/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIPrincipal;
interface nsIURI;
interface nsIInterfaceRequestor;

[scriptable, uuid(d74a17ac-5b8a-4824-a309-b1f04a3c4aed)]
interface nsISpeculativeConnect : nsISupports
     * Called as a hint to indicate a new transaction for the URI is likely coming
     * soon. The implementer may use this information to start a TCP
     * and/or SSL level handshake for that resource immediately so that it is
     * ready and/or progressed when the transaction is actually submitted.
     * No obligation is taken on by the implementer, nor is the submitter obligated
     * to actually open the new channel. 
     * @param aURI the URI of the hinted transaction
     * @param aPrincipal the principal that will be used for opening the
     *        channel of the hinted transaction.
     * @param aCallbacks any security callbacks for use with SSL for interfaces
     *        such as nsIBadCertListener. May be null.
    void speculativeConnect(in nsIURI aURI,
                            in nsIInterfaceRequestor aCallbacks);

    void speculativeConnect2(in nsIURI aURI,
                             in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
                             in nsIInterfaceRequestor aCallbacks);

    void speculativeAnonymousConnect(in nsIURI aURI,
                                     in nsIInterfaceRequestor aCallbacks);

    void speculativeAnonymousConnect2(in nsIURI aURI,
                                      in nsIPrincipal aPrincipal,
                                      in nsIInterfaceRequestor aCallbacks);

 * This is used to override the default values for various values (documented
 * inline) to determine whether or not to actually make a speculative
 * connection.
[builtinclass, uuid(1040ebe3-6ed1-45a6-8587-995e082518d7)]
interface nsISpeculativeConnectionOverrider : nsISupports
     * Used to determine the maximum number of unused speculative connections
     * we will have open for a host at any one time
    [infallible] readonly attribute unsigned long parallelSpeculativeConnectLimit;

     * Used to determine if we will ignore the existence of any currently idle
     * connections when we decide whether or not to make a speculative
     * connection.
    [infallible] readonly attribute boolean ignoreIdle;

     * Used by the Predictor to gather telemetry data on speculative connection
     * usage.
    [infallible] readonly attribute boolean isFromPredictor;

     * by default speculative connections are not made to RFC 1918 addresses
    [infallible] readonly attribute boolean allow1918;