/* -*- c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ /* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 1999-2004 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * This work was supported in part by funding from the Defense Advanced * Research Projects Agency and the National Science Foundation of the * United States of America, and the CMU Sphinx Speech Consortium. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY * NOR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ==================================================================== * */ #ifndef _S3_DICT_H_ #define _S3_DICT_H_ /** \file dict.h * \brief Operations on dictionary. */ /* SphinxBase headers. */ #include <sphinxbase/hash_table.h> #include <sphinxbase/ngram_model.h> /* Local headers. */ #include "s3types.h" #include "bin_mdef.h" #include "pocketsphinx_export.h" #define S3DICT_INC_SZ 4096 #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /** \struct dictword_t \brief a structure for one dictionary word. */ typedef struct { char *word; /**< Ascii word string */ s3cipid_t *ciphone; /**< Pronunciation */ int32 pronlen; /**< Pronunciation length */ s3wid_t alt; /**< Next alternative pronunciation id, NOT_S3WID if none */ s3wid_t basewid; /**< Base pronunciation id */ } dictword_t; /** \struct dict_t \brief a structure for a dictionary. */ typedef struct { int refcnt; bin_mdef_t *mdef; /**< Model definition used for phone IDs; NULL if none used */ dictword_t *word; /**< Array of entries in dictionary */ hash_table_t *ht; /**< Hash table for mapping word strings to word ids */ int32 max_words; /**< #Entries allocated in dict, including empty slots */ int32 n_word; /**< #Occupied entries in dict; ie, excluding empty slots */ int32 filler_start; /**< First filler word id (read from filler dict) */ int32 filler_end; /**< Last filler word id (read from filler dict) */ s3wid_t startwid; /**< FOR INTERNAL-USE ONLY */ s3wid_t finishwid; /**< FOR INTERNAL-USE ONLY */ s3wid_t silwid; /**< FOR INTERNAL-USE ONLY */ int nocase; ngram_model_t *ngram_g2p_model; } dict_t; struct winner_t { size_t length_match; int winner_wid; size_t len_phoneme; }; typedef struct { char *word; char *phone; } unigram_t; /** * Initialize a new dictionary. * * If config and mdef are supplied, then the dictionary will be read * from the files specified by the -dict and -fdict options in config, * with case sensitivity determined by the -dictcase option. * * Otherwise an empty case-sensitive dictionary will be created. * * Return ptr to dict_t if successful, NULL otherwise. */ dict_t *dict_init(cmd_ln_t *config, /**< Configuration (-dict, -fdict, -dictcase) or NULL */ bin_mdef_t *mdef, /**< For looking up CI phone IDs (or NULL) */ logmath_t *logmath // To load ngram_model for g2p load. logmath must be retained with logmath_retain() if it is to be used elsewhere. ); /** * Write dictionary to a file. */ int dict_write(dict_t *dict, char const *filename, char const *format); /** Return word id for given word string if present. Otherwise return BAD_S3WID */ POCKETSPHINX_EXPORT s3wid_t dict_wordid(dict_t *d, const char *word); /** * Return 1 if w is a filler word, 0 if not. A filler word is one that was read in from the * filler dictionary; however, sentence START and FINISH words are not filler words. */ int dict_filler_word(dict_t *d, /**< The dictionary structure */ s3wid_t w /**< The word ID */ ); /** * Test if w is a "real" word, i.e. neither a filler word nor START/FINISH. */ POCKETSPHINX_EXPORT int dict_real_word(dict_t *d, /**< The dictionary structure */ s3wid_t w /**< The word ID */ ); /** * Add a word with the given ciphone pronunciation list to the dictionary. * Return value: Result word id if successful, BAD_S3WID otherwise */ s3wid_t dict_add_word(dict_t *d, /**< The dictionary structure. */ char const *word, /**< The word. */ s3cipid_t const *p, /**< The pronunciation. */ int32 np /**< Number of phones. */ ); /** * Return value: CI phone string for the given word, phone position. */ const char *dict_ciphone_str(dict_t *d, /**< In: Dictionary to look up */ s3wid_t wid, /**< In: Component word being looked up */ int32 pos /**< In: Pronunciation phone position */ ); /** Packaged macro access to dictionary members */ #define dict_size(d) ((d)->n_word) #define dict_num_fillers(d) (dict_filler_end(d) - dict_filler_start(d)) /** * Number of "real words" in the dictionary. * * This is the number of words that are not fillers, <s>, or </s>. */ #define dict_num_real_words(d) \ (dict_size(d) - (dict_filler_end(d) - dict_filler_start(d)) - 2) #define dict_basewid(d,w) ((d)->word[w].basewid) #define dict_wordstr(d,w) ((w) < 0 ? NULL : (d)->word[w].word) #define dict_basestr(d,w) ((d)->word[dict_basewid(d,w)].word) #define dict_nextalt(d,w) ((d)->word[w].alt) #define dict_pronlen(d,w) ((d)->word[w].pronlen) #define dict_pron(d,w,p) ((d)->word[w].ciphone[p]) /**< The CI phones of the word w at position p */ #define dict_filler_start(d) ((d)->filler_start) #define dict_filler_end(d) ((d)->filler_end) #define dict_startwid(d) ((d)->startwid) #define dict_finishwid(d) ((d)->finishwid) #define dict_silwid(d) ((d)->silwid) #define dict_is_single_phone(d,w) ((d)->word[w].pronlen == 1) #define dict_first_phone(d,w) ((d)->word[w].ciphone[0]) #define dict_second_phone(d,w) ((d)->word[w].ciphone[1]) #define dict_second_last_phone(d,w) ((d)->word[w].ciphone[(d)->word[w].pronlen - 2]) #define dict_last_phone(d,w) ((d)->word[w].ciphone[(d)->word[w].pronlen - 1]) /* Hard-coded special words */ #define S3_START_WORD "<s>" #define S3_FINISH_WORD "</s>" #define S3_SILENCE_WORD "<sil>" #define S3_UNKNOWN_WORD "<UNK>" /** * If the given word contains a trailing "(....)" (i.e., a Sphinx-II style alternative * pronunciation specification), strip that trailing portion from it. Note that the given * string is modified. * Return value: If string was modified, the character position at which the original string * was truncated; otherwise -1. */ int32 dict_word2basestr(char *word); /** * Retain a pointer to an dict_t. */ dict_t *dict_retain(dict_t *d); /** * Release a pointer to a dictionary. */ int dict_free(dict_t *d); /** Report a dictionary structure */ void dict_report(dict_t *d /**< A dictionary structure */ ); // g2p functions int dict_add_g2p_word(dict_t * dict, char const *word); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #endif