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#include "nsISupports.idl"
#include "nsISimpleEnumerator.idl"

interface nsIAbDirectory;

[scriptable, uuid(ad61b4fc-d8d8-40b2-b924-4c10f28a8a17)]
interface nsIAbDirFactory : nsISupports
     * Get a top level address book directory and sub directories, given some
     * properties.
     * @param aDirName  Name of the address book
     * @param aURI      URI of the address book
     * @param aPrefName Pref name for the preferences of the address book
     * @return          Enumeration of nsIAbDirectory interfaces
    nsISimpleEnumerator getDirectories(in AString aDirName, in ACString aURI,
                                       in ACString aPrefName);

     * Delete a top level address book directory
    void deleteDirectory (in nsIAbDirectory directory);