/* -*- Mode: idl; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

[scriptable, uuid(bd9dc0fa-68ce-47d0-8859-6418c2ae8576)]
interface nsIAuthPromptProvider : nsISupports
     * Normal (non-proxy) prompt request.
    const uint32_t PROMPT_NORMAL        = 0;

     * Proxy auth request.
    const uint32_t PROMPT_PROXY         = 1;

     * Request a prompt interface for the given prompt reason;
     * @throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE if no prompt is allowed or
     * available for the given reason.
     * @param aPromptReason   The reason for the auth prompt;
     *                        one of #PROMPT_NORMAL or #PROMPT_PROXY
     * @param iid             The desired interface, e.g.
     *                        NS_GET_IID(nsIAuthPrompt2).
     * @returns an nsIAuthPrompt2 interface, or throws NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE
    void getAuthPrompt(in uint32_t aPromptReason, in nsIIDRef iid,
                       [iid_is(iid),retval] out nsQIResult result);