/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsIMsgCompose.idl"
#include "nsIMsgComposeParams.idl"

interface nsIURI;
interface nsIDocShell;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIMsgIdentity;
interface nsIMsgIncomingServer;
interface nsIMsgDBHdr;

[scriptable, uuid(041782bf-e523-444b-a268-d90868fd2b50)]
interface nsIMsgComposeService : nsISupports {

  /* we need a msg window because when we forward inline we may need progress */
  void OpenComposeWindow(in string msgComposeWindowURL,
                         in nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr,
                         in string originalMsgURI,
                         in MSG_ComposeType type, 
                         in MSG_ComposeFormat format,
                         in nsIMsgIdentity identity, 
                         in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);

   * Open a compose window given a mailto url and (optionally) an identity.
   * @param aMsgComposeWindowURL Can be null in most cases. If you have your
   *                             own chrome url you want to use in bringing up a
   *                             compose window, pass it in here.
   * @param aURI                 The mailto url you want to use as the
   *                             foundation for the data inside the compose
   *                             window.
   * @param aIdentity            An optional identity to send the message from.
  void OpenComposeWindowWithURI(in string msgComposeWindowURL,
                                in nsIURI aURI,
                                [optional] in nsIMsgIdentity aIdentity);

  /* ... */
  void OpenComposeWindowWithParams(in string msgComposeWindowURL, in nsIMsgComposeParams params);

   * Creates an nsIMsgCompose instance and initalizes it.
   * @param aParams   An nsIMsgComposeParams object containing the initial
   *                  details for the compose.
   * @param aWindow   The optional window associated with this compose object.
   * @param aDocShell The optional docShell of the editor element that is used
   *                  for composing.
  nsIMsgCompose initCompose(in nsIMsgComposeParams aParams,
                            [optional] in mozIDOMWindowProxy aWindow,
                            [optional] in nsIDocShell aDocShell);

  * defaultIdentity
  * @return the default identity, in case no identity has been setup yet, will return null
  readonly attribute nsIMsgIdentity defaultIdentity;

  /* This function is use for debugging purpose only and may go away at anytime without warning */
  void TimeStamp(in string label, in boolean resetTime);  
  /* This attribute is use for debugging purposes for determining whether to PR_LOG or not */
  readonly attribute boolean logComposePerformance;

  [noscript] boolean determineComposeHTML(in nsIMsgIdentity aIdentity, in MSG_ComposeFormat aFormat);

   * given a mailto url, parse the attributes and turn them into a nsIMsgComposeParams object
   * @return nsIMsgComposeParams which corresponds to the passed in mailto url
  nsIMsgComposeParams getParamsForMailto(in nsIURI aURI); 

   * @{
   * These constants control how to forward messages in forwardMessage.
   * kForwardAsDefault uses value of pref "mail.forward_message_mode".
  const unsigned long kForwardAsDefault = 0;
  const unsigned long kForwardAsAttachment = 1;
  const unsigned long kForwardInline = 2;
  /** @} */

   * Allow filters to automatically forward a message to the given address(es).
   * @param forwardTo the address(es) to forward to
   * @param msgHdr the header of the message being replied to
   * @param msgWindow message window to use
   * @param server server to use for determining which account to send from
   * @param aForwardType - How to forward the message one of 3 values:
   *                       kForwardAsDefault, kForwardInline, or
   *                       kForwardAsAttachment.
  void forwardMessage(in AString forwardTo, in nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr,
                      in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow, in nsIMsgIncomingServer server,
                      in unsigned long aForwardType);

   * Allow filters to automatically reply to a message. The reply message is
   * based on the given template.
   * @param msgHdr the header of the message being replied to
   * @param templateUri uri of the template to base ther reply on
   * @param msgWindow message window to use
   * @param server server to use for determining which account to send from
  void replyWithTemplate(in nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr, in string templateUri,
                         in nsIMsgWindow msgWindow, in nsIMsgIncomingServer server);

   * The docShell of each editor element used for composing should be registered
   * with this service. docShells passed to initCompose get registered
   * automatically. The registrations are typically used to get the msgCompose
   * window when determining what remote content to allow to be displayed.
   * @param aDocShell The nsIDocShell of the editor element. 
   * @param aMsgCompose The compose object associated with the compose window
  void registerComposeDocShell(in nsIDocShell aDocShell,
                               in nsIMsgCompose aMsgCompose);

   * When an editor docShell is being closed, you should
   * unregister it from this service. nsIMsgCompose normally calls this
   * automatically for items passed to initCompose.
   * @param aDocShell The nsIDocShell of the editor element. 
  void unregisterComposeDocShell(in nsIDocShell aDocShell);
   * For a given docShell, returns the nsIMsgCompose object associated with it.
   * @param aDocShell The nsIDocShell of the editor element. 
   * @return NS_ERROR_FAILURE if we could not find a nsIMsgCompose for
   *         the passed in docShell.
  nsIMsgCompose getMsgComposeForDocShell(in nsIDocShell aDocShell);