/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* The prefs in this file are shipped with the GRE and should apply to all
* embedding situations. Application-specific preferences belong somewhere else,
* for example xpfe/bootstrap/browser-prefs.js
* Platform-specific #ifdefs at the end of this file override the generic
* entries at the top.
* - Dashes are delimiters; use underscores instead.
* - The first character after a period must be alphabetic.
* - Computed values (e.g. 50 * 1024) don't work.
pref("keyword.enabled", false);
pref("general.useragent.locale", "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties");
pref("general.useragent.compatMode.gecko", false);
pref("general.useragent.compatMode.firefox", false);
pref("general.useragent.compatMode.version", "68.9");
pref("general.useragent.appVersionIsBuildID", false);
// This pref exists only for testing purposes. In order to disable all
// overrides by default, don't initialize UserAgentOverrides.jsm.
pref("general.useragent.site_specific_overrides", true);
pref("general.config.obscure_value", 13); // for MCD .cfg files
pref("general.warnOnAboutConfig", true);
// maximum number of dated backups to keep at any time
pref("browser.bookmarks.max_backups", 5);
// Delete HTTP cache v1 data
pref("browser.cache.auto_delete_cache_version", 0);
// Preference for switching the cache backend, can be changed freely at runtime
// 0 - use the old (Darin's) cache
// 1 - use the new cache back-end (cache v2)
pref("browser.cache.backend", 1);
pref("browser.cache.disk.enable", true);
// Is this the first-time smartsizing has been introduced?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run", true);
// Does the user want smart-sizing?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.enabled", true);
// Which max value should we use for smart-sizing?
pref("browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max", true);
// Size (in KB) explicitly set by the user. Used when smart_size.enabled == false
pref("browser.cache.disk.capacity", 256000);
// When smartsizing is disabled we could potentially fill all disk space by
// cache data when the disk capacity is not set correctly. To avoid that we
// check the free space every time we write some data to the cache. The free
// space is checked against two limits. Once the soft limit is reached we start
// evicting the least useful entries, when we reach the hard limit writing to
// the entry fails.
pref("browser.cache.disk.free_space_soft_limit", 5120); // 5MB
pref("browser.cache.disk.free_space_hard_limit", 1024); // 1MB
// Max-size (in KB) for entries in disk cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
// (Note: entries bigger than 1/8 of disk-cache are never cached)
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_entry_size", 51200); // 50 MB
pref("browser.cache.memory.enable", true);
// -1 = determine dynamically, 0 = none, n = memory capacity in kilobytes
//pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity", -1);
// Max-size (in KB) for entries in memory cache. Set to -1 for no limit.
// (Note: entries bigger than than 90% of the mem-cache are never cached)
pref("browser.cache.memory.max_entry_size", 5120);
// Memory limit (in kB) for new cache data not yet written to disk. Writes to
// the cache are buffered and written to disk on background with low priority.
// With a slow persistent storage these buffers may grow when data is coming
// fast from the network. When the amount of unwritten data is exceeded, new
// writes will simply fail. We have two buckets, one for important data
// (priority) like html, css, fonts and js, and one for other data like images,
// video, etc.
// Note: 0 means no limit.
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_chunks_memory_usage", 10240);
pref("browser.cache.disk.max_priority_chunks_memory_usage", 10240);
pref("browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl", true);
// 0 = once-per-session, 1 = each-time, 2 = never, 3 = when-appropriate/automatically
pref("browser.cache.check_doc_frequency", 3);
// Limit of recent metadata we keep in memory for faster access, in Kb
pref("browser.cache.disk.metadata_memory_limit", 250); // 0.25 MB
// The number of chunks we preload ahead of read. One chunk has currently 256kB.
pref("browser.cache.disk.preload_chunk_count", 4); // 1 MB of read ahead
// The half life used to re-compute cache entries frecency in hours.
pref("browser.cache.frecency_half_life_hours", 6);
// Number of seconds the cache spends writting pending data and closing files
// after the shutdown has been signalled. Past that time data are never written
// and files are left open given up to the OS to do the cleanup.
pref("browser.cache.max_shutdown_io_lag", 2);
pref("browser.cache.offline.enable", true);
// enable offline apps by default, disable prompt
pref("offline-apps.allow_by_default", true);
// offline cache capacity in kilobytes
pref("browser.cache.offline.capacity", 512000);
// the user should be warned if offline app disk usage exceeds this amount
// (in kilobytes)
pref("offline-apps.quota.warn", 51200);
// zlib compression level used for cache compression:
// 0 => disable compression
// 1 => best speed
// 9 => best compression
// cache compression turned off for now - see bug #715198
pref("browser.cache.compression_level", 0);
// Don't show "Open with" option on download dialog if true.
pref("browser.download.forbid_open_with", false);
// Save download locations as a content preference
pref("browser.download.lastDir.savePerSite", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Save internet zone information on downloaded files:
// 0 => Never
// 1 => Always
// 2 => Use system setting
pref("browser.download.saveZoneInformation", 2);
// Whether or not testing features are enabled.
pref("dom.quotaManager.testing", false);
// Whether or not indexedDB experimental features are enabled.
pref("dom.indexedDB.experimental", false);
// Enable indexedDB logging.
pref("dom.indexedDB.logging.enabled", true);
// Detailed output in log messages.
pref("dom.indexedDB.logging.details", true);
// Enable profiler marks for indexedDB events.
pref("dom.indexedDB.logging.profiler-marks", false);
// Whether or not File Handle is enabled.
pref("dom.fileHandle.enabled", true);
// Whether window.onappinstalled from "W3C Web Manifest" is enabled
pref("dom.manifest.onappinstalled", false);
// Whether or not selection events are enabled
pref("dom.select_events.enabled", true);
// Whether or not selection events on text controls are enabled
pref("dom.select_events.textcontrols.enabled", true);
pref("dom.select_events.textcontrols.enabled", false);
// Whether or not the document visbility API is enabled
pref("dom.visibilityAPI.enabled", true);
// Whether or not Web Workers are enabled.
pref("dom.workers.enabled", true);
// The number of workers per domain allowed to run concurrently.
// We're going for effectively infinite, while preventing abuse.
pref("dom.workers.maxPerDomain", 512);
pref("dom.serviceWorkers.enabled", false);
// The amount of time (milliseconds) service workers keep running after each event.
pref("dom.serviceWorkers.idle_timeout", 30000);
// The amount of time (milliseconds) service workers can be kept running using waitUntil promises.
pref("dom.serviceWorkers.idle_extended_timeout", 300000);
// Enable test for 24 hours update, service workers will always treat last update check time is over 24 hours
pref("dom.serviceWorkers.testUpdateOverOneDay", false);
// Whether nonzero values can be returned from performance.timing.*
pref("dom.enable_performance", true);
// Whether resource timing will be gathered and returned by performance.GetEntries*
pref("dom.enable_resource_timing", true);
// Enable high-resolution timing markers for users
pref("dom.enable_user_timing", true);
// Whether performance.GetEntries* will contain an entry for the active document
pref("dom.enable_performance_navigation_timing", true);
// Enable printing performance marks/measures to log
pref("dom.performance.enable_user_timing_logging", false);
// Enable notification of performance timing
pref("dom.performance.enable_notify_performance_timing", false);
// Enable Permission API's .revoke() method
pref("dom.permissions.revoke.enable", false);
// Enable exposing timeToNonBlankPaint
pref("dom.performance.time_to_non_blank_paint.enabled", false);
// Enable Performance Observer API
pref("dom.enable_performance_observer", true);
pref("dom.enable_performance_observer", false);
// Enable requestIdleCallback API
pref("dom.requestIdleCallback.enabled", true);
// Enable Intersection Observers
// See WD https://www.w3.org/TR/intersection-observer/
pref("dom.intersectionObserver.enabled", true);
// Whether the Gamepad API is enabled
pref("dom.gamepad.enabled", true);
pref("dom.gamepad.test.enabled", false);
pref("dom.gamepad.non_standard_events.enabled", false);
pref("dom.gamepad.extensions.enabled", false);
// Whether the KeyboardEvent.code is enabled
pref("dom.keyboardevent.code.enabled", true);
// If this is true, TextEventDispatcher dispatches keydown and keyup events
// even during composition (keypress events are never fired during composition
// even if this is true).
pref("dom.keyboardevent.dispatch_during_composition", false);
// Whether URL,Location,Link::GetHash should be percent encoded
// in setter and percent decoded in getter (old behaviour = true)
pref("dom.url.encode_decode_hash", true);
// Whether ::GetHash should do percent decoding (old behaviour = true)
pref("dom.url.getters_decode_hash", false);
// Whether to run add-on code in different compartments from browser code. This
// causes a separate compartment for each (addon, global) combination, which may
// significantly increase the number of compartments in the system.
pref("dom.compartment_per_addon", true);
// Fastback caching - if this pref is negative, then we calculate the number
// of content viewers to cache based on the amount of available memory.
pref("browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers", -1);
// Whether to store 'about:newtab' in the session history, disabled by default.
// See https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/719
pref("browser.newtabpage.add_to_session_history", false);
pref("ui.use_native_colors", true);
pref("ui.click_hold_context_menus", false);
// Duration of timeout of incremental search in menus (ms). 0 means infinite.
pref("ui.menu.incremental_search.timeout", 1000);
// If true, all popups won't hide automatically on blur
pref("ui.popup.disable_autohide", false);
pref("browser.display.use_document_fonts", 1); // 0 = never, 1 = quick, 2 = always
// 0 = default: always, except in high contrast mode
// 1 = always
// 2 = never
pref("browser.display.document_color_use", 0);
pref("browser.display.use_system_colors", false);
pref("browser.display.foreground_color", "#000000");
pref("browser.display.background_color", "#FFFFFF");
pref("browser.display.force_inline_alttext", false); // true = force ALT text for missing images to be layed out inline
// 0 = no external leading,
// 1 = use external leading only when font provides,
// 2 = add extra leading both internal leading and external leading are zero
pref("browser.display.normal_lineheight_calc_control", 2);
// enable showing image placeholders while image is loading or when image is broken
pref("browser.display.show_image_placeholders", true);
// if browser.display.show_image_placeholders is true then this controls whether the loading image placeholder and border is shown or not
pref("browser.display.show_loading_image_placeholder", false);
// min font device pixel size at which to turn on high quality
pref("browser.display.auto_quality_min_font_size", 20);
// Background color for standalone images; leave empty to use default
// all CSS colors available: named colors, rgb(..), #rrggbb, ...
pref("browser.display.standalone_images.background_color", "");
pref("browser.anchor_color", "#0000EE");
pref("browser.active_color", "#EE0000");
pref("browser.visited_color", "#551A8B");
pref("browser.underline_anchors", true);
pref("browser.enable_automatic_image_resizing", false);
pref("browser.enable_click_image_resizing", true);
// See http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/forms.html#attr-fe-autofocus
pref("browser.autofocus", true);
// See http://whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#ping
pref("browser.send_pings", false);
pref("browser.send_pings.max_per_link", 1); // limit the number of pings that are sent per link click
pref("browser.send_pings.require_same_host", false); // only send pings to the same host if this is true
pref("browser.display.use_focus_colors", false);
pref("browser.display.focus_background_color", "#117722");
pref("browser.display.focus_text_color", "#ffffff");
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_width", 1);
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_on_anything", false);
// focus ring border style.
// 0 = solid border, 1 = dotted border
pref("browser.display.focus_ring_style", 1);
pref("browser.helperApps.alwaysAsk.force", false);
pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.saveToDisk", "");
pref("browser.helperApps.neverAsk.openFile", "");
pref("browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit", false);
// xxxbsmedberg: where should prefs for the toolkit go?
pref("browser.chrome.toolbar_tips", true);
// 0 = Pictures Only, 1 = Text Only, 2 = Pictures and Text
pref("browser.chrome.toolbar_style", 2);
// max image size for which it is placed in the tab icon for tabbrowser.
// if 0, no images are used for tab icons for image documents.
pref("browser.chrome.image_icons.max_size", 1024);
pref("browser.triple_click_selects_paragraph", true);
// Print/Preview Shrink-To-Fit won't shrink below 20% for text-ish documents.
pref("print.shrink-to-fit.scale-limit-percent", 20);
// Whether we should display simplify page checkbox on print preview UI
pref("print.use_simplify_page", false);
// Disable support for MathML
pref("mathml.disabled", false);
// Enable scale transform for stretchy MathML operators. See bug 414277.
pref("mathml.scale_stretchy_operators.enabled", true);
// Enabled on nightly only until we fix mochitest failures.
pref("media.dormant-on-pause-timeout-ms", 5000);
pref("media.dormant-on-pause-timeout-ms", -1);
// Media cache size in kilobytes
pref("media.cache_size", 512000);
// When a network connection is suspended, don't resume it until the
// amount of buffered data falls below this threshold (in seconds).
pref("media.cache_resume_threshold", 999999);
// Stop reading ahead when our buffered data is this many seconds ahead
// of the current playback position. This limit can stop us from using arbitrary
// amounts of network bandwidth prefetching huge videos.
pref("media.cache_readahead_limit", 999999);
// Master HTML5 media volume scale.
pref("media.volume_scale", "1.0");
// Timeout for wakelock release
pref("media.wakelock_timeout", 2000);
// Whether we should play videos opened in a "video document", i.e. videos
// opened as top-level documents, as opposed to inside a media element.
pref("media.play-stand-alone", true);
pref("media.hardware-video-decoding.enabled", true);
pref("media.hardware-video-decoding.force-enabled", false);
#ifdef MOZ_FMP4
pref("media.mp4.enabled", true);
// Specifies whether the PDMFactory can create a test decoder that
// just outputs blank frames/audio instead of actually decoding. The blank
// decoder works on all platforms.
pref("media.use-blank-decoder", false);
#ifdef MOZ_WMF
pref("media.wmf.enabled", true);
pref("media.wmf.decoder.thread-count", -1);
pref("media.wmf.low-latency.enabled", false);
pref("media.wmf.skip-blacklist", false);
pref("media.wmf.vp9.enabled", true);
pref("media.wmf.vp9.enabled", false);
pref("media.windows-media-foundation.allow-d3d11-dxva", true);
pref("media.wmf.disable-d3d11-for-dlls", "igd11dxva64.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,,,; igd10iumd32.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; igd10umd32.dll:,,,,,,,; igd10umd64.dll:,,; isonyvideoprocessor.dll: 4.1.2247.8090, 4.1.2153.6200; tosqep.dll:,,,,; tosqep64.dll:,; nvwgf2um.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; atidxx32.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,; atidxx64.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,; nvumdshim.dll:");
pref("media.wmf.disable-d3d9-for-dlls", "igdumd64.dll:,,,, 8.771.1.0; atiumd64.dll:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,");
#if defined(MOZ_FFMPEG)
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("media.ffmpeg.enabled", false);
pref("media.ffmpeg.enabled", true);
pref("media.libavcodec.allow-obsolete", false);
#if defined(MOZ_FFVPX)
pref("media.ffvpx.enabled", true);
pref("media.gmp.decoder.enabled", false);
pref("media.gmp.decoder.aac", 0);
pref("media.gmp.decoder.h264", 0);
#ifdef MOZ_RAW
pref("media.raw.enabled", true);
pref("media.ogg.enabled", true);
pref("media.opus.enabled", true);
pref("media.wave.enabled", true);
pref("media.webm.enabled", true);
pref("media.mp3.enabled", true);
pref("media.apple.mp3.enabled", true);
pref("media.apple.mp4.enabled", true);
// GMP storage version number. At startup we check the version against
// media.gmp.storage.version.observed, and if the versions don't match,
// we clear storage and set media.gmp.storage.version.observed=expected.
// This provides a mechanism to clear GMP storage when non-compatible
// changes are made.
pref("media.gmp.storage.version.expected", 1);
// Filter what triggers user notifications.
// See DecoderDoctorDocumentWatcher::ReportAnalysis for details.
pref("media.decoder-doctor.notifications-allowed", "MediaWMFNeeded,MediaWidevineNoWMFNoSilverlight,MediaCannotInitializePulseAudio,MediaCannotPlayNoDecoders,MediaUnsupportedLibavcodec");
// Whether we report partial failures.
pref("media.decoder-doctor.verbose", false);
// Whether DD should consider WMF-disabled a WMF failure, useful for testing.
pref("media.decoder-doctor.wmf-disabled-is-failure", false);
// Whether to suspend decoding of videos in background tabs.
pref("media.suspend-bkgnd-video.enabled", true);
pref("media.suspend-bkgnd-video.enabled", false);
// Delay, in ms, from time window goes to background to suspending
// video decoders. Defaults to 10 seconds.
pref("media.suspend-bkgnd-video.delay-ms", 10000);
pref("media.navigator.enabled", true);
pref("media.navigator.video.enabled", true);
pref("media.navigator.load_adapt", true);
pref("media.navigator.load_adapt.encoder_only", true);
pref("media.navigator.video.use_remb", true);
pref("media.navigator.video.use_tmmbr", false);
pref("media.navigator.audio.use_fec", true);
pref("media.navigator.video.red_ulpfec_enabled", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.dtmf.enabled", true);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.trace_mask", 0);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.multi_log", false);
pref("media.webrtc.debug.aec_log_dir", "");
pref("media.webrtc.debug.log_file", "");
pref("media.webrtc.debug.aec_dump_max_size", 4194304); // 4MB
pref("media.navigator.video.default_width",0); // adaptive default
pref("media.navigator.video.default_height",0); // adaptive default
pref("media.peerconnection.enabled", true);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.enabled", true);
pref("media.navigator.video.max_fs", 12288); // Enough for 2048x1536
pref("media.navigator.video.max_fr", 60);
pref("media.navigator.video.h264.level", 31); // 0x42E01f - level 3.1
pref("media.navigator.video.h264.max_br", 0);
pref("media.navigator.video.h264.max_mbps", 0);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.h264_enabled", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.vp9_enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec", 1);
pref("media.getusermedia.browser.enabled", true);
// Desktop is typically VGA capture or more; and qm_select will not drop resolution
// below 1/2 in each dimension (or so), so QVGA (320x200) is the lowest here usually.
pref("media.peerconnection.video.min_bitrate", 0);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.start_bitrate", 0);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.max_bitrate", 0);
pref("media.peerconnection.video.min_bitrate_estimate", 0);
pref("media.navigator.audio.fake_frequency", 1000);
pref("media.navigator.permission.disabled", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.simulcast", true);
pref("media.peerconnection.default_iceservers", "[]");
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.loopback", false); // Set only for testing in offline environments.
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.tcp", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.tcp_so_sock_count", 0); // Disable SO gathering
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.link_local", false); // Set only for testing IPV6 in networks that don't assign IPV6 addresses
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.force_interface", ""); // Limit to only a single interface
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.relay_only", false); // Limit candidates to TURN
pref("media.peerconnection.use_document_iceservers", true);
pref("media.peerconnection.identity.enabled", true);
pref("media.peerconnection.identity.timeout", 10000);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.stun_client_maximum_transmits", 7);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.trickle_grace_period", 5000);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.no_host", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.default_address_only", false);
pref("media.peerconnection.ice.proxy_only", false);
// These values (aec, agc, and noice) are from media/webrtc/trunk/webrtc/common_types.h
// kXxxUnchanged = 0, kXxxDefault = 1, and higher values are specific to each
// setting (for Xxx = Ec, Agc, or Ns). Defaults are all set to kXxxDefault here.
pref("media.peerconnection.turn.disable", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec_enabled", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.noise_enabled", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec_enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.noise_enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec_extended_filter", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.aec_delay_agnostic", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.noise", 1);
pref("media.getusermedia.agc_enabled", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.agc", 1);
// capture_delay: Adjustments for OS-specific input delay (lower bound)
// playout_delay: Adjustments for OS-specific AudioStream+cubeb+output delay (lower bound)
// full_duplex: enable cubeb full-duplex capture/playback
#if defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 10);
pref("media.navigator.audio.full_duplex", false);
#elif defined(XP_WIN)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 40);
pref("media.navigator.audio.full_duplex", false);
#elif defined(ANDROID)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 100);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 100);
pref("media.navigator.audio.full_duplex", false);
// Whether to enable Webrtc Hardware acceleration support
pref("media.navigator.hardware.vp8_encode.acceleration_enabled", false);
pref("media.navigator.hardware.vp8_decode.acceleration_enabled", false);
#elif defined(XP_LINUX)
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 70);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 50);
pref("media.navigator.audio.full_duplex", true);
// *BSD, others - merely a guess for now
pref("media.peerconnection.capture_delay", 50);
pref("media.getusermedia.playout_delay", 50);
pref("media.navigator.audio.full_duplex", false);
pref("dom.webaudio.enabled", true);
#if !defined(ANDROID)
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.enabled", true);
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.allowed_domains", "webex.com,*.webex.com,ciscospark.com,*.ciscospark.com,projectsquared.com,*.projectsquared.com,*.room.co,room.co,beta.talky.io,talky.io,*.clearslide.com,appear.in,*.appear.in,tokbox.com,*.tokbox.com,*.sso.francetelecom.fr,*.si.francetelecom.fr,*.sso.infra.ftgroup,*.multimedia-conference.orange-business.com,*.espacecollaboration.orange-business.com,free.gotomeeting.com,g2m.me,*.g2m.me,*.mypurecloud.com,*.mypurecloud.com.au,spreed.me,*.spreed.me,*.spreed.com,air.mozilla.org,*.circuit.com,*.yourcircuit.com,circuit.siemens.com,yourcircuit.siemens.com,circuitsandbox.net,*.unify.com,tandi.circuitsandbox.net,*.ericsson.net,*.cct.ericsson.net,*.opentok.com,*.conf.meetecho.com,meet.jit.si,*.meet.jit.si,web.stage.speakeasyapp.net,web.speakeasyapp.net,*.hipchat.me,*.beta-wspbx.com,*.wspbx.com,*.unifiedcloudit.com,*.smartboxuc.com,*.smartbox-uc.com,*.panterranetworks.com,pexipdemo.com,*.pexipdemo.com,pex.me,*.pex.me,*.rd.pexip.com,1click.io,*.1click.io,*.fuze.com,*.fuzemeeting.com,*.thinkingphones.com,gotomeeting.com,*.gotomeeting.com,gotowebinar.com,*.gotowebinar.com,gototraining.com,*.gototraining.com,citrix.com,*.citrix.com,expertcity.com,*.expertcity.com,citrixonline.com,*.citrixonline.com,g2m.me,*.g2m.me,gotomeet.me,*.gotomeet.me,gotomeet.at,*.gotomeet.at,miriadaxdes.miriadax.net,certificacion.miriadax.net,miriadax.net,*.wire.com,sylaps.com,*.sylaps.com,bluejeans.com,*.bluejeans.com,*.a.bluejeans.com,*.bbcollab.com");
// OS/X 10.6 has screen/window sharing off by default due to various issues - Caveat emptor
pref("media.getusermedia.screensharing.allow_on_old_platforms", false);
pref("media.getusermedia.audiocapture.enabled", false);
// TextTrack WebVTT Region extension support.
pref("media.webvtt.regions.enabled", false);
// AudioTrack and VideoTrack support
pref("media.track.enabled", false);
// Whether to enable MediaSource support.
pref("media.mediasource.enabled", true);
pref("media.mediasource.mp4.enabled", true);
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX) || defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
pref("media.mediasource.webm.enabled", false);
pref("media.mediasource.webm.enabled", true);
pref("media.mediasource.webm.audio.enabled", true);
#ifdef MOZ_AV1
pref("media.av1.enabled", false);
// Use new MediaFormatReader architecture for plain ogg.
pref("media.flac.enabled", true);
pref("media.ogg.flac.enabled", true);
pref("media.benchmark.vp9.threshold", 150);
pref("media.benchmark.frames", 300);
pref("media.benchmark.timeout", 1000);
pref("media.webspeech.recognition.enable", false);
pref("media.webspeech.synth.enabled", false);
pref("media.encoder.webm.enabled", true);
// Whether to autostart a media element with an |autoplay| attribute
pref("media.autoplay.enabled", true);
// The default number of decoded video frames that are enqueued in
// MediaDecoderReader's mVideoQueue.
pref("media.video-queue.default-size", 10);
// The maximum number of queued frames to send to the compositor.
// By default, send all of them.
pref("media.video-queue.send-to-compositor-size", 9999);
// Whether to disable the video stats to prevent fingerprinting
pref("media.video_stats.enabled", true);
// Weather we allow AMD switchable graphics
pref("layers.amd-switchable-gfx.enabled", true);
// Whether to use async panning and zooming
pref("layers.async-pan-zoom.enabled", true);
// Whether to enable event region building during painting
pref("layout.event-regions.enabled", false);
// APZ preferences. For documentation/details on what these prefs do, check
// gfx/layers/apz/src/AsyncPanZoomController.cpp.
pref("apz.allow_checkerboarding", true);
pref("apz.allow_immediate_handoff", true);
pref("apz.allow_zooming", false);
// Whether to lock touch scrolling to one axis at a time
// 0 = FREE (No locking at all)
// 1 = STANDARD (Once locked, remain locked until scrolling ends)
// 2 = STICKY (Allow lock to be broken, with hysteresis)
pref("apz.axis_lock.mode", 0);
pref("apz.axis_lock.lock_angle", "0.5235987"); // PI / 6 (30 degrees)
pref("apz.axis_lock.breakout_threshold", "0.03125"); // 1/32 inches
pref("apz.axis_lock.breakout_angle", "0.3926991"); // PI / 8 (22.5 degrees)
pref("apz.axis_lock.direct_pan_angle", "1.047197"); // PI / 3 (60 degrees)
pref("apz.content_response_timeout", 400);
pref("apz.drag.enabled", false);
pref("apz.danger_zone_x", 50);
pref("apz.danger_zone_y", 100);
pref("apz.disable_for_scroll_linked_effects", false);
pref("apz.displayport_expiry_ms", 15000);
pref("apz.enlarge_displayport_when_clipped", false);
pref("apz.fling_accel_base_mult", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_accel_interval_ms", 500);
pref("apz.fling_accel_min_velocity", "1.5");
pref("apz.fling_accel_supplemental_mult", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_curve_function_x1", "0.0");
pref("apz.fling_curve_function_y1", "0.0");
pref("apz.fling_curve_function_x2", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_curve_function_y2", "1.0");
pref("apz.fling_curve_threshold_inches_per_ms", "-1.0");
pref("apz.fling_friction", "0.002");
pref("apz.fling_min_velocity_threshold", "0.5");
pref("apz.fling_stop_on_tap_threshold", "0.05");
pref("apz.fling_stopped_threshold", "0.01");
pref("apz.highlight_checkerboarded_areas", false);
pref("apz.max_velocity_inches_per_ms", "-1.0");
pref("apz.max_velocity_queue_size", 5);
pref("apz.min_skate_speed", "1.0");
pref("apz.minimap.enabled", false);
pref("apz.minimap.visibility.enabled", false);
pref("apz.overscroll.enabled", false);
pref("apz.overscroll.min_pan_distance_ratio", "1.0");
pref("apz.overscroll.spring_friction", "0.015");
pref("apz.overscroll.spring_stiffness", "0.0018");
pref("apz.overscroll.stop_distance_threshold", "5.0");
pref("apz.overscroll.stop_velocity_threshold", "0.01");
pref("apz.overscroll.stretch_factor", "0.35");
pref("apz.paint_skipping.enabled", true);
// Fetch displayport updates early from the message queue
pref("apz.peek_messages.enabled", true);
// Whether to print the APZC tree for debugging
pref("apz.printtree", false);
pref("apz.record_checkerboarding", true);
pref("apz.record_checkerboarding", false);
pref("apz.test.logging_enabled", false);
pref("apz.touch_start_tolerance", "0.1");
pref("apz.touch_move_tolerance", "0.03");
pref("apz.velocity_bias", "0.0");
pref("apz.velocity_relevance_time_ms", 150);
pref("apz.x_skate_highmem_adjust", "0.0");
pref("apz.y_skate_highmem_adjust", "0.0");
pref("apz.x_skate_size_multiplier", "1.25");
pref("apz.y_skate_size_multiplier", "3.5");
pref("apz.x_stationary_size_multiplier", "1.5");
pref("apz.y_stationary_size_multiplier", "3.5");
pref("apz.zoom_animation_duration_ms", 250);
pref("apz.scale_repaint_delay_ms", 500);
// Mobile prefs
pref("apz.allow_zooming", true);
pref("apz.enlarge_displayport_when_clipped", true);
pref("apz.y_skate_size_multiplier", "1.5");
pref("apz.y_stationary_size_multiplier", "1.5");
#if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_UIKIT)
pref("apz.desktop.enabled", false);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
// Whether to run in native HiDPI mode on machines with "Retina"/HiDPI display;
// <= 0 : hidpi mode disabled, display will just use pixel-based upscaling
// == 1 : hidpi supported if all screens share the same backingScaleFactor
// >= 2 : hidpi supported even with mixed backingScaleFactors (somewhat broken)
pref("gfx.hidpi.enabled", 2);
#if !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_ANDROID)
// Use containerless scrolling for now on desktop.
pref("layout.scroll.root-frame-containers", false);
// Whether to enable LayerScope tool and default listening port
pref("gfx.layerscope.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.layerscope.port", 23456);
// Log severe performance warnings to the error console and profiles.
// This should be use to quickly find which slow paths are used by test cases.
pref("gfx.perf-warnings.enabled", false);
// Color Management System
// 0 = Off, 1 = All Images, 2 = Tagged Images Only.
// See eCMSMode in gfx/thebes/gfxPlatform.h
// Enabled by default on Windows and Mac, disabled elsewhere
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("gfx.color_management.mode", 2);
pref("gfx.color_management.mode", 0);
pref("gfx.color_management.display_profile", "");
pref("gfx.color_management.rendering_intent", 0);
pref("gfx.color_management.enablev4", true);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.enabled", true);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.fallback_delay", 3000);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.fallback_delay_short", 100);
// disable downloadable font cache so that behavior is consistently
// the uncached load behavior across pages (useful for testing reflow problems)
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.disable_cache", false);
pref("gfx.downloadable_fonts.woff2.enabled", true);
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("gfx.bundled_fonts.enabled", true);
pref("gfx.bundled_fonts.force-enabled", false);
// Do we fire a notification about missing fonts, so the front-end can decide
// whether to try and do something about it (e.g. download additional fonts)?
pref("gfx.missing_fonts.notify", false);
// prefs controlling the font (name/cmap) loader that runs shortly after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.families_per_slice", 3); // read in info 3 families at a time
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("gfx.font_loader.delay", 120000); // 2 minutes after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.interval", 1000); // every 1 second until complete
pref("gfx.font_loader.delay", 8000); // 8 secs after startup
pref("gfx.font_loader.interval", 50); // run every 50 ms
// whether to always search all font cmaps during system font fallback
pref("gfx.font_rendering.fallback.always_use_cmaps", false);
// cache shaped word results
pref("gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.charlimit", 32);
// cache shaped word results
pref("gfx.font_rendering.wordcache.maxentries", 10000);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.graphite.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
pref("gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.force-enabled", false);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.directwrite.use_gdi_table_loading", true);
pref("gfx.font_rendering.opentype_svg.enabled", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// comma separated list of backends to use in order of preference
// e.g., pref("gfx.canvas.azure.backends", "direct2d,skia,cairo");
pref("gfx.canvas.azure.backends", "direct2d1.1,skia,cairo");
pref("gfx.content.azure.backends", "direct2d1.1,cairo");
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("gfx.content.azure.backends", "cg");
pref("gfx.canvas.azure.backends", "skia,cg");
// Accelerated cg canvas where available (10.7+)
pref("gfx.canvas.azure.accelerated", true);
// Linux etc.
pref("gfx.canvas.azure.backends", "skia,cairo");
pref("gfx.content.azure.backends", "cairo");
pref("gfx.canvas.skiagl.dynamic-cache", true);
pref("gfx.text.disable-aa", false);
pref("gfx.work-around-driver-bugs", true);
pref("gfx.prefer-mesa-llvmpipe", false);
pref("gfx.draw-color-bars", false);
pref("gfx.logging.painted-pixel-count.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.logging.texture-usage.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.logging.peak-texture-usage.enabled", false);
pref("gfx.ycbcr.accurate-conversion", false);
pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret", false);
pref("accessibility.warn_on_browsewithcaret", true);
pref("accessibility.browsewithcaret_shortcut.enabled", true);
#ifndef XP_MACOSX
// Tab focus model bit field:
// 1 focuses text controls, 2 focuses other form elements, 4 adds links.
// Most users will want 1, 3, or 7.
// On OS X, we use Full Keyboard Access system preference,
// unless accessibility.tabfocus is set by the user.
pref("accessibility.tabfocus", 7);
pref("accessibility.tabfocus_applies_to_xul", false);
// Only on mac tabfocus is expected to handle UI widgets as well as web content
pref("accessibility.tabfocus_applies_to_xul", true);
// We follow the "Click in the scrollbar to:" system preference on OS X and
// "gtk-primary-button-warps-slider" property with GTK (since 2.24 / 3.6),
// unless this preference is explicitly set.
#if !defined(XP_MACOSX) && !defined(MOZ_WIDGET_GTK)
pref("ui.scrollToClick", 0);
// provide ability to turn on support for canvas focus rings
pref("canvas.focusring.enabled", true);
pref("canvas.customfocusring.enabled", false);
pref("canvas.hitregions.enabled", false);
pref("canvas.filters.enabled", true);
// Add support for canvas path objects
pref("canvas.path.enabled", true);
pref("canvas.capturestream.enabled", true);
// Disable the ImageBitmap-extensions for now.
pref("canvas.imagebitmap_extensions.enabled", false);
// We want the ability to forcibly disable platform a11y, because
// some non-a11y-related components attempt to bring it up. See bug
// 538530 for details about Windows; we have a pref here that allows it
// to be disabled for performance and testing resons.
// See bug 761589 for the crossplatform aspect.
// This pref is checked only once, and the browser needs a restart to
// pick up any changes.
// Values are -1 always on. 1 always off, 0 is auto as some platform perform
// further checks.
pref("accessibility.force_disabled", 0);
pref("accessibility.ipc_architecture.enabled", true);
pref("accessibility.AOM.enabled", false);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Some accessibility tools poke at windows in the plugin process during setup
// which can cause hangs. To hack around this set accessibility.delay_plugins
// to true, you can also try increasing accessibility.delay_plugin_time if your
// machine is slow and you still experience hangs.
// See bug 781791.
pref("accessibility.delay_plugins", false);
pref("accessibility.delay_plugin_time", 10000);
pref("focusmanager.testmode", false);
pref("accessibility.usetexttospeech", "");
pref("accessibility.usebrailledisplay", "");
pref("accessibility.accesskeycausesactivation", true);
pref("accessibility.mouse_focuses_formcontrol", false);
// Type Ahead Find
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.autostart", true);
// casesensitive: controls the find bar's case-sensitivity
// 0 - "never" (case-insensitive)
// 1 - "always" (case-sensitive)
// other - "auto" (case-sensitive for mixed-case input, insensitive otherwise)
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.casesensitive", 0);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.linksonly", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.startlinksonly", false);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.timeout", 4000);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enabletimeout", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.soundURL", "beep");
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound", true);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.prefillwithselection", false);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.prefillwithselection", true);
pref("accessibility.typeaheadfind.matchesCountLimit", 1000);
pref("findbar.highlightAll", false);
pref("findbar.modalHighlight", false);
pref("findbar.entireword", false);
pref("findbar.iteratorTimeout", 100);
pref("findbar.termPerTab", false);
// use Mac OS X Appearance panel text smoothing setting when rendering text, disabled by default
pref("gfx.use_text_smoothing_setting", false);
// Number of characters to consider emphasizing for rich autocomplete results
pref("toolkit.autocomplete.richBoundaryCutoff", 200);
// Variable controlling logging for osfile.
pref("toolkit.osfile.log", false);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.smoothScroll", true);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.scrollIncrement", 20);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.verticalScrollDistance", 3);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.horizontalScrollDistance", 5);
pref("toolkit.scrollbox.clickToScroll.scrollDelay", 150);
// Telemetry settings.
// Server to submit telemetry pings to.
pref("toolkit.telemetry.server", "");
// Telemetry server owner. Please change if you set toolkit.telemetry.server to a different server
pref("toolkit.telemetry.server_owner", "");
// Information page about telemetry (temporary ; will be about:telemetry in the end)
pref("toolkit.telemetry.infoURL", "");
// Determines whether full SQL strings are returned when they might contain sensitive info
// i.e. dynamically constructed SQL strings or SQL executed by addons against addon DBs
pref("toolkit.telemetry.debugSlowSql", false);
// Whether to use the unified telemetry behavior, requires a restart.
pref("toolkit.telemetry.unified", false);
// Identity module
pref("toolkit.identity.enabled", false);
pref("toolkit.identity.debug", false);
// AsyncShutdown delay before crashing in case of shutdown freeze
pref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.crash_timeout", 60000);
// Extra logging for AsyncShutdown barriers and phases
pref("toolkit.asyncshutdown.log", false);
// Enable deprecation warnings.
pref("devtools.errorconsole.deprecation_warnings", true);
// Enable performance warnings.
pref("devtools.errorconsole.performance_warnings", true);
// Disable debugging chrome
pref("devtools.chrome.enabled", false);
// Disable remote debugging protocol logging
pref("devtools.debugger.log", false);
pref("devtools.debugger.log.verbose", false);
// Disable remote debugging connections
pref("devtools.debugger.remote-enabled", false);
pref("devtools.debugger.remote-port", 6000);
pref("devtools.debugger.remote-websocket", false);
// Force debugger server binding on the loopback interface
pref("devtools.debugger.force-local", true);
// Display a prompt when a new connection starts to accept/reject it
pref("devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", true);
// Block tools from seeing / interacting with certified apps
pref("devtools.debugger.forbid-certified-apps", true);
// List of permissions that a sideloaded app can't ask for
pref("devtools.apps.forbidden-permissions", "embed-apps");
// DevTools default color unit
pref("devtools.defaultColorUnit", "authored");
// Used for devtools debugging
pref("devtools.dump.emit", false);
// Disable device discovery logging
pref("devtools.discovery.log", false);
// Whether to scan for DevTools devices via WiFi
pref("devtools.remote.wifi.scan", true);
// Whether UI options for controlling device visibility over WiFi are shown
// N.B.: This does not set whether the device can be discovered via WiFi, only
// whether the UI control to make such a choice is shown to the user
pref("devtools.remote.wifi.visible", true);
// Client must complete TLS handshake within this window (ms)
pref("devtools.remote.tls-handshake-timeout", 10000);
// URL of the remote JSON catalog used for device simulation
pref("devtools.devices.url", "https://code.cdn.mozilla.net/devices/devices.json");
// Display the introductory text
pref("devtools.gcli.hideIntro", false);
// How eager are we to show help: never=1, sometimes=2, always=3
pref("devtools.gcli.eagerHelper", 2);
// Alias to the script URLs for inject command.
pref("devtools.gcli.jquerySrc", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.2.1/jquery.min.js");
pref("devtools.gcli.lodashSrc", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/lodash.js/4.6.1/lodash.min.js");
pref("devtools.gcli.underscoreSrc", "https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.8.3/underscore-min.js");
// Set imgur upload client ID
pref("devtools.gcli.imgurClientID", '0df414e888d7240');
// Imgur's upload URL
pref("devtools.gcli.imgurUploadURL", "https://api.imgur.com/3/image");
// GCLI commands directory
pref("devtools.commands.dir", "");
// Allows setting the performance marks for which telemetry metrics will be recorded.
pref("devtools.telemetry.supported_performance_marks", "contentInteractive,navigationInteractive,navigationLoaded,visuallyLoaded,fullyLoaded,mediaEnumerated,scanEnd");
// Deprecation warnings after DevTools file migration.
pref("devtools.migration.warnings", true);
// view source
pref("view_source.syntax_highlight", true);
pref("view_source.wrap_long_lines", false);
pref("view_source.editor.external", false);
pref("view_source.editor.path", "");
// allows to add further arguments to the editor; use the %LINE% placeholder
// for jumping to a specific line (e.g. "/line:%LINE%" or "--goto %LINE%")
pref("view_source.editor.args", "");
// When true this will word-wrap plain text documents.
pref("plain_text.wrap_long_lines", false);
// whether or not to draw images while dragging
pref("nglayout.enable_drag_images", true);
// enable/disable paint flashing --- useful for debugging
// the first one applies to everything, the second one only to chrome
pref("nglayout.debug.paint_flashing", false);
pref("nglayout.debug.paint_flashing_chrome", false);
// enable/disable widget update area flashing --- only supported with
// BasicLayers (other layer managers always update the entire widget area)
pref("nglayout.debug.widget_update_flashing", false);
// Enable/disable display list invalidation logging --- useful for debugging.
pref("nglayout.debug.invalidation", false);
// Whether frame visibility tracking is enabled globally.
pref("layout.framevisibility.enabled", true);
pref("layout.framevisibility.numscrollportwidths", 0);
pref("layout.framevisibility.numscrollportheights", 1);
// scrollbar snapping region
// 0 - off
// 1 and higher - slider thickness multiple
pref("slider.snapMultiplier", 0);
// option to choose plug-in finder
pref("application.use_ns_plugin_finder", false);
// URI fixup prefs
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.enabled", true);
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.prefix", "www.");
pref("browser.fixup.alternate.suffix", ".com");
pref("browser.fixup.dns_first_for_single_words", false);
pref("browser.fixup.hide_user_pass", true);
// Location Bar AutoComplete
pref("browser.urlbar.autocomplete.enabled", true);
// Print header customization
// Use the following codes:
// &T - Title
// &U - Document URL
// &D - Date/Time
// &P - Page Number
// &PT - Page Number "of" Page total
// Set each header to a string containing zero or one of these codes
// and the code will be replaced in that string by the corresponding data
pref("print.print_headerleft", "&T");
pref("print.print_headercenter", "");
pref("print.print_headerright", "&U");
pref("print.print_footerleft", "&PT");
pref("print.print_footercenter", "");
pref("print.print_footerright", "&D");
pref("print.show_print_progress", true);
// xxxbsmedberg: more toolkit prefs
// When this is set to false each window has its own PrintSettings
// and a change in one window does not affect the others
pref("print.use_global_printsettings", true);
// Save the Printings after each print job
pref("print.save_print_settings", true);
// Cache old Presentation when going into Print Preview
pref("print.always_cache_old_pres", false);
// Enables you to specify the amount of the paper that is to be treated
// as unwriteable. The print_edge_XXX and print_margin_XXX preferences
// are treated as offsets that are added to this pref.
// Default is "-1", which means "use the system default". (If there is
// no system default, then the -1 is treated as if it were 0.)
// This is used by both Printing and Print Preview.
// Units are in 1/100ths of an inch.
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_top", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_left", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_right", -1);
pref("print.print_unwriteable_margin_bottom", -1);
// Enables you to specify the gap from the edge of the paper's
// unwriteable area to the margin.
// This is used by both Printing and Print Preview
// Units are in 1/100ths of an inch.
pref("print.print_edge_top", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_left", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_right", 0);
pref("print.print_edge_bottom", 0);
// Print via the parent process. This is only used when e10s is enabled.
#if defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_MACOSX)
pref("print.print_via_parent", true);
pref("print.print_via_parent", false);
// Pref used by the spellchecker extension to control the
// maximum number of misspelled words that will be underlined
// in a document.
pref("extensions.spellcheck.inline.max-misspellings", 500);
// Predefined convenience pref for overriding the dictionary
pref("spellchecker.dictionary.override", "");
// Prefs used by libeditor. Prefs specific to seamonkey composer
// belong in comm-central/editor/ui/composer.js
pref("editor.use_custom_colors", false);
pref("editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines", 2);
pref("editor.use_css", false);
pref("editor.css.default_length_unit", "px");
pref("editor.resizing.preserve_ratio", true);
pref("editor.positioning.offset", 0);
// Scripts & Windows prefs
pref("dom.disable_beforeunload", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_flip", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_move_resize", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_status_change", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.titlebar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.close", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.toolbar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.location", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.personalbar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.menubar", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.resizable", true);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.minimizable", false);
pref("dom.disable_window_open_feature.status", true);
pref("dom.allow_scripts_to_close_windows", false);
pref("dom.require_user_interaction_for_beforeunload", true);
pref("dom.disable_open_during_load", false);
pref("dom.popup_maximum", 20);
pref("dom.popup_allowed_events", "change click dblclick mouseup pointerup notificationclick reset submit touchend");
pref("dom.disable_open_click_delay", 1000);
pref("dom.storage.enabled", true);
pref("dom.storage.default_quota", 5120);
pref("dom.send_after_paint_to_content", false);
// Timeout clamp in ms for timeouts we clamp
pref("dom.min_timeout_value", 4);
// And for background windows
pref("dom.min_background_timeout_value", 1000);
// Don't use new input types
pref("dom.experimental_forms", false);
// Enable :
pref("dom.forms.number", true);
// Enable by default. It will be turned off for remaining
// platforms which don't have a color picker implemented yet.
pref("dom.forms.color", true);
// Support for input type=date and type=time. By default, disabled.
pref("dom.forms.datetime", false);
// Support for input type=month, type=week and type=datetime-local. By default,
// disabled.
pref("dom.forms.datetime.others", false);
// Enable time picker UI. By default, disabled.
pref("dom.forms.datetime.timepicker", false);
// Support for new @autocomplete values
pref("dom.forms.autocomplete.experimental", false);
// Enables requestAutocomplete DOM API on forms.
pref("dom.forms.requestAutocomplete", false);
// Enable Directory API. By default, disabled.
pref("dom.input.dirpicker", false);
// Enables system messages and activities
pref("dom.sysmsg.enabled", false);
// Enable pre-installed applications.
pref("dom.webapps.useCurrentProfile", false);
pref("dom.cycle_collector.incremental", true);
// Parsing perf prefs. For now just mimic what the old code did.
#ifndef XP_WIN
pref("content.sink.pending_event_mode", 0);
// Disable popups from plugins by default
// 0 = openAllowed
// 1 = openControlled
// 2 = openAbused
pref("privacy.popups.disable_from_plugins", 2);
// send "do not track" HTTP header, disabled by default
pref("privacy.donottrackheader.enabled", false);
// Enforce tracking protection in all modes
pref("privacy.trackingprotection.enabled", false);
// Enforce tracking protection in Private Browsing mode
pref("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled", true);
pref("privacy.trackingprotection.pbmode.enabled", false);
pref("dom.event.contextmenu.enabled", true);
pref("dom.event.clipboardevents.enabled", true);
// Potentially risky option due to side channel attack surface using high res timers.
pref("dom.event.highrestimestamp.enabled", false);
pref("dom.webcomponents.enabled", false);
pref("javascript.enabled", true);
// Enable Array.prototype.values
pref("javascript.options.array_prototype_values", true);
pref("javascript.options.strict", false);
#ifdef DEBUG
pref("javascript.options.strict.debug", false);
pref("javascript.options.unboxed_objects", false);
pref("javascript.options.baselinejit", true);
pref("javascript.options.ion", true);
pref("javascript.options.asmjs", true);
pref("javascript.options.wasm", false);
pref("javascript.options.wasm_baselinejit", false);
pref("javascript.options.native_regexp", true);
pref("javascript.options.parallel_parsing", true);
// ayncstack is used for debugging promises in devtools.
pref("javascript.options.asyncstack", false);
pref("javascript.options.throw_on_asmjs_validation_failure", false);
pref("javascript.options.ion.offthread_compilation", true);
// This preference instructs the JS engine to discard the
// source of any privileged JS after compilation. This saves
// memory, but makes things like Function.prototype.toSource()
// fail.
pref("javascript.options.discardSystemSource", false);
// This preference limits the memory usage of javascript.
// If you want to change these values for your device,
// please find Bug 417052 comment 17 and Bug 456721
// Comment 32 and Bug 613551.
pref("javascript.options.mem.high_water_mark", 128);
pref("javascript.options.mem.max", -1);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_per_zone", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_incremental", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_incremental_slice_ms", 20);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_generational", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_compacting", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.log", false);
pref("javascript.options.mem.notify", false);
pref("javascript.options.gc_on_memory_pressure", true);
pref("javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive", true);
pref("javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive_delay", 15000); // ms
pref("javascript.options.compact_on_user_inactive_delay", 300000); // ms
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_time_limit_ms", 1000);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_low_limit_mb", 100);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_high_limit_mb", 500);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_heap_growth_max", 300);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_high_frequency_heap_growth_min", 150);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_low_frequency_heap_growth", 150);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_dynamic_heap_growth", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_dynamic_mark_slice", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_refresh_frame_slices_enabled", true);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_allocation_threshold_mb", 30);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_min_empty_chunk_count", 1);
pref("javascript.options.mem.gc_max_empty_chunk_count", 30);
pref("javascript.options.showInConsole", false);
pref("javascript.options.shared_memory", true);
pref("javascript.options.throw_on_debuggee_would_run", false);
pref("javascript.options.dump_stack_on_debuggee_would_run", false);
// advanced prefs
pref("advanced.mailftp", false);
pref("image.animation_mode", "normal");
// Same-origin policy for file URIs, "false" is traditional
pref("security.fileuri.strict_origin_policy", true);
// Treat all file URIs as having a unique origin.
// Only has an effect if strict origin policy is true.
pref("security.fileuri.unique_origin", true);
// If this pref is true, prefs in the logging.config branch will be cleared on
// startup. This is done so that setting a log-file and log-modules at runtime
// doesn't persist across restarts leading to huge logfile and low disk space.
pref("logging.config.clear_on_startup", true);
// If there is ever a security firedrill that requires
// us to block certian ports global, this is the pref
// to use. Is is a comma delimited list of port numbers
// for example:
// pref("network.security.ports.banned", "1,2,3,4,5");
// prevents necko connecting to ports 1-5 unless the protocol
// overrides.
// Allow necko to do A/B testing. Will generally only happen if
// telemetry is also enabled as otherwise there is no way to report
// the results
pref("network.allow-experiments", true);
// Allow the network changed event to get sent when a network topology or
// setup change is noticed while running.
pref("network.notify.changed", true);
// Allow network detection of IPv6 related changes (bug 1245059)
#if defined(XP_WIN)
pref("network.notify.IPv6", false);
pref("network.notify.IPv6", true);
// Transmit UDP busy-work to the LAN when anticipating low latency
// network reads and on wifi to mitigate 802.11 Power Save Polling delays
pref("network.tickle-wifi.enabled", false);
pref("network.tickle-wifi.duration", 400);
pref("network.tickle-wifi.delay", 16);
// Turn off interprocess security checks. Needed to run xpcshell tests.
pref("network.disable.ipc.security", false);
// Default action for unlisted external protocol handlers
pref("network.protocol-handler.external-default", true); // OK to load
pref("network.protocol-handler.warn-external-default", true); // warn before load
// Prevent using external protocol handlers for these schemes
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.hcp", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.vbscript", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.javascript", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.data", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ms-help", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.res", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.shell", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.vnd.ms.radio", false);
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.help", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.disk", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.disks", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.afp", false);
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.moz-icon", false);
// Don't allow external protocol handlers for common typos
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ttp", false); // http
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ttps", false); // https
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.tps", false); // https
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ps", false); // https
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.ile", false); // file
pref("network.protocol-handler.external.le", false); // file
// An exposed protocol handler is one that can be used in all contexts. A
// non-exposed protocol handler is one that can only be used internally by the
// application. For example, a non-exposed protocol would not be loaded by the
// application in response to a link click or a X-remote openURL command.
// Instead, it would be deferred to the system's external protocol handler.
// Only internal/built-in protocol handlers can be marked as exposed.
// This pref controls the default settings. Per protocol settings can be used
// to override this value.
pref("network.protocol-handler.expose-all", true);
// Warning for about:networking page
pref("network.warnOnAboutNetworking", true);
// Example: make IMAP an exposed protocol
// pref("network.protocol-handler.expose.imap", true);
// Whether IOService.connectivity and NS_IsOffline depends on connectivity status
pref("network.manage-offline-status", true);
// If set to true, IOService.offline depends on IOService.connectivity
pref("network.offline-mirrors-connectivity", false);
pref("network.http.version", "1.1"); // default
// pref("network.http.version", "1.0"); // uncomment this out in case of problems
// pref("network.http.version", "0.9"); // it'll work too if you're crazy
// keep-alive option is effectively obsolete. Nevertheless it'll work with
// some older 1.0 servers:
pref("network.http.proxy.version", "1.1"); // default
// pref("network.http.proxy.version", "1.0"); // uncomment this out in case of problems
// (required if using junkbuster proxy)
// this preference can be set to override the socket type used for normal
// HTTP traffic. an empty value indicates the normal TCP/IP socket type.
pref("network.http.default-socket-type", "");
// There is a problem with some IIS7 servers that don't close the connection
// properly after it times out (bug #491541). Default timeout on IIS7 is
// 120 seconds. We need to reuse or drop the connection within this time.
// We set the timeout a little shorter to keep a reserve for cases when
// the packet is lost or delayed on the route.
pref("network.http.keep-alive.timeout", 115);
// Timeout connections if an initial response is not received after 5 mins.
pref("network.http.response.timeout", 300);
// Limit the absolute number of http connections.
// Note: the socket transport service will clamp the number below this if the OS
// cannot allocate that many FDs
pref("network.http.max-connections", 256);
// If NOT connecting via a proxy, then
// a new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
// connections to the server is less then max-persistent-connections-per-server.
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server", 6);
// If connecting via a proxy, then a
// new connection will only be attempted if the number of active persistent
// connections to the proxy is less then max-persistent-connections-per-proxy.
pref("network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy", 32);
// amount of time (in seconds) to suspend pending requests, before spawning a
// new connection, once the limit on the number of persistent connections per
// host has been reached. however, a new connection will not be created if
// max-connections or max-connections-per-server has also been reached.
pref("network.http.request.max-start-delay", 10);
// If a connection is reset, we will retry it max-attempts times.
pref("network.http.request.max-attempts", 10);
// Headers
pref("network.http.accept.default", "*/*");
pref("network.http.accept.navigation", "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8");
pref("network.http.accept.image", "image/png,image/svg+xml,image/*;q=0.8,*/*;q=0.5");
pref("network.http.accept.style", "text/css,*/*;q=0.1");
// Prefs allowing granular control of referers
// 0=don't send any, 1=send only on clicks, 2=send on image requests as well
pref("network.http.sendRefererHeader", 2);
// false=real referer, true=spoof referer (use target URI as referer)
pref("network.http.referer.spoofSource", false);
// 0=full URI, 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port
pref("network.http.referer.trimmingPolicy", 0);
// 0=full URI, 1=scheme+host+port+path, 2=scheme+host+port
pref("network.http.referer.XOriginTrimmingPolicy", 0);
// 0=always send, 1=send iff base domains match, 2=send iff hosts match
pref("network.http.referer.XOriginPolicy", 0);
// Controls whether referrer attributes in , , ,
// 2147483647 == PR_INT32_MAX == ~2 GB
pref("network.websocket.max-message-size", 2147483647);
// Should we automatically follow http 3xx redirects during handshake
pref("network.websocket.auto-follow-http-redirects", false);
// the number of seconds to wait for websocket connection to be opened
pref("network.websocket.timeout.open", 20);
// the number of seconds to wait for a clean close after sending the client
// close message
pref("network.websocket.timeout.close", 20);
// the number of seconds of idle read activity to sustain before sending a
// ping probe. 0 to disable.
pref("network.websocket.timeout.ping.request", 0);
// the deadline, expressed in seconds, for some read activity to occur after
// generating a ping. If no activity happens then an error and unclean close
// event is sent to the javascript websockets application
pref("network.websocket.timeout.ping.response", 10);
// Defines whether or not to try to negotiate the permessage compression
// extension with the websocket server.
pref("network.websocket.extensions.permessage-deflate", true);
// the maximum number of concurrent websocket sessions. By specification there
// is never more than one handshake oustanding to an individual host at
// one time.
pref("network.websocket.max-connections", 200);
// by default scripts loaded from a https:// origin can only open secure
// (i.e. wss://) websockets.
pref("network.websocket.allowInsecureFromHTTPS", false);
// by default we delay websocket reconnects to same host/port if previous
// connection failed, per RFC 6455 section 7.2.3
pref("network.websocket.delay-failed-reconnects", true);
// Server-Sent Events
// Equal to the DEFAULT_RECONNECTION_TIME_VALUE value in nsEventSource.cpp
pref("dom.server-events.default-reconnection-time", 5000); // in milliseconds
// If false, remote JAR files that are served with a content type other than
// application/java-archive or application/x-jar will not be opened
// by the jar channel.
pref("network.jar.open-unsafe-types", false);
// If true, loading remote JAR files using the jar: protocol will be prevented.
pref("network.jar.block-remote-files", true);
// This preference, if true, causes all UTF-8 domain names to be normalized to
// punycode. The intention is to allow UTF-8 domain names as input, but never
// generate them from punycode.
pref("network.IDN_show_punycode", false);
// If "network.IDN.use_whitelist" is set to true, TLDs with
// "network.IDN.whitelist.tld" explicitly set to true are treated as
// IDN-safe. Otherwise, they're treated as unsafe and punycode will be used
// for displaying them in the UI (e.g. URL bar), unless they conform to one of
// the profiles specified in
// http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr36/proposed.html#Security_Levels_and_Alerts
// If "network.IDN.restriction_profile" is "high", the Highly Restrictive
// profile is used.
// If "network.IDN.restriction_profile" is "moderate", the Moderately
// Restrictive profile is used.
// In all other cases, the ASCII-Only profile is used.
// Note that these preferences are referred to ONLY when
// "network.IDN_show_punycode" is false. In other words, all IDNs will be shown
// in punycode if "network.IDN_show_punycode" is true.
pref("network.IDN.restriction_profile", "moderate");
pref("network.IDN.use_whitelist", false);
// ccTLDs
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ac", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ar", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.at", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.br", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ca", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ch", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.cl", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.cn", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.de", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.dk", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ee", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.es", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.fi", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.fr", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.gr", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.gt", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.hu", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.il", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.io", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ir", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.is", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.jp", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.kr", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.li", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.lt", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.lu", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.lv", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.no", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.nu", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.nz", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.pl", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.pm", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.pr", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.re", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.se", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.sh", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.si", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.tf", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.th", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.tm", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.tw", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.ua", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.vn", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.wf", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.yt", true);
// IDN ccTLDs
// ae, UAE, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbaam7a8h", true);
// cn, China, . with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fiqz9s", true); // Traditional
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fiqs8s", true); // Simplified
// eg, Egypt, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--wgbh1c", true);
// hk, Hong Kong, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--j6w193g", true);
// ir, Iran, <.Iran> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgba3a4f16a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgba3a4fra", true);
// jo, Jordan, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbayh7gpa", true);
// lk, Sri Lanka, . and .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--fzc2c9e2c", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--xkc2al3hye2a", true);
// qa, Qatar, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--wgbl6a", true);
// rs, Serbia, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--90a3ac", true);
// ru, Russian Federation, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--p1ai", true);
// sa, Saudi Arabia, . with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgberp4a5d4ar", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgberp4a5d4a87g", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbqly7c0a67fbc", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--mgbqly7cvafr", true);
// sy, Syria, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--ogbpf8fl", true);
// th, Thailand, .
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--o3cw4h", true);
// tw, Taiwan, <.Taiwan> with variants
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kpry57d", true); // Traditional
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kprw13d", true); // Simplified
// gTLDs
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.asia", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.biz", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.cat", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.info", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.museum", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.org", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.tel", true);
// NOTE: Before these can be removed, one of bug 414812's tests must be updated
// or it will likely fail! Please CC jwalden+bmo on the bug associated
// with removing these so he can provide a patch to make the necessary
// changes to avoid bustage.
// ".test" localised TLDs for ICANN's top-level IDN trial
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--0zwm56d", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--11b5bs3a9aj6g", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--80akhbyknj4f", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--9t4b11yi5a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--deba0ad", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--g6w251d", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--hgbk6aj7f53bba", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--hlcj6aya9esc7a", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--jxalpdlp", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--kgbechtv", true);
pref("network.IDN.whitelist.xn--zckzah", true);
// If a domain includes any of the following characters, it may be a spoof
// attempt and so we always display the domain name as punycode. This would
// override the settings "network.IDN_show_punycode" and
// "network.IDN.whitelist.*". (please keep this value in sync with the
// built-in fallback in intl/uconv/nsTextToSubURI.cpp)
pref("network.IDN.blacklist_chars", "\u0020\u00A0\u00BC\u00BD\u00BE\u01C3\u02D0\u0337\u0338\u0589\u058A\u05C3\u05F4\u0609\u060A\u066A\u06D4\u0701\u0702\u0703\u0704\u115F\u1160\u1735\u2000\u2001\u2002\u2003\u2004\u2005\u2006\u2007\u2008\u2009\u200A\u200B\u200E\u200F\u2010\u2019\u2024\u2027\u2028\u2029\u202A\u202B\u202C\u202D\u202E\u202F\u2039\u203A\u2041\u2044\u2052\u205F\u2153\u2154\u2155\u2156\u2157\u2158\u2159\u215A\u215B\u215C\u215D\u215E\u215F\u2215\u2236\u23AE\u2571\u29F6\u29F8\u2AFB\u2AFD\u2FF0\u2FF1\u2FF2\u2FF3\u2FF4\u2FF5\u2FF6\u2FF7\u2FF8\u2FF9\u2FFA\u2FFB\u3000\u3002\u3014\u3015\u3033\u30A0\u3164\u321D\u321E\u33AE\u33AF\u33C6\u33DF\uA789\uFE14\uFE15\uFE3F\uFE5D\uFE5E\uFEFF\uFF0E\uFF0F\uFF61\uFFA0\uFFF9\uFFFA\uFFFB\uFFFC\uFFFD");
// This preference specifies a list of domains for which DNS lookups will be
// IPv4 only. Works around broken DNS servers which can't handle IPv6 lookups
// and/or allows the user to disable IPv6 on a per-domain basis. See bug 68796.
pref("network.dns.ipv4OnlyDomains", "");
// This preference can be used to turn off IPv6 name lookups. See bug 68796.
pref("network.dns.disableIPv6", false);
// This is the number of dns cache entries allowed
pref("network.dnsCacheEntries", 400);
// In the absence of OS TTLs, the DNS cache TTL value
pref("network.dnsCacheExpiration", 60);
// Get TTL; not supported on all platforms; nop on the unsupported ones.
pref("network.dns.get-ttl", true);
// The grace period allows the DNS cache to use expired entries, while kicking off
// a revalidation in the background.
pref("network.dnsCacheExpirationGracePeriod", 60);
// This preference can be used to turn off DNS prefetch.
pref("network.dns.disablePrefetch", false);
// This preference controls whether .onion hostnames are
// rejected before being given to DNS. RFC 7686
pref("network.dns.blockDotOnion", true);
// These domains are treated as localhost equivalent
pref("network.dns.localDomains", "");
// Contols whether or not "localhost" should resolve when offline
pref("network.dns.offline-localhost", true);
// This preference controls whether or not URLs with UTF-8 characters are
// escaped. Set this preference to TRUE for strict RFC2396 conformance.
pref("network.standard-url.escape-utf8", true);
// This preference controls whether or not URLs are always encoded and sent as
// UTF-8.
pref("network.standard-url.encode-utf8", true);
// The maximum allowed length for a URL - 1MB default
pref("network.standard-url.max-length", 1048576);
// Idle timeout for ftp control connections - 5 minute default
pref("network.ftp.idleConnectionTimeout", 300);
// directory listing format
// 2: HTML
// 3: XUL directory viewer
// all other values are treated like 2
pref("network.dir.format", 2);
// enables the prefetch service (i.e., prefetching of URLs).
pref("network.prefetch-next", true);
// enables the predictive service
pref("network.predictor.enabled", true);
pref("network.predictor.enable-hover-on-ssl", false);
pref("network.predictor.enable-prefetch", false);
pref("network.predictor.page-degradation.day", 0);
pref("network.predictor.page-degradation.week", 5);
pref("network.predictor.page-degradation.month", 10);
pref("network.predictor.page-degradation.year", 25);
pref("network.predictor.page-degradation.max", 50);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.day", 1);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.week", 10);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.month", 25);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.year", 50);
pref("network.predictor.subresource-degradation.max", 100);
pref("network.predictor.prefetch-rolling-load-count", 10);
pref("network.predictor.prefetch-min-confidence", 100);
pref("network.predictor.preconnect-min-confidence", 90);
pref("network.predictor.preresolve-min-confidence", 60);
pref("network.predictor.redirect-likely-confidence", 75);
pref("network.predictor.prefetch-force-valid-for", 10);
pref("network.predictor.max-resources-per-entry", 100);
pref("network.predictor.max-uri-length", 500);
pref("network.predictor.cleaned-up", false);
// The following prefs pertain to the negotiate-auth extension (see bug 17578),
// which provides transparent Kerberos or NTLM authentication using the SPNEGO
// protocol. Each pref is a comma-separated list of keys, where each key has
// the format:
// [scheme "://"] [host [":" port]]
// For example, "foo.com" would match "http://www.foo.com/bar", etc.
// Force less-secure NTLMv1 when needed (NTLMv2 is the default).
pref("network.auth.force-generic-ntlm-v1", false);
// This list controls which URIs can use the negotiate-auth protocol. This
// list should be limited to the servers you know you'll need to login to.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris", "");
// This list controls which URIs can support delegation.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris", "");
// Do not allow SPNEGO by default when challenged by a local server.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-non-fqdn", false);
// Allow SPNEGO by default when challenged by a proxy server.
pref("network.negotiate-auth.allow-proxies", true);
// Path to a specific gssapi library
pref("network.negotiate-auth.gsslib", "");
// Specify if the gss lib comes standard with the OS
pref("network.negotiate-auth.using-native-gsslib", true);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Default to using the SSPI intead of GSSAPI on windows
pref("network.auth.use-sspi", true);
// Controls which NTLM authentication implementation we default to. True forces
// the use of our generic (internal) NTLM authentication implementation vs. any
// native implementation provided by the os. This pref is for diagnosing issues
// with native NTLM. (See bug 520607 for details.) Using generic NTLM authentication
// can expose the user to reflection attack vulnerabilities. Do not change this
// unless you know what you're doing!
// This pref should be removed 6 months after the release of firefox 3.6.
pref("network.auth.force-generic-ntlm", false);
// The following prefs are used to enable automatic use of the operating
// system's NTLM implementation to silently authenticate the user with their
// Window's domain logon. The trusted-uris pref follows the format of the
// trusted-uris pref for negotiate authentication.
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-proxies", true);
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.allow-non-fqdn", false);
pref("network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris", "");
// The string to return to the server as the 'workstation' that the
// user is using. Bug 1046421 notes that the previous default, of the
// system hostname, could be used for user fingerprinting.
// However, in some network environments where allowedWorkstations is in use
// to provide a level of host-based access control, it must be set to a string
// that is listed in allowedWorkstations for the user's account in their
// AD Domain.
pref("network.generic-ntlm-auth.workstation", "WORKSTATION");
// Sub-resources HTTP-authentication:
// 0 - don't allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials
// dialogs
// 1 - allow sub-resources to open HTTP authentication credentials dialogs,
// but don't allow it for cross-origin sub-resources
// 2 - allow the cross-origin authentication as well.
pref("network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow", 2);
// Sub-resources HTTP-authentication for cross-origin images:
// true - presenting the http auth. dialog for cross-origin images is allowed.
// false - suppress the http auth. dialog for cross-origin images.
// If network.auth.subresource-http-auth-allow has a value of 0 or 1, this pref
// does not have any effect.
pref("network.auth.subresource-http-img-XO-auth", false);
// Whether or not to show anti-spoof confirmation prompts when navigating to a
// URL with user info.
// true - display extra confirmation prompt ("You are about to log in to...")
// false - do not display extra confirmation prompt (default)
pref("network.auth.confirmAuth.enabled", false);
// This preference controls whether to allow sending default credentials (SSO) to
// NTLM/Negotiate servers allowed in the "trusted uri" list when navigating them
// in a Private Browsing window.
// If set to false, Private Browsing windows will not use default credentials and ask
// for credentials from the user explicitly.
// If set to true, and a server URL conforms other conditions for sending default
// credentials, those will be sent automatically in Private Browsing windows.
// This preference has no effect when the browser is set to "Never Remember History",
// in that case default credentials will always be used.
pref("network.auth.private-browsing-sso", false);
pref("permissions.default.image", 1); // 1-Accept, 2-Deny, 3-dontAcceptForeign
pref("network.proxy.type", 5);
pref("network.proxy.ftp", "");
pref("network.proxy.ftp_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.http", "");
pref("network.proxy.http_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.ssl", "");
pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks", "");
pref("network.proxy.socks_port", 0);
pref("network.proxy.socks_version", 5);
pref("network.proxy.socks_remote_dns", false);
pref("network.proxy.proxy_over_tls", true);
pref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "localhost,");
pref("network.proxy.failover_timeout", 1800); // 30 minutes
pref("network.online", true); //online/offline
pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0); // 0-Accept, 1-dontAcceptForeign, 2-dontAcceptAny, 3-limitForeign
#ifdef ANDROID
pref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0); // Keep the old default of accepting all cookies
pref("network.cookie.thirdparty.sessionOnly", false);
pref("network.cookie.leave-secure-alone", true);
pref("network.cookie.lifetimePolicy", 0); // 0-accept, 1-dontUse 2-acceptForSession, 3-acceptForNDays
pref("network.cookie.prefsMigrated", false);
pref("network.cookie.lifetime.days", 90); // Ignored unless network.cookie.lifetimePolicy is 3.
// The PAC file to load. Ignored unless network.proxy.type is 2.
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url", "");
// Strip off paths when sending URLs to PAC scripts
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_url.include_path", false);
// If we cannot load the PAC file, then try again (doubling from interval_min
// until we reach interval_max or the PAC file is successfully loaded).
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_retry_interval_min", 5); // 5 seconds
pref("network.proxy.autoconfig_retry_interval_max", 300); // 5 minutes
// Master switch for HSTS usage (security <-> privacy tradeoff)
pref("network.stricttransportsecurity.enabled", true);
// Use JS mDNS as a fallback
pref("network.mdns.use_js_fallback", false);
pref("converter.html2txt.structs", true); // Output structured phrases (strong, em, code, sub, sup, b, i, u)
pref("converter.html2txt.header_strategy", 1); // 0 = no indention; 1 = indention, increased with header level; 2 = numbering and slight indention
// Whether we include ruby annotation in the text despite whether it
// is requested. This was true because we didn't explicitly strip out
// annotations. Set false by default to provide a better behavior, but
// we want to be able to pref-off it if user doesn't like it.
pref("converter.html2txt.always_include_ruby", false);
pref("intl.accept_languages", "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties");
pref("intl.charset.detector", "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties");
pref("intl.charset.fallback.override", "*"); // '*' to make sure the UI selects the proper entry for 'auto'
pref("intl.charset.fallback.tld", true);
pref("intl.ellipsis", "chrome://global-platform/locale/intl.properties");
pref("intl.locale.matchOS", false);
// fallback charset list for Unicode conversion (converting from Unicode)
// currently used for mail send only to handle symbol characters (e.g Euro, trademark, smartquotes)
// for ISO-8859-1
pref("intl.fallbackCharsetList.ISO-8859-1", "windows-1252");
pref("font.language.group", "chrome://global/locale/intl.properties");
// Android-specific pref to use key-events-only mode for IME-unaware webapps.
pref("intl.ime.hack.on_ime_unaware_apps.fire_key_events_for_composition", true);
pref("intl.ime.hack.on_ime_unaware_apps.fire_key_events_for_composition", false);
// If you use legacy Chinese IME which puts an ideographic space to composition
// string as placeholder, this pref might be useful. If this is true and when
// web contents forcibly commits composition (e.g., moving focus), the
// ideographic space will be ignored (i.e., commits with empty string).
pref("intl.ime.remove_placeholder_character_at_commit", false);
// these locales have right-to-left UI
pref("intl.uidirection.ar", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.he", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.fa", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.ug", "rtl");
pref("intl.uidirection.ur", "rtl");
// use en-US hyphenation by default for content tagged with plain lang="en"
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.en", "en-us");
// and for other subtags of en-*, if no specific patterns are available
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.en-*", "en-us");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.af-*", "af");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.bg-*", "bg");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.ca-*", "ca");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.cy-*", "cy");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.da-*", "da");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.eo-*", "eo");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.es-*", "es");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.et-*", "et");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.fi-*", "fi");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.fr-*", "fr");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.gl-*", "gl");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.hr-*", "hr");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.hsb-*", "hsb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.hu-*", "hu");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.ia-*", "ia");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.is-*", "is");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.it-*", "it");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.kmr-*", "kmr");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.la-*", "la");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.lt-*", "lt");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.mn-*", "mn");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.nl-*", "nl");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.pl-*", "pl");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.pt-*", "pt");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.ru-*", "ru");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.sl-*", "sl");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.sv-*", "sv");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.tr-*", "tr");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.uk-*", "uk");
// use reformed (1996) German patterns by default unless specifically tagged as de-1901
// (these prefs may soon be obsoleted by better BCP47-based tag matching, but for now...)
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.de", "de-1996");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.de-*", "de-1996");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.de-AT-1901", "de-1901");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.de-DE-1901", "de-1901");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.de-CH-*", "de-CH");
// patterns from TeX are tagged as "sh" (Serbo-Croatian) macrolanguage;
// alias "sr" (Serbian) and "bs" (Bosnian) to those patterns
// (Croatian has its own separate patterns).
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.sr", "sh");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.bs", "sh");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.sh-*", "sh");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.sr-*", "sh");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.bs-*", "sh");
// Norwegian has two forms, Bokmål and Nynorsk, with "no" as a macrolanguage encompassing both.
// For "no", we'll alias to "nb" (Bokmål) as that is the more widely used written form.
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.no", "nb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.no-*", "nb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.nb-*", "nb");
pref("intl.hyphenation-alias.nn-*", "nn");
pref("font.name.serif.x-math", "Latin Modern Math");
pref("font.name-list.serif.x-math", "Latin Modern Math, XITS Math, Cambria Math, Libertinus Math, DejaVu Math TeX Gyre, TeX Gyre Bonum Math, TeX Gyre Pagella Math, TeX Gyre Schola, TeX Gyre Termes Math, STIX Math, Asana Math, STIXGeneral, DejaVu Serif, DejaVu Sans, serif");
pref("font.name.sans-serif.x-math", "sans-serif");
pref("font.name.monospace.x-math", "monospace");
// Some CJK fonts have bad underline offset, their CJK character glyphs are overlapped (or adjoined) to its underline.
// These fonts are ignored the underline offset, instead of it, the underline is lowered to bottom of its em descent.
pref("font.blacklist.underline_offset", "FangSong,Gulim,GulimChe,MingLiU,MingLiU-ExtB,MingLiU_HKSCS,MingLiU-HKSCS-ExtB,MS Gothic,MS Mincho,MS PGothic,MS PMincho,MS UI Gothic,PMingLiU,PMingLiU-ExtB,SimHei,SimSun,SimSun-ExtB,Hei,Kai,Apple LiGothic,Apple LiSung,Osaka");
pref("images.dither", "auto");
pref("security.directory", "");
pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", false);
pref("security.checkloaduri", true);
pref("security.xpconnect.plugin.unrestricted", true);
// security-sensitive dialogs should delay button enabling. In milliseconds.
pref("security.dialog_enable_delay", 1000);
pref("security.notification_enable_delay", 500);
pref("security.csp.enable", true);
pref("security.csp.experimentalEnabled", false);
pref("security.csp.enableStrictDynamic", true);
// Default Content Security Policy to apply to signed contents.
pref("security.signed_content.CSP.default", "script-src 'self'; style-src 'self'");
// Mixed content blocking
pref("security.mixed_content.block_active_content", false);
pref("security.mixed_content.block_display_content", false);
// Sub-resource integrity
pref("security.sri.enable", true);
// Block scripts with wrong MIME type such as image/ or video/.
pref("security.block_script_with_wrong_mime", true);
// Block images of wrong MIME for XCTO: nosniff.
pref("security.xcto_nosniff_block_images", false);
// Insecure Form Field Warning
pref("security.insecure_field_warning.contextual.enabled", false);
// If set to true, allow view-source URIs to be opened from URIs that share
// their protocol with the inner URI of the view-source URI
pref("security.view-source.reachable-from-inner-protocol", false);
// Blocklist preferences
pref("extensions.blocklist.enabled", true);
// OneCRL freshness checking depends on this value, so if you change it,
// please also update security.onecrl.maximum_staleness_in_seconds.
pref("extensions.blocklist.interval", 86400);
// Required blocklist freshness for OneCRL OCSP bypass
// (default is 1.25x extensions.blocklist.interval, or 30 hours)
pref("security.onecrl.maximum_staleness_in_seconds", 108000);
pref("extensions.blocklist.url", "https://blocklist.basilisk-browser.org/blocklist/%APP_ID%/%APP_VERSION%/%PRODUCT%/%BUILD_ID%/%BUILD_TARGET%/%LOCALE%/%CHANNEL%/%OS_VERSION%/");
pref("extensions.blocklist.detailsURL", "https://www.mozilla.com/%LOCALE%/blocklist/");
pref("extensions.blocklist.itemURL", "https://blocklist.addons.mozilla.org/%LOCALE%/%APP%/blocked/%blockID%");
// Controls what level the blocklist switches from warning about items to forcibly
// blocking them.
pref("extensions.blocklist.level", 2);
// Modifier key prefs: default to Windows settings,
// menu access key = alt, accelerator key = control.
// Use 17 for Ctrl, 18 for Alt, 224 for Meta, 91 for Win, 0 for none. Mac settings in macprefs.js
pref("ui.key.accelKey", 17);
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKey", 18);
pref("ui.key.generalAccessKey", -1);
// If generalAccessKey is -1, use the following two prefs instead.
// Use 0 for disabled, 1 for Shift, 2 for Ctrl, 4 for Alt, 8 for Meta, 16 for Win
// (values can be combined, e.g. 5 for Alt+Shift)
pref("ui.key.chromeAccess", 4);
pref("ui.key.contentAccess", 5);
pref("ui.key.menuAccessKeyFocuses", false); // overridden below
pref("ui.key.saveLink.shift", true); // true = shift, false = meta
// When true, overrides Windows OS convention to lock content scrolling
// if a contextual menu is open.
// XXX: Only effective on Windows for now!
pref("ui.menu.allow_content_scroll", true);
// Disable page loading activity cursor by default.
pref("ui.use_activity_cursor", false);
// Middle-mouse handling
pref("middlemouse.paste", false);
pref("middlemouse.openNewWindow", true);
pref("middlemouse.contentLoadURL", false);
pref("middlemouse.scrollbarPosition", false);
// Clipboard behavior
pref("clipboard.autocopy", false);
// Clipboard only supports text/plain
pref("clipboard.plainTextOnly", false);
#ifdef XP_WIN
// Mouse 4th/5th button handling
// Setting these to false allows you to disable the 4th and/or 5th button of
// your mouse. The 4th button is typically mapped to "Back" and the 5th
// button is typically mapped to "Forward".
pref("mouse.button4.enabled", true);
pref("mouse.button5.enabled", true);
// mouse wheel scroll transaction period of time (in milliseconds)
pref("mousewheel.transaction.timeout", 1500);
// mouse wheel scroll transaction is held even if the mouse cursor is moved.
pref("mousewheel.transaction.ignoremovedelay", 100);
// prefs for app level mouse wheel scrolling acceleration.
// number of mousewheel clicks when acceleration starts
// acceleration can be turned off if pref is set to -1
pref("mousewheel.acceleration.start", -1);
// factor to be multiplied for constant acceleration
pref("mousewheel.acceleration.factor", 10);
// Prefs for override the system mouse wheel scrolling speed on
// content of the web pages. When
// "mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled" is true and the system
// scrolling speed isn't customized by the user, the content scrolling
// speed is multiplied by the following factors. The value will be used as
// 1/100. E.g., 200 means 2.00.
// NOTE: Even if "mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.enabled" is
// true, when Gecko detects the user customized the system scrolling speed
// settings, the override isn't executed.
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.vertical.factor", 200);
pref("mousewheel.system_scroll_override_on_root_content.horizontal.factor", 200);
// mousewheel.*.action can specify the action when you use mosue wheel.
// When no modifier keys are pressed or two or more modifires are pressed,
// .default is used.
// 0: Nothing happens
// 1: Scrolling contents
// 2: Go back or go forward, in your history
// 3: Zoom in or out.
pref("mousewheel.default.action", 1);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.action", 2);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.action", 3);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.action", 1); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.action", 1);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.action", 1);
// mousewheel.*.action.override_x will override the action
// when the mouse wheel is rotated along the x direction.
// -1: Don't override the action.
// 0 to 3: Override the action with the specified value.
pref("mousewheel.default.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.action.override_x", -1); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.action.override_x", -1);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.action.override_x", -1);
// mousewheel.*.delta_multiplier_* can specify the value muliplied by the delta
// value. The values will be used after divided by 100. I.e., 100 means 1.0,
// -100 means -1.0. If the values were negative, the direction would be
// reverted. The absolue value must be 100 or larger.
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.default.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_alt.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_control.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_x", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_y", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_meta.delta_multiplier_z", 100); // command key on Mac
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_shift.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_x", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_y", 100);
pref("mousewheel.with_win.delta_multiplier_z", 100);
// If line-height is lower than this value (in device pixels), 1 line scroll
// scrolls this height.
pref("mousewheel.min_line_scroll_amount", 5);
// These define the smooth scroll behavior (min ms, max ms) for different triggers
// Some triggers:
// mouseWheel: Discrete mouse wheel events, Synaptics touchpads on windows (generate wheel events)
// Lines: Up/Down/Left/Right KB arrows
// Pages: Page up/down, Space
// Scrollbars: Clicking scrollbars arrows, clicking scrollbars tracks
// Note: Currently OS X trackpad and magic mouse don't use our smooth scrolling
// Note: These are relevant only when "general.smoothScroll" is enabled
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMinMS", 200);
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS", 400);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars.durationMaxMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMinMS", 150);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other.durationMaxMS", 150);
// Enable disable smooth scrolling for different triggers (when "general.smoothScroll" is enabled)
pref("general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pixels", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.lines", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.pages", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.scrollbars", true);
pref("general.smoothScroll.other", true);
// To connect consecutive scroll events into a continuous flow, the animation's duration
// should be longer than scroll events intervals (or else the scroll will stop
// before the next event arrives - we're guessing next interval by averaging recent
// intervals).
// This defines how longer is the duration compared to events interval (percentage)
pref("general.smoothScroll.durationToIntervalRatio", 200);
// These two prefs determine the timing function.
pref("general.smoothScroll.currentVelocityWeighting", "0.25");
pref("general.smoothScroll.stopDecelerationWeighting", "0.4");
// profile.migration_behavior determines how the profiles root is set
// 1 - create one based on the NS4.x profile root
// 2 - use, if not empty, profile.migration_directory otherwise same as 0
pref("profile.migration_directory", "");
// the amount of time (in seconds) that must elapse
// before we think your mozilla profile is defunct
// and you'd benefit from re-migrating from 4.x
// see bug #137886 for more details
// if -1, we never think your profile is defunct
// and users will never see the remigrate UI.
pref("profile.seconds_until_defunct", -1);
// We can show it anytime from menus
pref("profile.manage_only_at_launch", false);
// ------------------
// Text Direction
// ------------------
// 1 = directionLTRBidi *
// 2 = directionRTLBidi
pref("bidi.direction", 1);
// ------------------
// Text Type
// ------------------
// 1 = charsettexttypeBidi *
// 2 = logicaltexttypeBidi
// 3 = visualtexttypeBidi
pref("bidi.texttype", 1);
// ------------------
// Numeral Style
// ------------------
// 0 = nominalnumeralBidi *
// 1 = regularcontextnumeralBidi
// 2 = hindicontextnumeralBidi
// 3 = arabicnumeralBidi
// 4 = hindinumeralBidi
// 5 = persiancontextnumeralBidi
// 6 = persiannumeralBidi
pref("bidi.numeral", 0);
// Whether delete and backspace should immediately delete characters not
// visually adjacent to the caret, or adjust the visual position of the caret
// on the first keypress and delete the character on a second keypress
pref("bidi.edit.delete_immediately", true);
// Bidi caret movement style:
// 0 = logical
// 1 = visual
// 2 = visual, but logical during selection
pref("bidi.edit.caret_movement_style", 2);
// Setting this pref to |true| forces Bidi UI menu items and keyboard shortcuts
// to be exposed, and enables the directional caret hook. By default, only
// expose it for bidi-associated system locales.
pref("bidi.browser.ui", false);
// used for double-click word selection behavior. Win will override.
pref("layout.word_select.eat_space_to_next_word", false);
pref("layout.word_select.stop_at_punctuation", true);
// controls caret style and word-delete during text selection
// 0 = use platform default
// 1 = caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word
// delete deselects the selection and then deletes word
// 2 = caret moves to selection edge and is not visible during selection;
// word delete deletes the selection (Mac and Linux default)
// 3 = caret moves and blinks as when there is no selection; word delete
// deletes the selection
// Windows default is 1 for word delete behavior, the rest as for 2.
pref("layout.selection.caret_style", 0);
// pref to report CSS errors to the error console
pref("layout.css.report_errors", false);
// Should the :visited selector ever match (otherwise :link matches instead)?
pref("layout.css.visited_links_enabled", true);
// Override DPI. A value of -1 means use the maximum of 96 and the system DPI.
// A value of 0 means use the system DPI. A positive value is used as the DPI.
// This sets the physical size of a device pixel and thus controls the
// interpretation of physical units such as "pt".
pref("layout.css.dpi", -1);
// Set the number of device pixels per CSS pixel. A value <= 0 means choose
// automatically based on user settings for the platform (e.g., "UI scale factor"
// on Mac). A positive value is used as-is. This effectively controls the size
// of a CSS "px". This is only used for windows on the screen, not for printing.
pref("layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", "-1.0");
// Is support for CSS initial-letter property enabled?
pref("layout.css.initial-letter.enabled", false);
// Is support for mix-blend-mode enabled?
pref("layout.css.mix-blend-mode.enabled", true);
// Is support for isolation enabled?
pref("layout.css.isolation.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS Filters enabled?
pref("layout.css.filters.enabled", true);
// Set the threshold distance in CSS pixels below which scrolling will snap to
// an edge, when scroll snapping is set to "proximity".
pref("layout.css.scroll-snap.proximity-threshold", 200);
// When selecting the snap point for CSS scroll snapping, the velocity of the
// scroll frame is clamped to this speed, in CSS pixels / s.
pref("layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-max-velocity", 2000);
// When selecting the snap point for CSS scroll snapping, the velocity of the
// scroll frame is integrated over this duration, in seconds. The snap point
// best suited for this position is selected, enabling the user to perform fling
// gestures.
pref("layout.css.scroll-snap.prediction-sensitivity", "0.750");
// Is support for basic shapes in clip-path enabled?
pref("layout.css.clip-path-shapes.enabled", false);
// Is support for DOMPoint enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMPoint.enabled", true);
// Is support for DOMQuad enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMQuad.enabled", true);
// Is support for DOMMatrix enabled?
pref("layout.css.DOMMatrix.enabled", true);
// Is support for GeometryUtils.getBoxQuads enabled?
pref("layout.css.getBoxQuads.enabled", false);
pref("layout.css.getBoxQuads.enabled", true);
// Is support for GeometryUtils.convert*FromNode enabled?
pref("layout.css.convertFromNode.enabled", false);
pref("layout.css.convertFromNode.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS "text-align: unsafe X" enabled?
pref("layout.css.text-align-unsafe-value.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS text-justify property enabled?
pref("layout.css.text-justify.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS "float: inline-{start,end}" and
// "clear: inline-{start,end}" enabled?
#if !defined(RELEASE_OR_BETA)
pref("layout.css.float-logical-values.enabled", true);
pref("layout.css.float-logical-values.enabled", false);
// Is support for the CSS4 image-orientation property enabled?
pref("layout.css.image-orientation.enabled", true);
// Is support for the font-display @font-face descriptor enabled?
pref("layout.css.font-display.enabled", false);
// Enable the font variation stub code?
pref("layout.css.font-variations.stub", true);
// Are sets of prefixed properties supported?
pref("layout.css.prefixes.border-image", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.transforms", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.transitions", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.animations", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.box-sizing", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.font-features", true);
pref("layout.css.prefixes.gradients", true);
// Are webkit-prefixed properties & property-values supported?
pref("layout.css.prefixes.webkit", true);
// Are "-webkit-{min|max}-device-pixel-ratio" media queries supported?
// (Note: this pref has no effect if the master 'layout.css.prefixes.webkit'
// pref is set to false.)
pref("layout.css.prefixes.device-pixel-ratio-webkit", false);
// Is the CSS Unprefixing Service enabled? (This service emulates support
// for certain vendor-prefixed properties & values, for sites on a "fixlist".)
pref("layout.css.unprefixing-service.enabled", true);
// Is the CSS Unprefixing Service whitelisted for all domains?
// (This pref is only honored in Nightly builds and can be removed when
// Bug 1177263 is fixed.)
pref("layout.css.unprefixing-service.globally-whitelisted", false);
// Is support for the :scope selector enabled?
pref("layout.css.scope-pseudo.enabled", true);
// Is support for background-blend-mode enabled?
pref("layout.css.background-blend-mode.enabled", true);
// Is support for background-clip:text enabled?
pref("layout.css.background-clip-text.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS text-combine-upright (tate-chu-yoko) enabled?
pref("layout.css.text-combine-upright.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS text-combine-upright: digits 2-4 enabled?
pref("layout.css.text-combine-upright-digits.enabled", false);
// Is support for object-fit and object-position enabled?
pref("layout.css.object-fit-and-position.enabled", true);
// Is -moz-osx-font-smoothing enabled?
// Only supported in OSX builds
#ifdef XP_MACOSX
pref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled", true);
pref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled", false);
// Is support for the CSS-wide "unset" value enabled?
pref("layout.css.unset-value.enabled", true);
// Is support for the "all" shorthand enabled?
pref("layout.css.all-shorthand.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS variables enabled?
pref("layout.css.variables.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS overflow-clip-box enabled for non-UA sheets?
pref("layout.css.overflow-clip-box.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS grid enabled?
pref("layout.css.grid.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS "grid-template-{columns,rows}: subgrid X" enabled?
pref("layout.css.grid-template-subgrid-value.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS contain enabled?
pref("layout.css.contain.enabled", false);
// Is support for CSS display:contents enabled?
pref("layout.css.display-contents.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS box-decoration-break enabled?
pref("layout.css.box-decoration-break.enabled", true);
// Is layout of CSS outline-style:auto enabled?
pref("layout.css.outline-style-auto.enabled", false);
// Is CSSOM-View scroll-behavior and its MSD smooth scrolling enabled?
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.enabled", true);
// Is the CSSOM-View scroll-behavior CSS property enabled?
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.property-enabled", true);
// Tuning of the smooth scroll motion used by CSSOM-View scroll-behavior.
// Spring-constant controls the strength of the simulated MSD
// (Mass-Spring-Damper)
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.spring-constant", "250.0");
// Tuning of the smooth scroll motion used by CSSOM-View scroll-behavior.
// Damping-ratio controls the dampening force of the simulated MSD
// (Mass-Spring-Damper).
// When below 1.0, the system is under-damped; it may overshoot the target and
// oscillate.
// When greater than 1.0, the system is over-damped; it will reach the target at
// reduced speed without overshooting.
// When equal to 1.0, the system is critically-damped; it will reach the target
// at the greatest speed without overshooting.
pref("layout.css.scroll-behavior.damping-ratio", "1.0");
// Is support for scroll-snap enabled?
pref("layout.css.scroll-snap.enabled", true);
// Is support for CSS shape-outside enabled?
pref("layout.css.shape-outside.enabled", false);
// Is support for document.fonts enabled?
pref("layout.css.font-loading-api.enabled", true);
// Should stray control characters be rendered visibly?
pref("layout.css.control-characters.visible", false);
// pref for which side vertical scrollbars should be on
// 0 = end-side in UI direction
// 1 = end-side in document/content direction
// 2 = right
// 3 = left
pref("layout.scrollbar.side", 0);
// pref to stop overlay scrollbars from fading out, for testing purposes
pref("layout.testing.overlay-scrollbars.always-visible", false);
// Enable/disable interruptible reflow, which allows reflows to stop
// before completion (and display the partial results) when user events
// are pending.
pref("layout.interruptible-reflow.enabled", true);
// pref to control browser frame rate, in Hz. A value <= 0 means choose
// automatically based on knowledge of the platform (or 60Hz if no platform-
// specific information is available).
pref("layout.frame_rate", -1);
// pref to dump the display list to the log. Useful for debugging drawing.
pref("layout.display-list.dump", false);
pref("layout.display-list.dump-content", false);
// pref to control precision of the frame rate timer. When true,
// we use a "precise" timer, which means each notification fires
// Nms after the start of the last notification. That means if the
// processing of the notification is slow, the timer can fire immediately
// after we've just finished processing the last notification, which might
// lead to starvation problems.
// When false, we use a "slack" timer which fires Nms after the *end*
// of the last notification. This can give less tight frame rates
// but provides more time for other operations when the browser is
// heavily loaded.
pref("layout.frame_rate.precise", false);
// pref to control whether layout warnings that are hit quite often are enabled
pref("layout.spammy_warnings.enabled", false);
// Should we fragment floats inside CSS column layout?
pref("layout.float-fragments-inside-column.enabled", true);
// The number of frames times the frame rate is the time required to
// pass without painting used to guess that we'll not paint again soon
pref("layout.idle_period.required_quiescent_frames", 2);
// The amount of time (milliseconds) needed between an idle period's
// end and the start of the next tick to avoid jank.
pref("layout.idle_period.time_limit", 1);
// Is support for the Web Animations API enabled?
// Before enabling this by default, make sure also CSSPseudoElement interface
// has been spec'ed properly, or we should add a separate pref for
// CSSPseudoElement interface. See Bug 1174575 for further details.
pref("dom.animations-api.core.enabled", false);
pref("dom.animations-api.core.enabled", true);
// Is support for the Element.animate() function (a subset of the Web Animations
// API) enabled?
// Note that if dom.animations-api.core.enabled is true, this preference is
// ignored.
pref("dom.animations-api.element-animate.enabled", true);
// Pref to throttle offsreen animations
pref("dom.animations.offscreen-throttling", true);
// pref to permit users to make verified SOAP calls by default
pref("capability.policy.default.SOAPCall.invokeVerifySourceHeader", "allAccess");
// if true, allow plug-ins to override internal imglib decoder mime types in full-page mode
pref("plugin.override_internal_types", false);
// See bug 136985. Gives embedders a pref to hook into to show
// a popup blocker if they choose.
pref("browser.popups.showPopupBlocker", true);
// Pref to control whether the viewmanager code does double-buffering or not
// See http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=169483 for further details...
pref("viewmanager.do_doublebuffering", true);
// enable single finger gesture input (win7+ tablets)
pref("gestures.enable_single_finger_input", true);
pref("editor.resizing.preserve_ratio", true);
pref("editor.positioning.offset", 0);
pref("dom.use_watchdog", true);
pref("dom.max_chrome_script_run_time", 90);
pref("dom.max_script_run_time", 20);
// Stop all scripts in a compartment when the "stop script" dialog is used.
pref("dom.global_stop_script", true);
// If true, ArchiveReader will be enabled
pref("dom.archivereader.enabled", false);
// Time (milliseconds) between throttled idle callbacks.
pref("dom.idle_period.throttled_length", 10000);
// The amount of idle time (milliseconds) reserved for a long idle period
pref("idle_queue.long_period", 50);
// The minimum amount of time (milliseconds) required for an idle
// period to be scheduled on the main thread. N.B. that
// layout.idle_period.time_limit adds padding at the end of the idle
// period, which makes the point in time that we expect to become busy
// again be:
// now + idle_queue.min_period + layout.idle_period.time_limit
pref("idle_queue.min_period", 3);
// Hang monitor timeout after which we kill the browser, in seconds
// (0 is disabled)
// Disabled on all platforms per bug 705748 until the found issues are
// resolved.
pref("hangmonitor.timeout", 0);
pref("plugins.load_appdir_plugins", false);
// If true, plugins will be click to play
pref("plugins.click_to_play", false);
// This only supports one hidden ctp plugin, edit nsPluginArray.cpp if adding a second
pref("plugins.navigator.hidden_ctp_plugin", "Shockwave Flash");
// The default value for nsIPluginTag.enabledState (STATE_ENABLED = 2)
pref("plugin.default.state", 2);
// The MIME type that should bind to legacy java-specific invocations like