/* ==================================================================== * Copyright (c) 2014 Carnegie Mellon University. All rights * reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY ``AS IS'' AND * ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, * THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR * PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY * NOR ITS EMPLOYEES BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * ==================================================================== * */ /* * allphone_search.c -- Search for phonetic decoding. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <sphinxbase/err.h> #include <sphinxbase/ckd_alloc.h> #include <sphinxbase/strfuncs.h> #include <sphinxbase/pio.h> #include <sphinxbase/cmd_ln.h> #include "pocketsphinx_internal.h" #include "allphone_search.h" static ps_lattice_t * allphone_search_lattice(ps_search_t * search) { //cap return NULL; } static int allphone_search_prob(ps_search_t * search) { return 0; } static void allphone_backtrace(allphone_search_t * allphs, int32 f); static void allphone_search_seg_free(ps_seg_t * seg) { ckd_free(seg); } static void allphone_search_fill_iter(ps_seg_t *seg, phseg_t *phseg) { seg->sf = phseg->sf; seg->ef = phseg->ef; seg->ascr = phseg->score; seg->lscr = phseg->tscore; seg->word = bin_mdef_ciphone_str(ps_search_acmod(seg->search)->mdef, phseg->ci); } static ps_seg_t * allphone_search_seg_next(ps_seg_t * seg) { phseg_iter_t *itor = (phseg_iter_t *) seg; phseg_t *phseg; itor->seg = itor->seg->next; if (itor->seg == NULL) { allphone_search_seg_free(seg); return NULL; } phseg = gnode_ptr(itor->seg); allphone_search_fill_iter(seg, phseg); return seg; } static ps_segfuncs_t fsg_segfuncs = { /* seg_next */ allphone_search_seg_next, /* seg_free */ allphone_search_seg_free }; static ps_seg_t * allphone_search_seg_iter(ps_search_t * search, int32 * out_score) { allphone_search_t *allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; phseg_iter_t *iter; allphone_backtrace(allphs, allphs->frame - 1); if (allphs->segments == NULL) return NULL; iter = ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(phseg_iter_t)); iter->base.vt = &fsg_segfuncs; iter->base.search = search; iter->seg = allphs->segments; allphone_search_fill_iter((ps_seg_t *)iter, gnode_ptr(iter->seg)); return (ps_seg_t *) iter; } static ps_searchfuncs_t allphone_funcs = { /* name: */ "allphone", /* start: */ allphone_search_start, /* step: */ allphone_search_step, /* finish: */ allphone_search_finish, /* reinit: */ allphone_search_reinit, /* free: */ allphone_search_free, /* lattice: */ allphone_search_lattice, /* hyp: */ allphone_search_hyp, /* prob: */ allphone_search_prob, /* seg_iter: */ allphone_search_seg_iter, }; /** * Find PHMM node with same senone sequence and tmat id as the given triphone. * Return ptr to PHMM node if found, NULL otherwise. */ static phmm_t * phmm_lookup(allphone_search_t * allphs, s3pid_t pid) { phmm_t *p; bin_mdef_t *mdef; phmm_t **ci_phmm; mdef = ((ps_search_t *) allphs)->acmod->mdef; ci_phmm = allphs->ci_phmm; for (p = ci_phmm[bin_mdef_pid2ci(mdef, pid)]; p; p = p->next) { if (mdef_pid2tmatid(mdef, p->pid) == mdef_pid2tmatid(mdef, pid)) if (mdef_pid2ssid(mdef, p->pid) == mdef_pid2ssid(mdef, pid)) return p; } //not found return NULL; } static int32 phmm_link(allphone_search_t * allphs) { s3cipid_t ci, rc; phmm_t *p, *p2; int32 *rclist; int32 i, n_link; plink_t *l; bin_mdef_t *mdef; phmm_t **ci_phmm; mdef = ((ps_search_t *) allphs)->acmod->mdef; ci_phmm = allphs->ci_phmm; rclist = (int32 *) ckd_calloc(mdef->n_ciphone + 1, sizeof(int32)); /* Create successor links between PHMM nodes */ n_link = 0; for (ci = 0; ci < mdef->n_ciphone; ci++) { for (p = ci_phmm[ci]; p; p = p->next) { /* Build rclist for p */ i = 0; for (rc = 0; rc < mdef->n_ciphone; rc++) { if (bitvec_is_set(p->rc, rc)) rclist[i++] = rc; } rclist[i] = BAD_S3CIPID; /* For each rc in rclist, transition to PHMMs for rc if left context = ci */ for (i = 0; IS_S3CIPID(rclist[i]); i++) { for (p2 = ci_phmm[rclist[i]]; p2; p2 = p2->next) { if (bitvec_is_set(p2->lc, ci)) { /* transition from p to p2 */ l = (plink_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*l)); l->phmm = p2; l->next = p->succlist; p->succlist = l; n_link++; } } } } } ckd_free(rclist); return n_link; } /** * Build net from phone HMMs */ static int phmm_build(allphone_search_t * allphs) { phmm_t *p, **pid2phmm; bin_mdef_t *mdef; int32 lrc_size; uint32 *lc, *rc; s3pid_t pid; s3cipid_t ci; s3cipid_t *filler; int n_phmm, n_link; int i, nphone; mdef = ((ps_search_t *) allphs)->acmod->mdef; allphs->ci_phmm = (phmm_t **) ckd_calloc(bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef), sizeof(phmm_t *)); pid2phmm = (phmm_t **) ckd_calloc(bin_mdef_n_phone(mdef), sizeof(phmm_t *)); /* For each unique ciphone/triphone entry in mdef, create a PHMM node */ n_phmm = 0; nphone = allphs->ci_only ? bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef) : bin_mdef_n_phone(mdef); E_INFO("Building PHMM net of %d phones\n", nphone); for (pid = 0; pid < nphone; pid++) { if ((p = phmm_lookup(allphs, pid)) == NULL) { //not found, should be created p = (phmm_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*p)); hmm_init(allphs->hmmctx, &(p->hmm), FALSE, mdef_pid2ssid(mdef, pid), mdef->phone[pid].tmat); p->pid = pid; p->ci = bin_mdef_pid2ci(mdef, pid); p->succlist = NULL; p->next = allphs->ci_phmm[p->ci]; allphs->ci_phmm[p->ci] = p; n_phmm++; } pid2phmm[pid] = p; } /* Fill out bitvecs of each PHMM node, alloc continuous memory chunk for context bitvectors */ lrc_size = bitvec_size(bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef)); lc = ckd_calloc(n_phmm * 2 * lrc_size, sizeof(bitvec_t)); rc = lc + (n_phmm * lrc_size); for (ci = 0; ci < mdef->n_ciphone; ci++) { for (p = allphs->ci_phmm[ci]; p; p = p->next) { p->lc = lc; lc += lrc_size; p->rc = rc; rc += lrc_size; } } /* Fill out lc and rc bitmaps (remember to map all fillers to each other!!) */ filler = (s3cipid_t *) ckd_calloc(bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef) + 1, sizeof(s3cipid_t)); /* Connect fillers */ i = 0; for (ci = 0; ci < bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef); ci++) { p = pid2phmm[ci]; bitvec_set_all(p->lc, bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef)); bitvec_set_all(p->rc, bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef)); if (mdef->phone[ci].info.ci.filler) { filler[i++] = ci; } } filler[i] = BAD_S3CIPID; /* Loop over cdphones only if ci_only is not set */ for (pid = bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef); pid < nphone; pid++) { p = pid2phmm[pid]; if (mdef->phone[mdef->phone[pid].info.cd.ctx[1]].info.ci.filler) { for (i = 0; IS_S3CIPID(filler[i]); i++) bitvec_set(p->lc, filler[i]); } else bitvec_set(p->lc, mdef->phone[pid].info.cd.ctx[1]); if (mdef->phone[mdef->phone[pid].info.cd.ctx[2]].info.ci.filler) { for (i = 0; IS_S3CIPID(filler[i]); i++) bitvec_set(p->rc, filler[i]); } else bitvec_set(p->rc, mdef->phone[pid].info.cd.ctx[2]); } ckd_free(pid2phmm); ckd_free(filler); /* Create links between PHMM nodes */ n_link = phmm_link(allphs); E_INFO("%d nodes, %d links\n", n_phmm, n_link); return 0; } static void phmm_free(allphone_search_t * allphs) { s3cipid_t ci; bin_mdef_t *mdef; if (!allphs->ci_phmm) //nothing to free return; ckd_free(allphs->ci_phmm[0]->lc); mdef = ((ps_search_t *) allphs)->acmod->mdef; for (ci = 0; ci < mdef_n_ciphone(mdef); ++ci) { phmm_t *p, *next; for (p = allphs->ci_phmm[ci]; p; p = next) { plink_t *l, *lnext; next = p->next; for (l = p->succlist; l; l = lnext) { lnext = l->next; ckd_free(l); } hmm_deinit(&(p->hmm)); ckd_free(p); } } ckd_free(allphs->ci_phmm); } /** Evaluate active PHMMs */ static int32 phmm_eval_all(allphone_search_t * allphs, const int16 * senscr) { s3cipid_t ci; phmm_t *p; int32 best; bin_mdef_t *mdef; phmm_t **ci_phmm; mdef = ((ps_search_t *) allphs)->acmod->mdef; ci_phmm = allphs->ci_phmm; best = WORST_SCORE; hmm_context_set_senscore(allphs->hmmctx, senscr); for (ci = 0; ci < mdef->n_ciphone; ci++) { for (p = ci_phmm[(unsigned) ci]; p; p = p->next) { if (hmm_frame(&(p->hmm)) == allphs->frame) { int32 score; allphs->n_hmm_eval++; score = hmm_vit_eval((hmm_t *) p); if (score > best) best = score; } } } return best; } static void phmm_exit(allphone_search_t * allphs, int32 best) { s3cipid_t ci; phmm_t *p; int32 th, nf; history_t *h; blkarray_list_t *history; bin_mdef_t *mdef; int32 curfrm; phmm_t **ci_phmm; int32 *ci2lmwid; th = best + allphs->pbeam; history = allphs->history; mdef = ps_search_acmod(allphs)->mdef; curfrm = allphs->frame; ci_phmm = allphs->ci_phmm; ci2lmwid = allphs->ci2lmwid; nf = curfrm + 1; for (ci = 0; ci < mdef->n_ciphone; ci++) { for (p = ci_phmm[(unsigned) ci]; p; p = p->next) { if (hmm_frame(&(p->hmm)) == curfrm) { if (hmm_bestscore(&(p->hmm)) >= th) { h = (history_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*h)); h->ef = curfrm; h->phmm = p; h->hist = hmm_out_history(&(p->hmm)); h->score = hmm_out_score(&(p->hmm)); if (!allphs->lm) { h->tscore = allphs->inspen; } else { if (h->hist > 0) { int32 n_used; history_t *pred = blkarray_list_get(history, h->hist); if (pred->hist > 0) { history_t *pred_pred = blkarray_list_get(history, h->hist); h->tscore = ngram_tg_score(allphs->lm, ci2lmwid [pred_pred->phmm->ci], ci2lmwid[pred-> phmm->ci], ci2lmwid[p->ci], &n_used) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } else { h->tscore = ngram_bg_score(allphs->lm, ci2lmwid [pred->phmm->ci], ci2lmwid[p->ci], &n_used) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } } else { /* * This is the beginning SIL and in srch_allphone_begin() * it's inscore is set to 0. */ h->tscore = 0; } } blkarray_list_append(history, h); /* Mark PHMM active in next frame */ hmm_frame(&(p->hmm)) = nf; } else { /* Reset state scores */ hmm_clear(&(p->hmm)); } } } } } static void phmm_trans(allphone_search_t * allphs, int32 best, int32 frame_history_start) { history_t *h; phmm_t *from, *to; plink_t *l; int32 newscore, nf, curfrm; int32 *ci2lmwid; int32 hist_idx; curfrm = allphs->frame; nf = curfrm + 1; ci2lmwid = allphs->ci2lmwid; /* Transition from exited nodes to initial states of HMMs */ for (hist_idx = frame_history_start; hist_idx < blkarray_list_n_valid(allphs->history); hist_idx++) { h = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, hist_idx); from = h->phmm; for (l = from->succlist; l; l = l->next) { int32 tscore; to = l->phmm; /* No LM, just use uniform (insertion penalty). */ if (!allphs->lm) tscore = allphs->inspen; /* If they are not in the LM, kill this * transition. */ else if (ci2lmwid[to->ci] == NGRAM_INVALID_WID) continue; else { int32 n_used; if (h->hist > 0) { history_t *pred = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, h->hist); tscore = ngram_tg_score(allphs->lm, ci2lmwid[pred->phmm->ci], ci2lmwid[from->ci], ci2lmwid[to->ci], &n_used) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } else { tscore = ngram_bg_score(allphs->lm, ci2lmwid[from->ci], ci2lmwid[to->ci], &n_used) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } } newscore = h->score + tscore; if ((newscore > best + allphs->beam) && (newscore > hmm_in_score(&(to->hmm)))) { hmm_enter(&(to->hmm), newscore, hist_idx, nf); } } } } ps_search_t * allphone_search_init(ngram_model_t * lm, cmd_ln_t * config, acmod_t * acmod, dict_t * dict, dict2pid_t * d2p) { int i; bin_mdef_t *mdef; allphone_search_t *allphs; static char *lmname = "default"; allphs = (allphone_search_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(*allphs)); ps_search_init(ps_search_base(allphs), &allphone_funcs, config, acmod, dict, d2p); mdef = acmod->mdef; allphs->hmmctx = hmm_context_init(bin_mdef_n_emit_state(mdef), acmod->tmat->tp, NULL, mdef->sseq); if (allphs->hmmctx == NULL) { ps_search_free(ps_search_base(allphs)); return NULL; } allphs->ci_only = cmd_ln_boolean_r(config, "-allphone_ci"); allphs->lw = cmd_ln_float32_r(config, "-lw"); phmm_build(allphs); if (lm) { //language model is defined allphs->lm = ngram_model_set_init(config, &lm, &lmname, NULL, 1); if (!allphs->lm) { E_ERROR ("Failed to initialize ngram model set for phoneme decoding"); allphone_search_free((ps_search_t *) allphs); return NULL; } allphs->ci2lmwid = (int32 *) ckd_calloc(mdef->n_ciphone, sizeof(*allphs->ci2lmwid)); for (i = 0; i < mdef->n_ciphone; i++) { allphs->ci2lmwid[i] = ngram_wid(allphs->lm, (char *) bin_mdef_ciphone_str(mdef, i)); /* Map filler phones to silence if not found */ if (allphs->ci2lmwid[i] == NGRAM_INVALID_WID && bin_mdef_ciphone_str(mdef, i)) allphs->ci2lmwid[i] = ngram_wid(allphs->lm, (char *) bin_mdef_ciphone_str(mdef, mdef_silphone (mdef))); } } else { E_WARN ("Failed to load language model specified in -allphone, doing unconstrained phone-loop decoding\n"); allphs->inspen = (int32) (logmath_log (acmod->lmath, cmd_ln_float32_r(config, "-pip")) * allphs->lw) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } allphs->n_tot_frame = 0; allphs->frame = -1; allphs->segments = NULL; /* Get search pruning parameters */ allphs->beam = (int32) logmath_log(acmod->lmath, cmd_ln_float64_r(config, "-beam")) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; allphs->pbeam = (int32) logmath_log(acmod->lmath, cmd_ln_float64_r(config, "-pbeam")) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; /* LM related weights/penalties */ allphs->history = blkarray_list_init(); /* Acoustic score scale for posterior probabilities. */ allphs->ascale = 1.0 / cmd_ln_float32_r(config, "-ascale"); E_INFO("Allphone(beam: %d, pbeam: %d)\n", allphs->beam, allphs->pbeam); ptmr_init(&allphs->perf); return (ps_search_t *) allphs; } int allphone_search_reinit(ps_search_t * search, dict_t * dict, dict2pid_t * d2p) { allphone_search_t *allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; /* Free old dict2pid, dict */ ps_search_base_reinit(search, dict, d2p); if (!allphs->lm) { E_WARN ("-lm argument missing; doing unconstrained phone-loop decoding\n"); allphs->inspen = (int32) (logmath_log (search->acmod->lmath, cmd_ln_float32_r(search->config, "-pip")) * allphs->lw) >> SENSCR_SHIFT; } return 0; } void allphone_search_free(ps_search_t * search) { allphone_search_t *allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; double n_speech = (double)allphs->n_tot_frame / cmd_ln_int32_r(ps_search_config(allphs), "-frate"); E_INFO("TOTAL fwdflat %.2f CPU %.3f xRT\n", allphs->perf.t_tot_cpu, allphs->perf.t_tot_cpu / n_speech); E_INFO("TOTAL fwdflat %.2f wall %.3f xRT\n", allphs->perf.t_tot_elapsed, allphs->perf.t_tot_elapsed / n_speech); ps_search_deinit(search); hmm_context_free(allphs->hmmctx); phmm_free(allphs); if (allphs->lm) ngram_model_free(allphs->lm); if (allphs->ci2lmwid) ckd_free(allphs->ci2lmwid); blkarray_list_free(allphs->history); ckd_free(allphs); } int allphone_search_start(ps_search_t * search) { allphone_search_t *allphs; bin_mdef_t *mdef; s3cipid_t ci; phmm_t *p; allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; mdef = search->acmod->mdef; /* Reset all HMMs. */ for (ci = 0; ci < bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef); ci++) { for (p = allphs->ci_phmm[(unsigned) ci]; p; p = p->next) { hmm_clear(&(p->hmm)); } } allphs->n_hmm_eval = 0; allphs->n_sen_eval = 0; /* Free history nodes, if any */ blkarray_list_reset(allphs->history); /* Initialize start state of the SILENCE PHMM */ allphs->frame = 0; ci = bin_mdef_silphone(mdef); if (NOT_S3CIPID(ci)) E_FATAL("Cannot find CI-phone %s\n", S3_SILENCE_CIPHONE); for (p = allphs->ci_phmm[ci]; p && (p->pid != ci); p = p->next); if (!p) E_FATAL("Cannot find HMM for %s\n", S3_SILENCE_CIPHONE); hmm_enter(&(p->hmm), 0, 0, allphs->frame); ptmr_reset(&allphs->perf); ptmr_start(&allphs->perf); return 0; } static void allphone_search_sen_active(allphone_search_t * allphs) { acmod_t *acmod; bin_mdef_t *mdef; phmm_t *p; int32 ci; acmod = ps_search_acmod(allphs); mdef = acmod->mdef; acmod_clear_active(acmod); for (ci = 0; ci < bin_mdef_n_ciphone(mdef); ci++) for (p = allphs->ci_phmm[ci]; p; p = p->next) if (hmm_frame(&(p->hmm)) == allphs->frame) acmod_activate_hmm(acmod, &(p->hmm)); } int allphone_search_step(ps_search_t * search, int frame_idx) { int32 bestscr, frame_history_start; const int16 *senscr; allphone_search_t *allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; acmod_t *acmod = search->acmod; if (!acmod->compallsen) allphone_search_sen_active(allphs); senscr = acmod_score(acmod, &frame_idx); allphs->n_sen_eval += acmod->n_senone_active; bestscr = phmm_eval_all(allphs, senscr); frame_history_start = blkarray_list_n_valid(allphs->history); phmm_exit(allphs, bestscr); phmm_trans(allphs, bestscr, frame_history_start); allphs->frame++; return 0; } static int32 ascore(allphone_search_t * allphs, history_t * h) { int32 score = h->score; if (h->hist > 0) { history_t *pred = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, h->hist); score -= pred->score; } return score - h->tscore; } static void allphone_clear_segments(allphone_search_t * allphs) { gnode_t *gn; for (gn = allphs->segments; gn; gn = gn->next) { ckd_free(gnode_ptr(gn)); } glist_free(allphs->segments); allphs->segments = NULL; } static void allphone_backtrace(allphone_search_t * allphs, int32 f) { int32 best, hist_idx, best_idx; int32 frm, last_frm; history_t *h; phseg_t *s; /* Clear old list */ allphone_clear_segments(allphs); frm = last_frm = f; /* Find the first history entry for the requested frame */ hist_idx = blkarray_list_n_valid(allphs->history) - 1; while (hist_idx > 0) { h = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, hist_idx); if (h->ef <= f) { frm = last_frm = h->ef; break; } hist_idx--; } if (hist_idx < 0) return; /* Find bestscore */ best = (int32) 0x80000000; best_idx = -1; while (frm == last_frm && hist_idx > 0) { h = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, hist_idx); frm = h->ef; if (h->score > best && frm == last_frm) { best = h->score; best_idx = hist_idx; } hist_idx--; } if (best_idx < 0) return; /* Backtrace */ while (best_idx > 0) { h = blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, best_idx); s = (phseg_t *) ckd_calloc(1, sizeof(phseg_t)); s->ci = h->phmm->ci; s->sf = (h->hist > 0) ? ((history_t *) blkarray_list_get(allphs->history, h->hist))->ef + 1 : 0; s->ef = h->ef; s->score = ascore(allphs, h); s->tscore = h->tscore; allphs->segments = glist_add_ptr(allphs->segments, s); best_idx = h->hist; } return; } int allphone_search_finish(ps_search_t * search) { allphone_search_t *allphs; int32 cf, n_hist; allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; allphs->n_tot_frame += allphs->frame; n_hist = blkarray_list_n_valid(allphs->history); E_INFO ("%d frames, %d HMMs (%d/fr), %d senones (%d/fr), %d history entries (%d/fr)\n", allphs->frame, allphs->n_hmm_eval, (allphs->frame > 0) ? allphs->n_hmm_eval / allphs->frame : 0, allphs->n_sen_eval, (allphs->frame > 0) ? allphs->n_sen_eval / allphs->frame : 0, n_hist, (allphs->frame > 0) ? n_hist / allphs->frame : 0); /* Now backtrace. */ allphone_backtrace(allphs, allphs->frame - 1); /* Print out some statistics. */ ptmr_stop(&allphs->perf); /* This is the number of frames processed. */ cf = ps_search_acmod(allphs)->output_frame; if (cf > 0) { double n_speech = (double) (cf + 1) / cmd_ln_int32_r(ps_search_config(allphs), "-frate"); E_INFO("allphone %.2f CPU %.3f xRT\n", allphs->perf.t_cpu, allphs->perf.t_cpu / n_speech); E_INFO("allphone %.2f wall %.3f xRT\n", allphs->perf.t_elapsed, allphs->perf.t_elapsed / n_speech); } return 0; } char const * allphone_search_hyp(ps_search_t * search, int32 * out_score, int32 * out_is_final) { allphone_search_t *allphs; phseg_t *p; gnode_t *gn; const char *phone_str; bin_mdef_t *mdef; int len, hyp_idx, phone_idx; allphs = (allphone_search_t *) search; mdef = search->acmod->mdef; /* Create hypothesis */ if (search->hyp_str) ckd_free(search->hyp_str); search->hyp_str = NULL; allphone_backtrace(allphs, allphs->frame - 1); if (allphs->segments == NULL) { return NULL; } len = glist_count(allphs->segments) * 10; // maximum length of one phone with spacebar search->hyp_str = (char *) ckd_calloc(len, sizeof(*search->hyp_str)); hyp_idx = 0; for (gn = allphs->segments; gn; gn = gn->next) { p = gnode_ptr(gn); phone_str = bin_mdef_ciphone_str(mdef, p->ci); phone_idx = 0; while (phone_str[phone_idx] != '\0') search->hyp_str[hyp_idx++] = phone_str[phone_idx++]; search->hyp_str[hyp_idx++] = ' '; } search->hyp_str[--hyp_idx] = '\0'; E_INFO("Hyp: %s\n", search->hyp_str); return search->hyp_str; }