/* * Copyright 2015, Mozilla Foundation and contributors * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <algorithm> #include <ctype.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <vector> #include "ClearKeyUtils.h" #include "ClearKeyBase64.h" #include "ArrayUtils.h" #include <assert.h> #include <memory.h> #include "BigEndian.h" #include "openaes/oaes_lib.h" using namespace std; void CK_Log(const char* aFmt, ...) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, aFmt); vprintf(aFmt, ap); va_end(ap); printf("\n"); fflush(stdout); } static void IncrementIV(vector<uint8_t>& aIV) { using mozilla::BigEndian; assert(aIV.size() == 16); BigEndian::writeUint64(&aIV[8], BigEndian::readUint64(&aIV[8]) + 1); } /* static */ void ClearKeyUtils::DecryptAES(const vector<uint8_t>& aKey, vector<uint8_t>& aData, vector<uint8_t>& aIV) { assert(aIV.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); assert(aKey.size() == CENC_KEY_LEN); OAES_CTX* aes = oaes_alloc(); oaes_key_import_data(aes, &aKey[0], aKey.size()); oaes_set_option(aes, OAES_OPTION_ECB, nullptr); for (size_t i = 0; i < aData.size(); i += CENC_KEY_LEN) { size_t encLen; oaes_encrypt(aes, &aIV[0], CENC_KEY_LEN, nullptr, &encLen); vector<uint8_t> enc(encLen); oaes_encrypt(aes, &aIV[0], CENC_KEY_LEN, &enc[0], &encLen); assert(encLen >= 2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE + CENC_KEY_LEN); size_t blockLen = min(aData.size() - i, CENC_KEY_LEN); for (size_t j = 0; j < blockLen; j++) { aData[i + j] ^= enc[2 * OAES_BLOCK_SIZE + j]; } IncrementIV(aIV); } oaes_free(&aes); } /** * ClearKey expects all Key IDs to be base64 encoded with non-standard alphabet * and padding. */ static bool EncodeBase64Web(vector<uint8_t> aBinary, string& aEncoded) { const char sAlphabet[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789-_"; const uint8_t sMask = 0x3f; aEncoded.resize((aBinary.size() * 8 + 5) / 6); // Pad binary data in case there's rubbish past the last byte. aBinary.push_back(0); // Number of bytes not consumed in the previous character uint32_t shift = 0; auto out = aEncoded.begin(); auto data = aBinary.begin(); for (string::size_type i = 0; i < aEncoded.length(); i++) { if (shift) { out[i] = (*data << (6 - shift)) & sMask; data++; } else { out[i] = 0; } out[i] += (*data >> (shift + 2)) & sMask; shift = (shift + 2) % 8; // Cast idx to size_t before using it as an array-index, // to pacify clang 'Wchar-subscripts' warning: size_t idx = static_cast<size_t>(out[i]); assert(idx < MOZ_ARRAY_LENGTH(sAlphabet)); // out of bounds index for 'sAlphabet' out[i] = sAlphabet[idx]; } return true; } /* static */ void ClearKeyUtils::MakeKeyRequest(const vector<KeyId>& aKeyIDs, string& aOutRequest, GMPSessionType aSessionType) { assert(aKeyIDs.size() && aOutRequest.empty()); aOutRequest.append("{\"kids\":["); for (size_t i = 0; i < aKeyIDs.size(); i++) { if (i) { aOutRequest.append(","); } aOutRequest.append("\""); string base64key; EncodeBase64Web(aKeyIDs[i], base64key); aOutRequest.append(base64key); aOutRequest.append("\""); } aOutRequest.append("],\"type\":"); aOutRequest.append("\""); aOutRequest.append(SessionTypeToString(aSessionType)); aOutRequest.append("\"}"); } #define EXPECT_SYMBOL(CTX, X) do { \ if (GetNextSymbol(CTX) != (X)) { \ CK_LOGE("Unexpected symbol in JWK parser"); \ return false; \ } \ } while (false) struct ParserContext { const uint8_t* mIter; const uint8_t* mEnd; }; static uint8_t PeekSymbol(ParserContext& aCtx) { for (; aCtx.mIter < aCtx.mEnd; (aCtx.mIter)++) { if (!isspace(*aCtx.mIter)) { return *aCtx.mIter; } } return 0; } static uint8_t GetNextSymbol(ParserContext& aCtx) { uint8_t sym = PeekSymbol(aCtx); aCtx.mIter++; return sym; } static bool SkipToken(ParserContext& aCtx); static bool SkipString(ParserContext& aCtx) { EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '"'); for (uint8_t sym = GetNextSymbol(aCtx); sym; sym = GetNextSymbol(aCtx)) { if (sym == '\\') { sym = GetNextSymbol(aCtx); } else if (sym == '"') { return true; } } return false; } /** * Skip whole object and values it contains. */ static bool SkipObject(ParserContext& aCtx) { EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '{'); if (PeekSymbol(aCtx) == '}') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); return true; } while (true) { if (!SkipString(aCtx)) return false; EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ':'); if (!SkipToken(aCtx)) return false; if (PeekSymbol(aCtx) == '}') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); return true; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ','); } return false; } /** * Skip array value and the values it contains. */ static bool SkipArray(ParserContext& aCtx) { EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '['); if (PeekSymbol(aCtx) == ']') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); return true; } while (SkipToken(aCtx)) { if (PeekSymbol(aCtx) == ']') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); return true; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ','); } return false; } /** * Skip unquoted literals like numbers, |true|, and |null|. * (XXX and anything else that matches /([:alnum:]|[+-.])+/) */ static bool SkipLiteral(ParserContext& aCtx) { for (; aCtx.mIter < aCtx.mEnd; aCtx.mIter++) { if (!isalnum(*aCtx.mIter) && *aCtx.mIter != '.' && *aCtx.mIter != '-' && *aCtx.mIter != '+') { return true; } } return false; } static bool SkipToken(ParserContext& aCtx) { uint8_t startSym = PeekSymbol(aCtx); if (startSym == '"') { CK_LOGD("JWK parser skipping string"); return SkipString(aCtx); } else if (startSym == '{') { CK_LOGD("JWK parser skipping object"); return SkipObject(aCtx); } else if (startSym == '[') { CK_LOGD("JWK parser skipping array"); return SkipArray(aCtx); } else { CK_LOGD("JWK parser skipping literal"); return SkipLiteral(aCtx); } return false; } static bool GetNextLabel(ParserContext& aCtx, string& aOutLabel) { EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '"'); const uint8_t* start = aCtx.mIter; for (uint8_t sym = GetNextSymbol(aCtx); sym; sym = GetNextSymbol(aCtx)) { if (sym == '\\') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); continue; } if (sym == '"') { aOutLabel.assign(start, aCtx.mIter - 1); return true; } } return false; } static bool ParseKeyObject(ParserContext& aCtx, KeyIdPair& aOutKey) { EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '{'); // Reject empty objects as invalid licenses. if (PeekSymbol(aCtx) == '}') { GetNextSymbol(aCtx); return false; } string keyId; string key; while (true) { string label; string value; if (!GetNextLabel(aCtx, label)) { return false; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ':'); if (label == "kty") { if (!GetNextLabel(aCtx, value)) return false; // By spec, type must be "oct". if (value != "oct") return false; } else if (label == "k" && PeekSymbol(aCtx) == '"') { // if this isn't a string we will fall through to the SkipToken() path. if (!GetNextLabel(aCtx, key)) return false; } else if (label == "kid" && PeekSymbol(aCtx) == '"') { if (!GetNextLabel(aCtx, keyId)) return false; } else { if (!SkipToken(aCtx)) return false; } uint8_t sym = PeekSymbol(aCtx); if (!sym || sym == '}') { break; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ','); } return !key.empty() && !keyId.empty() && DecodeBase64(keyId, aOutKey.mKeyId) && DecodeBase64(key, aOutKey.mKey) && GetNextSymbol(aCtx) == '}'; } static bool ParseKeys(ParserContext& aCtx, vector<KeyIdPair>& aOutKeys) { // Consume start of array. EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '['); while (true) { KeyIdPair key; if (!ParseKeyObject(aCtx, key)) { CK_LOGE("Failed to parse key object"); return false; } assert(!key.mKey.empty() && !key.mKeyId.empty()); aOutKeys.push_back(key); uint8_t sym = PeekSymbol(aCtx); if (!sym || sym == ']') { break; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ','); } return GetNextSymbol(aCtx) == ']'; } /* static */ bool ClearKeyUtils::ParseJWK(const uint8_t* aKeyData, uint32_t aKeyDataSize, vector<KeyIdPair>& aOutKeys, GMPSessionType aSessionType) { ParserContext ctx; ctx.mIter = aKeyData; ctx.mEnd = aKeyData + aKeyDataSize; // Consume '{' from start of object. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, '{'); while (true) { string label; // Consume member key. if (!GetNextLabel(ctx, label)) return false; EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, ':'); if (label == "keys") { // Parse "keys" array. if (!ParseKeys(ctx, aOutKeys)) return false; } else if (label == "type") { // Consume type string. string type; if (!GetNextLabel(ctx, type)) return false; if (type != SessionTypeToString(aSessionType)) { return false; } } else { SkipToken(ctx); } // Check for end of object. if (PeekSymbol(ctx) == '}') { break; } // Consume ',' between object members. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, ','); } // Consume '}' from end of object. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, '}'); return true; } static bool ParseKeyIds(ParserContext& aCtx, vector<KeyId>& aOutKeyIds) { // Consume start of array. EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, '['); while (true) { string label; vector<uint8_t> keyId; if (!GetNextLabel(aCtx, label) || !DecodeBase64(label, keyId)) { return false; } if (!keyId.empty() && keyId.size() <= kMaxKeyIdsLength) { aOutKeyIds.push_back(keyId); } uint8_t sym = PeekSymbol(aCtx); if (!sym || sym == ']') { break; } EXPECT_SYMBOL(aCtx, ','); } return GetNextSymbol(aCtx) == ']'; } /* static */ bool ClearKeyUtils::ParseKeyIdsInitData(const uint8_t* aInitData, uint32_t aInitDataSize, vector<KeyId>& aOutKeyIds) { ParserContext ctx; ctx.mIter = aInitData; ctx.mEnd = aInitData + aInitDataSize; // Consume '{' from start of object. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, '{'); while (true) { string label; // Consume member kids. if (!GetNextLabel(ctx, label)) return false; EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, ':'); if (label == "kids") { // Parse "kids" array. if (!ParseKeyIds(ctx, aOutKeyIds) || aOutKeyIds.empty()) { return false; } } else { SkipToken(ctx); } // Check for end of object. if (PeekSymbol(ctx) == '}') { break; } // Consume ',' between object members. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, ','); } // Consume '}' from end of object. EXPECT_SYMBOL(ctx, '}'); return true; } /* static */ const char* ClearKeyUtils::SessionTypeToString(GMPSessionType aSessionType) { switch (aSessionType) { case kGMPTemporySession: return "temporary"; case kGMPPersistentSession: return "persistent-license"; default: { assert(false); // Should not reach here. return "invalid"; } } } /* static */ bool ClearKeyUtils::IsValidSessionId(const char* aBuff, uint32_t aLength) { if (aLength > 10) { // 10 is the max number of characters in UINT32_MAX when // represented as a string; ClearKey session ids are integers. return false; } for (uint32_t i = 0; i < aLength; i++) { if (!isdigit(aBuff[i])) { return false; } } return true; } GMPMutex* GMPCreateMutex() { GMPMutex* mutex; auto err = GetPlatform()->createmutex(&mutex); assert(mutex); return GMP_FAILED(err) ? nullptr : mutex; }