/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef _nsNewsDownloader_H_ #define _nsNewsDownloader_H_ #include "nsIMsgDatabase.h" #include "nsIUrlListener.h" #include "nsIMsgFolder.h" #include "nsIMsgHdr.h" #include "nsIMsgWindow.h" #include "nsIMsgSearchNotify.h" #include "nsIMsgSearchSession.h" // base class for downloading articles in a single newsgroup. Keys to download are passed in // to DownloadArticles method. class nsNewsDownloader : public nsIUrlListener, public nsIMsgSearchNotify { public: nsNewsDownloader(nsIMsgWindow *window, nsIMsgDatabase *db, nsIUrlListener *listener); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIURLLISTENER NS_DECL_NSIMSGSEARCHNOTIFY virtual nsresult DownloadArticles(nsIMsgWindow *window, nsIMsgFolder *folder, nsTArray<nsMsgKey> *pKeyArray); bool ShouldAbort() const { return m_abort; } protected: virtual ~nsNewsDownloader(); virtual int32_t Write(const char * /*block*/, int32_t length) {return length;} virtual void Abort(); virtual void Complete(); virtual bool GetNextHdrToRetrieve(); virtual nsresult DownloadNext(bool firstTimeP); virtual int32_t FinishDownload() {return 0;} virtual int32_t StartDownload() {return 0;} virtual nsresult ShowProgress(const char16_t *progressString, int32_t percent); nsTArray<nsMsgKey> m_keysToDownload; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgFolder> m_folder; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDatabase> m_newsDB; nsCOMPtr <nsIUrlListener> m_listener; bool m_downloadFromKeys; bool m_existedP; bool m_wroteAnyP; bool m_summaryValidP; bool m_abort; int32_t m_numwrote; nsMsgKey m_keyToDownload; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgWindow> m_window; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgStatusFeedback> m_statusFeedback; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgSearchSession> m_searchSession; int32_t m_lastPercent; int64_t m_lastProgressTime; nsresult m_status; }; // class for downloading articles in a single newsgroup to the offline store. class DownloadNewsArticlesToOfflineStore : public nsNewsDownloader { public: DownloadNewsArticlesToOfflineStore(nsIMsgWindow *window, nsIMsgDatabase *db, nsIUrlListener *listener); virtual ~DownloadNewsArticlesToOfflineStore(); NS_IMETHOD OnStartRunningUrl(nsIURI* url); NS_IMETHOD OnStopRunningUrl(nsIURI* url, nsresult exitCode); protected: virtual int32_t StartDownload(); virtual int32_t FinishDownload(); virtual bool GetNextHdrToRetrieve(); nsCOMPtr <nsISimpleEnumerator> m_headerEnumerator; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> m_newsHeader; }; // class for downloading all the articles that match the passed in search criteria // for a single newsgroup. class DownloadMatchingNewsArticlesToNewsDB : public DownloadNewsArticlesToOfflineStore { public: DownloadMatchingNewsArticlesToNewsDB(nsIMsgWindow *window, nsIMsgFolder *folder, nsIMsgDatabase *newsDB, nsIUrlListener *listener); virtual ~DownloadMatchingNewsArticlesToNewsDB(); nsresult RunSearch(nsIMsgFolder *folder, nsIMsgDatabase *newsDB, nsIMsgSearchSession *searchSession); protected: }; // this class iterates all the news servers for each group on the server that's configured for // offline use, downloads the messages that meet the download criteria for that newsgroup/server class nsMsgDownloadAllNewsgroups : public nsIUrlListener { public: nsMsgDownloadAllNewsgroups(nsIMsgWindow *window, nsIUrlListener *listener); NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS NS_DECL_NSIURLLISTENER nsresult ProcessNextGroup(); protected: virtual ~nsMsgDownloadAllNewsgroups(); bool AdvanceToNextServer(); bool AdvanceToNextGroup(); nsresult DownloadMsgsForCurrentGroup(); DownloadMatchingNewsArticlesToNewsDB *m_downloaderForGroup; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgFolder> m_currentFolder; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgWindow> m_window; nsCOMPtr <nsIArray> m_allServers; nsCOMPtr <nsIArray> m_allFolders; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgIncomingServer> m_currentServer; nsCOMPtr <nsISimpleEnumerator> m_serverEnumerator; nsCOMPtr <nsIUrlListener> m_listener; bool m_downloadedHdrsForCurGroup; }; #endif