/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsMsgCompose.h" #include "nsIDOMDocument.h" #include "nsIDOMNode.h" #include "nsIDOMNodeList.h" #include "nsIDOMText.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLImageElement.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement.h" #include "nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement.h" #include "nsPIDOMWindow.h" #include "mozIDOMWindow.h" #include "nsISelectionController.h" #include "nsMsgI18N.h" #include "nsMsgCompCID.h" #include "nsMsgQuote.h" #include "nsIPrefService.h" #include "nsIPrefBranch.h" #include "nsIDocumentEncoder.h" // for editor output flags #include "nsMsgCompUtils.h" #include "nsComposeStrings.h" #include "nsIMsgSend.h" #include "nsMailHeaders.h" #include "nsMsgPrompts.h" #include "nsMimeTypes.h" #include "nsICharsetConverterManager.h" #include "nsTextFormatter.h" #include "nsIPlaintextEditor.h" #include "nsIHTMLEditor.h" #include "nsIEditorMailSupport.h" #include "plstr.h" #include "prmem.h" #include "nsIDocShell.h" #include "nsIRDFService.h" #include "nsRDFCID.h" #include "nsAbBaseCID.h" #include "nsIAbMDBDirectory.h" #include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h" #include "nsIMIMEService.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeItem.h" #include "nsIDocShellTreeOwner.h" #include "nsIWindowMediator.h" #include "nsIURL.h" #include "nsIMsgMailSession.h" #include "nsMsgBaseCID.h" #include "nsMsgMimeCID.h" #include "nsDateTimeFormatCID.h" #include "nsIDateTimeFormat.h" #include "nsILocaleService.h" #include "nsILocale.h" #include "nsIMsgComposeService.h" #include "nsIMsgComposeProgressParams.h" #include "nsMsgUtils.h" #include "nsIMsgImapMailFolder.h" #include "nsImapCore.h" #include "nsUnicharUtils.h" #include "nsNetUtil.h" #include "nsIContentViewer.h" #include "nsIMsgMdnGenerator.h" #include "plbase64.h" #include "nsUConvCID.h" #include "nsIUnicodeNormalizer.h" #include "nsIMsgAccountManager.h" #include "nsIMsgAttachment.h" #include "nsIMsgProgress.h" #include "nsMsgFolderFlags.h" #include "nsIMsgDatabase.h" #include "nsStringStream.h" #include "nsIMutableArray.h" #include "nsArrayUtils.h" #include "nsIMsgWindow.h" #include "nsITextToSubURI.h" #include "nsIAbManager.h" #include "nsCRT.h" #include "mozilla/Services.h" #include "mozilla/mailnews/MimeHeaderParser.h" #include "mozilla/Preferences.h" #include "nsStreamConverter.h" #include "nsISelection.h" #include "nsJSEnvironment.h" #include "nsIObserverService.h" #include "nsIProtocolHandler.h" #include "nsContentUtils.h" #include "nsIFileURL.h" using namespace mozilla; using namespace mozilla::mailnews; static nsresult GetReplyHeaderInfo(int32_t* reply_header_type, nsString& reply_header_locale, nsString& reply_header_authorwrote, nsString& reply_header_ondateauthorwrote, nsString& reply_header_authorwroteondate, nsString& reply_header_originalmessage) { nsresult rv; *reply_header_type = 0; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // If fetching any of the preferences fails, // we return early with header_type = 0 meaning "no header". rv = NS_GetUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(prefBranch, "mailnews.reply_header_locale", EmptyString(), reply_header_locale); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreference(prefBranch, "mailnews.reply_header_authorwrotesingle", reply_header_authorwrote); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreference(prefBranch, "mailnews.reply_header_ondateauthorwrote", reply_header_ondateauthorwrote); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreference(prefBranch, "mailnews.reply_header_authorwroteondate", reply_header_authorwroteondate); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreference(prefBranch, "mailnews.reply_header_originalmessage", reply_header_originalmessage); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); return prefBranch->GetIntPref("mailnews.reply_header_type", reply_header_type); } static void TranslateLineEnding(nsString& data) { char16_t* rPtr; //Read pointer char16_t* wPtr; //Write pointer char16_t* sPtr; //Start data pointer char16_t* ePtr; //End data pointer rPtr = wPtr = sPtr = data.BeginWriting(); ePtr = rPtr + data.Length(); while (rPtr < ePtr) { if (*rPtr == nsCRT::CR) { *wPtr = nsCRT::LF; if (rPtr + 1 < ePtr && *(rPtr + 1) == nsCRT::LF) rPtr ++; } else *wPtr = *rPtr; rPtr ++; wPtr ++; } data.SetLength(wPtr - sPtr); } static void GetTopmostMsgWindowCharacterSet(nsCString& charset, bool* charsetOverride) { // HACK: if we are replying to a message and that message used a charset over ride // (as specified in the top most window (assuming the reply originated from that window) // then use that over ride charset instead of the charset specified in the message nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgMailSession> mailSession (do_GetService(NS_MSGMAILSESSION_CONTRACTID)); if (mailSession) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgWindow> msgWindow; mailSession->GetTopmostMsgWindow(getter_AddRefs(msgWindow)); if (msgWindow) { msgWindow->GetMailCharacterSet(charset); msgWindow->GetCharsetOverride(charsetOverride); } } } nsMsgCompose::nsMsgCompose() { mQuotingToFollow = false; mInsertingQuotedContent = false; mWhatHolder = 1; m_window = nullptr; m_editor = nullptr; mQuoteStreamListener=nullptr; mCharsetOverride = false; mAnswerDefaultCharset = false; mDeleteDraft = false; m_compFields = nullptr; //m_compFields will be set during nsMsgCompose::Initialize mType = nsIMsgCompType::New; // For TagConvertible // Read and cache pref mConvertStructs = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (prefBranch) prefBranch->GetBoolPref("converter.html2txt.structs", &mConvertStructs); m_composeHTML = false; } nsMsgCompose::~nsMsgCompose() { NS_IF_RELEASE(m_compFields); NS_IF_RELEASE(mQuoteStreamListener); } /* the following macro actually implement addref, release and query interface for our component. */ NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(nsMsgCompose, nsIMsgCompose, nsIMsgSendListener, nsISupportsWeakReference) // // Once we are here, convert the data which we know to be UTF-8 to UTF-16 // for insertion into the editor // nsresult GetChildOffset(nsIDOMNode *aChild, nsIDOMNode *aParent, int32_t &aOffset) { NS_ASSERTION((aChild && aParent), "bad args"); nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (aChild && aParent) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> childNodes; result = aParent->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(childNodes)); if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (childNodes)) { int32_t i=0; for ( ; NS_SUCCEEDED(result); i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> childNode; result = childNodes->Item(i, getter_AddRefs(childNode)); if ((NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (childNode)) { if (childNode.get()==aChild) { aOffset = i; break; } } else if (!childNode) result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } } else if (!childNodes) result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; } return result; } nsresult GetNodeLocation(nsIDOMNode *inChild, nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> *outParent, int32_t *outOffset) { NS_ASSERTION((outParent && outOffset), "bad args"); nsresult result = NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; if (inChild && outParent && outOffset) { result = inChild->GetParentNode(getter_AddRefs(*outParent)); if ( (NS_SUCCEEDED(result)) && (*outParent) ) { result = GetChildOffset(inChild, *outParent, *outOffset); } } return result; } bool nsMsgCompose::IsEmbeddedObjectSafe(const char * originalScheme, const char * originalHost, const char * originalPath, nsIDOMNode * object) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLImageElement> image; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLLinkElement> link; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLAnchorElement> anchor; nsAutoString objURL; if (!object || !originalScheme || !originalPath) //having a null host is ok... return false; if ((image = do_QueryInterface(object))) { if (NS_FAILED(image->GetSrc(objURL))) return false; } else if ((link = do_QueryInterface(object))) { if (NS_FAILED(link->GetHref(objURL))) return false; } else if ((anchor = do_QueryInterface(object))) { if (NS_FAILED(anchor->GetHref(objURL))) return false; } else return false; if (!objURL.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri; rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), objURL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && uri) { nsAutoCString scheme; rv = uri->GetScheme(scheme); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && scheme.Equals(originalScheme, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator())) { nsAutoCString host; rv = uri->GetAsciiHost(host); // mailbox url don't have a host therefore don't be too strict. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && (host.IsEmpty() || originalHost || host.Equals(originalHost, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator()))) { nsAutoCString path; rv = uri->GetPath(path); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { const char * query = strrchr(path.get(), '?'); if (query && PL_strncasecmp(path.get(), originalPath, query - path.get()) == 0) return true; //This object is a part of the original message, we can send it safely. } } } } } return false; } /* Reset the uri's of embedded objects because we've saved the draft message, and the original message doesn't exist anymore. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::ResetUrisForEmbeddedObjects() { nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> aNodeList; uint32_t numNodes; uint32_t i; nsCOMPtr<nsIEditorMailSupport> mailEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); if (!mailEditor) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsresult rv = mailEditor->GetEmbeddedObjects(getter_AddRefs(aNodeList)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !aNodeList) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(aNodeList->GetLength(&numNodes))) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; nsCString curDraftIdURL; rv = m_compFields->GetDraftId(getter_Copies(curDraftIdURL)); // Skip if no draft id (probably a new draft msg). if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && mMsgSend && !curDraftIdURL.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgDBHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(curDraftIdURL.get(), getter_AddRefs(msgDBHdr)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't get msg header DB interface pointer."); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && msgDBHdr) { // build up the old and new ?number= parts. This code assumes it is // called *before* RemoveCurrentDraftMessage, so that curDraftIdURL // is the previous draft. // This code works for both imap and local messages. nsMsgKey newMsgKey; nsCString folderUri; nsCString baseMsgUri; mMsgSend->GetMessageKey(&newMsgKey); mMsgSend->GetFolderUri(folderUri); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder; rv = GetExistingFolder(folderUri, getter_AddRefs(folder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); folder->GetBaseMessageURI(baseMsgUri); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> domElement; for (i = 0; i < numNodes; i ++) { domElement = do_QueryElementAt(aNodeList, i); if (!domElement) continue; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMHTMLImageElement> image = do_QueryInterface(domElement); if (!image) continue; nsCString partNum; mMsgSend->GetPartForDomIndex(i, partNum); // do we care about anything besides images? nsAutoString objURL; image->GetSrc(objURL); // First we need to make sure that the URL is associated with a message // protocol so we don't accidentally manipulate a URL like: // http://www.site.com/retrieve.html?C=image.jpg. nsCOMPtr<nsIIOService> ioService = do_GetService(NS_IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoCString scheme; ioService->ExtractScheme(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(objURL), scheme); // Detect message protocols where attachments can occur. nsCOMPtr<nsIProtocolHandler> handler; ioService->GetProtocolHandler(scheme.get(), getter_AddRefs(handler)); if (!handler) continue; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgMessageFetchPartService> mailHandler = do_QueryInterface(handler); if (!mailHandler) continue; // the objURL is the full path to the embedded content. We need // to update it with uri for the folder we just saved to, and the new // msg key. int32_t restOfUrlIndex = objURL.Find("?number="); if (restOfUrlIndex == kNotFound) restOfUrlIndex = objURL.FindChar('?'); else restOfUrlIndex = objURL.FindChar('&', restOfUrlIndex); if (restOfUrlIndex == kNotFound) continue; nsCString newURI(baseMsgUri); newURI.Append('#'); newURI.AppendInt(newMsgKey); nsString restOfUrl(Substring(objURL, restOfUrlIndex, objURL.Length() - restOfUrlIndex)); int32_t partIndex = restOfUrl.Find("part="); if (partIndex != kNotFound) { partIndex += 5; int32_t endPart = restOfUrl.FindChar('&', partIndex); int32_t existingPartLen = (endPart == kNotFound) ? -1 : endPart - partIndex; restOfUrl.Replace(partIndex, existingPartLen, NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(partNum)); } nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgMessageService> msgService; rv = GetMessageServiceFromURI(newURI, getter_AddRefs(msgService)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) continue; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> newUrl; rv = msgService->GetUrlForUri(newURI.get(), getter_AddRefs(newUrl), nullptr); if (!newUrl) continue; nsCString spec; rv = newUrl->GetSpec(spec); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsString newSrc; // mailbox urls will have ?number=xxx; imap urls won't. We need to // handle both cases because we may be going from a mailbox url to // and imap url, or vice versa, depending on the original folder, // and the destination drafts folder. bool specHasQ = (spec.FindChar('?') != kNotFound); if (specHasQ && restOfUrl.CharAt(0) == '?') restOfUrl.SetCharAt('&', 0); else if (!specHasQ && restOfUrl.CharAt(0) == '&') restOfUrl.SetCharAt('?', 0); AppendUTF8toUTF16(spec, newSrc); newSrc.Append(restOfUrl); image->SetSrc(newSrc); } } } return NS_OK; } /* The purpose of this function is to mark any embedded object that wasn't a RFC822 part of the original message as moz-do-not-send. That will prevent us to attach data not specified by the user or not present in the original message. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::TagEmbeddedObjects(nsIEditorMailSupport *aEditor) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> aNodeList; uint32_t count; uint32_t i; if (!aEditor) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; rv = aEditor->GetEmbeddedObjects(getter_AddRefs(aNodeList)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !aNodeList) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; if (NS_FAILED(aNodeList->GetLength(&count))) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> originalUrl; nsCString originalScheme; nsCString originalHost; nsCString originalPath; // first, convert the rdf original msg uri into a url that represents the message... nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgMessageService> msgService; rv = GetMessageServiceFromURI(mOriginalMsgURI, getter_AddRefs(msgService)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = msgService->GetUrlForUri(mOriginalMsgURI.get(), getter_AddRefs(originalUrl), nullptr); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && originalUrl) { originalUrl->GetScheme(originalScheme); originalUrl->GetAsciiHost(originalHost); originalUrl->GetPath(originalPath); } } // Then compare the url of each embedded objects with the original message. // If they a not coming from the original message, they should not be sent // with the message. for (i = 0; i < count; i ++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node = do_QueryElementAt(aNodeList, i); if (!node) continue; if (IsEmbeddedObjectSafe(originalScheme.get(), originalHost.get(), originalPath.get(), node)) continue; //Don't need to tag this object, it safe to send it. //The source of this object should not be sent with the message nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> domElement = do_QueryInterface(node); if (domElement) domElement->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-do-not-send"), NS_LITERAL_STRING("true")); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetInsertingQuotedContent(bool * aInsertingQuotedText) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aInsertingQuotedText); *aInsertingQuotedText = mInsertingQuotedContent; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetInsertingQuotedContent(bool aInsertingQuotedText) { mInsertingQuotedContent = aInsertingQuotedText; return NS_OK; } void nsMsgCompose::InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(const nsAString &aText, const nsAString &classStr) { NS_ASSERTION(m_editor, "InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection called, but no editor exists\n"); if (!m_editor) return; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> divElem; nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLEditor> htmlEditor(do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); nsresult rv = htmlEditor->CreateElementWithDefaults(NS_LITERAL_STRING("div"), getter_AddRefs(divElem)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> divNode (do_QueryInterface(divElem)); // We need the document nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> doc; rv = m_editor->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(doc)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv); // Break up the text by newlines, and then insert text nodes followed // by <br> nodes. int32_t start = 0; int32_t end = aText.Length(); for (;;) { int32_t delimiter = aText.FindChar('\n', start); if (delimiter == kNotFound) delimiter = end; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMText> textNode; rv = doc->CreateTextNode(Substring(aText, start, delimiter - start), getter_AddRefs(textNode)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> newTextNode = do_QueryInterface(textNode); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> resultNode; rv = divElem->AppendChild(newTextNode, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv); // Now create and insert a BR nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> brElem; rv = htmlEditor->CreateElementWithDefaults(NS_LITERAL_STRING("br"), getter_AddRefs(brElem)); rv = divElem->AppendChild(brElem, getter_AddRefs(resultNode)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS_VOID(rv); if (delimiter == end) break; start = ++delimiter; if (start == end) break; } htmlEditor->InsertElementAtSelection(divElem, true); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parent; int32_t offset; rv = GetNodeLocation(divNode, address_of(parent), &offset); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) selection->Collapse(parent, offset + 1); } if (divElem) divElem->SetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("class"), classStr); } /* * The following function replaces <plaintext> tags with <x-plaintext>. * <plaintext> is a funny beast: It leads to everything following it * being displayed verbatim, even a </plaintext> tag is ignored. */ static void remove_plaintext_tag(nsString &body) { // Replace all <plaintext> and </plaintext> tags. int32_t index = 0; bool replaced = false; while ((index = body.Find("<plaintext", /* ignoreCase = */ true, index)) != kNotFound) { body.Insert(u"x-", index+1); index += 12; replaced = true; } if (replaced) { index = 0; while ((index = body.Find("</plaintext", /* ignoreCase = */ true, index)) != kNotFound) { body.Insert(u"x-", index+2); index += 13; } } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::ConvertAndLoadComposeWindow(nsString& aPrefix, nsString& aBuf, nsString& aSignature, bool aQuoted, bool aHTMLEditor) { NS_ASSERTION(m_editor, "ConvertAndLoadComposeWindow but no editor\n"); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(m_editor && m_identity, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); // First, get the nsIEditor interface for future use nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> nodeInserted; TranslateLineEnding(aPrefix); TranslateLineEnding(aBuf); TranslateLineEnding(aSignature); m_editor->EnableUndo(false); // Ok - now we need to figure out the charset of the aBuf we are going to send // into the editor shell. There are I18N calls to sniff the data and then we need // to call the new routine in the editor that will allow us to send in the charset // // Now, insert it into the editor... nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLEditor> htmlEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); nsCOMPtr<nsIPlaintextEditor> textEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); nsCOMPtr<nsIEditorMailSupport> mailEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); int32_t reply_on_top = 0; bool sig_bottom = true; m_identity->GetReplyOnTop(&reply_on_top); m_identity->GetSigBottom(&sig_bottom); bool sigOnTop = (reply_on_top == 1 && !sig_bottom); bool isForwarded = (mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline); if (aQuoted) { mInsertingQuotedContent = true; if (!aPrefix.IsEmpty()) { if (!aHTMLEditor) aPrefix.AppendLiteral("\n"); int32_t reply_on_top = 0; m_identity->GetReplyOnTop(&reply_on_top); if (reply_on_top == 1) { // HTML editor eats one line break if (aHTMLEditor) textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); // add one newline if a signature comes before the quote, two otherwise bool includeSignature = true; bool sig_bottom = true; bool attachFile = false; nsString prefSigText; m_identity->GetSigOnReply(&includeSignature); m_identity->GetSigBottom(&sig_bottom); m_identity->GetHtmlSigText(prefSigText); nsresult rv = m_identity->GetAttachSignature(&attachFile); if (includeSignature && !sig_bottom && ((NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && attachFile) || !prefSigText.IsEmpty())) textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); else { textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); } } InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(aPrefix, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-cite-prefix")); } if (!aBuf.IsEmpty() && mailEditor) { // This leaves the caret at the right place to insert a bottom signature. if (aHTMLEditor) { nsAutoString body(aBuf); remove_plaintext_tag(body); mailEditor->InsertAsCitedQuotation(body, mCiteReference, true, getter_AddRefs(nodeInserted)); } else { mailEditor->InsertAsQuotation(aBuf, getter_AddRefs(nodeInserted)); } } mInsertingQuotedContent = false; (void)TagEmbeddedObjects(mailEditor); if (!aSignature.IsEmpty()) { //we cannot add it on top earlier, because TagEmbeddedObjects will mark all images in the signature as "moz-do-not-send" if( sigOnTop ) m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); if (aHTMLEditor && htmlEditor) htmlEditor->InsertHTML(aSignature); else if (htmlEditor) { textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(aSignature, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-signature")); } if( sigOnTop ) m_editor->EndOfDocument(); } } else { if (aHTMLEditor && htmlEditor) { mInsertingQuotedContent = true; if (isForwarded && Substring(aBuf, 0, sizeof(MIME_FORWARD_HTML_PREFIX)-1) .EqualsLiteral(MIME_FORWARD_HTML_PREFIX)) { // We assign the opening tag inside "<HTML><BODY><BR><BR>" before the // two <br> elements. // This is a bit hacky but we know that the MIME code prepares the // forwarded content like this: // <HTML><BODY><BR><BR> + forwarded header + header table. // Note: We only do this when we prepare the message to be forwarded, // a re-opened saved draft of a forwarded message does not repeat this. nsString newBody(aBuf); nsString divTag; divTag.AssignLiteral("<div class=\"moz-forward-container\">"); newBody.Insert(divTag, sizeof(MIME_FORWARD_HTML_PREFIX)-1-8); remove_plaintext_tag(newBody); htmlEditor->RebuildDocumentFromSource(newBody); } else { htmlEditor->RebuildDocumentFromSource(aBuf); } mInsertingQuotedContent = false; // when forwarding a message as inline, tag any embedded objects // which refer to local images or files so we know not to include // send them if (isForwarded) (void)TagEmbeddedObjects(mailEditor); if (!aSignature.IsEmpty()) { if (isForwarded && sigOnTop) { // Use our own function, nsEditor::BeginningOfDocument() would position // into the <div class="moz-forward-container"> we've just created. MoveToBeginningOfDocument(); } else { // Use our own function, nsEditor::EndOfDocument() would position // into the <div class="moz-forward-container"> we've just created. MoveToEndOfDocument(); } htmlEditor->InsertHTML(aSignature); if (isForwarded && sigOnTop) m_editor->EndOfDocument(); } else m_editor->EndOfDocument(); } else if (htmlEditor) { bool sigOnTopInserted = false; if (isForwarded && sigOnTop && !aSignature.IsEmpty()) { textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(aSignature, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-signature")); m_editor->EndOfDocument(); sigOnTopInserted = true; } if (!aBuf.IsEmpty()) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> divElem; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> extraBr; if (isForwarded) { // Special treatment for forwarded messages: Part 1. // Create a <div> of the required class. rv = htmlEditor->CreateElementWithDefaults(NS_LITERAL_STRING("div"), getter_AddRefs(divElem)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString attributeName; nsAutoString attributeValue; attributeName.AssignLiteral("class"); attributeValue.AssignLiteral("moz-forward-container"); divElem->SetAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); // We can't insert an empty <div>, so fill it with something. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> brElem; rv = htmlEditor->CreateElementWithDefaults(NS_LITERAL_STRING("br"), getter_AddRefs(brElem)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = divElem->AppendChild(brElem, getter_AddRefs(extraBr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Insert the non-empty <div> into the DOM. rv = htmlEditor->InsertElementAtSelection(divElem, false); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Position into the div, so out content goes there. nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); rv = selection->Collapse(divElem, 0); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if (mailEditor) { rv = mailEditor->InsertTextWithQuotations(aBuf); } else { // Will we ever get here? rv = textEditor->InsertText(aBuf); } NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (isForwarded) { // Special treatment for forwarded messages: Part 2. if (sigOnTopInserted) { // Sadly the M-C editor inserts a <br> between the <div> for the signature // and this <div>, so remove the <br> we don't want. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> brBeforeDiv; nsAutoString tagLocalName; rv = divElem->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(brBeforeDiv)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && brBeforeDiv) { brBeforeDiv->GetLocalName(tagLocalName); if (tagLocalName.EqualsLiteral("br")) { rv = m_editor->DeleteNode(brBeforeDiv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } } // Clean up the <br> we inserted. rv = m_editor->DeleteNode(extraBr); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // Use our own function instead of nsEditor::EndOfDocument() because // we don't want to position at the end of the div we've just created. // It's OK to use, even if we're not forwarding and didn't create a // <div>. rv = MoveToEndOfDocument(); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } if ((!isForwarded || !sigOnTop) && !aSignature.IsEmpty()) { textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(aSignature, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-signature")); } } } if (aBuf.IsEmpty()) m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); else { switch (reply_on_top) { // This should set the cursor after the body but before the sig case 0: { if (!textEditor) { m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); break; } nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection = nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parent = nullptr; int32_t offset; nsresult rv; // get parent and offset of mailcite rv = GetNodeLocation(nodeInserted, address_of(parent), &offset); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || (!parent)) { m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); break; } // get selection m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (!selection) { m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); break; } // place selection after mailcite selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1); // insert a break at current selection textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); // i'm not sure if you need to move the selection back to before the // break. expirement. selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1); break; } case 2: { m_editor->SelectAll(); break; } // This should set the cursor to the top! default: { m_editor->BeginningOfDocument(); break; } } } nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionController> selCon; m_editor->GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selCon)); if (selCon) selCon->ScrollSelectionIntoView(nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL, nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ANCHOR_REGION, true); m_editor->EnableUndo(true); SetBodyModified(false); #ifdef MSGCOMP_TRACE_PERFORMANCE nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeService> composeService (do_GetService(NS_MSGCOMPOSESERVICE_CONTRACTID)); composeService->TimeStamp("Finished inserting data into the editor. The window is finally ready!", false); #endif return NS_OK; } /** * Check the identity pref to include signature on replies and forwards. */ bool nsMsgCompose::CheckIncludeSignaturePrefs(nsIMsgIdentity *identity) { bool includeSignature = true; switch (mType) { case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline: case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment: identity->GetSigOnForward(&includeSignature); break; case nsIMsgCompType::Reply: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup: identity->GetSigOnReply(&includeSignature); break; } return includeSignature; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::SetQuotingToFollow(bool aVal) { mQuotingToFollow = aVal; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetQuotingToFollow(bool* quotingToFollow) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(quotingToFollow); *quotingToFollow = mQuotingToFollow; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::Initialize(nsIMsgComposeParams *aParams, mozIDOMWindowProxy *aWindow, nsIDocShell *aDocShell) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aParams); nsresult rv; aParams->GetIdentity(getter_AddRefs(m_identity)); if (aWindow) { m_window = aWindow; nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(aWindow); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(window, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeItem> treeItem = do_QueryInterface(window->GetDocShell()); nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShellTreeOwner> treeOwner; rv = treeItem->GetTreeOwner(getter_AddRefs(treeOwner)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; m_baseWindow = do_QueryInterface(treeOwner); } MSG_ComposeFormat format; aParams->GetFormat(&format); MSG_ComposeType type; aParams->GetType(&type); nsCString originalMsgURI; aParams->GetOriginalMsgURI(getter_Copies(originalMsgURI)); aParams->GetOrigMsgHdr(getter_AddRefs(mOrigMsgHdr)); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompFields> composeFields; aParams->GetComposeFields(getter_AddRefs(composeFields)); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeService> composeService = do_GetService(NS_MSGCOMPOSESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); rv = composeService->DetermineComposeHTML(m_identity, format, &m_composeHTML); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); if (composeFields) { nsAutoCString draftId; // will get set for drafts and templates rv = composeFields->GetDraftId(getter_Copies(draftId)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); // Set return receipt flag and type, and if we should attach a vCard // by checking the identity prefs - but don't clobber the values for // drafts and templates as they were set up already by mime when // initializing the message. if (m_identity && draftId.IsEmpty() && type != nsIMsgCompType::Template) { bool requestReturnReceipt = false; rv = m_identity->GetRequestReturnReceipt(&requestReturnReceipt); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = composeFields->SetReturnReceipt(requestReturnReceipt); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); int32_t receiptType = nsIMsgMdnGenerator::eDntType; rv = m_identity->GetReceiptHeaderType(&receiptType); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = composeFields->SetReceiptHeaderType(receiptType); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool requestDSN = false; rv = m_identity->GetRequestDSN(&requestDSN); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = composeFields->SetDSN(requestDSN); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool attachVCard; rv = m_identity->GetAttachVCard(&attachVCard); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = composeFields->SetAttachVCard(attachVCard); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } } nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; aParams->GetSendListener(getter_AddRefs(externalSendListener)); if(externalSendListener) AddMsgSendListener( externalSendListener ); nsCString smtpPassword; aParams->GetSmtpPassword(getter_Copies(smtpPassword)); mSmtpPassword = smtpPassword; aParams->GetHtmlToQuote(mHtmlToQuote); if (aDocShell) { mDocShell = aDocShell; // register the compose object with the compose service rv = composeService->RegisterComposeDocShell(aDocShell, this); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } return CreateMessage(originalMsgURI.get(), type, composeFields); } nsresult nsMsgCompose::SetDocumentCharset(const char *aCharset) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(m_compFields && m_editor, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); // Set charset, this will be used for the MIME charset labeling. m_compFields->SetCharacterSet(aCharset); // notify the change to editor nsCString charset; if (aCharset) charset = nsDependentCString(aCharset); if (m_editor) m_editor->SetDocumentCharacterSet(charset); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::RegisterStateListener(nsIMsgComposeStateListener *aStateListener) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStateListener); return mStateListeners.AppendElement(aStateListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::UnregisterStateListener(nsIMsgComposeStateListener *aStateListener) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aStateListener); return mStateListeners.RemoveElement(aStateListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } // Added to allow easier use of the nsIMsgSendListener NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::AddMsgSendListener( nsIMsgSendListener *aMsgSendListener ) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aMsgSendListener); return mExternalSendListeners.AppendElement(aMsgSendListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::RemoveMsgSendListener( nsIMsgSendListener *aMsgSendListener ) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aMsgSendListener); return mExternalSendListeners.RemoveElement(aMsgSendListener) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SendMsgToServer(MSG_DeliverMode deliverMode, nsIMsgIdentity *identity, const char *accountKey) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // clear saved message id if sending, so we don't send out the same message-id. if (deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Now || deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Later || deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Background) m_compFields->SetMessageId(""); if (m_compFields && identity) { // Pref values are supposed to be stored as UTF-8, so no conversion nsCString email; nsString fullName; nsString organization; identity->GetEmail(email); identity->GetFullName(fullName); identity->GetOrganization(organization); const char* pFrom = m_compFields->GetFrom(); if (!pFrom || !*pFrom) { nsCString sender; MakeMimeAddress(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(fullName), email, sender); m_compFields->SetFrom(sender.IsEmpty() ? email.get() : sender.get()); } m_compFields->SetOrganization(organization); // We need an nsIMsgSend instance to send the message. Allow extensions // to override the default SMTP sender by observing mail-set-sender. mMsgSend = nullptr; mDeliverMode = deliverMode; // save for possible access by observer. // Allow extensions to specify an outgoing server. nsCOMPtr<nsIObserverService> observerService = mozilla::services::GetObserverService(); NS_ENSURE_STATE(observerService); // Assemble a string with sending parameters. nsAutoString sendParms; // First parameter: account key. This may be null. sendParms.AppendASCII(accountKey && *accountKey ? accountKey : ""); sendParms.AppendLiteral(","); // Second parameter: deliverMode. sendParms.AppendInt(deliverMode); sendParms.AppendLiteral(","); // Third parameter: identity (as identity key). nsAutoCString identityKey; identity->GetKey(identityKey); sendParms.AppendASCII(identityKey.get()); observerService->NotifyObservers( NS_ISUPPORTS_CAST(nsIMsgCompose*, this), "mail-set-sender", sendParms.get()); if (!mMsgSend) mMsgSend = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGSEND_CONTRACTID); if (mMsgSend) { nsCString bodyString(m_compFields->GetBody()); // Create the listener for the send operation... nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeSendListener> composeSendListener = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGCOMPOSESENDLISTENER_CONTRACTID); if (!composeSendListener) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // right now, AutoSaveAsDraft is identical to SaveAsDraft as // far as the msg send code is concerned. This way, we don't have // to add an nsMsgDeliverMode for autosaveasdraft, and add cases for // it in the msg send code. if (deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::AutoSaveAsDraft) deliverMode = nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::SaveAsDraft; RefPtr<nsIMsgCompose> msgCompose(this); composeSendListener->SetMsgCompose(msgCompose); composeSendListener->SetDeliverMode(deliverMode); if (mProgress) { nsCOMPtr<nsIWebProgressListener> progressListener = do_QueryInterface(composeSendListener); mProgress->RegisterListener(progressListener); } // If we are composing HTML, then this should be sent as // multipart/related which means we pass the editor into the // backend...if not, just pass nullptr // nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> sendListener = do_QueryInterface(composeSendListener); rv = mMsgSend->CreateAndSendMessage( m_composeHTML ? m_editor.get() : nullptr, identity, accountKey, m_compFields, false, false, (nsMsgDeliverMode)deliverMode, nullptr, m_composeHTML ? TEXT_HTML : TEXT_PLAIN, bodyString, nullptr, nullptr, m_window, mProgress, sendListener, mSmtpPassword.get(), mOriginalMsgURI, mType); } else rv = NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } else rv = NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED; if (NS_FAILED(rv)) NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, rv); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SendMsg(MSG_DeliverMode deliverMode, nsIMsgIdentity *identity, const char *accountKey, nsIMsgWindow *aMsgWindow, nsIMsgProgress *progress) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(m_compFields, NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED); nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrompt> prompt; // i'm assuming the compose window is still up at this point... if (m_window) { nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(m_window); window->GetPrompter(getter_AddRefs(prompt)); } // Set content type based on which type of compose window we had. nsString contentType = (m_composeHTML) ? NS_LITERAL_STRING("text/html"): NS_LITERAL_STRING("text/plain"); nsString msgBody; if (m_editor) { // Reset message body previously stored in the compose fields // There is 2 nsIMsgCompFields::SetBody() functions using a pointer as argument, // therefore a casting is required. m_compFields->SetBody((const char *)nullptr); const char *charset = m_compFields->GetCharacterSet(); uint32_t flags = nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputCRLineBreak | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputLFLineBreak; if (m_composeHTML) { flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatted | nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputDisallowLineBreaking; } else { bool flowed, delsp, formatted, disallowBreaks; GetSerialiserFlags(charset, &flowed, &delsp, &formatted, &disallowBreaks); if (flowed) flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatFlowed; if (delsp) flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatDelSp; if (formatted) flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputFormatted; if (disallowBreaks) flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputDisallowLineBreaking; // Don't lose NBSP in the plain text encoder. flags |= nsIDocumentEncoder::OutputPersistNBSP; } rv = m_editor->OutputToString(contentType, flags, msgBody); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } else { m_compFields->GetBody(msgBody); } if (!msgBody.IsEmpty()) { // Convert body to mail charset nsCString outCString; rv = nsMsgI18NConvertFromUnicode(m_compFields->GetCharacterSet(), msgBody, outCString, false, true); bool isAsciiOnly = NS_IsAscii(outCString.get()) && !nsMsgI18Nstateful_charset(m_compFields->GetCharacterSet()); if (m_compFields->GetForceMsgEncoding()) isAsciiOnly = false; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !outCString.IsEmpty()) { // If the body contains characters outside the repertoire of the current // charset, just convert to UTF-8 and be done with it // unless disable_fallback_to_utf8 is set for this charset. if (NS_ERROR_UENC_NOMAPPING == rv) { bool needToCheckCharset; m_compFields->GetNeedToCheckCharset(&needToCheckCharset); if (needToCheckCharset) { bool disableFallback = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); if (prefBranch) { nsCString prefName("mailnews.disable_fallback_to_utf8."); prefName.Append(m_compFields->GetCharacterSet()); prefBranch->GetBoolPref(prefName.get(), &disableFallback); } if (!disableFallback) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(msgBody, outCString); m_compFields->SetCharacterSet("UTF-8"); SetDocumentCharset("UTF-8"); } } } m_compFields->SetBodyIsAsciiOnly(isAsciiOnly); m_compFields->SetBody(outCString.get()); } else { m_compFields->SetBody(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(msgBody).get()); m_compFields->SetCharacterSet("UTF-8"); SetDocumentCharset("UTF-8"); } } // Let's open the progress dialog if (progress) { mProgress = progress; if (deliverMode != nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::AutoSaveAsDraft) { nsAutoString msgSubject; m_compFields->GetSubject(msgSubject); bool showProgress = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); if (prefBranch) { prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mailnews.show_send_progress", &showProgress); if (showProgress) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeProgressParams> params = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGCOMPOSEPROGRESSPARAMS_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !params) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; params->SetSubject(msgSubject.get()); params->SetDeliveryMode(deliverMode); mProgress->OpenProgressDialog(m_window, aMsgWindow, "chrome://messenger/content/messengercompose/sendProgress.xul", false, params); } } } mProgress->OnStateChange(nullptr, nullptr, nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_START, NS_OK); } bool attachVCard = false; m_compFields->GetAttachVCard(&attachVCard); if (attachVCard && identity && (deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Now || deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Later || deliverMode == nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Background)) { nsCString escapedVCard; // make sure, if there is no card, this returns an empty string, or NS_ERROR_FAILURE rv = identity->GetEscapedVCard(escapedVCard); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !escapedVCard.IsEmpty()) { nsCString vCardUrl; vCardUrl = "data:text/x-vcard;charset=utf-8;base64,"; nsCString unescapedData; MsgUnescapeString(escapedVCard, 0, unescapedData); char *result = PL_Base64Encode(unescapedData.get(), 0, nullptr); vCardUrl += result; PR_Free(result); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgAttachment> attachment = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGATTACHMENT_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && attachment) { // [comment from 4.x] // Send the vCard out with a filename which distinguishes this user. e.g. jsmith.vcf // The main reason to do this is for interop with Eudora, which saves off // the attachments separately from the message body nsCString userid; (void)identity->GetEmail(userid); int32_t index = userid.FindChar('@'); if (index != kNotFound) userid.SetLength(index); if (userid.IsEmpty()) attachment->SetName(NS_LITERAL_STRING("vcard.vcf")); else { // Replace any dot with underscore to stop vCards // generating false positives with some heuristic scanners MsgReplaceChar(userid, '.', '_'); userid.AppendLiteral(".vcf"); attachment->SetName(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(userid)); } attachment->SetUrl(vCardUrl); m_compFields->AddAttachment(attachment); } } } // Save the identity being sent for later use. m_identity = identity; rv = SendMsgToServer(deliverMode, identity, accountKey); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendReport> sendReport; if (mMsgSend) mMsgSend->GetSendReport(getter_AddRefs(sendReport)); if (sendReport) { nsresult theError; sendReport->DisplayReport(prompt, true, true, &theError); } else { /* If we come here it's because we got an error before we could intialize a send report! Let's try our best... */ switch (deliverMode) { case nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::Later: nsMsgDisplayMessageByName(prompt, u"unableToSendLater"); break; case nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::AutoSaveAsDraft: case nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::SaveAsDraft: nsMsgDisplayMessageByName(prompt, u"unableToSaveDraft"); break; case nsIMsgCompDeliverMode::SaveAsTemplate: nsMsgDisplayMessageByName(prompt, u"unableToSaveTemplate"); break; default: nsMsgDisplayMessageByName(prompt, u"sendFailed"); break; } } if (progress) progress->CloseProgressDialog(true); } return rv; } /* attribute boolean deleteDraft */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetDeleteDraft(bool *aDeleteDraft) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDeleteDraft); *aDeleteDraft = mDeleteDraft; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetDeleteDraft(bool aDeleteDraft) { mDeleteDraft = aDeleteDraft; return NS_OK; } bool nsMsgCompose::IsLastWindow() { nsresult rv; bool more; nsCOMPtr<nsIWindowMediator> windowMediator = do_GetService(NS_WINDOWMEDIATOR_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> windowEnumerator; rv = windowMediator->GetEnumerator(nullptr, getter_AddRefs(windowEnumerator)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> isupports; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(windowEnumerator->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(isupports)))) if (NS_SUCCEEDED(windowEnumerator->HasMoreElements(&more))) return !more; } } return true; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::CloseWindow(void) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeService> composeService = do_GetService(NS_MSGCOMPOSESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); // unregister the compose object with the compose service rv = composeService->UnregisterComposeDocShell(mDocShell); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); mDocShell = nullptr; // ensure that the destructor of nsMsgSend is invoked to remove // temporary files. mMsgSend = nullptr; //We are going away for real, we need to do some clean up first if (m_baseWindow) { if (m_editor) { // The editor will be destroyed during the close window. // Set it to null to be sure we won't use it anymore. m_editor = nullptr; } nsIBaseWindow * window = m_baseWindow; m_baseWindow = nullptr; rv = window->Destroy(); } m_window = nullptr; return rv; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::Abort() { if (mMsgSend) mMsgSend->Abort(); if (mProgress) mProgress->CloseProgressDialog(true); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetEditor(nsIEditor * *aEditor) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*aEditor = m_editor); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetEditor(nsIEditor *aEditor) { m_editor = aEditor; return NS_OK; } static nsresult fixCharset(nsCString &aCharset) { // No matter what, we should block x-windows-949 (our internal name) // from being used for outgoing emails (bug 234958). if (aCharset.Equals("x-windows-949", nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator())) aCharset = "EUC-KR"; // Convert to a canonical charset name. // Bug 1297118 will revisit this call site. nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccm = do_GetService(NS_CHARSETCONVERTERMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString charset(aCharset); rv = ccm->GetCharsetAlias(charset.get(), aCharset); // Don't accept UTF-16 ever. UTF-16 should never be selected as an // outgoing encoding for e-mail. MIME can't handle those messages // encoded in ASCII-incompatible encodings. if (NS_FAILED(rv) || StringBeginsWith(aCharset, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("UTF-16"))) { aCharset.AssignLiteral("UTF-8"); } return NS_OK; } // This used to be called BEFORE editor was created // (it did the loadUrl that triggered editor creation) // It is called from JS after editor creation // (loadUrl is done in JS) NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::InitEditor(nsIEditor* aEditor, mozIDOMWindowProxy* aContentWindow) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aEditor); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aContentWindow); nsresult rv; m_editor = aEditor; nsAutoCString msgCharSet(m_compFields->GetCharacterSet()); rv = fixCharset(msgCharSet); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); m_compFields->SetCharacterSet(msgCharSet.get()); m_editor->SetDocumentCharacterSet(msgCharSet); nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(aContentWindow); nsIDocShell *docShell = window->GetDocShell(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(docShell, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsCOMPtr<nsIContentViewer> childCV; NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(docShell->GetContentViewer(getter_AddRefs(childCV)), NS_ERROR_FAILURE); if (childCV) { // SetForceCharacterSet will complain about "UTF-7" or "x-mac-croatian" // (see test-charset-edit.js), but we deal with this elsewhere. rv = childCV->SetForceCharacterSet(msgCharSet); NS_WARNING_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "SetForceCharacterSet() failed"); } // This is what used to be done in mDocumentListener, // nsMsgDocumentStateListener::NotifyDocumentCreated() bool quotingToFollow = false; GetQuotingToFollow("ingToFollow); if (quotingToFollow) return BuildQuotedMessageAndSignature(); else { NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeFieldsReady, NS_OK); rv = BuildBodyMessageAndSignature(); NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeBodyReady, NS_OK); return rv; } } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetBodyRaw(nsACString& aBodyRaw) { aBodyRaw.Assign((char *)m_compFields->GetBody()); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::GetBodyModified(bool * modified) { nsresult rv; if (! modified) return NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER; *modified = true; if (m_editor) { rv = m_editor->GetDocumentModified(modified); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) *modified = true; } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::SetBodyModified(bool modified) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (m_editor) { if (modified) { int32_t modCount = 0; m_editor->GetModificationCount(&modCount); if (modCount == 0) m_editor->IncrementModificationCount(1); } else m_editor->ResetModificationCount(); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetDomWindow(mozIDOMWindowProxy * *aDomWindow) { NS_IF_ADDREF(*aDomWindow = m_window); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::GetCompFields(nsIMsgCompFields * *aCompFields) { *aCompFields = (nsIMsgCompFields*)m_compFields; NS_IF_ADDREF(*aCompFields); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetComposeHTML(bool *aComposeHTML) { *aComposeHTML = m_composeHTML; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::GetWrapLength(int32_t *aWrapLength) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; return prefBranch->GetIntPref("mailnews.wraplength", aWrapLength); } nsresult nsMsgCompose::CreateMessage(const char * originalMsgURI, MSG_ComposeType type, nsIMsgCompFields * compFields) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; mType = type; mDraftDisposition = nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_None; mDeleteDraft = (type == nsIMsgCompType::Draft); nsAutoCString msgUri(originalMsgURI); bool fileUrl = StringBeginsWith(msgUri, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("file:")); int32_t typeIndex = msgUri.Find("type=application/x-message-display"); if (typeIndex != kNotFound && typeIndex > 0) { // Strip out type=application/x-message-display because it confuses libmime. msgUri.Cut(typeIndex, sizeof("type=application/x-message-display")); if (fileUrl) // we're dealing with an .eml file msg { // We have now removed the type from the uri. Make sure we don't have // an uri with "&&" now. If we do, remove the second '&'. if (msgUri.CharAt(typeIndex) == '&') msgUri.Cut(typeIndex, 1); // Remove possible trailing '?'. if (msgUri.CharAt(msgUri.Length() - 1) == '?') msgUri.Cut(msgUri.Length() - 1, 1); } else // we're dealing with a message/rfc822 attachment { // nsURLFetcher will check for "realtype=message/rfc822" and will set the // content type to message/rfc822 in the forwarded message. msgUri.Append("&realtype=message/rfc822"); } originalMsgURI = msgUri.get(); } if (compFields) { NS_IF_RELEASE(m_compFields); m_compFields = reinterpret_cast<nsMsgCompFields*>(compFields); NS_ADDREF(m_compFields); } else { m_compFields = new nsMsgCompFields(); if (m_compFields) NS_ADDREF(m_compFields); else return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } if (m_identity && mType != nsIMsgCompType::Draft) { // Setup reply-to field. nsCString replyTo; m_identity->GetReplyTo(replyTo); if (!replyTo.IsEmpty()) { nsCString resultStr; RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(m_compFields->GetReplyTo()), replyTo, resultStr); if (!resultStr.IsEmpty()) { replyTo.Append(','); replyTo.Append(resultStr); } m_compFields->SetReplyTo(replyTo.get()); } // Setup auto-Cc field. bool doCc; m_identity->GetDoCc(&doCc); if (doCc) { nsCString ccList; m_identity->GetDoCcList(ccList); nsCString resultStr; RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(m_compFields->GetCc()), ccList, resultStr); if (!resultStr.IsEmpty()) { ccList.Append(','); ccList.Append(resultStr); } m_compFields->SetCc(ccList.get()); } // Setup auto-Bcc field. bool doBcc; m_identity->GetDoBcc(&doBcc); if (doBcc) { nsCString bccList; m_identity->GetDoBccList(bccList); nsCString resultStr; RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(m_compFields->GetBcc()), bccList, resultStr); if (!resultStr.IsEmpty()) { bccList.Append(','); bccList.Append(resultStr); } m_compFields->SetBcc(bccList.get()); } } if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::Draft) { nsCString curDraftIdURL; rv = m_compFields->GetDraftId(getter_Copies(curDraftIdURL)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !curDraftIdURL.IsEmpty(), "CreateMessage can't get draft id"); // Skip if no draft id (probably a new draft msg). if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !curDraftIdURL.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgDBHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(curDraftIdURL.get(), getter_AddRefs(msgDBHdr)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "CreateMessage can't get msg header DB interface pointer."); if (msgDBHdr) { nsCString queuedDisposition; msgDBHdr->GetStringProperty(QUEUED_DISPOSITION_PROPERTY, getter_Copies(queuedDisposition)); // We need to retrieve the original URI from the database so we can // set the disposition flags correctly if the draft is a reply or forwarded message. nsCString originalMsgURIfromDB; msgDBHdr->GetStringProperty(ORIG_URI_PROPERTY, getter_Copies(originalMsgURIfromDB)); mOriginalMsgURI = originalMsgURIfromDB; if (!queuedDisposition.IsEmpty()) { if (queuedDisposition.Equals("replied")) mDraftDisposition = nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_Replied; else if (queuedDisposition.Equals("forward")) mDraftDisposition = nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_Forwarded; } } } } // If we don't have an original message URI, nothing else to do... if (!originalMsgURI || *originalMsgURI == 0) return NS_OK; // store the original message URI so we can extract it after we send the message to properly // mark any disposition flags like replied or forwarded on the message. if (mOriginalMsgURI.IsEmpty()) mOriginalMsgURI = originalMsgURI; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // "Forward inline" and "Reply with template" processing. // Note the early return at the end of the block. if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyWithTemplate) { // Use charset set up in the compose fields by MIME unless we should // use the default charset. bool replyInDefault = false; prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.reply_in_default_charset", &replyInDefault); // Use send_default_charset if reply_in_default_charset is on. if (replyInDefault) { nsString str; nsCString charset; NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(prefs, "mailnews.send_default_charset", EmptyString(), str); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(str, charset); m_compFields->SetCharacterSet(charset.get()); mAnswerDefaultCharset = true; } } // We want to treat this message as a reference too nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> msgHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(originalMsgURI, getter_AddRefs(msgHdr)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoCString messageId; msgHdr->GetMessageId(getter_Copies(messageId)); nsAutoCString reference; // When forwarding we only use the original message for "References:" - // recipients don't have the other messages anyway. // For reply with template we want to preserve all the references. if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyWithTemplate) { uint16_t numReferences = 0; msgHdr->GetNumReferences(&numReferences); for (int32_t i = 0; i < numReferences; i++) { nsAutoCString ref; msgHdr->GetStringReference(i, ref); if (!ref.IsEmpty()) { reference.AppendLiteral("<"); reference.Append(ref); reference.AppendLiteral("> "); } } reference.Trim(" ", false, true); } msgHdr->GetMessageId(getter_Copies(messageId)); reference.AppendLiteral("<"); reference.Append(messageId); reference.AppendLiteral(">"); m_compFields->SetReferences(reference.get()); } // Early return for "Forward inline" and "Reply with template" processing. return NS_OK; } // All other processing. char *uriList = PL_strdup(originalMsgURI); if (!uriList) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; // Resulting charset for this message. nsCString charset; // Check for the charset of the last displayed message, it // will be used for quoting and as override. nsCString windowCharset; mCharsetOverride = false; mAnswerDefaultCharset = false; GetTopmostMsgWindowCharacterSet(windowCharset, &mCharsetOverride); if (!windowCharset.IsEmpty()) { // Although the charset in which to send the message might change, // the original message will be parsed for quoting using the charset it is // now displayed with. mQuoteCharset = windowCharset; if (mCharsetOverride) { // Use override charset. charset = windowCharset; } } // Note the following: // LoadDraftOrTemplate() is run in nsMsgComposeService::OpenComposeWindow() // for five compose types: ForwardInline, ReplyWithTemplate (both covered // in the code block above) and Draft, Template and Redirect. For these // compose types, the charset is already correct (incl. MIME-applied override) // unless the default charset should be used. bool isFirstPass = true; char *uri = uriList; char *nextUri; do { nextUri = strstr(uri, "://"); if (nextUri) { // look for next ://, and then back up to previous ',' nextUri = strstr(nextUri + 1, "://"); if (nextUri) { *nextUri = '\0'; char *saveNextUri = nextUri; nextUri = strrchr(uri, ','); if (nextUri) *nextUri = '\0'; *saveNextUri = ':'; } } nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgHdr; if (mOrigMsgHdr) msgHdr = mOrigMsgHdr; else { rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(uri, getter_AddRefs(msgHdr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); } if (msgHdr) { nsCString decodedCString; bool replyInDefault = false; prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.reply_in_default_charset", &replyInDefault); // Use send_default_charset if reply_in_default_charset is on. if (replyInDefault) { nsString str; NS_GetLocalizedUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(prefs, "mailnews.send_default_charset", EmptyString(), str); if (!str.IsEmpty()) { LossyCopyUTF16toASCII(str, charset); mAnswerDefaultCharset = true; } } // Set the charset we determined, if any, in the comp fields. // For replies, the charset will be set after processing the message // through MIME in QuotingOutputStreamListener::OnStopRequest(). if (isFirstPass && !charset.IsEmpty()) m_compFields->SetCharacterSet(charset.get()); nsString subject; rv = msgHdr->GetMime2DecodedSubject(subject); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Check if (was: is present in the subject int32_t wasOffset = subject.RFind(NS_LITERAL_STRING(" (was:")); bool strip = true; if (wasOffset >= 0) { // Check the number of references, to check if was: should be stripped // First, assume that it should be stripped; the variable will be set to // false later if stripping should not happen. uint16_t numRef; msgHdr->GetNumReferences(&numRef); if (numRef) { // If there are references, look for the first message in the thread // firstly, get the database via the folder nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder; msgHdr->GetFolder(getter_AddRefs(folder)); if (folder) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDatabase> db; folder->GetMsgDatabase(getter_AddRefs(db)); if (db) { nsAutoCString reference; msgHdr->GetStringReference(0, reference); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDBHdr> refHdr; db->GetMsgHdrForMessageID(reference.get(), getter_AddRefs(refHdr)); if (refHdr) { nsCString refSubject; rv = refHdr->GetSubject(getter_Copies(refSubject)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (refSubject.Find(" (was:") >= 0) strip = false; } } } } } else strip = false; } if (strip && wasOffset >= 0) { // Strip off the "(was: old subject)" part subject.Assign(Substring(subject, 0, wasOffset)); } switch (type) { default: break; case nsIMsgCompType::Reply : case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender: case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup: { if (!isFirstPass) // safeguard, just in case... { PR_Free(uriList); return rv; } mQuotingToFollow = true; subject.Insert(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Re: "), 0); m_compFields->SetSubject(subject); // Setup quoting callbacks for later... mWhatHolder = 1; break; } case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment: { // Add the forwarded message in the references, first nsAutoCString messageId; msgHdr->GetMessageId(getter_Copies(messageId)); if (isFirstPass) { nsAutoCString reference; reference.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("<")); reference.Append(messageId); reference.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(">")); m_compFields->SetReferences(reference.get()); } else { nsAutoCString references; m_compFields->GetReferences(getter_Copies(references)); references.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(" <")); references.Append(messageId); references.Append(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(">")); m_compFields->SetReferences(references.get()); } uint32_t flags; msgHdr->GetFlags(&flags); if (flags & nsMsgMessageFlags::HasRe) subject.Insert(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Re: "), 0); // Setup quoting callbacks for later... mQuotingToFollow = false; //We don't need to quote the original message. nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgAttachment> attachment = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGATTACHMENT_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && attachment) { bool addExtension = true; nsString sanitizedSubj; prefs->GetBoolPref("mail.forward_add_extension", &addExtension); // copy subject string to sanitizedSubj, use default if empty if (subject.IsEmpty()) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService = mozilla::services::GetStringBundleService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bundleService, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> composeBundle; rv = bundleService->CreateBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/messengercompose/composeMsgs.properties", getter_AddRefs(composeBundle)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); composeBundle->GetStringFromName(u"messageAttachmentSafeName", getter_Copies(sanitizedSubj)); } else sanitizedSubj.Assign(subject); // set the file size uint32_t messageSize; msgHdr->GetMessageSize(&messageSize); attachment->SetSize(messageSize); // change all '.' to '_' see bug #271211 MsgReplaceChar(sanitizedSubj, ".", '_'); if (addExtension) sanitizedSubj.AppendLiteral(".eml"); attachment->SetName(sanitizedSubj); attachment->SetUrl(nsDependentCString(uri)); m_compFields->AddAttachment(attachment); } if (isFirstPass) { nsCString fwdPrefix; prefs->GetCharPref("mail.forward_subject_prefix", getter_Copies(fwdPrefix)); if (!fwdPrefix.IsEmpty()) { nsString unicodeFwdPrefix; CopyUTF8toUTF16(fwdPrefix, unicodeFwdPrefix); unicodeFwdPrefix.AppendLiteral(": "); subject.Insert(unicodeFwdPrefix, 0); } else { subject.Insert(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Fwd: "), 0); } m_compFields->SetSubject(subject); } break; } case nsIMsgCompType::Redirect: { // For a redirect, set the Reply-To: header to what was in the original From: header... nsAutoCString author; msgHdr->GetAuthor(getter_Copies(author)); m_compFields->SetReplyTo(author.get()); // ... and empty out the various recipient headers nsAutoString empty; m_compFields->SetTo(empty); m_compFields->SetCc(empty); m_compFields->SetBcc(empty); m_compFields->SetNewsgroups(empty); m_compFields->SetFollowupTo(empty); break; } } } isFirstPass = false; uri = nextUri + 1; } while (nextUri); PR_Free(uriList); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetProgress(nsIMsgProgress **_retval) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); *_retval = mProgress; NS_IF_ADDREF(*_retval); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetMessageSend(nsIMsgSend **_retval) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); *_retval = mMsgSend; NS_IF_ADDREF(*_retval); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetMessageSend(nsIMsgSend* aMsgSend) { mMsgSend = aMsgSend; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::ClearMessageSend() { mMsgSend = nullptr; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetCiteReference(nsString citeReference) { mCiteReference = citeReference; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetSavedFolderURI(const char *folderURI) { m_folderName = folderURI; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetSavedFolderURI(char ** folderURI) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(folderURI); *folderURI = ToNewCString(m_folderName); return (*folderURI) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetOriginalMsgURI(char ** originalMsgURI) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(originalMsgURI); *originalMsgURI = ToNewCString(mOriginalMsgURI); return (*originalMsgURI) ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // THIS IS THE CLASS THAT IS THE STREAM CONSUMER OF THE HTML OUPUT // FROM LIBMIME. THIS IS FOR QUOTING //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// QuotingOutputStreamListener::~QuotingOutputStreamListener() { if (mUnicodeConversionBuffer) free(mUnicodeConversionBuffer); } QuotingOutputStreamListener::QuotingOutputStreamListener(const char * originalMsgURI, nsIMsgDBHdr *originalMsgHdr, bool quoteHeaders, bool headersOnly, nsIMsgIdentity *identity, nsIMsgQuote* msgQuote, bool charsetFixed, bool quoteOriginal, const nsACString& htmlToQuote) { nsresult rv; mQuoteHeaders = quoteHeaders; mHeadersOnly = headersOnly; mIdentity = identity; mOrigMsgHdr = originalMsgHdr; mUnicodeBufferCharacterLength = 0; mUnicodeConversionBuffer = nullptr; mQuoteOriginal = quoteOriginal; mHtmlToQuote = htmlToQuote; mQuote = msgQuote; mCharsetFixed = charsetFixed; if (!mHeadersOnly || !mHtmlToQuote.IsEmpty()) { // Get header type, locale and strings from pref. int32_t replyHeaderType; nsAutoString replyHeaderLocale; nsString replyHeaderAuthorWrote; nsString replyHeaderOnDateAuthorWrote; nsString replyHeaderAuthorWroteOnDate; nsString replyHeaderOriginalmessage; GetReplyHeaderInfo(&replyHeaderType, replyHeaderLocale, replyHeaderAuthorWrote, replyHeaderOnDateAuthorWrote, replyHeaderAuthorWroteOnDate, replyHeaderOriginalmessage); // For the built message body... if (originalMsgHdr && !quoteHeaders) { // Setup the cite information.... nsCString myGetter; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(originalMsgHdr->GetMessageId(getter_Copies(myGetter)))) { if (!myGetter.IsEmpty()) { nsAutoCString buf; mCiteReference.AssignLiteral("mid:"); MsgEscapeURL(myGetter, nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_FILE_BASENAME | nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_FORCED, buf); mCiteReference.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(buf)); } } bool citingHeader; //Do we have a header needing to cite any info from original message? bool headerDate; //Do we have a header needing to cite date/time from original message? switch (replyHeaderType) { case 0: // No reply header at all (actually the "---- original message ----" string, // which is kinda misleading. TODO: Should there be a "really no header" option? mCitePrefix.Assign(replyHeaderOriginalmessage); citingHeader = false; headerDate = false; break; case 2: // Insert both the original author and date in the reply header (date followed by author) mCitePrefix.Assign(replyHeaderOnDateAuthorWrote); citingHeader = true; headerDate = true; break; case 3: // Insert both the original author and date in the reply header (author followed by date) mCitePrefix.Assign(replyHeaderAuthorWroteOnDate); citingHeader = true; headerDate = true; break; case 4: // TODO bug 107884: implement a more featureful user specified header case 1: default: // Default is to only show the author. mCitePrefix.Assign(replyHeaderAuthorWrote); citingHeader = true; headerDate = false; break; } if (citingHeader) { int32_t placeholderIndex = kNotFound; if (headerDate) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDateTimeFormat> dateFormatter = do_CreateInstance(NS_DATETIMEFORMAT_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { PRTime originalMsgDate; rv = originalMsgHdr->GetDate(&originalMsgDate); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsCOMPtr<nsILocale> locale; nsCOMPtr<nsILocaleService> localeService(do_GetService(NS_LOCALESERVICE_CONTRACTID)); // Format date using "mailnews.reply_header_locale", if empty then use application default locale. if (!replyHeaderLocale.IsEmpty()) rv = localeService->NewLocale(replyHeaderLocale, getter_AddRefs(locale)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString citeDatePart; if ((placeholderIndex = mCitePrefix.Find("#2")) != kNotFound) { rv = dateFormatter->FormatPRTime(locale, kDateFormatShort, kTimeFormatNone, originalMsgDate, citeDatePart); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) mCitePrefix.Replace(placeholderIndex, 2, citeDatePart); } if ((placeholderIndex = mCitePrefix.Find("#3")) != kNotFound) { rv = dateFormatter->FormatPRTime(locale, kDateFormatNone, kTimeFormatNoSeconds, originalMsgDate, citeDatePart); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) mCitePrefix.Replace(placeholderIndex, 2, citeDatePart); } } } } } if ((placeholderIndex = mCitePrefix.Find("#1")) != kNotFound) { nsAutoCString author; rv = originalMsgHdr->GetAuthor(getter_Copies(author)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoString citeAuthor; ExtractName(EncodedHeader(author), citeAuthor); mCitePrefix.Replace(placeholderIndex, 2, citeAuthor); } } } } // This should not happen, but just in case. if (mCitePrefix.IsEmpty()) { mCitePrefix.AppendLiteral("\n\n"); mCitePrefix.Append(replyHeaderOriginalmessage); mCitePrefix.AppendLiteral("\n"); } } } /** * The formatflowed parameter directs if formatflowed should be used in the conversion. * format=flowed (RFC 2646) is a way to represent flow in a plain text mail, without * disturbing the plain text. */ nsresult QuotingOutputStreamListener::ConvertToPlainText(bool formatflowed, bool delsp, bool formatted, bool disallowBreaks) { nsresult rv = ConvertBufToPlainText(mMsgBody, formatflowed, delsp, formatted, disallowBreaks); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, rv); return ConvertBufToPlainText(mSignature, formatflowed, delsp, formatted, disallowBreaks); } NS_IMETHODIMP QuotingOutputStreamListener::OnStartRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports * /* ctxt */) { return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP QuotingOutputStreamListener::OnStopRequest(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt, nsresult status) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!mHtmlToQuote.IsEmpty()) { // If we had a selection in the original message to quote, we can add // it now that we are done ignoring the original body of the message mHeadersOnly = false; rv = AppendToMsgBody(mHtmlToQuote); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> compose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(compose, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); MSG_ComposeType type; compose->GetType(&type); // Assign cite information if available... if (!mCiteReference.IsEmpty()) compose->SetCiteReference(mCiteReference); bool overrideReplyTo = mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("mail.override_list_reply_to", true); if (mHeaders && (type == nsIMsgCompType::Reply || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup || type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup) && mQuoteOriginal) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompFields> compFields; compose->GetCompFields(getter_AddRefs(compFields)); if (compFields) { nsAutoString from; nsAutoString to; nsAutoString cc; nsAutoString bcc; nsAutoString replyTo; nsAutoString mailReplyTo; nsAutoString mailFollowupTo; nsAutoString newgroups; nsAutoString followUpTo; nsAutoString messageId; nsAutoString references; nsAutoString listPost; nsCString outCString; // Temp helper string. bool needToRemoveDup = false; if (!mMimeConverter) { mMimeConverter = do_GetService(NS_MIME_CONVERTER_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } nsCString charset; compFields->GetCharacterSet(getter_Copies(charset)); if (!mCharsetFixed) { // Get the charset from the channel where MIME left it. if (mQuote) { nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> quoteChannel; mQuote->GetQuoteChannel(getter_AddRefs(quoteChannel)); if (quoteChannel) { quoteChannel->GetContentCharset(charset); if (!charset.IsEmpty()) { rv = fixCharset(charset); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); compFields->SetCharacterSet(charset.get()); } } } } mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_FROM, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), from); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_TO, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), to); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_CC, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), cc); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_BCC, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), bcc); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_MAIL_FOLLOWUP_TO, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), mailFollowupTo); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_REPLY_TO, false, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), replyTo); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_MAIL_REPLY_TO, true, outCString); ConvertRawBytesToUTF16(outCString, charset.get(), mailReplyTo); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_NEWSGROUPS, false, outCString); if (!outCString.IsEmpty()) mMimeConverter->DecodeMimeHeader(outCString.get(), charset.get(), false, true, newgroups); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_FOLLOWUP_TO, false, outCString); if (!outCString.IsEmpty()) mMimeConverter->DecodeMimeHeader(outCString.get(), charset.get(), false, true, followUpTo); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_MESSAGE_ID, false, outCString); if (!outCString.IsEmpty()) mMimeConverter->DecodeMimeHeader(outCString.get(), charset.get(), false, true, messageId); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_REFERENCES, false, outCString); if (!outCString.IsEmpty()) mMimeConverter->DecodeMimeHeader(outCString.get(), charset.get(), false, true, references); mHeaders->ExtractHeader(HEADER_LIST_POST, true, outCString); if (!outCString.IsEmpty()) mMimeConverter->DecodeMimeHeader(outCString.get(), charset.get(), false, true, listPost); if (!listPost.IsEmpty()) { int32_t startPos = listPost.Find("<mailto:"); int32_t endPos = listPost.FindChar('>', startPos); // Extract the e-mail address. if (endPos > startPos) { const uint32_t mailtoLen = strlen("<mailto:"); listPost = Substring(listPost, startPos + mailtoLen, endPos - (startPos + mailtoLen)); } } nsCString fromEmailAddress; ExtractEmail(EncodedHeader(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(from)), fromEmailAddress); nsTArray<nsCString> toEmailAddresses; ExtractEmails(EncodedHeader(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(to)), UTF16ArrayAdapter<>(toEmailAddresses)); nsTArray<nsCString> ccEmailAddresses; ExtractEmails(EncodedHeader(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(cc)), UTF16ArrayAdapter<>(ccEmailAddresses)); nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs (do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); bool replyToSelfCheckAll = false; prefs->GetBoolPref("mailnews.reply_to_self_check_all_ident", &replyToSelfCheckAll); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgAccountManager> accountManager = do_GetService(NS_MSGACCOUNTMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIArray> identities; nsCString accountKey; mOrigMsgHdr->GetAccountKey(getter_Copies(accountKey)); if (replyToSelfCheckAll) { // Check all avaliable identities if the pref was set. accountManager->GetAllIdentities(getter_AddRefs(identities)); } else if (!accountKey.IsEmpty()) { // Check headers to see which account the message came in from // (only works for pop3). nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgAccount> account; accountManager->GetAccount(accountKey, getter_AddRefs(account)); if (account) account->GetIdentities(getter_AddRefs(identities)); } else { // Check identities only for the server of the folder that the message // is in. nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgFolder> msgFolder; rv = mOrigMsgHdr->GetFolder(getter_AddRefs(msgFolder)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && msgFolder){ nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgIncomingServer> nsIMsgIncomingServer; rv = msgFolder->GetServer(getter_AddRefs(nsIMsgIncomingServer)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && nsIMsgIncomingServer) accountManager->GetIdentitiesForServer(nsIMsgIncomingServer, getter_AddRefs(identities)); } } bool isReplyToSelf = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgIdentity> selfIdentity; if (identities) { // Go through the identities to see if any of them is the author of // the email. nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgIdentity> lookupIdentity; uint32_t count = 0; identities->GetLength(&count); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) { lookupIdentity = do_QueryElementAt(identities, i, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) continue; selfIdentity = lookupIdentity; nsCString curIdentityEmail; lookupIdentity->GetEmail(curIdentityEmail); // See if it's a reply to own message, but not a reply between identities. if (curIdentityEmail.Equals(fromEmailAddress)) { isReplyToSelf = true; // For a true reply-to-self, none of your identities are normally in // To or Cc. We need to avoid doing a reply-to-self for people that // have multiple identities set and sometimes *uses* the other // identity and sometimes *mails* the other identity. // E.g. husband+wife or own-email+company-role-mail. for (uint32_t j = 0; j < count; j++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgIdentity> lookupIdentity2; rv = identities->QueryElementAt(j, NS_GET_IID(nsIMsgIdentity), getter_AddRefs(lookupIdentity2)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) continue; nsCString curIdentityEmail2; lookupIdentity2->GetEmail(curIdentityEmail2); if (toEmailAddresses.Contains(curIdentityEmail2)) { // However, "From:me To:me" should be treated as // reply-to-self if we have a Bcc. If we don't have a Bcc we // might have the case of a generated mail of the style // "From:me To:me Reply-To:customer". Then we need to to do a // normal reply to the customer. isReplyToSelf = !bcc.IsEmpty(); // true if bcc is set break; } else if (ccEmailAddresses.Contains(curIdentityEmail2)) { // If you auto-Cc yourself your email would be in Cc - but we // can't detect why it is in Cc so lets just treat it like a // normal reply. isReplyToSelf = false; break; } } break; } } } if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender || type == nsIMsgCompType::Reply) { if (isReplyToSelf) { // Cast to concrete class. We *only* what to change m_identity, not // all the things compose->SetIdentity would do. nsMsgCompose* _compose = static_cast<nsMsgCompose*>(compose.get()); _compose->m_identity = selfIdentity; compFields->SetFrom(from); compFields->SetTo(to); compFields->SetReplyTo(replyTo); } else if (!mailReplyTo.IsEmpty()) { // handle Mail-Reply-To (http://cr.yp.to/proto/replyto.html) compFields->SetTo(mailReplyTo); needToRemoveDup = true; } else if (!replyTo.IsEmpty()) { // default reply behaviour then if (overrideReplyTo && !listPost.IsEmpty() && replyTo.Find(listPost) != kNotFound) { // Reply-To munging in this list post. Reply to From instead, // as the user can choose Reply List if that's what he wants. compFields->SetTo(from); } else { compFields->SetTo(replyTo); } needToRemoveDup = true; } else { compFields->SetTo(from); } } else if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll) { if (isReplyToSelf) { // Cast to concrete class. We *only* what to change m_identity, not // all the things compose->SetIdentity would do. nsMsgCompose* _compose = static_cast<nsMsgCompose*>(compose.get()); _compose->m_identity = selfIdentity; compFields->SetFrom(from); compFields->SetTo(to); compFields->SetCc(cc); // In case it's a reply to self, but it's not the actual source of the // sent message, then we won't know the Bcc header. So set it only if // it's not empty. If you have auto-bcc and removed the auto-bcc for // the original mail, you will have to do it manually for this reply // too. if (!bcc.IsEmpty()) compFields->SetBcc(bcc); compFields->SetReplyTo(replyTo); needToRemoveDup = true; } else if (mailFollowupTo.IsEmpty()) { // default reply-all behaviour then nsAutoString allTo; if (!replyTo.IsEmpty()) { allTo.Assign(replyTo); needToRemoveDup = true; if (overrideReplyTo && !listPost.IsEmpty() && replyTo.Find(listPost) != kNotFound) { // Reply-To munging in this list. Add From to recipients, it's the // lesser evil... allTo.AppendLiteral(", "); allTo.Append(from); } } else { allTo.Assign(from); } allTo.AppendLiteral(", "); allTo.Append(to); compFields->SetTo(allTo); nsAutoString allCc; compFields->GetCc(allCc); // auto-cc if (!allCc.IsEmpty()) allCc.AppendLiteral(", "); allCc.Append(cc); compFields->SetCc(allCc); needToRemoveDup = true; } else { // Handle Mail-Followup-To (http://cr.yp.to/proto/replyto.html) compFields->SetTo(mailFollowupTo); needToRemoveDup = true; // To remove possible self from To. // If Cc is set a this point it's auto-Ccs, so we'll just keep those. } } else if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList) { compFields->SetTo(listPost); } if (!newgroups.IsEmpty()) { if ((type != nsIMsgCompType::Reply) && (type != nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender)) compFields->SetNewsgroups(newgroups); if (type == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup) compFields->SetTo(EmptyString()); } if (!followUpTo.IsEmpty()) { // Handle "followup-to: poster" magic keyword here if (followUpTo.EqualsLiteral("poster")) { nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> domWindow; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrompt> prompt; compose->GetDomWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow)); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(domWindow, NS_ERROR_FAILURE); nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> composeWindow = nsPIDOMWindowOuter::From(domWindow); if (composeWindow) composeWindow->GetPrompter(getter_AddRefs(prompt)); nsMsgDisplayMessageByName(prompt, u"followupToSenderMessage"); if (!replyTo.IsEmpty()) { compFields->SetTo(replyTo); } else { // If reply-to is empty, use the From header to fetch the original // sender's email. compFields->SetTo(from); } // Clear the newsgroup: header field, because followup-to: poster // only follows up to the original sender if (!newgroups.IsEmpty()) compFields->SetNewsgroups(EmptyString()); } else // Process "followup-to: newsgroup-content" here { if (type != nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender) compFields->SetNewsgroups(followUpTo); if (type == nsIMsgCompType::Reply) { compFields->SetTo(EmptyString()); } } } if (!references.IsEmpty()) references.Append(char16_t(' ')); references += messageId; compFields->SetReferences(NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(references).get()); nsAutoCString resultStr; // Cast interface to concrete class that has direct field getters etc. nsMsgCompFields* _compFields = static_cast<nsMsgCompFields*>(compFields.get()); // Remove duplicate addresses between To && Cc. if (needToRemoveDup) { nsCString addressesToRemoveFromCc; if (mIdentity) { bool removeMyEmailInCc = true; nsCString myEmail; mIdentity->GetEmail(myEmail); // Remove my own address from To, unless it's a reply to self. if (!isReplyToSelf) { RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(_compFields->GetTo()), myEmail, resultStr); _compFields->SetTo(resultStr.get()); } addressesToRemoveFromCc.Assign(_compFields->GetTo()); // Remove own address from CC unless we want it in there // through the automatic-CC-to-self (see bug 584962). There are // three cases: // - user has no automatic CC // - user has automatic CC but own email is not in it // - user has automatic CC and own email in it // Only in the last case do we want our own email address to stay // in the CC list. bool automaticCc; mIdentity->GetDoCc(&automaticCc); if (automaticCc) { nsCString autoCcList; mIdentity->GetDoCcList(autoCcList); nsTArray<nsCString> autoCcEmailAddresses; ExtractEmails(EncodedHeader(autoCcList), UTF16ArrayAdapter<>(autoCcEmailAddresses)); if (autoCcEmailAddresses.Contains(myEmail)) { removeMyEmailInCc = false; } } if (removeMyEmailInCc) { addressesToRemoveFromCc.AppendLiteral(", "); addressesToRemoveFromCc.Append(myEmail); } } RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(_compFields->GetCc()), addressesToRemoveFromCc, resultStr); _compFields->SetCc(resultStr.get()); if (_compFields->GetBcc()) { // Remove addresses already in Cc from Bcc. RemoveDuplicateAddresses(nsDependentCString(_compFields->GetBcc()), nsDependentCString(_compFields->GetCc()), resultStr); if (!resultStr.IsEmpty()) { // Remove addresses already in To from Bcc. RemoveDuplicateAddresses(resultStr, nsDependentCString(_compFields->GetTo()), resultStr); } _compFields->SetBcc(resultStr.get()); } } } } #ifdef MSGCOMP_TRACE_PERFORMANCE nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeService> composeService (do_GetService(NS_MSGCOMPOSESERVICE_CONTRACTID)); composeService->TimeStamp("Done with MIME. Now we're updating the UI elements", false); #endif if (mQuoteOriginal) compose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeFieldsReady, NS_OK); #ifdef MSGCOMP_TRACE_PERFORMANCE composeService->TimeStamp("Addressing widget, window title and focus are now set, time to insert the body", false); #endif if (! mHeadersOnly) mMsgBody.AppendLiteral("</html>"); // Now we have an HTML representation of the quoted message. // If we are in plain text mode, we need to convert this to plain // text before we try to insert it into the editor. If we don't, we // just get lots of HTML text in the message...not good. // // XXX not m_composeHTML? /BenB bool composeHTML = true; compose->GetComposeHTML(&composeHTML); if (!composeHTML) { // Downsampling. // In plain text quotes we always allow line breaking to not end up with // long lines. The quote is inserted into a span with style // "white-space: pre;" which isn't be wrapped. // Update: Bug 387687 changed this to "white-space: pre-wrap;". // Note that the body of the plain text message is wrapped since it uses // "white-space: pre-wrap; width: 72ch;". // Look at it in the DOM Inspector to see it. // // If we're using format flowed, we need to pass it so the encoder // can add a space at the end. nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> pPrefBranch(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID)); bool flowed = false; if (pPrefBranch) { pPrefBranch->GetBoolPref("mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed", &flowed); } rv = ConvertToPlainText(flowed, false, // delsp makes no sense in this context true, // formatted false); // allow line breaks NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } compose->ProcessSignature(mIdentity, true, &mSignature); nsCOMPtr<nsIEditor> editor; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(compose->GetEditor(getter_AddRefs(editor))) && editor) { if (mQuoteOriginal) compose->ConvertAndLoadComposeWindow(mCitePrefix, mMsgBody, mSignature, true, composeHTML); else InsertToCompose(editor, composeHTML); } if (mQuoteOriginal) compose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeBodyReady, NS_OK); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP QuotingOutputStreamListener::OnDataAvailable(nsIRequest *request, nsISupports *ctxt, nsIInputStream *inStr, uint64_t sourceOffset, uint32_t count) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; NS_ENSURE_ARG(inStr); if (mHeadersOnly) return rv; char *newBuf = (char *)PR_Malloc(count + 1); if (!newBuf) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; uint32_t numWritten = 0; rv = inStr->Read(newBuf, count, &numWritten); if (rv == NS_BASE_STREAM_WOULD_BLOCK) rv = NS_OK; newBuf[numWritten] = '\0'; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && numWritten > 0) { rv = AppendToMsgBody(nsDependentCString(newBuf, numWritten)); } PR_FREEIF(newBuf); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP QuotingOutputStreamListener::AppendToMsgBody(const nsCString &inStr) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; if (!inStr.IsEmpty()) { // Create unicode decoder. if (!mUnicodeDecoder) { nsCOMPtr<nsICharsetConverterManager> ccm = do_GetService(NS_CHARSETCONVERTERMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { rv = ccm->GetUnicodeDecoderRaw("UTF-8", getter_AddRefs(mUnicodeDecoder)); } } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { int32_t unicharLength; int32_t inputLength = inStr.Length(); rv = mUnicodeDecoder->GetMaxLength(inStr.get(), inStr.Length(), &unicharLength); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { // Use this local buffer if possible. const int32_t kLocalBufSize = 4096; char16_t localBuf[kLocalBufSize]; char16_t *unichars = localBuf; if (unicharLength > kLocalBufSize) { // Otherwise, use the buffer of the class. if (!mUnicodeConversionBuffer || unicharLength > mUnicodeBufferCharacterLength) { if (mUnicodeConversionBuffer) free(mUnicodeConversionBuffer); mUnicodeConversionBuffer = (char16_t *) moz_xmalloc(unicharLength * sizeof(char16_t)); if (!mUnicodeConversionBuffer) { mUnicodeBufferCharacterLength = 0; return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; } mUnicodeBufferCharacterLength = unicharLength; } unichars = mUnicodeConversionBuffer; } int32_t consumedInputLength = 0; int32_t originalInputLength = inputLength; const char *inputBuffer = inStr.get(); int32_t convertedOutputLength = 0; int32_t outputBufferLength = unicharLength; char16_t *originalOutputBuffer = unichars; do { rv = mUnicodeDecoder->Convert(inputBuffer, &inputLength, unichars, &unicharLength); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { convertedOutputLength += unicharLength; break; } // if we failed, we consume one byte, replace it with a question mark // and try the conversion again. unichars += unicharLength; *unichars = (char16_t)'?'; unichars++; unicharLength++; mUnicodeDecoder->Reset(); inputBuffer += ++inputLength; consumedInputLength += inputLength; inputLength = originalInputLength - consumedInputLength; // update input length to convert convertedOutputLength += unicharLength; unicharLength = outputBufferLength - unicharLength; // update output length } while (NS_FAILED(rv) && (originalInputLength > consumedInputLength) && (outputBufferLength > convertedOutputLength)); if (convertedOutputLength > 0) mMsgBody.Append(originalOutputBuffer, convertedOutputLength); } } } return rv; } nsresult QuotingOutputStreamListener::SetComposeObj(nsIMsgCompose *obj) { mWeakComposeObj = do_GetWeakReference(obj); return NS_OK; } nsresult QuotingOutputStreamListener::SetMimeHeaders(nsIMimeHeaders * headers) { mHeaders = headers; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP QuotingOutputStreamListener::InsertToCompose(nsIEditor *aEditor, bool aHTMLEditor) { // First, get the nsIEditor interface for future use nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> nodeInserted; TranslateLineEnding(mMsgBody); // Now, insert it into the editor... if (aEditor) aEditor->EnableUndo(true); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> compose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj); if (!mMsgBody.IsEmpty() && compose) { compose->SetInsertingQuotedContent(true); if (!mCitePrefix.IsEmpty()) { if (!aHTMLEditor) mCitePrefix.AppendLiteral("\n"); nsCOMPtr<nsIPlaintextEditor> textEditor (do_QueryInterface(aEditor)); if (textEditor) textEditor->InsertText(mCitePrefix); } nsCOMPtr<nsIEditorMailSupport> mailEditor (do_QueryInterface(aEditor)); if (mailEditor) { if (aHTMLEditor) { nsAutoString body(mMsgBody); remove_plaintext_tag(body); mailEditor->InsertAsCitedQuotation(body, EmptyString(), true, getter_AddRefs(nodeInserted)); } else { mailEditor->InsertAsQuotation(mMsgBody, getter_AddRefs(nodeInserted)); } } compose->SetInsertingQuotedContent(false); } if (aEditor) { nsCOMPtr<nsIPlaintextEditor> textEditor = do_QueryInterface(aEditor); if (textEditor) { nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> parent; int32_t offset; nsresult rv; // get parent and offset of mailcite rv = GetNodeLocation(nodeInserted, address_of(parent), &offset); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // get selection aEditor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) { // place selection after mailcite selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1); // insert a break at current selection textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); selection->Collapse(parent, offset+1); } nsCOMPtr<nsISelectionController> selCon; aEditor->GetSelectionController(getter_AddRefs(selCon)); if (selCon) // After ScrollSelectionIntoView(), the pending notifications might be // flushed and PresShell/PresContext/Frames may be dead. See bug 418470. selCon->ScrollSelectionIntoView( nsISelectionController::SELECTION_NORMAL, nsISelectionController::SELECTION_ANCHOR_REGION, true); } } return NS_OK; } /** * Returns true if the domain is a match for the given the domain list. * Subdomains are also considered to match. * @param aDomain - the domain name to check * @param aDomainList - a comman separated string of domain names */ bool IsInDomainList(const nsAString &aDomain, const nsAString &aDomainList) { if (aDomain.IsEmpty() || aDomainList.IsEmpty()) return false; // Check plain text domains. int32_t left = 0; int32_t right = 0; while (right != (int32_t)aDomainList.Length()) { right = aDomainList.FindChar(',', left); if (right == kNotFound) right = aDomainList.Length(); nsDependentSubstring domain = Substring(aDomainList, left, right); if (aDomain.Equals(domain, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) return true; nsAutoString dotDomain; dotDomain.Assign(NS_LITERAL_STRING(".")); dotDomain.Append(domain); if (StringEndsWith(aDomain, dotDomain, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) return true; left = right + 1; } return false; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(QuotingOutputStreamListener, nsIMsgQuotingOutputStreamListener, nsIRequestObserver, nsIStreamListener) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // END OF QUOTING LISTENER //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* attribute MSG_ComposeType type; */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetType(MSG_ComposeType aType) { mType = aType; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetType(MSG_ComposeType *aType) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aType); *aType = mType; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::QuoteMessage(const char *msgURI) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(msgURI); nsresult rv; mQuotingToFollow = false; // Create a mime parser (nsIStreamConverter)! mQuote = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGQUOTE_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(msgURI, getter_AddRefs(msgHdr)); // Create the consumer output stream.. this will receive all the HTML from libmime mQuoteStreamListener = new QuotingOutputStreamListener(msgURI, msgHdr, false, !mHtmlToQuote.IsEmpty(), m_identity, mQuote, mCharsetOverride || mAnswerDefaultCharset, false, mHtmlToQuote); if (!mQuoteStreamListener) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; NS_ADDREF(mQuoteStreamListener); mQuoteStreamListener->SetComposeObj(this); rv = mQuote->QuoteMessage(msgURI, false, mQuoteStreamListener, mCharsetOverride ? m_compFields->GetCharacterSet() : "", false, msgHdr); return rv; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::QuoteOriginalMessage() // New template { nsresult rv; mQuotingToFollow = false; // Create a mime parser (nsIStreamConverter)! mQuote = do_CreateInstance(NS_MSGQUOTE_CONTRACTID, &rv); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !mQuote) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; bool bAutoQuote = true; m_identity->GetAutoQuote(&bAutoQuote); nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> originalMsgHdr = mOrigMsgHdr; if (!originalMsgHdr) { rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(mOriginalMsgURI.get(), getter_AddRefs(originalMsgHdr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } bool fileUrl = StringBeginsWith(mOriginalMsgURI, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("file:")); if (fileUrl) { mOriginalMsgURI.Replace(0, 5, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("mailbox:")); mOriginalMsgURI.AppendLiteral("?number=0"); } // Create the consumer output stream.. this will receive all the HTML from libmime mQuoteStreamListener = new QuotingOutputStreamListener(mOriginalMsgURI.get(), originalMsgHdr, mWhatHolder != 1, !bAutoQuote || !mHtmlToQuote.IsEmpty(), m_identity, mQuote, mCharsetOverride || mAnswerDefaultCharset, true, mHtmlToQuote); if (!mQuoteStreamListener) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; NS_ADDREF(mQuoteStreamListener); mQuoteStreamListener->SetComposeObj(this); rv = mQuote->QuoteMessage(mOriginalMsgURI.get(), mWhatHolder != 1, mQuoteStreamListener, mCharsetOverride ? mQuoteCharset.get() : "", !bAutoQuote, originalMsgHdr); return rv; } //CleanUpRecipient will remove un-necessary "<>" when a recipient as an address without name void nsMsgCompose::CleanUpRecipients(nsString& recipients) { uint16_t i; bool startANewRecipient = true; bool removeBracket = false; nsAutoString newRecipient; char16_t aChar; for (i = 0; i < recipients.Length(); i ++) { aChar = recipients[i]; switch (aChar) { case '<' : if (startANewRecipient) removeBracket = true; else newRecipient += aChar; startANewRecipient = false; break; case '>' : if (removeBracket) removeBracket = false; else newRecipient += aChar; break; case ' ' : newRecipient += aChar; break; case ',' : newRecipient += aChar; startANewRecipient = true; removeBracket = false; break; default : newRecipient += aChar; startANewRecipient = false; break; } } recipients = newRecipient; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::RememberQueuedDisposition() { // need to find the msg hdr in the saved folder and then set a property on // the header that we then look at when we actually send the message. nsresult rv; nsAutoCString dispositionSetting; if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::Reply || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup) { dispositionSetting.AssignLiteral("replied"); } else if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline) { dispositionSetting.AssignLiteral("forwarded"); } else if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::Draft) { nsAutoCString curDraftIdURL; rv = m_compFields->GetDraftId(getter_Copies(curDraftIdURL)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (!curDraftIdURL.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> draftHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(curDraftIdURL.get(), getter_AddRefs(draftHdr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); draftHdr->GetStringProperty(QUEUED_DISPOSITION_PROPERTY, getter_Copies(dispositionSetting)); } } nsMsgKey msgKey; if (mMsgSend) { mMsgSend->GetMessageKey(&msgKey); nsAutoCString msgUri(m_folderName); nsCString identityKey; m_identity->GetKey(identityKey); int32_t insertIndex = StringBeginsWith(msgUri, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("mailbox")) ? 7 : 4; msgUri.Insert("-message", insertIndex); // "mailbox/imap: -> "mailbox/imap-message:" msgUri.Append('#'); msgUri.AppendInt(msgKey); nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(msgUri.get(), getter_AddRefs(msgHdr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); uint32_t pseudoHdrProp = 0; msgHdr->GetUint32Property("pseudoHdr", &pseudoHdrProp); if (pseudoHdrProp) { // Use SetAttributeOnPendingHdr for IMAP pseudo headers, as those // will get deleted (and properties set using SetStringProperty lost.) nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> folder; rv = msgHdr->GetFolder(getter_AddRefs(folder)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDatabase> msgDB; rv = folder->GetMsgDatabase(getter_AddRefs(msgDB)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); nsCString messageId; mMsgSend->GetMessageId(messageId); msgHdr->SetMessageId(messageId.get()); if (!mOriginalMsgURI.IsEmpty()) { msgDB->SetAttributeOnPendingHdr(msgHdr, ORIG_URI_PROPERTY, mOriginalMsgURI.get()); if (!dispositionSetting.IsEmpty()) msgDB->SetAttributeOnPendingHdr(msgHdr, QUEUED_DISPOSITION_PROPERTY, dispositionSetting.get()); } msgDB->SetAttributeOnPendingHdr(msgHdr, HEADER_X_MOZILLA_IDENTITY_KEY, identityKey.get()); } else if (msgHdr) { if (!mOriginalMsgURI.IsEmpty()) { msgHdr->SetStringProperty(ORIG_URI_PROPERTY, mOriginalMsgURI.get()); if (!dispositionSetting.IsEmpty()) msgHdr->SetStringProperty(QUEUED_DISPOSITION_PROPERTY, dispositionSetting.get()); } msgHdr->SetStringProperty(HEADER_X_MOZILLA_IDENTITY_KEY, identityKey.get()); } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::ProcessReplyFlags() { nsresult rv; // check to see if we were doing a reply or a forward, if we were, set the answered field flag on the message folder // for this URI. if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::Reply || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline || mDraftDisposition != nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_None) { if (!mOriginalMsgURI.IsEmpty()) { nsCString msgUri (mOriginalMsgURI); char *newStr = msgUri.BeginWriting(); char *uri; while (nullptr != (uri = NS_strtok(",", &newStr))) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(uri, getter_AddRefs(msgHdr)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv,rv); if (msgHdr) { // get the folder for the message resource nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> msgFolder; msgHdr->GetFolder(getter_AddRefs(msgFolder)); if (msgFolder) { // If it's a draft with disposition, default to replied, otherwise, // check if it's a forward. nsMsgDispositionState dispositionSetting = nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_Replied; if (mDraftDisposition != nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_None) dispositionSetting = mDraftDisposition; else if (mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment || mType == nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline) dispositionSetting = nsIMsgFolder::nsMsgDispositionState_Forwarded; msgFolder->AddMessageDispositionState(msgHdr, dispositionSetting); if (mType != nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment) break; // just safeguard } } } } } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnStartSending(const char *aMsgID, uint32_t aMsgSize) { nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnStartSending(aMsgID, aMsgSize); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnProgress(const char *aMsgID, uint32_t aProgress, uint32_t aProgressMax) { nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnProgress(aMsgID, aProgress, aProgressMax); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnStatus(const char *aMsgID, const char16_t *aMsg) { nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnStatus(aMsgID, aMsg); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnStopSending(const char *aMsgID, nsresult aStatus, const char16_t *aMsg, nsIFile *returnFile) { nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnStopSending(aMsgID, aStatus, aMsg, returnFile); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnSendNotPerformed(const char *aMsgID, nsresult aStatus) { nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnSendNotPerformed(aMsgID, aStatus); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::OnGetDraftFolderURI(const char *aFolderURI) { m_folderName = aFolderURI; nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mExternalSendListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> externalSendListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { externalSendListener = iter.GetNext(); externalSendListener->OnGetDraftFolderURI(aFolderURI); } return NS_OK; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This is the listener class for both the send operation and the copy operation. // We have to create this class to listen for message send completion and deal with // failures in both send and copy operations //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// NS_IMPL_ADDREF(nsMsgComposeSendListener) NS_IMPL_RELEASE(nsMsgComposeSendListener) /* NS_IMPL_QUERY_INTERFACE(nsMsgComposeSendListener, nsIMsgComposeSendListener, nsIMsgSendListener, nsIMsgCopyServiceListener, nsIWebProgressListener) */ NS_INTERFACE_MAP_BEGIN(nsMsgComposeSendListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY_AMBIGUOUS(nsISupports, nsIMsgComposeSendListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMsgComposeSendListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMsgSendListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIMsgCopyServiceListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_ENTRY(nsIWebProgressListener) NS_INTERFACE_MAP_END nsMsgComposeSendListener::nsMsgComposeSendListener(void) { mDeliverMode = 0; } nsMsgComposeSendListener::~nsMsgComposeSendListener(void) { } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::SetMsgCompose(nsIMsgCompose *obj) { mWeakComposeObj = do_GetWeakReference(obj); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::SetDeliverMode(MSG_DeliverMode deliverMode) { mDeliverMode = deliverMode; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStartSending(const char *aMsgID, uint32_t aMsgSize) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnStartSending(aMsgID, aMsgSize); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnProgress(const char *aMsgID, uint32_t aProgress, uint32_t aProgressMax) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnProgress(aMsgID, aProgress, aProgressMax); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStatus(const char *aMsgID, const char16_t *aMsg) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnStatus(aMsgID, aMsg); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnSendNotPerformed(const char *aMsgID, nsresult aStatus) { // since OnSendNotPerformed is called in the case where the user aborts the operation // by closing the compose window, we need not do the stuff required // for closing the windows. However we would need to do the other operations as below. nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> msgCompose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (msgCompose) msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, aStatus); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnSendNotPerformed(aMsgID, aStatus); return rv; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStopSending(const char *aMsgID, nsresult aStatus, const char16_t *aMsg, nsIFile *returnFile) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> msgCompose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (msgCompose) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgProgress> progress; msgCompose->GetProgress(getter_AddRefs(progress)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus)) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompFields> compFields; msgCompose->GetCompFields(getter_AddRefs(compFields)); // only process the reply flags if we successfully sent the message msgCompose->ProcessReplyFlags(); // See if there is a composer window bool hasDomWindow = true; nsCOMPtr<mozIDOMWindowProxy> domWindow; rv = msgCompose->GetDomWindow(getter_AddRefs(domWindow)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !domWindow) hasDomWindow = false; // Close the window ONLY if we are not going to do a save operation nsAutoString fieldsFCC; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(compFields->GetFcc(fieldsFCC))) { if (!fieldsFCC.IsEmpty()) { if (fieldsFCC.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("nocopy://")) { msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, NS_OK); if (progress) { progress->UnregisterListener(this); progress->CloseProgressDialog(false); } if (hasDomWindow) msgCompose->CloseWindow(); } } } else { msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, NS_OK); if (progress) { progress->UnregisterListener(this); progress->CloseProgressDialog(false); } if (hasDomWindow) msgCompose->CloseWindow(); // if we fail on the simple GetFcc call, close the window to be safe and avoid // windows hanging around to prevent the app from exiting. } // Remove the current draft msg when sending draft is done. bool deleteDraft; msgCompose->GetDeleteDraft(&deleteDraft); if (deleteDraft) RemoveCurrentDraftMessage(msgCompose, false); } else { msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, aStatus); if (progress) { progress->CloseProgressDialog(true); progress->UnregisterListener(this); } } } nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnStopSending(aMsgID, aStatus, aMsg, returnFile); return rv; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnGetDraftFolderURI(const char *aFolderURI) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSendListener> composeSendListener = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && composeSendListener) composeSendListener->OnGetDraftFolderURI(aFolderURI); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStartCopy() { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnProgress(uint32_t aProgress, uint32_t aProgressMax) { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStopCopy(nsresult aStatus) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> msgCompose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj, &rv); if (msgCompose) { if (mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgQueueForLater || mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverBackground || mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft) { msgCompose->RememberQueuedDisposition(); } // Ok, if we are here, we are done with the send/copy operation so // we have to do something with the window....SHOW if failed, Close // if succeeded nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgProgress> progress; msgCompose->GetProgress(getter_AddRefs(progress)); if (progress) { // Unregister ourself from msg compose progress progress->UnregisterListener(this); progress->CloseProgressDialog(NS_FAILED(aStatus)); } msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone, aStatus); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(aStatus)) { // We should only close the window if we are done. Things like templates // and drafts aren't done so their windows should stay open if (mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsDraft || mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgSaveAsTemplate) { msgCompose->NotifyStateListeners(nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::SaveInFolderDone, aStatus); // Remove the current draft msg when saving as draft/template is done. msgCompose->SetDeleteDraft(true); RemoveCurrentDraftMessage(msgCompose, true); } else { // Remove (possible) draft if we're in send later mode if (mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgQueueForLater || mDeliverMode == nsIMsgSend::nsMsgDeliverBackground) { msgCompose->SetDeleteDraft(true); RemoveCurrentDraftMessage(msgCompose, true); } msgCompose->CloseWindow(); } } msgCompose->ClearMessageSend(); } return rv; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::GetMsgFolder(nsIMsgCompose *compObj, nsIMsgFolder **msgFolder) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> aMsgFolder; nsCString folderUri; rv = compObj->GetSavedFolderURI(getter_Copies(folderUri)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIRDFService> rdfService (do_GetService("@mozilla.org/rdf/rdf-service;1", &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr <nsIRDFResource> resource; rv = rdfService->GetResource(folderUri, getter_AddRefs(resource)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); aMsgFolder = do_QueryInterface(resource, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); NS_IF_ADDREF(*msgFolder = aMsgFolder); return rv; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::RemoveCurrentDraftMessage(nsIMsgCompose *compObj, bool calledByCopy) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgCompFields> compFields = nullptr; rv = compObj->GetCompFields(getter_AddRefs(compFields)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't get compose fields"); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !compFields) return rv; nsCString curDraftIdURL; nsMsgKey newUid = 0; nsCString newDraftIdURL; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> msgFolder; rv = compFields->GetDraftId(getter_Copies(curDraftIdURL)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't get draft id"); // Skip if no draft id (probably a new draft msg). if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !curDraftIdURL.IsEmpty()) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgDBHdr> msgDBHdr; rv = GetMsgDBHdrFromURI(curDraftIdURL.get(), getter_AddRefs(msgDBHdr)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't get msg header DB interface pointer."); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && msgDBHdr) { do { // Break on failure or removal not needed. // Get the folder for the message resource. rv = msgDBHdr->GetFolder(getter_AddRefs(msgFolder)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't get msg folder interface pointer."); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !msgFolder) break; // Only do this if it's a drafts folder. bool isDraft; msgFolder->GetFlag(nsMsgFolderFlags::Drafts, &isDraft); if (!isDraft) break; // Only remove if the message is actually in the db. It might have only // been in the use cache. nsMsgKey key; rv = msgDBHdr->GetMessageKey(&key); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) break; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgDatabase> db; msgFolder->GetMsgDatabase(getter_AddRefs(db)); if (!db) break; bool containsKey = false; db->ContainsKey(key, &containsKey); if (!containsKey) break; // Build the msg array. nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> messageArray(do_CreateInstance(NS_ARRAY_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't allocate array."); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !messageArray) break; rv = messageArray->AppendElement(msgDBHdr, false); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't append msg header to array."); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) break; // Ready to delete the msg. rv = msgFolder->DeleteMessages(messageArray, nullptr, true, false, nullptr, false /*allowUndo*/); NS_ASSERTION(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv), "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage can't delete message."); } while(false); } else { // If we get here we have the case where the draft folder // is on the server and // it's not currently open (in thread pane), so draft // msgs are saved to the server // but they're not in our local DB. In this case, // GetMsgDBHdrFromURI() will never // find the msg. If the draft folder is a local one // then we'll not get here because // the draft msgs are saved to the local folder and // are in local DB. Make sure the // msg folder is imap. Even if we get here due to // DB errors (worst case), we should // still try to delete msg on the server because // that's where the master copy of the // msgs are stored, if draft folder is on the server. // For local case, since DB is bad // we can't do anything with it anyway so it'll be // noop in this case. rv = GetMsgFolder(compObj, getter_AddRefs(msgFolder)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && msgFolder) { nsCOMPtr <nsIMsgImapMailFolder> imapFolder = do_QueryInterface(msgFolder); NS_ASSERTION(imapFolder, "The draft folder MUST be an imap folder in order to mark the msg delete!"); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && imapFolder) { const char * str = PL_strchr(curDraftIdURL.get(), '#'); NS_ASSERTION(str, "Failed to get current draft id url"); if (str) { nsAutoCString srcStr(str+1); nsresult err; nsMsgKey messageID = srcStr.ToInteger(&err); if (messageID != nsMsgKey_None) { rv = imapFolder->StoreImapFlags(kImapMsgDeletedFlag, true, &messageID, 1, nullptr); } } } } } } // Now get the new uid so that next save will remove the right msg // regardless whether or not the exiting msg can be deleted. if (calledByCopy) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgFolder> savedToFolder; nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSend> msgSend; rv = compObj->GetMessageSend(getter_AddRefs(msgSend)); NS_ASSERTION(msgSend, "RemoveCurrentDraftMessage msgSend is null."); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !msgSend) return rv; rv = msgSend->GetMessageKey(&newUid); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Make sure we have a folder interface pointer rv = GetMsgFolder(compObj, getter_AddRefs(savedToFolder)); // Reset draft (uid) url with the new uid. if (savedToFolder && newUid != nsMsgKey_None) { uint32_t folderFlags; savedToFolder->GetFlags(&folderFlags); if (folderFlags & nsMsgFolderFlags::Drafts) { rv = savedToFolder->GenerateMessageURI(newUid, newDraftIdURL); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); compFields->SetDraftId(newDraftIdURL.get()); } } } return rv; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::SetMessageKey(nsMsgKey aMessageKey) { return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgComposeSendListener::GetMessageId(nsACString& messageId) { return NS_OK; } /* void onStateChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in unsigned long aStateFlags, in nsresult aStatus); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStateChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, uint32_t aStateFlags, nsresult aStatus) { if (aStateFlags == nsIWebProgressListener::STATE_STOP) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgCompose> msgCompose = do_QueryReferent(mWeakComposeObj); if (msgCompose) { nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgProgress> progress; msgCompose->GetProgress(getter_AddRefs(progress)); // Time to stop any pending operation... if (progress) { // Unregister ourself from msg compose progress progress->UnregisterListener(this); bool bCanceled = false; progress->GetProcessCanceledByUser(&bCanceled); if (bCanceled) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundleService> bundleService = mozilla::services::GetStringBundleService(); NS_ENSURE_TRUE(bundleService, NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED); nsCOMPtr<nsIStringBundle> bundle; rv = bundleService->CreateBundle( "chrome://messenger/locale/messengercompose/composeMsgs.properties", getter_AddRefs(bundle)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsString msg; bundle->GetStringFromName(u"msgCancelling", getter_Copies(msg)); progress->OnStatusChange(nullptr, nullptr, NS_OK, msg.get()); } } nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgSend> msgSend; msgCompose->GetMessageSend(getter_AddRefs(msgSend)); if (msgSend) msgSend->Abort(); } } return NS_OK; } /* void onProgressChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in long aCurSelfProgress, in long aMaxSelfProgress, in long aCurTotalProgress, in long aMaxTotalProgress); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnProgressChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, int32_t aCurSelfProgress, int32_t aMaxSelfProgress, int32_t aCurTotalProgress, int32_t aMaxTotalProgress) { /* Ignore this call */ return NS_OK; } /* void onLocationChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in nsIURI location, in unsigned long aFlags); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnLocationChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, nsIURI *location, uint32_t aFlags) { /* Ignore this call */ return NS_OK; } /* void onStatusChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in nsresult aStatus, in wstring aMessage); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnStatusChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, nsresult aStatus, const char16_t *aMessage) { /* Ignore this call */ return NS_OK; } /* void onSecurityChange (in nsIWebProgress aWebProgress, in nsIRequest aRequest, in unsigned long state); */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgComposeSendListener::OnSecurityChange(nsIWebProgress *aWebProgress, nsIRequest *aRequest, uint32_t state) { /* Ignore this call */ return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::ConvertHTMLToText(nsIFile *aSigFile, nsString &aSigData) { nsAutoString origBuf; nsresult rv = LoadDataFromFile(aSigFile, origBuf); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS (rv, rv); ConvertBufToPlainText(origBuf, false, false, true, true); aSigData = origBuf; return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::ConvertTextToHTML(nsIFile *aSigFile, nsString &aSigData) { nsresult rv; nsAutoString origBuf; rv = LoadDataFromFile(aSigFile, origBuf); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Ok, once we are here, we need to escape the data to make sure that // we don't do HTML stuff with plain text sigs. // char16_t *escaped = MsgEscapeHTML2(origBuf.get(), origBuf.Length()); if (escaped) { aSigData.Append(escaped); NS_Free(escaped); } else aSigData.Append(origBuf); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::LoadDataFromFile(nsIFile *file, nsString &sigData, bool aAllowUTF8, bool aAllowUTF16) { int32_t readSize; uint32_t nGot; char *readBuf; char *ptr; bool isDirectory = false; file->IsDirectory(&isDirectory); if (isDirectory) { NS_ERROR("file is a directory"); return NS_MSG_ERROR_READING_FILE; } nsCOMPtr <nsIInputStream> inputFile; nsresult rv = NS_NewLocalFileInputStream(getter_AddRefs(inputFile), file); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_MSG_ERROR_READING_FILE; int64_t fileSize; file->GetFileSize(&fileSize); readSize = (uint32_t) fileSize; ptr = readBuf = (char *)PR_Malloc(readSize + 1); if (!readBuf) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; memset(readBuf, 0, readSize + 1); while (readSize) { inputFile->Read(ptr, readSize, &nGot); if (nGot) { readSize -= nGot; ptr += nGot; } else { readSize = 0; } } inputFile->Close(); readSize = (uint32_t) fileSize; nsAutoCString sigEncoding(nsMsgI18NParseMetaCharset(file)); bool removeSigCharset = !sigEncoding.IsEmpty() && m_composeHTML; if (sigEncoding.IsEmpty()) { if (aAllowUTF8 && MsgIsUTF8(nsDependentCString(readBuf))) { sigEncoding.Assign("UTF-8"); } else if (sigEncoding.IsEmpty() && aAllowUTF16 && readSize % 2 == 0 && readSize >= 2 && ((readBuf[0] == char(0xFE) && readBuf[1] == char(0xFF)) || (readBuf[0] == char(0xFF) && readBuf[1] == char(0xFE)))) { sigEncoding.Assign("UTF-16"); } else { //default to platform encoding for plain text files w/o meta charset nsAutoCString textFileCharset; nsMsgI18NTextFileCharset(textFileCharset); sigEncoding.Assign(textFileCharset); } } nsAutoCString readStr(readBuf, (int32_t) fileSize); PR_FREEIF(readBuf); // XXX: ^^^ could really use nsContentUtils::SlurpFileToString instead! if (NS_FAILED(ConvertToUnicode(sigEncoding.get(), readStr, sigData))) CopyASCIItoUTF16(readStr, sigData); //remove sig meta charset to allow user charset override during composition if (removeSigCharset) { nsAutoCString metaCharset("charset="); metaCharset.Append(sigEncoding); int32_t pos = sigData.Find(metaCharset.BeginReading(), true); if (pos != kNotFound) sigData.Cut(pos, metaCharset.Length()); } return NS_OK; } /** * If the data contains file URLs, convert them to data URLs instead. * This is intended to be used in for signature files, so that we can make sure * images loaded into the editor are available on send. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::ReplaceFileURLs(nsAutoString &aData) { int32_t fPos; int32_t offset = -1; while ((fPos = aData.RFind("file://", true, offset)) != kNotFound) { if (fPos != kNotFound && fPos > 0) { char16_t q = aData.CharAt(fPos - 1); bool quoted = (q == '"' || q == '\''); int32_t end = kNotFound; if (quoted) { end = aData.FindChar(q, fPos); } else { int32_t spacePos = aData.FindChar(' ', fPos); int32_t gtPos = aData.FindChar('>', fPos); if (gtPos != kNotFound && spacePos != kNotFound) { end = (spacePos < gtPos) ? spacePos : gtPos; } else if (gtPos == kNotFound && spacePos != kNotFound) { end = spacePos; } else if (gtPos != kNotFound && spacePos == kNotFound) { end = gtPos; } } if (end == kNotFound) { break; } nsString fileURL; fileURL = Substring(aData, fPos, end - fPos); nsString dataURL; nsresult rv = DataURLForFileURL(fileURL, dataURL); // If this one failed, maybe because the file wasn't found, // continue to process the next one. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { aData.Replace(fPos, end - fPos, dataURL); } offset = fPos - 1; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::DataURLForFileURL(const nsAString &aFileURL, nsAString &aDataURL) { nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mime = do_GetService("@mozilla.org/mime;1", &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> fileUri; rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(fileUri), NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aFileURL).get()); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIFileURL> fileUrl(do_QueryInterface(fileUri, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file; rv = fileUrl->GetFile(getter_AddRefs(file)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString type; rv = mime->GetTypeFromFile(file, type); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString data; rv = nsContentUtils::SlurpFileToString(file, data); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); aDataURL.AssignLiteral("data:"); AppendUTF8toUTF16(type, aDataURL); nsAutoString filename; rv = file->GetLeafName(filename); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { nsAutoCString fn; MsgEscapeURL(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(filename), nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_FILE_BASENAME | nsINetUtil::ESCAPE_URL_FORCED, fn); if (!fn.IsEmpty()) { aDataURL.AppendLiteral(";filename="); aDataURL.Append(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(fn)); } } aDataURL.AppendLiteral(";base64,"); char *result = PL_Base64Encode(data.get(), data.Length(), nullptr); nsDependentCString base64data(result); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); AppendUTF8toUTF16(base64data, aDataURL); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::BuildQuotedMessageAndSignature(void) { // // This should never happen...if it does, just bail out... // NS_ASSERTION(m_editor, "BuildQuotedMessageAndSignature but no editor!\n"); if (!m_editor) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // We will fire off the quote operation and wait for it to // finish before we actually do anything with Ender... return QuoteOriginalMessage(); } // // This will process the signature file for the user. This method // will always append the results to the mMsgBody member variable. // nsresult nsMsgCompose::ProcessSignature(nsIMsgIdentity *identity, bool aQuoted, nsString *aMsgBody) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // Now, we can get sort of fancy. This is the time we need to check // for all sorts of user defined stuff, like signatures and editor // types and the like! // // user_pref(".....sig_file", "y:\\sig.html"); // user_pref(".....attach_signature", true); // user_pref(".....htmlSigText", "unicode sig"); // // Note: We will have intelligent signature behavior in that we // look at the signature file first...if the extension is .htm or // .html, we assume its HTML, otherwise, we assume it is plain text // // ...and that's not all! What we will also do now is look and see if // the file is an image file. If it is an image file, then we should // insert the correct HTML into the composer to have it work, but if we // are doing plain text compose, we should insert some sort of message // saying "Image Signature Omitted" or something (not done yet). // // If there's a sig pref, it will only be used if there is no sig file defined, // thus if attach_signature is checked, htmlSigText is ignored (bug 324495). // Plain-text signatures may or may not have a trailing line break (bug 428040). nsAutoCString sigNativePath; bool attachFile = false; bool useSigFile = false; bool htmlSig = false; bool imageSig = false; nsAutoString sigData; nsAutoString sigOutput; int32_t reply_on_top = 0; bool sig_bottom = true; bool suppressSigSep = false; nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> sigFile; if (identity) { if (!CheckIncludeSignaturePrefs(identity)) return NS_OK; identity->GetReplyOnTop(&reply_on_top); identity->GetSigBottom(&sig_bottom); identity->GetSuppressSigSep(&suppressSigSep); rv = identity->GetAttachSignature(&attachFile); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && attachFile) { rv = identity->GetSignature(getter_AddRefs(sigFile)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && sigFile) { rv = sigFile->GetNativePath(sigNativePath); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !sigNativePath.IsEmpty()) { bool exists = false; sigFile->Exists(&exists); if (exists) { useSigFile = true; // ok, there's a signature file // Now, most importantly, we need to figure out what the content type is for // this signature...if we can't, we assume text nsAutoCString sigContentType; nsresult rv2; // don't want to clobber the other rv nsCOMPtr<nsIMIMEService> mimeFinder (do_GetService(NS_MIMESERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv2)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv2)) { rv2 = mimeFinder->GetTypeFromFile(sigFile, sigContentType); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv2)) { if (StringBeginsWith(sigContentType, NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("image/"), nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator())) imageSig = true; else if (sigContentType.Equals(TEXT_HTML, nsCaseInsensitiveCStringComparator())) htmlSig = true; } } } } } } } // Unless signature to be attached from file, use preference value; // the htmlSigText value is always going to be treated as html if // the htmlSigFormat pref is true, otherwise it is considered text nsAutoString prefSigText; if (identity && !attachFile) identity->GetHtmlSigText(prefSigText); // Now, if they didn't even want to use a signature, we should // just return nicely. // if ((!useSigFile && prefSigText.IsEmpty()) || NS_FAILED(rv)) return NS_OK; static const char htmlBreak[] = "<br>"; static const char dashes[] = "-- "; static const char htmlsigopen[] = "<div class=\"moz-signature\">"; static const char htmlsigclose[] = "</div>"; /* XXX: Due to a bug in 4.x' HTML editor, it will not be able to break this HTML sig, if quoted (for the user to interleave a comment). */ static const char _preopen[] = "<pre class=\"moz-signature\" cols=%d>"; char* preopen; static const char preclose[] = "</pre>"; int32_t wrapLength = 72; // setup default value in case GetWrapLength failed GetWrapLength(&wrapLength); preopen = PR_smprintf(_preopen, wrapLength); if (!preopen) return NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY; bool paragraphMode = mozilla::Preferences::GetBool("mail.compose.default_to_paragraph", false); if (imageSig) { // We have an image signature. If we're using the in HTML composer, we // should put in the appropriate HTML for inclusion, otherwise, do nothing. if (m_composeHTML) { if (!paragraphMode) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlBreak); sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlsigopen); if ((mType == nsIMsgCompType::NewsPost || !suppressSigSep) && (reply_on_top != 1 || sig_bottom || !aQuoted)) { sigOutput.AppendLiteral(dashes); } sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlBreak); sigOutput.AppendLiteral("<img src='"); nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> fileURI; nsresult rv = NS_NewFileURI(getter_AddRefs(fileURI), sigFile); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCString fileURL; fileURI->GetSpec(fileURL); nsString dataURL; rv = DataURLForFileURL(NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(fileURL), dataURL); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { sigOutput.Append(dataURL); } sigOutput.AppendLiteral("' border=0>"); sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlsigclose); } } else if (useSigFile) { // is this a text sig with an HTML editor? if ( (m_composeHTML) && (!htmlSig) ) { ConvertTextToHTML(sigFile, sigData); } // is this a HTML sig with a text window? else if ( (!m_composeHTML) && (htmlSig) ) { ConvertHTMLToText(sigFile, sigData); } else { // We have a match... LoadDataFromFile(sigFile, sigData); // Get the data! ReplaceFileURLs(sigData); } } // if we have a prefSigText, append it to sigData. if (!prefSigText.IsEmpty()) { // set htmlSig if the pref is supposed to contain HTML code, defaults to false rv = identity->GetHtmlSigFormat(&htmlSig); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) htmlSig = false; if (!m_composeHTML) { if (htmlSig) ConvertBufToPlainText(prefSigText, false, false, true, true); sigData.Append(prefSigText); } else { if (!htmlSig) { char16_t* escaped = MsgEscapeHTML2(prefSigText.get(), prefSigText.Length()); if (escaped) { sigData.Append(escaped); NS_Free(escaped); } else sigData.Append(prefSigText); } else { ReplaceFileURLs(prefSigText); sigData.Append(prefSigText); } } } // post-processing for plain-text signatures to ensure we end in CR, LF, or CRLF if (!htmlSig && !m_composeHTML) { int32_t sigLength = sigData.Length(); if (sigLength > 0 && !(sigData.CharAt(sigLength - 1) == '\r') && !(sigData.CharAt(sigLength - 1) == '\n')) sigData.AppendLiteral(CRLF); } // Now that sigData holds data...if any, append it to the body in a nice // looking manner if (!sigData.IsEmpty()) { if (m_composeHTML) { if (!paragraphMode) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlBreak); if (htmlSig) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlsigopen); else sigOutput.Append(NS_ConvertASCIItoUTF16(preopen)); } if ((reply_on_top != 1 || sig_bottom || !aQuoted) && sigData.Find("\r-- \r", true) < 0 && sigData.Find("\n-- \n", true) < 0 && sigData.Find("\n-- \r", true) < 0) { nsDependentSubstring firstFourChars(sigData, 0, 4); if ((mType == nsIMsgCompType::NewsPost || !suppressSigSep) && !(firstFourChars.EqualsLiteral("-- \n") || firstFourChars.EqualsLiteral("-- \r"))) { sigOutput.AppendLiteral(dashes); if (!m_composeHTML || !htmlSig) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(CRLF); else if (m_composeHTML) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlBreak); } } // add CRLF before signature for plain-text mode if signature comes before quote if (!m_composeHTML && reply_on_top == 1 && !sig_bottom && aQuoted) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(CRLF); sigOutput.Append(sigData); if (m_composeHTML) { if (htmlSig) sigOutput.AppendLiteral(htmlsigclose); else sigOutput.AppendLiteral(preclose); } } aMsgBody->Append(sigOutput); PR_Free(preopen); return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::BuildBodyMessageAndSignature() { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // // This should never happen...if it does, just bail out... // if (!m_editor) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; // // Now, we have the body so we can just blast it into the // composition editor window. // nsAutoString body; m_compFields->GetBody(body); /* Some time we want to add a signature and sometime we wont. Let's figure that now...*/ bool addSignature; bool isQuoted = false; switch (mType) { case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardInline : addSignature = true; isQuoted = true; break; case nsIMsgCompType::New : case nsIMsgCompType::MailToUrl : /* same as New */ case nsIMsgCompType::Reply : /* should not happen! but just in case */ case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyAll : /* should not happen! but just in case */ case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToList : /* should not happen! but just in case */ case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment : /* should not happen! but just in case */ case nsIMsgCompType::NewsPost : case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToGroup : case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSender : case nsIMsgCompType::ReplyToSenderAndGroup : addSignature = true; break; case nsIMsgCompType::Draft : case nsIMsgCompType::Template : case nsIMsgCompType::Redirect : addSignature = false; break; default : addSignature = false; break; } nsAutoString tSignature; if (addSignature) ProcessSignature(m_identity, isQuoted, &tSignature); // if type is new, but we have body, this is probably a mapi send, so we need to // replace '\n' with <br> so that the line breaks won't be lost by html. // if mailtourl, do the same. if (m_composeHTML && (mType == nsIMsgCompType::New || mType == nsIMsgCompType::MailToUrl)) MsgReplaceSubstring(body, NS_LITERAL_STRING("\n"), NS_LITERAL_STRING("<br>")); // Restore flowed text wrapping for Drafts/Templates. // Look for unquoted lines - if we have an unquoted line // that ends in a space, join this line with the next one // by removing the end of line char(s). int32_t wrapping_enabled = 0; GetWrapLength(&wrapping_enabled); if (!m_composeHTML && wrapping_enabled) { bool quote = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < body.Length(); i ++) { if (i == 0 || body[i - 1] == '\n') // newline { if (body[i] == '>') { quote = true; continue; } nsString s(Substring(body, i, 10)); if (StringBeginsWith(s, NS_LITERAL_STRING("-- \r")) || StringBeginsWith(s, NS_LITERAL_STRING("-- \n"))) { i += 4; continue; } if (StringBeginsWith(s, NS_LITERAL_STRING("- -- \r")) || StringBeginsWith(s, NS_LITERAL_STRING("- -- \n"))) { i += 6; continue; } } if (body[i] == '\n' && i > 1) { if (quote) { quote = false; continue; // skip quoted lines } uint32_t j = i - 1; // look backward for space if (body[j] == '\r') j --; if (body[j] == ' ') // join this line with next one body.Cut(j + 1, i - j); // remove CRLF } } } nsString empty; rv = ConvertAndLoadComposeWindow(empty, body, tSignature, false, m_composeHTML); return rv; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::NotifyStateListeners(int32_t aNotificationType, nsresult aResult) { if (aNotificationType == nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::SaveInFolderDone) ResetUrisForEmbeddedObjects(); nsTObserverArray<nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeStateListener> >::ForwardIterator iter(mStateListeners); nsCOMPtr<nsIMsgComposeStateListener> thisListener; while (iter.HasMore()) { thisListener = iter.GetNext(); switch (aNotificationType) { case nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeFieldsReady: thisListener->NotifyComposeFieldsReady(); break; case nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeProcessDone: thisListener->ComposeProcessDone(aResult); break; case nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::SaveInFolderDone: thisListener->SaveInFolderDone(m_folderName.get()); break; case nsIMsgComposeNotificationType::ComposeBodyReady: thisListener->NotifyComposeBodyReady(); break; default: NS_NOTREACHED("Unknown notification"); break; } } return NS_OK; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::AttachmentPrettyName(const nsACString & scheme, const char* charset, nsACString& _retval) { nsresult rv; if (MsgLowerCaseEqualsLiteral(StringHead(scheme, 5), "file:")) { nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> file; rv = NS_GetFileFromURLSpec(scheme, getter_AddRefs(file)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString leafName; rv = file->GetLeafName(leafName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); CopyUTF16toUTF8(leafName, _retval); return rv; } // To work around a mysterious bug in VC++ 6. const char* cset = (!charset || !*charset) ? "UTF-8" : charset; nsCOMPtr<nsITextToSubURI> textToSubURI = do_GetService(NS_ITEXTTOSUBURI_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsAutoString retUrl; rv = textToSubURI->UnEscapeURIForUI(nsDependentCString(cset), scheme, retUrl); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { CopyUTF16toUTF8(retUrl, _retval); } else { _retval.Assign(scheme); } if (MsgLowerCaseEqualsLiteral(StringHead(scheme, 5), "http:")) _retval.Cut(0, 7); return NS_OK; } /** * Retrieve address book directories and mailing lists. * * @param aDirUri directory URI * @param allDirectoriesArray retrieved directories and sub-directories * @param allMailListArray retrieved maillists */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::GetABDirAndMailLists(const nsACString& aDirUri, nsCOMArray<nsIAbDirectory> &aDirArray, nsTArray<nsMsgMailList> &aMailListArray) { static bool collectedAddressbookFound; if (aDirUri.EqualsLiteral(kMDBDirectoryRoot)) collectedAddressbookFound = false; nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIAbManager> abManager = do_GetService(NS_ABMANAGER_CONTRACTID, &rv); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> directory; rv = abManager->GetDirectory(aDirUri, getter_AddRefs(directory)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsCOMPtr<nsISimpleEnumerator> subDirectories; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(directory->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(subDirectories))) && subDirectories) { nsCOMPtr<nsISupports> item; bool hasMore; while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv = subDirectories->HasMoreElements(&hasMore)) && hasMore) { if (NS_SUCCEEDED(subDirectories->GetNext(getter_AddRefs(item)))) { directory = do_QueryInterface(item, &rv); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { bool bIsMailList; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(directory->GetIsMailList(&bIsMailList)) && bIsMailList) { aMailListArray.AppendElement(directory); continue; } nsCString uri; rv = directory->GetURI(uri); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); int32_t pos; if (uri.EqualsLiteral(kPersonalAddressbookUri)) pos = 0; else { uint32_t count = aDirArray.Count(); if (uri.EqualsLiteral(kCollectedAddressbookUri)) { collectedAddressbookFound = true; pos = count; } else { if (collectedAddressbookFound && count > 1) pos = count - 1; else pos = count; } } aDirArray.InsertObjectAt(directory, pos); rv = GetABDirAndMailLists(uri, aDirArray, aMailListArray); } } } } return rv; } /** * Comparator for use with nsTArray::IndexOf to find a recipient. * This comparator will check if an "address" is a mail list or not. */ struct nsMsgMailListComparator { // A mail list will have one of the formats // 1) "mName <mDescription>" when the list has a description // 2) "mName <mName>" when the list lacks description // A recipient is of the form "mName <mEmail>" - for equality the list // name must be the same. The recipient "email" must match the list name for // case 1, and the list description for case 2. bool Equals(const nsMsgMailList &mailList, const nsMsgRecipient &recipient) const { if (!mailList.mName.Equals(recipient.mName, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) return false; return mailList.mDescription.IsEmpty() ? mailList.mName.Equals(recipient.mEmail, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator()) : mailList.mDescription.Equals(recipient.mEmail, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator()); } }; /** * Comparator for use with nsTArray::IndexOf to find a recipient. */ struct nsMsgRecipientComparator { bool Equals(const nsMsgRecipient &recipient, const nsMsgRecipient &recipientToFind) const { if (!recipient.mEmail.Equals(recipientToFind.mEmail, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) return false; if (!recipient.mName.Equals(recipientToFind.mName, nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) return false; return true; } }; /** * This function recursively resolves a mailing list and returns individual * email addresses. Nested lists are supported. It maintains an array of * already visited mailing lists to avoid endless recursion. * * @param aMailList the list * @param allDirectoriesArray all directories * @param allMailListArray all maillists * @param mailListProcessed maillists processed (to avoid recursive lists) * @param aListMembers list members */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::ResolveMailList(nsIAbDirectory* aMailList, nsCOMArray<nsIAbDirectory> &allDirectoriesArray, nsTArray<nsMsgMailList> &allMailListArray, nsTArray<nsMsgMailList> &mailListProcessed, nsTArray<nsMsgRecipient> &aListMembers) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; nsCOMPtr<nsIMutableArray> mailListAddresses; rv = aMailList->GetAddressLists(getter_AddRefs(mailListAddresses)); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; uint32_t nbrAddresses = 0; mailListAddresses->GetLength(&nbrAddresses); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nbrAddresses; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIAbCard> existingCard(do_QueryElementAt(mailListAddresses, i, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); nsMsgRecipient newRecipient; rv = existingCard->GetDisplayName(newRecipient.mName); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); rv = existingCard->GetPrimaryEmail(newRecipient.mEmail); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (newRecipient.mName.IsEmpty() && newRecipient.mEmail.IsEmpty()) { continue; } // First check if it's a mailing list. size_t index = allMailListArray.IndexOf(newRecipient, 0, nsMsgMailListComparator()); if (index != allMailListArray.NoIndex && allMailListArray[index].mDirectory) { // Check if maillist processed. if (mailListProcessed.Contains(newRecipient, nsMsgMailListComparator())) { continue; } nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> directory2(allMailListArray[index].mDirectory); // Add mailList to mailListProcessed. mailListProcessed.AppendElement(directory2); // Resolve mailList members. rv = ResolveMailList(directory2, allDirectoriesArray, allMailListArray, mailListProcessed, aListMembers); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); continue; } // Check if recipient is in aListMembers. if (aListMembers.Contains(newRecipient, nsMsgRecipientComparator())) { continue; } // Now we need to insert the new address into the list of recipients. newRecipient.mCard = existingCard; newRecipient.mDirectory = aMailList; aListMembers.AppendElement(newRecipient); } return rv; } /** * Lookup the recipients as specified in the compose fields (To, Cc, Bcc) * in the address books and return an array of individual recipients. * Mailing lists are replaced by the cards they contain, nested and recursive * lists are taken care of, recipients contained in multiple lists are only * added once. * * @param recipientsList (out) recipient array */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::LookupAddressBook(RecipientsArray &recipientsList) { nsresult rv = NS_OK; // First, build some arrays with the original recipients. nsAutoString originalRecipients[MAX_OF_RECIPIENT_ARRAY]; m_compFields->GetTo(originalRecipients[0]); m_compFields->GetCc(originalRecipients[1]); m_compFields->GetBcc(originalRecipients[2]); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_OF_RECIPIENT_ARRAY; ++i) { if (originalRecipients[i].IsEmpty()) continue; rv = m_compFields->SplitRecipientsEx(originalRecipients[i], recipientsList[i]); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); } // Then look them up in the Addressbooks bool stillNeedToSearch = true; nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> abDirectory; nsCOMPtr<nsIAbCard> existingCard; nsTArray<nsMsgMailList> mailListArray; nsTArray<nsMsgMailList> mailListProcessed; nsCOMArray<nsIAbDirectory> addrbookDirArray; rv = GetABDirAndMailLists(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING(kAllDirectoryRoot), addrbookDirArray, mailListArray); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsString dirPath; uint32_t nbrAddressbook = addrbookDirArray.Count(); for (uint32_t k = 0; k < nbrAddressbook && stillNeedToSearch; ++k) { // Avoid recursive mailing lists. if (abDirectory && (addrbookDirArray[k] == abDirectory)) { stillNeedToSearch = false; break; } abDirectory = addrbookDirArray[k]; if (!abDirectory) continue; stillNeedToSearch = false; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_OF_RECIPIENT_ARRAY; i ++) { mailListProcessed.Clear(); // Note: We check this each time to allow for length changes. for (uint32_t j = 0; j < recipientsList[i].Length(); j++) { nsMsgRecipient &recipient = recipientsList[i][j]; if (!recipient.mDirectory) { // First check if it's a mailing list. size_t index = mailListArray.IndexOf(recipient, 0, nsMsgMailListComparator()); if (index != mailListArray.NoIndex && mailListArray[index].mDirectory) { // Check mailList Processed. if (mailListProcessed.Contains(recipient, nsMsgMailListComparator())) { // Remove from recipientsList. recipientsList[i].RemoveElementAt(j--); continue; } nsCOMPtr<nsIAbDirectory> directory(mailListArray[index].mDirectory); // Add mailList to mailListProcessed. mailListProcessed.AppendElement(directory); // Resolve mailList members. nsTArray<nsMsgRecipient> members; rv = ResolveMailList(directory, addrbookDirArray, mailListArray, mailListProcessed, members); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Remove mailList from recipientsList. recipientsList[i].RemoveElementAt(j); // Merge members into recipientsList[i]. uint32_t pos = 0; for (uint32_t c = 0; c < members.Length(); c++) { nsMsgRecipient &member = members[c]; if (!recipientsList[i].Contains(member, nsMsgRecipientComparator())) { recipientsList[i].InsertElementAt(j + pos, member); pos++; } } } else { // Find a card that contains this e-mail address. rv = abDirectory->CardForEmailAddress(NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(recipient.mEmail), getter_AddRefs(existingCard)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && existingCard) { recipient.mCard = existingCard; recipient.mDirectory = abDirectory; } else { stillNeedToSearch = true; } } } } } } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::ExpandMailingLists() { RecipientsArray recipientsList; nsresult rv = LookupAddressBook(recipientsList); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Reset the final headers with the expanded mailing lists. nsAutoString recipientsStr; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_OF_RECIPIENT_ARRAY; ++i) { uint32_t nbrRecipients = recipientsList[i].Length(); if (nbrRecipients == 0) continue; recipientsStr.Truncate(); // Note: We check this each time to allow for length changes. for (uint32_t j = 0; j < recipientsList[i].Length(); ++j) { nsMsgRecipient &recipient = recipientsList[i][j]; if (!recipientsStr.IsEmpty()) recipientsStr.Append(char16_t(',')); nsAutoString address; MakeMimeAddress(recipient.mName, recipient.mEmail, address); recipientsStr.Append(address); if (recipient.mCard) { bool readOnly; rv = recipient.mDirectory->GetReadOnly(&readOnly); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Bump the popularity index for this card since we are about to send // e-mail to it. if (!readOnly) { uint32_t popularityIndex = 0; if (NS_FAILED(recipient.mCard->GetPropertyAsUint32( kPopularityIndexProperty, &popularityIndex))) { // TB 2 wrote the popularity value as hex, so if we get here, // then we've probably got a hex value. We'll convert it back // to decimal, as that's the best we can do. nsCString hexPopularity; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(recipient.mCard->GetPropertyAsAUTF8String( kPopularityIndexProperty, hexPopularity))) { nsresult errorCode = NS_OK; popularityIndex = hexPopularity.ToInteger(&errorCode, 16); if (NS_FAILED(errorCode)) // We failed, just set it to zero. popularityIndex = 0; } else // We couldn't get it as a string either, so just reset to zero. popularityIndex = 0; } recipient.mCard->SetPropertyAsUint32(kPopularityIndexProperty, ++popularityIndex); recipient.mDirectory->ModifyCard(recipient.mCard); } } } switch (i) { case 0: m_compFields->SetTo(recipientsStr); break; case 1: m_compFields->SetCc(recipientsStr); break; case 2: m_compFields->SetBcc(recipientsStr); break; } } return NS_OK; } /** * This function implements the decision logic for delivery format 'Auto-Detect', * including optional 'Auto-Downgrade' behaviour for HTML messages considered * convertible (silent, "lossless" conversion to plain text). * @param aConvertible the result of analysing message body convertibility: * nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain | Yes | Altering | No * @return nsIMsgCompSendFormat::AskUser | PlainText | HTML | Both */ NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::DetermineHTMLAction(int32_t aConvertible, int32_t *result) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(result); nsresult rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefBranch(do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID, &rv)); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // *** Message-centric Auto-Downgrade *** // If the message has practically no HTML formatting, // AND if user accepts auto-downgrading (send options pref), // bypass auto-detection of recipients' preferences and just // send the message as plain text (silent, "lossless" conversion); // which will also avoid asking for newsgroups for this typical scenario. bool autoDowngrade = true; rv = prefBranch->GetBoolPref("mailnews.sendformat.auto_downgrade", &autoDowngrade); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); if (autoDowngrade && (aConvertible == nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain)) { *result = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::PlainText; return NS_OK; } // *** Newsgroups *** // Right now, we don't have logic for newsgroups for intelligent send // preferences. Therefore, bail out early and save us a lot of work if there // are newsgroups. nsAutoString newsgroups; m_compFields->GetNewsgroups(newsgroups); if (!newsgroups.IsEmpty()) { *result = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::AskUser; return NS_OK; } // *** Recipient-Centric Auto-Detect *** RecipientsArray recipientsList; rv = LookupAddressBook(recipientsList); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // Finally return the list of non-HTML recipients if requested and/or rebuilt // the recipient field. Also, check for domain preference when preferFormat // is unknown. nsString plaintextDomains; nsString htmlDomains; if (prefBranch) { NS_GetUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(prefBranch, "mailnews.plaintext_domains", EmptyString(), plaintextDomains); NS_GetUnicharPreferenceWithDefault(prefBranch, "mailnews.html_domains", EmptyString(), htmlDomains); } // allHTML and allPlain are summary recipient scopes of format preference // according to address book and send options for recipient-centric Auto-Detect, // used by Auto-Detect to determine the appropriate message delivery format. // allHtml: All recipients prefer HTML. bool allHtml = true; // allPlain: All recipients prefer Plain Text. bool allPlain = true; // Exit the loop early if allHtml and allPlain both decay to false to save us // some work. for (int i = 0; i < MAX_OF_RECIPIENT_ARRAY && (allHtml || allPlain); ++i) { uint32_t nbrRecipients = recipientsList[i].Length(); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nbrRecipients && (allHtml || allPlain); ++j) { nsMsgRecipient &recipient = recipientsList[i][j]; uint32_t preferFormat = nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown; if (recipient.mCard) { recipient.mCard->GetPropertyAsUint32(kPreferMailFormatProperty, &preferFormat); } // if we don't have a prefer format for a recipient, check the domain in // case we have a format defined for it if (preferFormat == nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown && (!plaintextDomains.IsEmpty() || !htmlDomains.IsEmpty())) { int32_t atPos = recipient.mEmail.FindChar('@'); if (atPos < 0) continue; nsDependentSubstring emailDomain = Substring(recipient.mEmail, atPos + 1); if (IsInDomainList(emailDomain, plaintextDomains)) preferFormat = nsIAbPreferMailFormat::plaintext; else if (IsInDomainList(emailDomain, htmlDomains)) preferFormat = nsIAbPreferMailFormat::html; } // Determine the delivery format preference of this recipient and adjust // the summary recipient scopes of the message accordingly. switch (preferFormat) { case nsIAbPreferMailFormat::html: allPlain = false; break; case nsIAbPreferMailFormat::plaintext: allHtml = false; break; default: // nsIAbPreferMailFormat::unknown allHtml = false; allPlain = false; break; } } } // Here's the final part of recipient-centric Auto-Detect logic where we set // the actual send format (aka delivery format) after analysing recipients' // format preferences above. // If all recipients prefer HTML, then return HTML. if (allHtml) { *result = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::HTML; return NS_OK; } // If all recipients prefer plaintext, silently strip *all* HTML formatting, // regardless of (non-)convertibility, and send the message as plaintext. // **ToDo: UX-error-prevention, UX-wysiwyg: warn against dataloss potential.** if (allPlain) { *result = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::PlainText; return NS_OK; } // Otherwise, check the preference to see what action we should default to. // This pref covers all recipient scopes involving prefers-plain (except allplain) // and prefers-unknown. So we are mixing format conflict resolution options for // prefers-plain with default format setting for prefers-unknown; not ideal. int32_t action = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::AskUser; rv = prefBranch->GetIntPref("mail.default_html_action", &action); NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv); // If the action is a known send format, return the value to send in that format. // Otherwise, ask the user. // Note that the preference may default to 0 (Ask), which is not a valid value // for the following enum. if (action == nsIMsgCompSendFormat::PlainText || action == nsIMsgCompSendFormat::HTML || action == nsIMsgCompSendFormat::Both) { *result = action; return NS_OK; } // At this point, ask the user. *result = nsIMsgCompSendFormat::AskUser; return NS_OK; } /* Decides which tags trigger which convertible mode, i.e. here is the logic for BodyConvertible */ // Helper function. Parameters are not checked. nsresult nsMsgCompose::TagConvertible(nsIDOMElement *node, int32_t *_retval) { nsresult rv; *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; uint16_t nodeType; rv = node->GetNodeType(&nodeType); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsAutoString element; rv = node->GetNodeName(element); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> pItem; // style attribute on any element can change layout in any way, so that is not convertible. nsAutoString attribValue; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("style"), attribValue)) && !attribValue.IsEmpty()) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; return NS_OK; } // moz-* classes are used internally by the editor and mail composition // (like moz-cite or moz-signature). Those can be discarded. // But any other ones are unconvertible. Style can be attached to them or any // other context (e.g. in microformats). if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("class"), attribValue)) && !attribValue.IsEmpty() && !StringBeginsWith(attribValue, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-"), nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; return NS_OK; } // ID attributes can contain attached style/context or be target of links // so we should preserve them. if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("id"), attribValue)) && !attribValue.IsEmpty()) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; return NS_OK; } if ( // some "simple" elements without "style" attribute element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("br") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("p") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("pre") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("tt") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("html") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("head") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("meta") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("title") ) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain; } else if ( //element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("blockquote") || // see below element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("ul") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("ol") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("li") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("dl") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("dt") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("dd") ) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Yes; } else if ( //element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("a") || // see below element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h1") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h2") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h3") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h4") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h5") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("h6") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("hr") || ( mConvertStructs && ( element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("em") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("strong") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("code") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("b") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("i") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("u") ) ) ) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Altering; } else if (element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("body")) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain; bool hasAttribute; nsAutoString color; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("background"), &hasAttribute)) && hasAttribute) // There is a background image *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; else if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("text"), &hasAttribute)) && hasAttribute && NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("text"), color)) && !color.EqualsLiteral("#000000")) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Altering; } else if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("bgcolor"), &hasAttribute)) && hasAttribute && NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("bgcolor"), color)) && !color.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("#ffffff")) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Altering; } else if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("dir"), &hasAttribute)) && hasAttribute) // dir=rtl attributes should not downconvert *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::No; //ignore special color setting for link, vlink and alink at this point. } else if (element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("blockquote")) { // Skip <blockquote type="cite"> *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Yes; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("type"), attribValue)) && attribValue.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("cite")) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain; } } else if ( element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("div") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("span") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("a") ) { /* Do some special checks for these tags. They are inside this |else if| for performance reasons */ // Maybe, it's an <a> element inserted by another recognizer (e.g. 4.x') if (element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("a")) { /* Ignore anchor tag, if the URI is the same as the text (as inserted by recognizers) */ *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Altering; nsAutoString hrefValue; bool hasChild; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetAttribute(NS_LITERAL_STRING("href"), hrefValue)) && NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasChildNodes(&hasChild)) && hasChild) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> children; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(children))) && children && NS_SUCCEEDED(children->Item(0, getter_AddRefs(pItem))) && pItem) { nsAutoString textValue; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(pItem->GetNodeValue(textValue)) && textValue == hrefValue) *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain; } } } // Lastly, test, if it is just a "simple" <div> or <span> else if ( element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("div") || element.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("span") ) { *_retval = nsIMsgCompConvertible::Plain; } } return rv; } nsresult nsMsgCompose::_NodeTreeConvertible(nsIDOMElement *node, int32_t *_retval) { NS_ENSURE_TRUE(node && _retval, NS_ERROR_NULL_POINTER); nsresult rv; int32_t result; // Check this node rv = TagConvertible(node, &result); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv; // Walk tree recursively to check the children bool hasChild; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->HasChildNodes(&hasChild)) && hasChild) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNodeList> children; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetChildNodes(getter_AddRefs(children))) && children) { uint32_t nbrOfElements; rv = children->GetLength(&nbrOfElements); for (uint32_t i = 0; NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && i < nbrOfElements; i++) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> pItem; if (NS_SUCCEEDED(children->Item(i, getter_AddRefs(pItem))) && pItem) { // We assume all nodes that are not elements are convertible, // so only test elements. nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> domElement = do_QueryInterface(pItem); if (domElement) { int32_t curresult; rv = _NodeTreeConvertible(domElement, &curresult); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && curresult > result) result = curresult; } } } } } *_retval = result; return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::BodyConvertible(int32_t *_retval) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); NS_ENSURE_STATE(m_editor); nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMDocument> rootDocument; nsresult rv = m_editor->GetDocument(getter_AddRefs(rootDocument)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootDocument) return rv; // get the top level element, which contains <html> nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; rv = rootDocument->GetDocumentElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootElement) return rv; return _NodeTreeConvertible(rootElement, _retval); } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetIdentity(nsIMsgIdentity **aIdentity) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aIdentity); NS_IF_ADDREF(*aIdentity = m_identity); return NS_OK; } /** * Position above the quote, that is either <blockquote> or * <div class="moz-cite-prefix"> or <div class="moz-forward-container"> * in an inline-forwarded message. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::MoveToAboveQuote(void) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; nsresult rv = m_editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootElement) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; nsAutoString attributeName; nsAutoString attributeValue; nsAutoString tagLocalName; attributeName.AssignLiteral("class"); rv = rootElement->GetFirstChild(getter_AddRefs(node)); while (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && node) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> element = do_QueryInterface(node); if (element) { // First check for <blockquote>. This will most likely not trigger // since well-behaved quotes are preceded by a cite prefix. node->GetLocalName(tagLocalName); if (tagLocalName.EqualsLiteral("blockquote")) { break; } // Get the class value. element->GetAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); // Now check for the cite prefix, so an element with // class="moz-cite-prefix". if (attributeValue.Find("moz-cite-prefix", true) != kNotFound) { break; } // Next check for forwarded content. // The forwarded part is inside an element with // class="moz-forward-container". if (attributeValue.Find("moz-forward-container", true) != kNotFound) { break; } } rv = node->GetNextSibling(getter_AddRefs(node)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !node) { // No further siblings found, so we didn't find what we were looking for. rv = NS_OK; node = nullptr; break; } } // Now position. If no quote was found, we position to the very front. int32_t offset = 0; if (node) { rv = GetChildOffset(node, rootElement, offset); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } } nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) rv = selection->Collapse(rootElement, offset); return rv; } /** * nsEditor::BeginningOfDocument() will position to the beginning of the document * before the first editable element. It will position into a container. * We need to be at the very front. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::MoveToBeginningOfDocument(void) { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; nsresult rv = m_editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootElement) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) rv = selection->Collapse(rootElement, 0); return rv; } /** * M-C's nsEditor::EndOfDocument() will position to the end of the document * but it will position into a container. We really need to position * after the last container so we don't accidentally position into a * <blockquote>. That's why we use our own function. */ nsresult nsMsgCompose::MoveToEndOfDocument(void) { int32_t offset; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> lastNode; nsresult rv = m_editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootElement) { return rv; } rv = rootElement->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastNode)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !lastNode) { return rv; } rv = GetChildOffset(lastNode, rootElement, offset); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { return rv; } nsCOMPtr<nsISelection> selection; m_editor->GetSelection(getter_AddRefs(selection)); if (selection) rv = selection->Collapse(rootElement, offset + 1); return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::SetIdentity(nsIMsgIdentity *aIdentity) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aIdentity); m_identity = aIdentity; nsresult rv; if (! m_editor) return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> rootElement; rv = m_editor->GetRootElement(getter_AddRefs(rootElement)); if (NS_FAILED(rv) || !rootElement) return rv; //First look for the current signature, if we have one nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> lastNode; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> node; nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> tempNode; nsAutoString tagLocalName; rv = rootElement->GetLastChild(getter_AddRefs(lastNode)); if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && lastNode) { node = lastNode; // In html, the signature is inside an element with // class="moz-signature" bool signatureFound = false; nsAutoString attributeName; attributeName.AssignLiteral("class"); do { nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> element = do_QueryInterface(node); if (element) { nsAutoString attributeValue; rv = element->GetAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue); if (attributeValue.Find("moz-signature", true) != kNotFound) { signatureFound = true; break; } } } while (!signatureFound && node && NS_SUCCEEDED(node->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(node)))); if (signatureFound) { m_editor->BeginTransaction(); node->GetPreviousSibling(getter_AddRefs(tempNode)); rv = m_editor->DeleteNode(node); if (NS_FAILED(rv)) { m_editor->EndTransaction(); return rv; } // Also, remove the <br> right before the signature. if (tempNode) { tempNode->GetLocalName(tagLocalName); if (tagLocalName.EqualsLiteral("br")) m_editor->DeleteNode(tempNode); } m_editor->EndTransaction(); } } if (!CheckIncludeSignaturePrefs(aIdentity)) return NS_OK; // Then add the new one if needed nsAutoString aSignature; // No delimiter needed if not a compose window bool isQuoted; switch (mType) { case nsIMsgCompType::New : case nsIMsgCompType::NewsPost : case nsIMsgCompType::MailToUrl : case nsIMsgCompType::ForwardAsAttachment : isQuoted = false; break; default : isQuoted = true; break; } ProcessSignature(aIdentity, isQuoted, &aSignature); if (!aSignature.IsEmpty()) { TranslateLineEnding(aSignature); m_editor->BeginTransaction(); int32_t reply_on_top = 0; bool sig_bottom = true; aIdentity->GetReplyOnTop(&reply_on_top); aIdentity->GetSigBottom(&sig_bottom); bool sigOnTop = (reply_on_top == 1 && !sig_bottom); if (sigOnTop && isQuoted) { rv = MoveToAboveQuote(); } else { // Note: New messages aren't quoted so we always move to the end. rv = MoveToEndOfDocument(); } if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) { if (m_composeHTML) { nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLEditor> htmlEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); rv = htmlEditor->InsertHTML(aSignature); } else { nsCOMPtr<nsIPlaintextEditor> textEditor (do_QueryInterface(m_editor)); rv = textEditor->InsertLineBreak(); InsertDivWrappedTextAtSelection(aSignature, NS_LITERAL_STRING("moz-signature")); } } m_editor->EndTransaction(); } return rv; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::CheckCharsetConversion(nsIMsgIdentity *identity, char **fallbackCharset, bool *_retval) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(identity); NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(_retval); // Kept around for legacy reasons. This method is supposed to check that the // headers can be converted to the appropriate charset, but we don't support // encoding headers to non-UTF-8, so this is now moot. if (fallbackCharset) *fallbackCharset = nullptr; *_retval = true; return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP nsMsgCompose::GetDeliverMode(MSG_DeliverMode* aDeliverMode) { NS_ENSURE_ARG_POINTER(aDeliverMode); *aDeliverMode = mDeliverMode; return NS_OK; } nsMsgMailList::nsMsgMailList(nsIAbDirectory* directory) : mDirectory(directory) { mDirectory->GetDirName(mName); mDirectory->GetDescription(mDescription); if (mDescription.IsEmpty()) mDescription = mName; mDirectory = directory; }