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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"

namespace mozilla {
namespace net {
class ADivertableParentChannel;

[ptr] native ADivertableParentChannelPtr(mozilla::net::ADivertableParentChannel);

/** When we are diverting messages from the child to the parent. The
 *  nsHttpChannel and nsFtpChannel must know that there is a ChannelParent to
 *  be able to suspend message delivery if the channel is suspended.
interface nsIChannelWithDivertableParentListener : nsISupports
   * Informs nsHttpChannel or nsFtpChannel that a ParentChannel starts
   * diverting messages. During this time all suspend/resume calls to the
   * channel must also suspend the ParentChannel by calling
   * SuspendMessageDiversion/ResumeMessageDiversion.
  void MessageDiversionStarted(in ADivertableParentChannelPtr aParentChannel);

   * The message diversion has finished the calls to
   * SuspendMessageDiversion/ResumeMessageDiversion are not necessary anymore.
  void MessageDiversionStop();

   * Internal versions of Suspend/Resume that suspend (or resume) the channel
   * but do not suspend the ParentChannel's IPDL message queue.
  void SuspendInternal();
  void ResumeInternal();