/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "CSFLog.h" #include "WebrtcOMXH264VideoCodec.h" // Android/Stagefright #include <avc_utils.h> #include <binder/ProcessState.h> #include <foundation/ABuffer.h> #include <foundation/AMessage.h> #include <gui/Surface.h> #include <media/ICrypto.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaCodec.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaDefs.h> #include <media/stagefright/MediaErrors.h> #include <media/stagefright/MetaData.h> #include <OMX_Component.h> using namespace android; // WebRTC //#include "webrtc/common_video/interface/texture_video_frame.h" #include "webrtc/video_engine/include/vie_external_codec.h" #include "runnable_utils.h" // Gecko #include "GonkNativeWindow.h" #include "GrallocImages.h" #include "mozilla/Atomics.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "OMXCodecWrapper.h" #include "TextureClient.h" #include "mozilla/IntegerPrintfMacros.h" #define DEQUEUE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US (100 * 1000ll) // 100ms. #define START_DEQUEUE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US (10 * DEQUEUE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US) // 1s. #define DRAIN_THREAD_TIMEOUT_US (1000 * 1000ll) // 1s. #define WOHVC_LOG_TAG "WebrtcOMXH264VideoCodec" #define CODEC_LOGV(...) CSFLogInfo(WOHVC_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGD(...) CSFLogDebug(WOHVC_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGI(...) CSFLogInfo(WOHVC_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGW(...) CSFLogWarn(WOHVC_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) #define CODEC_LOGE(...) CSFLogError(WOHVC_LOG_TAG, __VA_ARGS__) namespace mozilla { static const uint8_t kNALStartCode[] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }; enum { kNALTypeIDR = 5, kNALTypeSPS = 7, kNALTypePPS = 8, }; // NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING() cannot be used directly in // ImageNativeHandle below because the return type of webrtc::NativeHandle // AddRef()/Release() conflicts with those defined in macro. To avoid another // copy/paste of ref-counting implementation here, this dummy base class // is created to proivde another level of indirection. class DummyRefCountBase { public: // Use the name of real class for logging. NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(DummyRefCountBase) protected: // To make sure subclass will be deleted/destructed properly. virtual ~DummyRefCountBase() {} }; // This function implements 2 interafces: // 1. webrtc::NativeHandle: to wrap layers::Image object so decoded frames can // be passed through WebRTC rendering pipeline using TextureVideoFrame. // 2. ImageHandle: for renderer to get the image object inside without knowledge // about webrtc::NativeHandle. class ImageNativeHandle final : public webrtc::NativeHandle , public DummyRefCountBase { public: ImageNativeHandle(layers::Image* aImage) : mImage(aImage) {} // Implement webrtc::NativeHandle. virtual void* GetHandle() override { return mImage.get(); } virtual int AddRef() override { return DummyRefCountBase::AddRef(); } virtual int Release() override { return DummyRefCountBase::Release(); } private: RefPtr<layers::Image> mImage; }; struct EncodedFrame { uint32_t mWidth; uint32_t mHeight; uint32_t mTimestamp; int64_t mRenderTimeMs; }; static void ShutdownThread(nsCOMPtr<nsIThread>& aThread) { aThread->Shutdown(); } // Base runnable class to repeatly pull OMX output buffers in seperate thread. // How to use: // - implementing DrainOutput() to get output. Remember to return false to tell // drain not to pop input queue. // - call QueueInput() to schedule a run to drain output. The input, aFrame, // should contains corresponding info such as image size and timestamps for // DrainOutput() implementation to construct data needed by encoded/decoded // callbacks. // TODO: Bug 997110 - Revisit queue/drain logic. Current design assumes that // encoder only generate one output buffer per input frame and won't work // if encoder drops frames or generates multiple output per input. class OMXOutputDrain : public Runnable { public: void Start() { CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain starting"); MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); if (mThread == nullptr) { NS_NewNamedThread("OMXOutputDrain", getter_AddRefs(mThread)); } CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain started"); mEnding = false; mThread->Dispatch(this, NS_DISPATCH_NORMAL); } void Stop() { CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain stopping"); MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); mEnding = true; lock.NotifyAll(); // In case Run() is waiting. if (mThread != nullptr) { MonitorAutoUnlock unlock(mMonitor); CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain thread shutdown"); NS_DispatchToMainThread( WrapRunnableNM<decltype(&ShutdownThread), nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> >(&ShutdownThread, mThread)); mThread = nullptr; } CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain stopped"); } void QueueInput(const EncodedFrame& aFrame) { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); MOZ_ASSERT(mThread); mInputFrames.push(aFrame); // Notify Run() about queued input and it can start working. lock.NotifyAll(); } NS_IMETHOD Run() override { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); if (mEnding) { return NS_OK; } MOZ_ASSERT(mThread); while (true) { if (mInputFrames.empty()) { // Wait for new input. lock.Wait(); } if (mEnding) { CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain Run() ending"); // Stop draining. break; } MOZ_ASSERT(!mInputFrames.empty()); { // Release monitor while draining because it's blocking. MonitorAutoUnlock unlock(mMonitor); DrainOutput(); } } CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain Ended"); return NS_OK; } protected: OMXOutputDrain() : mMonitor("OMXOutputDrain monitor") , mEnding(false) {} // Drain output buffer for input frame queue mInputFrames. // mInputFrames contains info such as size and time of the input frames. // We have to give a queue to handle encoder frame skips - we can input 10 // frames and get one back. NOTE: any access of aInputFrames MUST be preceded // locking mMonitor! // Blocks waiting for decoded buffers, but for a limited period because // we need to check for shutdown. virtual bool DrainOutput() = 0; protected: // This monitor protects all things below it, and is also used to // wait/notify queued input. Monitor mMonitor; std::queue<EncodedFrame> mInputFrames; private: // also protected by mMonitor nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> mThread; bool mEnding; }; // Assumption: SPS is first paramset or is not present static bool IsParamSets(uint8_t* aData, size_t aSize) { MOZ_ASSERT(aData && aSize > sizeof(kNALStartCode)); return (aData[sizeof(kNALStartCode)] & 0x1f) == kNALTypeSPS; } // get the length of any pre-pended SPS/PPS's static size_t ParamSetLength(uint8_t* aData, size_t aSize) { const uint8_t* data = aData; size_t size = aSize; const uint8_t* nalStart = nullptr; size_t nalSize = 0; while (getNextNALUnit(&data, &size, &nalStart, &nalSize, true) == OK) { if ((*nalStart & 0x1f) != kNALTypeSPS && (*nalStart & 0x1f) != kNALTypePPS) { MOZ_ASSERT(nalStart - sizeof(kNALStartCode) >= aData); return (nalStart - sizeof(kNALStartCode)) - aData; // SPS/PPS/iframe } } return aSize; // it's only SPS/PPS } // H.264 decoder using stagefright. // It implements gonk native window callback to receive buffers from // MediaCodec::RenderOutputBufferAndRelease(). class WebrtcOMXDecoder final : public GonkNativeWindowNewFrameCallback { NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(WebrtcOMXDecoder) private: virtual ~WebrtcOMXDecoder() { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p OMX destructor", this); if (mStarted) { Stop(); } if (mCodec != nullptr) { mCodec->release(); mCodec.clear(); } mLooper.clear(); } public: WebrtcOMXDecoder(const char* aMimeType, webrtc::DecodedImageCallback* aCallback) : mWidth(0) , mHeight(0) , mStarted(false) , mCallback(aCallback) , mDecodedFrameLock("WebRTC decoded frame lock") , mEnding(false) { // Create binder thread pool required by stagefright. android::ProcessState::self()->startThreadPool(); mLooper = new ALooper; mLooper->start(); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p creating decoder", this); mCodec = MediaCodec::CreateByType(mLooper, aMimeType, false /* encoder */); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p OMX created", this); } // Find SPS in input data and extract picture width and height if found. static status_t ExtractPicDimensions(uint8_t* aData, size_t aSize, int32_t* aWidth, int32_t* aHeight) { MOZ_ASSERT(aData && aSize > sizeof(kNALStartCode)); if ((aData[sizeof(kNALStartCode)] & 0x1f) != kNALTypeSPS) { return ERROR_MALFORMED; } sp<ABuffer> sps = new ABuffer(&aData[sizeof(kNALStartCode)], aSize - sizeof(kNALStartCode)); FindAVCDimensions(sps, aWidth, aHeight); return OK; } // Configure decoder using image width/height. status_t ConfigureWithPicDimensions(int32_t aWidth, int32_t aHeight) { MOZ_ASSERT(mCodec != nullptr); if (mCodec == nullptr) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } CODEC_LOGD("OMX:%p decoder width:%d height:%d", this, aWidth, aHeight); sp<AMessage> config = new AMessage(); config->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); config->setInt32("width", aWidth); config->setInt32("height", aHeight); mWidth = aWidth; mHeight = aHeight; sp<Surface> surface = nullptr; mNativeWindow = new GonkNativeWindow(); if (mNativeWindow.get()) { // listen to buffers queued by MediaCodec::RenderOutputBufferAndRelease(). mNativeWindow->setNewFrameCallback(this); // XXX remove buffer changes after a better solution lands - bug 1009420 sp<GonkBufferQueue> bq = mNativeWindow->getBufferQueue(); bq->setSynchronousMode(false); // More spare buffers to avoid OMX decoder waiting for native window bq->setMaxAcquiredBufferCount(WEBRTC_OMX_H264_MIN_DECODE_BUFFERS); surface = new Surface(bq); } status_t result = mCodec->configure(config, surface, nullptr, 0); if (result == OK) { CODEC_LOGD("OMX:%p decoder configured", this); result = Start(); } return result; } status_t FillInput(const webrtc::EncodedImage& aEncoded, bool aIsFirstFrame, int64_t& aRenderTimeMs) { MOZ_ASSERT(mCodec != nullptr && aEncoded._buffer && aEncoded._length > 0); if (mCodec == nullptr || !aEncoded._buffer || aEncoded._length == 0) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } // Break input encoded data into NALUs and send each one to decode. // 8x10 decoder doesn't allow picture coding NALs to be in the same buffer // with SPS/PPS (BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG) per QC const uint8_t* data = aEncoded._buffer; size_t size = aEncoded._length; const uint8_t* nalStart = nullptr; size_t nalSize = 0; status_t err = OK; // this returns a pointer to the NAL byte (after the StartCode) while (getNextNALUnit(&data, &size, &nalStart, &nalSize, true) == OK) { // Individual NALU inherits metadata from input encoded data. webrtc::EncodedImage nalu(aEncoded); nalu._buffer = const_cast<uint8_t*>(nalStart) - sizeof(kNALStartCode); MOZ_ASSERT(nalu._buffer >= aEncoded._buffer); nalu._length = nalSize + sizeof(kNALStartCode); MOZ_ASSERT(nalu._buffer + nalu._length <= aEncoded._buffer + aEncoded._length); size_t index; err = mCodec->dequeueInputBuffer(&index, aIsFirstFrame ? START_DEQUEUE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US : DEQUEUE_BUFFER_TIMEOUT_US); if (err != OK) { if (err != -EAGAIN) { CODEC_LOGE("decode dequeue input buffer error:%d", err); } else { CODEC_LOGE("decode dequeue 100ms without a buffer (EAGAIN)"); } return err; } // Prepend start code to buffer. MOZ_ASSERT(memcmp(nalu._buffer, kNALStartCode, sizeof(kNALStartCode)) == 0); const sp<ABuffer>& omxIn = mInputBuffers.itemAt(index); MOZ_ASSERT(omxIn->capacity() >= nalu._length); omxIn->setRange(0, nalu._length); // Copying is needed because MediaCodec API doesn't support externally // allocated buffer as input. uint8_t* dst = omxIn->data(); memcpy(dst, nalu._buffer, nalu._length); int64_t inputTimeUs = (nalu._timeStamp * 1000ll) / 90; // 90kHz -> us. // Assign input flags according to input buffer NALU and frame types. uint32_t flags; int nalType = dst[sizeof(kNALStartCode)] & 0x1f; switch (nalType) { case kNALTypeSPS: case kNALTypePPS: flags = MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG; break; case kNALTypeIDR: flags = MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME; break; default: flags = 0; break; } CODEC_LOGD("Decoder input: %d bytes (NAL 0x%02x), time %lld (%u), flags 0x%x", nalu._length, dst[sizeof(kNALStartCode)], inputTimeUs, nalu._timeStamp, flags); err = mCodec->queueInputBuffer(index, 0, nalu._length, inputTimeUs, flags); if (err == OK && !(flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG)) { if (mOutputDrain == nullptr) { mOutputDrain = new OutputDrain(this); mOutputDrain->Start(); } EncodedFrame frame; frame.mWidth = mWidth; frame.mHeight = mHeight; frame.mTimestamp = nalu._timeStamp; frame.mRenderTimeMs = aRenderTimeMs; mOutputDrain->QueueInput(frame); } } return err; } status_t DrainOutput(std::queue<EncodedFrame>& aInputFrames, Monitor& aMonitor) { MOZ_ASSERT(mCodec != nullptr); if (mCodec == nullptr) { return INVALID_OPERATION; } size_t index = 0; size_t outOffset = 0; size_t outSize = 0; int64_t outTime = -1ll; uint32_t outFlags = 0; status_t err = mCodec->dequeueOutputBuffer(&index, &outOffset, &outSize, &outTime, &outFlags, DRAIN_THREAD_TIMEOUT_US); switch (err) { case OK: break; case -EAGAIN: // Not an error: output not available yet. Try later. CODEC_LOGI("decode dequeue OMX output buffer timed out. Try later."); return err; case INFO_FORMAT_CHANGED: // Not an error: will get this value when OMX output buffer is enabled, // or when input size changed. CODEC_LOGD("decode dequeue OMX output buffer format change"); return err; case INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED: // Not an error: will get this value when OMX output buffer changed // (probably because of input size change). CODEC_LOGD("decode dequeue OMX output buffer change"); err = mCodec->getOutputBuffers(&mOutputBuffers); MOZ_ASSERT(err == OK); return INFO_OUTPUT_BUFFERS_CHANGED; default: CODEC_LOGE("decode dequeue OMX output buffer error:%d", err); // Return OK to instruct OutputDrain to drop input from queue. MonitorAutoLock lock(aMonitor); aInputFrames.pop(); return OK; } CODEC_LOGD("Decoder output: %d bytes, offset %u, time %lld, flags 0x%x", outSize, outOffset, outTime, outFlags); if (mCallback) { EncodedFrame frame; { MonitorAutoLock lock(aMonitor); frame = aInputFrames.front(); aInputFrames.pop(); } { // Store info of this frame. OnNewFrame() will need the timestamp later. MutexAutoLock lock(mDecodedFrameLock); if (mEnding) { mCodec->releaseOutputBuffer(index); return err; } mDecodedFrames.push(frame); } // Ask codec to queue buffer back to native window. OnNewFrame() will be // called. mCodec->renderOutputBufferAndRelease(index); // Once consumed, buffer will be queued back to GonkNativeWindow for codec // to dequeue/use. } else { mCodec->releaseOutputBuffer(index); } return err; } // Will be called when MediaCodec::RenderOutputBufferAndRelease() returns // buffers back to native window for rendering. void OnNewFrame() override { RefPtr<layers::TextureClient> buffer = mNativeWindow->getCurrentBuffer(); if (!buffer) { CODEC_LOGE("Decoder NewFrame: Get null buffer"); return; } gfx::IntSize picSize(buffer->GetSize()); nsAutoPtr<layers::GrallocImage> grallocImage(new layers::GrallocImage()); grallocImage->AdoptData(buffer, picSize); // Get timestamp of the frame about to render. int64_t timestamp = -1; int64_t renderTimeMs = -1; { MutexAutoLock lock(mDecodedFrameLock); if (mDecodedFrames.empty()) { return; } EncodedFrame decoded = mDecodedFrames.front(); timestamp = decoded.mTimestamp; renderTimeMs = decoded.mRenderTimeMs; mDecodedFrames.pop(); } MOZ_ASSERT(timestamp >= 0 && renderTimeMs >= 0); CODEC_LOGD("Decoder NewFrame: %dx%d, timestamp %lld, renderTimeMs %lld", picSize.width, picSize.height, timestamp, renderTimeMs); nsAutoPtr<webrtc::I420VideoFrame> videoFrame(new webrtc::I420VideoFrame( new ImageNativeHandle(grallocImage.forget()), picSize.width, picSize.height, timestamp, renderTimeMs)); if (videoFrame != nullptr) { mCallback->Decoded(*videoFrame); } } private: class OutputDrain : public OMXOutputDrain { public: OutputDrain(WebrtcOMXDecoder* aOMX) : OMXOutputDrain() , mOMX(aOMX) {} protected: virtual bool DrainOutput() override { return (mOMX->DrainOutput(mInputFrames, mMonitor) == OK); } private: WebrtcOMXDecoder* mOMX; }; status_t Start() { MOZ_ASSERT(!mStarted); if (mStarted) { return OK; } { MutexAutoLock lock(mDecodedFrameLock); mEnding = false; } status_t err = mCodec->start(); if (err == OK) { mStarted = true; mCodec->getInputBuffers(&mInputBuffers); mCodec->getOutputBuffers(&mOutputBuffers); } return err; } status_t Stop() { MOZ_ASSERT(mStarted); if (!mStarted) { return OK; } CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain decoder stopping"); // Drop all 'pending to render' frames. { MutexAutoLock lock(mDecodedFrameLock); mEnding = true; while (!mDecodedFrames.empty()) { mDecodedFrames.pop(); } } if (mOutputDrain != nullptr) { CODEC_LOGD("decoder's OutputDrain stopping"); mOutputDrain->Stop(); mOutputDrain = nullptr; } status_t err = mCodec->stop(); if (err == OK) { mInputBuffers.clear(); mOutputBuffers.clear(); mStarted = false; } else { MOZ_ASSERT(false); } CODEC_LOGD("OMXOutputDrain decoder stopped"); return err; } sp<ALooper> mLooper; sp<MediaCodec> mCodec; // OMXCodec int mWidth; int mHeight; android::Vector<sp<ABuffer> > mInputBuffers; android::Vector<sp<ABuffer> > mOutputBuffers; bool mStarted; sp<GonkNativeWindow> mNativeWindow; RefPtr<OutputDrain> mOutputDrain; webrtc::DecodedImageCallback* mCallback; Mutex mDecodedFrameLock; // To protect mDecodedFrames and mEnding std::queue<EncodedFrame> mDecodedFrames; bool mEnding; }; class EncOutputDrain : public OMXOutputDrain { public: EncOutputDrain(OMXVideoEncoder* aOMX, webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* aCallback) : OMXOutputDrain() , mOMX(aOMX) , mCallback(aCallback) , mIsPrevFrameParamSets(false) {} protected: virtual bool DrainOutput() override { nsTArray<uint8_t> output; int64_t timeUs = -1ll; int flags = 0; nsresult rv = mOMX->GetNextEncodedFrame(&output, &timeUs, &flags, DRAIN_THREAD_TIMEOUT_US); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { // Fail to get encoded frame. The corresponding input frame should be // removed. // We'll treat this like a skipped frame return true; } if (output.Length() == 0) { // No encoded data yet. Try later. CODEC_LOGD("OMX: (encode no output available this time)"); return false; } // Conversion to us rounds down, so we need to round up for us->90KHz uint32_t target_timestamp = (timeUs * 90ll + 999) / 1000; // us -> 90KHz // 8x10 v2.0 encoder doesn't set this reliably: //bool isParamSets = (flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_CODECCONFIG); // Assume that SPS/PPS will be at the start of any buffer // Assume PPS will not be in a separate buffer - SPS/PPS or SPS/PPS/iframe bool isParamSets = IsParamSets(output.Elements(), output.Length()); bool isIFrame = (flags & MediaCodec::BUFFER_FLAG_SYNCFRAME); CODEC_LOGD("OMX: encoded frame (%d): time %lld (%u), flags x%x", output.Length(), timeUs, target_timestamp, flags); // Should not be parameter sets and I-frame at the same time. // Except that it is possible, apparently, after an encoder re-config (bug 1063883) // MOZ_ASSERT(!(isParamSets && isIFrame)); if (mCallback) { // Implementation here assumes encoder output to be a buffer containing // parameter sets(SPS + PPS) followed by a series of buffers, each for // one input frame. // TODO: handle output violating this assumpton in bug 997110. webrtc::EncodedImage encoded(output.Elements(), output.Length(), output.Capacity()); encoded._frameType = (isParamSets || isIFrame) ? webrtc::kKeyFrame : webrtc::kDeltaFrame; EncodedFrame input_frame; { MonitorAutoLock lock(mMonitor); // will sps/pps have the same timestamp as their iframe? Initial one on 8x10 has // 0 timestamp. if (isParamSets) { // Let's assume it was the first item in the queue, but leave it there since an // IDR will follow input_frame = mInputFrames.front(); } else { do { if (mInputFrames.empty()) { // Let's assume it was the last item in the queue, but leave it there mInputFrames.push(input_frame); CODEC_LOGE("OMX: encoded timestamp %u which doesn't match input queue!! (head %u)", target_timestamp, input_frame.mTimestamp); break; } input_frame = mInputFrames.front(); mInputFrames.pop(); if (input_frame.mTimestamp != target_timestamp) { CODEC_LOGD("OMX: encoder skipped frame timestamp %u", input_frame.mTimestamp); } } while (input_frame.mTimestamp != target_timestamp); } } encoded._encodedWidth = input_frame.mWidth; encoded._encodedHeight = input_frame.mHeight; encoded._timeStamp = input_frame.mTimestamp; encoded.capture_time_ms_ = input_frame.mRenderTimeMs; encoded._completeFrame = true; CODEC_LOGD("Encoded frame: %d bytes, %dx%d, is_param %d, is_iframe %d, timestamp %u, captureTimeMs %" PRIu64, encoded._length, encoded._encodedWidth, encoded._encodedHeight, isParamSets, isIFrame, encoded._timeStamp, encoded.capture_time_ms_); // Prepend SPS/PPS to I-frames unless they were sent last time. SendEncodedDataToCallback(encoded, isIFrame && !mIsPrevFrameParamSets && !isParamSets); // This will be true only for the frame following a paramset block! So if we're // working with a correct encoder that generates SPS/PPS then iframe always, we // won't try to insert. (also, don't set if we get SPS/PPS/iframe in one buffer) mIsPrevFrameParamSets = isParamSets && !isIFrame; if (isParamSets) { // copy off the param sets for inserting later mParamSets.Clear(); // since we may have SPS/PPS or SPS/PPS/iframe size_t length = ParamSetLength(encoded._buffer, encoded._length); MOZ_ASSERT(length > 0); mParamSets.AppendElements(encoded._buffer, length); } } return !isParamSets; // not really needed anymore } private: // Send encoded data to callback.The data will be broken into individual NALUs // if necessary and sent to callback one by one. This function can also insert // SPS/PPS NALUs in front of input data if requested. void SendEncodedDataToCallback(webrtc::EncodedImage& aEncodedImage, bool aPrependParamSets) { if (aPrependParamSets) { webrtc::EncodedImage prepend(aEncodedImage); // Insert current parameter sets in front of the input encoded data. MOZ_ASSERT(mParamSets.Length() > sizeof(kNALStartCode)); // Start code + ... prepend._length = mParamSets.Length(); prepend._buffer = mParamSets.Elements(); // Break into NALUs and send. CODEC_LOGD("Prepending SPS/PPS: %d bytes, timestamp %u, captureTimeMs %" PRIu64, prepend._length, prepend._timeStamp, prepend.capture_time_ms_); SendEncodedDataToCallback(prepend, false); } struct nal_entry { uint32_t offset; uint32_t size; }; AutoTArray<nal_entry, 1> nals; // Break input encoded data into NALUs and send each one to callback. const uint8_t* data = aEncodedImage._buffer; size_t size = aEncodedImage._length; const uint8_t* nalStart = nullptr; size_t nalSize = 0; while (getNextNALUnit(&data, &size, &nalStart, &nalSize, true) == OK) { // XXX optimize by making buffer an offset nal_entry nal = {((uint32_t) (nalStart - aEncodedImage._buffer)), (uint32_t) nalSize}; nals.AppendElement(nal); } size_t num_nals = nals.Length(); if (num_nals > 0) { webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader fragmentation; fragmentation.VerifyAndAllocateFragmentationHeader(num_nals); for (size_t i = 0; i < num_nals; i++) { fragmentation.fragmentationOffset[i] = nals[i].offset; fragmentation.fragmentationLength[i] = nals[i].size; } webrtc::EncodedImage unit(aEncodedImage); unit._completeFrame = true; mCallback->Encoded(unit, nullptr, &fragmentation); } } OMXVideoEncoder* mOMX; webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* mCallback; bool mIsPrevFrameParamSets; nsTArray<uint8_t> mParamSets; }; // Encoder. WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder() : mOMX(nullptr) , mCallback(nullptr) , mWidth(0) , mHeight(0) , mFrameRate(0) , mBitRateKbps(0) #ifdef OMX_IDR_NEEDED_FOR_BITRATE , mBitRateAtLastIDR(0) #endif , mOMXConfigured(false) , mOMXReconfigure(false) { mReservation = new OMXCodecReservation(true); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p constructed", this); } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::InitEncode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* aCodecSettings, int32_t aNumOfCores, size_t aMaxPayloadSize) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p init", this); if (mOMX == nullptr) { nsAutoPtr<OMXVideoEncoder> omx(OMXCodecWrapper::CreateAVCEncoder()); if (NS_WARN_IF(omx == nullptr)) { return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } mOMX = omx.forget(); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p OMX created", this); } if (!mReservation->ReserveOMXCodec()) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p Encoder in use", this); mOMX = nullptr; return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } // Defer configuration until 1st frame is received because this function will // be called more than once, and unfortunately with incorrect setting values // at first. mWidth = aCodecSettings->width; mHeight = aCodecSettings->height; mFrameRate = aCodecSettings->maxFramerate; mBitRateKbps = aCodecSettings->startBitrate; // XXX handle maxpayloadsize (aka mode 0/1) CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p OMX Encoder reserved", this); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::Encode(const webrtc::I420VideoFrame& aInputImage, const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* aCodecSpecificInfo, const std::vector<webrtc::VideoFrameType>* aFrameTypes) { MOZ_ASSERT(mOMX != nullptr); if (mOMX == nullptr) { return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } // Have to reconfigure for resolution or framerate changes :-( // ~220ms initial configure on 8x10, 50-100ms for re-configure it appears // XXX drop frames while this is happening? if (aInputImage.width() < 0 || (uint32_t)aInputImage.width() != mWidth || aInputImage.height() < 0 || (uint32_t)aInputImage.height() != mHeight) { mWidth = aInputImage.width(); mHeight = aInputImage.height(); mOMXReconfigure = true; } if (!mOMXConfigured || mOMXReconfigure) { if (mOMXConfigured) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p reconfiguring encoder %dx%d @ %u fps", this, mWidth, mHeight, mFrameRate); mOMXConfigured = false; } mOMXReconfigure = false; // XXX This can take time. Encode() likely assumes encodes are queued "quickly" and // don't block the input too long. Frames may build up. // XXX take from negotiated SDP in codecSpecific data OMX_VIDEO_AVCLEVELTYPE level = OMX_VIDEO_AVCLevel3; // OMX_Video_ControlRateConstant is not supported on QC 8x10 OMX_VIDEO_CONTROLRATETYPE bitrateMode = OMX_Video_ControlRateConstantSkipFrames; // Set up configuration parameters for AVC/H.264 encoder. sp<AMessage> format = new AMessage; // Fixed values format->setString("mime", MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC); // XXX We should only set to < infinity if we're not using any recovery RTCP options // However, we MUST set it to a lower value because the 8x10 rate controller // only changes rate at GOP boundaries.... but it also changes rate on requested GOPs // Too long and we have very low bitrates for the first second or two... plus // bug 1014921 means we have to force them every ~3 seconds or less. format->setInt32("i-frame-interval", 4 /* seconds */); // See mozilla::layers::GrallocImage, supports YUV 4:2:0, CbCr width and // height is half that of Y format->setInt32("color-format", OMX_COLOR_FormatYUV420SemiPlanar); format->setInt32("profile", OMX_VIDEO_AVCProfileBaseline); format->setInt32("level", level); format->setInt32("bitrate-mode", bitrateMode); format->setInt32("store-metadata-in-buffers", 0); // XXX Unfortunately, 8x10 doesn't support this, but ask anyways format->setInt32("prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames", 1); // Input values. format->setInt32("width", mWidth); format->setInt32("height", mHeight); format->setInt32("stride", mWidth); format->setInt32("slice-height", mHeight); format->setInt32("frame-rate", mFrameRate); format->setInt32("bitrate", mBitRateKbps*1000); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p configuring encoder %dx%d @ %d fps, rate %d kbps", this, mWidth, mHeight, mFrameRate, mBitRateKbps); nsresult rv = mOMX->ConfigureDirect(format, OMXVideoEncoder::BlobFormat::AVC_NAL); if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) { CODEC_LOGE("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p FAILED configuring encoder %d", this, int(rv)); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } mOMXConfigured = true; #ifdef OMX_IDR_NEEDED_FOR_BITRATE mLastIDRTime = TimeStamp::Now(); mBitRateAtLastIDR = mBitRateKbps; #endif } if (aFrameTypes && aFrameTypes->size() && ((*aFrameTypes)[0] == webrtc::kKeyFrame)) { mOMX->RequestIDRFrame(); #ifdef OMX_IDR_NEEDED_FOR_BITRATE mLastIDRTime = TimeStamp::Now(); mBitRateAtLastIDR = mBitRateKbps; } else if (mBitRateKbps != mBitRateAtLastIDR) { // 8x10 OMX codec requires a keyframe to shift bitrates! TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now(); if (mLastIDRTime.IsNull()) { // paranoia mLastIDRTime = now; } int32_t timeSinceLastIDR = (now - mLastIDRTime).ToMilliseconds(); // Balance asking for IDRs too often against direction and amount of bitrate change. // HACK for bug 1014921: 8x10 has encode/decode mismatches that build up errors // if you go too long without an IDR. In normal use, bitrate will change often // enough to never hit this time limit. if ((timeSinceLastIDR > 3000) || (mBitRateKbps < (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 8)/10) || (timeSinceLastIDR < 300 && mBitRateKbps < (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 9)/10) || (timeSinceLastIDR < 1000 && mBitRateKbps < (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 97)/100) || (timeSinceLastIDR >= 1000 && mBitRateKbps < mBitRateAtLastIDR) || (mBitRateKbps > (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 15)/10) || (timeSinceLastIDR < 500 && mBitRateKbps > (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 13)/10) || (timeSinceLastIDR < 1000 && mBitRateKbps > (mBitRateAtLastIDR * 11)/10) || (timeSinceLastIDR >= 1000 && mBitRateKbps > mBitRateAtLastIDR)) { CODEC_LOGD("Requesting IDR for bitrate change from %u to %u (time since last idr %dms)", mBitRateAtLastIDR, mBitRateKbps, timeSinceLastIDR); mOMX->RequestIDRFrame(); mLastIDRTime = now; mBitRateAtLastIDR = mBitRateKbps; } #endif } // Wrap I420VideoFrame input with PlanarYCbCrImage for OMXVideoEncoder. layers::PlanarYCbCrData yuvData; yuvData.mYChannel = const_cast<uint8_t*>(aInputImage.buffer(webrtc::kYPlane)); yuvData.mYSize = gfx::IntSize(aInputImage.width(), aInputImage.height()); yuvData.mYStride = aInputImage.stride(webrtc::kYPlane); MOZ_ASSERT(aInputImage.stride(webrtc::kUPlane) == aInputImage.stride(webrtc::kVPlane)); yuvData.mCbCrStride = aInputImage.stride(webrtc::kUPlane); yuvData.mCbChannel = const_cast<uint8_t*>(aInputImage.buffer(webrtc::kUPlane)); yuvData.mCrChannel = const_cast<uint8_t*>(aInputImage.buffer(webrtc::kVPlane)); yuvData.mCbCrSize = gfx::IntSize((yuvData.mYSize.width + 1) / 2, (yuvData.mYSize.height + 1) / 2); yuvData.mPicSize = yuvData.mYSize; yuvData.mStereoMode = StereoMode::MONO; layers::RecyclingPlanarYCbCrImage img(nullptr); // AdoptData() doesn't need AllocateAndGetNewBuffer(); OMXVideoEncoder is ok with this img.AdoptData(yuvData); CODEC_LOGD("Encode frame: %dx%d, timestamp %u (%lld), renderTimeMs %" PRIu64, aInputImage.width(), aInputImage.height(), aInputImage.timestamp(), aInputImage.timestamp() * 1000ll / 90, aInputImage.render_time_ms()); nsresult rv = mOMX->Encode(&img, yuvData.mYSize.width, yuvData.mYSize.height, aInputImage.timestamp() * 1000ll / 90, // 90kHz -> us. 0); if (rv == NS_OK) { if (mOutputDrain == nullptr) { mOutputDrain = new EncOutputDrain(mOMX, mCallback); mOutputDrain->Start(); } EncodedFrame frame; frame.mWidth = mWidth; frame.mHeight = mHeight; frame.mTimestamp = aInputImage.timestamp(); frame.mRenderTimeMs = aInputImage.render_time_ms(); mOutputDrain->QueueInput(frame); } return (rv == NS_OK) ? WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK : WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::RegisterEncodeCompleteCallback( webrtc::EncodedImageCallback* aCallback) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p set callback:%p", this, aCallback); MOZ_ASSERT(aCallback); mCallback = aCallback; return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::Release() { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p will be released", this); if (mOutputDrain != nullptr) { mOutputDrain->Stop(); mOutputDrain = nullptr; } mOMXConfigured = false; bool hadOMX = !!mOMX; mOMX = nullptr; if (hadOMX) { mReservation->ReleaseOMXCodec(); } CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p released", this); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::~WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder() { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p will be destructed", this); Release(); } // Inform the encoder of the new packet loss rate and the round-trip time of // the network. aPacketLossRate is fraction lost and can be 0~255 // (255 means 100% lost). // Note: stagefright doesn't handle these parameters. int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::SetChannelParameters(uint32_t aPacketLossRate, int64_t aRoundTripTimeMs) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p set channel packet loss:%u, rtt:%" PRIi64, this, aPacketLossRate, aRoundTripTimeMs); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } // TODO: Bug 997567. Find the way to support frame rate change. int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder::SetRates(uint32_t aBitRateKbps, uint32_t aFrameRate) { CODEC_LOGE("WebrtcOMXH264VideoEncoder:%p set bitrate:%u, frame rate:%u (%u))", this, aBitRateKbps, aFrameRate, mFrameRate); MOZ_ASSERT(mOMX != nullptr); if (mOMX == nullptr) { return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_UNINITIALIZED; } // XXX Should use StageFright framerate change, perhaps only on major changes of framerate. // Without Stagefright support, Algorithm should be: // if (frameRate < 50% of configured) { // drop framerate to next step down that includes current framerate within 50% // } else if (frameRate > configured) { // change config to next step up that includes current framerate // } #if !defined(TEST_OMX_FRAMERATE_CHANGES) if (aFrameRate > mFrameRate || aFrameRate < mFrameRate/2) { uint32_t old_rate = mFrameRate; if (aFrameRate >= 15) { mFrameRate = 30; } else if (aFrameRate >= 10) { mFrameRate = 20; } else if (aFrameRate >= 8) { mFrameRate = 15; } else /* if (aFrameRate >= 5)*/ { // don't go lower; encoder may not be stable mFrameRate = 10; } if (mFrameRate < aFrameRate) { // safety mFrameRate = aFrameRate; } if (old_rate != mFrameRate) { mOMXReconfigure = true; // force re-configure on next frame } } #else // XXX for testing, be wild! if (aFrameRate != mFrameRate) { mFrameRate = aFrameRate; mOMXReconfigure = true; // force re-configure on next frame } #endif // XXX Limit bitrate for 8x10 devices to a specific level depending on fps and resolution // mBitRateKbps = LimitBitrate8x10(mWidth, mHeight, mFrameRate, aBitRateKbps); // Rely on global single setting (~720 kbps for HVGA@30fps) for now if (aBitRateKbps > 700) { aBitRateKbps = 700; } mBitRateKbps = aBitRateKbps; nsresult rv = mOMX->SetBitrate(mBitRateKbps); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "SetBitrate failed"); return NS_FAILED(rv) ? WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK : WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } // Decoder. WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder() : mCallback(nullptr) , mOMX(nullptr) { mReservation = new OMXCodecReservation(false); CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p will be constructed", this); } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::InitDecode(const webrtc::VideoCodec* aCodecSettings, int32_t aNumOfCores) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p init OMX:%p", this, mOMX.get()); if (!mReservation->ReserveOMXCodec()) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p Decoder in use", this); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } // Defer configuration until SPS/PPS NALUs (where actual decoder config // values can be extracted) are received. CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p OMX Decoder reserved", this); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::Decode(const webrtc::EncodedImage& aInputImage, bool aMissingFrames, const webrtc::RTPFragmentationHeader* aFragmentation, const webrtc::CodecSpecificInfo* aCodecSpecificInfo, int64_t aRenderTimeMs) { if (aInputImage._length== 0 || !aInputImage._buffer) { return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_ERROR; } bool configured = !!mOMX; if (!configured) { // Search for SPS NALU in input to get width/height config. int32_t width; int32_t height; status_t result = WebrtcOMXDecoder::ExtractPicDimensions(aInputImage._buffer, aInputImage._length, &width, &height); if (result != OK) { // Cannot config decoder because SPS haven't been seen. CODEC_LOGI("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p missing SPS in input (nal 0x%02x, len %d)", this, aInputImage._buffer[sizeof(kNALStartCode)] & 0x1f, aInputImage._length); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_UNINITIALIZED; } RefPtr<WebrtcOMXDecoder> omx = new WebrtcOMXDecoder(MEDIA_MIMETYPE_VIDEO_AVC, mCallback); result = omx->ConfigureWithPicDimensions(width, height); if (NS_WARN_IF(result != OK)) { return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_UNINITIALIZED; } CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p start OMX", this); mOMX = omx; } bool feedFrame = true; while (feedFrame) { status_t err = mOMX->FillInput(aInputImage, !configured, aRenderTimeMs); feedFrame = (err == -EAGAIN); // No input buffer available. Try again. } return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::RegisterDecodeCompleteCallback(webrtc::DecodedImageCallback* aCallback) { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p set callback:%p", this, aCallback); MOZ_ASSERT(aCallback); mCallback = aCallback; return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::Release() { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p will be released", this); mOMX = nullptr; // calls Stop() mReservation->ReleaseOMXCodec(); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::~WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder() { CODEC_LOGD("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder:%p will be destructed", this); Release(); } int32_t WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::Reset() { CODEC_LOGW("WebrtcOMXH264VideoDecoder::Reset() will NOT reset decoder"); return WEBRTC_VIDEO_CODEC_OK; } }