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/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
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#include "nsISupports.idl"

interface nsIAbDirFactory;

[scriptable, uuid(154a951b-a310-400c-b98f-d769cc5d575f)]
interface nsIAbDirFactoryService : nsISupports
   * Obtain a directory factory component given a uri representing an address
   * book. The scheme is extracted from the uri and contract id is generated
   * of the form:
   * @mozilla.org/addressbook/directory-factory;1?name=<scheme>
   * This id is used to instantiate a registered component which implemented
   * the nsIAbDirFactory interface.
   * @param aURI  The uri which contains the scheme that defines what directory
   *              factory instance is returned
  nsIAbDirFactory getDirFactory(in ACString aURI);