<?xml version="1.0"?>
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  <RDF:Description about="NC:ispinfo">
      <!-- Gmail IMAP access -->
      <NC:nsIMsgAccount about="domain:gmail.com?type=imap">
        <!-- IMAP server info -->
                <!-- IMAP delete model: "remove it immediately". -->

        <!-- SMTP server info -->
            <NC:description>Gmail SMTP</NC:description>

        <!-- identity defaults -->
            <!-- Don't store sent mail in a Sent folder, as Gmail will show it
                 in [Gmail]/Sent Mail anyway. -->
            <NC:FccFolder>[Gmail]/Sent Mail</NC:FccFolder>

        <!-- other options -->
        <NC:wizardLongName>Gmail IMAP</NC:wizardLongName>
        <NC:emailIDDescription>Gmail Username:</NC:emailIDDescription>

      <NC:nsIMsgAccount about="domain:gmail.com?type=pop3">
        <!-- pop3 server info -->

        <!-- smtp server info -->

        <!-- identity defaults -->

        <!-- other options -->
        <NC:wizardLongName>Gmail POP</NC:wizardLongName>
        <NC:emailIDDescription>Gmail Username:</NC:emailIDDescription>