/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifdef XP_WIN #ifndef WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #endif #endif #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include "mar_private.h" #include "mar.h" #include "cryptox.h" int mar_read_entire_file(const char * filePath, uint32_t maxSize, /*out*/ const uint8_t * *data, /*out*/ uint32_t *size) { int result; FILE * f; if (!filePath || !data || !size) { return -1; } f = fopen(filePath, "rb"); if (!f) { return -1; } result = -1; if (!fseeko(f, 0, SEEK_END)) { int64_t fileSize = ftello(f); if (fileSize > 0 && fileSize <= maxSize && !fseeko(f, 0, SEEK_SET)) { unsigned char * fileData; *size = (unsigned int) fileSize; fileData = malloc(*size); if (fileData) { if (fread(fileData, *size, 1, f) == 1) { *data = fileData; result = 0; } else { free(fileData); } } } } fclose(f); return result; } int mar_extract_and_verify_signatures_fp(FILE *fp, CryptoX_ProviderHandle provider, CryptoX_PublicKey *keys, uint32_t keyCount); int mar_verify_signatures_for_fp(FILE *fp, CryptoX_ProviderHandle provider, CryptoX_PublicKey *keys, const uint8_t * const *extractedSignatures, uint32_t keyCount, uint32_t *numVerified); /** * Reads the specified number of bytes from the file pointer and * stores them in the passed buffer. * * @param fp The file pointer to read from. * @param buffer The buffer to store the read results. * @param size The number of bytes to read, buffer must be * at least of this size. * @param ctxs Pointer to the first element in an array of verify context. * @param count The number of elements in ctxs * @param err The name of what is being written to in case of error. * @return 0 on success * -1 on read error * -2 on verify update error */ int ReadAndUpdateVerifyContext(FILE *fp, void *buffer, uint32_t size, CryptoX_SignatureHandle *ctxs, uint32_t count, const char *err) { uint32_t k; if (!fp || !buffer || !ctxs || count == 0 || !err) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid parameter specified.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } if (!size) { return CryptoX_Success; } if (fread(buffer, size, 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read %s\n", err); return CryptoX_Error; } for (k = 0; k < count; k++) { if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_VerifyUpdate(&ctxs[k], buffer, size))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not update verify context for %s\n", err); return -2; } } return CryptoX_Success; } /** * Verifies a MAR file by verifying each signature with the corresponding * certificate. That is, the first signature will be verified using the first * certificate given, the second signature will be verified using the second * certificate given, etc. The signature count must exactly match the number of * certificates given, and all signature verifications must succeed. * * @param mar The file who's signature should be calculated * @param certData Pointer to the first element in an array of * certificate data * @param certDataSizes Pointer to the first element in an array for size of * the data stored * @param certCount The number of elements in certData and certDataSizes * @return 0 on success */ int mar_verify_signatures(MarFile *mar, const uint8_t * const *certData, const uint32_t *certDataSizes, uint32_t certCount) { int rv = -1; CryptoX_ProviderHandle provider = CryptoX_InvalidHandleValue; CryptoX_PublicKey keys[MAX_SIGNATURES]; uint32_t k; memset(keys, 0, sizeof(keys)); if (!mar || !certData || !certDataSizes || certCount == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid parameter specified.\n"); goto failure; } if (!mar->fp) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MAR file is not open.\n"); goto failure; } if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_InitCryptoProvider(&provider))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not init crytpo library.\n"); goto failure; } for (k = 0; k < certCount; ++k) { if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_LoadPublicKey(provider, certData[k], certDataSizes[k], &keys[k]))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not load public key.\n"); goto failure; } } rv = mar_extract_and_verify_signatures_fp(mar->fp, provider, keys, certCount); failure: for (k = 0; k < certCount; ++k) { if (keys[k]) { CryptoX_FreePublicKey(&keys[k]); } } return rv; } /** * Extracts each signature from the specified MAR file, * then calls mar_verify_signatures_for_fp to verify each signature. * * @param fp An opened MAR file handle * @param provider A library provider * @param keys The public keys to use to verify the MAR * @param keyCount The number of keys pointed to by keys * @return 0 on success */ int mar_extract_and_verify_signatures_fp(FILE *fp, CryptoX_ProviderHandle provider, CryptoX_PublicKey *keys, uint32_t keyCount) { uint32_t signatureCount, signatureLen, numVerified = 0; uint32_t signatureAlgorithmIDs[MAX_SIGNATURES]; uint8_t *extractedSignatures[MAX_SIGNATURES]; uint32_t i; memset(signatureAlgorithmIDs, 0, sizeof(signatureAlgorithmIDs)); memset(extractedSignatures, 0, sizeof(extractedSignatures)); if (!fp) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid file pointer passed.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } /* To protect against invalid MAR files, we assumes that the MAR file size is less than or equal to MAX_SIZE_OF_MAR_FILE. */ if (fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_END)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not seek to the end of the MAR file.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } if (ftello(fp) > MAX_SIZE_OF_MAR_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: MAR file is too large to be verified.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } /* Skip to the start of the signature block */ if (fseeko(fp, SIGNATURE_BLOCK_OFFSET, SEEK_SET)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not seek to the signature block.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } /* Get the number of signatures */ if (fread(&signatureCount, sizeof(signatureCount), 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read number of signatures.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } signatureCount = ntohl(signatureCount); /* Check that we have less than the max amount of signatures so we don't waste too much of either updater's or signmar's time. */ if (signatureCount > MAX_SIGNATURES) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: At most %d signatures can be specified.\n", MAX_SIGNATURES); return CryptoX_Error; } for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { /* Get the signature algorithm ID */ if (fread(&signatureAlgorithmIDs[i], sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read signatures algorithm ID.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } signatureAlgorithmIDs[i] = ntohl(signatureAlgorithmIDs[i]); if (fread(&signatureLen, sizeof(uint32_t), 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read signatures length.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } signatureLen = ntohl(signatureLen); /* To protected against invalid input make sure the signature length isn't too big. */ if (signatureLen > MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Signature length is too large to verify.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } extractedSignatures[i] = malloc(signatureLen); if (!extractedSignatures[i]) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could allocate buffer for signature.\n"); return CryptoX_Error; } if (fread(extractedSignatures[i], signatureLen, 1, fp) != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not read extracted signature.\n"); for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; ++i) { free(extractedSignatures[i]); } return CryptoX_Error; } /* We don't try to verify signatures we don't know about */ if (signatureAlgorithmIDs[i] != 1) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Unknown signature algorithm ID.\n"); for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; ++i) { free(extractedSignatures[i]); } return CryptoX_Error; } } if (ftello(fp) == -1) { return CryptoX_Error; } if (mar_verify_signatures_for_fp(fp, provider, keys, (const uint8_t * const *)extractedSignatures, signatureCount, &numVerified) == CryptoX_Error) { return CryptoX_Error; } for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; ++i) { free(extractedSignatures[i]); } /* If we reached here and we verified every signature, return success. */ if (numVerified == signatureCount && keyCount == numVerified) { return CryptoX_Success; } if (numVerified == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Not all signatures were verified.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Only %d of %d signatures were verified.\n", numVerified, signatureCount); } return CryptoX_Error; } /** * Verifies a MAR file by verifying each signature with the corresponding * certificate. That is, the first signature will be verified using the first * certificate given, the second signature will be verified using the second * certificate given, etc. The signature count must exactly match the number of * certificates given, and all signature verifications must succeed. * * @param fp An opened MAR file handle * @param provider A library provider * @param keys A pointer to the first element in an * array of keys. * @param extractedSignatures Pointer to the first element in an array * of extracted signatures. * @param signatureCount The number of signatures in the MAR file * @param numVerified Out parameter which will be filled with * the number of verified signatures. * This information can be useful for printing * error messages. * @return 0 on success, *numVerified == signatureCount. */ int mar_verify_signatures_for_fp(FILE *fp, CryptoX_ProviderHandle provider, CryptoX_PublicKey *keys, const uint8_t * const *extractedSignatures, uint32_t signatureCount, uint32_t *numVerified) { CryptoX_SignatureHandle signatureHandles[MAX_SIGNATURES]; char buf[BLOCKSIZE]; uint32_t signatureLengths[MAX_SIGNATURES]; uint32_t i; int rv = CryptoX_Error; memset(signatureHandles, 0, sizeof(signatureHandles)); memset(signatureLengths, 0, sizeof(signatureLengths)); if (!extractedSignatures || !numVerified) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Invalid parameter specified.\n"); goto failure; } *numVerified = 0; /* This function is only called when we have at least one signature, but to protected against future people who call this function we make sure a non zero value is passed in. */ if (!signatureCount) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: There must be at least one signature.\n"); goto failure; } for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_VerifyBegin(provider, &signatureHandles[i], &keys[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not initialize signature handle.\n"); goto failure; } } /* Skip to the start of the file */ if (fseeko(fp, 0, SEEK_SET)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not seek to start of the file\n"); goto failure; } /* Bytes 0-3: MAR1 Bytes 4-7: index offset Bytes 8-15: size of entire MAR */ if (CryptoX_Failed(ReadAndUpdateVerifyContext(fp, buf, SIGNATURE_BLOCK_OFFSET + sizeof(uint32_t), signatureHandles, signatureCount, "signature block"))) { goto failure; } /* Read the signature block */ for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { /* Get the signature algorithm ID */ if (CryptoX_Failed(ReadAndUpdateVerifyContext(fp, &buf, sizeof(uint32_t), signatureHandles, signatureCount, "signature algorithm ID"))) { goto failure; } if (CryptoX_Failed(ReadAndUpdateVerifyContext(fp, &signatureLengths[i], sizeof(uint32_t), signatureHandles, signatureCount, "signature length"))) { goto failure; } signatureLengths[i] = ntohl(signatureLengths[i]); if (signatureLengths[i] > MAX_SIGNATURE_LENGTH) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Embedded signature length is too large.\n"); goto failure; } /* Skip past the signature itself as those are not included */ if (fseeko(fp, signatureLengths[i], SEEK_CUR)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Could not seek past signature.\n"); goto failure; } } /* Read the rest of the file after the signature block */ while (!feof(fp)) { int numRead = fread(buf, 1, BLOCKSIZE , fp); if (ferror(fp)) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error reading data block.\n"); goto failure; } for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_VerifyUpdate(&signatureHandles[i], buf, numRead))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error updating verify context with" " data block.\n"); goto failure; } } } /* Verify the signatures */ for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { if (CryptoX_Failed(CryptoX_VerifySignature(&signatureHandles[i], &keys[i], extractedSignatures[i], signatureLengths[i]))) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Error verifying signature.\n"); goto failure; } ++*numVerified; } rv = CryptoX_Success; failure: for (i = 0; i < signatureCount; i++) { CryptoX_FreeSignatureHandle(&signatureHandles[i]); } return rv; }