/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ***** * Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 * * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version * 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the * License. * * The Original Code is Mozilla Communicator client code, released * March 31, 1998. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is * Netscape Communications Corporation. * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 1998-1999 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of * either of the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), * or the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"), * in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead * of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only * under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to * use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your * decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice * and other provisions required by the GPL or the LGPL. If you do not delete * the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under * the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL. * * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* * Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan. * All rights reserved. */ /* * os-ip.c -- platform-specific TCP & UDP related code */ #if 0 #ifndef lint static char copyright[] = "@(#) Copyright (c) 1995 Regents of the University of Michigan.\nAll rights reserved.\n"; #endif #endif /* * On platforms where poll() does not exist, we use select(). * Therefore, we should increase the number of file descriptors * we can use by #defining FD_SETSIZE to a large number before * we include <sys/select.h> or its equivalent. We do not need * to do this for Windows, because on that platform there is no * relationship between FD_SETSIZE and the highest numbered file * descriptor we can use. See the document fdsetsize.txt in * this directory for a description of the setting of FD_SETSIZE * for the OS'es we care about. */ #ifndef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL /* XXX value for BSDI? */ /* XXX value for macintosh (if applicable)? */ #endif #include "ldap-int.h" #ifdef NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED #include <signal.h> #endif #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL #include <poll.h> #endif #ifdef _WINDOWS #define NSLDAPI_INVALID_OS_SOCKET( s ) ((s) == INVALID_SOCKET) #else #define NSLDAPI_INVALID_OS_SOCKET( s ) ((s) < 0 ) #endif #define NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH 5 /* grow arrays 5 elements at a time */ /* * Structures and union for tracking status of network sockets */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo { /* used with native OS poll() */ struct pollfd *ossi_pollfds; int ossi_pollfds_size; }; #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo { /* used with native OS select() */ fd_set ossi_readfds; fd_set ossi_writefds; fd_set ossi_use_readfds; fd_set ossi_use_writefds; }; #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo { /* used with ext. I/O poll() callback */ LDAP_X_PollFD *cbsi_pollfds; int cbsi_pollfds_size; }; /* * NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_MATCH() evaluates to non-zero (true) if the Sockbuf *sdp * matches the LDAP_X_PollFD pollfd. */ #ifdef _WINDOWS #define NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_SD_CAST (unsigned int) #else #define NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_SD_CAST #endif #define NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_MATCH( sbp, pollfd ) \ ((sbp)->sb_sd == NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_SD_CAST ((pollfd).lpoll_fd) && \ (sbp)->sb_ext_io_fns.lbextiofn_socket_arg == (pollfd).lpoll_socketarg) struct nsldapi_iostatus_info { int ios_type; #define NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE 1 /* poll() or select() */ #define NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK 2 /* poll()-like */ int ios_read_count; int ios_write_count; union { struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo ios_osinfo; struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo ios_cbinfo; } ios_status; }; #ifndef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL static int nsldapi_add_to_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short events ); static int nsldapi_clear_from_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short events ); static int nsldapi_find_in_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short revents ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ static int nsldapi_iostatus_init_nolock( LDAP *ld ); static int nsldapi_add_to_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short events ); static int nsldapi_clear_from_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short events ); static int nsldapi_find_in_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short revents ); #ifdef irix #ifndef _PR_THREADS /* * XXXmcs: on IRIX NSPR's poll() and select() wrappers will crash if NSPR * has not been initialized. We work around the problem by bypassing * the NSPR wrapper functions and going directly to the OS' functions. */ #define NSLDAPI_POLL _poll #define NSLDAPI_SELECT _select extern int _poll(struct pollfd *fds, unsigned long nfds, int timeout); extern int _select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout); #else /* _PR_THREADS */ #define NSLDAPI_POLL poll #define NSLDAPI_SELECT select #endif /* else _PR_THREADS */ #else /* irix */ #define NSLDAPI_POLL poll #define NSLDAPI_SELECT select #endif /* else irix */ static LBER_SOCKET nsldapi_os_socket( LDAP *ld, int secure, int domain, int type, int protocol ); static int nsldapi_os_ioctl( LBER_SOCKET s, int option, int *statusp ); static int nsldapi_os_connect_with_to( LBER_SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen, int msec_timeout ); #if defined(KERBEROS) char * nsldapi_host_connected_to( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ); #endif /* * Function typedefs used by nsldapi_try_each_host() */ typedef LBER_SOCKET (NSLDAPI_SOCKET_FN)( LDAP *ld, int secure, int domain, int type, int protocol ); typedef int (NSLDAPI_IOCTL_FN)( LBER_SOCKET s, int option, int *statusp ); typedef int (NSLDAPI_CONNECT_WITH_TO_FN )( LBER_SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen, int msec_timeout ); typedef int (NSLDAPI_CONNECT_FN )( LBER_SOCKET s, struct sockaddr *name, int namelen ); typedef int (NSLDAPI_CLOSE_FN )( LBER_SOCKET s ); static int nsldapi_try_each_host( LDAP *ld, const char *hostlist, int defport, int secure, NSLDAPI_SOCKET_FN *socketfn, NSLDAPI_IOCTL_FN *ioctlfn, NSLDAPI_CONNECT_WITH_TO_FN *connectwithtofn, NSLDAPI_CONNECT_FN *connectfn, NSLDAPI_CLOSE_FN *closefn ); static int nsldapi_os_closesocket( LBER_SOCKET s ) { int rc; #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS rc = -1; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef _WINDOWS rc = closesocket( s ); #else /* _WINDOWS */ rc = close( s ); #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ return( rc ); } static LBER_SOCKET nsldapi_os_socket( LDAP *ld, int secure, int domain, int type, int protocol ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return -1; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ int s, invalid_socket; char *errmsg = NULL; if ( secure ) { LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR, NULL, nsldapi_strdup( "secure mode not supported" )); return( -1 ); } s = socket( domain, type, protocol ); /* * if the socket() call failed or it returned a socket larger * than we can deal with, return a "local error." */ if ( NSLDAPI_INVALID_OS_SOCKET( s )) { errmsg = "unable to create a socket"; invalid_socket = 1; } else { /* valid socket -- check for overflow */ invalid_socket = 0; #if !defined(NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL) && !defined(_WINDOWS) /* not on Windows and do not have poll() */ if ( s >= FD_SETSIZE ) { errmsg = "can't use socket >= FD_SETSIZE"; } #endif } if ( errmsg != NULL ) { /* local socket error */ if ( !invalid_socket ) { nsldapi_os_closesocket( s ); } errmsg = nsldapi_strdup( errmsg ); LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR, NULL, errmsg ); return( -1 ); } return( s ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } /* * Non-blocking connect call function */ static int nsldapi_os_connect_with_to(LBER_SOCKET sockfd, struct sockaddr *saptr, int salen, int msec) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return -1; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ int n, error; int len; #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(XP_OS2) int nonblock = 1; int block = 0; #else int flags; #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL struct pollfd pfd; #else struct timeval tval; fd_set rset, wset; #ifdef _WINDOWS fd_set eset; #endif #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "nsldapi_connect_nonblock timeout: %d (msec)\n", msec, 0, 0); #ifdef _WINDOWS ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &nonblock); #elif defined(XP_OS2) ioctl( sockfd, FIONBIO, &nonblock, sizeof(nonblock) ); #else flags = fcntl(sockfd, F_GETFL, 0); fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK); #endif /* _WINDOWS */ error = 0; if ((n = connect(sockfd, saptr, salen)) < 0) #ifdef _WINDOWS if ((n != SOCKET_ERROR) && (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK)) { #else if (errno != EINPROGRESS) { #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) { perror("connect"); } #endif return (-1); } /* success */ if (n == 0) goto done; #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL pfd.fd = sockfd; pfd.events = POLLOUT; #else FD_ZERO(&rset); FD_SET(sockfd, &rset); wset = rset; #ifdef _WINDOWS eset = rset; #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ if (msec < 0 && msec != LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "Invalid timeout value detected.." "resetting connect timeout to default value " "(LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT\n", 0, 0, 0); msec = LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT; #ifndef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL } else { if (msec != 0) { tval.tv_sec = msec / 1000; tval.tv_usec = 1000 * ( msec % 1000 ); } else { tval.tv_sec = 0; tval.tv_usec = 0; } #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ } #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ((n = poll(&pfd, 1, (msec != LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT) ? msec : -1)) == 0) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; return (-1); } if (pfd.revents & (POLLOUT|POLLERR|POLLHUP|POLLNVAL)) { len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&error, &len) < 0) return (-1); #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG } else if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) { perror("poll error: sockfd not set"); #endif } #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ /* if timeval structure == NULL, select will block indefinitely */ /* != NULL, and value == 0, select will */ /* not block */ /* Windows is a bit quirky on how it behaves w.r.t nonblocking */ /* connects. If the connect fails, the exception fd, eset, is */ /* set to show the failure. The first argument in select is */ /* ignored */ #ifdef _WINDOWS if ((n = select(sockfd +1, &rset, &wset, &eset, (msec != LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT) ? &tval : NULL)) == 0) { errno = WSAETIMEDOUT; return (-1); } /* if wset is set, the connect worked */ if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &wset) || FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset)) { len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&error, &len) < 0) return (-1); goto done; } /* if eset is set, the connect failed */ if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &eset)) { return (-1); } /* failure on select call */ if (n == SOCKET_ERROR) { perror("select error: SOCKET_ERROR returned"); return (-1); } #else if ((n = select(sockfd +1, &rset, &wset, NULL, (msec != LDAP_X_IO_TIMEOUT_NO_TIMEOUT) ? &tval : NULL)) == 0) { errno = ETIMEDOUT; return (-1); } if (FD_ISSET(sockfd, &rset) || FD_ISSET(sockfd, &wset)) { len = sizeof(error); if (getsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, (char *)&error, &len) < 0) return (-1); #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG } else if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) { perror("select error: sockfd not set"); #endif } #endif /* _WINDOWS */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ done: #ifdef _WINDOWS ioctlsocket(sockfd, FIONBIO, &block); #elif defined(XP_OS2) ioctl( sockfd, FIONBIO, &nonblock, sizeof(block) ); #else fcntl(sockfd, F_SETFL, flags); #endif /* _WINDOWS */ if (error) { errno = error; return (-1); } return (0); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } static int nsldapi_os_ioctl( LBER_SOCKET s, int option, int *statusp ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return -1; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ int err; #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(XP_OS2) u_long iostatus; #endif if ( FIONBIO != option ) { return( -1 ); } #ifdef _WINDOWS iostatus = *(u_long *)statusp; err = ioctlsocket( s, FIONBIO, &iostatus ); #else #ifdef XP_OS2 err = ioctl( s, FIONBIO, (caddr_t)&iostatus, sizeof(iostatus) ); #else err = ioctl( s, FIONBIO, (caddr_t)statusp ); #endif #endif return( err ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } int nsldapi_connect_to_host( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb, const char *hostlist, int defport, int secure, char **krbinstancep ) /* * "defport" must be in host byte order * zero is returned upon success, -1 if fatal error, -2 EINPROGRESS * if -1 is returned, ld_errno is set */ { int s; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "nsldapi_connect_to_host: %s, port: %d\n", NULL == hostlist ? "NULL" : hostlist, defport, 0 ); /* * If an extended I/O connect callback has been defined, just use it. */ if ( NULL != ld->ld_extconnect_fn ) { unsigned long connect_opts = 0; if ( ld->ld_options & LDAP_BITOPT_ASYNC) { connect_opts |= LDAP_X_EXTIOF_OPT_NONBLOCKING; } if ( secure ) { connect_opts |= LDAP_X_EXTIOF_OPT_SECURE; } s = ld->ld_extconnect_fn( hostlist, defport, ld->ld_connect_timeout, connect_opts, ld->ld_ext_session_arg, &sb->sb_ext_io_fns.lbextiofn_socket_arg ); } else { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return( -1 ); #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ s = nsldapi_try_each_host( ld, hostlist, defport, secure, nsldapi_os_socket, nsldapi_os_ioctl, nsldapi_os_connect_with_to, NULL, nsldapi_os_closesocket ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } if ( s < 0 ) { LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); return( -1 ); } sb->sb_sd = s; /* * Set krbinstancep (canonical name of host for use by Kerberos). */ #ifdef KERBEROS char *p; if (( *krbinstancep = nsldapi_host_connected_to( sb )) != NULL && ( p = strchr( *krbinstancep, '.' )) != NULL ) { *p = '\0'; } #else /* KERBEROS */ *krbinstancep = NULL; #endif /* KERBEROS */ return( 0 ); } /* * Returns a socket number if successful and -1 if an error occurs. */ static int nsldapi_try_each_host( LDAP *ld, const char *hostlist, int defport, int secure, NSLDAPI_SOCKET_FN *socketfn, NSLDAPI_IOCTL_FN *ioctlfn, NSLDAPI_CONNECT_WITH_TO_FN *connectwithtofn, NSLDAPI_CONNECT_FN *connectfn, NSLDAPI_CLOSE_FN *closefn ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return -1; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ int rc = -1; int s = 0; int i, err, connected, use_hp; int parse_err, port; struct sockaddr_in sin; nsldapi_in_addr_t address; char **addrlist, *ldhpbuf, *ldhpbuf_allocd = NULL; char *host; LDAPHostEnt ldhent, *ldhp; struct hostent *hp; struct ldap_x_hostlist_status *status; #ifdef GETHOSTBYNAME_BUF_T GETHOSTBYNAME_BUF_T hbuf; struct hostent hent; #endif /* GETHOSTBYNAME_BUF_T */ connected = 0; parse_err = ldap_x_hostlist_first( hostlist, defport, &host, &port, &status ); while ( !connected && LDAP_SUCCESS == parse_err && host != NULL ) { ldhpbuf_allocd = NULL; ldhp = NULL; hp = NULL; s = 0; use_hp = 0; addrlist = NULL; if (( address = inet_addr( host )) == -1 ) { if ( ld->ld_dns_gethostbyname_fn == NULL ) { #ifdef GETHOSTBYNAME_R_RETURNS_INT (void)GETHOSTBYNAME( host, &hent, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), &hp, &err ); #else hp = GETHOSTBYNAME( host, &hent, hbuf, sizeof(hbuf), &err ); #endif if ( hp != NULL ) { addrlist = hp->h_addr_list; } } else { /* * DNS callback installed... use it. */ #ifdef GETHOSTBYNAME_buf_t /* avoid allocation by using hbuf if large enough */ if ( sizeof( hbuf ) < ld->ld_dns_bufsize ) { ldhpbuf = ldhpbuf_allocd = NSLDAPI_MALLOC( ld->ld_dns_bufsize ); } else { ldhpbuf = (char *)hbuf; } #else /* GETHOSTBYNAME_buf_t */ ldhpbuf = ldhpbuf_allocd = NSLDAPI_MALLOC( ld->ld_dns_bufsize ); #endif /* else GETHOSTBYNAME_buf_t */ if ( ldhpbuf == NULL ) { LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_NO_MEMORY, NULL, NULL ); ldap_memfree( host ); ldap_x_hostlist_statusfree( status ); return( -1 ); } if (( ldhp = ld->ld_dns_gethostbyname_fn( host, &ldhent, ldhpbuf, ld->ld_dns_bufsize, &err, ld->ld_dns_extradata )) != NULL ) { addrlist = ldhp->ldaphe_addr_list; } } if ( addrlist == NULL ) { LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR, NULL, NULL ); LDAP_SET_ERRNO( ld, EHOSTUNREACH ); /* close enough */ if ( ldhpbuf_allocd != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( ldhpbuf_allocd ); } ldap_memfree( host ); ldap_x_hostlist_statusfree( status ); return( -1 ); } use_hp = 1; } rc = -1; for ( i = 0; !use_hp || ( addrlist[ i ] != 0 ); i++ ) { if ( -1 == ( s = (*socketfn)( ld, secure, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ))) { if ( ldhpbuf_allocd != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( ldhpbuf_allocd ); } ldap_memfree( host ); ldap_x_hostlist_statusfree( status ); return( -1 ); } if ( ld->ld_options & LDAP_BITOPT_ASYNC ) { int iostatus = 1; err = (*ioctlfn)( s, FIONBIO, &iostatus ); if ( err == -1 ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "FIONBIO ioctl failed on %d\n", s, 0, 0 ); } } (void)memset( (char *)&sin, 0, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in )); sin.sin_family = AF_INET; sin.sin_port = htons( (unsigned short)port ); SAFEMEMCPY( (char *) &sin.sin_addr.s_addr, ( use_hp ? (char *) addrlist[ i ] : (char *) &address ), sizeof( sin.sin_addr.s_addr) ); { #ifdef NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED /* * Block all of the signals that might interrupt connect() since * there is an OS bug that causes connect() to fail if it is restarted. * Look in ../../include/portable.h for the definition of * NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED. */ sigset_t ints_off, oldset; sigemptyset( &ints_off ); sigaddset( &ints_off, SIGALRM ); sigaddset( &ints_off, SIGIO ); sigaddset( &ints_off, SIGCLD ); NSLDAPI_MT_SAFE_SIGPROCMASK( SIG_BLOCK, &ints_off, &oldset ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED */ if ( NULL != connectwithtofn ) { err = (*connectwithtofn)(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in), ld->ld_connect_timeout); } else { err = (*connectfn)(s, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(struct sockaddr_in)); } #ifdef NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED /* * restore original signal mask */ NSLDAPI_MT_SAFE_SIGPROCMASK( SIG_SETMASK, &oldset, 0 ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_CONNECT_MUST_NOT_BE_INTERRUPTED */ } if ( err >= 0 ) { connected = 1; rc = 0; break; } else { if ( ld->ld_options & LDAP_BITOPT_ASYNC) { #ifdef _WINDOWS if (err == -1 && WSAGetLastError() == WSAEWOULDBLOCK) LDAP_SET_ERRNO( ld, EWOULDBLOCK ); #endif /* _WINDOWS */ err = LDAP_GET_ERRNO( ld ); if ( NSLDAPI_ERRNO_IO_INPROGRESS( err )) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "connect would block...\n", 0, 0, 0 ); rc = -2; break; } } #ifdef LDAP_DEBUG if ( ldap_debug & LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE ) { perror( (char *)inet_ntoa( sin.sin_addr )); } #endif (*closefn)( s ); if ( !use_hp ) { break; } } } ldap_memfree( host ); parse_err = ldap_x_hostlist_next( &host, &port, status ); } if ( ldhpbuf_allocd != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( ldhpbuf_allocd ); } ldap_memfree( host ); ldap_x_hostlist_statusfree( status ); if ( connected ) { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "sd %d connected to: %s\n", s, inet_ntoa( sin.sin_addr ), 0 ); } return( rc == 0 ? s : -1 ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } void nsldapi_close_connection( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { if ( ld->ld_extclose_fn == NULL ) { #ifndef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS nsldapi_os_closesocket( sb->sb_sd ); #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else { ld->ld_extclose_fn( sb->sb_sd, sb->sb_ext_io_fns.lbextiofn_socket_arg ); } } #ifdef KERBEROS char * nsldapi_host_connected_to( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { struct hostent *hp; char *p; int len; struct sockaddr_in sin; (void)memset( (char *)&sin, 0, sizeof( struct sockaddr_in )); len = sizeof( sin ); if ( getpeername( sb->sb_sd, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, &len ) == -1 ) { return( NULL ); } /* * do a reverse lookup on the addr to get the official hostname. * this is necessary for kerberos to work right, since the official * hostname is used as the kerberos instance. */ #error XXXmcs: need to use DNS callbacks here if (( hp = (struct hostent *)gethostbyaddr( (char *) &sin.sin_addr, sizeof( sin.sin_addr ), AF_INET )) != NULL ) { if ( hp->h_name != NULL ) { return( nsldapi_strdup( hp->h_name )); } } return( NULL ); } #endif /* KERBEROS */ /* * Returns 0 if all goes well and -1 if an error occurs (error code set in ld) * Also allocates initializes ld->ld_iostatus if needed.. */ int nsldapi_iostatus_interest_write( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { int rc = 0; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); if ( ld->ld_iostatus == NULL && nsldapi_iostatus_init_nolock( ld ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; } iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ( nsldapi_add_to_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, POLLOUT )) { ++iosp->ios_write_count; } #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ if ( !FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds )) { FD_SET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds ); ++iosp->ios_write_count; } #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { if ( nsldapi_add_to_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, LDAP_X_POLLOUT )) { ++iosp->ios_write_count; } } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_interest_write: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); } unlock_and_return: LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } /* * Returns 0 if all goes well and -1 if an error occurs (error code set in ld) * Also allocates initializes ld->ld_iostatus if needed.. */ int nsldapi_iostatus_interest_read( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { int rc = 0; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); if ( ld->ld_iostatus == NULL && nsldapi_iostatus_init_nolock( ld ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; } iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ( nsldapi_add_to_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, POLLIN )) { ++iosp->ios_read_count; } #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ if ( !FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds )) { FD_SET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds ); ++iosp->ios_read_count; } #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { if ( nsldapi_add_to_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, LDAP_X_POLLIN )) { ++iosp->ios_read_count; } } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_interest_read: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); } unlock_and_return: LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } /* * Returns 0 if all goes well and -1 if an error occurs (error code set in ld) * Also allocates initializes ld->ld_iostatus if needed.. */ int nsldapi_iostatus_interest_clear( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { int rc = 0; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); if ( ld->ld_iostatus == NULL && nsldapi_iostatus_init_nolock( ld ) < 0 ) { rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; } iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS rc = -1; goto unlock_and_return; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ( nsldapi_clear_from_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, POLLOUT )) { --iosp->ios_write_count; } if ( nsldapi_clear_from_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, POLLIN )) { --iosp->ios_read_count; } #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ if ( FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds )) { FD_CLR( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds ); --iosp->ios_write_count; } if ( FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds )) { FD_CLR( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds ); --iosp->ios_read_count; } #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { if ( nsldapi_clear_from_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, LDAP_X_POLLOUT )) { --iosp->ios_write_count; } if ( nsldapi_clear_from_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, LDAP_X_POLLIN )) { --iosp->ios_read_count; } } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_interest_clear: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); } unlock_and_return: LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } /* * Return a non-zero value if sb is ready for write. */ int nsldapi_iostatus_is_write_ready( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { int rc = 0; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp == NULL ) { goto unlock_and_return; } if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS goto unlock_and_return; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL /* * if we are using poll() we do something a little tricky: if * any bits in the socket's returned events field other than * POLLIN (ready for read) are set, we return true. This * is done so we notice when a server closes a connection * or when another error occurs. The actual error will be * noticed later when we call write() or send(). */ rc = nsldapi_find_in_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, ~POLLIN ); #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ rc = FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_writefds ); #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { rc = nsldapi_find_in_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, ~LDAP_X_POLLIN ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_is_write_ready: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); rc = 0; } unlock_and_return: LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } /* * Return a non-zero value if sb is ready for read. */ int nsldapi_iostatus_is_read_ready( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { int rc = 0; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp == NULL ) { goto unlock_and_return; } if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS goto unlock_and_return; #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL /* * if we are using poll() we do something a little tricky: if * any bits in the socket's returned events field other than * POLLOUT (ready for write) are set, we return true. This * is done so we notice when a server closes a connection * or when another error occurs. The actual error will be * noticed later when we call read() or recv(). */ rc = nsldapi_find_in_os_pollfds( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo, ~POLLOUT ); #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ rc = FD_ISSET( sb->sb_sd, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_readfds ); #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { rc = nsldapi_find_in_cb_pollfds( sb, &iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo, ~LDAP_X_POLLOUT ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_is_read_ready: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); rc = 0; } unlock_and_return: LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } /* * Allocate and initialize ld->ld_iostatus if not already done. * Should be called with LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK locked. * Returns 0 if all goes well and -1 if not (sets error in ld) */ static int nsldapi_iostatus_init_nolock( LDAP *ld ) { NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; if ( ld->ld_iostatus != NULL ) { return( 0 ); } if (( iosp = (NSLDAPIIOStatus *)NSLDAPI_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( NSLDAPIIOStatus ))) == NULL ) { LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_NO_MEMORY, NULL, NULL ); return( -1 ); } if ( ld->ld_extpoll_fn == NULL ) { iosp->ios_type = NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE; #ifdef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS return( -1 ); #else /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ #ifndef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL FD_ZERO( &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds ); FD_ZERO( &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds ); #endif /* !NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else { iosp->ios_type = NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK; } ld->ld_iostatus = iosp; return( 0 ); } void nsldapi_iostatus_free( LDAP *ld ) { if ( ld == NULL ) { return; } /* clean up classic I/O compatibility glue */ if ( ld->ld_io_fns_ptr != NULL ) { if ( ld->ld_ext_session_arg != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( ld->ld_ext_session_arg ); } NSLDAPI_FREE( ld->ld_io_fns_ptr ); } /* clean up I/O status tracking info. */ if ( ld->ld_iostatus != NULL ) { NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ( iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_pollfds != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_pollfds ); } #endif /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { if ( iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo.cbsi_pollfds != NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo.cbsi_pollfds ); } } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_free: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); } NSLDAPI_FREE( iosp ); } } #if !defined(NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL) && !defined(NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS) static int nsldapi_get_select_table_size( void ) { static int tblsize = 0; /* static */ if ( tblsize == 0 ) { #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(XP_OS2) tblsize = FOPEN_MAX; /* ANSI spec. */ #else #ifdef USE_SYSCONF tblsize = sysconf( _SC_OPEN_MAX ); #else /* USE_SYSCONF */ tblsize = getdtablesize(); #endif /* else USE_SYSCONF */ #endif /* else _WINDOWS */ if ( tblsize >= FD_SETSIZE ) { /* * clamp value so we don't overrun the fd_set structure */ tblsize = FD_SETSIZE - 1; } } return( tblsize ); } #endif /* !defined(NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL) && !defined(NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS) */ static int nsldapi_tv2ms( struct timeval *tv ) { if ( tv == NULL ) { return( -1 ); /* infinite timout for poll() */ } return( tv->tv_sec * 1000 + tv->tv_usec / 1000 ); } int nsldapi_iostatus_poll( LDAP *ld, struct timeval *timeout ) { int rc; NSLDAPIIOStatus *iosp; LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE, "nsldapi_iostatus_poll\n", 0, 0, 0 ); LDAP_MUTEX_LOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); iosp = ld->ld_iostatus; if ( iosp == NULL || ( iosp->ios_read_count <= 0 && iosp->ios_write_count <= 0 )) { rc = 0; /* simulate a timeout */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_OSNATIVE ) { #ifndef NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL rc = NSLDAPI_POLL( iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_pollfds, iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_pollfds_size, nsldapi_tv2ms( timeout )); #else /* NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ /* two (potentially large) struct copies */ iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_readfds = iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_readfds; iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_writefds = iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_writefds; #ifdef HPUX9 rc = NSLDAPI_SELECT( nsldapi_get_select_table_size(), (int *)&iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_readfds (int *)&iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_writefds, NULL, timeout ); #else rc = NSLDAPI_SELECT( nsldapi_get_select_table_size(), &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_readfds, &iosp->ios_status.ios_osinfo.ossi_use_writefds, NULL, timeout ); #endif /* else HPUX9 */ #endif /* else NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL */ #endif /* NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS */ } else if ( iosp->ios_type == NSLDAPI_IOSTATUS_TYPE_CALLBACK ) { /* * We always pass the session extended I/O argument to * the extended poll() callback. */ rc = ld->ld_extpoll_fn( iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo.cbsi_pollfds, iosp->ios_status.ios_cbinfo.cbsi_pollfds_size, nsldapi_tv2ms( timeout ), ld->ld_ext_session_arg ); } else { LDAPDebug( LDAP_DEBUG_ANY, "nsldapi_iostatus_poll: unknown I/O type %d\n", iosp->ios_type, 0, 0 ); rc = 0; /* simulate a timeout (what else to do?) */ } LDAP_MUTEX_UNLOCK( ld, LDAP_IOSTATUS_LOCK ); return( rc ); } #if defined(NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL) && !defined(NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS) /* * returns 1 if "fd" was added to pollfds. * returns 1 if some of the bits in "events" were added to pollfds. * returns 0 if no changes were made. */ static int nsldapi_add_to_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short events ) { int i, openslot; /* first we check to see if "fd" is already in our pollfds */ openslot = -1; for ( i = 0; i < pip->ossi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].fd == fd ) { if (( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events & events ) != events ) { pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events |= events; return( 1 ); } else { return( 0 ); } } if ( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].fd == -1 && openslot == -1 ) { openslot = i; /* remember for later */ } } /* * "fd" is not currently being poll'd on -- add to array. * if we need to expand the pollfds array, we do it in increments of * NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH (#define near the top of this file). */ if ( openslot == -1 ) { struct pollfd *newpollfds; if ( pip->ossi_pollfds_size == 0 ) { newpollfds = (struct pollfd *)NSLDAPI_MALLOC( NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH * sizeof( struct pollfd )); } else { newpollfds = (struct pollfd *)NSLDAPI_REALLOC( pip->ossi_pollfds, (NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH + pip->ossi_pollfds_size) * sizeof( struct pollfd )); } if ( newpollfds == NULL ) { /* XXXmcs: no way to return err! */ return( 0 ); } pip->ossi_pollfds = newpollfds; openslot = pip->ossi_pollfds_size; pip->ossi_pollfds_size += NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH; for ( i = openslot + 1; i < pip->ossi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].fd = -1; pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events = pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].revents = 0; } } pip->ossi_pollfds[ openslot ].fd = fd; pip->ossi_pollfds[ openslot ].events = events; pip->ossi_pollfds[ openslot ].revents = 0; return( 1 ); } /* * returns 1 if any "events" from "fd" were removed from pollfds * returns 0 of "fd" wasn't in pollfds or if events did not overlap. */ static int nsldapi_clear_from_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short events ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < pip->ossi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( pip->ossi_pollfds[i].fd == fd ) { if (( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events & events ) != 0 ) { pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events &= ~events; if ( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].events == 0 ) { pip->ossi_pollfds[i].fd = -1; } return( 1 ); /* events overlap */ } else { return( 0 ); /* events do not overlap */ } } } return( 0 ); /* "fd" was not found */ } /* * returns 1 if any "revents" from "fd" were set in pollfds revents field. * returns 0 if not. */ static int nsldapi_find_in_os_pollfds( int fd, struct nsldapi_os_statusinfo *pip, short revents ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < pip->ossi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( pip->ossi_pollfds[i].fd == fd ) { if (( pip->ossi_pollfds[ i ].revents & revents ) != 0 ) { return( 1 ); /* revents overlap */ } else { return( 0 ); /* revents do not overlap */ } } } return( 0 ); /* "fd" was not found */ } #endif /* !defined(NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL) && !defined(NSLDAPI_AVOID_OS_SOCKETS) */ /* * returns 1 if "sb" was added to pollfds. * returns 1 if some of the bits in "events" were added to pollfds. * returns 0 if no changes were made. */ static int nsldapi_add_to_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short events ) { int i, openslot; /* first we check to see if "sb" is already in our pollfds */ openslot = -1; for ( i = 0; i < pip->cbsi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_MATCH( sb, pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ] )) { if (( pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events & events ) != events ) { pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events |= events; return( 1 ); } else { return( 0 ); } } if ( pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_fd == -1 && openslot == -1 ) { openslot = i; /* remember for later */ } } /* * "sb" is not currently being poll'd on -- add to array. * if we need to expand the pollfds array, we do it in increments of * NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH (#define near the top of this file). */ if ( openslot == -1 ) { LDAP_X_PollFD *newpollfds; if ( pip->cbsi_pollfds_size == 0 ) { newpollfds = (LDAP_X_PollFD *)NSLDAPI_MALLOC( NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH * sizeof( LDAP_X_PollFD )); } else { newpollfds = (LDAP_X_PollFD *)NSLDAPI_REALLOC( pip->cbsi_pollfds, (NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH + pip->cbsi_pollfds_size) * sizeof( LDAP_X_PollFD )); } if ( newpollfds == NULL ) { /* XXXmcs: no way to return err! */ return( 0 ); } pip->cbsi_pollfds = newpollfds; openslot = pip->cbsi_pollfds_size; pip->cbsi_pollfds_size += NSLDAPI_POLL_ARRAY_GROWTH; for ( i = openslot + 1; i < pip->cbsi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_fd = -1; pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_socketarg = NULL; pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events = pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_revents = 0; } } pip->cbsi_pollfds[ openslot ].lpoll_fd = sb->sb_sd; pip->cbsi_pollfds[ openslot ].lpoll_socketarg = sb->sb_ext_io_fns.lbextiofn_socket_arg; pip->cbsi_pollfds[ openslot ].lpoll_events = events; pip->cbsi_pollfds[ openslot ].lpoll_revents = 0; return( 1 ); } /* * returns 1 if any "events" from "sb" were removed from pollfds * returns 0 of "sb" wasn't in pollfds or if events did not overlap. */ static int nsldapi_clear_from_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short events ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < pip->cbsi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_MATCH( sb, pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ] )) { if (( pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events & events ) != 0 ) { pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events &= ~events; if ( pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_events == 0 ) { pip->cbsi_pollfds[i].lpoll_fd = -1; } return( 1 ); /* events overlap */ } else { return( 0 ); /* events do not overlap */ } } } return( 0 ); /* "sb" was not found */ } /* * returns 1 if any "revents" from "sb" were set in pollfds revents field. * returns 0 if not. */ static int nsldapi_find_in_cb_pollfds( Sockbuf *sb, struct nsldapi_cb_statusinfo *pip, short revents ) { int i; for ( i = 0; i < pip->cbsi_pollfds_size; ++i ) { if ( NSLDAPI_CB_POLL_MATCH( sb, pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ] )) { if (( pip->cbsi_pollfds[ i ].lpoll_revents & revents ) != 0 ) { return( 1 ); /* revents overlap */ } else { return( 0 ); /* revents do not overlap */ } } } return( 0 ); /* "sb" was not found */ } /* * Install read and write functions into lber layer / sb */ int nsldapi_install_lber_extiofns( LDAP *ld, Sockbuf *sb ) { struct lber_x_ext_io_fns lberiofns; if ( NULL != sb ) { lberiofns.lbextiofn_size = LBER_X_EXTIO_FNS_SIZE; lberiofns.lbextiofn_read = ld->ld_extread_fn; lberiofns.lbextiofn_write = ld->ld_extwrite_fn; lberiofns.lbextiofn_writev = ld->ld_extwritev_fn; lberiofns.lbextiofn_socket_arg = ld->ld_ext_session_arg; if ( ber_sockbuf_set_option( sb, LBER_SOCKBUF_OPT_EXT_IO_FNS, &lberiofns ) != 0 ) { return( LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR ); } } return( LDAP_SUCCESS ); } /* ****************************************************************************** * One struct and several functions to bridge the gap between new extended * I/O functions that are installed using ldap_set_option( ..., * LDAP_OPT_EXTIO_FN_PTRS, ... ) and the original "classic" I/O functions * (installed using LDAP_OPT_IO_FN_PTRS) follow. * * Our basic strategy is to use the new extended arg to hold a pointer to a * structure that contains a pointer to the LDAP * (which contains pointers * to the old functions so we can call them) as well as a pointer to an * LBER_SOCKET to hold the socket used by the classic functions (the new * functions use a simple int for the socket). */ typedef struct nsldapi_compat_socket_info { LBER_SOCKET csi_socket; LDAP *csi_ld; } NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo; static int LDAP_CALLBACK nsldapi_ext_compat_read( int s, void *buf, int len, struct lextiof_socket_private *arg ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *csip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)arg; struct ldap_io_fns *iofns = csip->csi_ld->ld_io_fns_ptr; return( iofns->liof_read( csip->csi_socket, buf, len )); } static int LDAP_CALLBACK nsldapi_ext_compat_write( int s, const void *buf, int len, struct lextiof_socket_private *arg ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *csip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)arg; struct ldap_io_fns *iofns = csip->csi_ld->ld_io_fns_ptr; return( iofns->liof_write( csip->csi_socket, buf, len )); } static int LDAP_CALLBACK nsldapi_ext_compat_poll( LDAP_X_PollFD fds[], int nfds, int timeout, struct lextiof_session_private *arg ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *csip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)arg; struct ldap_io_fns *iofns = csip->csi_ld->ld_io_fns_ptr; fd_set readfds, writefds; int i, rc, maxfd = 0; struct timeval tv, *tvp; /* * Prepare fd_sets for select() */ FD_ZERO( &readfds ); FD_ZERO( &writefds ); for ( i = 0; i < nfds; ++i ) { if ( fds[ i ].lpoll_fd < 0 ) { continue; } if ( fds[ i ].lpoll_fd >= FD_SETSIZE ) { LDAP_SET_ERRNO( csip->csi_ld, EINVAL ); return( -1 ); } if ( 0 != ( fds[i].lpoll_events & LDAP_X_POLLIN )) { FD_SET( fds[i].lpoll_fd, &readfds ); } if ( 0 != ( fds[i].lpoll_events & LDAP_X_POLLOUT )) { FD_SET( fds[i].lpoll_fd, &writefds ); } fds[i].lpoll_revents = 0; /* clear revents */ if ( fds[i].lpoll_fd >= maxfd ) { maxfd = fds[i].lpoll_fd; } } /* * select() using callback. */ ++maxfd; if ( timeout == -1 ) { tvp = NULL; } else { tv.tv_sec = timeout / 1000; tv.tv_usec = 1000 * ( timeout - tv.tv_sec * 1000 ); tvp = &tv; } rc = iofns->liof_select( maxfd, &readfds, &writefds, NULL, tvp ); if ( rc <= 0 ) { /* timeout or fatal error */ return( rc ); } /* * Use info. in fd_sets to populate poll() revents. */ for ( i = 0; i < nfds; ++i ) { if ( fds[ i ].lpoll_fd < 0 ) { continue; } if ( 0 != ( fds[i].lpoll_events & LDAP_X_POLLIN ) && FD_ISSET( fds[i].lpoll_fd, &readfds )) { fds[i].lpoll_revents |= LDAP_X_POLLIN; } if ( 0 != ( fds[i].lpoll_events & LDAP_X_POLLOUT ) && FD_ISSET( fds[i].lpoll_fd, &writefds )) { fds[i].lpoll_revents |= LDAP_X_POLLOUT; } /* XXXmcs: any other cases to deal with? LDAP_X_POLLERR? */ } return( rc ); } static LBER_SOCKET nsldapi_compat_socket( LDAP *ld, int secure, int domain, int type, int protocol ) { int s; s = ld->ld_io_fns_ptr->liof_socket( domain, type, protocol ); if ( s >= 0 ) { char *errmsg = NULL; #ifdef NSLDAPI_HAVE_POLL if ( ld->ld_io_fns_ptr->liof_select != NULL && s >= FD_SETSIZE ) { errmsg = "can't use socket >= FD_SETSIZE"; } #elif !defined(_WINDOWS) /* not on Windows and do not have poll() */ if ( s >= FD_SETSIZE ) { errmsg = "can't use socket >= FD_SETSIZE"; } #endif if ( NULL == errmsg && secure && ld->ld_io_fns_ptr->liof_ssl_enable( s ) < 0 ) { errmsg = "failed to enable secure mode"; } if ( NULL != errmsg ) { if ( NULL == ld->ld_io_fns_ptr->liof_close ) { nsldapi_os_closesocket( s ); } else { ld->ld_io_fns_ptr->liof_close( s ); } LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( ld, LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR, NULL, nsldapi_strdup( errmsg )); return( -1 ); } } return( s ); } /* * Note: timeout is ignored because we have no way to pass it via * the old I/O callback interface. */ static int LDAP_CALLBACK nsldapi_ext_compat_connect( const char *hostlist, int defport, int timeout, unsigned long options, struct lextiof_session_private *sessionarg, struct lextiof_socket_private **socketargp ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *defcsip; struct ldap_io_fns *iofns; int s, secure; NSLDAPI_SOCKET_FN *socketfn; NSLDAPI_IOCTL_FN *ioctlfn; NSLDAPI_CONNECT_WITH_TO_FN *connectwithtofn; NSLDAPI_CONNECT_FN *connectfn; NSLDAPI_CLOSE_FN *closefn; defcsip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)sessionarg; iofns = defcsip->csi_ld->ld_io_fns_ptr; if ( 0 != ( options & LDAP_X_EXTIOF_OPT_SECURE )) { if ( NULL == iofns->liof_ssl_enable ) { LDAP_SET_ERRNO( defcsip->csi_ld, EINVAL ); return( -1 ); } secure = 1; } else { secure = 0; } socketfn = ( iofns->liof_socket == NULL ) ? nsldapi_os_socket : nsldapi_compat_socket; ioctlfn = ( iofns->liof_ioctl == NULL ) ? nsldapi_os_ioctl : (NSLDAPI_IOCTL_FN *)(iofns->liof_ioctl); if ( NULL == iofns->liof_connect ) { connectwithtofn = nsldapi_os_connect_with_to; connectfn = NULL; } else { connectwithtofn = NULL; connectfn = iofns->liof_connect; } closefn = ( iofns->liof_close == NULL ) ? nsldapi_os_closesocket : iofns->liof_close; s = nsldapi_try_each_host( defcsip->csi_ld, hostlist, defport, secure, socketfn, ioctlfn, connectwithtofn, connectfn, closefn ); if ( s >= 0 ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *csip; if (( csip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)NSLDAPI_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo ))) == NULL ) { (*closefn)( s ); LDAP_SET_LDERRNO( defcsip->csi_ld, LDAP_NO_MEMORY, NULL, NULL ); return( -1 ); } csip->csi_socket = s; csip->csi_ld = defcsip->csi_ld; *socketargp = (void *)csip; /* * We always return 1, which is a valid but not unique socket * (file descriptor) number. The extended I/O functions only * require that the combination of the void *arg and the int * socket be unique. Since we allocate the * NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo that we assign to arg, we meet * that requirement. */ s = 1; } return( s ); } static int LDAP_CALLBACK nsldapi_ext_compat_close( int s, struct lextiof_socket_private *arg ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *csip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)arg; struct ldap_io_fns *iofns = csip->csi_ld->ld_io_fns_ptr; int rc; rc = iofns->liof_close( csip->csi_socket ); NSLDAPI_FREE( csip ); return( rc ); } /* * Install the I/O functions. * Return an LDAP error code (LDAP_SUCCESS if all goes well). */ int nsldapi_install_compat_io_fns( LDAP *ld, struct ldap_io_fns *iofns ) { NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *defcsip; if (( defcsip = (NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo *)NSLDAPI_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( NSLDAPICompatSocketInfo ))) == NULL ) { return( LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } defcsip->csi_socket = -1; defcsip->csi_ld = ld; if ( ld->ld_io_fns_ptr != NULL ) { (void)memset( (char *)ld->ld_io_fns_ptr, 0, sizeof( struct ldap_io_fns )); } else if (( ld->ld_io_fns_ptr = (struct ldap_io_fns *)NSLDAPI_CALLOC( 1, sizeof( struct ldap_io_fns ))) == NULL ) { NSLDAPI_FREE( defcsip ); return( LDAP_NO_MEMORY ); } /* struct copy */ *(ld->ld_io_fns_ptr) = *iofns; ld->ld_extio_size = LBER_X_EXTIO_FNS_SIZE; ld->ld_ext_session_arg = defcsip; ld->ld_extread_fn = nsldapi_ext_compat_read; ld->ld_extwrite_fn = nsldapi_ext_compat_write; ld->ld_extpoll_fn = nsldapi_ext_compat_poll; ld->ld_extconnect_fn = nsldapi_ext_compat_connect; ld->ld_extclose_fn = nsldapi_ext_compat_close; return( nsldapi_install_lber_extiofns( ld, ld->ld_sbp )); } /* * end of compat I/O functions ****************************************************************************** */