/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"

interface nsIStreamListener;
interface nsIMsgDBHdr;

typedef long nsMailboxAction;

[scriptable, uuid(2ac72280-90f4-4d80-8af1-5e7a1997e2a8)]
interface nsIMailboxUrl : nsISupports {

  // Mailbox urls which parse a mailbox folder require a consumer of the
  // stream which will represent the mailbox. This consumer is the mailbox
  // parser. As data from the mailbox folder is read in, the data will be
  // written to a stream and the consumer will be notified through
  // nsIStreamListenter::OnDataAvailable that the stream has data
  // available...
  // mscott: I wonder if the caller should be allowed to create and set
  // the stream they want the data written to as well? Hmm....

  attribute nsIStreamListener mailboxParser;

  // Copy/Move mailbox urls require a mailbox copy handler which actually
  // performs the copy.
  attribute nsIStreamListener mailboxCopyHandler;

  // Some mailbox urls include a message key for the message in question.
  readonly attribute nsMsgKey messageKey;

  // this is to support multiple msg move/copy in one url
  void setMoveCopyMsgKeys(out nsMsgKey keysToFlag, in long numKeys);
  void getMoveCopyMsgHdrForIndex(in unsigned long msgIndex, out nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr);
  readonly attribute unsigned long numMoveCopyMsgs;
  attribute unsigned long curMoveCopyMsgIndex;
  // mailbox urls to fetch a mail message can specify the size of
  // the message...
  // this saves us the trouble of having to open up the msg db and ask
  // ourselves...
  attribute unsigned long messageSize;

  attribute nsMailboxAction mailboxAction;

  /* these are nsMailboxActions */
  const long ActionParseMailbox = 0;
  const long ActionFetchMessage = 1;
  const long ActionCopyMessage = 2;
  const long ActionMoveMessage = 3;
  const long ActionSaveMessageToDisk = 4;
  const long ActionAppendMessageToDisk = 5;
  const long ActionFetchPart = 6;