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  Interface for importing mail - ui provided by the import module.  If
  you wish to provide your own UI then implement the nsIImportGeneric


#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIFile;

[scriptable, uuid(69eba744-9c4f-4f79-a964-2134746b3656)]
interface nsIImportMailboxDescriptor : nsISupports
  attribute unsigned long identifier;
  attribute unsigned long  depth;
  attribute unsigned long  size;

  wstring  GetDisplayName();
  void  SetDisplayName( [const] in wstring name);

  attribute boolean import;
  readonly attribute nsIFile file;

%{ C++

  The default implementation can be obtained from

  You should only be interested in using this class if you implement
  the nsIImportMail interface in which case, just using the service to
  create new ones should work fine for you.  If not, implement your
