/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsIParentChannel.idl"

interface nsITabParent;
interface nsIChannel;
interface nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback;

 * Implemented by chrome side of IPC protocols that support redirect responses.

[scriptable, uuid(3ed1d288-5324-46ee-8a98-33ac37d1080b)]
interface nsIParentRedirectingChannel : nsIParentChannel
   * Called when the channel got a response that redirects it to a different
   * URI.  The implementation is responsible for calling the redirect observers
   * on the child process and provide the decision result to the callback.
   * @param newChannelId
   *    id of the redirect channel obtained from nsIRedirectChannelRegistrar.
   * @param newURI
   *    the URI we redirect to
   * @param callback
   *    redirect result callback, usage is compatible with how
   *    nsIChannelEventSink defines it
  void startRedirect(in uint32_t newChannelId,
                     in nsIChannel newChannel,
                     in uint32_t redirectFlags,
                     in nsIAsyncVerifyRedirectCallback callback);

   * Called after we are done with redirecting process and we know if to
   * redirect or not.  Forward the redirect result to the child process.  From
   * that moment the nsIParentChannel implementation expects it will be
   * forwarded all notifications from the 'real' channel.
   * Primarilly used by HttpChannelParentListener::OnRedirectResult and kept
   * as mActiveChannel and mRedirectChannel in that class.
  void completeRedirect(in boolean succeeded);