/* -*- Mode: IDL; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "MailNewsTypes2.idl"

interface nsIMsgDBHdr;
interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIArray;

 * This is similar to nsIFolderListener, but with slightly different semantics,
 * especially w.r.t. moving messages and folders.  Some listeners want to know
 * about moves, instead of getting an itemAdded and itemRemoved notification.
 * Folder listeners also only tend to get called if a view is open on the folder,
 * which is not always the case. I don't want to change nsIFolderListener at this
 * point since there are lots of extensions that rely on it. Eventually,
 * these two interfaces should be combined somehow.

[scriptable, uuid(2f87be72-0565-4e64-a824-0eb9c258f884)]
interface nsIMsgFolderListener : nsISupports {
   * Notified immediately after a message is added to a folder. This could be a
   * new incoming message to a local folder, or a new message in an IMAP folder
   * when it is opened.
   * You may want to consider using the msgsClassified notification instead of
   * this notification if any of the following are true:
   * - You only want to be notified about messages after junk classification
   *   has occurred (if it is going to occur for a message).  This also goes for
   *   trait classification which is a generic use of the bayesian engine at
   *   the heart of the spam logic.
   * - You only want to be notified about messages after all filters have been
   *   run.  Although some filters may be run before the msgAdded notification
   *   is generated, filters dependent on junk/trait classification wait until
   *   classification completes.
   * @param aMsg The message header that was just added
  void msgAdded(in nsIMsgDBHdr aMsg);

   * Notification that (new to the client) messages have been through junk and
   * trait classification.  This event will occur for all messages at some point
   * after their existence is revealed by msgAdded.
   * Because junk classification does not run if no messages have ever been
   * marked as junk by the user, it is possible to receive this message without
   * any classification having actually been performed.  We still generate the
   * notification in this case so that code is reliably notified about the
   * existence of the new message headers.
   * @param aMsgs The message headers that have been classified or were
   *     intentionally not classified.
   * @param aJunkProcessed Were the messages processed for junk classification?
   * @param aTraitProcessed Were the messages processed for trait
   *     classification?
  void msgsClassified(in nsIArray aMsgs, in boolean aJunkProcessed,
                      in boolean aTraitProcessed);

   * Notified after a command to delete a group of messages has been given, but before the
   * messages have actually been deleted.
   * @param aMsgs An array of the message headers about to be deleted
   * @note
   * This notification will not take place if the messages are being deleted from the folder
   * as the result of a move to another folder. Instead, the msgsMoveCopyCompleted() notification
   * takes place.
   * @note
   * "Deleting" to a trash folder is actually a move, and is covered by msgsMoveCopyCompleted()
   * @note
   * If the user has selected the IMAP delete model (marking messages as deleted, then purging them
   * later) for an IMAP account, this notification will not take place on the delete. This will only
   * take place on the purge.
  void msgsDeleted(in nsIArray aMsgs);

   * Notified after a command to move or copy a group of messages completes. In
   * case of a move, this is before the messages have been deleted from the
   * source folder.
   * @param aMove true if a move, false if a copy
   * @param aSrcMsgs An array of the message headers in the source folder
   * @param aDestFolder The folder these messages were moved to.
   * @param aDestMsgs This provides the list of target message headers.
                      For imap messages, these will be "pseudo" headers, with
                      a made up UID. When we download the "real" header, we
                      will send a msgKeyChanged notification. Currently, if
                      the imap move/copy happens strictly online (essentially,
                      not user-initiated), then aDestMsgs will be null.
   * @note
   * If messages are moved from a server which uses the IMAP delete model,
   * you'll get aMove = false. That's because the messages are not deleted from
   * the source database, but instead simply marked deleted.
  void msgsMoveCopyCompleted(in boolean aMove,
                             in nsIArray aSrcMsgs,
                             in nsIMsgFolder aDestFolder,
                             in nsIArray aDestMsgs);

   * Notification sent when the msg key for a header may have changed.
   * This is used when we create a header for an offline imap move result,
   * without knowing what the ultimate UID will be. When we download the
   * headers for the new message, we replace the old "pseudo" header with
   * a new header that has the correct UID/message key. The uid of the new hdr
   * may turn out to be the same as aOldKey if we've guessed correctly but
   * the listener can use this notification to know that it can ignore the
   * msgAdded notification that's coming for aNewHdr. We do NOT send a
   * msgsDeleted notification for the pseudo header.
   * @param aOldKey The fake UID. The header with this key has been removed
   *                by the time this is called.
   * @param aNewHdr The header that replaces the header with aOldKey.
  void msgKeyChanged(in nsMsgKey aOldKey, in nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr);

   * Notified after a folder has been added.
   * @param aFolder The folder that has just been added
  void folderAdded(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);

   * Notified after a folder has been deleted and its corresponding file(s) deleted from disk.
   * @param aFolder The folder that has just been deleted
   * @note
   * "Deleting" to a trash folder is actually a move, and is covered by folderMoveCopyCompleted()
  void folderDeleted(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder);

   * Notified after a command to move or copy a folder completes. In case of a move, at this point,
   * the original folder and its files have already been moved to the new location.
   * @param aMove true if a move, false if a copy
   * @param aSrcFolder The original folder that was moved
   * @param aDestFolder The parent folder this folder was moved to
  void folderMoveCopyCompleted(in boolean aMove,
                               in nsIMsgFolder aSrcFolder,
                               in nsIMsgFolder aDestFolder);

   * Notified after a folder is renamed.
   * @param aOrigFolder The folder with the old name
   * @param aNewFolder The folder with the new name
  void folderRenamed(in nsIMsgFolder aOrigFolder, in nsIMsgFolder aNewFolder);
   * Notified when a particular event takes place for an item.
   * Current uses by event string:
   * - FolderCompactStart: nsIMsgFolderCompactor is beginning compaction of the
   *    folder.  If the summary file was missing or out-of-date and a parse
   *    is required, this notification will come after the completion of the
   *    parse.  The compactor will be holding the folder's semaphore when
   *    this notification is generated.  This only happens for local folders
   *    currently.  aItem is the folder.
   * - FolderCompactFinish: nsIMsgFolderCompactor has completed compaction of
   *    the folder.  This notification will be generated immediately prior to
   *    the nsIFolderListener::itemEvent() notification with a
   *    "CompactCompleted" atom.  At this point, the folder semaphore has been
   *    released and the database has been committed.  aItem is the folder.
   * - FolderReindexTriggered: The user has opted to rebuild the mork msf index
   *    for a folder.  Following this notification, the database will be
   *    closed, backed up (so that header properties can be propagated), and
   *    then rebuilt from the source.  The rebuild is triggered by a call to
   *    updateFolder, so an nsIFolderListener OnItemEvent(folder,
   *    FolderLoaded atom) notification will be received if you want to know
   *    when this is all completed.  Note: this event is only generated for
   *    Thunderbird because the event currently comes from Thunderbird-specific
   *    code.
   * - JunkStatusChanged: Indicates that some messages that had already been
   *    reported by msgsClassified have had their junk status changed.  This
   *    event will not fire for the initial automatic classification of
   *    messages; msgsClassified will tell you about those messages.  This
   *    notification may be promoted to an explicit callback function at some
   *    point.  This is not guaranteed to be a comprehensive source of junk
   *    notification events; right now any time an nsMsgDBView marks things as
   *    junk/non-junk a notification is produced.  aItem is an nsIArray of
   *    messages, aData is either a "junk" or "notjunk" atom if all of the
   *    messages have the same state.
   * - UnincorporatedMessageMoved: A messages received via POP was moved
   *    by a "before junk" rule.
   * @param aItem The item the event takes place on
   * @param aEvent String describing the event
   * @param aData Data relevant to the event
  void itemEvent(in nsISupports aItem, in ACString aEvent, in nsISupports aData);