/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#ifndef _MIMEMSIG_H_
#define _MIMEMSIG_H_

#include "mimemult.h"
#include "mimepbuf.h"
#include "modmimee.h"

/* The MimeMultipartSigned class implements the multipart/signed MIME
   container, which provides a general method of associating a cryptographic
   signature to an arbitrary MIME object.

   The MimeMultipartSigned class provides the following methods:

   void *crypto_init (MimeObject *multipart_object)

     This is called with the object, the object->headers of which should be
   used to initialize the dexlateion engine.  NULL indicates failure;
   otherwise, an opaque closure object should be returned.

   int crypto_data_hash (const char *data, int32_t data_size,
             void *crypto_closure)

     This is called with the raw data, for which a signature has been computed.
   The crypto module should examine this, and compute a signature for it.

   int crypto_data_eof (void *crypto_closure, bool abort_p)

     This is called when no more data remains.  If `abort_p' is true, then the
   crypto module may choose to discard any data rather than processing it,
   as we're terminating abnormally.

   int crypto_signature_init (void *crypto_closure,
                              MimeObject *multipart_object,
                MimeHeaders *signature_hdrs)

     This is called after crypto_data_eof() and just before the first call to
   crypto_signature_hash().  The crypto module may wish to do some
   initialization here, or may wish to examine the actual headers of the
   signature object itself.

   int crypto_signature_hash (const char *data, int32_t data_size,
                void *crypto_closure)

     This is called with the raw data of the detached signature block.  It will
   be called after crypto_data_eof() has been called to signify the end of
   the data which is signed.  This data is the data of the signature itself.

   int crypto_signature_eof (void *crypto_closure, bool abort_p)

     This is called when no more signature data remains.  If `abort_p' is true,
   then the crypto module may choose to discard any data rather than
   processing it, as we're terminating abnormally.

   char * crypto_generate_html (void *crypto_closure)

     This is called after `crypto_signature_eof' but before `crypto_free'.
   The crypto module should return a newly-allocated string of HTML code
   which explains the status of the dexlateion to the user (whether the
   signature checks out, etc.)

   void crypto_free (void *crypto_closure)

     This will be called when we're all done, after `crypto_signature_eof' and
   `crypto_emit_html'.  It is intended to free any data represented by the

typedef struct MimeMultipartSignedClass MimeMultipartSignedClass;
typedef struct MimeMultipartSigned      MimeMultipartSigned;

typedef enum {
} MimeMultipartSignedParseState;

struct MimeMultipartSignedClass {
  MimeMultipartClass multipart;

  /* Callbacks used by dexlateion (really, signature verification) module. */
  void * (*crypto_init) (MimeObject *multipart_object);

  int (*crypto_data_hash)      (const char *data, int32_t data_size,
                void *crypto_closure);
  int (*crypto_signature_hash) (const char *data, int32_t data_size,
                void *crypto_closure);

  int (*crypto_data_eof)      (void *crypto_closure, bool abort_p);
  int (*crypto_signature_eof) (void *crypto_closure, bool abort_p);

  int (*crypto_signature_init) (void *crypto_closure,
                MimeObject *multipart_object,
                MimeHeaders *signature_hdrs);

  char * (*crypto_generate_html) (void *crypto_closure);

  void (*crypto_free) (void *crypto_closure);

extern "C" MimeMultipartSignedClass mimeMultipartSignedClass;

struct MimeMultipartSigned {
  MimeMultipart multipart;
  MimeMultipartSignedParseState state;  /* State of parser */

  void *crypto_closure;           /* Opaque data used by signature
                      verification module. */

  MimeHeaders *body_hdrs;        /* The headers of the signed object. */
  MimeHeaders *sig_hdrs;        /* The headers of the signature. */

  MimePartBufferData *part_buffer;      /* The buffered body of the signed
                       object (see mimepbuf.h) */

  MimeDecoderData *sig_decoder_data;  /* The signature is probably base64
                       encoded; this is the decoder used
                       to get raw bits out of it. */

#define MimeMultipartSignedClassInitializer(ITYPE,CSUPER) \
  { MimeMultipartClassInitializer(ITYPE,CSUPER) }

#endif /* _MIMEMSIG_H_ */