/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef __nsFtpConnectionThread__h_ #define __nsFtpConnectionThread__h_ #include "nsBaseContentStream.h" #include "nsString.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsIAsyncInputStream.h" #include "nsAutoPtr.h" #include "nsITransport.h" #include "mozilla/net/DNS.h" #include "nsFtpControlConnection.h" #include "nsIProtocolProxyCallback.h" // ftp server types #define FTP_GENERIC_TYPE 0 #define FTP_UNIX_TYPE 1 #define FTP_VMS_TYPE 8 #define FTP_NT_TYPE 9 #define FTP_OS2_TYPE 11 // ftp states typedef enum _FTP_STATE { /////////////////////// //// Internal states FTP_INIT, FTP_COMMAND_CONNECT, FTP_READ_BUF, FTP_ERROR, FTP_COMPLETE, /////////////////////// //// Command channel connection setup states FTP_S_USER, FTP_R_USER, FTP_S_PASS, FTP_R_PASS, FTP_S_SYST, FTP_R_SYST, FTP_S_ACCT, FTP_R_ACCT, FTP_S_TYPE, FTP_R_TYPE, FTP_S_CWD, FTP_R_CWD, FTP_S_SIZE, FTP_R_SIZE, FTP_S_MDTM, FTP_R_MDTM, FTP_S_REST, FTP_R_REST, FTP_S_RETR, FTP_R_RETR, FTP_S_STOR, FTP_R_STOR, FTP_S_LIST, FTP_R_LIST, FTP_S_PASV, FTP_R_PASV, FTP_S_PWD, FTP_R_PWD, FTP_S_FEAT, FTP_R_FEAT, FTP_S_OPTS, FTP_R_OPTS } FTP_STATE; // higher level ftp actions typedef enum _FTP_ACTION {GET, PUT} FTP_ACTION; class nsFtpChannel; class nsICancelable; class nsIProxyInfo; class nsIStreamListener; // The nsFtpState object is the content stream for the channel. It implements // nsIInputStreamCallback, so it can read data from the control connection. It // implements nsITransportEventSink so it can mix status events from both the // control connection and the data connection. class nsFtpState final : public nsBaseContentStream, public nsIInputStreamCallback, public nsITransportEventSink, public nsIRequestObserver, public nsFtpControlConnectionListener, public nsIProtocolProxyCallback { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED NS_DECL_NSIINPUTSTREAMCALLBACK NS_DECL_NSITRANSPORTEVENTSINK NS_DECL_NSIREQUESTOBSERVER NS_DECL_NSIPROTOCOLPROXYCALLBACK // Override input stream methods: NS_IMETHOD CloseWithStatus(nsresult status) override; NS_IMETHOD Available(uint64_t *result) override; NS_IMETHOD ReadSegments(nsWriteSegmentFun fun, void *closure, uint32_t count, uint32_t *result) override; // nsFtpControlConnectionListener methods: virtual void OnControlDataAvailable(const char *data, uint32_t dataLen) override; virtual void OnControlError(nsresult status) override; nsFtpState(); nsresult Init(nsFtpChannel *channel); protected: // Notification from nsBaseContentStream::AsyncWait virtual void OnCallbackPending() override; private: virtual ~nsFtpState(); /////////////////////////////////// // BEGIN: STATE METHODS nsresult S_user(); FTP_STATE R_user(); nsresult S_pass(); FTP_STATE R_pass(); nsresult S_syst(); FTP_STATE R_syst(); nsresult S_acct(); FTP_STATE R_acct(); nsresult S_type(); FTP_STATE R_type(); nsresult S_cwd(); FTP_STATE R_cwd(); nsresult S_size(); FTP_STATE R_size(); nsresult S_mdtm(); FTP_STATE R_mdtm(); nsresult S_list(); FTP_STATE R_list(); nsresult S_rest(); FTP_STATE R_rest(); nsresult S_retr(); FTP_STATE R_retr(); nsresult S_stor(); FTP_STATE R_stor(); nsresult S_pasv(); FTP_STATE R_pasv(); nsresult S_pwd(); FTP_STATE R_pwd(); nsresult S_feat(); FTP_STATE R_feat(); nsresult S_opts(); FTP_STATE R_opts(); // END: STATE METHODS /////////////////////////////////// // internal methods void MoveToNextState(FTP_STATE nextState); nsresult Process(); void KillControlConnection(); nsresult StopProcessing(); nsresult EstablishControlConnection(); nsresult SendFTPCommand(const nsCSubstring& command); void ConvertFilespecToVMS(nsCString& fileSpec); void ConvertDirspecToVMS(nsCString& fileSpec); void ConvertDirspecFromVMS(nsCString& fileSpec); nsresult BuildStreamConverter(nsIStreamListener** convertStreamListener); nsresult SetContentType(); /** * This method is called to kick-off the FTP state machine. mState is * reset to FTP_COMMAND_CONNECT, and the FTP state machine progresses from * there. This method is initially called (indirectly) from the channel's * AsyncOpen implementation. */ void Connect(); /////////////////////////////////// // Private members // ****** state machine vars FTP_STATE mState; // the current state FTP_STATE mNextState; // the next state bool mKeepRunning; // thread event loop boolean int32_t mResponseCode; // the last command response code nsCString mResponseMsg; // the last command response text // ****** channel/transport/stream vars RefPtr<nsFtpControlConnection> mControlConnection; // cacheable control connection (owns mCPipe) bool mReceivedControlData; bool mTryingCachedControl; // retrying the password bool mRETRFailed; // Did we already try a RETR and it failed? uint64_t mFileSize; nsCString mModTime; // ****** consumer vars RefPtr<nsFtpChannel> mChannel; // our owning FTP channel we pass through our events nsCOMPtr<nsIProxyInfo> mProxyInfo; // ****** connection cache vars int32_t mServerType; // What kind of server are we talking to // ****** protocol interpretation related state vars nsString mUsername; // username nsString mPassword; // password FTP_ACTION mAction; // the higher level action (GET/PUT) bool mAnonymous; // try connecting anonymous (default) bool mRetryPass; // retrying the password bool mStorReplyReceived; // FALSE if waiting for STOR // completion status from server nsresult mInternalError; // represents internal state errors bool mReconnectAndLoginAgain; bool mCacheConnection; // ****** URI vars int32_t mPort; // the port to connect to nsString mFilename; // url filename (if any) nsCString mPath; // the url's path nsCString mPwd; // login Path // ****** other vars nsCOMPtr<nsITransport> mDataTransport; nsCOMPtr<nsIAsyncInputStream> mDataStream; nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> mUploadRequest; bool mAddressChecked; bool mServerIsIPv6; bool mUseUTF8; mozilla::net::NetAddr mServerAddress; // ***** control read gvars nsresult mControlStatus; nsCString mControlReadCarryOverBuf; nsCString mSuppliedEntityID; nsCOMPtr<nsICancelable> mProxyRequest; bool mDeferredCallbackPending; // These members are used for network per-app metering (bug 855948) uint64_t mCountRecv; nsresult SaveNetworkStats(bool); void CountRecvBytes(uint64_t recvBytes) { mCountRecv += recvBytes; SaveNetworkStats(false); } }; #endif //__nsFtpConnectionThread__h_