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/* Windows-specific local file uri parsing */
#include "nsURLHelper.h"
#include "nsEscape.h"
#include "nsIFile.h"
#include <windows.h>

net_GetURLSpecFromActualFile(nsIFile *aFile, nsACString &result)
    nsresult rv;
    nsAutoString path;
    // construct URL spec from file path
    rv = aFile->GetPath(path);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
    // Replace \ with / to convert to an url
    path.ReplaceChar(char16_t(0x5Cu), char16_t(0x2Fu));

    nsAutoCString escPath;

    // Windows Desktop paths begin with a drive letter, so need an 'extra'
    // slash at the begining
    // C:\Windows =>  file:///C:/Windows
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(prefix, "file:///");

    // Escape the path with the directory mask
    NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 ePath(path);
    if (NS_EscapeURL(ePath.get(), -1, esc_Directory+esc_Forced, escPath))
        escPath.Insert(prefix, 0);
        escPath.Assign(prefix + ePath);

    // esc_Directory does not escape the semicolons, so if a filename 
    // contains semicolons we need to manually escape them.
    // This replacement should be removed in bug #473280
    escPath.ReplaceSubstring(";", "%3b");

    result = escPath;
    return NS_OK;

net_GetFileFromURLSpec(const nsACString &aURL, nsIFile **result)
    nsresult rv;

    if (aURL.Length() > (uint32_t) net_GetURLMaxLength()) {
        return NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> localFile(
            do_CreateInstance(NS_LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID, &rv));
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
        NS_ERROR("Only nsIFile supported right now");
        return rv;


    const nsACString *specPtr;

    nsAutoCString buf;
    if (net_NormalizeFileURL(aURL, buf))
        specPtr = &buf;
        specPtr = &aURL;
    nsAutoCString directory, fileBaseName, fileExtension;
    rv = net_ParseFileURL(*specPtr, directory, fileBaseName, fileExtension);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    nsAutoCString path;

    if (!directory.IsEmpty()) {
        NS_EscapeURL(directory, esc_Directory|esc_AlwaysCopy, path);
        if (path.Length() > 2 && path.CharAt(2) == '|')
            path.SetCharAt(':', 2);
        path.ReplaceChar('/', '\\');
    if (!fileBaseName.IsEmpty())
        NS_EscapeURL(fileBaseName, esc_FileBaseName|esc_AlwaysCopy, path);
    if (!fileExtension.IsEmpty()) {
        path += '.';
        NS_EscapeURL(fileExtension, esc_FileExtension|esc_AlwaysCopy, path);
    if (path.Length() != strlen(path.get()))

    // remove leading '\'
    if (path.CharAt(0) == '\\')
        path.Cut(0, 1);

    if (IsUTF8(path))
        rv = localFile->InitWithPath(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(path));
        // XXX In rare cases, a valid UTF-8 string can be valid as a native 
        // encoding (e.g. 0xC5 0x83 is valid both as UTF-8 and Windows-125x).
        // However, the chance is very low that a meaningful word in a legacy
        // encoding is valid as UTF-8.
        // if path is not in UTF-8, assume it is encoded in the native charset
        rv = localFile->InitWithNativePath(path);

    if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;

    return NS_OK;