/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * This file contains helper methods for debugging -- things like logging * exception objects, dumping DOM nodes, Events, and generic object dumps. */ this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["logObject", "logException", "logElement", "logEvent", "errorWithDebug"]; /** * Report on an object to stdout. * @param aObj the object to be dumped * @param aName the name of the object, for informational purposes */ function logObject(aObj, aName) { dump("Dumping Object: " + aName + "\n"); stringifier.dumpObj(aObj, aName); } /** * Log an exception to stdout. This function should not be called in * expected circumstances. * @param aException the exception to log * @param [aRethrow] set to true to rethrow the exception after logging * @param [aMsg] optional message to log */ function logException(aException, aRethrow, aMsg) { stringifier.dumpException(aException, aMsg); if (aMsg) Components.utils.reportError(aMsg); Components.utils.reportError(aException); if (aRethrow) throw aException; } /** * Log an DOM element to stdout. * @param aElement the DOM element to dump */ function logElement(aElement) { stringifier.dumpDOM(aElement); } /** * Log an DOM event to stdout. * @param aEvent the DOM event object to dump */ function logEvent(aEvent) { stringifier.dumpEvent(aEvent); } /** * Dump the current stack and return an Error suitable for throwing. We return * the new Error so that your code can use a "throw" statement which makes it * obvious to syntactic analysis that there is an exit occuring at that point. * * Example: * throw errorWithDebug("I did not expect this!"); * * @param aString The message payload for the exception. */ function errorWithDebug(aString) { dump("PROBLEM: " + aString + "\n"); dump("CURRENT STACK (and throwing):\n"); // skip this frame. dump(stringifier.getStack(1)); return new Error(aString); } function Stringifier() {}; Stringifier.prototype = { dumpObj: function (o, name) { this._reset(); this._append(this.objectTreeAsString(o, true, true, 0)); dump(this._asString()); }, dumpDOM: function(node, level, recursive) { this._reset(); let s = this.DOMNodeAsString(node, level, recursive); dump(s); }, dumpEvent: function(event) { dump(this.eventAsString(event)); }, dumpException: function(exc, message) { dump(exc + "\n"); this._reset(); if (message) this._append("Exception (" + message + ")\n"); this._append("-- Exception object --\n"); this._append(this.objectTreeAsString(exc)); if (exc.stack) { this._append("-- Stack Trace --\n"); this._append(exc.stack); // skip dumpException and logException } dump(this._asString()); }, _reset: function() { this._buffer = []; }, _append: function(string) { this._buffer.push(string); }, _asString: function() { let str = this._buffer.join(''); this._reset(); return str; }, getStack: function(skipCount) { if (!((typeof Components == "object") && (typeof Components.classes == "object"))) return "No stack trace available."; if (typeof(skipCount) === undefined) skipCount = 0; let frame = Components.stack.caller; let str = "<top>"; while (frame) { if (skipCount > 0) { // Skip this frame. skipCount -= 1; } else { // Include the data from this frame. let name = frame.name ? frame.name : "[anonymous]"; str += "\n" + name + "@" + frame.filename + ':' + frame.lineNumber; } frame = frame.caller; } return str + "\n"; }, objectTreeAsString: function(o, recurse, compress, level) { let s = ""; if (recurse === undefined) recurse = 0; if (level === undefined) level = 0; if (compress === undefined) compress = true; let pfx = ""; for (var junk = 0; junk < level; junk++) pfx += (compress) ? "| " : "| "; let tee = (compress) ? "+ " : "+- "; if (typeof(o) != "object") { s += pfx + tee + " (" + typeof(o) + ") " + o + "\n"; } else { for (let i in o) { try { let t = typeof o[i]; switch (t) { case "function": let sfunc = String(o[i]).split("\n"); if (sfunc[2] == " [native code]") sfunc = "[native code]"; else sfunc = sfunc.length + " lines"; s += pfx + tee + i + " (function) " + sfunc + "\n"; break; case "object": s += pfx + tee + i + " (object) " + o[i] + "\n"; if (!compress) s += pfx + "|\n"; if ((i != "parent") && (recurse)) s += this.objectTreeAsString(o[i], recurse - 1, compress, level + 1); break; case "string": if (o[i].length > 200) s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " + o[i].length + " chars\n"; else s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") '" + o[i] + "'\n"; break; default: s += pfx + tee + i + " (" + t + ") " + o[i] + "\n"; } } catch (ex) { s += pfx + tee + " (exception) " + ex + "\n"; } if (!compress) s += pfx + "|\n"; } } s += pfx + "*\n"; return s; }, _repeatStr: function (str, aCount) { let res = ""; while (--aCount >= 0) res += str; return res; }, DOMNodeAsString: function(node, level, recursive) { if (level === undefined) level = 0 if (recursive === undefined) recursive = true; this._append(this._repeatStr(" ", 2*level) + "<" + node.nodeName + "\n"); if (node.nodeType == 3) { this._append(this._repeatStr(" ", (2*level) + 4) + node.nodeValue + "'\n"); } else { if (node.attributes) { for (let i = 0; i < node.attributes.length; i++) { this._append(this._repeatStr( " ", (2*level) + 4) + node.attributes[i].nodeName + "='" + node.attributes[i].nodeValue + "'\n"); } } if (node.childNodes.length == 0) { this._append(this._repeatStr(" ", (2*level)) + "/>\n"); } else if (recursive) { this._append(this._repeatStr(" ", (2*level)) + ">\n"); for (let i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) { this._append(this.DOMNodeAsString(node.childNodes[i], level + 1)); } this._append(this._repeatStr(" ", 2*level) + "</" + node.nodeName + ">\n"); } } return this._asString(); }, eventAsString: function (event) { this._reset(); this._append("-EVENT --------------------------\n"); this._append("type: " + event.type + "\n"); this._append("eventPhase: " + event.eventPhase + "\n"); if ("charCode" in event) { this._append("charCode: " + event.charCode + "\n"); if ("name" in event) this._append("str(charCode): '" + String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) + "'\n"); } if (("target" in event) && event.target) { this._append("target: " + event.target + "\n"); if ("nodeName" in event.target) this._append("target.nodeName: " + event.target.nodeName + "\n"); if ("getAttribute" in event.target) this._append("target.id: " + event.target.getAttribute("id") + "\n"); } if (("currentTarget" in event) && event.currentTarget) { this._append("currentTarget: " + event.currentTarget + "\n"); if ("nodeName" in event.currentTarget) this._append("currentTarget.nodeName: "+ event.currentTarget.nodeName + "\n"); if ("getAttribute" in event.currentTarget) this._append("currentTarget.id: "+ event.currentTarget.getAttribute("id") + "\n"); } if (("originalTarget" in event) && event.originalTarget) { this._append("originalTarget: " + event.originalTarget + "\n"); if ("nodeName" in event.originalTarget) this._append("originalTarget.nodeName: "+ event.originalTarget.nodeName + "\n"); if ("getAttribute" in event.originalTarget) this._append("originalTarget.id: "+ event.originalTarget.getAttribute("id") + "\n"); } let names = [ "bubbles", "cancelable", "detail", "button", "keyCode", "isChar", "shiftKey", "altKey", "ctrlKey", "metaKey", "clientX", "clientY", "screenX", "screenY", "layerX", "layerY", "isTrusted", "timeStamp", "currentTargetXPath", "targetXPath", "originalTargetXPath" ]; for (let i in names) { if (names[i] in event) this._append(names[i] + ": " + event[names[i]] + "\n"); } this._append("-------------------------------------\n"); return this._asString(); } }; var stringifier = new Stringifier();