/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
 * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */

var gCurrentDomain;
var gPrefsBundle;

function identityPageValidate()
  var canAdvance = false;
  var name = document.getElementById("fullName").value;
  let email = document.getElementById("email").value.trim();

  if (name && email) {
    canAdvance = gCurrentDomain ? emailNameIsLegal(email) : emailNameAndDomainAreLegal(email);

    if (gCurrentDomain && canAdvance) {
      // For prefilled ISP data we must check if the account already exists as
      // there is no second chance. The email is the username since the user
      // fills in [______]@example.com.
      var pageData = parent.GetPageData();
      var serverType = parent.getCurrentServerType(pageData);
      var hostName = parent.getCurrentHostname(pageData);
      var usernameWithDomain = email + "@" + gCurrentDomain;
      if (parent.AccountExists(email, hostName, serverType) ||
          parent.AccountExists(usernameWithDomain, hostName, serverType))
        canAdvance = false;

  document.documentElement.canAdvance = canAdvance;

function identityPageUnload()
  var pageData = parent.GetPageData();
  var name = document.getElementById("fullName").value;
  let email = document.getElementById("email").value.trim();
  setPageData(pageData, "identity", "fullName", name);
  setPageData(pageData, "identity", "email", email);

  return true;

// This is for the case when the code appends the domain  
// unnecessarily.
// This simply gets rid  of "@domain" from "foo@domain"

function fixPreFilledEmail()
  var emailElement = document.getElementById("email");
  var email = emailElement.value;
  var emailArray = email.split('@');

  if (gCurrentDomain) {
    // check if user entered an @ sign even though we have a domain
    if (emailArray.length >= 2) {
      email = emailArray[0];
      emailElement.value = email;

 * This function checks for common illegal characters.
 * It shouldn't be too strict, since we do more extensive tests later.
function emailNameIsLegal(aString)
  return aString && !/[^!-?A-~]/.test(aString);

function emailNameAndDomainAreLegal(aString)
  return /^[!-?A-~]+\@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+$/.test(aString);

function identityPageInit()
  gCurrentDomain = null;
  gPrefsBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_prefs");

function clearEmailTextItems()
  var emailDescText = document.getElementById("emailDescText");

  if (emailDescText.hasChildNodes())

  var postEmailText = document.getElementById("postEmailText");
  postEmailText.setAttribute("value", "");
  postEmailText.hidden = true;

// Use email example data that ISP has provided. ISP data, if avaialble
// for the choice user has made, will be read into CurrentAccountData. 
// Default example data from properties will be used when the info is missing. 
function setEmailDescriptionText()
    var emailDescText = document.getElementById("emailDescText");
    var emailFieldLabel = document.getElementById("emailFieldLabel");
    var currentAccountData = parent.gCurrentAccountData;
    var displayText =  null;
    var emailFieldLabelData =  null;
    var setDefaultEmailDescStrings = true; 

    // Set the default field label
    emailFieldLabel.setAttribute("value", gPrefsBundle.getString("emailFieldText"));

    // Get values for customized data from current account 
    if (currentAccountData)
        var emailProvider  = currentAccountData.emailProviderName;
        var sampleEmail    = currentAccountData.sampleEmail;
        var sampleUserName = currentAccountData.sampleUserName;
        var emailIDDesc    = currentAccountData.emailIDDescription;
        var emailIDTitle   = currentAccountData.emailIDFieldTitle;

        if (emailProvider  &&
            sampleEmail    &&
            sampleUserName &&
            emailIDDesc    &&
            // Get email description data
            displayText = gPrefsBundle.getFormattedString("customizedEmailText",

            // Set emailfield label
            emailFieldLabelData =  emailIDTitle;
            emailFieldLabel.setAttribute("value", emailFieldLabelData);

            // Need to display customized data. Turn off default settings.
            setDefaultEmailDescStrings = false; 

    if (setDefaultEmailDescStrings)
        // Check for obtained values and set with default values if needed
        var username = gPrefsBundle.getString("exampleEmailUserName"); 
        var domain = gPrefsBundle.getString("exampleEmailDomain"); 

        displayText = gPrefsBundle.getFormattedString("defaultEmailText",
                                                      [username, domain]);

    // Create a text nodes with text to be displayed
    var emailDescTextNode       =  document.createTextNode(displayText);

    // Display the dynamically generated text for email description 

// retrieve the current domain from the parent wizard window,
// and update the UI to add the @domain static text
function checkForDomain()
  var accountData = parent.gCurrentAccountData;
  if (!accountData || !accountData.domain)

  // save in global variable
  gCurrentDomain = accountData.domain;
  var postEmailText = document.getElementById("postEmailText");
  postEmailText.setAttribute("value", "@" + gCurrentDomain);
  postEmailText.hidden = false;

function checkForFullName() {
    var name = document.getElementById("fullName");
    if (name.value=="") {
        try {
            var userInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/userinfo;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIUserInfo);
            name.value = userInfo.fullname;
        catch (ex) {
            // dump ("checkForFullName failed: " + ex + "\n");

function checkForEmail() 
    var email = document.getElementById("email");
    var pageData = parent.GetPageData();
    if (pageData && pageData.identity && pageData.identity.email) {
        email.value = pageData.identity.email.value;
    if (email.value=="") {
        try {
            var userInfo = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/userinfo;1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIUserInfo);
            email.value = userInfo.emailAddress;
        catch (ex) {
            // dump ("checkForEmail failed: " + ex + "\n"); 