/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Lucas Rocha * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.lucasr.dspec; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorFilter; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.Rect; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.view.View; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Draw a baseline grid, keylines, and spacing markers on top of a {@link View}. * * A {@link DesignSpec} can be configure programmatically as follows: *
  1. Toggle baseline grid visibility with {@link #setBaselineGridVisible(boolean)}.
  2. *
  3. Change baseline grid cell width with {@link #setBaselineGridCellSize(float)}. *
  4. Change baseline grid color with {@link #setBaselineGridColor(int)}. *
  5. Toggle keylines visibility with {@link #setKeylinesVisible(boolean)}. *
  6. Change keylines color with {@link #setKeylinesColor(int)}. *
  7. Add keylines with {@link #addKeyline(float, From)}. *
  8. Toggle spacings visibility with {@link #setSpacingsVisible(boolean)}. *
  9. Change spacings color with {@link #setSpacingsColor(int)}. *
  10. Add spacing with {@link #addSpacing(float, float, From)}. *
* * You can also define a {@link DesignSpec} via a raw JSON resource as follows: *
 * {
 *     "baselineGridVisible": true,
 *     "baselineGridCellSize": 8,
 *     "keylines": [
 *         { "offset": 16,
 *           "from": "LEFT" },
 *         { "offset": 72,
 *           "from": "LEFT" },
 *         { "offset": 16,
 *           "from": "RIGHT" }
 *     ],
 *     "spacings": [
 *         { "offset": 0,
 *           "size": 16,
 *           "from": "LEFT" },
 *         { "offset": 56,
 *           "size": 16,
 *           "from": "LEFT" },
 *         { "offset": 0,
 *           "size": 16,
 *           "from": "RIGHT" }
 *     ]
 * }
* * The {@link From} arguments implicitly define the orientation of the given * keyline or spacing i.e. {@link From#LEFT}, {@link From#RIGHT}, {@link From#HORIZONTAL_CENTER} * are implicitly vertical; and {@link From#TOP}, {@link From#BOTTOM}, {@link From#VERTICAL_CENTER} * are implicitly horizontal. * * The {@link From} arguments also define the 'direction' of the offsets and sizes in keylines and * spacings. For example, a keyline using {@link From#RIGHT} will have its offset measured from * right to left of the target {@link View}. * * The easiest way to use a {@link DesignSpec} is by enclosing your target {@link View} with * a {@link DesignSpecFrameLayout} using the {@code designSpec} attribute as follows: *
 *     ...
* * Where {@code @raw/my_spec} is a raw JSON resource. Because the {@link DesignSpec} is * defined in an Android resource, you can vary it according to the target form factor using * well-known resource qualifiers making it easy to define different specs for phones and tablets. * * Because {@link DesignSpec} is a {@link Drawable}, you can simply add it to any * {@link android.view.ViewOverlay} if you're running your app on API level >= 18: * *
 * DesignSpec designSpec = DesignSpec.fromResource(someView, R.raw.some_spec);
 * someView.getOverlay().add(designSpec);
* * @see DesignSpecFrameLayout * @see #fromResource(View, int) */ public class DesignSpec extends Drawable { private static final boolean DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_VISIBLE = false; private static final boolean DEFAULT_KEYLINES_VISIBLE = true; private static final boolean DEFAULT_SPACINGS_VISIBLE = true; private static final int DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_CELL_SIZE_DIP = 8; private static final String DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_COLOR = "#44C2185B"; private static final String DEFAULT_KEYLINE_COLOR = "#CCC2185B"; private static final String DEFAULT_SPACING_COLOR = "#CC89FDFD"; private static final float KEYLINE_STROKE_WIDTH_DIP = 1.1f; private static final String JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_VISIBLE = "baselineGridVisible"; private static final String JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_CELL_SIZE = "baselineGridCellSize"; private static final String JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_COLOR = "baselineGridColor"; private static final String JSON_KEY_KEYLINES_VISIBLE = "keylinesVisible"; private static final String JSON_KEY_KEYLINES_COLOR = "keylinesColor"; private static final String JSON_KEY_KEYLINES = "keylines"; private static final String JSON_KEY_OFFSET = "offset"; private static final String JSON_KEY_SIZE = "size"; private static final String JSON_KEY_FROM = "from"; private static final String JSON_KEY_SPACINGS_VISIBLE = "spacingsVisible"; private static final String JSON_KEY_SPACINGS_COLOR = "spacingsColor"; private static final String JSON_KEY_SPACINGS = "spacings"; /** * Defined the reference point from which keyline/spacing offsets and sizes * will be calculated. */ public enum From { LEFT, RIGHT, TOP, BOTTOM, VERTICAL_CENTER, HORIZONTAL_CENTER } private static class Keyline { public final float position; public final From from; public Keyline(float position, From from) { this.position = position; this.from = from; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Keyline)) { return false; } if (o == this) { return true; } final Keyline other = (Keyline) o; return (this.position == other.position && this.from == other.from); } } private static class Spacing { public final float offset; public final float size; public final From from; public Spacing(float offset, float size, From from) { this.offset = offset; this.size = size; this.from = from; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (!(o instanceof Keyline)) { return false; } if (o == this) { return true; } final Spacing other = (Spacing) o; return (this.offset == other.offset && this.size == other.size && this.from == other.from); } } private final View mHostView; private final float mDensity; private boolean mBaselineGridVisible = DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_VISIBLE; private float mBaselineGridCellSize; private final Paint mBaselineGridPaint; private boolean mKeylinesVisible = DEFAULT_KEYLINES_VISIBLE; private final Paint mKeylinesPaint; private final List mKeylines; private boolean mSpacingsVisible = DEFAULT_SPACINGS_VISIBLE; private final Paint mSpacingsPaint; private final List mSpacings; public DesignSpec(Resources resources, View hostView) { mHostView = hostView; mDensity = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density; mKeylines = new ArrayList(); mSpacings = new ArrayList(); mBaselineGridPaint = new Paint(); mBaselineGridPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor(DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_COLOR)); mKeylinesPaint = new Paint(); mKeylinesPaint.setStrokeWidth(KEYLINE_STROKE_WIDTH_DIP * mDensity); mKeylinesPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor(DEFAULT_KEYLINE_COLOR)); mSpacingsPaint = new Paint(); mSpacingsPaint.setColor(Color.parseColor(DEFAULT_SPACING_COLOR)); mBaselineGridCellSize = mDensity * DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_CELL_SIZE_DIP; } /** * Whether or not the baseline grid should be drawn. */ public boolean isBaselineGridVisible() { return mBaselineGridVisible; } /** * Sets the baseline grid visibility. */ public DesignSpec setBaselineGridVisible(boolean visible) { if (mBaselineGridVisible == visible) { return this; } mBaselineGridVisible = visible; invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Sets the size of the baseline grid cells. By default, it uses the * material design 8dp cell size. */ public DesignSpec setBaselineGridCellSize(float cellSize) { if (mBaselineGridCellSize == cellSize) { return this; } mBaselineGridCellSize = cellSize; invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Sets the baseline grid color. */ public DesignSpec setBaselineGridColor(int color) { if (mBaselineGridPaint.getColor() == color) { return this; } mBaselineGridPaint.setColor(color); invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Whether or not the keylines should be drawn. */ public boolean areKeylinesVisible() { return mKeylinesVisible; } /** * Sets the visibility of keylines. */ public DesignSpec setKeylinesVisible(boolean visible) { if (mKeylinesVisible == visible) { return this; } mKeylinesVisible = visible; invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Sets the keyline color. */ public DesignSpec setKeylinesColor(int color) { if (mKeylinesPaint.getColor() == color) { return this; } mKeylinesPaint.setColor(color); invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Adds a keyline to the {@link DesignSpec}. */ public DesignSpec addKeyline(float position, From from) { final Keyline keyline = new Keyline(position * mDensity, from); if (mKeylines.contains(keyline)) { return this; } mKeylines.add(keyline); return this; } /** * Whether or not the spacing markers should be drawn. */ public boolean areSpacingsVisible() { return mSpacingsVisible; } /** * Sets the visibility of spacing markers. */ public DesignSpec setSpacingsVisible(boolean visible) { if (mSpacingsVisible == visible) { return this; } mSpacingsVisible = visible; invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Sets the spacing mark color. */ public DesignSpec setSpacingsColor(int color) { if (mSpacingsPaint.getColor() == color) { return this; } mSpacingsPaint.setColor(color); invalidateSelf(); return this; } /** * Adds a spacing mark to the {@link DesignSpec}. */ public DesignSpec addSpacing(float position, float size, From from) { final Spacing spacing = new Spacing(position * mDensity, size * mDensity, from); if (mSpacings.contains(spacing)) { return this; } mSpacings.add(spacing); return this; } private void drawBaselineGrid(Canvas canvas) { if (!mBaselineGridVisible) { return; } final int width = getIntrinsicWidth(); final int height = getIntrinsicHeight(); float x = mBaselineGridCellSize; while (x < width) { canvas.drawLine(x, 0, x, height, mBaselineGridPaint); x += mBaselineGridCellSize; } float y = mBaselineGridCellSize; while (y < height) { canvas.drawLine(0, y, width, y, mBaselineGridPaint); y += mBaselineGridCellSize; } } private void drawKeylines(Canvas canvas) { if (!mKeylinesVisible) { return; } final int width = getIntrinsicWidth(); final int height = getIntrinsicHeight(); final int count = mKeylines.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Keyline keyline = mKeylines.get(i); final float position; switch (keyline.from) { case LEFT: case TOP: position = keyline.position; break; case RIGHT: position = width - keyline.position; break; case BOTTOM: position = height - keyline.position; break; case VERTICAL_CENTER: position = (height / 2) + keyline.position; break; case HORIZONTAL_CENTER: position = (width / 2) + keyline.position; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid keyline offset"); } switch (keyline.from) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: case HORIZONTAL_CENTER: canvas.drawLine(position, 0, position, height, mKeylinesPaint); break; case TOP: case BOTTOM: case VERTICAL_CENTER: canvas.drawLine(0, position, width, position, mKeylinesPaint); break; } } } private void drawSpacings(Canvas canvas) { if (!mSpacingsVisible) { return; } final int width = getIntrinsicWidth(); final int height = getIntrinsicHeight(); final int count = mSpacings.size(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { final Spacing spacing = mSpacings.get(i); final float position1; final float position2; switch (spacing.from) { case LEFT: case TOP: position1 = spacing.offset; position2 = position1 + spacing.size; break; case RIGHT: position1 = width - spacing.offset + spacing.size; position2 = width - spacing.offset; break; case BOTTOM: position1 = height - spacing.offset + spacing.size; position2 = height - spacing.offset; break; case VERTICAL_CENTER: position1 = (height / 2) + spacing.offset; position2 = position1 + spacing.size; break; case HORIZONTAL_CENTER: position1 = (width / 2) + spacing.offset; position2 = position1 + spacing.size; break; default: throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid spacing offset"); } switch (spacing.from) { case LEFT: case RIGHT: case HORIZONTAL_CENTER: canvas.drawRect(position1, 0, position2, height, mSpacingsPaint); break; case TOP: case BOTTOM: case VERTICAL_CENTER: canvas.drawRect(0, position1, width, position2, mSpacingsPaint); break; } } } /** * Draws the {@link DesignSpec}. You should call this in your {@link View}'s * {@link View#onDraw(Canvas)} method if you're not simply enclosing it with a * {@link DesignSpecFrameLayout}. */ @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { drawSpacings(canvas); drawBaselineGrid(canvas); drawKeylines(canvas); } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return mHostView.getWidth(); } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return mHostView.getHeight(); } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { mBaselineGridPaint.setAlpha(alpha); mKeylinesPaint.setAlpha(alpha); mSpacingsPaint.setAlpha(alpha); } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { mBaselineGridPaint.setColorFilter(cf); mKeylinesPaint.setColorFilter(cf); mSpacingsPaint.setColorFilter(cf); } @Override public int getOpacity() { return PixelFormat.TRANSLUCENT; } /** * Creates a new {@link DesignSpec} instance from a resource ID using a {@link View} * that will provide the {@link DesignSpec}'s intrinsic dimensions. * * @param view The {@link View} who will own the new {@link DesignSpec} instance. * @param resId The resource ID pointing to a raw JSON resource. * @return The newly created {@link DesignSpec} instance. */ public static DesignSpec fromResource(View view, int resId) { final Resources resources = view.getResources(); final DesignSpec spec = new DesignSpec(resources, view); if (resId == 0) { return spec; } final JSONObject json; try { json = RawResource.getAsJSON(resources, resId); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Could not read design spec resource", e); } final float density = resources.getDisplayMetrics().density; spec.setBaselineGridCellSize(density * json.optInt(JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_CELL_SIZE, DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_CELL_SIZE_DIP)); spec.setBaselineGridVisible(json.optBoolean(JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_VISIBLE, DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_VISIBLE)); spec.setKeylinesVisible(json.optBoolean(JSON_KEY_KEYLINES_VISIBLE, DEFAULT_KEYLINES_VISIBLE)); spec.setSpacingsVisible(json.optBoolean(JSON_KEY_SPACINGS_VISIBLE, DEFAULT_SPACINGS_VISIBLE)); spec.setBaselineGridColor(Color.parseColor(json.optString(JSON_KEY_BASELINE_GRID_COLOR, DEFAULT_BASELINE_GRID_COLOR))); spec.setKeylinesColor(Color.parseColor(json.optString(JSON_KEY_KEYLINES_COLOR, DEFAULT_KEYLINE_COLOR))); spec.setSpacingsColor(Color.parseColor(json.optString(JSON_KEY_SPACINGS_COLOR, DEFAULT_SPACING_COLOR))); final JSONArray keylines = json.optJSONArray(JSON_KEY_KEYLINES); if (keylines != null) { final int keylineCount = keylines.length(); for (int i = 0; i < keylineCount; i++) { try { final JSONObject keyline = keylines.getJSONObject(i); spec.addKeyline(keyline.getInt(JSON_KEY_OFFSET), From.valueOf(keyline.getString(JSON_KEY_FROM).toUpperCase())); } catch (JSONException e) { continue; } } } final JSONArray spacings = json.optJSONArray(JSON_KEY_SPACINGS); if (spacings != null) { final int spacingCount = spacings.length(); for (int i = 0; i < spacingCount; i++) { try { final JSONObject spacing = spacings.getJSONObject(i); spec.addSpacing(spacing.getInt(JSON_KEY_OFFSET), spacing.getInt(JSON_KEY_SIZE), From.valueOf(spacing.getString(JSON_KEY_FROM).toUpperCase())); } catch (JSONException e) { continue; } } } return spec; } }