/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsIStreamListener.idl"
#include "nsIURI.idl"

typedef int (*MimeDecodeCallbackFun)(const char *buf, int32_t buf_size, void *output_closure);

#define NS_PGPMIMEPROXY_CONTRACTID "@mozilla.org/mime/pgp-mime-decrypt;1"

#define NS_PGPMIMEPROXY_CID                     \
{ /* 6b7e094f-536b-40dc-b3a4-e3d729205ce1 */      \
   0x6b7e094f, 0x536b, 0x40dc,                    \
{0xb3, 0xa4, 0xe3, 0xd7, 0x29, 0x20, 0x5c, 0xe1 } }

native MimeDecodeCallbackFun(MimeDecodeCallbackFun);

 * nsIPgpMimeProxy is a proxy for a (JS-)addon for OpenPGP/MIME decryption

[scriptable, uuid(6b7e094f-536b-40dc-b3a4-e3d729205ce1)]
interface nsIPgpMimeProxy : nsIStreamListener
   * set the decoder callback into mimelib
  [noscript] void setMimeCallback(in MimeDecodeCallbackFun outputFun,
                                  in voidPtr outputClosure,
                                  in nsIURI myUri);

   * init function
  void init();

   * process encoded data received from mimelib
  void write(in string buf, in unsigned long count);

   * finish writing (EOF) from mimelib
  void finish();

   * the listener that receives the OpenPGP/MIME data stream and decrypts
   * the message
  attribute nsIStreamListener     decryptor;

  attribute ACString              contentType;

   * The particular part number of the multipart object we are working on. The
   * numbering is the same as in URLs that use the form "...?part=1.1.2".
   * The value stored in mimePart is only the number, e.g. "1" or "1.1.2"
  attribute ACString mimePart;
