/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIMsgFolder;
interface nsIMsgWindow;
interface nsIUrlListener;
interface nsIArray;

[scriptable, uuid(38c7e876-3083-4aea-8dcd-0ea0ec1753a3)]

 * Use this for any object that wants to handle compacting folders.
 * Currently, the folders themselves create this object.

interface nsIMsgFolderCompactor :  nsISupports
   * Compact the given folder, or its offline store (imap/news only)
   * @param aFolder        The folder to compact
   * @param aOfflineStore  Just compact the offline store?
   * @param aListener      Notified of completion, can be null.
   * @param aMsgWindow     Used for progress/status, can be null
  void compact(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in boolean aOfflineStore,
               in nsIUrlListener aListener, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);

   * Compact the passed in array of folders, and the passed in offline stores.
   * @param aArrayOfFoldersToCompact  The folders to compact.
   * @param aOfflineFolderArray  Folders whose offline stores we
   *                             should compact, can be null.
   * @param aListener            Notified of completion, can be null.
   * @param aMsgWindow           Used for progress/status, can be null
  void compactFolders(in nsIArray aArrayOfFoldersToCompact,
                      in nsIArray aOfflineFolderArray,
                      in nsIUrlListener aListener,
                      in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow);