/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsWabAddressBook_h___ #define nsWabAddressBook_h___ #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "nsAbWinHelper.h" #include <wab.h> class nsWabAddressBook : public nsAbWinHelper { public : nsWabAddressBook(void) ; virtual ~nsWabAddressBook(void) ; protected : // Session and address book that will be shared by all instances // (see nsMapiAddressBook.h for details) static LPWABOBJECT mRootSession ; static LPADRBOOK mRootBook ; // Class members to handle library loading/entry points static int32_t mLibUsage ; static HMODULE mLibrary ; static LPWABOPEN mWABOpen ; // Load the WAB environment BOOL Initialize(void) ; // Allocation of a buffer for transmission to interfaces virtual void AllocateBuffer(ULONG aByteCount, LPVOID *aBuffer) override; // Destruction of a buffer provided by the interfaces virtual void FreeBuffer(LPVOID aBuffer) override; // Manage the library static BOOL LoadWabLibrary(void) ; static void FreeWabLibrary(void) ; private : } ; // Additional definitions for WAB stuff. These properties are // only defined with regards to the default character sizes, // and not in two _A and _W versions... #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY_A PR_LOCALITY_A #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_A PR_COUNTRY_A #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_A PR_POSTAL_CODE_A #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_A #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET_A PR_STREET_ADDRESS_A #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_CITY_W PR_LOCALITY_W #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_COUNTRY_W PR_COUNTRY_W #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_POSTAL_CODE_W PR_POSTAL_CODE_W #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W PR_STATE_OR_PROVINCE_W #define PR_BUSINESS_ADDRESS_STREET_W PR_STREET_ADDRESS_W #endif // nsWABAddressBook_h___