/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef CacheObserver__h__ #define CacheObserver__h__ #include "nsIObserver.h" #include "nsIFile.h" #include "nsCOMPtr.h" #include "nsWeakReference.h" #include <algorithm> namespace mozilla { namespace net { class CacheObserver : public nsIObserver , public nsSupportsWeakReference { virtual ~CacheObserver() {} NS_DECL_THREADSAFE_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIOBSERVER static nsresult Init(); static nsresult Shutdown(); static CacheObserver* Self() { return sSelf; } // Access to preferences static bool UseNewCache(); static bool UseDiskCache() { return sUseDiskCache; } static bool UseMemoryCache() { return sUseMemoryCache; } static uint32_t MetadataMemoryLimit() // result in bytes. { return sMetadataMemoryLimit << 10; } static uint32_t MemoryCacheCapacity(); // result in bytes. static uint32_t DiskCacheCapacity() // result in bytes. { return sDiskCacheCapacity << 10; } static void SetDiskCacheCapacity(uint32_t); // parameter in bytes. static uint32_t DiskFreeSpaceSoftLimit() // result in bytes. { return sDiskFreeSpaceSoftLimit << 10; } static uint32_t DiskFreeSpaceHardLimit() // result in bytes. { return sDiskFreeSpaceHardLimit << 10; } static bool SmartCacheSizeEnabled() { return sSmartCacheSizeEnabled; } static uint32_t PreloadChunkCount() { return sPreloadChunkCount; } static uint32_t MaxMemoryEntrySize() // result in bytes. { return sMaxMemoryEntrySize << 10; } static uint32_t MaxDiskEntrySize() // result in bytes. { return sMaxDiskEntrySize << 10; } static uint32_t MaxDiskChunksMemoryUsage(bool aPriority) // result in bytes. { return aPriority ? sMaxDiskPriorityChunksMemoryUsage << 10 : sMaxDiskChunksMemoryUsage << 10; } static uint32_t CompressionLevel() { return sCompressionLevel; } static uint32_t HalfLifeSeconds() { return sHalfLifeHours * 60.0F * 60.0F; } static int32_t HalfLifeExperiment() { return sHalfLifeExperiment; } static bool ClearCacheOnShutdown() { return sSanitizeOnShutdown && sClearCacheOnShutdown; } static void ParentDirOverride(nsIFile ** aDir); static bool EntryIsTooBig(int64_t aSize, bool aUsingDisk); static uint32_t MaxShutdownIOLag() { return sMaxShutdownIOLag; } static bool IsPastShutdownIOLag(); static bool ShuttingDown() { return sShutdownDemandedTime != PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT; } private: static CacheObserver* sSelf; void StoreDiskCacheCapacity(); void AttachToPreferences(); static uint32_t sUseNewCache; static bool sUseMemoryCache; static bool sUseDiskCache; static uint32_t sMetadataMemoryLimit; static int32_t sMemoryCacheCapacity; static int32_t sAutoMemoryCacheCapacity; static Atomic<uint32_t, Relaxed> sDiskCacheCapacity; static uint32_t sDiskFreeSpaceSoftLimit; static uint32_t sDiskFreeSpaceHardLimit; static bool sSmartCacheSizeEnabled; static uint32_t sPreloadChunkCount; static int32_t sMaxMemoryEntrySize; static int32_t sMaxDiskEntrySize; static uint32_t sMaxDiskChunksMemoryUsage; static uint32_t sMaxDiskPriorityChunksMemoryUsage; static uint32_t sCompressionLevel; static float sHalfLifeHours; static int32_t sHalfLifeExperiment; static bool sSanitizeOnShutdown; static bool sClearCacheOnShutdown; static Atomic<uint32_t, Relaxed> sMaxShutdownIOLag; static Atomic<PRIntervalTime> sShutdownDemandedTime; // Non static properties, accessible via sSelf nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> mCacheParentDirectoryOverride; }; } // namespace net } // namespace mozilla #endif