GetTransferSize(); // If we are using the transaction to serve content, we also save the // time since async open in the cache entry so we can compare telemetry // between cache and net response. if (request == mTransactionPump && mCacheEntry && !mAsyncOpenTime.IsNull() && !mOnStartRequestTimestamp.IsNull()) { nsAutoCString onStartTime; onStartTime.AppendInt( (uint64_t) (mOnStartRequestTimestamp - mAsyncOpenTime).ToMilliseconds()); mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("net-response-time-onstart", onStartTime.get()); nsAutoCString responseTime; responseTime.AppendInt( (uint64_t) (TimeStamp::Now() - mAsyncOpenTime).ToMilliseconds()); mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("net-response-time-onstop", responseTime.get()); } // at this point, we're done with the transaction mTransactionTimings = mTransaction->Timings(); mTransaction = nullptr; mTransactionPump = nullptr; // We no longer need the dns prefetch object if (mDNSPrefetch && mDNSPrefetch->TimingsValid() && !mTransactionTimings.requestStart.IsNull() && !mTransactionTimings.connectStart.IsNull() && mDNSPrefetch->EndTimestamp() <= mTransactionTimings.connectStart) { // We only need the domainLookup timestamps when not using a // persistent connection, meaning if the endTimestamp < connectStart mTransactionTimings.domainLookupStart = mDNSPrefetch->StartTimestamp(); mTransactionTimings.domainLookupEnd = mDNSPrefetch->EndTimestamp(); } mDNSPrefetch = nullptr; // handle auth retry... if (authRetry) { mAuthRetryPending = false; status = DoAuthRetry(conn); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(status)) return NS_OK; } // If DoAuthRetry failed, or if we have been cancelled since showing // the auth. dialog, then we need to send OnStartRequest now if (authRetry || (mAuthRetryPending && NS_FAILED(status))) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_FAILED(status), "should have a failure code here"); // NOTE: since we have a failure status, we can ignore the return // value from onStartRequest. if (mListener) { MOZ_ASSERT(!mOnStartRequestCalled, "We should not call OnStartRequest twice."); mListener->OnStartRequest(this, mListenerContext); mOnStartRequestCalled = true; } else { NS_WARNING("OnStartRequest skipped because of null listener"); } } // if this transaction has been replaced, then bail. if (mTransactionReplaced) return NS_OK; if (mUpgradeProtocolCallback && stickyConn && mResponseHead && mResponseHead->Status() == 101) { gHttpHandler->ConnMgr()->CompleteUpgrade(stickyConn, mUpgradeProtocolCallback); } } // HTTP_CHANNEL_DISPOSITION TELEMETRY enum ChannelDisposition { kHttpCanceled = 0, kHttpDisk = 1, kHttpNetOK = 2, kHttpNetEarlyFail = 3, kHttpNetLateFail = 4, kHttpsCanceled = 8, kHttpsDisk = 9, kHttpsNetOK = 10, kHttpsNetEarlyFail = 11, kHttpsNetLateFail = 12 } chanDisposition = kHttpCanceled; // HTTP 0.9 is more likely to be an error than really 0.9, so count it that way if (mCanceled) { chanDisposition = kHttpCanceled; } else if (!mUsedNetwork) { chanDisposition = kHttpDisk; } else if (NS_SUCCEEDED(status) && mResponseHead && mResponseHead->Version() != NS_HTTP_VERSION_0_9) { chanDisposition = kHttpNetOK; } else if (!mTransferSize) { chanDisposition = kHttpNetEarlyFail; } else { chanDisposition = kHttpNetLateFail; } if (IsHTTPS()) { // shift http to https disposition enums chanDisposition = static_cast<ChannelDisposition>(chanDisposition + kHttpsCanceled); } LOG((" nsHttpChannel::OnStopRequest ChannelDisposition %d\n", chanDisposition)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_CHANNEL_DISPOSITION, chanDisposition); // if needed, check cache entry has all data we expect if (mCacheEntry && mCachePump && mConcurrentCacheAccess && contentComplete) { int64_t size, contentLength; nsresult rv = CheckPartial(mCacheEntry, &size, &contentLength); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (size == int64_t(-1)) { // mayhemer TODO - we have to restart read from cache here at the size offset MOZ_ASSERT(false); LOG((" cache entry write is still in progress, but we just " "finished reading the cache entry")); } else if (contentLength != int64_t(-1) && contentLength != size) { LOG((" concurrent cache entry write has been interrupted")); mCachedResponseHead = Move(mResponseHead); // Ignore zero partial length because we also want to resume when // no data at all has been read from the cache. rv = MaybeSetupByteRangeRequest(size, contentLength, true); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mIsPartialRequest) { // Prevent read from cache again mCachedContentIsValid = 0; mCachedContentIsPartial = 1; // Perform the range request rv = ContinueConnect(); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { LOG((" performing range request")); mCachePump = nullptr; return NS_OK; } else { LOG((" but range request perform failed 0x%08x", rv)); status = NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT; } } else { LOG((" but range request setup failed rv=0x%08x, failing load", rv)); } } } } mIsPending = false; mStatus = status; // perform any final cache operations before we close the cache entry. if (mCacheEntry && mRequestTimeInitialized) { bool writeAccess; // New implementation just returns value of the !mCacheEntryIsReadOnly flag passed in. // Old implementation checks on nsICache::ACCESS_WRITE flag. mCacheEntry->HasWriteAccess(!mCacheEntryIsReadOnly, &writeAccess); if (writeAccess) { FinalizeCacheEntry(); } } // Register entry to the Performance resource timing mozilla::dom::Performance* documentPerformance = GetPerformance(); if (documentPerformance) { documentPerformance->AddEntry(this, this); } if (mListener) { LOG((" calling OnStopRequest\n")); MOZ_ASSERT(!mOnStopRequestCalled, "We should not call OnStopRequest twice"); mListener->OnStopRequest(this, mListenerContext, status); mOnStopRequestCalled = true; } // If a preferred alt-data type was set, this signals the consumer is // interested in reading and/or writing the alt-data representation. // We need to hold a reference to the cache entry in case the listener calls // openAlternativeOutputStream() after CloseCacheEntry() clears mCacheEntry. if (!mPreferredCachedAltDataType.IsEmpty()) { mAltDataCacheEntry = mCacheEntry; } CloseCacheEntry(!contentComplete); if (mOfflineCacheEntry) CloseOfflineCacheEntry(); if (mLoadGroup) mLoadGroup->RemoveRequest(this, nullptr, status); // We don't need this info anymore CleanRedirectCacheChainIfNecessary(); ReleaseListeners(); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIStreamListener //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class OnTransportStatusAsyncEvent : public Runnable { public: OnTransportStatusAsyncEvent(nsITransportEventSink* aEventSink, nsresult aTransportStatus, int64_t aProgress, int64_t aProgressMax) : mEventSink(aEventSink) , mTransportStatus(aTransportStatus) , mProgress(aProgress) , mProgressMax(aProgressMax) { MOZ_ASSERT(!NS_IsMainThread(), "Shouldn't be created on main thread"); } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should run on main thread"); if (mEventSink) { mEventSink->OnTransportStatus(nullptr, mTransportStatus, mProgress, mProgressMax); } return NS_OK; } private: nsCOMPtr<nsITransportEventSink> mEventSink; nsresult mTransportStatus; int64_t mProgress; int64_t mProgressMax; }; NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt, nsIInputStream *input, uint64_t offset, uint32_t count) { PROFILER_LABEL("nsHttpChannel", "OnDataAvailable", js::ProfileEntry::Category::NETWORK); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnDataAvailable [this=%p request=%p offset=%llu count=%u]\n", this, request, offset, count)); // don't send out OnDataAvailable notifications if we've been canceled. if (mCanceled) return mStatus; MOZ_ASSERT(mResponseHead, "No response head in ODA!!"); MOZ_ASSERT(!(mCachedContentIsPartial && (request == mTransactionPump)), "transaction pump not suspended"); if (mAuthRetryPending || (request == mTransactionPump && mTransactionReplaced)) { uint32_t n; return input->ReadSegments(NS_DiscardSegment, nullptr, count, &n); } if (mListener) { // // synthesize transport progress event. we do this here since we want // to delay OnProgress events until we start streaming data. this is // crucially important since it impacts the lock icon (see bug 240053). // nsresult transportStatus; if (request == mCachePump) transportStatus = NS_NET_STATUS_READING; else transportStatus = NS_NET_STATUS_RECEIVING_FROM; // mResponseHead may reference new or cached headers, but either way it // holds our best estimate of the total content length. Even in the case // of a byte range request, the content length stored in the cached // response headers is what we want to use here. int64_t progressMax(mResponseHead->ContentLength()); int64_t progress = mLogicalOffset + count; if ((progress > progressMax) && (progressMax != -1)) { NS_WARNING("unexpected progress values - " "is server exceeding content length?"); } // make sure params are in range for js if (!InScriptableRange(progressMax)) { progressMax = -1; } if (!InScriptableRange(progress)) { progress = -1; } if (NS_IsMainThread()) { OnTransportStatus(nullptr, transportStatus, progress, progressMax); } else { nsresult rv = NS_DispatchToMainThread( new OnTransportStatusAsyncEvent(this, transportStatus, progress, progressMax)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // // we have to manually keep the logical offset of the stream up-to-date. // we cannot depend solely on the offset provided, since we may have // already streamed some data from another source (see, for example, // OnDoneReadingPartialCacheEntry). // int64_t offsetBefore = 0; nsCOMPtr<nsISeekableStream> seekable = do_QueryInterface(input); if (seekable && NS_FAILED(seekable->Tell(&offsetBefore))) { seekable = nullptr; } nsresult rv = mListener->OnDataAvailable(this, mListenerContext, input, mLogicalOffset, count); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // by contract mListener must read all of "count" bytes, but // nsInputStreamPump is tolerant to seekable streams that violate that // and it will redeliver incompletely read data. So we need to do // the same thing when updating the progress counter to stay in sync. int64_t offsetAfter, delta; if (seekable && NS_SUCCEEDED(seekable->Tell(&offsetAfter))) { delta = offsetAfter - offsetBefore; if (delta != count) { count = delta; NS_WARNING("Listener OnDataAvailable contract violation"); nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService = do_GetService(NS_CONSOLESERVICE_CONTRACTID); nsAutoString message (NS_LITERAL_STRING( "http channel Listener OnDataAvailable contract violation")); if (consoleService) { consoleService->LogStringMessage(message.get()); } } } mLogicalOffset += count; } return rv; } return NS_ERROR_ABORT; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIThreadRetargetableRequest //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::RetargetDeliveryTo(nsIEventTarget* aNewTarget) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should be called on main thread only"); NS_ENSURE_ARG(aNewTarget); if (aNewTarget == NS_GetCurrentThread()) { NS_WARNING("Retargeting delivery to same thread"); return NS_OK; } if (!mTransactionPump && !mCachePump) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::RetargetDeliveryTo %p %p no pump available\n", this, aNewTarget)); return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsresult rv = NS_OK; // If both cache pump and transaction pump exist, we're probably dealing // with partially cached content. So, we must be able to retarget both. nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadRetargetableRequest> retargetableCachePump; nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadRetargetableRequest> retargetableTransactionPump; if (mCachePump) { retargetableCachePump = do_QueryObject(mCachePump); // nsInputStreamPump should implement this interface. MOZ_ASSERT(retargetableCachePump); rv = retargetableCachePump->RetargetDeliveryTo(aNewTarget); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mTransactionPump) { retargetableTransactionPump = do_QueryObject(mTransactionPump); // nsInputStreamPump should implement this interface. MOZ_ASSERT(retargetableTransactionPump); rv = retargetableTransactionPump->RetargetDeliveryTo(aNewTarget); // If retarget fails for transaction pump, we must restore mCachePump. if (NS_FAILED(rv) && retargetableCachePump) { nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mainThread; rv = NS_GetMainThread(getter_AddRefs(mainThread)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = retargetableCachePump->RetargetDeliveryTo(mainThread); } } return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsThreadRetargetableStreamListener //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::CheckListenerChain() { NS_ASSERTION(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should be on main thread!"); nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIThreadRetargetableStreamListener> retargetableListener = do_QueryInterface(mListener, &rv); if (retargetableListener) { rv = retargetableListener->CheckListenerChain(); } return rv; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsITransportEventSink //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnTransportStatus(nsITransport *trans, nsresult status, int64_t progress, int64_t progressMax) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Should be on main thread only"); // cache the progress sink so we don't have to query for it each time. if (!mProgressSink) GetCallback(mProgressSink); if (status == NS_NET_STATUS_CONNECTED_TO || status == NS_NET_STATUS_WAITING_FOR) { if (mTransaction) { mTransaction->GetNetworkAddresses(mSelfAddr, mPeerAddr); } else { nsCOMPtr<nsISocketTransport> socketTransport = do_QueryInterface(trans); if (socketTransport) { socketTransport->GetSelfAddr(&mSelfAddr); socketTransport->GetPeerAddr(&mPeerAddr); } } } // block socket status event after Cancel or OnStopRequest has been called. if (mProgressSink && NS_SUCCEEDED(mStatus) && mIsPending) { LOG(("sending progress%s notification [this=%p status=%x" " progress=%lld/%lld]\n", (mLoadFlags & LOAD_BACKGROUND)? "" : " and status", this, status, progress, progressMax)); if (!(mLoadFlags & LOAD_BACKGROUND)) { nsAutoCString host; mURI->GetHost(host); mProgressSink->OnStatus(this, nullptr, status, NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(host).get()); } if (progress > 0) { if ((progress > progressMax) && (progressMax != -1)) { NS_WARNING("unexpected progress values"); } // Try to get mProgressSink if it was nulled out during OnStatus. if (!mProgressSink) { GetCallback(mProgressSink); } if (mProgressSink) { mProgressSink->OnProgress(this, nullptr, progress, progressMax); } } } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsICacheInfoChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::IsFromCache(bool *value) { if (!mIsPending) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; // return false if reading a partial cache entry; the data isn't entirely // from the cache! *value = (mCachePump || (mLoadFlags & LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED)) && mCachedContentIsValid && !mCachedContentIsPartial; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetCacheTokenExpirationTime(uint32_t *_retval) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); if (!mCacheEntry) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return mCacheEntry->GetExpirationTime(_retval); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetCacheTokenCachedCharset(nsACString &_retval) { nsresult rv; if (!mCacheEntry) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; nsXPIDLCString cachedCharset; rv = mCacheEntry->GetMetaDataElement("charset", getter_Copies(cachedCharset)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) _retval = cachedCharset; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetCacheTokenCachedCharset(const nsACString &aCharset) { if (!mCacheEntry) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return mCacheEntry->SetMetaDataElement("charset", PromiseFlatCString(aCharset).get()); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetAllowStaleCacheContent(bool aAllowStaleCacheContent) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetAllowStaleCacheContent [this=%p, allow=%d]", this, aAllowStaleCacheContent)); mAllowStaleCacheContent = aAllowStaleCacheContent; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetAllowStaleCacheContent(bool *aAllowStaleCacheContent) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aAllowStaleCacheContent); *aAllowStaleCacheContent = mAllowStaleCacheContent; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::PreferAlternativeDataType(const nsACString & aType) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_ASYNC_OPEN(); mPreferredCachedAltDataType = aType; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetAlternativeDataType(nsACString & aType) { // must be called during or after OnStartRequest if (!mAfterOnStartRequestBegun) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } aType = mAvailableCachedAltDataType; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OpenAlternativeOutputStream(const nsACString & type, nsIOutputStream * *_retval) { // OnStopRequest will clear mCacheEntry, but we may use mAltDataCacheEntry // if the consumer called PreferAlternativeDataType() nsCOMPtr<nsICacheEntry> cacheEntry = mCacheEntry ? mCacheEntry : mAltDataCacheEntry; if (!cacheEntry) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } return cacheEntry->OpenAlternativeOutputStream(type, _retval); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsICachingChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetCacheToken(nsISupports **token) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(token); if (!mCacheEntry) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return CallQueryInterface(mCacheEntry, token); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetCacheToken(nsISupports *token) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetOfflineCacheToken(nsISupports **token) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(token); if (!mOfflineCacheEntry) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; return CallQueryInterface(mOfflineCacheEntry, token); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetOfflineCacheToken(nsISupports *token) { return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetCacheKey(nsISupports **key) { nsresult rv; NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(key); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::GetCacheKey [this=%p]\n", this)); *key = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRUint32> container = do_CreateInstance(NS_SUPPORTS_PRUINT32_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (!container) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; rv = container->SetData(mPostID); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; return CallQueryInterface(container.get(), key); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetCacheKey(nsISupports *key) { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetCacheKey [this=%p key=%p]\n", this, key)); ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); if (!key) mPostID = 0; else { // extract the post id nsCOMPtr<nsISupportsPRUint32> container = do_QueryInterface(key, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = container->GetData(&mPostID); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetCacheOnlyMetadata(bool *aOnlyMetadata) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aOnlyMetadata); *aOnlyMetadata = mCacheOnlyMetadata; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetCacheOnlyMetadata(bool aOnlyMetadata) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetCacheOnlyMetadata [this=%p only-metadata=%d]\n", this, aOnlyMetadata)); ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_ASYNC_OPEN(); mCacheOnlyMetadata = aOnlyMetadata; if (aOnlyMetadata) { mLoadFlags |= LOAD_ONLY_IF_MODIFIED; } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetPin(bool *aPin) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aPin); *aPin = mPinCacheContent; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetPin(bool aPin) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SetPin [this=%p pin=%d]\n", this, aPin)); ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); mPinCacheContent = aPin; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ForceCacheEntryValidFor(uint32_t aSecondsToTheFuture) { if (!mCacheEntry) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ForceCacheEntryValidFor found no cache entry " "for this channel [this=%p].", this)); } else { mCacheEntry->ForceValidFor(aSecondsToTheFuture); nsAutoCString key; mCacheEntry->GetKey(key); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ForceCacheEntryValidFor successfully forced valid " "entry with key %s for %d seconds. [this=%p]", key.get(), aSecondsToTheFuture, this)); } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIResumableChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ResumeAt(uint64_t aStartPos, const nsACString& aEntityID) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResumeAt [this=%p startPos=%llu id='%s']\n", this, aStartPos, PromiseFlatCString(aEntityID).get())); mEntityID = aEntityID; mStartPos = aStartPos; mResuming = true; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::DoAuthRetry(nsAHttpConnection *conn) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::DoAuthRetry [this=%p]\n", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mTransaction, "should not have a transaction"); nsresult rv; // toggle mIsPending to allow nsIObserver implementations to modify // the request headers (bug 95044). mIsPending = false; // fetch cookies, and add them to the request header. // the server response could have included cookies that must be sent with // this authentication attempt (bug 84794). // TODO: save cookies from auth response and send them here (bug 572151). AddCookiesToRequest(); // notify "http-on-modify-request" observers CallOnModifyRequestObservers(); mIsPending = true; // get rid of the old response headers mResponseHead = nullptr; // rewind the upload stream if (mUploadStream) { nsCOMPtr<nsISeekableStream> seekable = do_QueryInterface(mUploadStream); if (seekable) seekable->Seek(nsISeekableStream::NS_SEEK_SET, 0); } // always set sticky connection flag mCaps |= NS_HTTP_STICKY_CONNECTION; // and when needed, allow restart regardless the sticky flag if (mAuthConnectionRestartable) { LOG((" connection made restartable")); mCaps |= NS_HTTP_CONNECTION_RESTARTABLE; mAuthConnectionRestartable = false; } else { LOG((" connection made non-restartable")); mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_CONNECTION_RESTARTABLE; } // and create a new one... rv = SetupTransaction(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // transfer ownership of connection to transaction if (conn) mTransaction->SetConnection(conn); rv = gHttpHandler->InitiateTransaction(mTransaction, mPriority); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; rv = mTransactionPump->AsyncRead(this, nullptr); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t suspendCount = mSuspendCount; while (suspendCount--) mTransactionPump->Suspend(); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIApplicationCacheChannel //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetApplicationCache(nsIApplicationCache **out) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*out = mApplicationCache); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetApplicationCache(nsIApplicationCache *appCache) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); mApplicationCache = appCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetApplicationCacheForWrite(nsIApplicationCache **out) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*out = mApplicationCacheForWrite); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetApplicationCacheForWrite(nsIApplicationCache *appCache) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); mApplicationCacheForWrite = appCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetLoadedFromApplicationCache(bool *aLoadedFromApplicationCache) { *aLoadedFromApplicationCache = mLoadedFromApplicationCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetInheritApplicationCache(bool *aInherit) { *aInherit = mInheritApplicationCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetInheritApplicationCache(bool aInherit) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); mInheritApplicationCache = aInherit; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetChooseApplicationCache(bool *aChoose) { *aChoose = mChooseApplicationCache; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetChooseApplicationCache(bool aChoose) { ENSURE_CALLED_BEFORE_CONNECT(); mChooseApplicationCache = aChoose; return NS_OK; } nsHttpChannel::OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker* nsHttpChannel::GetOfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker() { if (!mApplicationCache) return nullptr; return new OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker(mApplicationCache, mURI); } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker::MarkAsForeign() { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> noRefURI; rv = mCacheURI->CloneIgnoringRef(getter_AddRefs(noRefURI)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString spec; rv = noRefURI->GetAsciiSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return mApplicationCache->MarkEntry(spec, nsIApplicationCache::ITEM_FOREIGN); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::MarkOfflineCacheEntryAsForeign() { nsresult rv; nsAutoPtr<OfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker> marker( GetOfflineCacheEntryAsForeignMarker()); if (!marker) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; rv = marker->MarkAsForeign(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel::nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsHttpChannel::WaitForRedirectCallback() { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpChannel::WaitForRedirectCallback [this=%p]\n", this)); if (mTransactionPump) { rv = mTransactionPump->Suspend(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (mCachePump) { rv = mCachePump->Suspend(); if (NS_FAILED(rv) && mTransactionPump) { #ifdef DEBUG nsresult resume = #endif mTransactionPump->Resume(); MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(resume), "Failed to resume transaction pump"); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } mWaitingForRedirectCallback = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnRedirectVerifyCallback(nsresult result) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnRedirectVerifyCallback [this=%p] " "result=%x stack=%d mWaitingForRedirectCallback=%u\n", this, result, mRedirectFuncStack.Length(), mWaitingForRedirectCallback)); MOZ_ASSERT(mWaitingForRedirectCallback, "Someone forgot to call WaitForRedirectCallback() ?!"); mWaitingForRedirectCallback = false; if (mCanceled && NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) result = NS_BINDING_ABORTED; for (uint32_t i = mRedirectFuncStack.Length(); i > 0;) { --i; // Pop the last function pushed to the stack nsContinueRedirectionFunc func = mRedirectFuncStack[i]; mRedirectFuncStack.RemoveElementAt(mRedirectFuncStack.Length() - 1); // Call it with the result we got from the callback or the deeper // function call. result = (this->*func)(result); // If a new function has been pushed to the stack and placed us in the // waiting state, we need to break the chain and wait for the callback // again. if (mWaitingForRedirectCallback) break; } if (NS_FAILED(result) && !mCanceled) { // First, cancel this channel if we are in failure state to set mStatus // and let it be propagated to pumps. Cancel(result); } if (!mWaitingForRedirectCallback) { // We are not waiting for the callback. At this moment we must release // reference to the redirect target channel, otherwise we may leak. mRedirectChannel = nullptr; } // We always resume the pumps here. If all functions on stack have been // called we need OnStopRequest to be triggered, and if we broke out of the // loop above (and are thus waiting for a new callback) the suspension // count must be balanced in the pumps. if (mTransactionPump) mTransactionPump->Resume(); if (mCachePump) mCachePump->Resume(); return result; } void nsHttpChannel::PushRedirectAsyncFunc(nsContinueRedirectionFunc func) { mRedirectFuncStack.AppendElement(func); } void nsHttpChannel::PopRedirectAsyncFunc(nsContinueRedirectionFunc func) { MOZ_ASSERT(func == mRedirectFuncStack[mRedirectFuncStack.Length() - 1], "Trying to pop wrong method from redirect async stack!"); mRedirectFuncStack.TruncateLength(mRedirectFuncStack.Length() - 1); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsIDNSListener functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnLookupComplete(nsICancelable *request, nsIDNSRecord *rec, nsresult status) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Expecting DNS callback on main thread."); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnLookupComplete [this=%p] prefetch complete%s: " "%s status[0x%x]\n", this, mCaps & NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS ? ", refresh requested" : "", NS_SUCCEEDED(status) ? "success" : "failure", status)); // We no longer need the dns prefetch object. Note: mDNSPrefetch could be // validly null if OnStopRequest has already been called. // We only need the domainLookup timestamps when not loading from cache if (mDNSPrefetch && mDNSPrefetch->TimingsValid() && mTransaction) { TimeStamp connectStart = mTransaction->GetConnectStart(); TimeStamp requestStart = mTransaction->GetRequestStart(); // We only set the domainLookup timestamps if we're not using a // persistent connection. if (requestStart.IsNull() && connectStart.IsNull()) { mTransaction->SetDomainLookupStart(mDNSPrefetch->StartTimestamp()); mTransaction->SetDomainLookupEnd(mDNSPrefetch->EndTimestamp()); } } mDNSPrefetch = nullptr; // Unset DNS cache refresh if it was requested, if (mCaps & NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS) { mCaps &= ~NS_HTTP_REFRESH_DNS; if (mTransaction) { mTransaction->SetDNSWasRefreshed(); } } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpChannel internal functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Creates an URI to the given location using current URI for base and charset nsresult nsHttpChannel::CreateNewURI(const char *loc, nsIURI **newURI) { nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService; nsresult rv = gHttpHandler->GetIOService(getter_AddRefs(ioService)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // the new uri should inherit the origin charset of the current uri nsAutoCString originCharset; rv = mURI->GetOriginCharset(originCharset); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) originCharset.Truncate(); return ioService->NewURI(nsDependentCString(loc), originCharset.get(), mURI, newURI); } void nsHttpChannel::MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet() { // See RFC 2616 section 5.1.1. These are considered valid // methods which DO NOT invalidate cache-entries for the // referred resource. POST, PUT and DELETE as well as any // other method not listed here will potentially invalidate // any cached copy of the resource if (mRequestHead.IsGet() || mRequestHead.IsOptions() || mRequestHead.IsHead() || mRequestHead.IsTrace() || mRequestHead.IsConnect()) { return; } // Invalidate the request-uri. if (LOG_ENABLED()) { nsAutoCString key; mURI->GetAsciiSpec(key); LOG(("MaybeInvalidateCacheEntryForSubsequentGet [this=%p uri=%s]\n", this, key.get())); } DoInvalidateCacheEntry(mURI); // Invalidate Location-header if set nsAutoCString location; mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Location, location); if (!location.IsEmpty()) { LOG((" Location-header=%s\n", location.get())); InvalidateCacheEntryForLocation(location.get()); } // Invalidate Content-Location-header if set mResponseHead->GetHeader(nsHttp::Content_Location, location); if (!location.IsEmpty()) { LOG((" Content-Location-header=%s\n", location.get())); InvalidateCacheEntryForLocation(location.get()); } } void nsHttpChannel::InvalidateCacheEntryForLocation(const char *location) { nsAutoCString tmpCacheKey, tmpSpec; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> resultingURI; nsresult rv = CreateNewURI(location, getter_AddRefs(resultingURI)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && HostPartIsTheSame(resultingURI)) { DoInvalidateCacheEntry(resultingURI); } else { LOG((" hosts not matching\n")); } } void nsHttpChannel::DoInvalidateCacheEntry(nsIURI* aURI) { // NOTE: // Following comments 24,32 and 33 in bug #327765, we only care about // the cache in the protocol-handler, not the application cache. // The logic below deviates from the original logic in OpenCacheEntry on // one point by using only READ_ONLY access-policy. I think this is safe. nsresult rv; nsAutoCString key; if (LOG_ENABLED()) { aURI->GetAsciiSpec(key); } LOG(("DoInvalidateCacheEntry [channel=%p key=%s]", this, key.get())); nsCOMPtr<nsICacheStorageService> cacheStorageService = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/netwerk/cache-storage-service;1", &rv); nsCOMPtr<nsICacheStorage> cacheStorage; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { RefPtr<LoadContextInfo> info = GetLoadContextInfo(this); rv = cacheStorageService->DiskCacheStorage(info, false, getter_AddRefs(cacheStorage)); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = cacheStorage->AsyncDoomURI(aURI, EmptyCString(), nullptr); } LOG(("DoInvalidateCacheEntry [channel=%p key=%s rv=%d]", this, key.get(), int(rv))); } void nsHttpChannel::AsyncOnExamineCachedResponse() { gHttpHandler->OnExamineCachedResponse(this); } void nsHttpChannel::UpdateAggregateCallbacks() { if (!mTransaction) { return; } nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> callbacks; NS_NewNotificationCallbacksAggregation(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, NS_GetCurrentThread(), getter_AddRefs(callbacks)); mTransaction->SetSecurityCallbacks(callbacks); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetLoadGroup(nsILoadGroup *aLoadGroup) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread."); nsresult rv = HttpBaseChannel::SetLoadGroup(aLoadGroup); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { UpdateAggregateCallbacks(); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SetNotificationCallbacks(nsIInterfaceRequestor *aCallbacks) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread(), "Wrong thread."); nsresult rv = HttpBaseChannel::SetNotificationCallbacks(aCallbacks); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { UpdateAggregateCallbacks(); } return rv; } void nsHttpChannel::MarkIntercepted() { mInterceptCache = INTERCEPTED; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::GetResponseSynthesized(bool* aSynthesized) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aSynthesized); *aSynthesized = (mInterceptCache == INTERCEPTED); return NS_OK; } bool nsHttpChannel::AwaitingCacheCallbacks() { return mCacheEntriesToWaitFor != 0; } void nsHttpChannel::SetPushedStream(Http2PushedStream *stream) { MOZ_ASSERT(stream); MOZ_ASSERT(!mPushedStream); mPushedStream = stream; } nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnPush(const nsACString &url, Http2PushedStream *pushedStream) { MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread()); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnPush [this=%p]\n", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(mCaps & NS_HTTP_ONPUSH_LISTENER); nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpPushListener> pushListener; NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(mCallbacks, mLoadGroup, NS_GET_IID(nsIHttpPushListener), getter_AddRefs(pushListener)); MOZ_ASSERT(pushListener); if (!pushListener) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::OnPush [this=%p] notification callbacks do not " "implement nsIHttpPushListener\n", this)); return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> pushResource; nsresult rv; // Create a Channel for the Push Resource rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(pushResource), url); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService; rv = gHttpHandler->GetIOService(getter_AddRefs(ioService)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> pushChannel; rv = NS_NewChannelInternal(getter_AddRefs(pushChannel), pushResource, mLoadInfo, nullptr, // aLoadGroup nullptr, // aCallbacks nsIRequest::LOAD_NORMAL, ioService); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> pushHttpChannel = do_QueryInterface(pushChannel); MOZ_ASSERT(pushHttpChannel); if (!pushHttpChannel) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } RefPtr<nsHttpChannel> channel; CallQueryInterface(pushHttpChannel, channel.StartAssignment()); MOZ_ASSERT(channel); if (!channel) { return NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED; } // new channel needs mrqeuesthead and headers from pushedStream channel->mRequestHead.ParseHeaderSet( pushedStream->GetRequestString().BeginWriting()); channel->mLoadGroup = mLoadGroup; channel->mLoadInfo = mLoadInfo; channel->mCallbacks = mCallbacks; // Link the pushed stream with the new channel and call listener channel->SetPushedStream(pushedStream); rv = pushListener->OnPush(this, pushHttpChannel); return rv; } // static bool nsHttpChannel::IsRedirectStatus(uint32_t status) { // 305 disabled as a security measure (see bug 187996). return status == 300 || status == 301 || status == 302 || status == 303 || status == 307 || status == 308; } void nsHttpChannel::SetCouldBeSynthesized() { MOZ_ASSERT(!BypassServiceWorker()); mResponseCouldBeSynthesized = true; } void nsHttpChannel::SetConnectionInfo(nsHttpConnectionInfo *aCI) { mConnectionInfo = aCI ? aCI->Clone() : nullptr; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnPreflightSucceeded() { MOZ_ASSERT(mRequireCORSPreflight, "Why did a preflight happen?"); mIsCorsPreflightDone = 1; mPreflightChannel = nullptr; return ContinueConnect(); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::OnPreflightFailed(nsresult aError) { MOZ_ASSERT(mRequireCORSPreflight, "Why did a preflight happen?"); mIsCorsPreflightDone = 1; mPreflightChannel = nullptr; CloseCacheEntry(false); AsyncAbort(aError); return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsIHstsPrimingCallback functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * May be invoked synchronously if HSTS priming has already been performed * for the host. */ nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnHSTSPrimingSucceeded(bool aCached) { if (nsMixedContentBlocker::sUseHSTS) { // redirect the channel to HTTPS if the pref // "security.mixed_content.use_hsts" is true LOG(("HSTS Priming succeeded, redirecting to HTTPS [this=%p]", this)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, (aCached) ? HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_CACHED_DO_UPGRADE : HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_SUCCEEDED); return AsyncCall(&nsHttpChannel::HandleAsyncRedirectChannelToHttps); } // If "security.mixed_content.use_hsts" is false, record the result of // HSTS priming and block or proceed with the load as required by // mixed-content blocking bool wouldBlock = mLoadInfo->GetMixedContentWouldBlock(); // preserve the mixed-content-before-hsts order and block if required if (wouldBlock) { LOG(("HSTS Priming succeeded, blocking for mixed-content [this=%p]", this)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_SUCCEEDED_BLOCK); CloseCacheEntry(false); return AsyncAbort(NS_ERROR_CONTENT_BLOCKED); } LOG(("HSTS Priming succeeded, loading insecure: [this=%p]", this)); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_SUCCEEDED_HTTP); nsresult rv = ContinueConnect(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); return AsyncAbort(rv); } return NS_OK; } /* * May be invoked synchronously if HSTS priming has already been performed * for the host. */ nsresult nsHttpChannel::OnHSTSPrimingFailed(nsresult aError, bool aCached) { bool wouldBlock = mLoadInfo->GetMixedContentWouldBlock(); LOG(("HSTS Priming Failed [this=%p], %s the load", this, (wouldBlock) ? "blocking" : "allowing")); if (aCached) { // Between the time we marked for priming and started the priming request, // the host was found to not allow the upgrade, probably from another // priming request. Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, (wouldBlock) ? HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_CACHED_BLOCK : HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_CACHED_NO_UPGRADE); } else { // A priming request was sent, and no HSTS header was found that allows // the upgrade. Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::MIXED_CONTENT_HSTS_PRIMING_RESULT, (wouldBlock) ? HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_FAILED_BLOCK : HSTSPrimingResult::eHSTS_PRIMING_FAILED_ACCEPT); } // Don't visit again for at least // security.mixed_content.hsts_priming_cache_timeout seconds. nsISiteSecurityService* sss = gHttpHandler->GetSSService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(sss, NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY); nsresult rv = sss->CacheNegativeHSTSResult(mURI, nsMixedContentBlocker::sHSTSPrimingCacheTimeout); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { NS_ERROR("nsISiteSecurityService::CacheNegativeHSTSResult failed"); } // If we would block, go ahead and abort with the error provided if (wouldBlock) { CloseCacheEntry(false); return AsyncAbort(aError); } // we can continue the load and the UI has been updated as mixed content rv = ContinueConnect(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { CloseCacheEntry(false); return AsyncAbort(rv); } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // AChannelHasDivertableParentChannelAsListener internal functions //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::MessageDiversionStarted(ADivertableParentChannel *aParentChannel) { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::MessageDiversionStarted [this=%p]", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(!mParentChannel); mParentChannel = aParentChannel; // If the channel is suspended, propagate that info to the parent's mEventQ. uint32_t suspendCount = mSuspendCount; while (suspendCount--) { mParentChannel->SuspendMessageDiversion(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::MessageDiversionStop() { LOG(("nsHttpChannel::MessageDiversionStop [this=%p]", this)); MOZ_ASSERT(mParentChannel); mParentChannel = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::SuspendInternal() { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mIsPending, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::SuspendInternal [this=%p]\n", this)); ++mSuspendCount; nsresult rvTransaction = NS_OK; if (mTransactionPump) { rvTransaction = mTransactionPump->Suspend(); } nsresult rvCache = NS_OK; if (mCachePump) { rvCache = mCachePump->Suspend(); } return NS_FAILED(rvTransaction) ? rvTransaction : rvCache; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpChannel::ResumeInternal() { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mSuspendCount > 0, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); LOG(("nsHttpChannel::ResumeInternal [this=%p]\n", this)); if (--mSuspendCount == 0 && mCallOnResume) { // Resume the interrupted procedure first, then resume // the pump to continue process the input stream. RefPtr<nsRunnableMethod<nsHttpChannel>> callOnResume= NewRunnableMethod(this, mCallOnResume); // Should not resume pump that created after resumption. RefPtr<nsInputStreamPump> transactionPump = mTransactionPump; RefPtr<nsInputStreamPump> cachePump = mCachePump; nsresult rv = NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NS_NewRunnableFunction( [callOnResume, transactionPump, cachePump]() { callOnResume->Run(); if (transactionPump) { transactionPump->Resume(); } if (cachePump) { cachePump->Resume(); } }) ); mCallOnResume = nullptr; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return rv; } nsresult rvTransaction = NS_OK; if (mTransactionPump) { rvTransaction = mTransactionPump->Resume(); } nsresult rvCache = NS_OK; if (mCachePump) { rvCache = mCachePump->Resume(); } return NS_FAILED(rvTransaction) ? rvTransaction : rvCache; } void nsHttpChannel::MaybeWarnAboutAppCache() { // First, accumulate a telemetry ping about appcache usage. Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_OFFLINE_CACHE_DOCUMENT_LOAD, true); // Then, issue a deprecation warning. nsCOMPtr<nsIDeprecationWarner> warner; GetCallback(warner); if (warner) { warner->IssueWarning(nsIDocument::eAppCache, false); } } void nsHttpChannel::SetLoadGroupUserAgentOverride() { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; GetURI(getter_AddRefs(uri)); nsAutoCString uriScheme; if (uri) { uri->GetScheme(uriScheme); } // We don't need a UA for file: protocols. if (uriScheme.EqualsLiteral("file")) { gHttpHandler->OnUserAgentRequest(this); return; } nsIRequestContextService* rcsvc = gHttpHandler->GetRequestContextService(); nsCOMPtr<nsIRequestContext> rc; if (rcsvc) { rcsvc->GetRequestContext(mRequestContextID, getter_AddRefs(rc)); } nsAutoCString ua; if (nsContentUtils::IsNonSubresourceRequest(this)) { gHttpHandler->OnUserAgentRequest(this); if (rc) { GetRequestHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("User-Agent"), ua); rc->SetUserAgentOverride(ua); } } else { GetRequestHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("User-Agent"), ua); // Don't overwrite the UA if it is already set (eg by an XHR with explicit UA). if (ua.IsEmpty()) { if (rc) { rc->GetUserAgentOverride(ua); SetRequestHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("User-Agent"), ua, false); } else { gHttpHandler->OnUserAgentRequest(this); } } } } void nsHttpChannel::SetDoNotTrack() { /** * 'DoNotTrack' header should be added if 'privacy.donottrackheader.enabled' * is true or tracking protection is enabled. See bug 1258033. */ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContext> loadContext; NS_QueryNotificationCallbacks(this, loadContext); if ((loadContext && loadContext->UseTrackingProtection()) || nsContentUtils::DoNotTrackEnabled()) { mRequestHead.SetHeader(nsHttp::DoNotTrack, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("1"), false); } } void nsHttpChannel::ReportNetVSCacheTelemetry() { nsresult rv; if (!mCacheEntry) { return; } // We only report telemetry if the entry is persistent (on disk) bool persistent; rv = mCacheEntry->GetPersistent(&persistent); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !persistent) { return; } nsXPIDLCString tmpStr; rv = mCacheEntry->GetMetaDataElement("net-response-time-onstart", getter_Copies(tmpStr)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } uint64_t onStartNetTime = tmpStr.ToInteger64(&rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } tmpStr.Truncate(); rv = mCacheEntry->GetMetaDataElement("net-response-time-onstop", getter_Copies(tmpStr)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } uint64_t onStopNetTime = tmpStr.ToInteger64(&rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } uint64_t onStartCacheTime = (mOnStartRequestTimestamp - mAsyncOpenTime).ToMilliseconds(); int64_t onStartDiff = onStartNetTime - onStartCacheTime; onStartDiff += 500; // We offset the difference by 500 ms to report positive values in telemetry uint64_t onStopCacheTime = (mCacheReadEnd - mAsyncOpenTime).ToMilliseconds(); int64_t onStopDiff = onStopNetTime - onStopCacheTime; onStopDiff += 500; // We offset the difference by 500 ms if (mDidReval) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_REVALIDATED, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_REVALIDATED, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_NOTREVALIDATED, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_NOTREVALIDATED, onStopDiff); } if (mDidReval) { // We don't report revalidated probes as the data would be skewed. return; } uint32_t diskStorageSizeK = 0; rv = mCacheEntry->GetDiskStorageSizeInKB(&diskStorageSizeK); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return; } nsAutoCString contentType; if (mResponseHead && mResponseHead->HasContentType()) { mResponseHead->ContentType(contentType); } bool isImage = StringBeginsWith(contentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/")); if (isImage) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_ISIMG, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_ISIMG, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_NOTIMG, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_NOTIMG, onStopDiff); } if (mCacheOpenWithPriority) { if (mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen < 5) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QSMALL_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QSMALL_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } else if (mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen < 10) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QMED_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QMED_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QBIG_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QBIG_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } } else { // The limits are higher for normal priority cache queues if (mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen < 10) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QSMALL_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QSMALL_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } else if (mCacheQueueSizeWhenOpen < 50) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QMED_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QMED_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_QBIG_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_QBIG_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } } if (diskStorageSizeK < 32) { if (mCacheOpenWithPriority) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_SMALL_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_SMALL_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_SMALL_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_SMALL_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } } else if (diskStorageSizeK < 256) { if (mCacheOpenWithPriority) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_MED_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_MED_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_MED_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_MED_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } } else { if (mCacheOpenWithPriority) { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_LARGE_HIGHPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_LARGE_HIGHPRI, onStopDiff); } else { Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTART_LARGE_NORMALPRI, onStartDiff); Telemetry::Accumulate(Telemetry::HTTP_NET_VS_CACHE_ONSTOP_LARGE_NORMALPRI, onStopDiff); } } } } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla