/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIUrlListener.idl"
#include "nsIPop3IncomingServer.idl"
#include "nsIMsgFolder.idl"

interface nsIURI;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIMsgFolder;

[scriptable, uuid(7302fd8e-946f-4ae3-9468-0fb3a7706c51)]
interface nsIPop3ServiceListener : nsISupports {
   * Notification that a pop3 download has started.
   * @param aFolder folder in which the download is started.
  void onDownloadStarted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);

   * Notification about download progress.
   * @param aFolder folder in which the download is happening.
   * @param aNumDownloaded number of the messages that have been downloaded.
   * @param aTotalToDownload total number of messages to download.
  void onDownloadProgress(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder,
                          in unsigned long aNumDownloaded,
                          in unsigned long aTotalToDownload);

   * Notification that a download has completed.
   * @param aFolder folder to which the download has completed.
   * @param aNumberOfMessages number of the messages that were downloaded.
  void onDownloadCompleted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder,
                           in unsigned long aNumberOfMessages);

 * The Pop3 Service is an interface designed to make building and running
 * pop3 urls easier.
[scriptable, uuid(96d3cc14-a842-4cdf-98f8-a4cc695f8b3b)]
interface nsIPop3Service : nsISupports {
   * All of these functions build pop3 urls and run them. If you want
   * a handle on the running task, pass in a valid nsIURI ptr. You can later
   * interrupt this action by asking the netlib service manager to interrupt
   * the url you are given back. Remember to release aURL when you are
   * done with it. Pass nullptr in for aURL if you
   * don't care about the returned URL.

   * right now getting new mail doesn't require any user specific data.
   * We use the default current identity for this information. I suspect that
   * we'll eventually pass in an identity to this call so you can get
   * mail on different pop3 accounts....

  nsIURI GetNewMail(in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener,
                    in nsIMsgFolder aInbox, in nsIPop3IncomingServer popServer);

  nsIURI CheckForNewMail(in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener,
                         in nsIMsgFolder inbox, in nsIPop3IncomingServer popServer);

   * Verify that we can logon
   * @param  aServer - pop3 server we're logging on to.
   * @param  aUrlListener - gets called back with success or failure.
   * @param aMsgWindow    - nsIMsgWindow to use for notification callbacks.
   * @return - the url that we run.
  nsIURI verifyLogon(in nsIMsgIncomingServer aServer,
                     in nsIUrlListener aUrlListener,
                     in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);

   * Add a listener for pop3 events like message download. This is
   * used by the activity manager.
   * @param aListener listener that gets notified of pop3 events.
  void addListener(in nsIPop3ServiceListener aListener);

   * Remove a listener for pop3 events like message download.
   * @param aListener listener to remove.
  void removeListener(in nsIPop3ServiceListener aListener);

   * Send the notification that a pop3 download has started.
   * This is called from the nsIPop3Sink code.
   * @param aFolder folder in which the download is started.
  void notifyDownloadStarted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);

   * Send notification about download progress.
   * @param aFolder folder in which the download is happening.
   * @param aNumDownloaded number of the messages that have been downloaded.
   * @param aTotalToDownload total number of messages to download.
  void notifyDownloadProgress(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder,
                              in unsigned long aNumDownloaded,
                              in unsigned long aTotalToDownload);
   * Send the notification that a download has completed.
   * This is called from the nsIPop3Sink code.
   * @param aFolder folder to which the download has completed.
   * @param aNumberOfMessages number of the messages that were downloaded.
  void notifyDownloadCompleted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder,
                               in unsigned long aNumberOfMessages);