/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // HttpLog.h should generally be included first #include "HttpLog.h" #include "nsHttpAuthCache.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "mozIApplicationClearPrivateDataParams.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/DebugOnly.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" namespace mozilla { namespace net { static inline void GetAuthKey(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, nsACString const &originSuffix, nsCString &key) { key.Truncate(); key.Append(originSuffix); key.Append(':'); key.Append(scheme); key.AppendLiteral("://"); key.Append(host); key.Append(':'); key.AppendInt(port); } // return true if the two strings are equal or both empty. an empty string // is either null or zero length. static bool StrEquivalent(const char16_t *a, const char16_t *b) { static const char16_t emptyStr[] = {0}; if (!a) a = emptyStr; if (!b) b = emptyStr; return nsCRT::strcmp(a, b) == 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpAuthCache <public> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpAuthCache::nsHttpAuthCache() : mDB(nullptr) , mObserver(new OriginClearObserver(this)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obsSvc = services::GetObserverService(); if (obsSvc) { obsSvc->AddObserver(mObserver, "clear-origin-attributes-data", false); } } nsHttpAuthCache::~nsHttpAuthCache() { if (mDB) ClearAll(); nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> obsSvc = services::GetObserverService(); if (obsSvc) { obsSvc->RemoveObserver(mObserver, "clear-origin-attributes-data"); mObserver->mOwner = nullptr; } } nsresult nsHttpAuthCache::Init() { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(!mDB, NS_ERROR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED); LOG(("nsHttpAuthCache::Init\n")); mDB = PL_NewHashTable(128, (PLHashFunction) PL_HashString, (PLHashComparator) PL_CompareStrings, (PLHashComparator) 0, &gHashAllocOps, this); if (!mDB) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpAuthCache::GetAuthEntryForPath(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *path, nsACString const &originSuffix, nsHttpAuthEntry **entry) { LOG(("nsHttpAuthCache::GetAuthEntryForPath [key=%s://%s:%d path=%s]\n", scheme, host, port, path)); nsAutoCString key; nsHttpAuthNode *node = LookupAuthNode(scheme, host, port, originSuffix, key); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; *entry = node->LookupEntryByPath(path); return *entry ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsresult nsHttpAuthCache::GetAuthEntryForDomain(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *realm, nsACString const &originSuffix, nsHttpAuthEntry **entry) { LOG(("nsHttpAuthCache::GetAuthEntryForDomain [key=%s://%s:%d realm=%s]\n", scheme, host, port, realm)); nsAutoCString key; nsHttpAuthNode *node = LookupAuthNode(scheme, host, port, originSuffix, key); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; *entry = node->LookupEntryByRealm(realm); return *entry ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } nsresult nsHttpAuthCache::SetAuthEntry(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *path, const char *realm, const char *creds, const char *challenge, nsACString const &originSuffix, const nsHttpAuthIdentity *ident, nsISupports *metadata) { nsresult rv; LOG(("nsHttpAuthCache::SetAuthEntry [key=%s://%s:%d realm=%s path=%s metadata=%x]\n", scheme, host, port, realm, path, metadata)); if (!mDB) { rv = Init(); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; } nsAutoCString key; nsHttpAuthNode *node = LookupAuthNode(scheme, host, port, originSuffix, key); if (!node) { // create a new entry node and set the given entry node = new nsHttpAuthNode(); if (!node) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; rv = node->SetAuthEntry(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) delete node; else PL_HashTableAdd(mDB, strdup(key.get()), node); return rv; } return node->SetAuthEntry(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata); } void nsHttpAuthCache::ClearAuthEntry(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, const char *realm, nsACString const &originSuffix) { if (!mDB) return; nsAutoCString key; GetAuthKey(scheme, host, port, originSuffix, key); PL_HashTableRemove(mDB, key.get()); } nsresult nsHttpAuthCache::ClearAll() { LOG(("nsHttpAuthCache::ClearAll\n")); if (mDB) { PL_HashTableDestroy(mDB); mDB = 0; } return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpAuthCache <private> //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpAuthNode * nsHttpAuthCache::LookupAuthNode(const char *scheme, const char *host, int32_t port, nsACString const &originSuffix, nsCString &key) { if (!mDB) return nullptr; GetAuthKey(scheme, host, port, originSuffix, key); return (nsHttpAuthNode *) PL_HashTableLookup(mDB, key.get()); } void * nsHttpAuthCache::AllocTable(void *self, size_t size) { return malloc(size); } void nsHttpAuthCache::FreeTable(void *self, void *item) { free(item); } PLHashEntry * nsHttpAuthCache::AllocEntry(void *self, const void *key) { return (PLHashEntry *) malloc(sizeof(PLHashEntry)); } void nsHttpAuthCache::FreeEntry(void *self, PLHashEntry *he, unsigned flag) { if (flag == HT_FREE_VALUE) { // this would only happen if PL_HashTableAdd were to replace an // existing entry in the hash table, but we _always_ do a lookup // before adding a new entry to avoid this case. NS_NOTREACHED("should never happen"); } else if (flag == HT_FREE_ENTRY) { // three wonderful flavors of freeing memory ;-) delete (nsHttpAuthNode *) he->value; free((char *) he->key); free(he); } } PLHashAllocOps nsHttpAuthCache::gHashAllocOps = { nsHttpAuthCache::AllocTable, nsHttpAuthCache::FreeTable, nsHttpAuthCache::AllocEntry, nsHttpAuthCache::FreeEntry }; NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver, nsIObserver) NS_IMETHODIMP nsHttpAuthCache::OriginClearObserver::Observe(nsISupports *subject, const char * topic, const char16_t * data_unicode) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mOwner, NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); OriginAttributesPattern pattern; if (!pattern.Init(nsDependentString(data_unicode))) { NS_ERROR("Cannot parse origin attributes pattern"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } mOwner->ClearOriginData(pattern); return NS_OK; } static int RemoveEntriesForPattern(PLHashEntry *entry, int32_t number, void *arg) { nsDependentCString key(static_cast<const char*>(entry->key)); // Extract the origin attributes suffix from the key. int32_t colon = key.Find(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(":")); MOZ_ASSERT(colon != kNotFound); nsDependentCSubstring oaSuffix; oaSuffix.Rebind(key.BeginReading(), colon); // Build the NeckoOriginAttributes object of it... NeckoOriginAttributes oa; DebugOnly<bool> rv = oa.PopulateFromSuffix(oaSuffix); MOZ_ASSERT(rv); // ...and match it against the given pattern. OriginAttributesPattern const *pattern = static_cast<OriginAttributesPattern const*>(arg); if (pattern->Matches(oa)) { return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT | HT_ENUMERATE_REMOVE; } return HT_ENUMERATE_NEXT; } void nsHttpAuthCache::ClearOriginData(OriginAttributesPattern const &pattern) { if (!mDB) { return; } PL_HashTableEnumerateEntries(mDB, RemoveEntriesForPattern, (void*)&pattern); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpAuthIdentity //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsresult nsHttpAuthIdentity::Set(const char16_t *domain, const char16_t *user, const char16_t *pass) { char16_t *newUser, *newPass, *newDomain; int domainLen = domain ? NS_strlen(domain) : 0; int userLen = user ? NS_strlen(user) : 0; int passLen = pass ? NS_strlen(pass) : 0; int len = userLen + 1 + passLen + 1 + domainLen + 1; newUser = (char16_t *) malloc(len * sizeof(char16_t)); if (!newUser) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (user) memcpy(newUser, user, userLen * sizeof(char16_t)); newUser[userLen] = 0; newPass = &newUser[userLen + 1]; if (pass) memcpy(newPass, pass, passLen * sizeof(char16_t)); newPass[passLen] = 0; newDomain = &newPass[passLen + 1]; if (domain) memcpy(newDomain, domain, domainLen * sizeof(char16_t)); newDomain[domainLen] = 0; // wait until the end to clear member vars in case input params // reference our members! if (mUser) free(mUser); mUser = newUser; mPass = newPass; mDomain = newDomain; return NS_OK; } void nsHttpAuthIdentity::Clear() { if (mUser) { free(mUser); mUser = nullptr; mPass = nullptr; mDomain = nullptr; } } bool nsHttpAuthIdentity::Equals(const nsHttpAuthIdentity &ident) const { // we could probably optimize this with a single loop, but why bother? return StrEquivalent(mUser, ident.mUser) && StrEquivalent(mPass, ident.mPass) && StrEquivalent(mDomain, ident.mDomain); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpAuthEntry //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpAuthEntry::~nsHttpAuthEntry() { if (mRealm) free(mRealm); while (mRoot) { nsHttpAuthPath *ap = mRoot; mRoot = mRoot->mNext; free(ap); } } nsresult nsHttpAuthEntry::AddPath(const char *aPath) { // null path matches empty path if (!aPath) aPath = ""; nsHttpAuthPath *tempPtr = mRoot; while (tempPtr) { const char *curpath = tempPtr->mPath; if (strncmp(aPath, curpath, strlen(curpath)) == 0) return NS_OK; // subpath already exists in the list tempPtr = tempPtr->mNext; } //Append the aPath nsHttpAuthPath *newAuthPath; int newpathLen = strlen(aPath); newAuthPath = (nsHttpAuthPath *) malloc(sizeof(nsHttpAuthPath) + newpathLen); if (!newAuthPath) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memcpy(newAuthPath->mPath, aPath, newpathLen+1); newAuthPath->mNext = nullptr; if (!mRoot) mRoot = newAuthPath; //first entry else mTail->mNext = newAuthPath; // Append newAuthPath //update the tail pointer. mTail = newAuthPath; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsHttpAuthEntry::Set(const char *path, const char *realm, const char *creds, const char *chall, const nsHttpAuthIdentity *ident, nsISupports *metadata) { char *newRealm, *newCreds, *newChall; int realmLen = realm ? strlen(realm) : 0; int credsLen = creds ? strlen(creds) : 0; int challLen = chall ? strlen(chall) : 0; int len = realmLen + 1 + credsLen + 1 + challLen + 1; newRealm = (char *) malloc(len); if (!newRealm) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; if (realm) memcpy(newRealm, realm, realmLen); newRealm[realmLen] = 0; newCreds = &newRealm[realmLen + 1]; if (creds) memcpy(newCreds, creds, credsLen); newCreds[credsLen] = 0; newChall = &newCreds[credsLen + 1]; if (chall) memcpy(newChall, chall, challLen); newChall[challLen] = 0; nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (ident) { rv = mIdent.Set(*ident); } else if (mIdent.IsEmpty()) { // If we are not given an identity and our cached identity has not been // initialized yet (so is currently empty), initialize it now by // filling it with nulls. We need to do that because consumers expect // that mIdent is initialized after this function returns. rv = mIdent.Set(nullptr, nullptr, nullptr); } if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { free(newRealm); return rv; } rv = AddPath(path); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { free(newRealm); return rv; } // wait until the end to clear member vars in case input params // reference our members! if (mRealm) free(mRealm); mRealm = newRealm; mCreds = newCreds; mChallenge = newChall; mMetaData = metadata; return NS_OK; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // nsHttpAuthNode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- nsHttpAuthNode::nsHttpAuthNode() { LOG(("Creating nsHttpAuthNode @%x\n", this)); } nsHttpAuthNode::~nsHttpAuthNode() { LOG(("Destroying nsHttpAuthNode @%x\n", this)); mList.Clear(); } nsHttpAuthEntry * nsHttpAuthNode::LookupEntryByPath(const char *path) { nsHttpAuthEntry *entry; // null path matches empty path if (!path) path = ""; // look for an entry that either matches or contains this directory. // ie. we'll give out credentials if the given directory is a sub- // directory of an existing entry. for (uint32_t i=0; i<mList.Length(); ++i) { entry = mList[i]; nsHttpAuthPath *authPath = entry->RootPath(); while (authPath) { const char *entryPath = authPath->mPath; // proxy auth entries have no path, so require exact match on // empty path string. if (entryPath[0] == '\0') { if (path[0] == '\0') return entry; } else if (strncmp(path, entryPath, strlen(entryPath)) == 0) return entry; authPath = authPath->mNext; } } return nullptr; } nsHttpAuthEntry * nsHttpAuthNode::LookupEntryByRealm(const char *realm) { nsHttpAuthEntry *entry; // null realm matches empty realm if (!realm) realm = ""; // look for an entry that matches this realm uint32_t i; for (i=0; i<mList.Length(); ++i) { entry = mList[i]; if (strcmp(realm, entry->Realm()) == 0) return entry; } return nullptr; } nsresult nsHttpAuthNode::SetAuthEntry(const char *path, const char *realm, const char *creds, const char *challenge, const nsHttpAuthIdentity *ident, nsISupports *metadata) { // look for an entry with a matching realm nsHttpAuthEntry *entry = LookupEntryByRealm(realm); if (!entry) { entry = new nsHttpAuthEntry(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata); if (!entry) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // We want the latest identity be at the begining of the list so that // the newest working credentials are sent first on new requests. // Changing a realm is sometimes used to "timeout" authrozization. mList.InsertElementAt(0, entry); } else { // update the entry... entry->Set(path, realm, creds, challenge, ident, metadata); } return NS_OK; } void nsHttpAuthNode::ClearAuthEntry(const char *realm) { nsHttpAuthEntry *entry = LookupEntryByRealm(realm); if (entry) { mList.RemoveElement(entry); // double search OK } } } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla