/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef nsTreeBodyFrame_h #define nsTreeBodyFrame_h #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "nsLeafBoxFrame.h" #include "nsITreeView.h" #include "nsICSSPseudoComparator.h" #include "nsIScrollbarMediator.h" #include "nsITimer.h" #include "nsIReflowCallback.h" #include "nsTArray.h" #include "nsTreeStyleCache.h" #include "nsTreeColumns.h" #include "nsDataHashtable.h" #include "imgIRequest.h" #include "imgINotificationObserver.h" #include "nsScrollbarFrame.h" #include "nsThreadUtils.h" #include "mozilla/LookAndFeel.h" class nsFontMetrics; class nsOverflowChecker; class nsTreeImageListener; namespace mozilla { namespace layout { class ScrollbarActivity; } // namespace layout } // namespace mozilla // An entry in the tree's image cache struct nsTreeImageCacheEntry { nsTreeImageCacheEntry() {} nsTreeImageCacheEntry(imgIRequest *aRequest, imgINotificationObserver *aListener) : request(aRequest), listener(aListener) {} nsCOMPtr<imgIRequest> request; nsCOMPtr<imgINotificationObserver> listener; }; // The actual frame that paints the cells and rows. class nsTreeBodyFrame final : public nsLeafBoxFrame , public nsICSSPseudoComparator , public nsIScrollbarMediator , public nsIReflowCallback { typedef mozilla::layout::ScrollbarActivity ScrollbarActivity; typedef mozilla::image::DrawResult DrawResult; public: explicit nsTreeBodyFrame(nsStyleContext* aContext); ~nsTreeBodyFrame(); NS_DECL_QUERYFRAME_TARGET(nsTreeBodyFrame) NS_DECL_QUERYFRAME NS_DECL_FRAMEARENA_HELPERS // Callback handler methods for refresh driver based animations. // Calls to these functions are forwarded from nsTreeImageListener. These // mirror how nsImageFrame works. nsresult OnImageIsAnimated(imgIRequest* aRequest); // non-virtual signatures like nsITreeBodyFrame already_AddRefed<nsTreeColumns> Columns() const { RefPtr<nsTreeColumns> cols = mColumns; return cols.forget(); } already_AddRefed<nsITreeView> GetExistingView() const { nsCOMPtr<nsITreeView> view = mView; return view.forget(); } nsresult GetView(nsITreeView **aView); nsresult SetView(nsITreeView *aView); bool GetFocused() const { return mFocused; } nsresult SetFocused(bool aFocused); nsresult GetTreeBody(nsIDOMElement **aElement); int32_t RowHeight() const; int32_t RowWidth(); int32_t GetHorizontalPosition() const; nsresult GetSelectionRegion(nsIScriptableRegion **aRegion); int32_t FirstVisibleRow() const { return mTopRowIndex; } int32_t LastVisibleRow() const { return mTopRowIndex + mPageLength; } int32_t PageLength() const { return mPageLength; } nsresult EnsureRowIsVisible(int32_t aRow); nsresult EnsureCellIsVisible(int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult ScrollToRow(int32_t aRow); nsresult ScrollByLines(int32_t aNumLines); nsresult ScrollByPages(int32_t aNumPages); nsresult ScrollToCell(int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult ScrollToColumn(nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult ScrollToHorizontalPosition(int32_t aValue); nsresult Invalidate(); nsresult InvalidateColumn(nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult InvalidateRow(int32_t aRow); nsresult InvalidateCell(int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult InvalidateRange(int32_t aStart, int32_t aEnd); nsresult InvalidateColumnRange(int32_t aStart, int32_t aEnd, nsITreeColumn *aCol); nsresult GetRowAt(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t *aValue); nsresult GetCellAt(int32_t aX, int32_t aY, int32_t *aRow, nsITreeColumn **aCol, nsACString &aChildElt); nsresult GetCoordsForCellItem(int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn *aCol, const nsACString &aElt, int32_t *aX, int32_t *aY, int32_t *aWidth, int32_t *aHeight); nsresult IsCellCropped(int32_t aRow, nsITreeColumn *aCol, bool *aResult); nsresult RowCountChanged(int32_t aIndex, int32_t aCount); nsresult BeginUpdateBatch(); nsresult EndUpdateBatch(); nsresult ClearStyleAndImageCaches(); void CancelImageRequests(); void ManageReflowCallback(const nsRect& aRect, nscoord aHorzWidth); virtual nsSize GetXULMinSize(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override; virtual void SetXULBounds(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState, const nsRect& aRect, bool aRemoveOverflowArea = false) override; // nsIReflowCallback virtual bool ReflowFinished() override; virtual void ReflowCallbackCanceled() override; // nsICSSPseudoComparator virtual bool PseudoMatches(nsCSSSelector* aSelector) override; // nsIScrollbarMediator virtual void ScrollByPage(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar, int32_t aDirection, nsIScrollbarMediator::ScrollSnapMode aSnap = nsIScrollbarMediator::DISABLE_SNAP) override; virtual void ScrollByWhole(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar, int32_t aDirection, nsIScrollbarMediator::ScrollSnapMode aSnap = nsIScrollbarMediator::DISABLE_SNAP) override; virtual void ScrollByLine(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar, int32_t aDirection, nsIScrollbarMediator::ScrollSnapMode aSnap = nsIScrollbarMediator::DISABLE_SNAP) override; virtual void RepeatButtonScroll(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar) override; virtual void ThumbMoved(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar, nscoord aOldPos, nscoord aNewPos) override; virtual void ScrollbarReleased(nsScrollbarFrame* aScrollbar) override {} virtual void VisibilityChanged(bool aVisible) override { Invalidate(); } virtual nsIFrame* GetScrollbarBox(bool aVertical) override { ScrollParts parts = GetScrollParts(); return aVertical ? parts.mVScrollbar : parts.mHScrollbar; } virtual void ScrollbarActivityStarted() const override; virtual void ScrollbarActivityStopped() const override; virtual bool IsScrollbarOnRight() const override { return (StyleVisibility()->mDirection == NS_STYLE_DIRECTION_LTR); } virtual bool ShouldSuppressScrollbarRepaints() const override { return false; } // Overridden from nsIFrame to cache our pres context. virtual void Init(nsIContent* aContent, nsContainerFrame* aParent, nsIFrame* aPrevInFlow) override; virtual void DestroyFrom(nsIFrame* aDestructRoot) override; virtual nsresult GetCursor(const nsPoint& aPoint, nsIFrame::Cursor& aCursor) override; virtual nsresult HandleEvent(nsPresContext* aPresContext, mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, nsEventStatus* aEventStatus) override; virtual void BuildDisplayList(nsDisplayListBuilder* aBuilder, const nsDisplayListSet& aLists) override; virtual void DidSetStyleContext(nsStyleContext* aOldStyleContext) override; friend nsIFrame* NS_NewTreeBodyFrame(nsIPresShell* aPresShell); friend class nsTreeColumn; struct ScrollParts { nsScrollbarFrame* mVScrollbar; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mVScrollbarContent; nsScrollbarFrame* mHScrollbar; nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> mHScrollbarContent; nsIFrame* mColumnsFrame; nsIScrollableFrame* mColumnsScrollFrame; }; DrawResult PaintTreeBody(nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nsPoint aPt); nsITreeBoxObject* GetTreeBoxObject() const { return mTreeBoxObject; } // Get the base element, <tree> or <select> nsIContent* GetBaseElement(); bool GetVerticalOverflow() const { return mVerticalOverflow; } bool GetHorizontalOverflow() const {return mHorizontalOverflow; } protected: friend class nsOverflowChecker; // This method paints a specific column background of the tree. DrawResult PaintColumn(nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aColumnRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect); // This method paints a single row in the tree. DrawResult PaintRow(int32_t aRowIndex, const nsRect& aRowRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nsPoint aPt); // This method paints a single separator in the tree. DrawResult PaintSeparator(int32_t aRowIndex, const nsRect& aSeparatorRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect); // This method paints a specific cell in a given row of the tree. DrawResult PaintCell(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aCellRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nscoord& aCurrX, nsPoint aPt); // This method paints the twisty inside a cell in the primary column of an tree. DrawResult PaintTwisty(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aTwistyRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nscoord& aRemainingWidth, nscoord& aCurrX); // This method paints the image inside the cell of an tree. DrawResult PaintImage(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aImageRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nscoord& aRemainingWidth, nscoord& aCurrX); // This method paints the text string inside a particular cell of the tree. DrawResult PaintText(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aTextRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nscoord& aCurrX); // This method paints the checkbox inside a particular cell of the tree. DrawResult PaintCheckbox(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aCheckboxRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect); // This method paints the progress meter inside a particular cell of the tree. DrawResult PaintProgressMeter(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, const nsRect& aProgressMeterRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect); // This method paints a drop feedback of the tree. DrawResult PaintDropFeedback(const nsRect& aDropFeedbackRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aDirtyRect, nsPoint aPt); // This method is called with a specific style context and rect to // paint the background rect as if it were a full-blown frame. DrawResult PaintBackgroundLayer(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, const nsRect& aRect, const nsRect& aDirtyRect); // An internal hit test. aX and aY are expected to be in twips in the // coordinate system of this frame. int32_t GetRowAt(nscoord aX, nscoord aY); // Check for bidi characters in the text, and if there are any, ensure // that the prescontext is in bidi mode. void CheckTextForBidi(nsAutoString& aText); void AdjustForCellText(nsAutoString& aText, int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, nsRenderingContext& aRenderingContext, nsFontMetrics& aFontMetrics, nsRect& aTextRect); // A helper used when hit testing. nsIAtom* GetItemWithinCellAt(nscoord aX, const nsRect& aCellRect, int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn); // An internal hit test. aX and aY are expected to be in twips in the // coordinate system of this frame. void GetCellAt(nscoord aX, nscoord aY, int32_t* aRow, nsTreeColumn** aCol, nsIAtom** aChildElt); // Retrieve the area for the twisty for a cell. nsITheme* GetTwistyRect(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aColumn, nsRect& aImageRect, nsRect& aTwistyRect, nsPresContext* aPresContext, nsStyleContext* aTwistyContext); // Fetch an image from the image cache. nsresult GetImage(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aCol, bool aUseContext, nsStyleContext* aStyleContext, bool& aAllowImageRegions, imgIContainer** aResult); // Returns the size of a given image. This size *includes* border and // padding. It does not include margins. nsRect GetImageSize(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aCol, bool aUseContext, nsStyleContext* aStyleContext); // Returns the destination size of the image, not including borders and padding. nsSize GetImageDestSize(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext, bool useImageRegion, imgIContainer* image); // Returns the source rectangle of the image to be displayed. nsRect GetImageSourceRect(nsStyleContext* aStyleContext, bool useImageRegion, imgIContainer* image); // Returns the height of rows in the tree. int32_t GetRowHeight(); // Returns our indentation width. int32_t GetIndentation(); // Calculates our width/height once border and padding have been removed. void CalcInnerBox(); // Calculate the total width of our scrollable portion nscoord CalcHorzWidth(const ScrollParts& aParts); // Looks up a style context in the style cache. On a cache miss we resolve // the pseudo-styles passed in and place them into the cache. nsStyleContext* GetPseudoStyleContext(nsIAtom* aPseudoElement); // Retrieves the scrollbars and scrollview relevant to this treebody. We // traverse the frame tree under our base element, in frame order, looking // for the first relevant vertical scrollbar, horizontal scrollbar, and // scrollable frame (with associated content and scrollable view). These // are all volatile and should not be retained. ScrollParts GetScrollParts(); // Update the curpos of the scrollbar. void UpdateScrollbars(const ScrollParts& aParts); // Update the maxpos of the scrollbar. void InvalidateScrollbars(const ScrollParts& aParts, nsWeakFrame& aWeakColumnsFrame); // Check overflow and generate events. void CheckOverflow(const ScrollParts& aParts); // Calls UpdateScrollbars, Invalidate aNeedsFullInvalidation if true, // InvalidateScrollbars and finally CheckOverflow. // returns true if the frame is still alive after the method call. bool FullScrollbarsUpdate(bool aNeedsFullInvalidation); // Use to auto-fill some of the common properties without the view having to do it. // Examples include container, open, selected, and focus. void PrefillPropertyArray(int32_t aRowIndex, nsTreeColumn* aCol); // Our internal scroll method, used by all the public scroll methods. nsresult ScrollInternal(const ScrollParts& aParts, int32_t aRow); nsresult ScrollToRowInternal(const ScrollParts& aParts, int32_t aRow); nsresult ScrollToColumnInternal(const ScrollParts& aParts, nsITreeColumn* aCol); nsresult ScrollHorzInternal(const ScrollParts& aParts, int32_t aPosition); nsresult EnsureRowIsVisibleInternal(const ScrollParts& aParts, int32_t aRow); // Convert client pixels into appunits in our coordinate space. nsPoint AdjustClientCoordsToBoxCoordSpace(int32_t aX, int32_t aY); // Cache the box object void EnsureBoxObject(); void EnsureView(); nsresult GetCellWidth(int32_t aRow, nsTreeColumn* aCol, nsRenderingContext* aRenderingContext, nscoord& aDesiredSize, nscoord& aCurrentSize); nscoord CalcMaxRowWidth(); // Translate the given rect horizontally from tree coordinates into the // coordinate system of our nsTreeBodyFrame. If clip is true, then clip the // rect to its intersection with mInnerBox in the horizontal direction. // Return whether the result has a nonempty intersection with mInnerBox // after projecting both onto the horizontal coordinate axis. bool OffsetForHorzScroll(nsRect& rect, bool clip); bool CanAutoScroll(int32_t aRowIndex); // Calc the row and above/below/on status given where the mouse currently is hovering. // Also calc if we're in the region in which we want to auto-scroll the tree. // A positive value of |aScrollLines| means scroll down, a negative value // means scroll up, a zero value means that we aren't in drag scroll region. void ComputeDropPosition(mozilla::WidgetGUIEvent* aEvent, int32_t* aRow, int16_t* aOrient, int16_t* aScrollLines); // Mark ourselves dirty if we're a select widget void MarkDirtyIfSelect(); void InvalidateDropFeedback(int32_t aRow, int16_t aOrientation) { InvalidateRow(aRow); if (aOrientation != nsITreeView::DROP_ON) InvalidateRow(aRow + aOrientation); } public: static already_AddRefed<nsTreeColumn> GetColumnImpl(nsITreeColumn* aUnknownCol) { if (!aUnknownCol) return nullptr; nsCOMPtr<nsTreeColumn> col = do_QueryInterface(aUnknownCol); return col.forget(); } /** * Remove an nsITreeImageListener from being tracked by this frame. Only tree * image listeners that are created by this frame are tracked. * * @param aListener A pointer to an nsTreeImageListener to no longer * track. */ void RemoveTreeImageListener(nsTreeImageListener* aListener); protected: // Create a new timer. This method is used to delay various actions like // opening/closing folders or tree scrolling. // aID is type of the action, aFunc is the function to be called when // the timer fires and aType is type of timer - one shot or repeating. nsresult CreateTimer(const mozilla::LookAndFeel::IntID aID, nsTimerCallbackFunc aFunc, int32_t aType, nsITimer** aTimer); static void OpenCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure); static void CloseCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure); static void LazyScrollCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure); static void ScrollCallback(nsITimer *aTimer, void *aClosure); class ScrollEvent : public mozilla::Runnable { public: NS_DECL_NSIRUNNABLE explicit ScrollEvent(nsTreeBodyFrame *aInner) : mInner(aInner) {} void Revoke() { mInner = nullptr; } private: nsTreeBodyFrame* mInner; }; void PostScrollEvent(); void FireScrollEvent(); /** * Clear the pointer to this frame for all nsTreeImageListeners that were * created by this frame. */ void DetachImageListeners(); #ifdef ACCESSIBILITY /** * Fires 'treeRowCountChanged' event asynchronously. The event supports * nsIDOMCustomEvent interface that is used to expose the following * information structures. * * @param aIndex the row index rows are added/removed from * @param aCount the number of added/removed rows (the sign points to * an operation, plus - addition, minus - removing) */ void FireRowCountChangedEvent(int32_t aIndex, int32_t aCount); /** * Fires 'treeInvalidated' event asynchronously. The event supports * nsIDOMCustomEvent interface that is used to expose the information * structures described by method arguments. * * @param aStartRow the start index of invalidated rows, -1 means that * columns have been invalidated only * @param aEndRow the end index of invalidated rows, -1 means that columns * have been invalidated only * @param aStartCol the start invalidated column, nullptr means that only rows * have been invalidated * @param aEndCol the end invalidated column, nullptr means that rows have * been invalidated only */ void FireInvalidateEvent(int32_t aStartRow, int32_t aEndRow, nsITreeColumn *aStartCol, nsITreeColumn *aEndCol); #endif protected: // Data Members class Slots { public: Slots() { } ~Slots() { if (mTimer) mTimer->Cancel(); } friend class nsTreeBodyFrame; protected: // If the drop is actually allowed here or not. bool mDropAllowed; // True while dragging over the tree. bool mIsDragging; // The row the mouse is hovering over during a drop. int32_t mDropRow; // Where we want to draw feedback (above/on this row/below) if allowed. int16_t mDropOrient; // Number of lines to be scrolled. int16_t mScrollLines; // The drag action that was received for this slot uint32_t mDragAction; // Timer for opening/closing spring loaded folders or scrolling the tree. nsCOMPtr<nsITimer> mTimer; // An array used to keep track of all spring loaded folders. nsTArray<int32_t> mArray; }; Slots* mSlots; nsRevocableEventPtr<ScrollEvent> mScrollEvent; RefPtr<ScrollbarActivity> mScrollbarActivity; // The cached box object parent. nsCOMPtr<nsITreeBoxObject> mTreeBoxObject; // Cached column information. RefPtr<nsTreeColumns> mColumns; // The current view for this tree widget. We get all of our row and cell data // from the view. nsCOMPtr<nsITreeView> mView; // A cache of all the style contexts we have seen for rows and cells of the tree. This is a mapping from // a list of atoms to a corresponding style context. This cache stores every combination that // occurs in the tree, so for n distinct properties, this cache could have 2 to the n entries // (the power set of all row properties). nsTreeStyleCache mStyleCache; // A hashtable that maps from URLs to image request/listener pairs. The URL // is provided by the view or by the style context. The style context // represents a resolved :-moz-tree-cell-image (or twisty) pseudo-element. // It maps directly to an imgIRequest. nsDataHashtable<nsStringHashKey, nsTreeImageCacheEntry> mImageCache; // A scratch array used when looking up cached style contexts. AtomArray mScratchArray; // The index of the first visible row and the # of rows visible onscreen. // The tree only examines onscreen rows, starting from // this index and going up to index+pageLength. int32_t mTopRowIndex; int32_t mPageLength; // The horizontal scroll position nscoord mHorzPosition; // The original desired horizontal width before changing it and posting a // reflow callback. In some cases, the desired horizontal width can first be // different from the current desired horizontal width, only to return to // the same value later during the same reflow. In this case, we can cancel // the posted reflow callback and prevent an unnecessary reflow. nscoord mOriginalHorzWidth; // Our desired horizontal width (the width for which we actually have tree // columns). nscoord mHorzWidth; // The amount by which to adjust the width of the last cell. // This depends on whether or not the columnpicker and scrollbars are present. nscoord mAdjustWidth; // Cached heights and indent info. nsRect mInnerBox; // 4-byte aligned int32_t mRowHeight; int32_t mIndentation; nscoord mStringWidth; int32_t mUpdateBatchNest; // Cached row count. int32_t mRowCount; // The row the mouse is hovering over. int32_t mMouseOverRow; // Whether or not we're currently focused. bool mFocused; // Do we have a fixed number of onscreen rows? bool mHasFixedRowCount; bool mVerticalOverflow; bool mHorizontalOverflow; bool mReflowCallbackPosted; // Set while we flush layout to take account of effects of // overflow/underflow event handlers bool mCheckingOverflow; // Hash table to keep track of which listeners we created and thus // have pointers to us. nsTHashtable<nsPtrHashKey<nsTreeImageListener> > mCreatedListeners; }; // class nsTreeBodyFrame #endif